VOL. XXXV, No. 149 SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESD’Y, DEC. 18, 1929 * 12 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons By mall, per year (In advance) Carrier, per year (In advance) LATE NEWS t THE MARKET. Dolton, strict mid___ 161ic Cotton Seed, per bu. ... 36c More Rain Ahead. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: H?b tonight and probably Chimday morning. Colder in west portion tonight. Mach colder Thursday. 62 Workers Boried. An explosion yesterday in a coal tnine near McAlester, Oklahoma, was believed to have killed the ma jority of the 62 miners buried in the min*. Many bodies had already been brought to the surface last night. Trial End Near. The trial of the eight Marion deputy sheriffs at Burnsville for the killing of six people in the Marion mill strike riot will be near and end this evening. Predictions are that the last defense witness will take the stand today and that arguments of counsel to the jury may be completed this evening. Five More Shopping Days! Gun And Chair Used In Family Battle Tuesday Mrs. West Injured In Mix-Up# Be tween Husband And Son-In law. Details Not Clear. A pistol, a chair and a bottle were used, according to charges made, in a family battle yesterday Just after noon at a home on the lower ex tremity of South Washington street here. Participants in the brawl, in which two were injured, according to police officers, were E. F. West, his wife and his son-in-law, Thad eua McSwain. West, officers were informed, used the gun while the eon-in-law is charged with having brought a chair and a bottle into play. Mrs. West, the mother-in-law received tho worst injury, a wound on the forehead which was treated, at the hospital, but officers are not absolutely sure whether the wound was caused by a blow from a bottle in the hands of the son-in-law or by a glancing bullet, which went astray, from the gun in her hus band's hand. The husband says a bottle swung by McSwain inflicted the wound, while McSwain says that it was the gun used by his father-in-law which caused it. Trial Postponed. The case was set for a hearing in county court today but was post poned. The story of the affair, as pieced together by officers from police headquarters and the sheriff’s of fice, who were called to the scene, was that McSwain had had some trouble recently with his wife, a daughter and son-in-law and some thing came up about the family trouble, officers were informed. An altercation Is then said to have de veloped between McSwfdn and his mother-in-law. The latter, officers were told, then called her husband to came. He did and it became a three-cornered affair. McSwain, it w»a wuu, mu swuiguig vue cnau while West was using his gun. West received a. Hiw on the head, pre sumably from the chair, and he is said to have told officers that he was not shooting—several shots be ing fired—at his son-in-law but was trying to hit the chair and shoot it out of hi* lurds. Ifl the melee Mrs. West received the wound on the head, from the chair, a bottle, or from the gun, this angle, officers say, not being clear as the stories differ. Casar Couples Lead Parade To Gaffney The Casar section contributed more love-lorn couples to the Gaff ney Gretna Green last week than any other section of Cleveland coun ty as the Yuletide marriage rush got underway. Cleveland couples securing mar riage license in Gaffney lase week were: Grady Luckadoo and Mae Belle Powell, of Casar; Hugh R. Brittain and Velma Lucille Warlick, of Casar; Bright Blackwell and No vella Shipman, of Kings Mountain; Ben McSwain and Gladys Colquitt, of Shelby. New Manager Here At Princess Theatre G. A. Hughes arrived this week to take charge of the management of the Princess Theatre, succeeding C. L. Henry who has been manager since the theatre was taken over by th D and R Amu: ement company from the Beam Brothers. Mr. Hughes comes from Albemarle where he has been in charge of a picture house. Mr. Henry leaves Shelby to continue in the niiv.tsemrnt businc.sr at another place, Cleveland Has Big Lead Over Other Counties Almost 10,000 Bales Ahead Of Robeson In Cotton Ginning. Only Two Show Gain. With ginning figures for all coun ties in the state at hand, showing total ginning of cotton up to De cember i, it is almost a certainty that Cleveland county will again lead the state in cotton production this year. Robeson county, once the cotton leader and close on Cleveland ail this year. Is the-nearest competitor to December 1, and Robeson with 38,064 bales to Cleveland’s 