SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF ALL RECEIPTS AND DIS BURSEMENTS OF NO. 6 TOWNSHIP ROAD MAINTEN ANCE FUND FROM JANUARY 1, 1929 TO JANUARY 1, 1830. Receipts July 1, Balance-$5,765.56 July 31, By Dept. Revenue — motor tax refund_105.25 Sept. 18, By Department Revenue — motor tax refund 107.65 Nov. 13, By Dept. Revenue — motor tax refund_86.60 Nov. 14, By tax levy for maintenance 1929-30 _ 24,361.55 TOTAL.......$30,426.61 Disbursements John Green — labor and teams -$ 7.20 Moses Wood — labor and teams-8.00 Clyde Poston — labor and freight refund_139.77 Tom Moore — July Salary_ 80.00 Will Devine — July salary --80.00 T. H. Lutz — July salary_90.00 Arthur Moss — July salary_74.84 Jim Walker — 2 nights guarding-5.16 Mike L.-Borders — 3 days time_15.00 Marvin Blanton — 1 days time-5.00 Tom Cornwell — 2 days time___10.00 Basil Goode — grocery bill-106.15 Herbert Borders — Irish potatoes_21.15 Cleveland Hardware Co. — hardware bill-61.05 Z. B. Weathers & Sons — piping-69.54 Stephenson Drug Co. — drug bill-4.3,5 Ernest H. Johnson — 46 lbs. beef-4JJ0 Paul Webb & Son — paint and brushes__ 4,45 City of Shelby — water and lights_13.28 Southern Bell T. & T. Co. — phone bill —---5.35 W. C. Lipscomb — shop bill__ 16.05 C. C. McBrayer — road arbitration — A. A. Roberts rd. 2.00 Joe W. Wesson — labor and teams_* 6.00 Joe W. Spangler — corn meal __22.50 Standard Oil Co. — axle grease-_ 1.75 J. Lawrence Lackey — work on truck_1.50 Quinn’s Drug Co. — drug bill_6.45 Shelby Supply Co. — supplies-4.04 Webb Bros. — 70 bushels oats___49.00 Gulf Refining Co. — gas and oil-- 214.51 City of Shelby — water and lights__ 16.80 F. H. Ross & Co. — shirts and pants__81.50 Standard Mach. & Equipment Co. — blades_51.00 W. C. Lipscomb — shop bill_15.00 Shelby Auto & Body Works — drags and shop work _ 25.00 Frank Cornwell r— milk bill, June, July and August_24.00 Superior Oil Co. — oil_____83.57 Stephenson Drug Co. — drug bill__13.80 Z, B. Weathers & Sons — piping_138.59 Joe W. Spangler — corn meal ___37.00 Campbell’s Department Store — grocery bill__ 277.98 Anderson Tractor & Equip. Co. — supplies for tractor _ 3.48 E. F. Craven & Co. — clothing for convicts_119.60 Nat Bowman — coal___29.90 L. A. Blanton — teams and grading__ 25.00 Shelby Supply Co. — supplies___5.54 Gulf Refining Co. — gas and oil_136.42 James Tiddy — top for truck_8.00 Cleveland Hardware Co. — hardware bill_16.15 Shelby Hardware Co. — 3 collars__21.00 Southern Cotton Oil Co. — nitrate of soda_15.30 Jim Walker — 4 nights guarding___15.48 Arthur Moss — August salary_64.52 Will Devine — August salary_80.00 Tom Moore — August salary__80.00 T. H. Lutz — August salary_90.00 Clyde Poston — August salary and freight_139.74 D. Y. Jones — guarding____50.00 Marvin Blanton — 2 days time_10.00 Tom Cornwell — 2 days time_10.00 Mike L. Borders — 2 days time__10.00 M. A. Wood — labor and teams__22.00 Tom Dixon — labor and teams___32.00 Webb Bros. — oats_122.50 Spurgeon Cline — labor and teams_60.50 Herbert Borders — labor and teams___164.00 Southern Bell T. & T. Co. — phone rent_4.00 Mike L. Borders — 3 days time_15.00 Tom Cornwell 2 days time_-_,_10.00 Marvin Blanton —2 days time ___10.00 Webb Bros. — grocery and feed bill_ 355.26 Gulf Refining Co. — gas and oil_201,91 F*ul vy eat hers — September salary___37.24 Arthur Moss — September salary_42.76 T. H. Lutz — September salary_90.00 T). Y. Jones — 18 days guarding_86.00 Tom Moore — September salary___80.00 Clyde Poston — salary, Sunday guard., freight & clo. 145.27 * Tom Champion — 5 days cooking_„ 10.00 L. S. Brown — Clothing bill ____103.88 City of Shelby **- water a,nd lights___j_18.30 Standard Oil Co. — grease_I____9.59 Ef F. Craven & Co. — blades for drags __24.00 Dr. C. M. Peeler •— pulling teeth for prisoners_20.00 J Lawrence Lackey — spark plugs__2.25 Moore & Stewart — spark plugs_2.76 - Z. J. Thompson — lumber_5.30 Southern Bell T. & T. Co. — phone rent_6.65 