SOCIETY J? MRS. RENN Editor. Telephone The Star No. 4-J Each Morning 8 To 12 O'clock. Mrs. Drum can be reached at her home, Phone 713, afternoon and nights The Oreo* Seal. Jjjere was ft hush—the audience seemed to know Some feat of super-excellence was planned. And then a voice: -'To culminate the show A seal performs. The cleverest in the land.” , And gliding swiftly to his proper place With great dispatch he did as he was told. But if at times he mude a slight grimace With his bits of meat he quickly was consoled. Then came the climax when he played upon A kind of clarinet. (Strange sight to see!) Did he recall some gleaming icy dawn? The notes came clear: "My coun try ’this of thee." Then hesitating, fumbling piteously. He turned his eyes upon his mas ter’s face; The cue was given, "Sweet land of liberty . of thee I sing.” H»- finished it , with grace. I The audience was Wild in its ap plause And with a sound ot weird, ironic glee The real responded, clapped his! finny paws ! And eyed the crowd, it seemed derisively. By Margaret E. Bruner. Fortnight Bridge Club Postponed. The meeting of the Fortnight bridge e.lub which was scheduled for this Friday night has been post poned until sometime after Christ mas. The date of the next meeting will be announced later. Bible ( lass To Meet Friday. The Westminister Ladies Bible class of the First Presbyterian church which was to have met. Tues day evening at the home of Mrs. Lee B. Weathers will not meet until Friday evening at 7:30. Tile meet ing was postponed because of the death of Mr. A. C. Miller, one of the oustandlng officials of the church All members of the class are urged to attend. Party For Miss Ciood. ; Mrs. Julian Thompson and Miss Mary Penninger were hostesses at a delightful small bridge party on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Thompson in honor of their guest, Miss Eugelin Good, of Sha ron. S. C. Bridge was played at. two tables and after several progressions when scores were added, Mls -es Charlie Mae Laughrldge and Mae Ellen McBrayer were winners of the high score prizes. Miss Good was presented with a guest prize. At the close of the evening the hostesses served sandwiches and punch. Those playing were Misses Good, Charlie Mae Laughridge Mae Ellen McBrayer, Willie Hoyle, Mary Reeves Forney. Vida Mltchum and Mesdames Lewis McCoy and Harlan Wilson. First Division Meeting And Bamr. The First Afternoon division of the Woman's club will hold its regu lar meeting at the club room on Thursday afternoon at 3:30 with Mesdames B. A. Lefler, W. P. In gram, John McGlurd and Carver Wood as hostesses. Every member is urged to be present and to come on time so that all may be present for important business which is to be dispatched at the beginning of the meeting. At tire close of the meeting, be ginning about 5 o'clock, a bazaar wfll be put on at the club room, con ducted by a certain group of the members, at which time handmade articles and other items suitable for Christmas gifts will be on sale. Non-J club members as well av members are Invited to come to the bazaar and look over the selection of gifts Barnette-Ross Wedding Announced. Friends of the couple Will be in terested to learn of the wedding of Miss Laura Angelee Ross to Mr. El vin R. Barnette which was quietly solemnized on Sunday morning. December 14. at the home of the bride’s pastor, Rev. W. A. Elam, in Shelby. They were accompanied by Miss Fannie Rags, sister of the bride, and Mr. Odus A. Wright. The bride wore a becoming costume of blue with harmonizing accessories. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Barnette returned to the home of the bride's parents, where they were the special guests at a family din ner in their honor. Mrs. Barnette is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Ross of FbUstoit. is an attractive member of the social ner party on Tuesday evening at their home on N. La Fayette street in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. J. Crouse, wlib are moving this week'to Knoxville, Ten nessee. A Christmas decorative scheme, including the use of pink roses, red carnations and holly, was used throughout the rooms of the lower floor. On oh.* end of the din ing room table was a mirror with a miniature Santa Caus in the cen ter of it, and on the other end was a huge bowl of mixed fruits. Tall burning red ca-'dles furni hed the light for the table. A delicious five course dinner wi" served to Mr. and Mrs. Lulz. Mr. Lloyd Lutz. Mr. and Mrs. Crouse, Mr. and Mrs. D. R, Yates, and Phyl lis Yates. Mr, and Mrs. George Webb. Misses Alteon-, Evelyn and Margaret Webbs Mr; Josephine Kurd, Mr, and Mrs, Hoyle Alexan der, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lilt/, Robert Lutz and Hetty Lutz, Meeting Of Mothers’ Club. The m' -nhers of the M hers’' club enjQi*dd an Interesting program at their meeting yesterday after-1 noon with Mrs. John Honeycutt as hostess at her home on \V. Warren street. The subject for the. after noon was "The Guidance of Child hood and Youth" and Mrs. Claude Mabry, as leader, made a few intro ductory remarks on this and on the curiosity of the child. The first paper on the program, "The Skep tic of the Child." was written by Mrs. Ed Post and read by Mrs. Gor don Dudley. Mrs. Hugh Mauney read a paper on "The Wandering Child,” and Mrs. L. B, Hayes con tributed a paper on "Exp’anation and Manifestation." Virginia Mint’s gave a reading: Mrs. George Hovle read a Christmas story, ‘and Mrs. Carlos Grigg read the story. "Is There a Santa Claus?" Mrs. Cl"de Short read an article on "Children Reading Fair Ta'es." After the close of the Dro-ram Mrs. Honevcutt was as isted bv Mrs. Carlos Gritg, Mrs, Charles Yount and Mrs. B. T. Falls in serving a .salad course with coffee and other accessories. The plates were each decorated with a Sprig of holly and the entire hoire was brightened up with Christmas decorations. NOTICE O* «»•.-* n« PERSONAL PROPERTY. No-th Carolina, Cleveland County. Pur-uattt to »n ord-r ■ .1- bv Horae Remedy. reco-der for Cleveland counts ‘n the cave State v«. Riv pvln Said Rav 1 rrn htyln- been convicted of Iran'■ nortln- mto-'c-t’ny Vquo-v -bv r-evn* o' one Fr-d tour-- c-ir The nn <*rs*A*v* •Vlil se'l at ptihl’e »uet*on nt the coin house door in She’S' N r on the 29th day of Dre-u'N'r at j-f nv'o-k noo or wlfh’n 1—1 hours, the following de •ser'bed nronertv: UO2!700V°rd touring cfir Motor No Terms of sal- Ca*h I. M ALLEN Sharin' of C'-veland __^Un*" _ SI Dk lit | 5tar Advertising Pays Ignorance And Of Lyn filings Now York.—Poverty and lack of education are responsible for lynch Ings In (he opinion of a national commission studying the eau en ol nob violence. George Fort Milton, (editor of the Chattanooga. (Tcnn.), News, who is chairman of the group, has Issued a preliminary report on Its findings, saying “a definite relation probably wtll be found between inadequate education and readiness to give the law Into the hands of the mob.