47,496 is almost 10,000 bales back. Of the five leading counties in production so far this county and Robeson are the only ones showing a gain in ginning over last year. Other big cotton ginning counties in the east show a decrease. The five leaders in bales ginned to December l with the records also for 1928 and 1927 follow: County 1929 1928 1927 Cleveland_ 47,496 45,343 44,568 Robeson 38,064 36,945 39,545 Johnston__ 33,593 37,641 48,356 Sampson_ 24,179 22,001 28,129 Rutherford county to December 1 had ginned 15,594 bales, that coun ty’s best cotton record. Lincoln had ginried 15,484 bales, Gaston 10,321, and Catawba 11,623. Another Rainy Day Jolt For Farmer* Rain Causes Further Delay In Picking Cotton Crop. Still Ex pect 60,000 Bales. Cleveland county farmers held back by all manner of handicaps this year, and particularly by wet weather, received another backset today as a steady rain kept pickers out of the cotton fields where there Is much cotton yet to be picked. For a week the weather has been of a summdr tftrtfty and all over the county farmers have been catching up at a rapid pace. Had the weather remained good far another week general opinion was that the county crop would reach 60,000 bales, but with plenty of cotton retting now the present rain may add to the damage and •keep down the crop total. The next ginning report will be Issued Friday, and ready for pub lication here Monday, and by that time cotton men estimate that 53, 000 bales, or the equal of last pear's total crop, will have been reached. The report Friday will cover all bales ginned to December 13. Local Agency Wins In Monthly Contest The McBrayer Insurance Agency here of the Pan-American Life In surance company, Roy McBrayer, manager, was notified this week that it had won in a monthly con test, ending December 15, from the Neely Agency of the same company in Charlotte. For exceeding the Charlotte agency in policies sold the McBrayer agency received a $100 Christmas contest check. Shelby Girl Is To Broadcast On Radio Miss Mary Helen Lattimore, ac complished Shelby pianist and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lattimore, will broadcast over radio station WBT at Charlotte Friday night at 7 o’clock. Miss Lattimore is a graduate of the Durham Con servatory of Music and a pupil of Dorsey Whittington. Did Not Join In Convict Revolt I i While the air about them was charged with bullets and gas, Fela Valick and baby rested quietly in Auburn prison. She is in jail for slaying alleged father of her baby. Mother Once Helped By Fund Now Gives To It This is a true Shelby story which might interest those who have not contributed to The Star’s Christmas Stocking Fund—and, also, those who have. Those who have felt the heavy hand of misfortune in life, and those who have heard the wolf of want and starva tion at the door, are the ones most willing and ready to lend a helping han to others once they get on their own feet, or where life appears a little brighter. A contributor among those listed today, believe it or not, is a mother, still hard pressed in life, wrho for three years received aid for herself and family from The Star’s Empty Stocking Fund. Now she wants to do her bit for others. Filling The Stocking The Star's Empty Stocking fund is nearing the $500 mark, but only a few days ars left in which to give Boost the total far above "ISStohtoy Friday! Shelby’s “Knights of the Grip,'’ those travelling men who are kept away from comfortable homes often by business, know what the Joys of Christmas mean to a home. One of the two largest contributions today came from the local post, “O”, of the. Travellers’ Protectivcc associa tion—$25. Another $25 check came from the Cleveland Oil company, $20 from Campbell’s department store, and $17 from the group of Shelby women who compose the Twentieth Century club. Then there are num erous other contributions which will help greatly, Every gift boosts the fund. Previously acknowledged .. $304.50 Cash . -. 1.00 Twentieth Century club_17.00 Lem Conner__.._2.00 Sherrill Bible class_ 5.00 Mrs. B. H. Kendall_2.00 A Friend . 1.J0 Judge J. L. Webb .__ 5.00 Jack Palmer. 5.00 Cash _ .. 2.00 Central Cafe . .. 10.09 H. P. Wolfe.1.00 W. H. Davis __ 2.50 Mooresboro friends_ 10.00 Tom Moore _ 5.00 C. A. McCrabv__1.00 Post “O’* T. P. A. 25.00 Shelby Cafe, K. Cavas___5.00 Cleveland Oil Co. .. 25.00 Chas. L. Eskridge_5.00 Campbell’s Dept. Store_20.00 Mrs. Zula Short_ .50 “A Friend1’.50 Total . ..