Nobody’s Business CEE McGEE— VITAL STATISTICS Jver 10 per cent of the women Who drive automobiles know how, and most of them use their mouths Instead of fheir heads in an emerg ency. Less than 99 per cent, of our po liticians can be bought or influ enced by either money or boose, and when one happens to "sell out," he keeps it a secret, buj his wife finds it out by searching his pock ets or riding in his new Ford. Only 1 person out of every 9, 999 will be helped by the new tar iff measure. If you happen to manufacture merchandise, you will set rich by reason of its protec tivity, but if you grow or produce n% materials, you get what the little boy shot at when he thought he heard something say; "W-i-o-n-c-h Every ■ third person who Is am bulanced to the hospital nowadays gets there by reason of speed or booze. Over 80 per cent, of our court house cases arc due to the same thing, but mostly booze. About 90 per cent of the folks who steal do so in order to get money to buy gasoline with. Only 20 per cent of the polecats ever let us know that, they have visited in our community. They use more "scents’ than some folks I know, but not all of them? 'Meaning the folks). Less than 85 Individuals in the tlnited States control more than 98 per cent of all our wealth. Mr. Hoover is a good president for those few fellows, but the masses seem to get along fairly well anyhow. Nearly 2 per cent of the foreign countries like us fine and we like Brazil and Iraq all right ourselves, so this makes it mutual. The present republican administration SPECIAL LOW FARES Round - Trip SHELBY To Niagara Fall*— $35.45 Tickets on Sale June 27, July 3. 11. 17. 25, 31; August 8, 14, 22, 28; Sept. 5, 11, 19, 25. TO Atlantic City, N. J. $25.60 Tickets on Sale July 2, 8, 16, 22, 30; August 5, 13, 19, 27; September 2, 10, 16. Tickets Limited 18 Days. For Information Call Agent SEABOARD “Things I Ate Hurt Me” L "I HAD a HVin ' cam of indiges tion,'' says Mrs. Bell Buckhsistsr. 7 River St., Pied N moat, S. C. "So u many things r that I ate hart me. I almost eating. i f i wouia Burn » [ la my chest. I had severe ft headachy aad such a tight, n ' smothering feeling. I would -j ff obliged to eat a little, H Asa it would hurt me. "A friend said to me: Q *Why don’t you take Black- p Draught?’ ■ "I was just too weak then * to do my work. I began tak- P lag swell doses after meals, jj and la just a few weeks I | could sat aaytbiag I wanted r to, then take my small dose of Black-Draught and feel floe. I soon regained my health aad strength.” Costs only 1 cent a dess. TUDrOKO'l Buck Draughts ret CONSTIPATION, f INDIGESTION,BILIOUSNESS Women who need a tonic ' should take Caw>ui. Used li over 50 yesi«. \ seems bent on making all other nation* live at home and learn to do without what we produce. Over 8 per cent of the men we elect to 1111 Important political of fices have half enough brains to run a second-hand goober parcher Nearly 3 per cent of the folks who talk very loud and overly boister ously about the League of Nations and the World Court can change money and count telegraph posts and spell c-a-t and patch inner tubes and push a wheel-barrow Only 14 per cent of our school teachers believe that the North Pole Is made out of wood; 11 per cent think it is made of iron and the remainder insist that it is composed of solid Ice and jackfrost. A 1.00-SITTING CONTEST' flat rock, s. c. aug. the 8, 1930. deer mr. editor: speaking of endurance records, my wife's cuzztn sam started off last week up In a tree like so, manny cither fools is now doing, but it got windy and rainy up there, so he come down ahd is now going for a "log-setting'' endurance record and it looks like he will win if some boddy keeps on toting my bread and butter out. to him. he started on the log last Wed nesday Just after dinner and is still going strong, and as the vet ter nerry surgeon examined his hart and counted his puss, both of which seemed normal, there is no reason why sam should not out set anny pole setter or tree setter that has gone befoar, and sam likes set ting down to' begin with. Sam complained a little endur ing the first day about the cushions not being soft enuff, so my wife re-fixed his seat for him. she took my nice morris cheer out of tire setting-room and tied it to the log so's it would let same lean back a