.. ' * 10 PAGES TODAY »■.—.... . _ii j By mall, pei year (in advance! S2JW Carrier, per year (in advance) W.OO LA TE NEWS THE MARKET. Cotton, strict mid .. Cotton Seed, per bu. lS'ic . 36c Freezing Weather. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Partly cloudy and colder tonight. Freezing temperature to«the coast tonight. No Accidents Here. Although Shelby anu Cleveland county was today digging out from under the heaviest blanket of snow and ice in many years no serious ac cidents resulted from the freeze in sofar as could be learneu at noon. With warmer weather today the sec tion was generally thawing out. PlantMaking Yule Sprits Deputies Capture Neat Distillery And One Operator. Much Beer Destroyed. Officers One source of supply for Christ mas egg-nog was eliminated Friday afternoon by a group of Cleveland county deputies in their effort to mrke it a dry Christmas hereabouts. The plant, a neat copper affair and one of the most sarBtary and I modern stills seen in this county in years, was captured along with one of the three operators n the npper portion of No. 11 township, the still being in full blast when the officers crept up. Two Get Away. Two of the operators transformed themselves into human barrels and rolled down the mountainside to es cape from the deputies but the third, Corrin Hudson, r young white man about 22 years of rge, was cap tured and brought to jail here to await trial. Officers making the raid were Deputies Tom Sweezy, Lindsay Dixon, Loren Hoyle and Plato Ledford. The still, of about 30-gallon ca pacity, was new and apparently the first riAi w/ts on. A jug was sitting under the worm and about two and cne-half gallons of whiskey, which was seized, had trickled into it when the officers arrived. The capture also included about 300 gallons of beer. , The Christmas spirits factory was on display in Sheriff Allen's office at the court house Saturday. New Freight Depot Of Southern Opens $40,000 Station Is Nearing Comple tion. Placed In Use Today. The Southern railway’s new $40, 000 freight station is nearing com pletion and will be put into use to day. The department where freight is stored has been finished and the first freight will be delivered from the mew station today, according to Agent A. H. Morgan. The work has moved along at an increditable speed and while the new fireproof station is not completed as yet, the freight department is finished and ready for use. Mr. Morgan says the offices which will be modern in every particular with a healing plant and toilets, are not ready for use as yet. It will be several weeks before the offices to the freight station will be ready lor occupancy. Mr. Joe Singleton arrived home Sunday morning for Georgia Teel where he has been e student. Star Will Not Be Issued Wednesday; Yule Appreciation The Cleveland Star will not issue on Wednesday (Christmas Day) in order to give the for ee ! I wo aays wicn leir families and iends. After to day’s issue Th3 -tar will appear ^ain on Friday ! this week. The entire force f T he Star ishes to express at this joyous unristntas season. ■ its sincere appreciation of tiie splendid co-operation and sup port given the paper by its thou sands of readers, advertisers and other valued friends. Our correspondents in various parts of the county have been faithful to the task, our sub scribers have been loyal, our ad vertisers have been generous and we ifi turn have endeavored in every possible way to merit their confidence. The season’s greetings are ex tended to all, especially those unfortunates whom we have aided in the Christmas Fund and in the language of Tiny Tim re would pray "God Bless You Ail.” Bank Bandit, Once In Shelby, Is Caretaker For Governor Gardner At Raleigh Mansion; Is Trusted "Portland Ned” Once Planned To Rob Postoffice Here But Was Stopped By Killing. (By RENN DRUM.) When Governor and Mrs. Gard ner came to Shelby yesterday to spend the Yuletile holidays at home they left the stately executive man sion at Raleigh, with its priceless furniture, valuable silverware, and paintings in the care of the mansion caretaker—"Portland Ned,” who just a decade or so back was one ot America's most notorious bank bandits and Jeggmen. And when the Governor and his First Lady return to the hand some edifice in which North Caro lina has housed her governors for a half century they are positive that they will find nothing missing, the big mansion in fine working