20,000 People Read Star Want Advs-The Cost Is Small; Results Good WhatYouWant 1 Inthe WANT ADS Kates For Want Advertisements In This Column Minimum Chart** Fur Any Warn Ad ifte. 1 his size i\pe 1 "eni dci word each insert .in This size type Jc per word each insertion. This size type Me per word each insertion. ! FOR SALE: CABBAGE PLANTS Phdnc 367-W. R( x Mttchein, South Shelby. 6t 31A FOR RENT HOUSE CLOSE Us Good condition. Apply at A. Blan ton Grocery Co. tf-.ll : I - ____ FINK IRON AND METAL CO sell used auto pans tor all maice: o! cars Highest cash prices paid toi al. Kinds o! iunk and wrecked cars Trade Alley rear ol Kendall Medi cinp Co. Phone 580 ■ u 2< I’OU GENERAL”MACHINk and repair work see Ed Laugh ridge located at J. C. Weath ers Steel Plant, opposite Sou t hern Cotton Oil Co. tf 21c FOR RENT: FURNISHED BED roorhs, steam heat. Mrs. Ellen B Switzer, Phene 609. 12t 15p FOUND: RED AND WHITE houtia. About two years old. See J, Ft. Sanders. East ride Grocery Store, ; St 29m WE DEVELOP HOPAK FILMS Expert work. 24-nour service En : larging and tinting Hollywood Stu \ a to. over Wnchvor Hi's Open until > j o’clock tf 20, WANTED TO BUY: FRESH milk cow. \V. C, Whisnant. 3t Sc jFOUND: LADIES SIZE FOUN tam pen. Owner identify at The Star office.. 2t ,5c LOST: BLACK AND WHITE spotted female hound. Return to W H. Champion. South Shelby cr phone 19. Reward. 4t Vp AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS AND t all other travel accidents ' covered lor loss of life, limb, sight or " Cost only $2.00 per year. North American Accident Insurance Co.. Box 12. Shelby. N. C. - if 3c I NOTICE: UNDER AND PUR fuar.t to the authoritv vc.twl in me as trustee for the ^jiTU- Provision Company, 1 will oh the' 10th day, o' November. 1930, at 12 o'clock, noon.: sell at public auction to the high-: e st bidder, ..alt the unpaid accounts \ now due and; owing the said Home Provision Company. Said sales to be held at the .court house door in the town of Shelby. X. C. E. B. Honger. Trustee. 2t'.cc ' WATCH CLOCK AND JEWELRY repairing L. C Davis, nest door to Efird's .1 appreciate your patron- ; age large or small. tf 16r j CENTRAL BARBER SHOP ilX chairs, all first class harbors. t„ ft Cool;, manager. 9t 20p FOR RENT THREE UNFURN- . ! hed rooms. Mrs. Mann: Lane. 211 South LaFayette,. . tf-?9c FOR RENT: TWO LARGe""lIGHT rooms with two closet,-, hot and cold running water rind rink in kitchen, Apply 212 Lee St., Phone 374-J. tf 29c FOR SALE. PIGS AND SHOATS R B Costner. St 31p LOST: TUESDAY, ON NORTH j Washington street small gray pock et book, containing about $12,00 cash Finder return to Star cilice and receive liberal reward. 2t 5c FOR SALE: TWO FARM mules. Bargain. Amos Sam R-4 Lawndale. 4t .ip HOUSEKEEPER ~WOULD LIKE }»oKition in home with elder couple or with widower with smalt fam ily. Best of reference,'-. Phone 217-J. Res. 413 N. Washington St 2t 5p AFTER NOV. R. I WILL GIN cotton only three days each week. 'Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. S. C. Crawley. 2t 5c DON'T NEGLECT YOUR EYE3. Consult Dr Morrison optometrist Wednesday and Fr.day only, lot 5p LOST: ELECTION DAY IN Shelby old fashioned breast bln, containing ilrl's picture. Reward. .Notify Mrs. E. C. Borders, R-7. Shelby. it 7p ** ROOMS FOR RENT CO5 SOUTH TeKalb St. 4-7p ’ lost BLUE HOUND DOG WITH daN; cars and black spot on sloe Finder return to J. C Camp, Shelby, R-7. and receive reward. l-’n Singers Convention At Patterson 9th |"ie Sinyers convention will be held at Patterscn Springs Sunday November C-th. wgirning at 1:10 o. ni P "f. V’"'’/' Ht’-r’nhrie-; of OMf ne, r-s t’ '* he wjl be jr e-rent wit ■ bis ‘Sweet Singe' Mr. 3. C. Brid ges. an officer n the association isf s everybody to be present ah 1 assures theiil of * rood tihi.e and a j chsuce.to ''i'1.. J To Debate Auto Insurance At ’'^s Springs K. I,. S. Soci?tv Elects Officer*. Three Glee Clubs Entertained. Exam inations. Just Over. < Special to The Star * Boil.ns Springs,,Nov. 6.