VOL. 12 PAGES TODAY XXXVI. No. 25 SllELBY, N. C. WEDNESD’Y. FEB. 26, 1930. Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Altcrnoons. By mail, per year (in advance) $2.50 Carrier, per year (i nadvance) $3.00 LATE NEWS THE MARKET. Cotton, per lb.-...... — 13!(iC Cotton Seed, per bu.37!£c Rain And Colder. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Partly cloudy and colder tonight, preceded by rain on the coast. Thursday—fair and colder. Woman Official Resigns. Mrs. Kate Burr Johnson, commis sioner of public welfaie and the only woman state official in the history of North Carolina, resigncJ yesterday to become superintend ent of the New Jersey home for girls. The Wiggins Case. With 14 witnesses introduced yes terday It is likely that the state will finish its case in Charlotte today in the trial of five defendants for their alleged connection with the slaying of Mrs. Ella May Wiggins in Gaston county during the tex tile labor disturbances some months back. County Marshal Works Up U. S. Liquor Charges Gard Hamrick Active In Gaston County Lining Up Defendants On Prohibi tion Charges For Shelby Federal Court, When Deputy Marshal «F. 73. (Gard) Hamrick, of Boiling Springs, this county, comes heme from Charlotte for a visit he may have tidier reasons for his tiips than a »ocial call upon relatives At least ’ne has shown such activity in Gas ton county recently that bootleg gers, moonshiners and pint peddle •s in Cleveland may keep a weather eye open for his visits home. On Saturday and Sunday, the Gastonia Gazette says the Cleve land county deputy marshal and Federal Prohibition Officer Gilk arrested six men in Gastonia for violating the prohibition laws to gether with a 12-year-old ooy charged with breaking in the West Gastonia post office. The Gazette says that the two federal officer" secured their evidenca in the six cases some months back but made no arrests uhtil last week-end, presumably to save jaJ costs un .11 the term of federal court which opens in Shelby on March 17. The six men arrested in Gaston for violation of the federal laws were as follows: Clarence Tate, who was released from the county Jail under $500 bond: Sam Short, in jail in default of $lp00 bond; John Harvey and Walter L. Smith, for whom no preliminary hearing has been held; Tom “Crip" Bridges, in jail in default of $1,500 bond, and Glenn Gregory, in jail in default cf $1,000 bond. Other arrests by the federal men prior to the United States court term here are anticipated in Gas ton by the Gazette. Ex-Service Men In County May Secure World War Medals Attorney W. 8. Beam, vice-com mander of the Warren Hoyle Post. American legion here, has learned that quite a number of ex-service men in Cleveland county have nev er secured the handsome World war medal Issued gratis by the state of North Carolina, and after corresponding' with Adjutant Gen eral J. Van B. Metts has been in formed that these medals may he secured upon proper application. Mr Beam, or Commander Tom Aber nethy of the Warren Hoyle post, will be glad to forward names of Cleveland ex-service men who have not received this medal to Adju tant General Metts, who will see that all entitled to the medal through honorable discharges get them. TOOTS AND BUTTERCUP. Toots t follow the interesting events in the family life of TOOTS AND CAS PER and their baby BUTTERCUPS —Now running in each issue o? THE STAR. Rush Padgett Resigns As Pastor Of Second Baptist Church Here Rev. Rush Pad gett, for 7 years pastor of the Second Baptist church he.e. tendered his resig nation to the con gregation Sunday night. He and nls family will leave Ap ril 1 for Ramseur, Randolph county, where he will become pastor of two churches, succeeding in that f:'eld Rev. W A. Elam, Cleveland native, who coni 3s back to this county to be pastor of thr3e churches. Under Mr. Pad gett the Second Baptist church has made remarkable gains. No steps have been taken as yet to select a successor “to I Mr. Padgett. Southern States Now Taking Disciplinary Measures Against Bolters In Democratic Ranks Thirteenth Couple Gets License Here Whether a Gaston county couple knew they would get the thirteenth marriage license to be issued in Cleveland county or not, did not deter them from coming to Shelby to wed. Dorse Anthony and Miss Elizabeth Clark of Cherryville got the thirteenth license to be issued in Cleveland county Monday and were married by Rev. D. F. Putnam at his home on West Warren