little bit and then she put 2 Adxzlti Contract'Children*a Diteateg Adults can, and do, contract many children's disease*. And, usually, they suffer from them much more than | children do. Far instance, many adults contract worms, an ailment usually associated with children. Sometime* they Suffer intensely and take expen sive medical treatments, without reali sing that worms are the cause at their troubles. Yet. the symptoms are the same as in children, loss of appetite and weight, grinding the teeth and rest less deep, itching of the noee and anus, and abdominal pains. And, the same medicine that surely and harmlessly ex pels round and pin worms from children will do the same for adults — White’s Cream Vermifuge, which you can get at PAUL WEBB * SON AND CLEVELAND DRUG CO. (adv.) SPECIAL LOW FARES SHELBY TO Washington D. C. _ $24.85 Baltimore. Md._$27.05 Philadelphia. Pa. $32.20 Atlantic City, N. J. $35.3(1 New York, N. Y. $37.10 Detroit, Mich._$40.03 Chicago, III. — $44.85 Cleveland, Ohio $41.68 Toledo, Ohio_$36.93 AND RETURN Tickets on sale every Sat urday, June, July, August. Final limit 30 days? For Information Call On Any Seaboard Agent SEABOARD SPECIAL LOW FARES SHELBY TO Old Point, Va._$10.75 Portsmouth, Va. ___ $10.75 Va. Beach, Va._$11.25 Richmond, Va._$9.75 AND RETURN FRIDAY, AUGUST 8. 1930. Limited August 13. Additional Selling Date, Sept. 12. SEABOARD spit l ooms close to hint so’s he would not hafttr lean over mutch to spit. sam's log Is In the back yard and when he smells dinner cook ing he commences to holler for his part of same and wc always hafter feed him first, he come in last night and slept In the rcglar bed provided for company, but started back early the next morning be foar- anny boddy come by and ketched him out of the cheer and off the log. he took in 18c yestiddy from add miring friends and a-good manny of them Rive him some tobacker allso as well as a coupler she roots and he enjoyed himself good on same he reads the papers and is keeping up with the tree setters all over the united states and has made up his mind to win the world's rec ord at setting. Mr. editor, if sam haster give up his log setting anny time soon, i will rite or foam you so’s you can come down and take his pitcher and have it put in the paper, sam has a strong will power and allso a desire to become famous, therefoar —you can count on him doing some real setting in this log contest, yores trulie. mike Clark, rfd. (McGee Syndicate, Anderson, S. C.) Fairbanks Fame Scares Off Boys Bis Movie Actor's Home Robbed. He Talks Them Away Quick Los Angeles—Douglas Fairbanks’ prominence as an actor s# awed three robbers who entered his beach home they overlooked jewelry val ued at *100.000 belonging to Mary Pickford, the actor's wife, he re vealed later to reporters, ' Fairbanks did not report the rob bery to police in an effort to keep it secret. The robbers thrust a gun in his side, the actor said, when he started to the door which he had forgotten to lock. Fairbanks said he turned oh the light, was immediately rec ognized by the three young bandits who became embarrassed. The bandits said they were sorry. Fairbanks told reporters, but said | they had to have money. "I gave them $20 or *30 and they left hurriedly. They may have been sorry but they took the money any I way I guess we got off easy at That-' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1 Having qualified as aftmlpMrator of the leatrttft of Mrs. R C. Johnson. late, of : Cleveland county, N. C , this la lo notify ; rt!1 nerr.ons havinf claims against the fsat'd estate to present Uiem to me prop erly proven on or before the 10th day of July, 1931. or this notice will be pleaded m bar of any recovery thereof. All per sons owing the said estate are asked to make immediate settlement, to tho under signed This July 10th, 1930 7. V JOHNSON, administrator. Bel wood. N. C\ Mrs R C Johnson. de ! ceased. 