VOL. XXXVI, No. 95 SHELBY. N. C. FRIDAY, AUG. 8, 1930 10 PAGES TODAY Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. By mail, per year (Id advance) ta.su Carrier, oer year (1 nadvancat ta.no LATE NEWS THE MARKET. Cotton, per 1b. ---12‘-'c Cotton Seed, per bu. --36* | , Fair Weather. | ’ Today’* North Carolina Weathci Report: Mostly fair tonight. Satur day local thundershowers. Not much change in temperature. Fee* Heads G. O. F. Washington. D. C., Aug 7.-With a fi#a! blast at his opponents, Claud • H. Huston, of Tennessee, todaj ended his brief but tumul tuous career as chairman of the Re publican national committee, and a uer slate of officers, headed by Sen ator Fess, of Ohio, and Robert H Eneas, of Kentucky, was installed tr take immediate charge of the par ty** fall campaign. Senator Fess was named to suc ceed Huston, and Lucas, eommis sienerof in temai revenue, was ap pointed “executive director.’’ | Hoover Seen A s Candidate Again In 1932 Republican Chiefs Think Hoover Will Oppose franklin Roosevelt Then. Washington, Aug. 7.—Wi.cn Re publican chieftains assembled here today for the meeting of the na tional executive committee proph ecies were heard that President Hoover would again be the standard bearer in 1932, and that Ids oppo nent would be Franklin D. Roose velt. a program which may provide southern drys food for thought. Southern influences will probably re ject the idea of nominating another New Yorker, albeit they may not greatly object to Governor Roosevelt personally. Former Governor Sm'.th and Chairman Raskob recent'y called upon Roosevelt, merely, it was ex plained, to the press, to pay their respects. After a long. dry. and uneventful spell, President Hoover appears to be getting a few breaks. The proph ecy of R. B. Creager. the fighting Texas member of the national com mittee, that Mr. Hoover would be re nominated and that he would have the support of Dwight W. Morrow, is significant, not alone from the fact that Creager has just paid a visit to Morrow, candidate for the senate in New JeJrsey, but because the Texas Republican leader came to the support Hoover at. a crit ical juncture in 1928. muen to the discomfiture of the Lowden forces. Auto Deaths In 6 Months Guilford Leads State In Fatalities. Wake Second. Lincoln None. Raleigh.—Guilford County led North Carolina in the number of deaths from automobiles during the first six months of 1930, W. C. Spruill, in charge of auto, rebile ac cident prevention for the state de partment of revenue, announced to day after tabulating the fatalities in the state for six months by indi . yidual counties, Guilford county reported 28 deaths In automobile accidents during the period. Guilford is the state's most populous county. Wake county, often referred to as the '‘crossroads of North Carolina,’ exme second to Guilford, having 23 persons killed. Buncombe county had nineteen; Mecklenburg, twelve; Robeson, twelve; New Hanover, twelve; Dur ham, ten; Surry, nine; FoTsyth, nine; Iredell, eight; Johnston, eight; Cumberland, seven; Catawba, seven; Harnett, seven and Lenoir four. There were 338 deaths resulting from automobile accidents in North Carolina during the first six months of the year, Mr. Spruill said. Eighteen counties in the state re ported no fatalities in automobile accidents. They were; Asne, Avery, Bladep, Brunswick, Camden, Chow an. Clay, Greene, Hyde, Lincoln, Madison, Montgomery, Onslow, Scot land, Tyrrell, Washington, Watau ga gnd Yadkin. Eastside Plays Ella Saturday Two rival Shelby clubs will take a crack at each other in '4he fclty park here Saturday when the Eastside-Or* team •neeta the strong Ella mil! club 1st the county league. The two clubs are staging a, nip-and-tuck fight for second honors and a big crowd is ex pected for the contest Saturday. Lawndale plays at Boiling Springs In the other county leagwe game. Record Cotton Crop In Sight In This County Depends Much On Coming Weather Veteran Cotton Man Say* Crop Cooks Good Now. Talk* About Price. ____ How much cotton will Cleveland county make this year?, And what Will it bring? Those questions are being asked more than any others throughout the county just now. And there is ample reason for the cotton and price to be the major topic since Cleveland county is North Carolina’s largest cotton county and tall busi ness. in nearly every line, depends upon cotton. Discusses Cotton. Asked the two questions above, Mr. Jesse J. McMurry, veteran Shell by cotton buyer and business man, whose judgment is respected as much over Cleveland county as that of any man, replied that he expect ed a big crop, perhaps a record crop for the county, and a fa.rly good price. Both forecasts were conditional. The size of the county crop depends to a great extent, he explained, upon the weather during August and Sep tember, and the price of cotton de pends almost solely upon how much weather conditions have affected the crop in other sections of the cotton belt. Fruited Good. ' Right how,” he said, "it appears as if we will make the largest crop in the history of the county. The stalks are not as large as they were last year, due, of course, to the drought some weeks afso which stunted the growth of the staik. But the cotton is fruited out UeUer than it