street A number of friends accompanied them to Shelby for the ceremony. Mr. Anthony is a prominent young farmer. Waco To Have Big Play On Saturday What promises to be an unusual ly interesting play will be staged at the Waco high school auditorium Saturday night, March 1, at 8 o'clock by the Woman's club as sisted by local talent. The play cen ters about the life of a lovable country girl who attended a fash ionable boarding school, got into exclusive society and was then fac ed with the problem of deciding be tween “Home Ties'’ and her social whirl. Charge Negroes With Stealing Cow Hides City officers yesterday arrested John Wilson, colored, and are look ing for another colored man on the charge of stealing 600 pounds of cow and calf hides from the D. A Beam firm here and selling the hides to Schwartz & Sons at Char lotte. A member of the Charlotte firm, It is said, identified Wilson as one of the two selling the hides to him. Democratic Leaders Try To Mend Breaks. Two States Open Arms To Hoovcrcrats. Atlanta. Ga.—Democratic effort to mend the break in the south caused by defections to Herbert Hoover in 1928 have brought dis ciplinary action from the party or ganizations In three states. Alabama barred as candidates those who supported the republican presidential ticket and those who openly and publicly opposed the nominee of the democratic party. The state committee welcomed back as voters, however, all who support ed Hoover. This ruled out of this year s pri mary United States senator J. Thomas Heflin. In returning Hef lin’s primary entrance fee. state chairman E. W. Pettus said that Heflin had declared that he did not vote the republican ticket but fail ed to state that he did not openly and publicly oppose the election of the democratic presidential nomi nee. Heflin has announced for re election in face of the ruling of the party state committee. Arkansas Takes Action, The' Arkansas democratic state committee has ordered enforcement of the rule forbidding bolters from participating in the primary. The rule which already existed does not allow any one who bolts in the general election to vote in the dem ocratic primary for two years. Despite a request from Dr. A. C. Millard, Methodist editor and leader of the anti-Smith forces, the committee declined to change the rule. Millard has announced the probability of taking steps to or ganize into a third party, demo crats who supported Hoover, Both of these states were carried by Alfred E. Smith, the democratic presidential nominee, two years ago, although the majority in Ala bama was only 7,000 as compared with 67.000 for John W. Davis, democrat, in 1924. Smith carried Arkansas by 41,000 (CONTINUED ON FAGE TWELVE.) Bailey Would Keep Republicans Out Of Democratic Primary This Year; Cites N. C. Election Law Democratic Candidate Wants Elec tion Law Followed In June. Law Is Explicit. Raleigh.—Republicans will be kept out of the democratic primary this year, J. W. Bailey, candidate for the democratic nomination to the United States senate, said here at the close of the first day his headquarters were officially open ed C. L. Shuping, of Greensboro, who will manage Mr. Bailey’s* cam paign against Senator F. M. Sim mons, opened headquarters and hi a statement said that the BaiJey campaign will be "clean and hon est" and “maintained at all times upon a high plane.” To support his declaration tnat “republicans will be kept out of the primary" in June, Mr. Bailey cited the North Carolina election laws as amended by the 1929 general as sembly. The law says "no person shall be entitled to participate, or vote in' the primary election of any politi cal party unless he has first de clared and had recorded on the reg istration book that he affiliates with the political party in whose primary he proposes to vote and is In good faith a member thereof, meaning that he intends to affil iate with the political party in whose primary he proposes to vote and is in good faith a member thereof.” The statute further declares that when a person expresses the desire to vote at a primary he shall de clare the political party with which he affiliates and in whose primary he desirtv to vote and shall be tur nished with the ballot of that party. And ‘‘at the time of voting, the name of the voter shall be entered on a primary ballot book to be provided and kept for the purpose, with the name of the party whose ticket he voted, the book to be kept in the