\ ■ J.-!ll"=SjLLJL!g-l VOL. XX£V1. No. 171 ■ i j .■■■■■■■.. ' . .. .LaBHlLB1". - SHELBY. N. C. MONDAY. SEPT. 15. 1930 10 PAGES TODAY . By Mall, per year, tin advance! _ M.60 Carrier, prr year, (la advance! _ *3.n» LATE NEWS THE MARKET. Cotton. Shelby Spot . H* Cotton Seed, per bn..31He Thundershowers. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Local thundershowers to night and Tuesday. Somewhat cool er Tuesday. Flight Fails. Tokyo, Sept. 15.—The fourth at tempt of Harold Bromley, American aviator, and his co-pilot. Harold Gatty, to span the Pacific oecan ■without a stop, ended in failure to day with the grounding of their air plane near the village of Shlritsuke, on Cape Shlrlya, Aomori prefecture, at 6 a. m. (1 p. m. Sunday P. S. T.) The flight ended within a few miles of Samishiro beach, near Sambongi, where at 6:08 a. m. Sunday (12:08 p. m. Saturday P. S. T.) the huge monoplane "City of Tacoma,” heavy with 1,020 gallons of . gasoline, roar ed down a ramp and swooped grace fully along a sandy runway until it rose into the air and disappeared into the rising sun. The flyers had hoped to fly to Tacoma, Wash. The plane was in the air 24 hours and 82 minutes, and during much of the time the fate of its two occupants was cloaked In silence deepened by fog and adverse weather condi tions. Although the plane carried a wireless'set, there was an almost total absence of reports while It was in the air. Wheeler Says Prohibition Is Failure Here Recent Statements Assure Wet-Dry Fights In Both Parties Soon. Washington. Sept. 15.—Prohibi tion continues to command atten tion in the capital, with Senator Burton K. Wheeler saying condi tions under it had forced him to the opinion that the eighteenth amendment had failed. The Montana Democrat recalled having voted for the dry law in his state. He advocated leaving liquor traffic regulation to each state. Aside from his prepared statement, he predicted the Democratic party would nominate an opponent of pro hibition in 1932. P. Scott McBride, superintendent of the Anti-Saloon league, said his organisation had •‘never counted Burton Wheeler as a dry.* "This is simply a case of a wet changing his mind as a wet and is in line with that of .Chairman Ras kob and other party leaders whom he has supported before,” he said. “It is no loss from the dry stand point that I know of.” McBride said the newly announc ed stand of Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York brought "the wet issue into the next political campaign.” "In view of the fact that he has been mentioned as a possible can didate,” he said, "it looks as if he makes the statement to clarify his position as a candidate.’ Law Enforcement Commission. With the wet and dry controversy apparently gaining in intensity, at (CONTINUED ON __PAGE TEN i Woman Cut About Body, In Hospital White Women Stabbed Sunday Night. Details Of Cutting Not Known. Mrs. Atta Pearson, young white ■woman, was brought to the Shelby .hospital about 9 o’clock Sunday eight suffering from tuts and stii-.s about ccr'b -i'3. T'iday It was self that none of the wounds were es pecially serious. Details of how7 the woman, who lives on Shelby Route 5, received the cuts are not known. She w'as brought to the hospital by Dr. Yates Hamrick who was called in but W'as not informed about the manner in Which the wounds in her chest and abdomen were received. He had heard, he said today, that she had been cut by a man who had been drinking. His understanding was that the man was not her husband ind he knew very little about the matter other than that report. Early his morning officers had no Information concerning the affair and. at that time no warrant had been issued. County Hunters Get Out After Squirrels A good many squirrel guns got nto action early this morning hroughout Cleveland county to In augurate the' opening of the squir rel season today. County hunters save been eager for the season to •pen and squirrel hunting will be me of the popular sports In the lection for several weeks. Hunters were reminded today by ifr. H. C. Long, county game war len, that licenses are required for : mnting squirrels as well as other ;arna. Will Ask For ! Shelby-Marion Mail Routel 1 Three Day Service Is Given Now Wail Service Greatly Crippled Be- j cause Of Taking Off Two Southern Trains. A Star mail route between Shelby j and Marion and return will be ask- !• ed within a few days to take the] place of the service curtailed by reason of the Southern taking off two trains, Nos. 117 and 118. leaving only one train each way between these two points. Third Day To Get 10 Miles. Postmaster J. H. Quinn of Shelby and the postmasters and patrons at Lattimore, Mooresboro, Ellenboro, Bostic. Forest City, Spindale, Ruth erfordton and Union Mills and the patrons of these offices have be come interested -in asking the post office department to inaugurate a Star mail route to take the place of the mail service which was cut I off when the Southern discontinued I two trains. A letter mailed in Shel by after 9:30 a. m. and destined for delivery on any route from the above postoffices cannot be dis patched from Shelby until the fol lowing morning on the up-South errn. When this train passed the! above postoffices the rural mail ■routes