$454.50 A $5 contribution listed last week to S. L. Gillespie should have been credited to J. M. Gillespie. G. C. Hamrick Makes Eight Bales On S-Acre Project At EUenboro This Record Set Up Despite Cotton Rotting In Field. Cost 167.31 Per Acre. < Special to The Star.' Ellenboro.—Despite the fact that some of his cotton rotted in the field before he could get it picked, eight five hundred pound bales. 4.043 pounds of lint, is the yield re ceived this year by Mr. G. C. Ham rick of near Ellenboro from his five acre project whien he conducted in cooperation with the vocational agricultural department of the El lenboro school. Mr. Hamrick states that three of j his thirteen acres in cotton this ' yea; has yielded at a rate <>i two, j five hundred pound bales per acre, and that he will get nineteen. 500 pountl bales from the thirteen acres which he planted to cotton this year His record book shows that it cost him a total of $336.57 to produce his five acres, or a cost of $67.31 per acre. Also that he will realize more than $800 from the lint and seed Rent of land at $10 per acre, seed, fertilizer, man and horse labor, and ginning were all accounted for un der the cost record. He used the Coker No. 5 variety of cotton, the seed of which was supplied by the agricultural teach er. end fertilized ine crop with 400 iComm icd on page Unce.i She knows what it meant on three Chistmas eves in the past when the Santa trom The Star fund called by her home and left fuel, food, clothing and medicine. She knows because there would not have been any Christmas and very little life in her home had she not received aid from the fund. So this week she came in with her dollar. It y?i3 a big gift to her for she MHt' from well-fixed in life as yet. But It’s her “widow’s mite” be cause she realizes that there are families now needing more assist ance than she does. The dollar might have purchased some littlr luxury for her, a luxury she has longed for for many years, but it went to help others. Real Giving. % For three years the fund took care of her family, or, rather, help ed her make ends meet. One year Shelby people loosened up with such big hearts that after Christmas evj there was money left and it was used throughout the cold winter months to keep the dread spectre of want and cold from unfortunate Shelby homes. That year, tlianks to the fund and aid given, two chil dren, nourished back to health, se cured work and began to help the mother earn the livelihood for the family of four. They’re still work ing, not making any great sum, but they are gTateful for the chance to get back on their feet and now they’re wanting to help other un fortunates. About Shelby there are many who can give but have not. Thev may scoff at the story above, but they would not cculd they have not could they have seen the grate ful mother tender her gift. Since she had been down once herself,1 but not out, it was at first thought when she appeared this year that she needed help again. But it was the reverse; she was ready to hip some herself. Time Near End. The evening of giving and gifts, the evening of brotherly love and helping hands will be a bit of the past a week from today. There's but a little time left in which to make it a joyous .Christmas in all Shelby homes. Will the Empty Stocking fund reach $750—that much is sorely needed? And will you help put it there? Reports Coining In On Project Cotton With the majority of the cotton in the county practically picked complete reports are being turned in to County Agent A. W. Shoffner on the 41 five-acre cotton test plots in the county. Prizes are offered for the best production records on five acre plots and one more than two score farmers are as yet in the contest. All will be reporting soon despite the late season. The county agent isn't saying until more re ports are in, or, rather, all of them, but he seemingly Is anticipating that' the leaders will be making from seven to 10 bales on their five acres. However total production is not the only basis for figuring the winners i The cost and method of production will also figure in the liual outcome j County Affair i4s Mull Goes In As Advisor AH Official Present Came From Cleveland. Mull Is Highest Sal aried Officer In State. Kaieigh, Dec. 17.