clerk’s office until the next election.” Mr. Shuping said that Mr. Bai ley's campaign was very ‘‘encourag ing” and predicted his nomination, j County Club In Lively Meeting Here Last Night Several Speakers On Good Program Membership Fees And Due* Of Or ganization Reduced. Farm Agent, Teachers Talk. An enthusiastic and very interest ing meeting of the newly organized Cleveland County club, a county aide boosters organization, was held last night at the Wayside res taurant here, the program center ing about the live-at-home drive in the county. Twenty-five members were pres ent, several of them new members, and the meeting was presided over by Prof. Lawton Blanton, of Lattl more, who is the first president of the club. Interesting Talks. In keeping with the live-at-home idea three very beneficial and in teresting talks were made by R. W. 8hoffner, county farm agent; P. M. Coley, agricultural teacher at the Lattimore high school: and C. E. Dillingham, agricultural teacher at the Polkville No. 8 high school. The three speakers pointed out how Cleveland county lives at horn* How and how the farmers of the county may produce even more food and feed and thus become less depend ent upon outside sources. With the club membership composed of lead ing citizens from all sections of the county it is thought that the talks of the three agricultural men will have much influence in the county during 1930. A short but engaging talk was also made by A. E. Cline, chairman of the county commissioners and head of the county agricultural board. In addition to references to the live-at-home drive, Mr. Cline cited instances whereby the county club can be of general help to the entire county, all citizens and tax payers. In order to bring about a larger membership and so strengthen The club that its work may be mo-e beneficial the gathering decided that the initiation feet should be re duced to $2.50 and that the annual dues should also be lowered' to tne same amount. With the reduced fees and dues present officials end members of the organization hope to double the membership within the next few months. Liquor Charges And Kodak Thefts Heard By Recorder Tuesday Coper, Tut Driver, Ordered Not To Drive Anto For Year. Girls Steel Kodaks. Booze cases end kodak stealing^ featured yesterday’s session of coun ty recorder’s court here. Bus Coper, local taxi man who escaped some weeks back after of ficers raided his residence and found around one-half gallon of whiskey, later returning to give him self up, was fined $75 and the costs by Judge Horace Kennedy, and was also given a three months suspend ed sentence and ordered not to drive an automobile here for a per iod of 12 months. Raymon Grigg, who skipped bond on a whiskey charge some weeks also came back for trial, was given a six months sentence, but took an appeal to superior court. Two colored girls, Cora Lee Chan cellor and Emma Lou Harris,* were fined $10 and the costs each for stealing two kodaks from the Stephenson drug store and were al so ordered by the court to pay for the kodaks. The girls were appre hended when Cora Lee carried her kodak to the Ellis studio to have her films developed. The other ko dak, however, was recovered In Gastonia, having been given to her sweetheart there by Emma Lou. Yesterday afternoon the girls were still in jail not being able as yet to raise enough money to cause the cell doors to swing open. Cleveland Farmer* Take To Lespedeza Hay Crop Boosted By Union And Stanley Being Ad anted By Farmers Here. The tanners of Cleveland county are taking rapidly to lespedeza, the hay and pasture crop boosted so much in recent years by Union and Stanly counties, according to Farm Ageht R. W. Shoffner in his agri cultural colum In The Star today. One farmer, he says, recently made a trip to Stanly to? 25 bush els. One drawback to lespedeza, the county agent says, is dodder, but in his agricultural article today he cites expert information on this handicap. Bad Checks Become Numerous Here; 27 Warrants In I Day Worthies* Checks Flood I.ocal Busi ness Houses. Majority Written By Whites. Local officers, county and city are today on the trail of writers, of 21 bad checks. Just that many worthless check warrants were written by Squire Sylvanus Gardner on charges pre ferred yesterday by local business concerns through county and city officers. Of the 27 defendants charged In the warrants with writing wortn less checks 26 are white and