have departed and the letter cannot be delivered until the third day after it is mailed from Shelby The delay Is typical of the infre quent service all a>m? the Soutn em between Shelby and Marion since these trains have been discon tinued. No Good For Papers. The Star printed in Shelby on Friday afternoon could not reach its readers on routes from the above postoffices until Monday of the fol iowing week if the paper depended on the mail service as now offered. To better serve its oatmns Tne Star is sending papers to most of these offices by a private mail car rier in order to get the newspaper delivered on schedule time. It Is hoped tfiat a Star m3il route can be established to leave Shelby in the afternoons about 4 o'clock, take local mail and mail which reaches this office from the north by bus, arriving at 3:50 p. m. to the (CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN > Popular Stars In Game Here Saturday York And Shelby In Plav-Off Game j Of A Five-Game Series. Just as the football season sweeps in to hold the undivided attention of sports followers, baseball farts are assured one more important diam ond clash before the curtain falls upon the baseball calendar for an other year. At the city park here Saturday afternoon the fast York, S. C., base ball team will meet the Shelby mill nine in the last of a five-game ser ies between them. To date both teams have won two games each. York defeating Shelby there Satur day behind the hulling of ‘‘Snag" Ormond, Sally League star. The Shelby mill outfit will make every effort to get the “rub" game Cline Owens Lee and Dick McKeith «n will be in their line-up and re ports have it that Ormond will swep teams and hurl for the locals. At the Telephone in 1875 Miss Ruth Rose shows how the • young miss of half a century ago 'caiYied on her telephone conversations, The instrument, which" is the first Bell telephone and dates from 3.875, is one of sever*! interesting exhibits in cluded in the “Men and Ma chines” collection, with which the Museum of the Peaceful Arts is opening its new quar ter* in New York Citv. (tm»rn»tlon»i N*w*r«*l> Cameron Morrison Candidate For United States Senate In 1932Race Believe 1,000 Bales Ginned In County Now dinners in Shelby Saturday estimated that close to 1,000 bales of cotton have already been ginned in Cleveland county this season. Some predicted that more than a thousand bales have been ginned, while a few were of the opinion that not much over 500 bales have been turned out by the county gins. If 1,000 bales have been ginned the county is almost two weeks ahead of all past records. Not many times in the past, if ever, has that much cotton been ginned by mid September. The first bale this yean was gin ned on the first of September, three days earlier than the first bale last year, which was 10 days earlier than ever before. Cotton has been opening rapidly since the first of the month and farmers, it seems, are attempting to pick it as it opens and carry it to the gins. An indica- j tion • of the early rush at the gins Is shown by the fact that the Post Road gin. just east of Shelby, turn ed out 40 bales Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vaughn and chil dren and Mr. William Eugene Den ton spent the week-end with Mrs, Vaughn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis at Fallston. Five Distinct Features On Program For Kings Mountain Celebration Military Parade In Town Of Kings Mountain. Other Features at Mountain. Five distinct programs- have been tentatively adopted for presenta tion at different times on October 7 at the Kings Mountain battle field in commemoration of the ses qui-centennial of the battle, in ad dition to numerous concerts, pa rades and pageants that will serve as trimmings for the main events. The first of the principal pro grams on the battlefield will be a two hour historical pageant by the Daughters of the American Revolu tion and the Sons of the American Revolution under the direction oi Mrs, R M. Bratton of York Await White House Schedule. Tlris will be followed by the ex ercises at which President Hoover will deliver the address. The hour for this program lias not been set; pending arrival Of a definite sche dule from the white house. Stuart W. Cramer, chairman of the presi dential entertainment committee, expects to receive the president's plans within a few days. The third event will be formal dedication of the monument to Col onel Ferguson. Two continents will be linked bv radio for this service, which will be attended by' Percy Bullen, representing St. George's society, and Sir Ronald Campbell, commissioned to attend the cele bration by the British ambassador. Sir Ronald Lindsay; Nevin Will Speak. Later in the "afternoon, ihe Am erican Society Descendants of Kings Mountain Heroes will have a program, including an address by James B Nevin. editor of The Gporgian-Amencsn in Atlanta The closing-program of the five events will be a nr astral concert, by Rock Hill, Winthrop college and Salisbury musical organizations. In addition to the battlefield programs, the military parade will be in the town of Kings Mountain . and a historical pageant will be presented in the school building here, the afternoons and evening,s ol October 6 i nd 7. Charlotte Man Announce* Intention To Be Candidate Against , Overmau. Charlotte, Sept. 15.