—The K. L. S. : 'Victies have ,elected, thy officers and participating members for their anniversary which will be held at the Memorial building. November 15. The president elected is Battle Knox and the secretary Catherire Hawkins. The marrhalLs are Felix Hamrick, chief. Agnes Weaver, as sistant chief. Janie Irvin. Nan Al ter). Marshall McCraw, and Allen Wilson. The query for debate will be Tesolved, that compulsory automo bile compensation Insurance legis ution should be enacted. The af firmative will be upheld by Brough ton Strickland and Howard Cole, while. Frank Hamrick arid Ourward Whishant will defend the negative. Ruth Waldron' will give a reading , Special music will be rendered by j members of the two societies. j Certain loyal friends of B. S C. have fallen upon the Idea of selling chickens and contributing the pro ceeds to the coPege. , We thorough ly appreciate this generous sfesist ar.ee and we hope that those friends speedily become proficient .chicken catcher-. j Three glee clubs have been organ-1 lzed by Mi; s Boyter, head of the i voice department—one for boys, one for girls, and one for boys and girl Practices are regular, and we ar Poking forward to some good pr grams in the future. Quarter examinations were, given i last week, and reports will be sent j out this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. flats ley and j Ml*s Frances Barnhill all members of the facility, attended the Geor gia Tech-Carolina football gam Saturday at Chapel Hill. After ili game. Mr. and Mrsl Rack-ley visits', friends in Gold boro ar.d Miss Ban: hill at Meredith college at Raleigh. I If Mr Edison succeeds in enablin :. aviators to sec through a fog, may be he cun do something for the po.'h tlcians.- -Ir.dianapo'.i.-: News. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of th* tale oi Levadi Gibbs, deceased, late oi -Mtivel.ar.d county, North Carolina. . this i! o notify til persons ha'mg claims again* ! the e* ate of said deceased to exhibit them } to the undersigned on or before the 10 th j day of October. 1931. or this notice v*: )s pleaded m bar of iheir recovery. A persons, indebted to raid .estate. v di. ple:i rutkv. immediate, payment Phis ihe 7|h day oi October, 1930. PAUL OT3BS, Administrator of i • v&da Gibbs, deceased. , Jlynum- X Weather.^ A tty. <»?• Oct .Prc ( A lt .HIMSTRA1 OH'S NOTICE. H-vinj? nnalit-.ed udir.lnhstrator ci ne csluc «>i Sarah S. Bridges, deceased, •ate of Cleveland eetiniv, No’ Cft Caroline this -is to' notify a ll person \ na-. in ? claims against the cstalo of. said de ceived' to "exhibit them to the undersign ed on or before Unc iOUv day o: October. *1K 1, or th no?he will-be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All perrons indebted to „lio raid csf'ite .will please inaib immeu afe payment This I'ie 'iui 4,v of October. 19.10 W. J KRIU.mE? Administrator o the Estate, of fjuiah .S. iliidge.v de ceased j-vnuni K Weathers. Atty. 6t Oct’ AO;' - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. j Notice is tvrch;. g.vcn thu.t I have thirl day qua lined a? administrator ot the es- j ...ate of Kurr.son Neal, tiece.ued. of Clever j .and county, No'rih Carolina -•)?nd till per- j ;on hav.ULv; claim* against the .said es- i. „atc must present-them to me proper) proven or. er before the 0th' day of Octo .er, 1931. dr Ui'ia notice will be pkuded n bar oi any recovery thtreoi. AU persons awing the said tvtn;<* will please mHk',‘lm aed:.ate. seYtlemrnF«/» Che undersigned Th.s October 9 1^3(5 . .LOVELACE JACKSON. Lawndale. A.dni, Estate oi Harrison Neal; de ceased. 