SHELBY, N. C. WEDNESDAY, JULY 16 1930 12 PAGES TODAY «■-..—......i Published Monday. Wednesday and Friday \T=TE NEWS THE MARKET. Cotton, per lb. .....--■ Cotton Seed, per bu. - — CLOUDY, WARMER Todays North Carolina Weather Report: Partly cloudy, slightly warmer tonight and Thursday. Thieves Leave One Auto, Get Another In City Charlotte Car Atjandoheri S' Tin Home Of Chief Poston. Dorsey Car Stolen. Shelby Is getting to be :i.ore and more a stamping ground lor auto thieves. Last night or early this morning thieves abandoned an auto mobile stolen in Charlotte just a few yards from the front door of Police Chief McBride Poston, on the Cleveland Springs road, and a short time later, officers surmise, stole a Shelby car In another part of town. Between 1 and 2 o'clock this morning Policeman Rufus Sparks and Deputy Bob Kendrick were rid ing out the Cleveland Springs road. They saw two young men siphon ing gas from the car of J. G. Dudley. jr„ who lives next door to Chief Poston. As the officers pulled to .the side of the road the gas thieves saw the Sparks’ policeman's cap and ran southwest. About that time of night, or a little later, the Chev rolet coupe of Winfred Dorsey was stolen from his home on DeKalb street. In the direction the two men fled from the Cleveland Springs road they would have,' they held to the same course, come out about DeKalb street, and officers believe they stole the Dorsey car. Steal from cnier. The car abandoned was a Dodge Sedan and Police Chid Poston learned this morning thac if was stolen in Charlotte early lest night. Gas thieves last week stole a quan tity of gas from the Dudley, car. and had before that stolen gasoline from the car of Chief Poston him self. Newton Gets Car, One Is Left Here Car of Nominee For Solicitor Re covered. Thief Left An other Here Automobiles with empty gas tanks are useless to car thieves, and today Attorney J. Clint Newton, Demo cratic nominee for county solicitor, will get his automobile, stolen here last Saturday, back from Anderson, S. C, He was informed last night that the Ford coupe, the property of Romeo F,aker, stolen from him last week had been found at Anderson. After the Newton car was stolen from in front of his law office on Marion street, two doors from the police station, last Saturday morn ing, officers discovered a Ford road ster, with the gas tank empty, abandoned just across the street, on the court square side opposite the City Hall. It is believed that the man who stole the Newton car abandoned the other car, because it was out of gas, walked across the street, entered the Newton car and drove off. Tire abandoned car had a South Caro lina license plate, and, Chief Poston, after wiring to Columbia, learned that it had been stolen from E. A. Taylor at Sumter, S. C. At noon today the auto was still fycre. Padgett Gets Call To Jessup’s Church Former Second Baptist Pastor Gels Call To Church At Lowell. A former Shelby paste- has re ceived a call to the church of which the pastor who succeeded him here was once pastor. Some lime ago Rev. Rush Padgett, pastor of the Second Baptist church here, was called to Ramseur to take the charge left by Rev. W. A. Elam, who returned to a charge in this, his native county. The Second Bap tist church then called Rev. L. L. Jessup of Lowell to the charge here. Now Mr. Padgett has bsen called to the former Jessup church. A Lowell dispatch says the fol lowing of the call: “The First Bap tist church, the pastorate ot which has been vacant since Rev. L. L. Jessup went to Shelby recently, lias called Rev. Rush Padgett, of Ram seur. Mr. Padgett was originally from that strong Baptist county, Cleveland, and is well known in Lowell where he has conducted a splendid meeting. He has many friends here and many w?.rm ad mirers. Some years ago he was sta tioned at McAdenville. Alt here will be glad if he accepts the tall. “It is thought that he will cer tainly come, although as yet a definite answer has not bgen re ceived. The Lowell chinch vill con aider Itself very lucky to get Mr. Padgett, who has (he reputation of being a fine man and a good preacher. Brittain Gets Bond; Record Crowd Attends Trial In Death Case Driver Of Auto Which Killed Deputy Under $1,500 Bond. Companions Under $200 Bonds. Widow Of Dead Officer And The Young Wife Of Death Car Driver Talk In Court Room. No Evidence Offered. * In a preliminary hearing before County Judge Horace Kennedy here this morning four defendants in Id in connec tion with the death of Deputy Sheriff Sanford A. Pruett, who was killed by an automobile early last Saturday morning', waived examination and were bound over to Superior court. Hugh Brittain, neat-appearing, black-haired young