order, and "Portland Ned,” now a man of 58 with streaks of gray in his thatch of hair, pottering about the man sion grounds keeping the other mansion servants on the go. Trusted To Utmost. •'Portland Ned." a dangerous criminal reformed because men. who believed that there is some good in the worst of them, placed their confidnce in him, has been mansion caretaker for four years or so and insofar as anyone can discover not a thing has been stolen or misplaced about there. Ned, now on the | straight and narrow, is proud of the fact that he has shown the world that he can walk the proverbial moral chalk-line rnd in his crim ‘nal career he became so experienc ed in the various methods TTf theft that anyone who might try to rob the mansion would find it very dif ficult to outwit his crafty brain. . Ills Career. Shortly after the World war (Continued on page two.) Annual Banquets Of Mill Pivot Men Of Dover, Shelby And Ella Dr. Daniels Is Speaker At Diver Banquet. Mr. Dover Talks. “Every man a bank account at the end of 1930” was the slogan adopt ed by the employees of the Dover, Ora and Eastside mills at their an nual banquet held Saturday night at the high school building, where a most sumptuous meal was served by the members of the Daughters cf the American Revolution to the 150 “pivot” men of the three institutions headed by Mr. John R. Dover. Dr. Daniels Speaks. It was declared to be the best meeting the "pivot” men have had from the standpoint of the meal served and from the program, with Mr. Dover delivering a five minute talk, fraught with “uncommon common” sense remarks. The en tertainer for the evening wa3 Dr. D. W. Daniels, a member of the faculty of Clemson college, S. C„.one of the most popular after-dinner speakers in the South and a man who kept his audience in an up roar of laughter by his side-split ting jokes. Then, again, he would recite some inspiring poem with wonderful effectiveness as a still ness hovered over his audience. His subject was “’j.he Joyous Life.” No Socialism Here. Mr. Dover who instituted these annual banquets when his organ ization was small 30 years ago and the men were served in his home, declared that while he was not rich in this worjd's goods, he was grate ful for his true, ^arm hearted friends and for the loyalty of the men of the organizations who had been fortunate in having regular Jobs during the year. Here there has been no confidence destroyed, no hearts impoverished with hate and no hands stained with blood, but the mill workers have been true, loyal sun-crowned men with no tendencies toward socialism and bolshevism. “Every true American does not want a hand-out” declar ed Mr. Dover. They want an op portunity to accomplish something for themselves and this has been the conception of the workers in this community. Mr. Dover stated in his eloquent (Continued on page ten.) Rev. L. B. Hayes Makes Interesting Talk On “Good Will” To Shel by Mill Overseers. Approximately lour score people, the majority of them foremen, over seers, and departmental heads of the Shelby Cotton mills, were guests of the mill management at the big an nual banquet held at the Wayside restaurant Saturday night with Mr. R. T. LeGrande, secretary-treasurer of the big textile plant, serving as general host. The speaker of the evening v as Rev, L. B. Hayes, pastor of Central Methodist church, and in addition to the sound thoughts of his gen eral topic of "Good Will" he proved himself very capable of filling any after dinner speaker's role by his adeptness at entertaining. The meal was an unusually good one, and the —«isic furnished £>V a string trio—Herbert Whisnant, Clyde Wilson and Flay Gardner— was exceptionally well received as it ran the gauntlett from popular airs of the day to such old favorites as “Turkey in the Straw” and "Red Wings”; and throughout the en tire affair a general good fellowship prevailed, typical of the loyal co operation which is always in evid ence in the operation of the big plant. Rev. Mr. Hayes, with a subject very fitting and very close to 'he Christmas season, declared that only by good will can make of this world what his Maker intended, and that peace on earth—peace instead of war, industrial arid economic strife, and instead of sectional wrangling—can come only through the channel o! good will among men. Informal Program. The program for the banquet was informal throughout. The affair was opened with thanks returned by