*’ "Where many men are living, year after year, on the fringe of heart-break and hunger,” he says "they accumulate a formidable ma s of Internal emotional tensions de manding satisfaction. Furthermore, in the majorities of studies;thus far completed the communities In which the lynchings occurred had less than a six months’ school term." Other members of the comm1 slon are Dr. Howard W. Odum of the' University of North Carolina; Jul ian Harris of the At’anta (Ga.) I Constitution: Alex W. Spece a Dal-! las (Texas) lawyer: Dr: W. P. King ) of Nashville, Teim., and Dr. W- J. McGlothlln, head of Furman uni versity, Greenville, S. C. Eftftf*'1© Vil1?^ News of Interest Ora Weavers Win Over Fast side In Contest, Two New Families Move In. Eastside, Dec. It! —Mr. Vn.ssey Yet- ! ton of Forest City visited Mr. andi Mrs. R. C. Jones Friday. Miss Margie Jones of Landis is j spending awhile with her sister Mrs. j Lee Lazenby and Mr. Lazenby. j Miss Emily York of near Patter-1 son was the week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Clarence Grlgg and j family. Ora Wearers Win. The contest between the Weavers j of the Eastside and Ora mill closed I 'nst week with the Ora Winning by a small margin. They held the bar- ! beeue at Metcalfs with u large1 crowd enjoying the event. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Jones spent! Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vassey Yelton of Fore t City. Mrs. Bryant Devon of Beaver Dam community Is spending awhile with her mother, Mrs. J. c. Lazenby. Mr. Ti'den Greene visited Mr and Mrs. Lowdermi’k of Bridgewater Sunday and was accompanied home by his little daughter, Margie, who has been spending awhile with her grandparents. We are glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs, Quay Wellmon to our vil’age. Mrs. C. H. Horn-'r and little daugh ter, Doris, visited her parents Mr 'nd Mrs. John Wilkie of South Shelby. Mrs. T. H. Hopper and daughters. Ruth and Edna, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webb. Master Joe and Dennis Webb who ’lve jvlth their rrandoarents of No. 1 township snent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webb. The G. A.V and Sunbeams held their regular meetings with their -espective leaders. Mr. MarRn-et Neal and Mrs. Clarence Grlgg Sun ’n« aHfrnoon, Mr. and Mrs. Lummie Hendrick ave recently moved Into our vil lage. In court, recently, a shoplifter at tributed his crtmes to abrent-mind edness. Sheer Ms of ab traction, of eoursp—Thc Humorist, LYRIC The Little Theatre With Big Product :ons Ii\"GMV DAYS TMI» WEEK ISC UNTIL SATURDAY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Broadway on the Ram page on a Western Main Street “Under Montana Skies” Also Conv.dy and Serial. - FRIDAY - “Near The Rain bow’s End” With BOB STEELE (Special to T'i» Star.) Zoar, Dec. 16.— Sunday was tFr fine for the monthly preachin' ervlee and our pastor Rev. John W. Suttle filled the pulpit. He preached a very interesting semen lrcm the 15th verse of the 57th chapter of ’eremiah. Rev. Mr McCombs of • Rowan jaunty watt present st t’-e Sunday evenin'' service ant? r "’hil Rev. Mr. Eft le with a r .le given him by the Sunday school. Mrs. WMl'em Putnam is able to be out amir, after a prolonged ill ness, Mr. and Mrs .Phillip Sprite of TUzabcth eornmt’jilty were present, at the even'np service of our church They also visited at the home of *uelr son Mr. Miller Spahe. Rev. Archie Pnrber who Is teaehin® •’t Lettlmere wps a welcmied visi tor nt the S' nd',y evnirng service. Mr. an-1 Mrs. £"m r5er'-er and son end daii"' ter Mr. and Mrs. John El MoU have moved into the commun ity. The teachers and natrons of Me Brayer school gave an oyster sup per Frida;, evening /v the purpose of raising funds fo- i he school. A number of contests were held and turtts furnished fun Cor the even ng Msi Flora Mamricit of Grover was been a welcomed vtsi'm in the com munity