Husband Should Let His Wife Audit Money Evanston. III.—A busings girl seeking happiness In marriage will pick a husband who permits her to audit his finances, if the ad'.tee of Dr. Edward Lyman Cornell, of Northwestern uni versity, is followed. -And,’’ He cautioned the univer sity cc-eds for whom he Outlined ten "commandments ' for a good husband, "if you must live on a bud get or an allowance, keep a fund for '•ourself that you don't have to aud it for your husband.' Dr. Cornell, who recently attract ed wide attention by advising young Business men to marry their secre taries. tuiu tlre girls that they should look foe Uedvlir ..US in ticking a husband: 1— He should rn’-. v you to audit his fiiuuice.. 2— Ke should Lir healthy' O'.ongh rit'J’C 15'* C' >•» vt . North C :• •> .nr. €. Cony--: fn the Super or Cu'-:rc. The C*v; l C • -fN-nd: r- » ••. CarMiur.. Plaint N., » T5. y? W. r: - • . ' * tt Blanton, and r 1 person.' ci m.iiv -r., ' *es, ir the 1 ibject rnat.e. o[ . ‘1.!^ aci^o.n. tie iend^.V ' Y. V. . Bianion ;'V.‘ ^ H-v'-ie Blanpn . ahd. . perrbo sSclvrt'nsp **r. * tnte-r^.t »n. the suhVet ;riyit:-» on ’v‘.U t *')* ax So ■ Pv and 'hi- Id. \ '(■ix fur tip' ; c: r 19C3, r^l p 'level*-n * * \\ the . /i ■.'•••-' proo ft. . -the j.rfciecl mei.t.f" o;.. i v-: c.tld b-..*n;. t.escrk o’ . i /)oj ■ ■ Thre W - 'move P-: -.: .■■:,r.v;cc* a« folio* v. t. C> ; ■<* ..tnvShel-br: n; C. o; ' ;ve yiz^i >de of D*’K • ■ >"-street-. §0' b; ‘160 lee.. 2. <>. lot-75 ' ld in book. 3-S • *! dee-;.> p-. y? 522 o' the. -^-.sPr'*., O-.isi . or Cl* ' eUind -coont:. ; C 3. * ''.vo lot on k.m ? *'i*eei • b ShcJb;'. *■. C?i 52.1;/, HO ieei an >. < c’-iVu it deed recorded in book >6'p'g' ’ : o' • ’ register's office fo* Cleveland county, N.C* That said Y. W. Blanton and wile Hes$icN Blanton, arid said unknown party or parties aforesaid are proper and necessary parties to said action and the relief de manded consists of in excluding the aforc atd defendants and ail persons claiming ny interest in the subject matter of thi .ctlon from any actual or contingent in terest in or lien upon said real property, nd said persons will further take notice •hat they are required to appear before the clerk of the superior court of Cleve land county at the court house in Shelby. X. C; on th5 17th day of January. 1931 nd answer or demur to the complaint o he plaintiff and within six months from he date of this notice to set up their laim in the subject matter of this action it any, otherwise they shall be forever jarred and foreclosed of any and all ir erect of claim in or to the property and he proceeds received from the tale there Thls December 10th 1930. A M. HAMRICK, Clerk Superior Court, Cleveland County. 4t Dec 17c to swim 25 yards In 30 seconds. 3— He should be willing to rear children. 4— He should be ambitious and In dustrious. 5— He should be willing to make you an equal partner. 6— He should possess tact and a good disposition. 7— Hr should be mentally stable. 8— He should not be a braggart. 9— He should be a good character. 10— He should maintain a good appearance. (.Special to The Star.' Sharon, Dec. 16.—Oui pastor, Rev. R. h. Forbis filled his appointment Sunday December 14. A large crowd attended preaching and heard a \ery enjoyable sermon. : tiss Rnth Smith spent the week end with Miss Mary Ila Hamrick. Messrs. C. E. Mcrchcad and T. G Hhtnrlck were visitors at the home of Mr. Roy Ellis awhile Saturday nloht and enjoyed the string music. This visiting at the home of Mr. end Mr's. Grover Hamtick Saturday night were, Mu', and Mrs. C. P. More* head and two daughters Helen and t!‘a Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Leban Rog ers and children of Mt. Sinai, Mr. Buford Hoppe.’ v/as the reek M’d ' \ ' of Mr, Samime Hamrick. M ;md Mrs, Coel Blanton spent : vhil" Sunday evening with Mr. /. Jrnton's parents. ' 'is e; Ruth Smith, Mary lla Hr: irlck, Ethel Hardin and Messrs. ^ eu end Douglas Hardin, Roy . ;id Graham Hopper, Inez Smith, Johnnie and Preston G.adden, Bros i3 Hcnirics. Y/e are very glad indeed to learn that Mr. J. L. Hoppe who has been ~ patient a the Shelby hospital for sc*? e tirob is nuch improved. Mr. cud Mrs. S. S. Moore. Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Ledbetter and son Clyde of Shelby vve’- J dinner guests at the home of Mr. and MrS. B. B. Plant'll. Miss Johnnie Alorehead a student at. A. S. T. G.. Boone will arrive home December 19 to spend the Christmas holidays Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Blanton of Shelby spent -.while Sunday even ing with their daughter Mrs. A, O. Anthony. Mr. Hyth Putnam of the Mt. Si nai community was a the church this evening and helped, with the singing. ? r»*v Star Wants Ads. Trinity Community News Of The Week Vounc People Render Program. Miss Roby Greene Very Sick. Christman Offering. (Special to The Star.)" Trinity, Dec. 10.—Tlie lntcrmcd-, iate B. Y. P, U. of Mt. Pleasant Baptist church gave an interesting program at Trinity church at seven o’clock 8unday night. Their sub ject Was “Truth and Falsehood.’ Several special songs were enjoyed after which the pastor Rev. M M Huntly gave an interesting talk. Masters Floyd and Hoyt Bridges visited Master Mas Davis of near Cllffside Saturday. Mr. Hubert Beason of Spartan burg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Beason. Misses Mattie Sue Beason. Sara Harris and Bertie Bridges were the Sunday dinner guests of Miss Annie Tee Walker of the Pleasant Ridge community. Mr. VVeent Davis of Mooresboro was the spend the day guest of his brother Mr. A. M. Daves here Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Freedom Hawklps of near Cllffside spent the week-end i with the former's mother. Mrs. Cliff I Beason. i Mr. and Mrs. S. J. McCluney and] children visited Mr. and Mrs. Will | Humphries of the Mt. Pleasant com -j munity Sunday afternoon. Those vlilting at the horns of Mr. J. M; Hawkins Sunday were: Mr. and Mr?. Lee Hawkins of Shelby.; Mr. and Mr?. Fletcher Dobbins Of; Avondale and Mr, and Mrs. Paul: Hawkins cf Alexander. Mr. and Mrs, Walter McSwain: and Mrs. Redman Davis visited Mr.' and Mrs. Furman McSwain Sunday.; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Crawford of; Spindale spent the week-end with j Mrs. M. M. Beason. Those visiting at the home of Mr.1 Paul Bridges Saturday night were; | Mr: J. M. Hawkins. Kenneth Dob bins, James Williams, Neta Me- j Cluney, Mary Alice and Ruby Lovb-i lace. | The W. M. U. held their regular monthly meeting Sunday afternoon*! A splendid program was giren. Thej unions’ collection for the Lottie Moon Christmas offering was S24. Quite a crowd in tire community enjoyed a cotton picking at Clifford Jolley's Friday night Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. K. D. N. Jolley, Miss Malina Jolley, Mrs. Jane Winn, Miss Ollie Winn, Mr. John Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bridges and chi’dren, Mr. and Mrs: Henry McKinney and sons. James and Emmitt Tlie Sunday afternoon guests of] Mr. Cliff Beason were: Mr. J I I Bea»on. Mrs: Lee. Mrs. Emma Me- J Swain and daughters, Florence and;. Pearl, all of 8hel(>y. Mr and Mrs I). B. Harris, Jr„ of Henrietta spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. B B Harris of this place. Miss Catherine Harrtll spent Sat urday night with Mr. and Mrs. P. Z Harrill. Mr. and Mrs. Furman McSwain and son. Howard, were the week end guests of Mrs. Shay Wall. Miss Bettic Bostic had for her; dinner guests Sunday: Miss Louise Lovelace, Misses Mary and Louis Bridges. Mr. 0.1. Bostic and children were the afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morrison Sunday. Among those visiting Mrs. W. O. Winn Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Winn. Mr. Willie Winn of Cliff side nnd Mr. L. E. Ramsey of Mor ganton. Mr. and Mrs. K. D. N. Jolley and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bridges were the spend the day guests of Mrs. Henry McKinney last Friday and enjoyed a fresh meat dinner as it was hog killing day. We are sorry to note that Miss Rubv Greene is very sick at. this writing. Mt. Sinai News Of Late News Events . (Special To The Stax.) Shelby R-2, Dec. 1C.—The people of this community are very busy getting ready for the Christmas hofi- I days. A number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Ellis enjoyed an oyster | stew at their home Saturday night. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Miller Ellis, Mr. and Mrs, L. Y. Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bridges, arid Mr and Mrs. Lebron Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bostic qj Morganton spent Friday night at tfie home of their mother, Mrs. J. H. Rollins. Mrs. Reid Blackburn of Lawndale is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Bridges of this community. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hunt and fam ily visited relatives in Cliffside Sun day Mh and Mrs. Reggie Weaver end family recently moved from this sec tion into the (Sharon community. We are sorry to lose them from our midst. Miss korine Rollins, Mr. Clyde Daves and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Weav-I er of Gaffney were the dinner guests of Mrs. J. H. Rollins Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Hawkins was a visitor in Shelby Tuesday aRernoop. Miller Jones Joins Hands With ! SANTA CLAUS For Practical Gifts of Footwear \ Ladles’ Shoes Ladles* Hosiery First quality, foil fashioned, pore silk to tho top-chif fon or serrico weight. Buy 3 pairs in a gift box. *1 & Del altered Reran aitli neweet French kilt, eleeelr knit. Splendid eerrtee. Wide cheice at eel er*. J W; 7 Give her shoes this Christmas. Many attractive stylet to choose from. Pleasing comfort arwl splendid wear. sl« S' - % - Men’s Shoes A gift that will win the thanks of dad or brother. Correct style, comfort and service at very low U I Men's Hosiery [ Ctlannt and Rajon Fucr Sack*. Mar ceriiW tap, toe and had. In attractive rtft box. 3 Pts *a A i Marcirlltd , cotton s n 4 { Rayon. Firry , • •Itlid if I ii SPO.S1 j Genuine *1 Rockford i| Work So*. , 2 pr«.*Se | Ladles* Slippers C on-fort ■ t I »w coat. Warm t e 11 with padded •ole* and heels. A IBttt drew? dipper. K 1 d leather w 11 h padded aola and wood haat Warm a d ro 7. li;rn«l iio« a collar and ndnod leather *o!«. FVr and rlh feon trimmed Jnl'et. YU a ibi* leather sale*. 99c Mens* Slippers A real tala*. Dark fra? frit with podded leather sole*. FiU close to ankle. collar will tarn ap for added warmth. V*tt and row fortabU Tan •lk with pad dtd aolce. Flexible, rom fortabk, Imf wearing. Lea ther loir, mb* bar heel. •9c A A Boys9 Shoes Oxfords or High Shoes Sturdy shoes for luuLy l>oys. If be is bard on shoes you’ll be glad yon bought this pair at your Miller-Jones store. j|^ .ff to $2*" Sport Hose For Boy* Golf h•» in J»' qquani er Di*l» nal patterns. Pisri 7 In 10. For Oiui Full length Ray on pUitorf rorrl ty stock inf. SlM 7 to It. Boys Hl-Cnt* Black elk with me*" £ eadn twbp, w « 11 ^ itlcf. ktm> pocket an4 3 Waded knife. 3*99 w“‘ »lut rf»^Ur w»‘cll f0r thZt TlJr*',U **«• wh,„ .£* Pri«tlBM und" ». c&c; *1-7* •a** "••3-99 4 For the Infant Soft tolet 49c, flexible v first steps 99c, *titcb downs P9c and $1,49. 49c • *1-4* Gift Slippers tor boys and Girls k**l 09* 60♦ WL MILLER-JONES CO. 106 S. LaFAYETTE STREET SHFJ.BY. N. C. STERCHTS Floor Lamps * All Floor Lampi reduced 50%. PRICES RANGITFROM $1.00 TO $32.50 DON’T FAIL TO VISIT OUR TOY DEPARTMENT You will be amazed al our ex tremely low prices on a com plete line of Wheel Goods. Child’s Rockers Ju*t received a big shipment of Child’s Rockers. Priced from 25c to $7.00 Boudoir Chairs Just received a new shipment of Boudoir Chairs. A regular < $10.00 value. A special as long as they last— $4.95 % The Tread Extra Wide Extra Deep Extra Thleh TTDFI2 a mi!«9 S# Mrutmlly Tough—'It U Immune tm Entry Hoed Hazurd. Sterchi Bros. .“Triple Guaranteed” and “Bonded" Free Mounting ^ Walloon w* Cord Casings No Arguments TRIPLE GUARANTEED No Disap pointments Buy a Sterchi Bonded Tire during this sale and get a Heavy Duty Red Tube at ONE - HALF REGULAR PRICE Service A real guarantee with a real meaning. —J. ‘Tires Combining Appealing Beauty and Rugged Brute Strength” Sterchi Bros. “Regular” Bonded IS Mo^b Triple Guarantee a»d Bonded ? No Arguments Sterchi Bros. ‘'Super” Bonded 18 Month Triple Guarantee and Bonded No Misunderstandings PRICES DEFY COMPETITION 29x4.40 30x4.50 29x4.75 29X4.40 29x4.50 30x4.50 ■ • 21 ■ 20 20 21 20 21 __ $5.53 .. $6.30 $7.65 __ $9.10 , $9.65 $9.75 31x5.25 — 21 .. $9.75 32x6.00 — 20 _ $12.90 30x31 O S cord $4.98 30x4.75 — 20 _ $11.25 31x5.25 — 21 _ $14.15 32x6.00 — 20 _ $17.10 STERCHITS^M?UAL CHRISTMAS SALE O F CABINETS AND RANGES J&MCCA © VMtUKCTO* A practical gift for the home. A mar velous Sterchi Leader Cast Iron Range or a lovely new modern Kitchen Cabi net. STERCHI LEADER RANGE P $44.85 KITCHEN | CABINET [I $39.85 i 32-Piece Dinner £ Set Free With Either. - TERMS - 85c CASH : $1.00 WEEK IT COSTS LESS AT STERCHLS STERCHI’S Quality Furniture IT COSTS LESS AT STErtCHI'S