GROVER HIS Cl CHS MOW Tom Roberts Has Collar Bono Brok en. Mias Mullinax To Teach. Two Men Poisoned. Orover, Aug. 36.—Both Rev. J. T Dendy and Rev. W. E. Furcron were back In thetr respective churches Sunday after a two weeks vacettor. Large crowds greeted them at ths morning service and everything bids fair for the fall work at each of toe churches. What came very near being a ser ious wreck occurred In the intersec tion of the roads in front of Mr. Ed Hambright's residence Monday morning. A Chevrolet driven by a Mr. Tom Roberts of the Antioct DR. S. F. PARKER — PHYSICIAN — Office Phones 64 and No. 2 Residence Phone 129-J SPECIAL LOW FARES SHELBY TO Washington I). C. _ $24.85 Baltimore. Md. $27.05 Philadelphia. Pa. „„ $32.20 Atlantic City, N. J. $35.81 New York. N. Y. .. $37.10 Detroit. Mich.$40.03 Chicago. Ill.$44.85 Cleveland, Ohio_$41.68 ToLedo. Ohio $36.93| and return Tickets on sale every Sat urday. June, July, August, Final limit 30 days. / For Information Call Any Seaboard Agent .’all On/ gent / SPECIAL LOW FARES Round - Trip SHELBY To Niagara Fall*— $35.45 Tickets on Sale June 27, July 3, 11, 17, 25, 31; August 8, 14, 22, 28; Sept. 5, 11, 19. 25. TO Atlantic City, N. J. $25.60 rickets on Sale July 2, 8, 16, 22, 30; August 5, 13, 19, 27; September 2,10, 16, Tickets Limited 18 Days. For Information Call Agent SEABOARD Back Quit Hurting ”1 wai in ■ vary weak condition Aram a eeri out sick um,” writes Mrs. L Leon- i ard, of 871 Joseph St., New Orleans, La. "1 wss so wsak, I want- t ed to sleep all the time. I did not have VbCWfui w uu ■iijrviunK. , My back ached nearly all tha time. I wai just in misery. "My mother told me I must arouse myself from i the sleepiness, and take something to help get my strength back. She had taken Cardui and had been helped, so I decided to take Card ui. too. After my first bottle. I could see that it was helping me. I took four bottles at this time. My strength came back and I gained weight. Pretty noon, I was my old self again. My beck quit hurting, ahd 1 haven’t had any more trouble since I took Cardui. * CARDUI Helps Women to Health take Tbedferd'e Bleck-prauth for Constipation, Indigestion. and Btliousneu*. r«-i» section and a Ford occupied by 4,e five children of Mr. Eula Rlppey, who lives out near Mt. Paran. and driven by Allen Hippy, ran toge. Herndon and Mr. A. 'F. Collins made a business trip to Charlotte Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders of Camden. S. C., spent part of last week with Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Fur cron. Mr. Garnet Parr of Bowling Green Va., accompanied by his brother Hu bert. are spending this week v 1th friends In and around Grover. .Mr Parr and Jack Plnkleton motored over to Belmont and Chariot Monday and Tuesday. Little Miss Wtll-Ed Furcron gave a birthday party at her home last Monday night, a large number of her friends gathered to enjoy this occasion with her, and after several interesting games the guests were served delicious lee cream and '•akei Miss Aline Mullinax has given up her position with the Rainbow -Nov ‘ ity company and has accepted a teacher's place with the Grove; | High school. Miss Aline is teaching fourth and fit^ Rr!Vion Crocker and Mr..Caul IT.,,li. after eating lunch one d.iv •ecentiy developed something like ptomaine poison, and as a result F’RETrUL BAQIE N«*d OR. THORNTON CAST TIITMI iionmi'ii and bowel troubles, colds, and Indiges tion. 25c at drug gists or by mall. kasy tmimi MKIHC’INK CO. IV I Hf MliU'ttrr, s. < . SPECIAL LOW FARES SHELBY TO Amarillo__$54.$0 Ikaumont_$40.99 Dallas $42.15 El Paso $65.45 Ft. Worth.