6t Oct yi A DM INISTK A TO it S' NOTICE. Having, qualified ivs administrator of the estate oi .T co > A Black deceased, this ,s to notify .1 persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment of vuch indebtednf■ .< to us. and this is further to notify, all persons holding claims against said estate to present them -temized and verified to the undersigned on or oefore Oeio.or 10, ltf3l, or tills no tice will he pleaded in bar q( their re covery. - ... ). This the 9th day, of October. 1930 A W BLACK. S. e. BLACK, Ad ministrators. Newton New ton, Attys. tit Oet 10c SALE. By virthe of on order Qf the superior ipurt mode in special proceeding entitled F L. Hoyle, Adr. C. T. A of P C. Young’s estate vs Lucinda Young. G E. Young et at," I will sell to the highest! oidder at. the court house door in She! jy. N C. on Saturday, November 27, !930 at 13 o'clock M or within legal hours. the iOllow.ng described rea! estate, to wit: Lying and bemg in the countv of Cleveland and state of North Carolina and known snd designated as follows beginning at a stake in the old line o. vhe 41 3-10 acres at the northwest corner of the 5 acre tract sold off to Washburn and running thence north 42 30 E. 273 j eet to a stake at Southwest corner of the 4 1-2 acres sold to George Wilson; thence 3 40 E 103.4 fort; thence 47 15 E. 125.5 'et; thence north 44 E. 153.4 feet; thence 3. 31 E. 174.7 ..feet; thence north 47 E 24 4 feet to an iron stake in the old line, hence S 27.24 E. 774,ti feet; thence ' fi J E 38 3-5 poles, thence S. .60 W- 87 J-. "thence N. 1 E 43 3 5 po.’e.r; thenc i. 53.3J E. 231.3 ic t: thence N 43 33 vv .7.3 icot to the beglurLag, containing A 1-10 acres. Terms of sale. One-half cash on day of sale, balance in twelve months. This the 22nd dry of October 1070 F. L. HOYLE;.. Admintv.t i vtor C. T . A p. c. Votmr* «*|t -«**. ! H T lit*; A'■♦•'o'mjV, . 4J • j,, | A Scientist Claims The leg Is an Absolute t Imraeter Index. (Dr, Hugh GorfU. distinguished J"na specialist <,u mnn o-mtisi... •: actively, recently has completed an exhaustive study ot girl’s, lower limbs, and, announces here, for the fits! time tlie re.vtUs of his research work Dr. Ootii/. u;i t chorus girl types all over , t he world, fnmly landing in Hollyw. .u. where he ex-, a mined the 100 beautiful dancing girls who perform in The Gold0!! Calf.’ Fox Movi >t me comedy with music.' A girl's character is revealed by her legs. T1 at is the totvclusion I nave reached after exhaustive sillies of careers and chores girls that have carried me to all parts of the world. Let me say that my research was Undertaken entire y in the inter.-.-.f .of"science, and 1.intend to incorpor ate n complete report of my findings in my forthcoming book, "Limbs - Indices of Character " I recently completed my observa tions at the William Fox studios in Hollywood, which were kind enough to accord me unusual courtesies end extend every assistance in by scien? ttfic survey. The young ladies whom I v ditcurs wer- member, of the chorus, , In my Travels throughout.' the wbitd, I have discovered that ..each nation has its characteristics in.the matter ,of iemmini limbs. 'For in stance, in Holland the girls are dis ti..i'i.i hcd by the :aci . x have . rather plump Ie$s* urid the \ alto arc quite short;. German girls, on the other hand, have inner ankle curves that wculn reveal their na tfcnality to a close observer. In mv own country, girls are distinguished Leads the quality field Anh«tsrr-BuNb Budweiser Barley-Malt IJGHT OR DARK RICH IN BODV NOT BITIXR oy their long shm bone*. while *he j olivet opposite1 is tiue of Chine .’ j and Japanese giri Mueh may be 'earned by closeiy j observing the way girls walk Intel-j ltgcnt girls lift . iclr legs higher i when walking. G:ns who fairly a rilate self confidence, indicate it by ' thru free, forceful carriage. So.(conscious girls may be readllv j 1 lehed out by t heir timid method of | .walking across n Mage Cl iris with firm knees and .til leg. are ol firm disposition vim ' erraltssncss is eas.l, r. ad by the ex pe.t by watchiifg a girt dame for a few moments. If > .e steps arc unev en and slipshod, that is (he elue. l arge knee caps . re indies;. X icck ef personal.’ ■' while the a.... • donate girl ha 1 »r s knee. Km.nd knees : e indices of aris ta temperament and talent, wade the fleshy km-cs \ ually mean tha’ iheir possessor is 'ray and inclinei to lag behind her : ters in anything she undertake-, lii res that, point outv ard naturally indicate clunisi re.vc while hollow knees prove that a girl Is truly fpinlr.ine. i Hard muscles that, appear sharp w:n the calves ate llexed. would (ell as though it were written that t he owners .are cruel and inclined to be harsh and caustic in conversation Plumpness, on the contrary, im'i cates exactly the opposite A girl ••ith plump calves would be the one to choose if you wanted to enjoy a pleasant evening My studies at the Fox studio.con vinced me that the chorus for ‘The Gold Calf” is well.nigh perfect. I ... .i*. foutu rounded knees and slim artis *.(• leys, predohnnat ng, Indicating that all are con. 'dernbly above the average in intelligence, artistic and talented; Road Bids Received By Highway Board Probably Award of Hoad fontrvli In North ( .militia oil November 12th. R. f'i.-h. Nov 7.- The North Crr , .in,i Highway commission will meet in Raleigh November 12 and, among t l.er duties, will probably award to the low bidder* the three projects CM which bids were received yester day The three projb.n include grad ing and ..surfacing o 1-2 miles on route 00 in Watauga county, Netlo Trer Durham: low bidder, $82,237. widening to 30 leu route 10 in Cnjllford countv (> an f irrembo-u city limit-, to the county home. 1.2 miles. low bidder, Murray Construc tion Co., Knoxville, Tenn . and Or ^n-boro $33,308,20; and paving twv miles on route 4K Northampton burg to the Weld 'n bridge, low bid der. Powell Paving Co , Winston Salem, $40,318 Nineteen oiher projects have been prepared tor n letting December 3. in which the total, cost will range between $1,250,000 and *1.500,009. Federal aid will be used cm all of these projects. Comfort# and luxuries >ou have earned for Ihenr may disappear overn;« welMovcd home ma> dissoh e. VoUr wife and children may learn too much of suffering. Such are the chances you take for them if you' neglect to arrange their protection through a reliable trust service. Will They “Fare” If Left Alone? WE INVITE YOUR CONSULTATION Union Trust Co. “IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH” j Quarterly Conference at llelunn. Hallowe'en Party, Church Play Next Sunday. (Special to The Star ’ Toluca, Nov, 5 Quarterly confer- ! cure was helda t Hebron last Satur- j day with dinner on the ground. Thf senior B Y. P. U. at Carpen- ; (era Grove enjoyed a social at the ; home of Miss Nora Costner on Sat-, uraay night October 2.*> A large crowd was present. The room was beautifully decora cd In Hallowe’en colors. Many Interesting games were played after which refreshments wen served, consisting of cake pickles and lemonade Those pres ent were: Misses Vangle and Esttfte; Mull, Mary, Joyce and Edith Led ford, Inez Propat., Corinno Hoyle, Vangle Soagle, Fannie and Elst-s jjO', Burns, Fannie, Lillian and Male Mostella. Mr. and Mrs Edgar Cook Messrs. Edwin and Leslie Beagle, Wayne Carpenter, Dehnlre Props',, Clyde and Burgtn Costner, Vernon Cook and Clarence Clark. Play Nest Sunday. tin Junior B. V, P. U. of Carpen ter .