20,000 People Read Star Want Advs-The Cost Is Small; Results . _____ p _ __ Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size type 1 cent per word each inaertion. V This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. aos, mat amount to less tnan i!3c o FOR NICE PIGS AND fcboats. M B. Costner, Shelby. 3t 6p FOR RENT; THREE ROOMS on Grover street. Also five room house on same street. R. B. Cost ier. 2t «p WANTED TC> clean your blankets, rugs and quilts. Shel by Steam Laundry. Phone 18. tf-24c ECONOMY IS THE BIG WORD today. Let O. E. Ford Co. help you economise by saving you money on jour requirements to their line. T.t6c BATTERY SERVICE, Au tomobile Glass Replacements, Starter and Generator Re pairing. J. L. GAFFNEY, tf-c PLENTY OF GALVENTZED roofing to all lengths at the right price at O. E. Ford Co.'s 31 6c " IF YOU ARE THINKING OF huilding be sure and see O. E. Ford Co. for^your materials. They will save you money. 3t *c LET O. E. FORD CO. FIGURE vith you on your hay and oats re miirements. 3t tc FOUR ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD location for sale on easy terms or will trade for vacant property. Horace Kennedy. tf-25c O. E. FORD CO. WILL SAVE you money on galvenlzed roofing, lime, cement and brick. 3t Go — PHILCO — DIAMOND GRID BATTER IES Automobile Electric Co. Phone 380 N. Washington St. tf-6c CALL ON O E. FORD CO. FOR wagons, farm trucks and all kinds of farm machinery. 3t 6c FOR FACE AND COMMON brick, »n«l ail kinds of building ma terial see O, E. Ford Co. 3t 6c HIGHEST CA§H PRICES PAID for scrap copper, brass, aluminum, batteries, radiators. Iron, rubber and rags. t Fink Iran and Metal Co., Tn.ur Alley, rear Kendall Medicine Co., Phcme 580. tf 16c MR. FARMER IT WILL PAY you big to see O. E. Ford Co. icr feed oats, seed oats and any kit d of hay. ’ 3:6c FURS REMODELLED: HAVE that old style neck piece and m"tf made into a nifty new style choker. We also remake and repair fur coats. All work guaranteed. The Fur Shop, Spartanburg, S. C., 138' E. Main St. 3t Bp HOGS FOR SALE Dressed or live, call 333, Virgil Dedmon. tf-23c I INCOME TAX RETURNS: Ex pert service on Income Tax Re turns; charges reasonable at room 4 and 5 Royster Building Tuesday and Wednesday. Special appoint ments by telephoning 708. U30 FOR RENT: « ROOM HOUSE on Sumter street, one block from square. Ray Alen .at Moore .and Stewart. ' v St ec WfcLIt PAPERING AND INTBR lor painting. All work guaranteed Prices to suit pocketbook. T. E. Meetze Sons, Gaffney, S. C., P. O Box 153, Phone 584. 12 30p cense No.’ 12-21 left at gin week ago. Owner may have same ^ by identifying it and paying for this advertisement, Lester Allen’s Cot ton Gin. 3t 6c ""iF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO sell, trade, rent or want to boy try THE STAR WANT AD COLUMN, FOR SALE 1S26 MODEL FORD coupe to be sold at public auction at the Jail Tuesday Jan. 14 at noon. • 3t-Gp FOR RENT - TWO two room apartments. Steam Heat. Close in. AjP. Weathers. 3t-8j -—^-i YOU CAN NOW HAVE YOUR dress-making, sewing, pleating and hemstitching all done at the Shelby Hemstitching Co. Union Bank Building. -- v • 6t-3c FOR SALE OR RENT: 8 BOOM house. Whiionant Street. Very de sirable, new, near school. Splendid place to live. Reasonably priced. O. S. Young, Shelby, N, O. • tf 23c CHOICE VACANT BUILDING lots. Desirable location. Water and sewer connections. Good neighbor hood. Near school. Reasonable prices and terms. C. S. Young, Shel by, N. C. ■ * ttS3c WE BUY REMNANT Cotton. D. A. Beam Co. Phone 130. 12t-8c LOST—CHRISTMAS EVE BE tween 10 and 11 o’clock in front of Rose's 10c Stone a brown leather purse containing keys with Marvin Blanton identification tag on them. Also contained N. C. State pin. Liberal reward if returned to Winnie Blanton, Box 640. or call 350-M. tf-30c WE BUY CORN. D. A. Beam Co. Phone 130. 12t-8c GUARANTEED Flour $3.45, 24 Plain or Self - Rising 95c, Irish Potatoes 5c lb., Lard 8 lbs. 98c, Fat Back meat 12&c. C. Hf. Reinhardt, South Shelby. 