6t July 11c ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that 1 hair this ila? qualified as administrator or the es tate of W W. Moss, late of Cleveland County, N C. and all persona having claims against said estate ara hereby noth led to present them to me properly proven for payment on or before July 33, 1931, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Alt pereons Indebted to said estate will make Immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This the 33rd day of July 1930 J P EI.L18. Oroier. N. C Administrator! of the Estate of W. W. MOSS. Deceased | (It—July 3sc EXECUTORS NOTICE (First Publication July IS. 1810 In Cleveland Starr Notice Is hereby given that we have this day qualified as Executors of the estate of William Thompson Hamrick, late of Cleveland County. N C., and all per sons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to the undersigned All persona having claims against aald estate wilt present them to the under signed properly proven for payment on or before July 18th, 1831, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. This 17th dav of July- 1930. LLOYD HAMRICK and POZY HAMRICK. Executors of th» Last Will and Testament of William Thompson Hamrick, deceased. P.. Cleveland Gardner, Ally tit—July 1* Pd. North Carolina Clsvetand Ceoniy In the Superior Court Before the Clerk P. J. HEWITT. Plaintiff, vs. IRA HAR KELSON HEWITT Defendant NOTICE or SI MMONS The defendant, Ira Harrelson Hewitt, will take notice that an action, above titled, has been commenced In the Su perior Court of Cleveland County, against her. by P. J Hewitt, for an absolute di vorce on statutory grounds involving moral turpitude: end said defendant will further take notice fhat she ts required to appear at the office of the clerk of the Superior court of .said county, Jn Shelby N C„ on Monday, the 35th day of August, 19.10. and answer or demur to the enm pislnt of the plaintiff filed In said office this date, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court at proper term time for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 25th July, 1930. A. M HAMRICK. .Clerk Superer Court W. 8. Beam Atly. for Plaintiff 4t—July Jsc NORTH CAROLINA. ' , * County of Cleveland Netlee to Creditors to File Claim In the Matter of Farmers and Merchants Bank Mooresboro or Boiling Springs. N C Under authority of Subsection 10 of Section 31* tc). Consolidated Statutes, alt persons who have claims against the above named bank are hereby notified to present proof of claim at Mooresboro on or before the 18th day of October. 1930. Pallur# to present claim on or before the above date bars the claim not pre sented except as to the assets of the bank tn the hands of the Corporation Commission for the account of said bank at the time the claim ta presented Objection to the allowing of any elalm may bo mads by any interested person bi filing such objection tn the pen dm tlon in the office of the clerk of the Court of this county and by serving ■ copy thereof on the Chief State Bank Examiner or the Liquidating Agent of this bank. This the 18th day of July, 1930 Note: In filing . claims for Cashier's Checks or Bank Draffs or Certificates of Deposit the particular Instrument must be surrendered when Proof of Claim Is presented FORREST ESKRIDGE. Liquidating Agent of Farmers add Mer chants Bank, Mooresboro N c r -- at—13 L ' Happy Moments in Life of Edison Winner i. A little light Summer reading in the field of "practical chemistry’’ is here engaging the attention of young Arthur G. Williams, Jr., winner of this year’s Edison scholarship contest, in which boys from every State and the District of Columbia participated. Arthur is seated on the veranda of his parents’ Summer home at Touis set, Mass. (InttrnaUon*! NewarerlJ Iowan Sung On Vein By Bee Dies of Poison in 30 Minutes Sioux City, Iowa— Stu.ig on the wrist by a bee as he assisted car penters with some work about his home, M. J. Dagle, 49 years old, died within twenty minutes and before a physician could be called, Examination by physici.tno showed that the sting was directly ever a vein and that poison cmfwlmfwwy vein and that poison penetrated the vein and was carried to the heart. * Dagle some years ago fell down an elevator shaft where he was employ ed and his back was broken He was still in a plaster cast at the time of his death. F.XECl TRtX NOTICT. Notte* is hereby ewen that I have this day qualified as executrix of the estate cf Rush Stroup, late of Cleveland county, North Carolina, and that all people hav ing claims against the said estate must present same, properly proven to me on or before the 3rd day of July. 1031, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of any re covery thereof. All parties ovrtng the said estate are asked to make Immediate set tlement to the undersigued. ThW July 8. 