$43.29 Houston __„„_$44.05 San Antonio_$50.70 AND OTHER TEXAS POINTS AN1) RETURN Saturday, Sept. 13, 1930 Limited Oct. 5 * SEABOARD Jor t/oitr Vacation COACH JV\% FARES ^ off To *1 Seaboard and oo*nn**«*i» Ea« of #* Mmmrt" and South oI and mckafcnt C*v •nun. St. Loud and Wadwfwn. A few sample* of ilwrar k*a eound mp larep Richmond___$13.12 Norfolk __... $15,73 Washington_$16.8$ Jacksonville_$18.58 Miami_ $33.06 St, Petersburg $27.88 Any Seaboard Agent tvery fnday, VrA) *rmi Sunday d.rm* July and Augo*. 15 daya return Wna-d*hdy N»h« far >• dav« kUnc.ed. win be^ dependent of each other in n vs and editorial policies. North Carolina papers generally actuated by the same causes ns those given at Asheville and publish ed in cities of similar size, have fol lowed the merger trend, until at pros ent morning and afternoon newspa pers are published by separate com panies in only t wo cities of the state Kaleigh and Charlotte. Obviously the consolidation movement has m»t with success both for the papers themselves and for the eommunl ties which they serve. The Citizen and The Times, their resources pooled and their efforts concentrated, should prove In their merged operations a more potent and influential factor for the devel opment of Asheville and the up - building of North Carolina’s great mountain territory of which thc»t city is the center. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having: qualified ns administrator ot the, estate of Dohle Stewart, deceased, late ol Cleveland Count’. . N C.. this is to notify all persons harm* claims against til# es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to me undersigned at Shelby, N. C., on or before the Rth day of August, 1931 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. AM persons Indebted to said esiete will please make immediate pay ment. This the Sth. day ot August. 1930. FRANK I HOYLE. Administrator of Ooblc Stewart. 6V—Aug. *C ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have this day qualified as Administrator with the will annexed of M. E. Green, late of Cleveland Countv. N. C . and all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment to the un dersigned All persons having claims against said estate will present them to i me properly proven for payment on or before August Sth. 1931, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. This, August «th. 1930 J. H. GREEN, Administrator with the will annexed of M, E Green deceased. Rvburn As Hoey, AUys. #t—Aug SP ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Having qualllled as admlnstrator of the estate of Mrs. R. C Johnson, late of Cleveland, county, N. C.. this Is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to me prop erly proven on or before the 10th day of July, 1931. or this notice will be pleadeu in bar of any recovery thereof. All per son* owing the said estate are asked to make Immediate settlement to the under signed This July 10th, 1930. Z. V. JOHNSON, administrator. Bel wood, N. C. Mrs. It. C. Johnson, de ceased. «t July 11c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice lv hereby given Ui»t I have tilts day qualified as administrator of the es tate of W. tv.* Moss, late of Cleveland County, N C„ and alt persons havlug claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to tne properly proven for payment on or before July 23. 1931. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery All persons Indebted to said estate will make Immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This the 23rd day of July. 1930. J. B EI.LI8. Grover, N C., Administrator of the Estate of W. W. MOSS, Deoeased •t—July 25C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Mrs. Belle Elliott, late of Cleveland County. N. C.. all per sons holding claims against the said es tate will please present same properly proven to Jas. L. Martin, executor. J03 West Earle street. Green ille, 8. C. or to his process agent B T. I\ 11s. Shelby, N. C. on or before August Utn. 1931 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of any right to recover thereon All pereons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This, August 8th, 1930, JAS. 1. MARTIN. Executor of Mrs. Belle Elliott's will. B. T, Falls, Atty. 81—Aug. *C EXECUTOR'S NOTICE (First Publication July 1*. 