one Is a colored man. Moss Of Grover Falls To Death Young Man Of Grover Sustain* Fatal Injuries As lie Falls From Pole Today. W. W. Moss, young man in his twenties, living at Grover, fell this morning from a 30 foot pole of the Southern Public rtllltles company and sustained injuries from which he died two hours later. After the fall he was rushed to a Gastonia hos pital where he died without re gaining consciousness. Mr. Moss lived at Grover where he lias a wife and two children. He had been going back and fort.i working at Bessemer City for the Southern Public Utilities company and was on a pole which he had climbed this morning when either the cross arm broke or lie lost his hold and fell to the ground, receiv ing the fatal injuries. Mr. Moss was married to a Miss Croniker of Kings Mountain who' survives with two children, together wltbitoft mother, Mrs. Will A. Moss of Grover and three sisters. Hn father died at Grover last summer. Funeral arrangements had not been made at noon today. Bury Crowder Scrugg In Rutherford County Ellenboro.—Funeral services of Crowder Scruggs, 67, were conduct ed at the First Baptist church of Forest City Monday afternoon in charge of Rev. W. A. Ayers, asstit ed by Rev. M. F. Moore, of the Methodist church. Mr. Scruggs died at his home Sunday morning from a lingering illness of more than a year. He was prominently known in the county j and community, and was a leading member of the Baptist church. He was a member of the Pythian order. Surviving are his widow, who was Miss Carrie Martin before her mar riage, two daughters, Mrs. Quy Blanton, of Forest City, and Mrs E. C. Saunders, of Burlington, two brothers: Lewis Scruggs, of Erwin, Tenn., and Berry Scruggs, of Char lotte; the following sisters; Mes dames Robert Moore, Ed Martin and D. H. Queen, all of Mooresboro, and Miss Occie Scruggs, of Mooresboro; six grandchildren. His aged mother survives, who is 90 years of age. Burial was in Forest City’s ceme tery. Mr. Smith Suffers Paralytic Stroke Mr. J. Pete Smith, South DeKalb street, suffered a stroae of paraly sis Saturday at his inane and was rushed to the Shelby hospital for treatment. His condition over the week-end was very sericvs, but It Is learned this morning that he Is showing some imDroveroent, his many friends will be pleased .0 learn. High School Band To Give Concert — | W. T. Sinclair, director of the high school band, says a public outdoor concert will be given Sun day afternoon at 3:30 o’clock on the court square, weather permitting. The band has 52 pieces and will play concert music. The public is invited to hear the youngsters. Two Fire* Yesterday The city fire department answer ed two alarms shortly after noon Tuesday. The first, about 12:15 came liom Dodd street in Scutn Shelby where a residence owned n.v Hershel Blanton and occupied by T. L. Green was on fire, the blaze being extinguished with only slight damage. The second call around 1 | o'clock was a grass Tire on GrahjCa • street i Comes Back To ] Complete Term After 3 Years Convict Returns To Chain Gang Here Kalph Oran. Who Escaped Twice, 1 la Tired Of Bring A Hunted Man. Yesterday Ralph Dean, young r.astomu white man who e&caocd from the chain gang here rnwi than three years ago while he was serv’lng a sentence Imposed for rape, returned to Shelby, donuhi Ills convict stripes and resumed his work on the No. 6 township road.1, determined to complete his time after having escaped twice. The young fellow, who has trav elled over much of the country In his three years of freedom, came back to his stripes, he says, because life Is no pleasure when one is u 1 hunted man. A little World. “It’s tt little world after all, ’ lie told officers here yesterday. "No matter where I would go I always kept running Into someone who knew me and I had to keep dodg ing them lor fear that they would report me. Life like that will wor- ’ you to death. Once I had a job Jn Akron, making $36 a week, then one day who walked In to work at the machine next to me but a boy froei Gastonia who I knew and who knew me. Of course I had to move on. and everywhere I went someone else would see me and I'd have to keep moving. I'm going to stay here this time so that I can make my own mind easy by knowing that I’m u free man when I leave. There’s no fun to dodging your life away.” Another bit of Dean's story which came out was that after leaving one place for another, after being recognized, he finally found