—it was an all-Cleveland - County — and I thereof boastful — aggregation that gathered here Monday aft ternoon to see Odu* M. Mull, of Shelby, sworn In as executive counsel to the governor, suc ceeding Judge Townsend. Not that all could lay claim to actual residence in the cotton growing county. Mr. Mull could. Mr. Gardner, in whose ptflees the cere mony was held, could. But Chief Justice W P. Stacey, who admini-dcrcd the oath of of fice. Col. John W. H&rrelson, di rector of conservation and develop ment, and Baxter Durham, state auditor, took a more devious route Their ancestors lived there, they said. Only one Ivrlorn newspaperman, present to witness the affair, could not trace nis parentage back to Cleveland. And He Was Late. Thirty-five minutes ticked slowly away on the clock in Governor Gardner's office Monday. Noon, the hour set for the formal swearing in of O. M. Mull, of Shelby, close friend of the governor, as ex ecutive counsel, has come and pass ed. The group that had gathered lor the ceremony dispersed. The gover nor appeared slightly worried. "He's lift Shelby, but he’s travel ing by motor. Maybe he’s in a rut somewhere,’* said the governor as the ceremony became half an hour overdue. j men in wanted Mr. muu, execu tive office attache* started scurry ing. They caljed Chief Justice Stacy of the supreme court to come over and administer the oath. Everyone was in a hurry but Mr. Mull, who had not known £hat an hour had been fixed for the ceremony. "Wait a minute.” he remarked, fTd like to wash my hands before taking office ’’ Governor Gardner dissented. He had accepted invitations to lunch with two civic clubs, both of which met at the same time. He figured on dividing Ills time between them and taking his new executive coun sel along to help him eat the two meals. They Stayed Dirty. "Don’t bo'her," he said, "I want you to have your hands clean when you go out of office, but I don’t care how they are now." Chief Justice Stacy arrived. Soiled hands and ail Mr. Mull In sixty sec onds became executive counsel Mull —the highest paid official of the state of North Carolina even though the salary Is only $8,500 annually. The new executive counsel indi cated that he did not intend to let the office drive heavy wrinkles into his countenance as it had done to Judge Townsend, nor to bring sleep less nights that caused Pardon Commissioner Edwin Bridges, to lay (Continued on page three) Auto Licenses Are Selling Slowly Here Up to noMi today the local bu reau at the Eskridge garage for the Sale of auto licenses plates reports the sale of 500 plates. Taking into consideration that there are 8,660 licensed mot'-r vehicles in Cleveland county, the sale of plates Is going rather slow. The local bureau will be closed on Christmas and New Year days. County Native Here From Old Mexico William Grady Burgess, a native of Cleveland county Is here on a visit to his relatives. For a number of years he i:as been living in Tam pico, Old Mexico, and this is his first visit home for some time. BOX SUPPER SATURDAY AT OLIVE GROVE CHURCH There will be a box supper at Olive Grove church Saturday night, Dec. 21st, the proceeds to go for the benefit of the Sunday school. Prizes will oc given for the prettiest girl present. Everybody invited. • Gene Wofford To Play. Gene Wofford and his orchestra will play fo- a dance at the Thomp son building here on Christmas night. The derice will be script. Mrs. J. V. Mooneyham and Miss Flossie Cai/ojt, of Spartanburg were pleasant visitors in Shelby to day. j Scholarship For Leading Boy And Girl In4~H Clubs The more than 200 boy* and (iris In the 4-11 clubs now bein( reorganized In Cleveland coun ty hare something “to shoot at," something worthwhile, as they start their year's work, It was announced today by Farm Agent E. W. Shoffner. Mr. Shoffner's announcement was that President J. B. Davis, of Bolling Springs college, will give free tuition at the college for one year to the boy and girl doing the outstanding club work during the coming year. The work will be adjudged by Mr. Davis, Agent Shoffner, and Mrs. Irma Wallace, home agent. In Monday's Star the names of the leaders of the 4-H club at Fallston were omitted. They are Collus Williams and NeU Stanley. Mrs. Hamrick Buried Sunday \ Prominent Woman Of Beams Mill And Widow Of I-ate A. D. Hamrick. Age 11 Dead. Beams Mill community lost one of Us noblest women Saturday when Mrs. Matilda Hamrick, widow of the late A. D. Hamrick succumbed to a kidney trouble which with she had been suffering for some time. Mrs. Hamrick died Saturday morning at 2 o’clock at the st,e of 71 years and four months. tier lunerai was conauciea sun day and her remains were buried at Pleasant Grove Baptist church, the services being conducted by Revs. O. P. Abernethy and D. G. Wash burn. There was a wonderful array of flowers in evidence, a fitting tribute to a noble woman who was a true home-maker and mother of fourteen children. Nine children survive, Will, Lem and Ed Hamrick, six daughters, Mrs. B. F. Gardner. Mrs. Pressley Costner, Mrs. Grady Smith, Mrs. Grady Wilson, all of the county and Mlsa Rivle Hamrick of Boston, Mass. All of the chil dren were at her bedside when the end came. / Beautiful and deserving tributes were paid Mrs. Hamrick for her home-making, self-sacrificing life In the community where she was held in such high esteem. Highs Defeated By Belmont Abbey Team Belmont, Dec. 17.