LOWER FREIGHTS OR FARM PRODUCTS nOURTDIH Interstate Commerce Commission Asserts An Emergency Has Been Created. Washington, Aug. 13.—President Hoover today summoned Secretary Hyde and James C. Stone, larm board member, to hts Virginia camp for further conferences on the drought situation. The agricultural secretary and Mr. Stone planned to leave immed iately tor the Rapidan river lodge. Stone has just returned from a sur vey trip in the middle west and south, particularly in Kentucky and he will lay new information before the president.. Secretary Hyde wTll supplement Stone’s report with many tddltlon »1 advices from the weather bu reau as to prospects of relief. The white house announced that the replies of governors of Kansas and Arkansas, saying they would be on hand for ihe conference between the president, government officials and governors of states affected by the drought, had been received. Ad ditional replies were expected to day. It was reiterated at the white house today that, the nation’s food supply was in no danger ancj that the shortage in animal feed crops was spotted. Reduce Freight Rates, The Interstate commerce commis sion today issued orders authorizing reduced freight, rates by railroads in the drought, stricken areas The commission asserted an em ergency had been created by the long drought and all state carriers HOSIERY HOSPITAL, Inc. (Of-Chariot**, N. C.) Brunch At Mrs. Hannon’s Hemstitching Shop (Coder Chocolate Shop) Roiifry and Knitted Goods Neatly Kepaired. All Hose Must Be laundered. Nature Thought of Everything Nature thought of everything when the human body was made. When the body >■ about to become 31, nature planned danger signals to warn us. Thus, if oar children grind their teeth they sleep, or lack appetite, or hr from abdominal pains, or itch about the nose and fingers, we should know that they may hare contracted worm. Then, if wo are wise, we buy a bottle of White’s Cream Vermifuge and safely and surely expel the worms. Thus we arced the danger of very serious trouble. White’s Cream Vermifuge rants ■dr SSonbottle, and can be bought from PAUL WEBB A SON AND CLEVELAND DRUG CO. (adr.) SPECIAL LOW FARES SHELBY TO Washington D. C. _ $24.85 Baltimore, Md.__ $27.05 Philadelphia, Pa. $.12.20 Atlantic City, N. J. $35.3(1 New York. N. Y. - $37.10 Detroit, Mich._$40.03 Chicago, III._$44.85 Cleveland. Ohio_$41.68 Toledo, Ohio.$36.93 AND RETURN Tickets on sale every Sat urday, June, July, August. Final limit 30 days. For Information Call On Any Seaboard Agent SEABOARD SPECIAL LOW FARES Round - Trip SHELBY To Niagara Falls— $35.45 Tickets on Sale June 27, July 3, 11, 17, 25, 31; August 8, 14, 22, 28; Sept. 5, 11, 19, 25. TO Atlantic City, N, J. $25.60 Tickets on Sale July 2, 8, 16, 22, 30; August 5, 13, 19, 27; September 2, 10, 16. Tickets Limited 18 Days. For Information Call Agent SEABOARD had been authorized to 'lower tariff on livestock, feed and water and on such other articles of traffic as may be found necessary to aid to and from the stricken areas, without ob serving the usual requirement as to publication and notices in rate changes. The authorization expires October 31. Busy studying the drought situa tion at hte summer camp today. President Hoover had It brought more sharply to his attention by a sweeping forest tiro just seven miles from his lodge There was no im mediate danger at the lodge how ever. Heavy Cattle Loss In Haywood County Shrinkage in Herds Due to Parched Condition of the Pastures Waynesville, Aug. 12.