4t-8c NOTICE: I WILL SELL TO THE highest bidder, January 14, 1930, beginning at 10 o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. E. Cabaniss, the follow ing, belonging E. E. Cabaniss, de ceased: Three mules and a two horse wagon, a Fordson tractor and plow', a wheat drill and Dodge car, blacksmith tools, potato house stock, fodder and straw, and all kinds of farming tools and other personal property belonging to estate of E. E. Cabaniss. S. J. Cabaniss, Admr. 4t6p USED AUTO PARTS FOR SALE. Pink Iron and Metal Co., Trade Al ley, rear Kendall Medicine Co., phone 580. tf 18c WE BUY JUNK AND WREOK ed automobiles. Fink Iron and Met al Co., Trade Alley, rear Kendall Medicine Co., phone 580. tf 16c FARMERS! THET EAGLE Poultry company, Alvin Har din manager, is located at the Seaboard depot in Shelby and always pays highest cash prices for poultry. We also carry a complete line of dairy and poultry feeds. See us when in town. tf-6c FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR milk cow.or mule. Chevrolet truck. C. A. Morrison, Shelby. 5t 8c , FOR RENT: FOUR ROOM apartment with private bath. Cloee in. Phone 41. tf 10c TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. Mrs. Rippy, 413 S. DeKalb St. 2t 19p FRESH MILK COW FOR SALE, also heifer calf. At Dr. Osborne’s place. D. H, Connor, Lawndale, N, C., R-4. It lOp .-WILL TRADE — CITY property for country proper-' ty. Have number of desirable homes. J. Worth Silver, Box 673> Shelby. Phone 544-W. - 6t-10p FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUC ion at my home on the Sam Mc Cluney place next to ^Trinity school house In No. 2 township on Satur day, January 25, 1930 at 11 o’clock: One mule, plow tools, harrows, planters, guano plows. Terms cash. This January 10, 1930. Z. T. Brack ett, owner. 2t lOp FRANCES WASHINGTON FUR nace for sale. Can be seen at Star office. tf 10c Turns Tables. El Paso. Tex.—Federico Guerrero. Juarez, Mexico, celebrated his at tainment to manhood by spanking his father, but he still claims the score is far from being even. “Papa, I whip you now,” said Fdderico. “Many times you made it hard for me to sit down' when I was a kid. I don’t like that. I was a good boy.” With those words, Federico picked up his father and spanked him. Guerrero, sr., had his son arrest ed on a charge of assault. ^ . “GUS AND GUSSIE”- Picking The Right Trail. NO LOCK ... 1CMASID * Gov RDB BLOCKS, AM* WW6N I KETCmBD HIM IT VS*ASN* LUDV LANS AT ALL & I •» Kin« Faatufa I**. Orta* Wrtt#i» ngltta r»fcarv»6 wnyotDNT vtsu Trail.' him ? MAV8E IT WAS SOMEONE LDOV* hireo TO write on OUR WINDOW, bR AAAVftB it's A FIEND who HAS HIM IN CAPTiviTy AND HAS BEEN SENDING ALL. HOSE y MV5TERV AASSSA6ES /l5«gSgw An’ AAAVfte IT VMAS THE N. MAN PROM AC BOST TP* > STREET <30IN' TO JOB S BEANBRV TO OfcT MM3ELP A CUP O’ COPPKK .... AN* I TJ-tiNK MV TWEORVS 86TT6R N VOURN, BECuS. POO ONt TWIN©, THAT'S WHO nr VJAS O-tASED TUS \ WRONG T WHOEVER^ WROTE ON IMS WINDOW MAD TWO MINUTES' START ON ME, AN*I DON' KNOW WHICH WAV ME WENT*. L vbu OPf»OSlTI Vbu *11014*1 IF VOU PlCKtD w^y, -tw» RL1C9I WAV WOUUO “*<« CTTMKR... A Radio Critic WBlL I <sot *T& <3o On "Tt-iE tTWEREAL 8LUB -AGAIN i AN LODV, Tlans nr Gosw. NOW WB KNOW MB’S 1*PES AND LOO SB, IT'S EVEN MONCV WES listening IN ...... Iwuliinn.HiUUi ip 1930 WRiiii!iiir;l|!l Kng F—tar<» tyndifit*. Int.. Grwt Bftt»in'riyKu“r»MrrV|^3 n \ wiuu now TURN over UMCU* MIKE TtJ vtoua QARUN®, ^(.UDV LANE. r t Mcae.aus AWIRg POR Vfou Vtoo W6MI wao««* UAO 1*41* ME COULD N WA‘ 866*4 L««T*k)iNI'I / ,N. j Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By RENN DRUM SHELBY JUST seems to be one of those places where public speakers of ability are produced. There isn’t any necessity of running over a list of the town’s outstanding orators, yet since Emancipation Day, on January 1, for the colored folks any number of people about town have com mented upon the fact that Shelby has some able colored speakers as wel) as white ones. THIS COMMENT centers to quite an extent about the speech of Rev. John