—Former Gov ernor Morrison Sunnday announced he intendted to ba a candidate for the United States yenaW fn t§5j. The statement was limited to tile bare announcement. li! a short formal statement the former governor said: “I think it would De most unwise for the Democrats of the state to le. themselves be di\ erted from wholehearted attention to the elec tion im November of the ticket nominated In the last primarv ty controversy over nominations -two years from now. "Four years ago I announced X had ‘declined to enter the primary then against my good triend Senator Overman, although importuned to do so by man5'. but thu„ af the ex piration of Senator Overman’s pres ent term. X eynp^ted t., be a candi date fo. sinator. I l.atc not a’lu’or ized any statement to the contrary. It is my intention to be :• camJi da'e.’ The Morrison announcement is of particular interest in this section as Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby, has been discussed for several years as a prospective candidate for the Over man scat. Mr. Hoey some weeks a"o declined to say anything a bod the race, reminding that there is an other election to be disposed of to the 1932 campaign. Shelby Man Becomes Lenoir Police Head Fred Dover Becomes Youngest Chief In Country. Popular There. Lenoir. Sept. 15—Fred Dover, young police officer, was unani mously elected chief of police of the city of Lenoir at the regular meet ing of the city comissioners. suc ceeding John W. Walsh, resigned, who has been nominated by • the Democratic party as a candidate for sheriff. Young Dover has been in the employ of the city for 12 months, having come here from Shelby with a service record of four years. The new chief of police assumed his duties Tuesday morning. Youngest Chief. By virtue of his election Chief Dover is the youngest chief of po lice in the United States His age is 25 years, three years below that of the .contender for such honors. The city commissioners did not select a patrolman, as was antici pated. At present there are four of ficers and one special policeman. The commissioners decided to econ omic? as far as possible by doinu with only four policemen. Dover is married. has( two chil dren and recently purchased his' home in Lenoir, -~n' Boom Southern Candidate For President Now Gardner And Byrd Being Talked Sheppard of Texas Also Mentioned. Gardner Would Please Farm Vote. Raleigh. Sept. 15.—A quiet deter ruination to launch at the proper time a sweeping boom for "a Real Son of the South” for the 1932 Dem ocratic presidential nomination ex ists in political circles of the state, it has been learned on good author ity. The Democrats Just now have their hands full with their own state political campaign* but some of them already are beginning to look ahead to the 1932 national contest. “It is up to the South to dissipate the now too common Impression that "a representative Southerner is ineligible for the presidency,” as serted one Democratic leader, who asked his name be withheld Just at this time. “The South will never get any where as long as it continues to play second fiddle' to the East or the West,” he added. “We must stand up for our rights and exert the in fluence that is due us in the coun cil of the nation.” Sentiment Wide-Spread. This sentiment is said to be par ticularly wide-spread among the younger men of the Democratic party in the state. It has. been sug gested that this element of the party may soon endeavor to launch a South-wide movement aimed to make a representative Southerner the party's standard bearer and if possible seat him in the president’s chair. Perhaps the Southern man most spoken of in the state as a possible Democratic presidential nominee is former Governor Harry Flood Byrd, of Virginia. His supporters say he represents the best traditions of Old •Virginia, “Mother of Presidents, that his administration as governor was progressive and successful, and that he would make a strong na tional campaign. Gardner Suggested. Other state and Southern leaders, however, have come nearer home (C'ONTtNlIED On PAG* TEN > Thieves Steal Auto In City Stolen From CUne Carafe. Me« Knight Wholesale House Also Robbed. Shelby had another week-end of thieving activity, a wholesale house and a garage being entered and robbed. The wholesale house robbed was that of the McKnight company from which boxes of underwear and shirts and cigarettes were taken. At the D. Huss Cline garage a Buick sedan and 20 gallons of gas were stolen. Entrance at the wholesale house was made by breaking a win dow. a box car on the railroad tracks in front shielding the activity of the thieves from the eyes of people who might have been passing by. At the Cline garage entrance was made by breaking a small hole in the glass of an alley door to the show room. After entering the thief, or thieves, pushed a 1929 model car, filled with gasoline and In good shape, to one side so that they could push out the ’28 model. Pre sumably 20 gallons of gas was tak en from the garage gas pump in the showroom driveway and placed In the stolen car with some taken along as a reserve supply. The robberies were staged some time after