Shelby Auto & Wagon Co. — repair work_1.50 W. C. Lipscomb — shop bill_15.45 Anderson Tractor & Equipment Co. — invoices Sept. 2 & 4; Oct. 3rd_183.94 Shelby Vulcanizing Co. — repairing tires and tubes __ 10.25 Stephenson Drug Co. — drug bill__13.20 Superior Oil Co. — oil and grease __42.86 Quinn’s Drug Store — drug bill_3.90 Will Devine — September salary_80.00 Z. B. Weathers & Sons — piping ___93.36 Joe W. Spangler -r- com meat_31.25 Star Publishing Co. — road report_37.00 Fanners & Planters Hardware Co. — supplies __5.40 Cleveland Hardware Co. — hardware bill_8.95 v Gulf Refining Co. — gas___116.66 Clyde Poston — Oct. salary and Sunday guarding_108.00 Will Devine — salary and freight refund_83.91 D. Y. Jones — 13 days guarding_26.00 Tom Champion — Oct. salary (cook)_62.00 T. H. Lutz — October salary__90.00 Tom Moore — October salary_80.00 Arthur Moss — October salary_80.00 Webb Bros. — groceries, hay and oats_I 305.18 Tom Cornwell — 1 days time ____ 5.00 Marvin Blanton — 1 days time ____” 5.00 Southern Bell T. & T. Co. — phone rent._ 5.95 Cleveland Hardware Co. — hardware bill_I~17.85 Stephenson Drug Co. — drug bill__14.70 City of Shelby — water and lights_._21.15 Standard Mach. & Equip. Co. — Bill 8|29|29_23.28 Joe W. Spangler — com meal__28.75 Superior Oil Co. — oil______ 37.74 Shelby Supply Co. — supplies_4.09 W. C. Lipscomb — shop bill_____17.10 Frank Cornwell — milk__21 16.00 Herbert Borders — labor and teams_84.00 Z, B. Weathers & Sons — piping___111.90 UTTIK US WIN TW3 STB Boy» And yirh Beat Om*r, Boy* Defeat tMackburn. Weathers •'Star Of Game. <*Vp«eclal to The Star.) Latttr/rore, Jan. 6.—The fasr r.teppingr liatthnore highs subdued the Gr*,ver highs in a double bill here Saturday night, winning each gamo'by a rather decisive score. The hoys, won the opening game 34-15; and, tha girls handed out a 39-20 ver.Yiict in the night cap. 7«1ie Grover boys put up a hard ftf ht and were tn the load during •Jie early minute* of play. The local lads, however, featured by the work of Captain Weathers, soon forged ahead never to be surpassed again. This man Weathers seems to have a monopoly on the high scoring honors at Lattimore this year; end It seems that he means for no dis pute to arise in regard to the mat ter. So far this season he has been beaten only one time by any of the member* of his own team, end that was by a margin of Just one point He has already caged a total of Si points for this season. Brooks and Gold were the other luminaries for the locals. Herndon led the attack of the visitors with 7 points. Mulllnax also played great ball. The local girls showed Improved ability at passing the ball in their win over the visiting sextet. McEn tire sunk a total of 33 points to cap ture honors for Lattimore. and Ir vin was runner-up with 13. Bookout and Crisp led the attack of the losers. The highs play the strong Cliff J side five Wednesday night, and on Friday night they will clash with the Olenwood eager*. Glenwood, under the direction of W. B. Har rtlt former local high school prin cipal, has a strong team, having won tha championship of McDowell county last year. Both games prom ise to be thrillers and are expected to draw the interest of a large number of fans. Both games will be played In the local tin can. “Cricket” Weathers Good. Lattimore, Jan. 6.—Led by the brilliant work of Captain "Cricket'* Weathers the Lattimore high bas keteers nosed out a 38-25 win over the fast Blackburn cagers there Friday night. The game was harder fought than the score indicates, and It was only In the final minutes of play that the Lattimore lads sunk a few long shots along with their brilliant passing attack to give them the margin of victory. "Cricket” Weathers, Lattimore center, was by far the outstanding performer of the game. He made a number of difficult shots and piled up a total of 35 points during the game. Callahan, Brooks and Willis also starred for