“Don’t Be Afraid", Says Famous Physician, Of Blood Pressure Hanger* of Coffee Spooks and Too Fa4 and Too Thin Terrors Hit Sleepless Sleep. A grim procession of disease fears Pf the day. ghastly ghosts of worry whieh wander around In the twilight labyrinths of men s minds, to tor ment and harrow them needlessly, ar? hereby tossed into the trash heap by pr. Joseph Lobel This famous Austrian physician urge* human beings to discard the dusty medical traditions that blind them and In "Don't Be Afraid." a recent book he has written, lit also tears the veil off many sacred shrines In old-fashioned medicine Cheats. Undoubtedly the world s hypoch ondriacs, who tenderly embrace thftr woes, will be stabbed by despair when they hear about Dr. Lobel, the gloom-chaser, and his outspoken views regarding their pet medical bogeys, says London Tit-Bits. What Of those worrisome Insom i i.-rs who generate fear at a pow erful rate because of their sleepless, or supposedly sleepless state. That Blood Pressure Bogey. According to Dr Lobel. "They sleep much more than they Imagine, bul they wake up aften. Because only a very short time elapses between such |wakening*, because each Unit they wake up they see that the hands of the clock moved only a vary little, the night seems to them to be endless • To the really sleepless person, night, on the contrary, seems too NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the Creditor* of C*rp*lH9r-H»mn€k Dm* Co Jtv'.. a Corpofktlon: You n rc hereby notified that I. Trank j, hoc have been duly appointed per manent rerelvef of the above named cor poration by hi« honor. Judge Thoa J Shaw, »t the fall term. 1930, of Cleveland superior court, add that all persona or corporation* hr vtn* claim* agalnet the paid Ca ru-nter - Ham rick Drug company, Inc., arc hereby notified to present them to me properly proven within thirty days Irons this. date, uv ordered by the court. Creditors are further notified that, under the order of court, I am rutliorirrd to sell the asset:'. 01 the corporation and have inventory made ot the stock of goods and a to re Ttxturre. and T have advertised asms, lor sale on December 1st. 1930. This Not ember Id. 1930. r. E. KOK.Y. Receiver of Carpenter Hamrick Drug Company. Jnr 4i Nov Sic (every iatuet FOOTBALL GAMES THANKSGIVING DAY Thursday, November 27. CAROLINA vs. VIRGINIA Charlottesville. Va. FLORIDA vs. G. TECH Atlanta, Georgia. ALABAMA vs. GEORGIA Birmingham, Ala. The Southern Railway System offers greatly re duced round - trip fares from all stations in North Carolina one fare plus 25c for the round-trip. Dates of sale Charlottes ville. Nov. 26-27; Atlanta and Birmingham Nov. 25 26 & 27. Special puIlman sleeping j cars and day coach ser- ! vice. Tickets good going and returning all regular trains. Call on Ticket Agents Southern Railway System for reservations and ad ditional infdhnation or ad- j dress. R. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent. Charlotte^ N. C. "A nv years ago, 1 found that I was vary weak and nothing I ata aeemed to give me any strength," writes Mrs. R- B. Douglas, 704 South Congress St, Jackson, Miss. "I suffered intense pain in my head and back. At times I would have to hold to something to steady my self, so as to do my little work. I was worried about my condition. "My mother told me that I should take CarduL After taking two bottles, I felt stronger, but I kept on tak ing it until my head and back quit hurting. I took about six bottles in all, and have never quit prais ing CarduL" CARDUI USED BY WOMEN .FOB OVER M YEARS Take Thedford's Black-Draucht tor Cenetlpation, Indlgoitlon. and BilIou»n»»». * short, since time escapes him. Every- j thine escapes him. even his thoughts. They vanish, he cannot control, but is controlled by them, and especially by the thought tha' he cannot sleep. • Primarily, sleeplessness is the re sult of the fear of not sleeping. It Is} very difficult to rid oneself of thisi fear, but it is possible by concentrate i ing one's mind on something else, as j on the work of the day to come, to [ divert one's thoughts. 