the Sunday night rain. Shelby Golfers Get Rutherford Honors Snook Webb Wins Title. Boh Reed Winner In Second Flight Of Play. A couple of Shelby s young golf ers, Snook Webb and Bob Reed, car ried away major honors in the. Rutherford Country club tourna ment last week. Young Webb added another cup to his growing collection by taking first honors In the title flight, no other golfer being able to furnish the left-hander stiff opposition. Reed, the older of another set of golfing brothers—Bob and Jim— Look first place in the second flight, rhe tournament opened with the •plaHfyuig round* Thursday and -tided Saturday. | Rerd Caution* Nation* to Mind Own Business Speaking at the American Club luncheon, Paris, former Senator Reed of Missouri emphasized the doctrine that “America keep her hands of# the affairs of other na tions.*' He warned Europeans that they are trying to achieve something: that would do them more harm than good by involving the United States in their affairs. (lBUrastlontl Sinreil Recover Stolen Car At Union In S. C. The automobile of Mr Bob Lackey stolen a week or two ago in Shelby, has been located at Union, s. C , and a trip was made there for It over the week-end. The car was taken from its park-1 ing place near a Shelby theatre. Polkville To Discuss Fair v ■ . • , •- , • ■. . : Agricultural traders To .Speak In Interest Of Polkville Booth And Fair. Tuesday night the agricultural leaders of Cleveland county will meet with the fanners and all other iterested persons to discuss the in •terwsts of the great Cleveland coun ty fair. The meeting will be held at Polk ville school beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. J. S Dorton, R W Shoffner, E. t. Weathers, Mrs Irma P Wal lace. and others will make short talks concerning the fair At this meeting committees will be appointed to look after various phases of the Polkvllle community booth and the other interests of the community which will be featured at the fair. Prof. E. L. Dillingham, agricul tural instructor at the Polkville school, presets that there will be almost one hundred percept of the people of the community present at the meeting. He says that he is bas ing his opinion on the attendance at the other meetings of an agri cultural nature which have been held in the community. Goes to Morganton: Morganton.—Mr, Clay Ross, who has been with the Carolina store in Shelby for more than a year, has bought an interest in the Walton Peed Store here and becomes active manager of the store in the place of Mr. Hal Walton, who has gone with the Table Rock Furniture Co., as treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Ross moved from Shelby back to Morganton last week and are occupying the Nelson house on Evans street. Negro Shot To Death While In Corn Field Near Earl; Two Held Last Call For Student’s Rate This is the last opportunity to gel The Star at $1.50 dur ing the school year. $1.50 will lake The Star to any student or teacher off at school for the nine months term. Wo pro rata rate later and this offer is good only to school stud ents and teachers away from hnmr. It is much cheaper to sub scribe and let us do the mail ing than have your home folks re-mail the paper after they have read It. Keep in touch with home. Let The Star be your every day let ter about the doings of the town and county. Search At Fair Grounds Fails G»od)> Stolen At Athevlllr. Reported Buried ll»“re, Cannot Be Found. A quantity of stolen goods from Asheville reported to have been bur ied near the Cleveland county fair grounds could not be located there by officers Saturday. Deputy Bob Kendrick, aided two Asheville offi cers in the attempt to find the al leged cache. Gastonia youths, it is said, were implicated in the Asheville robbery and one of them, in prison now it is said; informed officers that the goods had been buried in a hole at the fair grounds here. Sfhce his In formation had it that almost a truck load of goods had been buried in a hole by them, officers doubted the story, but made the search to be positive, Carr Takes Bout In Boxing Program Here Good Program of Seven Bouts Staged At Armory Sat urday Night.. Babe Carr won his headline bout in a good boxing program at the company K armory here Saturday night with a knockout over Jimmy Foster in the first round. Consider ably bettered by experience young Carr, who is appearing regularly now on Charlotte programs, gave fans present a good exhibition of his speed and punch. Winners In the other bouts were: Guy Brown by technical kayo over Morehead in the second round when the latter did not respond to the bell “Ba'ar” Huffman kayo over Jack Hawkins in the third round; Tommy McCarver four-round de cision over Ben Grayson; Purp. Bar rett three-round decision over Kid Painter; Bill Thompson over liOgan in second round by foul; Jimmy Campbell over Poss Shull by foul. Buck Coble was the third man In the ring for the bouts. Columbus Visited America Before 1492 Trip; With Danish Corsairs Says Explorer Joined Danish Cor sairs On Earlier Quest; Dis proves Genoese Birthplace. Hamburg, Germany. Sept. 15.