Lattimore. C. Robinson and Johnson were the outstanding performers fer Blackburn. The line-upe and sooring were as follows: Lattimore (38) Blackburn (38) Brooks (8) .... rf.Conel (3) Callahan (7) ...if .... Johnson (7) Weathers (35) „.c.. J, Robinson (4) Branton.rg.. Robinson (13) Gold .lg. Whlsnant Substitutes: Blackburn, Jarrett; Lattimore, Blanton, Powell, Willis, and Morehead. Star Advertising Pays Clean Shelby Is Our Greatest Need Mrs. Rybum Say* This Is Shelby's Great Need. Citizens Should Co-Operate. To the Editor of The Star: I read In a paper of recent dale a number of letters from men who had been asked to tell what they thought Shelby needed most. I did not see one single letter from a woman, therefore I knew no wom an had been asked. But I am going to venture my advice unasked X think what Shelby needs most to attractive to strangers, tourists and prospective home seekers Is—to clean up the town and keep it clean.' Now this Is In no sense striking at the town management for I wish that each and every one of us would adopt their slogan „live with in your Income.’’ But we could keep the town clean with but little ex penditure of money If the house keeper, hotel keeper, boarding houses and stores would co-operate. Why can’t we each keep our prem ises clean and have trash ban-els and keep every bit of paper and tTash picked up and put In these receptacles, then there would be no paper to blow In the street* and across the street to our neighbors. cant the town council request everybody to do tfcjs and furnish and haul off these barrela, If that la not done, then fine the folks that will not get rid of their trash. If you will take a walk in the town on some of its best streets, particularly on Sunday you will be Impressed with the fact that the looks of our beautiful town wits its number of handsome homes and buildings is marred by these unsightly papers and trash in yards, streets, alleys, etc. Now what I ask is that every woman will see that her own premises are clean, that every store keeper will take care of and put in receptacles his own trash and chat the town council will see that It Is duly hauled off and that our streets will be put In the condition chat passers-by may want to stop and cast ther lots among us. Yours sincerely. FRANK FAISON RYBURN. Miss Margaret Phifer Celebrates Birthday (Special to The Star.) On Saturday afternoon, January 4, from two until four o’clock Miss Margaret Phifer, who lives two miles west of Kings Mountain on highway No. 30 entertained at a birthday party at her home (her school mates, nine little girls and two little boys, her cousins) and Miss Margaret Wolfe, a high school girl and nearby neighbors. After an hour of play and hilar ity in the spacious living room all were invited into the partially dark ened dining room where twelve tiny pink candles were burning on a frosted cocoanut cake in the cen ter of the dining table. A course of ice cream and pound cake was served, all thirteen stand ing around the large oval table. After refreshments were served nearly another hour was spent in Interesting games in the living mom where a glowing fire burned in the open fireplace, which with the deco rations of the season added com fort, cheer and charm to the occa sion. Quite a number of beautiful and useful presents were displayed In the hall. All departed wishing Mar garet many more happy birthdays. Mike L. Borden — 3 days time____15.00 Automobile Electric Co. — repairs on truck_+-ZZm 7.20 Dr. C. M. Peeler — pulling teeth for convicts_ 8.00 Georgia-Carolina Oil Co. — bill Oct. 15th, oil_100.02 Anderson Tractor & Equip. Co. — road mach. and sup. 880.09 hnelby Radiator Co. — welding and work on tanks_4.25 Southern Railway Co. — freight on car hay__”176.91 First National Bank — car hay_88.46 Shelby Supply Co. — supplies_j"4g Clyde Poston — salary, Sunday guard, freight refund'iS6!26 Superior Oil Co. — oil_ 41.25 