during the pas* week The many friends of Miss Ger ‘rude Street regret to learn that she - very sick. All hope for her a needy recovery. Mr and Mrs. Cicerr Allen and 'rmily motored to Uncolnton last ’rnday. Mr. CHvou's Warren had the mis "r. tune to loose a fine mule Satur day. A large number o" people from ’■e ccmrn' ^'ty attended the funeral f Mr. Will Waters at Mooresboro "atnrday Mrs. F. F. Poston visited her sls ;-r, Mrs. Lemuel Wiggings in the jinn community one day last week Mr. Grady Parish of Chesnee, S. was the week end guest of Mr. ;nd Mrs. J. B. .Hamrick. Miss Mollie Tessneer was the ue t of Miss Vassie Hamrick Thurs day afternoon Mrs. W. K. McEntyre visited at •e heme ol Mrs. Miller Spake Sun 'ay evening. Mr. W. McCracken, the cx-lnter at/ na! footbal’cr, says that Brit ons are the finest losers in the world.. Well, look at ihe practise we've had.—Punch. _ At the Theaters Lyric, today and Thursday—"Un der Montana Skies^’ with Kenneth Tarlan, Dorothy Gulliver and Slim 3ummerville, A musical comedy lrama out where the Wect begins Uso serial and comedy. Frlday 'Near the Rainbow's End,” with 3ob Steele. Webb, today—"Undertow," with Mary Nolan, John Mack Brown and Robert Ellis. Intensely emotional drama that sweeps a triangle of lov ers to the depth of human feeling. Thursday—"The Pay Off.” with Lowell Sherman, Marian Nixon and Iugh Trevor. Carolina, today and Thursday 'Ladies Must Play," with Dorothy1 Sebastian and Neil Hamilton. Soph-; isticated society comedy drama in a \ era of cosmetics, bobbed hair, shord skirts and lntelectual revolution Friday and Saturday—"Phanton of' he Desert." . Waiting Game. Fond Mother—"How much do you charge for taking children's photo Traphs?" Photographer—"Five dollars a Jczen," Fond Mother"You’!', have to give me more time, I have only ten no\v." Episcopal Church Services Sunday On Sunday December 21st, there will be morning prayei and preach ing at li o’clock. Rev. James B. Sill of .Rutherfordton. oe'ng in charge. On Sunday after Christmas, De cember 28th there will be Evensong at 7 p. m., the Lutheran congrega tion taking part, with those of the Episcopal church. CERTIFICATE Or DISSOLUTION. Hate Of North Carolina Department of State. i’o All to Whom These Presents Mat Come: -Oreetingf Whereas, it appears to my satisfaction by duly authenticated record of the pro ceedings for tho voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of uli he stockholders, deposited In my office hat the Cleveland Oil company, a cor loratlon Of this stnte, whoso principal of ice is situated at Warren street, in the ■ ty of Shelby, county of Cleveland, state of North Carolina iR. Hope Brlson being he agent therein and in. charge thereof, pon whom process may be served, i h:v omplted with the requ'rements of chap '-or 21, Consolidated Statutes, entitled Corporations." preliminary to the issuing1 of.tills Certificate of Dlssolut'on Now therefore. I. J. a Hartness, recre- ! tary of state of the state of North Caro Una, do hereby certify that the sa'd cor- 1 poration did. on the 15th day of Decern >r, 1930, file tn my office a duly e ecute1! nd attested consent In writing to the dls-' oiutlon of said corporat'on. executed b j 11 the stockholders thereof, wh'eh sat‘" onsent and the record of the proceedinr- ‘ -foresald are now on file tn my said of ■ ice as provided by i&w. In test'monv whereof, I have thereto oe‘ my hand and affixed my official seal at 19~0 h’ thl* 1Sth daSI 0t DecemS'5r- A. D J A. HARTNESS, Secretary o' State « Dec 17c ri BMCA i *O V OP S'l'ttMOtfg. •orth Carolina, Cleveland County, a the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. 