Mr. W. G. Whitworth followed by several musical selections. A shqrt talk was made by Mr. Clir ence Williams in behalf of tne guests while Mr. Will Abernethy took time off from eating to give the gathering one of his entertain ing Jokes. In a short talk at the conclusion of the meal Mr. Le Grand took opportunity to wish the (Continued on page ten.) 23 Hungry, Needy Urchins Enjoy Big Christmas Feed Of Lions Club Boys From Destitute Homes About Shelby Get Feed, And Use ful Gifts. In the years to come there will be 23 people who will never forget a civic organization in Shelby known as the Lions club. Friday night at the Wayside res taurant the Lions of Shelby played the role of hosts to 23 boys, some of them orphans while others came from poverty-stricken homes about Shelby. Along the festive boird gleamed 23 happy faces with ears and necks scrubbed red by loving mothers who fixed them up the beet they could for their big night. Mothers in the homes from which the boys came were urged to make up undue preparation to send the urchins along, and here and tnere along the line elbows stuck through holes in sweaters that had seen bet ter years. But it was their big night with an entire club roster o' Santas and in just a few minutes, with a program especially prepared for them the boys felt at home and were joining their hosts in making whoopee. The entire program was devoted to contests and games such as the youthful guests would enjoy, and the only formal note was a short talk by J. B. Smith, welfare officer, who helped the Lions select their worthy young guests. At the end of the program each of the 23 youngsters was given a suit of underwear and a peek of Christmas goodies, such as oranges, grapes, apples and bananas. Then a dozen big cars purred out side streets and by ways to carry the happy little group back to their homes—Homes where there were no fathers, or where sickness and pov erty had visited. Yet as 23 excited youngsters slipped into dreamland Friday nigh, they were positive that there was a Santa Claus. The Lions club 'had proven it to them. The program was in charge of Cobb Horn, jr, and R. L. Wilsou. Charity Fund Santa Claus Already Calling On Poor Old Kris Kringle is already travelling about with his pack of Christ mas cheer. Beginning Saturday the Santa of The Star's Christmas charity fund began to distribute his gifts—all necessities, of life. The early start af the distribu tion of the fund was necessitated by the cold wave which swooped dav -i upon the section Thursday and Fri day. By Friday morning calls for help—for blankets, lor coal and for other fuel—were coming in from poverty-stricken homes all about the city, and at a meeting of the fund committee Friday afternoon it was decided that much want and suf fering could be helped by starting an immediate distribution of the fund. Until Christmas Eve. Distribution of the fund will con tinue unjg Jate Christmas eve night with members of the commit tee helping Welfare Officer Smith distribute the .various articles with the 51 needy cases picked as ’ those most worthy of aid. Gifts coming in today and tomorrow will be add ed to the fund to take care of last minute appeals and cases w herein I the contributions already made ran | short. Never Knew A Santa. One of the most pitiful eases in Shelby developed late last week when members of the Lions club were canvassing the city for 23 needy and deserving boys to be the.: guests at a big banquet last Friday night. In one home, where :h-j father has long been ill with tu berculosis, the committee found a family of six children—five boys and one girl—with a tried, over burdened mother as the ione means of support. Their lot in life has been a hard one for several years and as the Lions questioned the youngsters they learned that the youngest boy, pged four years, had never heard of Santa Claus and die. not know who the jolly old fellow was. Three of his oldpr brothers were guests at the banquet of the Lions | while The Star's Empty Stocking | Fund will see that certain very necessary necessities of life are lefc at the home by Santa Christmas eve. , If you haven’t contributed. It isn't too late yet. The fund is sup posed to formally close this eve ning but all contributions left with The Star, Welfare Officer Smith t or Rush Hamrick, treasurer of the Empty Stocking, up until noon to morrow' will be welcomed and Is needed. Shelby has given less this year to the fund than in any previous year —and this year there is more dis tressing want than since the fund was originated. Baptist Choir To Broadcast Tonight The First Baptist church choir of Shelby, under the direction of Hor ace Easom and with Mrs. Hugh Plaster at the piano, will broadcast a Christmas program tonignt at j 7:30 o’clock over station WBT if! the weather permits their reaching i Charlotte. The following numbers will be in the group: “Gesu Bambino." by Yvon; "There Were Shepherds.’’ by Birch; "Sanctus,” by Gounod "Hark, Hark, My Soul,” by Shelley; combination group solo, duet, mix ed quartette, and male quartette "And the Angel Said Unto Mar..','*! “The Word Was Made Flesh, ’ and "Lo. the Angels of'the Lord Came ! Upon Them. ’ $669 For Empty Stocking Fund At noon Unlay the people of tni3 action had piled a total of $629 into The Stay's Empty Stocking fund to be used to purchase necessities of life for the pool- and unfortunate of the town. The largest single gifts since Fri day were a $40 chock by the Ro ■ ary club iind a $2$ clieck from the Woman’s club. Previously acknowledged ... $357.50 Miss Lossie Petty ......._ 2,00 Or. T B Gold-..........._5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Z. R. Walker .‘.."2.00 Rev. II. E. Waldron 100 Rotary club _. — 40.00 Cash . __.....- 5.00 Mrs. Talmadge Gardner_1.00 Zemri Kietler . ...I CO S. L. Gillespie . 1.00 Cash - ...._ 2.00 J. C, Weathers ....—_... 5.10 C. B, Spangler _.____1.00 Woman's club ___25.00 R. V, Green ... ..1.00 J. D. Hawkins ........_2.50 Methcdist Senior Young People . .. . ..._ 5.00 Automobile Electric Co., J. L. Gaffney . ... ..2.00 Presbyterian Men’s Bible Class . ....... 5.00 Farmer on route 5 ... 5.00 Total . . _....._$660.00 Other late contributions will be published Friday. Locals Split In Basketball Games Shelby High Boys Defeat Kings Mountain, But Girls l,ost. Boll ing Springs Wins. In a double court bill In the tin can here Friday night the Shelby High boys quint defeated Kings Mountain by a 36 to 14 score but the local girls lost a close and ex citing contest to the Kings Moun tain sextet by a score of 28 to 17. Hal Farris. Eskridge and Rippy were stars for the local boys, who displayed remarkable Improvement from that shown in their opening game. Playing at Boiling Springs i nurs day the Boiling Springs college quint defeated the strong Forest City Highs by .the score of 39 to 7. The starting lineup used by Coach Rackley was as follows: Mooney - ham and Waters, forwards: Mc Donald. center; Stroud and Coble guards. Young Athlete In Charlotte Hospital Zeno Wall, star athlete at Shelby High and son of Dr. Zeno Wall, last week underwent an operation at a Charlotte sanatorium for a knee injury suffered last summer and which prevented him from lead ing the Shelby High football eleven as field general during the season just closed., Young Wall, who is ex pected to be able to return this \ieek, ^iso had his tonsils removed Dr. Hicks In 1 Serious Shape I After A Crash i _ i Auto Of Shelby Dentist Plows Into j Gastonia Traffic Post. Dan ger Of Pneumonia. Dr. R. 0. IHeks, Shelhy den tist, who was seriously Injured early Sunday morning when his | automobile crashed into a con crete traffic post tn east Gas Ionia while hr was cn route to Charlotte, was said to be In a serious condition this afternoon at 2 o’clock at the city hospital in Gastonia where he is a pat- I lent. Surgeons at the hospital said 'hat he spent a fairly comfortable night and was doing as well today as could be expected but that the extreme danger was that pneumonia might develop in Ids punctured lung. Badly Broken Up. Dr. Hicks was pretty badly oiok eu up and his car badly damaged in the crash. Both upper and lower jaws were broken, five ribs frac'ur ed, and his lung punctured. Today it was said that he has not been unconscious since entering the hos pital. Found By Taxi Man. Just how long the Shelby dentist had been lying beside the wreckage of his car before being found is not known. A passing taxi-driver saw the wrecked ear about 4 o'c'ock Sunday morning and stopped to in vestigate, finding Dr. Kicks lying nearby. Due to his broken Jaws the injured man has not been able to relate fully just how the crash oc curred. Apparently Ins vision through the windshield was blurred by the heavy fog which preceded the big snowfall. I The traffic post which his car struck is at the intersection of a street in east Gastonia with Wilkin son boulevard. At the hospital today it was only a matter of conjecture whether or not the pneumonia would develop and surgeons would say no morn than that pneumonia very often sets in in such cases. Should pneumonia develop hia chances of recovery, it is said, would be very slim due to his numerous injuries. . A Former Shelby Lady Passes Away Shelby friends of Mrs. Lula J Floyd who before marriage was Mrs. Lula Kendrick Connelly will' regret to learn of her death in Shelby Saturday morning. She wa.