Will Devine — salary and $26.00 advanced t» cook *106.00 T. H. Lutz — salary_______90.00 Mike L. Borders — 3 days time___” 15.00 A. Blanton Grocery Co. — groceries_,__I 108.88 Marvin Blanton — 1 1-2 days time _____3_7.50 Tom Cornwell — 1 1-2 days time ____~ 7 50 Tom Moore — salary_ " Arthur Moss — salary_____80^00 D. Y. Jones____..IIIIIIII” 28 00 Mrs. Eugenia Williams — 33 pairs shoes_*107.25 Gulf Refining Co. — bills Nov. 11th and 22nd_III 156.18 City of Shelby — water and lights_21.00 Stephenson Drug Co. — drug bill ______5 75 W. C. Lipscomb — shop bill_ *29.95 Anderson Tractor & Equip. Co. — supplies for tractor 11.92 E. F. Craven Co. — blades for tractor__ _ 47 68 Southern Ben T. & T. Co. — phone bill...I_ 5.20 Shelby Hardware Co. — range _____1*280.96 Will Glasco •— 8 cords wood ___35.00 M. A. McSwain & Son — grocery and feed bill___ 234^30 Quinn s Drug Store — drug ’/dll_9.10 Z. B. Weathers & Sons — pi ping___I*12i88 Shelby Mach. & Equip. Co. — car gasket l!69 Cleveland Hardware Co. — hardware bill_89.87 Joe W. Spangler — corn meal __25.68 Total disbursements, ...5 9,294.54 Balance in Bank January 1, 1980 _$21,182.07 TOTAL.$80,426.61 I, Mary E. Yarbrou'/h, Treasurer of Cleveland County, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true and cor rect to the best of vuy knowledge and belief. . , . MARY E. YARBROUGH, Treasurer. Subscribed and svaom to before me this the 1st day of Jan uary, 1930, A. M. HAMRICK, Clerk Superior Court. IB NEWS NEW B EVENTS Number Of Social Affair* And Many Visitors During The Holidays. (Special to The Star.) Mooresboto, Jan. 7—Mooresboro high school opened December doth with a large number of pupils pres ' ent. Miss Margaret Greene has re turned to Florida State college after spending the holidays with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Burras had as their dinner guests Saturday Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Roberson and fam ily of Wadesboro, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Nolan and son of Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vernon and Mrs. Paul Vernon of Forest City. Miss Evelyn Huggins left Thurs day to resume her studies at Coker college after spending the holidays at home. „ Mr. Gus Thomas of Forest City spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Y. L. McCardwell. Misses Iris Rollins, Head Deaver and Frances McCardwell returned to Bolling Springs Junior college after spending the holidays with their parents. Mrs. Frank Strait and children of Rocky Hill spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. J. B. Blanton* Mr. M. M. Greene, Misses Irene and Florence Greene and Mr. Rob ert Green motored to Charlotte Thursday. Mrs. Hobart Greene and Mr. Thomas Harris left Thursday for Durham to resume their studies at Duke university. Rev. William Ford of Virginia. Mrs. A. K. Shealy of WllUston, 3. C. and Mr. Elsie Ford of the University of S. C. spent the holidays with their parents. Mr. Ted Greene and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Furr and son returned to Asheville after spending the holi days with their mother. Miss Flora Oreene of Asheville and Mrs. Tyson Spangler of Ruth erford ton have returned to their respective homes after a few days visit with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Led Morehead of Philadelphia have returned home after spending several weeks with relatives. They were entertained at dinner by Mrs. Arra Greene, Mrs. John Blanton, Mrs. D. M. Morehead and Mrs. Frits Morehead. Mr. and Mrs. Braynard Burrus and children of Asheville spent the holidays with Mr. A. M. Lovelace and Mr. and Mrs H. O. Burras Mias Nola Patrick who teaches at Alexandria spent the holidays with her sister, Mrs. A. I. Jolley. Mr. and Mrs Anderson spent the holidays at Hendersonville. Miss Iva Morehead who teaches at Pacolet spent the holidays with her aunt, Mrs M. O. Martin. Mr. and Mrs H. N. Greene, Ml3set