1930. MAE CLTNE STROUP. Executrix Es tate of RuKh Stroup At July 11c HOSIERY HOSPITAL, Inc (Of Charlotte, N. C.> Branch At Mrs. Harmon's Hemstitching Shop * ti nder Chocolate Shop' ROfl«rjf and Knitted Goody Neatly Repaired. AH Hose Must Be Laundered. CITY ELECTRIC CO. H. \V. HARMON, Mfi. Klrrtrieal Con. and Repairing. RHONE 230 — SHELBY, N. C. 666 Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia ub 3 minutes, cheeks a Cold the lire! day, and checks Malaria in 3 days. 666 also in Tablets. FRETFUL BABIES Need DR. THORNTON'S f i bk » ntn I stomach * and how el trmi hits, f colds, and Indigos | lion 25c at drug gists or by mail. EAST TEFfTTER MKfHOIVE CO. WrsfnnnsTcr. S </. — POPULAR — SEASHORE EXCURSION SHELBY, N. C. TO Norfolk ___ $10.75 Old Point Comfort. SI0.75 Virginia Beach_$11.25 Richmond__ $9.75 FRIDAY, AUGUST 8TH, 1980. via. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Tickets on sale August 8th. only. Limit five days. Tickets good on all reg ular trains (except Cres cent Limited) and in pull man sleeping cars upon payment of pullman charg A WONDERFUL WEEK END VACATION ASK TICKET AGENTS. Try Star .WanU Ads. Heavy Wind and Some Hail, Bui Rain Is Helpful. Miss Jones Has Birthday. > (Special to The Star.1' Double Shoals, Aug. 7.—Wednes day afternoon we had a very fine rain In the community.In some sec tions of the community Caere was a good deal of hail , and wlnci doing much damage to crops and buildings. Around and near Mr. Link Love lace’s store It did quite a good deal of damage. Mr. John Blanton’s barn was blown down and also irpes. The friends of Miss Ne tie Jones surprised her with a party Saturday night. About fifty young people were present. Miss Ruby Washburn spent Sun day with Miss Eliza Brook Mrs. Lilia Hamrick spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Covington recently. Miss Ellcne Harrill of Bock Hill. S. C. spent last week with Miss Vela Covington. Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Edwards of Monroe spent .the week with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hamrick. Miss Lola Davis of the Shelby lios tal is spending her vacal’en with her parents Mr. and Mis. W. S. Davis. Miss Ray Greene of Sheiby spent the week-end at home. Misses Vela Covington and Ellen I Harrill spent the afternoon with Mrs, Fred Washburn recently. Miss Gladys Horne who is teach ing at Waco spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. George Dover and children and Mrs. Annie Bridges and Miss Ethel Bridges of Shelby spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. J. B. Horne. Miss Mary Covington visited her father, Mr. R. C- Covington Friday. >Lisses Maude. Nellie, a id Grace Willis and Mr. Gailen W’llis visited Mr, and Mrs. W: H, Gardner Sun day. Miss Reba Moore and Mr, J. C ! Moore spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Moore of Forest City. Mr. William Gillespie has been vis iting Mr. and Mrs. J. b Gillespie and Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Moore. Mr. arid Mrs. Maurice Bridges spent Sunday with Mr. ar.d Mrs. W. W. Humphries. i Misses Eliza and Susan Brooks spent the day with Miss RitthHum phries last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gillespie. Misses Lola Davis, Julia Jones and Mr. j Grady Davis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, B, B. Moore. Mr. John t, McSwani spent last When you want SOMETHING GOOR TO READ Stop in at Albert’s News Agency At Suttle's Drug Store Phone 3*0 PELLAGRA i. j can ba cured. Have you any of these •yntt' toms? Tired and drowsy feeling with bead Aches and depression; skm rough; breaking | out or eruption*; sore mouth, tongue* lips j and throat flaming red; much mucus and choking; indigestion and nausea; felling memory; diarrhea .or constipation. Write for 50 page book mailed FREE in plain, seal'd wrapper r»R. w. J. McCRARY. Inc. V if Carbon Hill. A I*. Bladder Irregular? If functional Bladder Irritation disturbs your sleep, or causes Burn ing or Itching Sensation, Back ache, Leg Pains, or muscular aches, making you feel tired, depressed, and discouraged, why not try the C’yatex *8 Hour Test? Don't give ifp. Get Cystex today. Put it to the test. See for yourself how quickly it works and what it does. Money back if it doesn't bring quick improvement, and satisfy you com pletely. Try Cystex today. Only 60c. Buttle Drug Store. (adv) These Hotels Offer Superior Accommodation* for lour Nett Visit to WASHINGTON, D. C. MARTINIQUE 16th St. at M Northwest—- Id sa for Motorist* Stogie with bath $3.0# fo II.M Double With bath $.V«M» to Mi.U» Hamilton Hotel tflh at K Street—In the Hear of the Cite M«fle *itb bath $XOf to j.Vw Double with hath 35.W) to $*.»