< 69 years of age and died at the home of her brother, Mr. T. W. Ken drick in Charlotte. Years ago she was a popular milliner in Shelby, Surviving are three sisters. Mrs. Jamesc I. Webb* of Charlotte, Mrs. J. R. Wolfe and Miss Hallle S. Ken ; drick and one brother T. W Ken drick. Young Kendall Win* Window Dres* Prize Whltelaw Kendall, one of the Beau Brummels at the Buttle Drug Store, who is studying window dressing at odd times when he is not dispensing drinks, has been awarded the third state prise of $15 from the Prophylactic Brush Co., in its national window display con test. He dressed a window display* ing these tooth brushes and receiv ed the $15 third prize check, to gether with a note of congratula tions from the company. Eastern Carolina Editors More Against Simmons Than In West Many In Simmons Own Section Of State Urge Bailey To Get Rival, Announced. (By a Star Staff Writer.) If the newspaper editors of f'ne section are good barometers—and newspapermen with their fingers on the pulse of current events general ly know the sentiment of their sec tions better than any other class— the Senator Simmons, should he have a rival Jn the Democratic pri mary, will be more bitterly fought in his own party there than in Western North Carolina. The above declaration may be dubiously received as Senator Sim mons is an easterner and is general ly considered more popular there, but newspapermen from all parts I of Eastern Carolina in Raleigh last j week for the Gardner live-at-homa | feast formed a calling line at the j office of Josiah W. Bailey beseech | ing him to get a strong candidate f out against the veteran senator. Of | course all the Eastern Caroline. j editors were not callers at the Bailey office for many of them arq strong Simmons supporters, but a big percentage of those at the cap ital for the banquet cither visited Bailey or Ills two prospective can didates, Stacey and Brogden, at their offices, or made it a point to whisper a few words to Bailey at the feed itself a whisper that in. formed that they were ready to chip in and do their bit to unseat the senator. The apparent explanation of the fact that Simmons' own section is more brazen about denouncing his alleged traltorism to his party than the Western section is that Eastern Carolina is far more of a Democratic stronghold than Western Caro‘fna. In the upset * ote last fall Eastern Carolina voted the ticket all the way through, including A1 Smith, but In the western section only three coun ties supported Smith. Simmons is a power in the east as yet, but the people of the ectlon dominated by (Conun-ed on page ten.) County Has Already Ginned As Much As Total Crop In 1928 Dry Christmas Urged By Hoey Before Class At Methodist Church Christmas Of All Times I- Wrong Tlmr To Get Drunk. He Tells Large Bible Class. — "Of all occasions the year round I can think of no more Inopportune time In which to get drunk or to drink than at Christiffes." declared Clyde R. Hoey yesterday to more than 200 people who attended his big men's Bible class at Central inothodist church. "I love and admire each man in this class who comes here each Sun day to hear me teach the selected lesson and I do not believe a single man in this class would go home to his mother drunk Wednesday If it happened to be her birthday." he said. "Neither do I believe that a single man here would want to pre sent a drunk husband to his wife for a birthday present. Then why— and there is no logical or reason able answer—should anyone take occasion to make the birth anniver sary of our Lord and Master a drunken festival?" The Hoey class yesterday for the fourth consecutive Sunday led the Ivey Bible class of Charlotte in an attendance contest being staged be tween the two classes. The local class led in members present, new' members, and visitors, while the Ivey class led in collections. A total of 208 people were in attendance at the Hoey class as compared