A. Hunter, one of the town’s best known colored men. “Clyde Hoey, Max Gardner or any of the others would have had a task excelling the oratory of John that day,” Mr. W. B. Nix says. "And John was pretty clever at tying in Illustrations and Jokes with the trend of his speech,” he added. The speaker, he said, laid parti cular emphasis on the fact that the negro cannot get anywhere unless the white man. stands by him. To illustrate his point the speaker re lated the following episode: Some years back a colored man who lived near a flag stop on a main line railroad wanted to catch the train at that point. Journeying- there he t was informed that the train wouid stop only when flagged and would , not stop then except to pick up white passengers. In a nearby field the colored man noticed a white man working. He walked over and asked the white man to come stand by him near the tracks until the train came along. *1 don’t want to catch the train,” the white man remonstrated. "That’s all right, boss.” the negro said as he heard the traih whistle, “Just come stand by me a minute, please.'' » . » The white man walked over and stood by the negro at the tracks, and the negro waved frantically to catch the engineer's eye. As the train reached them the brakes screeched and it came to a dead stop. The negro crawled on, the white man went back to his work, and the train pounded on down the rails. Down the aisle came the con ductor. “Where’s that white man who got on with you?” he asked the negro. “Boss, he w«n’t go in’ nowhere and he didn’t get on; he were Just standing by me.” “That’s about the only way,” de clared the Rev. Mr. Hunter that “us colored folks can expect to pro gress—with the white man stand ing by use.” WHILE THE topic centers about the colored people it is recalled that a building and loan official of Shel by recently made the statement that he has had it proven to him that colored people, for the moet part, prefer to pay rent rather than to own their homes because of the worry connected with home owner ship. According to the Bit man an assistant of his pui nased the homes qf three colored families be cause they could not keep up their payments. He then turned around and rented the fames to the same famiies, and to date they have not missed a single payment—and the rent Is only live cents less per week than the building and loan pay ments, which within a lew years would have given them their homes clear of debt. —SHELBY SHORTS MRS. STACK, wife of the Mon roe jurist who Is holding court here, occupies quite often a seat In the court room and devotes herself to knitting while her husband keeps the wheels of Justice grinding. Oc casionally some whitness on the stand sounds interesting and she stops knitting to listen, but, lor the 'most part, she just knits and thinks .... Frank Hoey, the nattily dress ed druggist, once operated a livery stable where the Arcade hotel now stands—and that’s a new one, we bet, on the youhg folks about town .... Synthetic gin is being made in Shelby from rubbing alcohol, yet the colored hoys continue to take theirs straight. MAJOR McBRAYER, a native of Shelby now living at Portland, Ore gon, the country Arthur Brisbane says is the greatest section in the world, has some praise for “Around Our Town” in a letter to the boss. All of which is greatly appreciated, particularly because it was address ed where it should do the most good from a selfish standpoint, but in his letter the major notes that he isn't personally acquainted with the' con ductor of the colyum—and that, perhaps, explains everything. ANY NUMBER of Shelby people tune In their radios each night on W. K. Henderson, the Louisiana scandal-monger of the air, but In sofar as we can observe not a one of the chain stores In this section 5END IT TO: THE WHITEWAY “Quality” Cleaning - Dyeing Pressing 105 — Phones - 106 ... L. has indicated that a petition for bankruptcy will be filled. It'a some what like this: All of the girls you see slipping into Ebeltoft's to pur chase the sensational and sensual magazines will not take the chance the heroines in the magazine stories take—not by a couple of rumble seats. If you get us. Whereat we sound off: Good night, world, doggone you! SPARTANBURG MAN .MAY DIC OF ( KAMI INJURIES Charlotte •bserver. Spartanburg.