Willie Greene and Ina Morehead enjoyed a turkey dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jarve Rollins. Mias Imoraa Robertson spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. M. G Martin. Miss Frances McCardwell spent the week-end In Rutberfordton. Misses Willie Greene, Ina More head and Edna Hamrick delightlul ly entertained at dinner at the Iso thermal hotel, Rutherfordton, In honor at Mr. and Mrs Led More head of Pennsylvania. Mr. A. V. and E. C. Greene, Misses Alma and Gladys Ellis and Mr. Horace Ellis of Asheville spent Christmas with Mrs B. P. Greens Mr. Webb Ellis of Greenville Is sick at the home of his grandmother Mrs B. P. Greene. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Champion of Shelby spent Christmas with his mother. Mr. and Mr*. Tate* Green* of Nebo spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. HI 11 Greene. Miss Cora Belue of orthopedic hospital, Gastonia, spent the weec end with Mr. L. W. Greene. Misses Josephine Bass, Sara Belue and Priscilla Belue of Spartanburg have returned home after spend* ing the holidays with Mrs. L. W. Greene. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Belue of Spar tanburg were Sunday guests of Mrs. Greene. My. and Mrs. S. M. Greene de lightfully entertained with a turkey dinner Sunday in honor of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Skin ner of Boiling Springs and Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Greene of Moores boro. MASONIC COP WILL TRAVEL TO LODGES ALL OVER WORLD Evanston, HI.—A large loving cup that Is expected to go around the world In seven years has been started on ite journey by the Evans Masonic lodge, number 924, of Evanston. It Is to visit every lodge, always in the possession of a member of the fraternity. Each lodge decides which other lodge will next receive the cup. It may be sent three or 3.000 miles but It always must go toward the east Accompanying the cup are greet ings hi English. French, Spanish. German. Portuguese. Dutch, Italian and Swedish, a roll book to be sign ed by members of the visited lodgeT Bex Sapper At Waco. There will be a box supper and stunts at Waco high school Friday night at 7:30. Public Is cordially in vited. Bel wood Wins Four And Ties One Game Start* he New Tear With A Series Of Victories For Boys And Girl*. (Special to The Star .> Belwood, Jan. 4.—The Belwood boys and girls basketball team sta-t ed the new year off right last Wednesday by defeating the North Brook boys and girls. The final score of the boys’ game was 20 to 16 in Belwood's favor. The Belwood team played Jam up ball during the first half, holding North Brook scoreless and at the same time, cag ed 13 points for themselves. At the beginning of the second half Bel wood’s second team replaced the first string and North Brook start ed a rally only to be stopped by the return of the first Belwood five in the beginning of the fourth quar ter. Anthony was the star for North Brook while the playing of Willis, Young and M. Divine was outstand ing for Belwood. In the girls’ game the Belwood girls removed the doubt created oy the loss of several Belwood stars last year, of the Belwood fans by de feating North Brook 29 to 3. For Belwood. the game was almost en tirely offensive.' Bums, Belwood center, would tip the ball to for wards War lick or Hicks who passed to Smith who caged it with little difficulty. Bums also specialised in making field goals of the rebounds from the backboard. The entire Bel wood squad had the chance to show Report of the Condition of THE PEOPLES BANK \ At Weco, North Carolina to the Corporation Commission at the Close of Business on the 31st day December, 1929. Resources. Loans and discounts ...... 96,866 G4 Overdrafts - . 13.99 United States bonds_ 1,80000 Banking house- 1,800.00 Furniture and "fixtures_ 1,722.41 Cash in vault and amounts due from approved deposi tory banks . .. 