with a total of 106 at the Ivey class at Tryon Street church in Charlotte. Ben Kendall Dies In Charlotte 22nd Native Of Shelby With Brothers And Sisters Living Here. Bury Today. The many Shelby friends of Ben jamin Kendall, age 57, and native of Shelby will regret to learn of his death in Chailotte Sunday morning at 2 o'clock following an illness of two months. ] Mr, Kendall was proprietor of the j Kendall Printing company and a j devoted member of First Methodist ) church of Charlotte. He was mar ried to Miss Bessie Riviere, a daugh ! ter of Mrs. S. E. Riviere, now living j in Shelby. Mrs. Kendall died about | seven months ago leaving surviving I two daughters. Mrs. F. A. Greeno ! and ’ Miss Mary Douglas Kendall, j one son Jackson Kendall, all of i Charlotte, two brothers Kemp and Bloom H. Kendall of Shelby, three -.tsters. Misses Carrie and Annie j Kendall of Shelby and Mrs. John Birmingham of Charlotte. enemy rejauves ana a uumuer oi friends of the family attended the funeral services held in Charlotte this morning at 11 o'clock from the residence, the services being con ducted bv Rev W. W. Peele, pastor of the First Methodist church, in terment was in Oaklawn cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Cabanlss Of Charlotte were Shelby visitors Sun day. General Belief Now That Crop WiM Itrarh 60,000 Bales. 52,070 Gin ned To December 13. With 52,670 bales ginned to December 13, more than a week ngo, it is now the prerailing opinion that Cleveland county will gin 60,000 bales of cotton this year. Tlie ginning to December 13 i.iut year is 4,167 bales ahead of the 48,« 503 bales ginned to the same tlai last year, and cotton men farmers contend that there is o siderably more cotton to be plcl ami ginned now tlian at this time 1928. Five thousand bales were ginn< in the county last year alter com be.- 13, running the county t*V,s up to 53,000 calcs, and the aver**; estimate of bales to be ginned frci December 13 this year until the en of the ginning season Is ieven t eight thousand bales. Hits New Mark. The December 13 report was oal; about 400 bales short of the lota crop last year and to the presew date enough tales have been glrmtg to send the 1939 total on above th* 1938 total. The next ginning report will tx Issued January 20 and It is bellew ed that the total by that time wil j be around the 57.000-bale marl since 5,174 bales were ginned be* tween November 30 and Dccembo 13. 177 Bags Mail In Single Day -" Heaviest Mail On Record I* Ha lull ed At Local Office. 13,000 “Letters. Whether limes are hard or not people are remembering the! friends during the Christmas seas on as Is evidenced by the fact tha the Chri&tmas mail at the local of fice is the heaviest on record, M cording to Postmaster J. H. Quint On Friday of last week a total 0 177 bags of mail were dispatched o: two trains, 102 bags on the Southci: to Blacksburg and 75 over the Sea board to Charlotte and points nortl This Is 2,444 more than the recur mail dispatched. Saturday was a peak day for let ters and cards when 15,000 were p> through the cancelling machin Ttis is 2,000 more than the recor a year ago. On Sunday when tt postal authorities expected a let-u 4,000 letters and cards were dii patched and this number does m include the thousands of parcels. Hoover Sends Yule Message To Soldie Hugh A. Logan, commander ol local post of Spanish-American veterans, has received a letter H. W. Edmonds, department mander for tills state, which closes the telegTam sent President Herbert Hoover. telegTam reads as follows: "To all disabled ex-service and women I send cordial Cl greetings and my best wishes your happiness in the New Year I do pray for your rest™-* health. Your country lias gotten you and will not for nation’s pride in your valor votion and it3 gratitude for service you have rendered are : ifest in its continued concern your welfare and in its warm sy pathy and regard for you.” Alexander To Mov« Haynes To Clfa Alexander’s Jewelry store has cured a lease on one of Judge J. Webb s store rooms which 1ms occupied by Dr. D. M. Morrison the Haines, one, two, thtee On the first of the year the ander Jewelry will move to its quarters X>r. Morrison will close < his jewelry business and his optical work In offices in Woolworth building, while Haines Shoe Store will close Shelby for the lack of a location. Mr. Grover Hamrick wljo tioned in Georgia is here to the holidays with his - - - M N. Hamrick