1 xhe County of Cleveland, North Carolinu, I Plaintiff, vs. ewis Peters and wife Bonnie Peter., j and all persons claiming any interest in , the subject matter of this action, at tendants. Lew.« Peters and wife Bonnie Peters, ad all persons claiming any interest in fho subject matter of this action will ta*;a .ofeiee tlw*t an action entitled as above has cen commenced In the superior court of ...Kveland county N. C , to forec!o:*e tax jaie certificate for Cleveland county for -aa lor the year 1928, owned and held by he. plainUif against. real property in Jlcvelmd county, the said real property the subject mailer of tin* action, being described a.i follows: One lot situated on Highland avenue, in Shelby, n. C being 50 by 150 feet, the same being that lot deeded Bonn!- Peters and husband Lewis Peters by D. Hubbard ,nd wife on April 0th. 1525, the same be ing of record in book of deeds NNN page ^40 of the registers office for Cleveland county. N. C., reference being hereby made ■ ic for further description and ider tifittiLon That the said Lewis Peters und wife. Bonnie Peters, end said unknown party or parties aforesaid are proper and necessary parties to paid art Ion artd the relief de manded consists Of 'in excluding the afore :; defendants and all persons claiming •Jny interest In the subject matter of title action from any actual or contingent in terest Jrn or lien upon said real property, and said persons will further take notice that they are required to appear before vive clerk of the superior court of Cleve .and county at the court house in Shelby, N\ C on the 17th day of January, lyji, •nd answer or demur to the complaint of he plaintiff and within six months from .he date of this notice to set up their latm In the subject matter of this action, f any. otherwise they shall be forever arred and foreclosed of anv and *11 in of claim in or to tjh property and V3 proceeds received from Uie sale there of. 'Hils December 16th. 1930. A. M HAMRICK. Clerk Superior Court, Cleveland County. 4t Dec i7o tv* ^ICo — SPECIAL — One Pound Can PRINCE ALBERT 79c ELECTRICAL GIFTS j rcolators — Waffle Irons \ Irons — Baby Irons — masters — Electric Pads*' - Radio Lamps — — CIGARETTES — S Trapped in pretty Chrsi tas packages— Chesterfield Camel GU\ Gold Fatima | — CIGAR * n Christmas Bor > or 50 CORTEZ MURIEL 'AVA TAMP. LA PALINA ROBERT BURN - MILITARY SETS — J $2"0,o$12'30 1 MENS TOILET SETS SHAVING SETS MARTIN’S BELTS Imported $2.50 — CLOCKS — 98c to $5 00 MEN’S BILL FOLDS $1.00 to $6.00 CIGARETTE LIGHTERS $1.00 to $5.00 CIGARETTE CASE AN LIGHTER $5.00 to $15.00 GLADSTONE BAG: FOR MEN FOR CHILDREN Golf Seta __ §1.25 & ?2.5 Painting Seta 60 Bribble Sets ___2f Junior Police Sets_50 Chicken Bound 25c and o( Dolly’s Water Bottles 15 FbsSights 39e to $5.0 LADIES’ HAND BAGS $1.00 to $15.00 MESH BAGS WHITING & DAVIS $4 10 $30 FINE STATIONERY 25c 0 $2.00 PERFUMES D’Orsay, Lentheric * .00 UP Richard Hudnut __V X — COMPACTS — ALL MAKES 50c 10 $10.00 D'ORSAY PERFUME SETS DRASTIC REDUCTIONS $11.50 s,';ts $8.50 sets . $6.50 sets i.» $4.2 $5.2 v« BRIDGE SETS Of All Kinds ■CONGRESS PLAYING CARDS 09c i FULL SIZE LINE CHRISTMAS CARDS, GREETING CARDS, TAL’ ' AND PARTY FAVORS — CANDIES — Nunna’Iy’s, Whitman’s, Russell McPI'ail And Almond Roca Houbrgant Perfume $1.00 up ONE POUND GOOD COLD CREAM 39 c — SPECIAL — LADIES FITTED BAGS $9.95 And l’p Jheaffer Pen & Pencil Sets and Desk Sets Your name processed in 22-K gold while you wait. _KODAKS — $1.0010 $12 — SPECIAL — Ladies’ Fine $0.95 TiM Sets m — SPECIAL Perfume Atomizers 8Scc ,0$149 — PERFUMES - Evenin'* In Paris And Coty’s $1 001 IP