himself without a job, without money and hungry. Presumably he reached the conclusion that it would be better to be back on the gang here with three square meals a day (hart to starve in freedom In the north and east. Bo he made his way back to Gastonia and his brother. Dillard Dean, convicted with him on charges preferred by two girls aft er a wild auto ride and party brought him to Shelby and turned him over to officers. Aided By Masked Men. It Is the second time that Dean has returned. And he came back the first time because he was hun gry and broke. .About five years ago Dean and his brother carried two young white girls of Gastonia for a ride. They wound up hi this county. In the Kings Mountain vicinity, where the two girls jumped from the auto (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWELVE ) Gaffney Draws One Couple From County Only one of the 10 couples se curing marriage license from Pro bate Judge Stroup at Gaffney, S. O. last week came from Cleveland county, according to the Gaffney Ledger. This couple was Julius Blsn ton and Carrie Green, of Latti more. Masonic Notice. Cleveland lodge No. 102 A. F. and A. M. will meet in regular com - municatlon Friday night at 7:30 p. m. Members are urged to attend. Visiting brethren cordially invited. He May Rebuild Springs Hotel Z. J. Thompson. lo< al lumberman j > above,) is now considering the re-1 building of Cleveland Springs hotel w hlch was destroyed by fire some i months bach. IteftnJte assurance i that the wldcty-known hostelry will be rebuilt awaits a final derision by Mr. Thompson, but the section la generally elated over the prospect, (Ntar Photo.) DavidMcSwain Buried Sunday Beth-Ware Community Parmer And Friend Of education Dies Of Paralysis. Mr. David Andrew McSwain. six ty year old farmer of the Beth Ware community In No. 4 township died Saturday morning at 2 30 o'clock tallowing an. Utocss at taro weeks with paralysis and his body buried Sunday at Beaver Dam Bap tist church, the services being con ducted by llev. Mr. Black, Rev. R. L. Forbis and Rev. D. F. Putnam. One of the largest crowds that ever attended a funeral at Beaver Dam was present to pay a tribute of re spect to Mr. McSwain. Deceased was a fanner in the Beth-Ware community and a great friend of education. He was an hon est. upright and highly esteemed citizen. Surviving are his wife who before marriage was Miss Emma Champion, three children, Luther, Leslie and Odessa McSwain, six grandchildren, two brothers, T. W. and Elijah McSwain and one sister, Mrs. S A. Champion. Four child ren preceded him to the grave. Mr. McSwain was a member of Beaver Dam church since _ early life Serving as pall bearers were F F. Herndon, J. F. Gamble, Whites Gamble. P.^K. Harmon, Will Will iams and John Etters. WEBB THEATRE HAS UNDERGONE REPAIRS Claude Webb, proprietor of tie Webb theatre has had painters and decorators busy for the past several days, painting and decorating the lobby and Interior of this popuuc house of entertainment, adding much to the attractiveness of the place. Two Catawba Candidates For Judgeship May Hurt Chances Of Each Other In The June Primary Hickory Paper Urges One To Get Out. B. T. Falls Still Con sidering Race. Judge B. T. Falls, of Shelby, Is still considering the race for the democratic nomination for superior court Judge to succeed Judge Jam es L. Webb, who will retire this year, and the fact that Falls may be a candidate with Attorney A. L. Quickel, of Llncohiton, is causing some worry on the part of Catawba county leaders where two demo cratic attorneys hate already an nounced. The first candidate to announce for the judgeship subject to the June primary was Attorney Wilson Warlick, of Newton. Some weeks thereafter Attorney Marshall Yount of Hickory, announced. In view of the fact that Catawba has two can didates, leaders there this week in augurated a movement with the apparent idea of having one of the two withdraw with the e - greased fear that the two Catawba candi dates might split the vote ol that ’ county, cause the voters of the other counties to think that Ca tawba couldn't agree on one of their hopes and, therefore, vote for Falls or Quickel. Several propositions with the In-' tent of getting either Yount or Warliek to withdraw have been passed between the two factions, it is understood, but have as yet brought no results. Mr. Quickel, of Lihcolnton, has not definitely entered the race, nei ther has Mr. Falls, who