—Haywood county cattlemen face an estimated loss of $50,000 because of shrinkage in herds due to parched pastures and the depressed market for cattle. James L, Robinson, county farm agent, has called a meeting of the Haywood agriculture committee here Wednesday to discuss relief measures. Robinson said Tuesday he hopes to work out an arrangement witli Eastern Carolina whereby Haywood cattle will be wintered In the east. Feed crops In that, section are boun tiful, Robinson has heard. Haywood, banner cattle and ap ple growing county, had anticipated a short apple crop due to frost, blight and drought, but the situa tion facing the cattle raisers was not generally known until Robinson called Wednesday’s meeting. Country's bank clearings off 28 per cent from week a year ago. Treasury reports smaller supply of money on July 1. CITY ELECTRIC CO. H. W. HARMON, Mgr. Electrical Con. and Repairing. PHONE 230 — SHELUY. N. C. I i Dr. D. M. Morrison ■ ' : F - OPTOMETRIST Upstairs—Woolworth Building Shelby, N. C. Eyes Examined, (Bases Fitted and Repaired. SPECIAL LOW FARES SHELBY, N. C. TO Savannah, Ga. __$8.00 Jacksonville, Fla. __ $16.00 Miami, Fla._$26.00 St. Petersburg, Fla. $23.50 Havana. Cuba $50.75 AND OTHER FLORIDA POINTS AND RETURN. SATURDAY AUGUST 23, 1930. Additional selling date Sept. 7. SEABOARD These Hotels Offer Superior Accommodations (or Your Next Visit to WASHINGTON, D. C. MARTINIQUE 16th St. at M Northwest—Id** for Motorist • Single with bAth iS.no to $4.01 Doable with bath is.nil to to.01 Hamilton Hotel Utb at & Street—in tbe Henri of tbe Clt» ••ingle with bath *S.«K' to MM Double with bath 53,06 to fg.(H CAIRO HOTEL single with both 13.00 to M.S« •tne St, et ltlth—Washington'. Tallest Hulldlng Double with hath St.00 to *«.in Mr>Mav*hav, Pifci/C H •M-rsIIayAwc*,!* M*».A<;wesAChurch New York—All hail America, the land of alimony and the home of the gold-digger! The spectacle of our harassed millionaires paying out staggering ransoms to free themselves of. the chains of matrimony Is becoming almost commonplace. “What price freedom?’1,1s the bat tle cry in today’s divorce courts, and justice's answer is a thundering "Plenty! Give until you wince!" There is the current sensation of Mrs. Marshall Field III. Mrs. Field, wife of the scion of one of Ameri ca's wealthiest, families, was recent ly awarded exactly $1,000,000 a year in alimony. Field can well afford to pay this enormous annuity. He Is reputed to be worth $150,000,000. Shortly after the Reno decree was signed, young Field planned to sail for London to marry Mrs. Dudley Coats, pretty friend of the Prince of Wales. And Mrs. Field may become the bride of George K. Cherrie, the middle-aged explorer, who accom panied the late ex-President Roose velt on his famous River of Doubt expedition in South America. Some months ago Mrs. Linda W. Woodworth secured a divorce from her husband, Chauncey V. Wood worth, the perfumer of New York and Palm Beach. Although the al lowance granted her cannot be compared with the kingly sum giv en Mrs. Field—it is. no pittance. Under the terms of the* divorce, Mrs. Woodworth receives $21,000 a year or $1,750 per month. Many bank presidents are patd lex* Before Mrs, Roy H. Arnold mar ried her millionaire investment broker-husband, she was a candy store clerk. After over 20 years of matrimony, they separated. Mrs. Arnold was given $40,000 annual al lowance. Later she brought suit for divorce. After one of the most bitterly fought legal battles in the annals of New York State courts, it was announced that Mr. Arnold would make a "Just financial settlement’’ Upon his wife. Does a woman already receiving $40,000 a year alimony need a "just financial settlement"? It sounds a bit excessive. Another Reno divorcee, whose future was rather well provided for by the judge who split the nuptial bonds, Is Mrs. Walker P. Inman, who was granted an allowance of $15,000 a year. Theatrical stars were- formerly branded as alimony-diggers, but from the number of tranquil mar riages between stage folk and mil