man. son of C. A. Brittain, Casar postmaster and prominent citizen, alleged to be the driver of the ear which killed the officer, was placed under-a bond of $1,500. Prosecuting attorneys^ stated they would press a manslaughter charge against Him, and perhaps a more serious charge. ^ ' - Three , of the four companions say to have been wi’th Brittain in the car were placed under bonds of $200 each. They were Ivey and Joe Wortman and Dob Hunt. Roy Warlick, said to the fifth member of the party, had not been served with a warrant and- was not lii -court. A warrant, it is understood, may be issued for him, and it is likely, if such is done, that lie may also be placed, under a $200 bond. No Standing Space Not a word of evidence was in troduced. and the preliminary hear ing lasted only a few minutes, but the crowd that packed and jammed every inch of seating and standing space in the big court room was easily, the largest that ever attend ed a court hearing in Shelby. The. entire upper county section, from Casar to Toluca, seemed to be pres ent along with hundreds from every other section of the county. It is the first time in many, many years that an officer of the. county has been killed, and all estimates placed the crowd attending tile preliminary at more than 2,000. not counting the scores who thronged the down stairs lobbies of the court house un able to find even peeping room up stairs. The main floor of the court, room was packed to suffocation 20 minutes before 10 o'clock and bv the time the hour of the trial ar rived the overflow crowd had found its wav to the negro gallery and packed all available space there The first stir came when the four defendants were brought in from j the jail, the entire crowd crahing j for a look at young Brittain, dark haired, rather handsome youngster wearing a white shirt and tie but! without a coat. Officer's Family There Court officers a few minute T No, « Wealthiest No. B township, in which Shelby) | is located. Is the wealthiest ot thd' H townships in the county with No.] I, in which ' Kings Mountain and ' Grover arc located, ranking second, The property valuation estimate fop No, fi is $14,330,000, or more than third of the total county valuation. No. 4 township valuation is set at $9.48fl,000. or almost one-fourth of the total county valuation. The property valuation of No. 1 town ship. $442,000, is the lowest in th# county. Township Road Tax There was very little change irf the township road tax in the various townships, Tire only two changes, both decreases, recorded were in No. 1 and No. fi townships. The No. 1 . road tnx was decreased from 85 cents to 70 cents, and the No. 8 from 24 cents to 20 cents. Tha highest township road levy in thd county, since She No. 1 reduction from 85 cents, is in No. 10 where i(| is 75 cents. No H and No. 1 ranl« second high with a rate of 70 cents. School District Rate -Only ope .special school district has its tax rate changed m the new budget, aud that is Bethware witlt a reduction from 35 to 20. The av erage special district rate for the entire county is 39 cents. The highest rate is 50 cents and tha lowest is 10 cents. The low rate is in the Dixon special district, and six districts—Casar, Bclwood. Polk villr. Lattimore. Aftoresboro and Fallston—have the 50-cent rate. Woman Kicks Deputy Threatens Allen In A Booze Raid Tuesday Posey Blanton Given Six Month* On Roads. Mrs. Blanton Gets Riled Deputy Bob Kendrick has a bruised shin, Sheriff Allen has been threatened, and Posey Blanton, Shelby filling; station operation, la headed for six months work on the No. 6 chain gang as the result of a raid made Tuesday evening by of ficers. Tuesday officers visited the Blan ton service station west of Shelby and found no whiskey. Shortly later Sheriff Allen and Deputy Kendrick visited the Blanton home on the east side of Sheiby, just be yond Cleveland Springs. When they made their search there Mrs, Blanton became riled, the officei, say, and used the pointed toes of her shoes with painful, effect upon Deputy Kendrick's shin; he says. Sheriff Allen was also threatened with being shot or injured, he testi fied in court today. The search, the officers said, resulted in the, finding of two jars of liquor hid near an outhouse at the Blanton home, a gallon of wine in the house and some liquor poured out in the back yard just as they arrived. Blanton was in court; his wife was not. He said the wine belonged to her and that he knew nothing about, the liquor found near his home. Judge Kennedy thought it over, recalled that Blanton had been fined on a liquor charge a few weeks ago. and passed out the-six-months sentence. Blanton may appeal. It is said. : ' * i • i '