1 “But why suffer on account of j sleeplessness? Rather should not one ' thank Ood that one Is thus able to j double the length of lire, instead oi sleeping away half of It?” Elaborating on the high-blood - pressure bogey and giving soma sound advice regarding it for those anxious ones who are afflicted .With this particular disease fear. Dr Lobel says. Product of Civilization. “Like luxuries, a high blood pres sure Is one of the products of civil isation. It Is almost unknown to the colored races, and It is not the ath lete and hard-working laborer who arc subject to it as much as the )'ar#1-driven speculator, the po'it.i clan, the merchant and the physi cian. “We pretend to Know exactly what 'too high’ a blood' pressure is. No doubt it is a pressure which exceeds the normal pressure. But what is the normal pressure? "The conception or excessive bloc a pressure varies and the pres -! sure Itself varies still mare.” "High blood pressure often drops by merely going to bed, by reducing one’s consumption of meat or by eating smaller meals. Strong cigars, the dangerous age,, or excitement oi any kind may cause .an increase which later entirely disappears. Simply avoid anythin* which might cause It to raise, take life calmly and do not wear yourself out. "Do not eat much at a time, but rather eat five small meals a day: the last, two or three hours before rethement. Be temperate, " Above all, do not worry about your blood pressure. If you do you will drive it Up" The "nervous-heart" superstitition Dr, Dobel routs in this fashion: "In cases of ‘neurosis of the heart one is not justified tn clinging to the idea or the heart being diseased in stead of the nerves. Tire nervous heart Is a healthy heart in the body of a person with irritable, super sen sitive nerves. Therefore, when such patients are treated the treatment should be directed upon the nerves." Short Road to tong tlfe. Fear of obesity must surely van ish when It Is learned how compare tively easy It- Is to keep thin: "Corpulence, whether partial or general, can only be attacked at its oOurce. If the disturbance In the household of the body is caused by the absence of the secretion of some gland, the doctor has to discover which gland does not function and arrange to replace it. 'Only a phy sician can decide what should be dene, and nothing is more dangerous than the Individual use of such a strong medicine as thyroid tablets. The same remedies which may ac complish wonders If applied correct ly may cause reel disaster if used without the advice of a physician. "When corpulence is caused by over-eating and by too easy a mode of living, the road to slenderness can be followed without a guide." Dr. Lobel says of the ghosts of fear and the gloomy shadows which he spends his life trying to vanquisn for others: ‘ Man only area us mystery, miy thlngr that we understand thorougn ly and realise clearly cannot cause tear. “Everyone will quite readily aban don fear if he gets something else, in exchange for It. This should be. confidence. The 'oert means to pro-! long one's life Is not to shorten it j by melancholy.” HOSIERY HOSPITAL, Inc (Of CharlotU. N. C.> ttrsnoh At Mrs. Hannon's Hemstitching Shop (I’nder Chocolate 8hop> Hosiery and Knitted Goods Neatly Repaired* All Rost Must Bo Laundered* is 3 doctor’s Prescription tor Colds & Headaches It is the most speedy remedy known 666 also in Tablets RED STAR Sulphurated Sanative WASH For Itch or Scabies It kills the itch mite germ. Your children are helpless against this dreaded germ in crowded school rooms. Get a bottle at your DRUG STORE and use as direct ed. i Try: Star Wants Ads. Exercise to Strengthen With Heart Pi tease on the In create It It Folly to Neg lect Heart Mutclet, Sayt Authority. , By R. S. COPELAND, M. D. U. S. Senator from New York. former Committloner ef Health Heto York City. CIVILIZATION ha* brought with it many complication* Soma of them aeem almost more and more difficult by the impossible to bear. Living 1* made multiplicity of thing* that tax tho human mind and heart. What can be don* about it? S t a t i sties show that heart disease i* on tho increase. It is now the chief cause of death. There are many emergen cies that make sudden demands on the heart. DD.ODPtLAND threat umouonai strain ntw a tinct relationship to heart action. Without warning, a terrible strain is put upon the emotions and heart by news of sicltness or death or disaster. Keen everyday living has a Rood deal of a strain associated with It. Dr. William 1. Mayo, that eml nant physician