tv. 10 PAGES TODAY -i Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. K" m«ll, per yc?r '. Grand. Mildred McKinney, Edith Held Ramseur, Helen Roberts. ' torietta Hoyle, Bennet Teele, Clyde Wright, Roland Gantt, Vivian Bulee, Sara Dellinger, Thelma Spangler. Juniors—C. L. Austell. Pegirun Holland, UsKdc Mini, Jessie Hum phries, Helen Roberts. James :tc Swain, Annie Mae Bobbitt, Edith Blanton, Elizabeth Blanton, Helen Bess, Frances Carver, Mildred Camp, Lena Hamrick. Annie Lou Hoyle, Matilda Jenks, Beverly Jones, Alice Goode King, May Lattimorc, Mary Llnebergcr, Evelyn Short, Sarah Thompson, Ormi Lee White. Mildred Weaver, All cell Vaughn, Milla Putnam, Louise Miller, Georg; Blantcn, Felix Gee, John Trviii, j;, Ninth grade-Tsabel Aj'inouy Alena Blanton, Sara Louise Falls, Edwin Gidney, Bernice Houser..Mil dred Laughridge. Edith Ledtord, Virginia McMurry, Nancy Sperling, Elizabeth Thompson, Mary Sue Thompson, Ethel White, Herman Best, Herbert Hamrick, Frank Jenk ins, Carlos Young, Hattie Mae Hum phries, Evelyn Smalley, Ralph Al len. Eighth Grade—Ruth Fo’rbis, Mar garet Ford. Lula Belle Huskey, Hazel Putnam. Jean Thompson Loris Dover Griffin Holland, Rich ard LeGrand, Colbert, MeKmght, Edward Post; jr., Maxine Costner, Ruth DePriest, Annie Ruth Del linger, Dorothy Leonard, Helen Mill er. Cornelia Sparks, Edith Saun ders, William Kendrick, Thurman Moore, Norman Nolan, Roy New ton, Ruth Smith, Bobby Hoyle, J. B. Spangler, Tla Mae Mcrehead. Jefferson School. First grade—Vernon Francis, El len Blanton. Mildred Lazenby, Catherine Haymcr, Irene Morgan, i Clyde Reynolds. Edna Earl De Vine Selma Moore, Martha Teele, Mar shall Carpenter. Second grade—Jaquellne Jones, (Continued on page ten.) Hickory Merchants Association In Action Against Chain Stores "Hello World” Henderson No Doubt ( buckled Over This Hiekorv News llem. Hickory.—All chain sty-ires a net their managers must own property in Hickory if they arc to become members of the Hickory Merchants association according to a ruling drafted by the executive board of the association to become effective February 1. The new ruling after an open break between inde pendent merchants and chain store operators when the secretary of the association, Mrs. Frankie Bedingfield dropped six chain stores frem mem bership in the organization. A number of merchants have x pressed the desire ta become mem* ~~a——* —m~ — tiers of (lie 'association here, pro • videri the chains were out, it was ae elared and In one case a Hickory business house resigned member ship due to the fart that chain store managers were members. Practically all members of the board of the merchants association were present for the hotly contested question of whether the chain stores should remain members of the as sociation, or their names be dropped from the list. The ruling states that “ail chain stores will be excluded from mem bership in the Hickory Merchants association except those who own property in Hickory partly owned Dy the local manager. Such stores may be added upon action of the board ot directors.' ,- v ’ ’ ' ’ ' * ^ Hard Contest I* or Highs Here Friday Glenwood Tram One Of first In Section, Gave I.nttimorr Tough Battle, Basketball Ians hereabouts will have the opportunity Friday night of seeing an unusually good cage contest in the Shelby high tin -‘an with Coach Morris' quint taking on thy strong .. Last week the Glenwood five gave the fast Lattlmorc team one of Its hardest games on the Latttmore court. Since that time Latttmore has nosed out a win over Shelby, and comparative scores show the Shelby and Glenwood quints to be of about the same chllbre. So far this season the local out fit, has exhibited off and on form, being exceptionally good in theii floor work and shooting one night and the reverse the next night. If the locals have one of their big nights Friday, or round into per manent good form, Shelby may check, up another wi/n, but other wise- it will be one of those fast and furious indoor ccntests which will keep Ians nervous throughout, Forest City Defeats Local Cagers There Cwpl. Dorsfy l,<- a <1 > Rutherford Quint To Win Over Shelby Team. Playing at Forest City last night the Shelby high basketball quint lost a hard-fought game to the fast Fores' City cagers by a score of 32 to 25. Dcrsey, captain of the Forest City team and rated as one of the bcEt basketball performers in this sec tion, was the star of the