—A mere shadow of a championship Belmont Abbey Crimson flash defeated Shelby high school in the Belmont gym tonight with the final score 18 to 8. Led by two veteran forwards, Dia mond and Hadtgan, Crimson Flash held their Cleveland county oppon ents to two Held goals and four foul tries. Rippy and Hamrick were the outstanding stars for the Casey Morris quint but their combined work could not stop the powerful offense offered by the Belmont in stitution. Special Golf Treat For Holidays Here Ed Glove” end Pete Webb, in charge of the Cleveland Springs golf course, .',-j-ounce that local and out-of-town golfers may have i big week of it on the Springs course provided the weather Is good. Bar gain Christmas week cards will be issued to r.ll golfers entitling them to seven day', play for a total green fee of only $5 Beginners who have never golfed will be given one day free. Democrats Bar Heflin In Alabama; To Have Effect In This State Governor To Spend His Christmas Here Santa Claim Will Have To Call On Gardners At Their Old Home In Shelby. Raleigh.—Gov. O. Max Gardner has established one precedent which he will not break, certainly not this Christmas. He will take his entire family to Shelby to spend Christmas among the home-town folks and relatives. Governor Oardner said that he had never missed spending Christmas at home and would not start it this time. Governor Oardner, Mrs. Gardner and the children expect to go to Shelby Monday before Christmas next Monday, and plan to spend the entire Christmas week at their home which has Always been the home of Judge James L. Webb, Mrs. Gard ner's father. The executive mansion here will be dosed and deserted for that week. Cleveland To Send County Product* To Governor’s Banquet When Oovemor O Max Gardner calls several hundred hungry hungry newspapermen and state of ficials—perhaps hungry, too—Into the executive mansion dining room Thursday night to partake of his produeed-in-North Carolina ban quet, there will be Cleveland coun ty products on4fe» table. A preliminary dispatch from Ra leigh aays that the bread served will be made of Shelby flour and it may be that the butter will be the widely known bread made here. Much of the meal will come from the farms of Weatem North Caro lina as the cheese come from West Jefferson, the turkeys from Wilkes, the milk and cream from Elkin, and the apples from Buncombe. Register Busy Here With Trading Active Forty-ifI ve Records Filed In Reg ister’* Office In Half Day Yesterday. Marriages Slow ‘If the deeds, right-away rec ords, and mortgage being filed through my ofrice during the last weelc or so offer any indication as to general bustness, then there must be plenty of trading going ort over Cleveland county now,” declared A. F. Newton, register of deeds, yester day. Up to noon Tuesday, or in a half day. 45 separate records, many of them deeds, had been registered. A cheering angle is that Register Newton says the percentage of mortgages is far less than it was last year or during the recent sum mer. But while deeds are going on record by the dozen marriage li censes are hardly going at all, the register says. It was his opinion that the Christmas season would elimi nate the dearth of home marriages but he has now reached the con clusion that the same North Caro lina regulations which send Cleve land couples to South Carolina for 11 months in the year will send them during the holiday month. Mrs. W. Crowder, Mrs. A. D. James and Misses Bertie Crowder and Helen James are spending the day in Charlotte. Webb Explanation Pleasing To Backers Of Lincolnton Lawyer Lmcointon.