was last year. “You often hear about squares falling off. Squares do not fall off. The small bolls fall off just after they are transformed into bells from squares. Our crop depends upon how many of these young bolls fall dur ing this montt) and September. Should there be too much rain, or a long dry spell the cotton will suffer in this manner. Then, you kndW,‘ hail has already hit the cotton hard in several sections of the county. If the weather remains good and there are no more damaging hail storms, I look for a crop bigger than the record crop of 64,000 bales last year, and I would not be surprised at a 70,000-bale crop. Not a bit. Last year, you see, we had wnat should have been a 70,000-bale orep No ar gument about that. But Just at picking time the wet weather set in and hundreds and hundreds of bales were ruined. We had 70,000 bales made but weather prevented th* harvesting. This year we have sim ilar prospects, but it depends, as does all the success of the farmer, upon the weather. Likely Price. "As to the price, it is also a bit early to predict about that. If the drought has hurt in Arkansas, Mis sissippi and elsewhere as reported, and if their cotton crop is rut down, we may get a fairly good price. In other words, if we make around 12 million bales, I believe the [rice will range close around 15 cents. But if (CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN.l Bird Biplane At Airport For 2 Daysj Bonnie Rowe and Fred Dorsett, licensed air pilots are at the Shelby airport for Saturday and Sunday, doing commercial flying. They are driving, a brand new Bird bi-plane and will be seen for the next two days, over the city and community with passengers taking a look from the sky. Bonnie Rowe was formerly with the Mabel Cody flying circuit. Seeks to Lower Grafs Recorcl Ted S. Lundgren, Hollywood ■ aviator, has taken off from Los Angeles, Cal., for New York. He intends to fly around the world In 15 days. Lundgren will ^be the navigator on this trip. The pilot and another who is to act a* radio man are yet to be chosen in New York. Photo shows LundgTen looking oter the instrument* that will help guide his Emsco plane to victory. (Interactions! Nnwataall Rutherfordton County Will Keep Farm And Home Agents Working Friers Killed By -"Btiritsil Stoner ~ Not only did the hail storm last Friday night knock out both eyes of a calf and kill numerous rabbits, but it alsc played havoc with quite a number of chickens in the several sections of Cleveland county visited by the storm. One farmer in the section between Kings Mountain and Grover reports that eleven of his frying sire chickens were pummeled to death by the hail stones before they could reach shelter. Sinclair Firm Gets Piedmont Oil Stations Distributing Stations Of Cleveland And Gaston Taken Cp By Oil Firm Gastonia. Aug. 7 —By. terms of a deal Just made, the final details of which are now in the process of completion, the Sinclair Refining company of New York will take over at an early date the Piedmont Oil company of Gastonia. The pur chasers will get all real estate, leases and other assets of the local concern. Included in the deal will be the Piedmont distributing station in Gastonia. 14 filling stations in Gas ton, York and Cleveland counties and 20 other filling stations. The new owners will continue the busi ness on the same basis on which it is now operated, with additional and rapid expansions, it Is said. Hoover Definitely Promises He Will A ttend Kings Mountain Fete First President To Visit This Section Since Woodrow Wilson Came Washington, D. C„ Aug. 8.— President Hoover Wednesday wade definite his previous tent ative acceptance of an invitation to attend and deliver the prin cipal address at the sesqui-cett tennial celebration of the bat tle of Kings Mountain to be held at the historic Revolution ary battleground on October 7. Stuart W. Cramer of Cramer ton, a member of the central committee in charge of the cel ebration, who called at the White House, was informed by the president that he. would be certain to participate in the. ex ercises and deliver (he keynote address. This will he the first tltate a president of the United State* will have participated in such a ceremony in the Carolinas since the late President Wilson visit ed Charlotte in the spring of 1916 and delivered his notable address on the anniversary of the signing of the Mecklenburg declaration of independence. i Commissioners There Decide To | Keep Farm Agent*. Ortega • [ - * Mom Heard. Rutherford county commissioners have decided not to cut off their farm and home demonstration agents. Last week the Rutherford board made a move indicating that the two agents would be cut oft as an economy move. Numerous citizens of the county protested, pointing out that the saving in salaries would not reduce the tax rate more than one cent on the 1100 valuation and de claring that the two agents were worth more than that to the wel fare and progress of the county. Information concerning the de cision of the commissioners to keep the two agents is contained in the following news story published yes terday by the Rutherford County News; “When seen by a representative of j The News Wednesday afternoon the ! county commissioners stated that