23,160.78 Interest paid depositors __ 667.52 TOTAL___$124,430.74 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In_ 8,000.00 Surplus fund .. 4,000.00 Other deposits subject to check.31,031.54 Cashiers checks outstanding 12.00 Time certificates of deposit (Due on or after 30 days) . . 84 387JO TOTAL ...$124,430.74 State of North Carolina, County of Cleveland, as A. c. Beam, cashier, A. W. Black director, and J. L. Bard, director of the Peoples Bank, each personally appeared before me this day, and, being duly sworn, each for himself says that the foregoing report is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. A. C. BEAM, Cashier A. W. BLACK, Director - J. L. Hord, Director. Sworn to and subscribed beiore me this the 7th day of Januarv, 1930. BERTIE CROWDER, Notary Public. My commission expires May 7, 1930. Easy! Quick! Glycerin Mix For Constipation Simple glycerin, buckthorn bark, saline, etc., as mixed In Adlerlka, relieves constipation In TWO hours! Most medicines act on only lower bowel, but Adlerlka acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing poisons you never thought were In your system. Just ONE spoonful relieves GAS, sour stomach and sick headache. Let Adlerlka give stomach and bowels a REAL clean ing and see how good you feel! Paul Webb & Son, Druggists . adv. Trustee’s Sale Of Land. By virtue of the power of sale In a certain deed of trust executed by O. L. Beam and wife, G. A. Beam to me as trustee to secure an in debtedness of $1700.00, which deed of trust Is of record In the registry of Cleveland county, N. C., In book 153 at page 341; and said Indebted ness not having been paid at ma turity and the holder thereof, hav ing called upon me to foreclose said deed of trust, I, as trustee, will of fer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder far cash at the courts house door In Shelby, N. C., on the 18th day of January, 188$, at IS m. the following described real estate. Lying in No. S township, Cleveland county, N. C., and adjoining the lands of H. Gantt, H. 8. Cline and others and being a part of the dower tract of Effie Lackey, and beginning at a stone, Henry Gantt’s comer and runs thence with his line south 58 west 33 1-3 poles to a stone in the old line, near a small bridge; thence with old line south 33 1-4 west 65 1-3 polos to a pine in said line, Lee Gantt’s comer; thence with his line south 28 1-2 east 54 1-3 poles to a pine, Gantt’s comer in Cline’s line; thence with Clhie’s tine south 33 1-2 east 21 8-6 poles to stone, Cline’s comer; thence with his line 65 1-2 east 54 3-3 poles to a stone, Henry Gantt s corner in Cline’s line; thence with Oantt’s line north 31 1-3 west 117 poles to the beginning, containing 14 7-18 acres, more or less, except ng from the above has been sold ‘bout 14 acres to Lee Gantt, deed of vhlch Is of record In office of reg ster of deeds for Cleveland county, *. C., reference to which Is hereby nade for full description. This the 16tn day of December, .930. CLYDE R. HOEY. Trustee fewton & Newton, Attsa. I their athelttc ability which they ail did, showing good form. Despite the regretful circumstances under wluon Smith was playing, she proved her self to be the star of the game, scor ing 14 of the 20 points for Belwooo On January 3 the Belwood boys took a slow game from Earl on the latter’s ground. Green was the star of the local team while Costner and Willis were Belwood stars. On the same date the Belwood graded oyy* defeated North Brook graded boys 17 to 15 and the graded girls from the two schools tied up. Sale Of Valuable Farm Property. Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us In a deed of trust executed by R. R. McCraw and wife Zula McCraw on the 4th day of May, 1926 and recorded in book 141, at page 51, we w’ill on Saturday the 8th day of February, 1930 12 o’clock noon at the court house door In Shelby, N. C„ Cleveland county, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the iol lowing land, to-wit: That 198 7-10 acres, being a part of the tract deeded Annie Tate by W. M. Dodd and wife on April 23, 1905, by deed recorded In book “pp” of deeds page 23, the metes and bounds of which are as follows, ac cording to a survey made by O. C. Thompson, surveyer. Beginning on a stake and pol. t ers, south bank of Buffalo Creek about 2 1-2 poles below the new bridge; then along the old roadway south 7 1-2 west 56 poles; south 52 1-2 E. 63.85 poles; south 48 east 33 poles; south 40 E. 52 poles; south 52 1-2 E. 19 1-2 poles to a stone in old roadbed; then south 64 1-2 E. 32.40 poles to p. persimmon; then south 72 E. 38 poles to a stone, west edge of old road, J. M. Beam's cor ner; then with his line south 36 W. 140 poles to a stake and point er. his corner; then with Border's line to Buffalo Creek, viz: North 45 3-4 west 139.40 poles to *v- j slmmon; north 68 3-4 W. 28 poles to a stone; north 34 3-4 W. 10 poles to center of spring; N. 41 1-4 w. 28 poles to stone; north 5 3-4 E. 18 poles to willow; north 63 1-4 W. 74 1-4 poles to a stake and point- j ers on south bank of Buffalo Creek; then up the meanders of Buffalo Creek north 46 E. 46 poles to willow on south bank of Creek; then up the meanders of creek North 43 1-4 E. 114 poles to the beginning, con taining 198 7-10 acres more or less This is the same tract of land as, (that conveyed by E. E. McBrayer to R. R. McCraw by deed dated April 20, 1926 and registered in book 3-R, page 463, register of deeds office Cleveland county. This sale is made by reason of the failure of R. R. McCraw and wife Zula McCraw to pay off and dis- : charge the Indebtedness secured by 1 said deed of trust to the North : Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank cr j Durham. A deposit of 10% will be! required of the purchaser at the j sale. This the 30th day of December,. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM, Trustee, Durham, N. C. Bynum E. Weathers, Atty. Works Hard, Dances, Gains 3 Lbs. a Week "I work hard, dance and havi gained 3 pounds a week since tak lng Vinol. My nervousness Is al most all gone.”—Mrs. F. Lang. Vinol Is a delicious compound o) cod liver peptone, iron, etc. Nerv ous, easily tired, anemic people are surprised how Vinol gives new pep sound sleep and a BIO appetite The very first bottle often adds sev eral pounds weight to thin Children or adults. Tastes delicious. Quinn’' Drug Store. adv IT NEVER RAINS BUT IT POURS We didn’t intend to lis ten—really we didn’t bui ve heard a young lady wh< iad lost her garter say t< ter sister: “It isn’t the cosi pf stockings, but the UP CEEP that worries me.” The thing that worries is mostly is to get you t( est the quality of Sinelaii products. Autoists realize hat after all the cheapest Jis and oil is the most ex pensive. They prove that elief by buying Sinelaii as and Opaline oil for ulti mate savings. Cleveland Oil Co. Distributors Removal Announcement Of pA DR. D. M MORRISON TO WOOLWORTH BUILDING, SHELBY, N. t. I wish to announce the removal of my place of busi ness from the Webb Building, to up-stairs at head of steps in the Woolworth Building, Shelby. N. C. In my new location I will be better prepared to give you better Eyg service. For Eye Examination and Optical Repairing-See me in my new location. DR. D. M. MORRISON OPTOMETRIST - EYE SPECIALIST Woolworth Building At Head of Steps) Shelby, N. C. j NOW every household Frigidaire • inside and out is + Porcelain on-steel Every Frigidaire household cabinet-even the small est model — is now Porcelain-on-steel inside and out. Rust-proof Porcelain-on-steel with smooth, lustrous surfaces as easy to clean as chinaware. And all have the famous "Cold Control". See these beautiful new Frigidaires. Call at our showroom today. S-B7S FRIGIDAIRE MORE THAN A MILLION IN USE Pendleton’s Refrigerating SHELBY, N. C.

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