is referred to by the Hickory papers as "B. F. Fall,” but the Shelby attorney is this week traveling a bit about the district, perhaps on legal business, and perchance to determine, if pos sible, how the wind is blowing, or may blow in June. Both, naturally, are interested in the activity of friends of the two Catawba candi dates. Concerning the likelihood that two candidates in Catawba may serve to lessen that county's chance of landing the judgeship- The Hick i CONTINUED ON FAOK TWKLVK.l J Falls And Erwin Are Speakers At Big Mass Meet Independents Hold Another Meet l phold Independent Store* A4 Rullder* And Pioneer* In The The Community. B. T. Falls, Shelby attorney, and Clyde Erwin, superintendent Of schools In Rutherford county weca the principal speakers at a mass meeting of Independent merchant and business men and citizens gen erally in the court house last night when the independent merchant! were upheld as the pioneers and builders of the communities “whicM the powerful chain stores are sects* 11 to dominate.” The court house was nearly filfai r l with mm and ladies and C. & Thompson. president of the Oleva* land Merchants Mutual Protective association, presided with the higU school band furnished music. Td the rear of the speaker’s platfornt was a latrge banner asking “Whfl built the court house, the streets, the textile plants, the hospital, tht* largest hank between Charlotte and Asheville?—answer, the independent merchant, chain stores had no part in them.” Judge Falls referred to tljl •'Yankee nr>ney barons who would dominate the South,” admitted that chain stores had taught the Inde pendents the art of salesmanship Mid suggested that charge and da* livery merchants operate on thtf dual system of cash and carry and charge and delivery, making 8 small carrying charge for servied vhlch customers would be willing td ray. Would Reduce School Term. Clyde Erwin, native of the WactJ tec Lion told a number or jokes la the course of his remarks to illuS* trate his points and kept his aud* i'nco laughing. His talk was free from bitterness. He gave a compari son of taxes paid by independent end chain stores in Rutherford county and declared that if the property of the independent mer chants in Rutherford were wiped cff the tax books, it would reduce is.e school term one month annual* I/. In Shelby he said the distribut ing houses pay taxes on $300,00Q worth of property. In Rutherford after the bank fail* ires, it was the independent menu chants who charged account that accommodated the people who had ro money because of the bask! closures. Seventy per cent of the tank resources of the U. S. aid centralized in New York City, said Mr. Erwin, who declared this to M c’angerous tendency. The menace cf the chain stores has become sd serious congress has authorized ad nvestigatlon and the two Norttt larollna senators are backing it," aid Mr. Erwin. A number of Rutherford county nerchants were here attending thfc meeting. Daughter Dies Just 5 Days Following Funeral Of Father Daughter of Gaither Kennedy* Who Had Prayer Tree, Waa Buried Tuesday. The funeral arrangements thg| marked the burial of Gaither Ken* nedy, of the Ferry section of Ruth erford county, last Thursday after noon, were preserved intact for tho burial of his daughter, Miss Mauds Kennedy yesterday. The daughter, about 40 years of age, died Monday night at her home near Henrietta. A nervous breakdown brought on by the strain of her father's funeral developed into pneumonia, which proved fatal. She was buried beside her father at Floyds Creek church. The same ministers, pallbearers and flower girls who performed the last rites for the father officiated for ths daughter. Of Gaither Kennedy it wa3 chronicled that he left a seif-con structed monument to his belief to prayer. Over a long period of years he left a stone for each prayer at the tree where he prayed, until, at his death, the heap had grown large. Miss Kennedy is survived by two brothers, Crawford Kennedy, at home, and Claude H. Kennedy, of Charlotte. Her mother died about eleven years ago. Officiating ministers at the foe neral were Dr. Zeno Wall, Shelbyj Rev. George Stephens, High Point evangelist, and Rev. T. M. Hester, Spindale. Mr. Ted R. Ware is the new faed at the* Patton barber shop. Mr. Ware comes to Shelby from Char lotte. where he member of the ber force. has jong been * Charlotte hotel bar

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