— The assertion that Columbus was a Catalonian corsair and that his trip to Americ in 1492, long reputed to be the voyage upon which he dis covered America, was really his second journey there, has stirred up world-wide reverberations Professor Luis Ulloa, director of the Peruvian National Library at Lima, started the discussion hy an address bpfore the Americanists congress. Senor Ulloa said Colum bus first visited America on a voy age with Danish corsairs who trav eled from Ireland to Greenland. Labrador, Newfoundland and the American continent. In addition, he said, Columbus was not Genoese and denounced a., falsifications doc uments heretofore produced to prove the discoverer's nationality.) He based his assertions on papers i found, he said, in Spanish archives in Madrid. Visited America. 'After eight months' study among! Spanish archives in Madrid, where: I found much hitherto unknown, authentic and incontrovertible ma terial, I can definitely assert that Columbus p&jd his first visit to the new world by way of Ireland, Greenland, Labrador and New foundland.'' said Dr. Ulloa. "This was before America’s official dis covery. indeed before he was in con tact with the Spanish king. "This same Columbus, who later captained Spanish ships to the West Indies for a time, was a comrade of Danish corsairs with Whom, without the aid of Spanish kings, he made the previous discovery of the American continent, "Documents which I found fur ther showed that Columbus was not identical with the son of the Geno ese wool weaver, Domenico Colum bus, but with a Catalonian corsair who vrhollrri against King Juan, the « CONTINUED ON FADE TEN.) James v Rippy, White, Grandson Nabbed Both Fired. Alleged, To Frighten Awav Negro Thought To Be Stealing Com. The first tragedy in a wav* of minor robberies and thefts which has swrpt over Cleveland county for more than a month took place about 8 o’clock Sat urday night when Sam Jlmison. young negro man, was shot to death in a corn field belonging to James Rippy, aged white man. near Earl. Jlmison, it is alleged, was stealing corn when the load from a shotgun plowed into his head, killing him instantly. A short time after the shooting beputy Jerry Runyan and Sheriff Irvin Allen lodged Rippy. well known citizen of southern Cleveland, and his 14-year-old grandson. O. W Ellis, in the county jail here, charg ing them with the shooting. Sunday afternoon. following a habeas corpus proceeding, both were released from jail under bonds of $6,000 each to await a hearing at the next term of superior court. How It Happened. The corn field in which the fatal shooting took place Is about 300 yards from the Rippy home and a little less than 50 yards from the home of Jake Hamrick. Jr , a col ored man. brother-in-law o? the negro who was killed. Around 8 o'clock Saturday evening, according to information given officers, Ellis, the grandson, heard someone in th - cornfield. He notified his grand father and after securing a gun each. It being said they have been trou bled with thieves, the two approach ed the field. In the early darkness, according to young Ellis, they saw two dark forms near the ground | After yelling at whoever It was I young Ellis, according to what Dep uty Runyans says he told him, fir ed at the ground near one of the forms. Just as he fired, according to his story, the men jumped up as if to run. The presumption of the youth was then that the load from his gun. which he fitended to go in the ground, struck Jim Ison in th» head as he Jumped to run. Mr. Rip py. according to reports, also fired once, shooting into the air. After the shooting, thinking the two men had run, Rippy and his grandson, it is said, returned to their home. Just after arriving at the house they heard screaming back In the direction of the field near the home of Hamrick, the other negro. Returning they found Jlmison lying in the field dead and his brother-in-law Hamrick with him. Hamrick admitted, officers say. that he was with Jlmison in the (CONTINUED ON PAO* TEN > Held To Court For Robbery At Hollis Two South Carolina Men Bound Over At Rutherford Trial. At a hearing held in Rutherford ton last week Alonzo Gregory and “Red'' Melton, white men of South Carolina, were bound over to super ior court under a bond of $600 each on the charge that they participat ed in the robbery of the Gradv Withrow store some time ago at Hollis. The two men were arrested at Gaffney several days after the rob bery by Deputy Ben Cooper of this county and a Rutherford officer. On the stand they denied entering the store, declaring the goods they had were left in their car by some others they had transported to that section. A federal postal inspector, it is reported, may take up the matter as the Hollis postoffice js located in the Withrow store. Banker Blanton To Resume Work Soon C, C. Blanton, president of the First National bank and the Union Trust Co., is rapidly gaining his strength from a period Of sickness and was at the bank for a few hours Saturday morning. *T feel better than I have felt for years,'* he said, “and my physician assures me I am in good condition. I leave Monday for a stay of a day or two in Balti more where I will get a final check up on my condition and I expect to be back at my post of duty regu larly within a week or so.” Mr. Blan ton' looks well and was greeted by hosts of frirnafr when he appeared at, the bank Saturday.