—Samuel N. Miller, 00, of this city, traveling salesman for the Chesterfield Milling com pany, Asheville, is in a hospital here suffering from probably fatal in juries sustained when his car was struck by a C. C. and O. train at Chesnee Tuesday. Physicians said he was Internally injured and may have a fractured skull. The accident occurred at a grade crossing in the town. Railway offi cials there said Miller evidently did not see the approaching train in time to avoid being hit. The. force of the Impact carried the auto 100 feet. Miller being thrown clear of the machine. , , j -T--;- :• •••— . " n; ■! mi"" mi'll — — — Here’s An Error, New York.—The new edition of the British “Who’s Who" says that Colonel Lindbergh mtu-rled “Eliza beth, daughter of Dwight Davis, U. S. Ambassador to Mexico.” j GET AHEAD! Beginning in February and ending in November of thi,s year, we will pay out $164, 300.00 in cash and in can-* celled mortgages to a large number of thrifty B, & L. believers— Men, Women, Boys And Girls* Six years ago they took out Building and Loan shares and they have stuck to it, paying 25c per share, per week. Seems like a long, time, but it's not. They are looking for ward to receiving their checks, and cancelled mort gages, and we are happy to start next month mail ing out the checks and pa pers. Start Shares Today. Get Ahead the B. & L. Way. J. L. SUTTLE, Sec.-Treas. CLEVELAND BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Try Star .Wants Ads. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING OF UNION TRUST CO. OF SHELBY, N. C. The stockholders of the Union Trust company of Shelby, N. C. *111 hold their annual meeting for tht election of directors for the ensu ing year, and any othe: business which may come before the meet ing, at eleven o'clock a. m.. Tuesday, January 21. 1930 at their banking room In Shelby, N. C. FORREST ESKRIDGE, Cashier. Star Advertising Pays NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SHELBY, Jf. C. The stockholders of the First National bank of Shelby. N. C. will hold their annual meeting for the election of directors for the ensuing year and any other business which may come before the meeting at eleven o'clock a. tn. Tuesday, Jan uary 14. 1930, at their banking room In Shelby, N. C. FORREST ESKRIDGE, Cashier. Star Advertising Pay# Nonas of STOCKHOLDERS LAND RANK * PANT, SHELBT, N. Notice 1* hereby give . nnual meeting of the of the Cleveland Bank Co., of Shelby, N. \S., wit their banking room q 14, MM. at 11 o purpose of electla ensuing year, and that may J. J. Lattimore, was. ■ CONDENSED STATEMENT OF UNION TRUST CO. SHELBY, N.C. Including Branch Offices at Lattimore, Lawndale and Fall ston, at the Close of Business, December 31st, 192$. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRE THOUSAND DOLLARS. » I — RESOURCES — Loans and Discounts__$844,537.41 Overdrafts rr..„....,v-_* 1,081.16 Bonds and Stocks -_>__ 4,600.00 Real Estate Owned _17,881.28 Fixtures __■___.__ 9,449.95 Cash on hand and due from other banks_ 258,960.85 TOTAL ..$1,136,510.65 — LIABILITIES — Capital.. $100,' Surplus-- 100, Undivided Profits_ Reserved for Interest ^_86, Dividend Unpaid__ 8, Deposits_„ * TOTAL.$1,136£H % . THE CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS OF THE UNION TRUST C Will be pleased with the above report, which reflects gro and encouraging progress. On the basis of the Strength Growth of this Bank we solicit your business. We are ns ally, pleased with this statement as it is one of the best have ever published. UNION TRUST CO., SHELBY - LATTIMORE - LAWNDALE _ FALI BANKING - INSURANCE - TRUSTS. “IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH.”

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