i they had decided to continue the! work of Miss Laura Howard, home agent, and Mr. F. E. Patton, county farm demonstrator, or thny would arrange the budget so as to continue their salaries. They also stated that they would not put the county fish ing license into effect now and had not definitely decided about the $600 annual appropriation for the forest fire prevention work. “It is the belief of those who are in close touch with the situation that the county commissi mers will not make the $600 necessary ap propriation to carry an tr.e forest fire control work now. farm Delegation “A large number of farmers and several farmer’s wives and others who are interested went before the board of county commissioners Tuesday morning and urged them to continue the work of tne agents. The following made talks, all urging them to continue the work and showed why it is important that their work not cease. Attorney M. L. Edwards, J. C. Buff, j. H. Bur gess, O. C. Erwin, J. F. Flack. W. W. Clicks. Mrs. Grant Allen. Mrs. J. Gordon Reid, Mrs J. R. Moore, Mrs. Annie E. Logan. Mrs. F. E. Brige man and Watson Freeman, the lat ter colored, It is reported that Free man made a strong plea ior the work and pointed out fcrw the agents had helped the colored peo ple No one spoke against, ti.rir work (CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN.! HUNTING LICENSE For the benefit of Cleveland coun ty hunters who may desire license. County Game Warden H. C. Long announces that a few licenses are now on sale at the Cleveland hard ware. Ask Dismissal Of Alienation Suit In Court Side*’ Attorney* Make Motion Attorneys' Fol* Ocfrndani Allege Action Not Brought In The Proper Manner A brief was filed with A. M. Hamrick, clerk of Superior court here yesterday, asking that the t'addell-.Sides $10,000 alienation suit be dismissed because the action was not properly brought. The brief was filed by Attorneys Peyton McSwaln and Speight Beam, who represent Arthur H. Sides the defendant. fore Balm Suit The action was brought last week by Attorney AI R. Bennett, counsel for G. R. Caddeli. The plantlff In the suit charges that the defendant alienated the affections of his wife, and in the action asks dam ages of $10,000. The brief filed yesterday asks the clerk to dismiss the action because the summons has never been Hssued and "the court has no Jurisdiction until summons Is issued;" The decision of the cleric, accord ing to law, will be made within 10 days time. Two Hundred Hour Mark Passed By Tree-Sitter Here Terrifir Rain Storm Wednesday Afternoon Falls Tn Drift O'Shields Out. Shelby’s tree-sitter. Fete O’Shields, who has made a pret ty good start for a record, pass ed the 200-hour mark today, and apparently Is getting along bet ter now than he was a week a*o. Yesterday the youngster had’his prizes passed up to his- roost In the pear tree, and Is now determined to add more to his collection by. stay in* ur another wW*. ’ At noon today O’Shields had been in his tree exactly 216 hours. Wednesday afternoon he weather ed the worst rain storm since he has been In the tree. For nearly an hour a driving rain poured upon him. but failed to drive him out. So hard was the rain that Instead of using his tent as a tent he rolled himself into it as if it were a blanket and only his head felt the shower. Photographers were today prepar ing to make photos of him as he seems determined to live up to his statement that he will remain in the tree until cold weather. Enters Postoffice At Lawndale Today Man Frightened Away Without Making Theft. Officers On Trail The postoffice at Lawndale was entered about 3 o'clock this morning, but nothing was stol en. according to information re ceived today at the office of Sheriff Alien. Early this morning the Lawndale night watchman saw a man hur riedly leaving the office. An In vestigation revealed that there had been no theft, the would-be theif apparently having been frightened away by the approach of the watch man. Officers hope to make a capture within a day or so, having several clues, it is said, to the Identity of the man. Bulwinkle Campaign Organized In Ninth Gastonia Man Heads Democratic Executive Committee of District. Hickory, Aug. 6.—S. B. Dolley, of Gastonia, was named district chair man at a meeting of the Democratic executive committee of the ninth congressional district, at the Hotey Hickory this afternoon. Nearly every committee member was present and plans for the fall campaign of A. L. Bulwinkle, party congressional nom inee. were discussed. Other district leaders tWtned at (he meeting were W S. Beam, Shel by, vice chairman; R r Lewis, Kannapolis, vice chairman. and John K. Slear, Charlotte, (secretary. First plans of Bulwinkle's fall campaign were formulated and a resolution put forward by Judge W. B. Council, Hickory, that every member of the committee co-oper ate to the fullest extent with coun ty chairmen in perfecting county or ganization. Boris Sock's Princess Heana as Consort i King Boris of Bulgaria has ones : again gone in quest of a consort. At Coburg he is expected to nego tiate with Dowager Queen Marie of Rumania regarding a possible betrothal to Princess lleana (lower), whose engagement to Prince Alexander of Bless now teems definitely off.