game, shooting six field goals and two foul goals for a total of 14 points. Moss, Forest Cl! y center, was second with 10 points, Eskridge's six points led for Shelby with Farris coming second with live points. Messrs. Everett Houser and Renn Drum attend the funeral yesterday of Mr. M. B, Cicdbey. father of Earl Godbey, editor of The Greensboro News, at Harmony. Mr. D. R. Sibley left Monday for a business trip to Atlanta. Civic Clubs, Farmers Will Meet Thursday Prominent Speaker To Address (lathering Of 140 Men. Prises To Be Awarded. Rotarians und Kiwanians will have a joint meeting Thursday eve ning at 7:30 o’clock at the Hotel Charles when 00 farmers from every township in the county will be spe i lal guests in a program emphasis ing the "live at home” Idea spon sored by Governor Gardner. 1318 program committees of the two clubs met. yesterday and invited the • three members of the farm board from each township and added to the list some 25 farmers who are considered “key" men from var ious sections to get the message to be delivered by a prominent speak er from the state department of agriculture at Raleigh. At this meeting the nine high men in the cotton growing contest con \ ducted last year will be awarded ! their prises and the speaker whose name could not be learned this morning will deliver an address. The clubs were forced to omit the names of many farmers they would like to have had at this meeting, out it is planned to have another meeting in the Spring to which ‘ Governor Gardner will be Invited and at that time other farmers will be invited. Facilities for serving a banquet In the hotel are limited to about 150 people so tire guest list this time hecessarily had to be limited. Every farmer who has been in vited Is expected to meet with the Rotary and Klwanls- olui» this dinner and be guests of these two organizations. Mount Sinai Church Roof Found Ablaze Congregation Was At Warship When • -fire Wm- Kwe -ladles C lub Meets. (Special to The Star.) Shelby, R-2—Rev. Jenkins, our new pastor filled his appointments at Mt. Sinai Saturday and Sunday afternoon, bringing to us each time a wonderful message of Gospel truths. Much excitement was caused at the church Sunday afternoon, a few minutes after the service be gan by a blaze cf fire on the root. Some one approaching the building at that time saw the fire and spread the alarm In time for' the blaze to be extinguished with very little damage to the building. Our B. Y. P. U. is progressing nicely. The following new officers were recently elected. Miss Kora Ellis, president; Mr. Webb Hunt, vice president; Miss Buna Rollins; secretary; Miss Ocie Putnam, cor responding secretary; Miss Ruth Hunt, pianist; Mr. Hythe Putnam, chorister; Miss Frances Putnam, Bible quiz reader; Miss Norina Rollins, captain for group No. Miss Ocie Putnam, captain for group No. 2; Mr. Andrew Hunt captain for group No. 3. The ladies club of this commun ity held its January meeting at the home of Mrs. J. H. Rolltns Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Wallace made a very interesting and helpful talk on •'Gardening.'’ At the close of the meeting* the members were invited into the dining room where Mrs. Rollins, assisted by Misses Noriiie and Buna Rollins and Miss Nora Ellis served delicious refreshments. Misses Eugenia and Maude Rol lins were at home to spend the week-end. - Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hamrick and daughter. Miss Selma Hamrick were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harrill Sunday. Misses Buna Rollins and Moca Ellis spent the week-end with Miss Cecelia Padgett in the Beaver Dam community. Mr. Clive Harrill wa3 at home from Polkvillc during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Weaver of Gaffney spent Sunday in this com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawkins of Shelby w'ere visitors at the home o* Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hawkins Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Ector Ledbetter were visitors in this section Sunday. The weekly Sunday school teach ers meeting will be held at the I home of Mr. and Mrs. Shelt Clary Friday evening. Brother Of Shelby Woman Is Dead Mr. and Mrs. Tom Miller ami Mrs. Fred Morton have returned from Wilson where they attended the funeral of Mr. Solon Moore, a brother of Mrs. Miller. Mr. Moore died following a illness resulting from blood orung. ' ' » '