lionaires, it might be said that con ditions are changing as far as they are concerned. Constance Bennett is an out standing exception. A year or so ago this beautiful screen actress ob tained a divorce from Phil Plant, Broadway playboy, in Paris. Young Plant is said to have turn ed over a cool million dollars to his wife when their matrimonial bark was wrecked on the rock* of tem perament. (International Newsreel) Reducing Motoring is surely a great thing. I used to be fat and sluggish before the motoring craze, but now I'm spry and energetic." ‘‘I didn't know you motored." "I don’t. I dodge.” Bladder Irritation If functional Bladder Irritation disturbs your sleep, or causes Burn ing or Itching Sensation, Back ache, Leg Pains, or muscular aches, making you feel tired, depressed, and discouraged, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don’t give up. Get Cystex today. Put it to the test.' See for yourself how quickly it works and what it does. Money back if it doesn't bring quick improvement, and satisfy you com pletely. Try Cystex today. On'\ 60c. Buttle Drug Store. (adv) FRETFUL BABIES Need OR. THORNTON'S CAST TESTHER Relieves stomach and bowel troubles, colds, and Indigos* 4 tton. 25c at drug gists or by mail. EAST YFTETHER MEIUCINB CO. Westminster, H C. 666 Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia '» 3 minutes, checks a Cold the tirst day, and checks Malarie in 3 days. 666 also in Tablets. IX Sharing Good Things Helping yourself you help the Carolinas The best customer your state has for the food it pro duces is A & P. The reason is simple: ^ & P has to buy a larger supply of this food than anyone else because of the demand for It from hosts of housewives all over the country who trade in A & P stores. This helps the producer just as A & P methods help you. Producers, to prosper, must have sure, quick, and good markets. You. to be satisfied, must have the best of what you like at the lowest possible cost. Ask the food and allied industries of the Carolinas who are their very big customers—for their "vegetables and her pes, peanuts, tobacco, and other famous products. Last year A & P bought more food in the Carolinas, at a fair price, than any other buyer, and will buy stiU more this year. Why a low price to you and a fair price to producers? ... Because all the money you pay A A P for food—less only actual expenses and A & P's small service charge —goes to the producers. OTHER A. & P. NEWS ON PAGE THREE ATLANTIC & PACIFIC % as a.. tu« ui A H* li t !o & A Another Issue Of School Fund Will Be Mode l Distribution of $50,000 Fund for j Fight-Month Schools May Be Made This Month Raleigh.—Distribution of appro xi- ] mately $50,000 more of the $1,250, 000 "tax reduction" fund for eight month school districts will be made by tt^ state board of equalization at a meeting to be held in a few weeks, possibly near the last of August. 'This will be in addition to the some $1,160,000 distributer! at a re cent meeting of the board. The new distribution, Le Roy Martin, secre tary of the board, explained, will be to give aid to districts that have ex tended their school terms to eight months since last year. Other emergency distributions will be made from time to time both from the $1,250,000 fund for eight month districts and from the $4,-.I 950,000 fund . for the si j-month schools as need may arise, it was explained. The bulk of six-momh equalizing fund was distributed sev eral weeks ago by the board. The equalizing fund for the ex tended term schools last year re sulted in between 33,000 and 40,000 school children having the benefit of an eight-month school, Mr, Mar tin said in commenting on the re sults of the fund. Approximately 100 districts dur ing the year extended their terms to eight