—Local followers and supporters of Hon. A. L. Quicksi, candidate for superior court Judge from this district to succeed Hon. Jas. Webb, of Shelby, who has stated that he will not be a candidate to succeed himself as judge, are jubi lant over the recent statement is sued from Raleigh by Judge Webb, in which he definitely sets at rest all rumors of ms being a candidate in 1930 for the judgeship. Last week, a statement purport ing to be from the venerable judge made In Winston-Salem had it that he would net retire at the end of this term if h;r health continued good but it seems now that ttv i Judge was misundci-tood ui tha, • he said that If bib health continued good he would not resign before Ills term was out, as some had an ticipated due to the ill health of the judge. * Hon. A. L. Quickel, prominent member of fhe Lincoln ton bar, haa tossed his hat into the official poli tical ring and the old pot has be gun to simmer with news of other aspirants to the office casting their lot with the Democratic primary nest year. Lncoln county will have ,<n op portunity neat year to Cast its solid strength for a ‘native son,’ a son fully equipred and qualified fcr the high mi ce of judge of su re or court or this district—Hon. A j L Quitke^ 1 May Influence Simmons Opposition Canvass State On Enmity To Senator. Montgomery, Ala.—J. Thomas Heflin, senior senator Irom Alabama who last year gained considerable attention throughout the country by his utterances ayainst A1 Smith, then Democratic nominee far the presidency, Monday was denied trfe right to seek re-election by ttye Democratic party of Alabama be cause of his campaign against Smith and because he failed to vote for the Democratic nominee for presi dent. ( The action came in a 37 to lin vote of the state Democratic,execu tive committee and means that If Senator Heflin Is to seek re-elec tloj.■ to the senate seat now held by hin. • he must run as e,n independent> candidate, ,, The committees action also de nied the right of Hugh Locks, Out standing anti-Smith leader In Ala bama in the presidential election to participate in the primary as« candidate for the governorship. Although there his been no diti nite statement of indication of in tentions either from Senator Hef lin or Locke, triends of the two. pien say they undoubtedly will seek election as independent candi dates. In North Carolina. Washington.—In barring Senator Heflin from the coining senatorial primaries, the Democratic executive committee of Alabama has partici pated a controversy that will extend to other southern states where ambitious Democrats voted for President Hoover last year. The old demand for party regularity, which has held t:ie Demu^gu together since the Civil war, is rampant again. Tho success of the regulai Democrats ever the Republican an ti-Smith coalition in Virginia has encouraged r«rty leaders in other other states. A state-wide canvass of the sit uation in Ngggh Carolina ia beliv made by frtfnds of Senator Sim mons, who refused to vote for the Democratic Nominee last year, o see to wha: extent he will be scratched if & is nominated to suc ceed himseif. That many Demo crats are afraid of the situation is evident by statements made here daily by visitors from tbestats. It is definitely understood that Mr Simmons will have oppoeition <v, thej>rlmari?3 County Court Now Operates AH Day Judge Kennedy Ground Out Guises Tuesday Until Dm*. Girls And Boys Are Tried. An abundances of Christina, spirits, being made less abundant by county officers, is making an all day affair of the county recorder’s court here. Yesterday Judge Horace Kennedy held the longest session at county court held here in many months the day's srind lasting until after five o’clock in the afternoon. The majority of the cases dealt with in fractions of the dry law in one form or another. In the liquor charges against two white girls and two white men. who were in a South Shelby hou&c on the night of Friday the 13th, where eleven gallons of whiskey were found by officers one of the two men, L. A. Mauldin, was convicted. He was given an eight months sen tence for receiving and pdasessing the whiskey, it being testified tha. he had something^to do with rent ing the house Mauldin appealed. The other man in the house was acquitted of the liquor charges by a jury. Tha two girls, Kthel Phil lips and Edr.a Dudley, both at tractive in appearance and well dressed, were also freed of the liquor charge preferred against all, but were convicted of vagrancy. They were given suspended sentences by the court, ordered to pay the coats in the case, and unless they im mediately find some place ottM? than Cleveland county for their amorous actions the suspended sen tences will so into effect Only Two Mere Issues. Only two more issues of The J Star will come out before Christina* -Friday ana Monday. The Star nill not be published on Christmas dai.

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