« CAIRO HOTEL Single with bath $3.00 to «t, irfue St. at 10th —M ash tog four Tallest Vtuilding Double with bath $1.00 to IS.Ot week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Pres ton Neal at Kings Creek. Mr. and Mrs. M. Brooks. Misses Eliza Brooks and Ruby Washburn were the dinner guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Berry McSwain Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis spent the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Short. Mr. John A. Blanton and family spent the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Lee. Misses Selma, Rcba Davis snd I Ella Jone3 spent last week-end with | Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland G'ayson of | the New House section, Mr. Shelton Cabantss has been indisposed the last few days we are sorry to note. Miss Beatrice Blanton spent the 1 day with Miss Faith Davis Sunday, j Messrs. Raymon Jones er.d Rush Davis visited Mr. Oien Lee Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. John Lattimore ! and daughter of Polkville spent the day Tuesday with Mrs. Lula Ham rick. Mrs. L. O. Hufman and daughters, Dorothy, Alice and Ruby and Mrs. Zula Short of Shelby spent Wed nesday with Mr. and Mis. Clyde Short. We are sorry to.note that Mrs. J. G. Canipc is sick at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Washburn spent the day with Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Canipe recently. Mrs. Lizzie Peeler is >lck at tj>e writing also. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Washburn, Mrs. J. D. Lee, Miss Pachi® Hamrick and Mr. Bate Bridges spent the day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Doesn’t Care Much For Swimming Brunswick, Ga.—Robert Tyre Jones has yen for golf Champion ship, but as a swimmer once in ten years is about the best he can do. Bobby, atop of the who's who at | golf, here at Sea Island beach for a | vacation, while reminicing with friends revealed that his donning of a bathing suit and enjoyment of a dip in the surf was the first time in a decade he had been swimming. When Bo’iby made his appearance in a solid black bathing suit he was besieged by photographers, who realized that getting Bobby in a bathing suit once in ten years was sompinV Questioned regarding \he ap proaching national amateur at Me rion, Philadelphia, the only major championship he does not hold at this time, Bobby said there were many reasons why he was looking to the event with interest. It was at Merion five years ago. he said, that he w;on his first ama teur championship. *i Family Skeletons Revealed Shaw Tells Entire' World That His Father Was Drunkard. Frank Talk London—George Bernard Shaw, with his customary frankness, in the preface to a new edition of his works tells the world that his fath er was a drinker and that in the days of his early youth his family suffered social ostracism because of his father’s habits. ‘•Fortunately or unfortunately, (it all depends upon how you look at it)” Shaw says, all of the doors of society were closed to his family. The elder Shaw, it seems, was not a convivial .drinker but one wracked with shame and remorse when in his cups and after a mild fit he be came a teetotaler—like his famous son always has been—but too late to save the family status. ‘■If you cannot get rid of the fam ily skeleton you may still make it dance," says Shaw in revealing passages which seek to explain his shyness in breaking into the lime light when he first arrived in Lon don many years ago. ■ Here’s One For You, Frog Turns Into Bug Kinston—Biologically bizarre as it may sound, a frog has become a bug. A radio bug. An attendant in the, Caswell Training School, the story goes, has a radio set which his children Keep tuned in from the supper hour to bedtime. At the first note from the loud speaker, the hob hops upon the I porch, takes a position hi front of jthc screen door and there remains until the radio is turned off. Then jit hops away, to reappear the next night. According to Sam Tj. Pate, man ufacturer, to whom and by whom the story was told, the frog has not missed a night for several weeks. New “We” Plane New York.