1930 to Cleveland Stan Notice Is (hereby given that we Saw this day qualified at Executors of tnc estate of William Thompson Hamrick, late of Cleveland County, N C„ and all per, sons indebted to said estate will tn>k> Immediate payment to the underalgnec All persons having claims against salt; estate will preaent them to the under signed properly proven for payment cn or before July 18th, 1931, or thla notice will be pleaded In bar of tlielr recovery This ITUx day of July 1930 • CLQYD HAMRICK end F07.Y HAMRICK Executors of the . Last Will and Text anient of i William Thompson Hamrick deceased P Cleveland Gardner.’ Atty. tit—July is I'd Nobody’s Business CEE McGEE— Clue* and View*. I decided to feel the pulse of the public the other morning on my way to the office, so 1 stopped the first 5 persons 1 met and Interview them, and this Is what they said: (My only interrogation was—"How's everything?’’; mike Clark, rfd: ‘‘everything's fine with me. 1 have alreddy hell 5 tnquestes this week and 1 just learnt from the undertaker that l might ■halter hold another 1 tonight, bill Jones run over sam brown ill a mule and buggy and both was danger ously hurt, but the mule might get well: sorter hot and dry, but that's the kind of weather we need for fail turnips," Uncle Joe: "Hoover's tariff bill has ruint the country from dam to Beer Shelby. Mills have all shut down. Folks got nothing to eat and less to do. Furrin countries refuse to trade with us. This hot, dry, parching weather is killing every thing. Lots of sickness about. Mone yis tight and creddlck is gone. Yes sir, old boy, We are in lor at least 10 years of misery. By the way. Jet me have 50 cents till tues day." Old Mrs. Kennedy: "Lawsy, mus Sjf TSNUtf V.orld coming to? Dresses above the knees and nothing much on. Lips painted, nose whitewashed. Gals rid ing and carooning around all night long with rank strangers. Chillun don’t pay no attention to their pas and mas, It's dangerous for a feller to get outside of his bedroom. Somebody gets killed every minute. It weren't this-ser-way when I was a girl,” Uncle Ephraim: "Well, cl is old nigger is doing putty well. I gets plenty of eat and wear, and we has the finest preacher we is ever had, Lemme see--he fetched on moral sin last night and he burnt deni sinners all de way from de crap game to de ben roost. We is having some nice hot weather now and I hope it keeps up. A little shower would help. but de Good Lawd knows what we need. Boss, gimmy a chaw tobacker,. please sir.” Hon. Puller Bosh: "Well street is slowly recovering from her recent riot. Commodity prices are on the downward trend. Things will pickup soon. We are learning to elect clean er, better men for office. If I were president, I would dismiss the farm board, pitch the Volstead act to the 4 winds, recognize Russia, free the Philippines, scrap the navy before somebody else scraps it and us, abolish immigration. muzzle con-1 gress, turn the country back over to the Democrats, and adjust the tar iff so that industry can put our folks to work. Gotta match?” A New Worm Discovered. flat rock. s. C, aug. 29. 