months, it was explained, i Something like half that number 1 Is expected this year. Local school taxes were slashed from ope to 50 rents on the $100 valuation, an average of 18 cents, as a result of the equaling fund Mr. Martin previously had announced. Prison Population Down 59 Per Cent The population of North Carolina state's prison for the second suc cessive month showed a reduction in July after a period of almost steady increase over several years, it was learned today. The prison showed a net decrease of 59 inmates, the total August 1 bei»g 2,258 compared to 2,317 on July 1. There were 91 admittances to pri son in July and 91 discharges of prisoners who completed their terms in addition there were 18 paroles, one pardon, ^ne death and nine es capes. Cow Caused Wreck, Aged Woman Hurt. Asheville.—A cow fell out of the air upon Mrs, Lizzie Taylor 7-si. Mrs. j Taylor is reported in a serious con dition at her home, in Hominy. The cow, it was testified in coun ty court here, was struck bv an au tomobile driven by Hoyle Henson, also of Hominy, and flung into the air. It fell upon Mrs. Henson, who received grave injuries. The cow, a leg broken, was slaughtered. Burke Uses Limestone. BurJte county farmers have or dered a car of ground limestone *o be used in demonstrations with growing legumes for feed and soil improving purposes this winter. Most of the lime will be Uced under alfalfa. Forest City Bank Man Goes To Tryon Try on News. The board of directors ox tie First Bank and Trust company an nounced yesterday the election oi J, A; Dennis, prominent t oi rst City banker, as cashier of that institu tion to fill the vacancy caused bv the resignation Of D. S. Blois, which was tendered at the last meeting ot thc board. Mr. Blois relinquishes his connection with the bank August 15. Mr. Dennis will assume his new duties as cashier at that time or a very short, time thereafter. Mr. Blois has accepted a position With the M. and J. Finance and will have charge of the com pany’s Tryon office, which will be opened some time before Septem ber 15, ! i D B> WmM BRAND COFFEE g CHICORY SOLD on a MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE/ VilJ tJI i_ _ STRENGTH — use OMf Half as Much as of Ordinary Coffee i HOME OWNED STORES "I'LL WASTE NO MORE MORNINGS - - trudging from store to storfe shopping for groceries, when my QUALITY SERVICE GROCER has everything I need --fif.the finest quality --and at the prices I want to pay!” cO UJ a: O H co Q w 2 £ O u S 0 1 CAROLINA MADE Plain Flour 24 Bprd 95c Isaac Shelby Self ' Rising Flour 24 S'”'1 95c WHITE HOUSE COFFEE Per Pound __ 42c — UPTON’S TEA 1-4 Pound Package 25c Staley’s Syrup, Blue on Labe], 5 lb. bucket _ O'C J——— ' i i Gill's Hotel Special coffe, lb- _ 39c DIAMOND Matches, 6 Packages __ 25c ARMOUR’S BANNER SAUSAGE, Can ... 29c * * ; Pure Meat. Packed So Convenient. QUEEN CHARLOTTE Peanut Butter, pt. jar 29c A Most Delightful Hot Weather Spread! EAGLE BRAND MEAL, 10 Pound Bag .... 33c A Good Meal. Fresh Ground! ‘3'3'V’ MIXED CAKES, Per Pound . 33c Famous Foods of Virginia! SUNSHINE SALTINES, Large Package ... 23c From The Thousand Window Bakeries, by Loose Wiles! KENNY’S LOOSE COFFEE, 4 Pounds ... 89c SO VERY ECONOMICAL! JERSEY CORN FLAKES, 3 Packages for .. 25c BECKER’S BAMBY BREAD, 16-oz.Loaf.. 10c BOS1 S CAKES, Oven Fresh, Per Pound ... 24c KEEP THAT SCHOOL GIRL COMPLEXION * PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 j\*!...25c CHIPSO 3 SMALL PACKAGES ii, k s-.ids ihai last FOR 25c For a Fresher more wide-awake complexion Guest Ivory Soap I For6!. 25c DUKE’S MAYONNAISE „ 8 Ounce Jar-__ 23q — MORTON S SALT Iodized— Package__i 9c — SAUER’S EXTRACTS — Large Bottle ___ 25c — BEE BRAND SPICES — Packages For_ 25c HOME OWNED STORES X o rn C 2 pn O H C X m t/>