known from one end of the country to the other, recently spoke to the members of the Amer ican Mndtcal Association. In his ad dress ho said that man has de veloped a brain at the expense of his body. Lon* eons a*o man learned to control bis emotions. Dr. Mayo appears to think this hms thrown a tremendous strain on the heart, eo that It may account for deteriorsr tlon of the heart In civilised times. He spoke, too, of the *reat strain a surgeon is under In his work. He must control hie emotions In order to be successful In hlg work. There Is no doubt but that there Is much heart disease among doctors. And tt Is so In other walks of life. The heart Is a maas of rousclee. It must beat seventy times or so, every minute. No matter bow quiet you may be, the powerful heart muscles contract strongly every time there is s heartbeat. When you are hurried or excited, these contractione are quite violent. For many persons, safety de mands moderation and caution against thosa experiences which ex cite the heart. But for the moat of us It la Important to train the heart so that it is accustomed to hard but reasonable work. wnen you realise me owri largely muscle, you know that It iftuot be treated like other muscles If it Is to be strong. There must be systematic ezerclee, during which the heart mueclee are made to work somewhat harder than they usually do. This strengthens the heart. It Is the height of folly for people to go through life, too lasy, or too negligent, to get the amount of ex ercise needed dally for good health. Keep a reserve of strength, not only of the heart muscles, but of all the body muscles. This can be done by vigorous exercise, and exercise that la regular, not spasmodic. When a person has a weak heart, that ie a different matter. Such a person should he guided by the physician in all such matters as ex erclse. and the general came of the health. But tor most of ue regular and moderate exercise, freedom from worry and emotional strain, and right living In general, kesp us fit for dally living. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank those kind neighbors and friends who were so sympathetic in their expressions to us on the occasion of the death of Mrs. Eulalle Doster. s M. Green and Family, I, C. Doster. ‘(lift Baby’s’ Return Demanded Baby Lillian Jean, above. !■ too . young to realise what the “big fuse over her” is about. Her mother, Mrs. Aline Alexander (inset), seeks writ of habeas corpus in battle to regain cu* tody af ha# little daughter. Her ► light te directed against Dr. Oourtland R. Sanborn, Oakland, California, physician,' and his wife. Annetta, to whom she is alleged to hare (Iren her baby daughter, following a chance meeting on a downtown, rtrewt*. Just Ten Years Ago * * * * A Peep or Two Bach in 1920 (Items Taken From The Cleveland Star of 1920.) (From Issue of The Star November 23rd, 1920.) It the absence of Presiding ElJer H. H. Jordan at the Sunday morn ing service, Rev, A. U Stanford of the First Methodise church at Gas tonia preached an eloquent and im • pre?*ive sermon. A double tragedy was enacted Sunday evening about 7 o'clock in the lower part of No. 3 township when Ira Sarratt and A. G. Dawson killed each other In a pistol duel, the cause of which has never been dis covered and may never be known. Arnold Orcen, 13-year-old son of Rural Mall Carrier Willard Green of Mooresboro was Instantly killed 8at udav afternoon by Arthur Queen, 1G year-old son of R. L. Queen. Green War. shot through the chest with 4 single Ntrrel shot gun at a distance or about 10-feet. The tragedy was a moat shocking affair and cast a gloom over the entire community. The Shelby graded school will be well represented at a two days sea • sion of the N. O. Teachers assembly which Is convening at Asheville be aming Wednesday pnd continuing through Friday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Zolle Riviere and lit tle daughter moved last week from ;neir home on Marietta street into the T, W. Hamrick home on North YaF&yette street and will mak,e their home with Mr. Hamrick for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Pink Rivter* who have recently moved to Shelby, will occupy the Riviere home. Rev. Lee McB. White of Chester, S. C., a former beloved pastor of the First Baptist Church spent Friday and Saturday