—An airplane built for three has been purchased by Col onel Charles A. Lindbergh as A gift for his wife. Although no plans have been announced, it was con sidered probable the first trip would be to the summer home of her par ents at North Haven, Maine, with Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr., as a passenger. CAROLINA’S FINEST -- ■ *v. N MADE SUPERLATIVE FUHJfc CAOlf ROLLER MU l CO. SHELBY, NC. •I lUiWiftSSIl i! Ml When Another Flour Is Offered Remember A Sub stitute Is “The Right Article, Made of the Wrong Materials.” Eagle Roller Mill Co. - ■ . . • . s • Notice Of Bankrupt Sale IN THE MATTER OF: „ W. JUDD JONES. FLORENCE JONES, W. H. GARDNER and CLEVELAND FURNITURE CO., Bankrupts. Under and. by virtue of authoriity vested in me and pursuant to an order of R. Marion Ross, Referee in Bankruptcy, Western District of North Carolina, made on the 16th day of July, 1930, I will offer for sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, at 12 o’clock M.,' at the Court House door of Cleve land County, Shelby, North Carolina, on Friday, August 15th, 193J, the following described real estate: 1st Tract: 1 six-room brick veneered house, situated in the Northern part of the town of Shelby, North Carolina, on the west side of the exten sion of North Washington Street, and being that lot conveyed to W. R. Newton by R. L. Weathers and wife, Susan Weathers by deed dated Aug ust 29th, 1923, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Cleveland County,* North Carolina in Book “000” page-107, and being tho same property deeded to W. Judd Jones the 15th day of May, 1920 by E. C. Hicks, said deed being of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Cleveland County in Book ‘‘3-U” page-68, to which said deed reference is hereby made foj a full and complete description^ The said lot lying 73i Feet on north*Washington,Street, and extending westwardly 200 Feet. The foregoing property will be sold free and clear of all encumbrances with the exception of Street assessments and taxes now due. 2nd Tract: 1 two-story brick building located on the East side of South Morgan Street in the town of Shelby, North Carolina, opposite the South ern Freight Station, and being more particularly described as follows: Be ing lots Nos. 4 & 5 of the D. A. Beam property on So. Morgan Street in the town of Shelby, North Carolina as shown by map of said property made by Stine, Surveyor, and the same being recorded in the Book of Plata No. 1 at page-74 in the Office of the Register of Deeds Office of Cleveland County, North Carolina, and containinfi: approximately 4500 Square Feet, more or less, and being the identical property deeded by W, J. and Lula Arey by deed dated May 8th. 1929 to W. Judd Jones, said deed being of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Cleveland County, North Carolina, in Book “3-Y" at page-484, reference to which is hereby made for a full and complete description of same. The foregoing property will be be sold free and clear of all encumbrances with the exception of Street as sessments and taxes now due. 3rd Tract: 1 eight-room frame dwelling located on the east side ot Highway No. 18, and more particularly described as follows: Being a por tion of the land known as Ross Hardin lands, situated about two miles northeast of the town of Shelby, North Carolina, and joining the lands of D. L. Houser, A. M. Hamrick, Geo. Spurling et als., and being on the East side of Highway No. 18, and containing approximately two (2) acres. Be ing the identical land deeded to W. H. Gardner by Thadd Allen, which said deed is of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Cleveland Coun ty, North Carolina, in Book “3-Y” at page-321, reference to which is here by made for § full and complete description of same. The foregoing prop erty will be sold free and clear of all encumbrances with the exception of Street assessments and taxes now due. A. R. BENNETT - TRUSTEE - ROYSTER BUILDING — SHELBY, N. C.

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