1930. the wlrm demon strater, senate building, room 23 Washington, D. C. deer sir:— plese tell me something about IM following wirm which i found on 1 of my collards last night while wat terrng same onner count (if ttv drouth which was caused by no rail ansoforth since 4 weeks ago. the sed wirm is about as long a? yore little finger and is green on the front end and yelier on the bach end and has stripes all around hi middle and looks edzackly like s cabbage wirm except he is shorter and thinner and life lied is mad diffrent from them. If it had not ketched tins wirm when i did, he would of made sift ers out of every leaf on my collard; and if the leaves is to be et by anny boddy, i want him to be me lasted of a wirm, and if his off spring is like other insecks. i have no dout saved my country from a mighty big pcss. 1 am glad the goVermment ha» good men tike you hired to keep u{ with wlrms and bugs Rnd if some boddy lias to be paid 5,000$ for this job, i would Just as soon it would b( you as annyboddy else except me SO you rite or foam me as soon ai you can and tell one all about this wirm. in other words, kindly anser the following questions on this wlrm: L will he_ spread? ^ 2. if*"cooked m5~a~cb1Iard. is he pizeii? 3. will he eat parrls green? 5. if so, will he dies? 5. and when? 6. is he a furrin or native wirm? 7. will fish bite same? * 8. what IS his name besides wirm ? 9. will he eat other stuff? 10. will he kill chickens if et? It. which end do he bite with? 12, anser by mail. yores trulie. mike Clark, rfd. Indications of oversupply drop cot ton to lowest in years. $121,875,000 made available to states for drought relief. HOSIERY HOSPITAL, Inc tOf Charlotte. N. C.» Branch At Mrs. Harmon's Hemstitching Shop i Pnd$r rhnenlate Shop'' Hosiery and Knitted Good-. Neatly Repaired. All Hose Must Be Laundered. CITY ELECTRIC CO. 11. \V. HARMON, Mg.. Electrical Con. and Repairing. PHONE 230 r- SUEUiV, N. C. PELLAGRA cam he cured. Hive y04 any of these srtiro toms? Tired and drowsy feeling with bead* •che* and depression; akin rough; breaking out or eruptions; tore mouth, tongue, hpa and throat flaming red; much mucus and choking; indigestion and nausea; failing memory; diarrhea or constipation. Write for SO-page book mailed FREE in plain, sealed wrapper. X>*. W. J. MeCRARY. Inc Carbon Hill. Ait. XI An Open Book Why A & P prices for good food are low A & P has millions of customers all over th country, and more customers are coming to A & P stores every day because they find there the good food they want at prices they know to be as low a* is possible to a going business. There is no secret about this. Like everyone else in business, ASP buys goods to sell them at a profit. A & P's unusual success is due to two facts (1) A & P buys the best wherever the best can be bought at greatest advantage to A & P cus tomers; (2) A & P sells the best for only a little more than the best costs—plus selling expense. It can do both these things because so many people buy in its stores. These people know that ASP passes on to them all the saving when prices fall at the sources of supply, retaining, under all conditions, no more than its regular profit—cents in the dollar, FUR OTHER A. & P. NEWS SEE PAGE THREE great ATLANTIC iK PACIFIC ?oA C Personal News Of Zion Community Picnic At I., i: Hoyles Lake. Per sonata of People touting And Going. Zion. Aug. 27.—We enjoyed a de lightful- picnic with the Double i Shoals Sunday school last Wednes-^ Ulay evening at Mr. Lore! K- Hoyle s [lake, Mr. G G. Page made a very j interesting talk and Rev. H. E. Wal drop Everyone seemed to enjoy the beautiful picnic supp< r Miss Sara Hamrick spent Sunday with Miss Beatrice Cabaniss. J Miss Janie Irvin returned. Sun day from h delightful 'l l; in Gas-. :Ionia with her sister. Mrs. Dave I McCarter. I Rev and Mi' A B. Wood of| j Mftxton spent some time last week iwith their mother. Mrs Frank Gold. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Gold and] family attended the Hoyle reunion, j Thursday. Miss Clara Roy-: or enjoyed i house party this Week .end at Miss! | Ruby Wat lick s Miss Sara Fusscll of Warsaw j .