In Shelby on business — R. M. ABERNETHY — Diamonds by Kimberley; Watches Na tionally Advertised; Rings, Mesh Bags, Leather Goods of Quality, Silverware — ALL AT COST — See Us For Your Christmas Present. — A Small Deposit Is All — haw mock *oor m thai hank will mn* to no and tow fawily. Y«r po tiuoa is Totf coomramry. yw» fand-T** aociai teunam, row op poctanxiat to enjoy Utf raqmira that ytm he alway* within <{akk and a* ay roach of yoor intuit and hoti uui aaaociaua. A telephone in your ‘feeae proaidea for thaw contacta. ? "I wish We had a telephone! nobody asks us to go places/' • In a horn* without a telephone, this is an often {epeated complaint. And the children are not the only ones who feel the need for a telephone. Mother, too, is frequently inconvenienced and even embarrassed when forced to answer to friends who say "I’ll call up some time" that "we haven’t a telephone." • Why continue to deprive yourself and family of the satisfaction and comfort of a telephone in your home? You too, can afford a telephone, with all its convenience and protec tion in emergencies, for the cost is so low as to be within the reach of almost every one. • Find out, today, how easy it is to have a telephone and how little it costs. Just call the Business Office. southern‘beli • Telephone and Telegraph Company i INCOHPOHATIO) * ‘ Jones Great Loser And Great Winner (F. p A. in N. V World.i I* strikes us that Bobby Jones’ re tirement from competitive tourna ments was made as cleanly and gracefully as the best of his many .'hots over a period of 14 years, it said that he will receive about $200,000 for his work in the fllmi, and those who begrudge him the money must be few. Probably it 'till not take him more than two months I to make the films. It will take nlta a long time, we Imagine, to earn as much money as that as an Atlanta I lawyer. He appears fc have the char acter to continue as a lawyer, prob ably because he likes It. Undoubted ly he liked playing golf, too, or he never could have been the great player that he was and is. We never have even seen anybody play a round t i golf, but Jone$, to our notion, is the most engaging sportsman, as great in victory as in defeat—a rare cuality—that any game has known Leaves Car; Is Killed. Oakland.—Because there was no room in the roadster with their six companions, Howard Costar, 24 and Arline Bowles. 19, decided to hike from a roadside cafe to town. Five minutes later the roadster struck them, killing: Costar and fatally in juring Miss Bowles BAKING POWDER yatf Pft/Cf FOR OVER * | Guaranteed pure ! end efficient. USE leu than of high priced brands. ounces millionsof pounds used BY OUR GOVERNMENT ;r QUEEN CITY COACH LINES FOR, ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: Leave SHELBY-9:45 a. m.; 3:45 p. m.; 8:45 p. m. FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:50 a. m.; 10:50 a. m.; 12:50 p. m.; 4:50 p. m.; 9:50 ptm. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—10:50 a. m.; FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:50 a. m.; 10:50 a.m.; FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — PHONE 450 QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY FOR THE COMMUNITY This institution endorses and believes whole-heartedly in every move for com munity welfare and progress. In making adjustments to keep your business in step with changing conditions, you will always find our officials earnest ly willing to advise you in whatever mat ter you are most concerned. UNION TRUST CO. “IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH” In Shelby and suburbs you can get THE STAR EACH AFTERNOON of PUBLICA riON DAY by paying the Carrier Boy who passes your door, 25c per month. LITTLE DAVID WANTS A HOME. Please Help Find Me A Home LITTLE DAVID IS “WORTH HIS WEIGHT IN GOLD” And More. He wants a home with love and opportunity. Contributions to this Society will bring desirable foster homes to many “David's” during 1931. Supported erftirely by volun tary contributions. NO STATE AID. Children received from and placed in every county of North Carolina. Make your checks payable to Treasurer of The Children’s Home Society of North Carolina, Inc. 624 Fairmont Street, Greensboro, N. C. P.O.BOX 1478 A donation will bring quick returns in comfort and satisfac tion of a deed well done.