<■ Ctrove will present a play at the church on nest Sunday at seven o'clock p in Mr. and Mrs, J. L Sain and son Mr. Sam Sain, visited at the home oi their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Aus tin Hicks C»r Fa list on last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Clinton Goodson of Hickory, spent last Sunday at the home of their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs. J. A. Costner. Miss Olio Mitchem spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Nora Yarboro. Mi. and Mrs T J Vickers and Ut ile son Jacob visited their grand father Mr. Glover of Hollis last Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker or Dal. las. spent last Saturday night with Mrs. Eakers brothei Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Willis. Mr and Mrs. Eskridge Hallman mid little son Boy, or Shelby *ero riinnet guests Sunday of Mrs. Texts Boyles. Mr and Mrs. A. B. Boyles motored to Morganton last Sunday afternoon to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grady H mdall. Mr and Mrs. C. G. Boyles visited Mrs Boyles parents, Mr. and Mrs •dm Ward of Vale last Sunday. Misses Vangte ,.nd Estelle Mull o! FaiiMon were dinrset guests of Mis.* Connne Hoyle last Sunday. They all motored to Boiling Springs fr. college ‘r the afternoon to pay Misses Ima Carpenter and Selma Propst a visit. Mrs. Texle Boyies and children Demlre and Marvin and Misses Marie and Louisa Costner spent 'as' Saturday night at the home of Mrs Boyles sister Mr and Mrs. Cieor— Mull of Llncolnton. NOW GOING ON REXALL SALE UNQUESTIONABLY THE GREATEST SALE EVER CONDUCTED BY A DRUG STORE ANYWHERE FOR YOUR BENEFIT. With every sale article you purchase at our regular price, you receive another just like it for one cent. OPEKO COFFEE, 1-lb. Pkgs. New low price, 2 for .. . . 49c SAVE with SAFETY at your REXALL Drug Store PAUL WEBB & SON SHELBY, NORTH CAROLINA. TOOTS AND CASPER Hunches! Hunches! -J09T COR A LARK f3ES IF YOU, CAM PICK THE WINNER OF THE 4RHAT PATTERFOCT DERBY. usfr 4E CNTQ1C5* are: T-E MiNUET '.VE55s«r CELL'j P’Al'TMFiJu. ^jire.oE ca>vada. l'TTLE PSTT HECTC^A THg OONGUEROR ■ H 00*5>E <1tOVv, POuTHnTM 0EAOTY. MAsjpe, jjp. ‘pV. FE'T pAppY. CjPAPE-QiB''?. PCX‘R oaw£j PPOP^V. Fl-Cjtf TOuR. D04t niow amd "them watch ‘THE Bit* RACE.. 3ee mow close tou COMD ‘ . 4 heavens*, P!ERPONT» OUR PAUOHTEC. 1 Oust ELOPED* With the. CjARpEKlEg.'. H'T.wfc HURRAY! THAT’S MY hunch to Bet on WEPt»N^ ( “ EliS*'! ) P emember rr«=> a. , '• HARD RACE TO PICK * THE TXXarE? ARE. evenly matchep'. On.Ocrf'. ~rHi<5.ie> s MY HUNCH TO BET. i ON "HAMty-j UP"! / 4 (omcer.hcnv cam | txamW^ou? You ve CrIVEM MB A HUM CM TO PLAY HOOC€ipOW 1M -THE Bl^ RACE. < 1/ w'isj-youS y <3>PARO- me I K CUP OP ) \ carree, / V LAD'Y 2 j TWI5» IB A hunch! I'M 40NKIA BET ON *THE . VAGABOND.* .yilwET Your friends- in on this. I ' LET EACH ONE OF THEM PICK A I DO6- »*nmw wait for the result! ITS A 4t,OOD WAT TO FIND OUT » \ , [y! . who is the Best picked* MimmY t iuRPHy/2 Police Protection. « r.i -ru= PATTER FOOT T>ER8Ylf? only FIVE. PAY*, OFF NOW. CA'J-PFR, AND i M 90 EN.C)TED’ i WONDER iF OLD -rH’ARF-W 109 WIN? " __ J ME-’l.L MAWE THOBE WHIPPETS EjTEP pec? AFPAID ‘pOMEBOD'T' MAY TRY TO POPE <-3P'A'2E--Pi»‘& TO KEEP H>M OUT OF THE PACE! (F HE DOM T RUkj I LL CO^E A LOT OF POUuH Lemme think! LOOW, e>PAV?E -RIB'S-! VO'J'VE ^tOT POLICE pWonecrriON)'. THOe«e BOY^ ARE <^UARDit04T YOU . AND YOU CAN REWARD TMEM BY DOINLj YOUKt BE<*T IN "THE Bl