■■pent last Thursday with Misses] Margaret and Pearl Cornwell. ’* . Many of our people enjoyed' the] Elliott reunion Saturday at Elliott';, church. Miss Minnie Gold spent 'sonif time last week visiting Miss Ora Jones of Lattlmore. Mis- Beatrice CabanKs spent d tow days with Miss Sara Hamrick last week. Miss Nannie Jones speir lnst Fri day with Miss Nina Caoanisr Mrs. Pleas 13. Cabanis.s and baby have arrived home and are getting along nicely. Mr Homer Cornwell of Rocky Mount is visiting his grandmother, Mrs, Amos Cornwell and other rela tives in otir community. Mrs. W W Williamson and Worth, Jr-, and Mrs. Amanda De Priest art- spending some lime with Mr. and Mrs. Pleas B. Cabanis.s. Mr, and Mrs Latham Wilson spent last .week-end with Mrs. ’Wil son's parents, Mr, mid Mrs. J M Gold. ■ Mr. Wheeler Costner was a visitor Sunday in our Sunday school He taughi the men's Bible class. Mr. J. W. Irvin visited Polk viile Sunday school Sunday morning and, taught Mr. Wess Covington's glass, at Mr Covington's request, Mr. and Mrs Less Hamrick spent•, Sunday with Mrs. Hamrick's par ent,. Mr. and Mrs, Monroe Wilson, j Mieses Sara Hamrick and' Eliza -; both Blanton are expected to spend this week with Miss Beatrice Caba niss. Mr. -and Mrs. Joe Cabaniss ana family. George and Kalis Cabatuss spent Sunday with Mrs. Chas. Cab a mss and family. Mr and Mrs. Hubert Branton anu Mrs. Gus Branton spent last Sun day with Mr and Mrs.- Ralph Gold \ Proper Apology. (From The Wall Street Journal.) I lu Milwaukee railroad is in re ceipt of a letter ot appreciation from a motorist who feels that he acted rudely in cutting in front oi one of the road’s train. The letter in part, reads: "I want to apologue to the engineer for passing in front of him one sixth of a minute before his train arrived at the crossing which act of mine may have caused him anxiety and perhaps disgust. It ' is possible that your train was further from the crossing than 1 judged it to be. I feel your cnglnee so calculated his speed that I could get aero.vs tire tracks regardless of how careless I was. My wife and 1 are grateful to him. ’ The Milwaukee read feels sure that this man s name will not appear in any future accident report. Wholesale prices in July were 2.8 per cent below June index. HOME OWNED STORES U a: O H in Q W Z £ jo UJ £ 0 1 av AM America . . . &rca1 and manall unite in paying genuine tribute to tW ioundetten of Americi t progreti end prosperity. . . . T he American Pei bar !7 Q«wtoy-i>crrwe Snore* 0/ /ImcrH*, /ik.,V< orticeft, ypeers and employees . . . erlend to Labor, on the Osy you c*W>f»*# . . . sincere be ml uriahe*. Mjy you stride forward to the Gcs! you Seek . . . <-4 /OH ,-UV© LIVING WAGE TO EVERY WORK .NGMAN! HOTEL. SPECIAL. COFFEE, lb 38c 33^ MIXED CAKES, lb. 35c BECKER’S Bamby Bread Long Loaf .. 1 Oc COMO LILY FLOUR, Self-Rising, 24-lb. bag.85c CAROLINA MADE FLOUR, Plain, 24-lb. bag .... 95c DUKE’S RELISH, Just Like Home Made, 8-oz. jar . 23c BEE BRAND SPICES McCormick’s Quality Pure 3 Packages for : "‘t/t Borden’s Evaporated Milk Small Can.5c BOST’S CAKES Delightfully Fine, Oven Fresh Cakes, Pound 24c WHITE HOUSE COFFEE, pound tin . 42c SNOW KING BAKING POWDER, 25-oz. can 23c KENNY’S LOOSE ’ COFFEE, Pound .. 19c CRISP VEGETABLES PRICED To PLEASE! A FULL HALF PACKAGE % DISH OF jy THE NATION 3 pkgs. for .. 23c FRESH FRUITS At LOW PRICES! There’s A Quality Service Store Near-You! — Sunshine Crackers 3 Pound Box. 45c GOLDEN CROWN Syrup, Blue Label, 3-lb. Bucket . 39c ARMOUR’S Banner Brand Sausage, H/z-lb. Can ... 31c DIAMOND MATCHES, 7 Boxes For..25c PALMOLIVE SOAP Famous lleauty Au horities Recom mend it. 25c 3 Cakes For SUPER SUDS Reads of Soap Small Package 9c SAVES Jk* ike* A >**• — SELOX — The Speed Soap 3 Small Packages 25c The speed soap \_LX-L 1 * l - TT'TTT '3 ■llHBinnlinn-^[oimnOjaS BB B B Hi H ■ • ® ® X o 2 m C 2 Pi D in H C PO m CD HOME OWNED STORES