20,000 People Read Star Want Advs-The Cost Is Small; Resul'sCood i WHatYoirWant \ V Tn the WANT ADS , Kates For Want Advertisements In Phis Column Minimun j Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size type I -ent pei word each insertion This size type 2c tier word each insertion. This size type 8c per word each insertion. riNK IKON AND METAL CO sea used auto parts tor ail makes ot cars Highest cash prices paid foi ah Kinds ot Junk and wrecked cars Trade Alley, rear ot Kendall Medi cine Co. Phone 580 tt M A WANTED: JOB AS NURSE FOR children in afternoon. Can furnish good references. Phone 793. 3t 17p ~ LOST Saturday, Dec. 13th, one small female white and brown spotted pointer do#. Answers to name “Queen/’ Reward if returned to William! Andrews, Shelby, tfc —... .n»_ ! TURKEYS AND CHICKENS j wanted at Green Lantern Tea j Room. tf 15c I WATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELRY repairing. L. C Davis, next door to Efird's l appreciate your patron age, large or small. tf 16c INDIVIDUAL CH RI S1 M A S cards. Samples will he i-rou ,;ht to you on request. Beautiful n-iv line o' samples. Call or o.none No. 21 Ota- i . r ubUshi^p Company. WOULD LIKE TO TRADE A j house and tot In Forest City, for a * 2 arm near Shelby. H. C. Allen route 6, "Shelby. 3-lop ACCIDENT INSURANCE IN-! eluding automob.i" only $2.00 per ttear premium. Make inquiry North : . American Accident Insurance Co..! Do,- No. 12. Shelby. N. C. u.Xk ^ATTENTION Farmers, Merchants, Ginners, When Offering Cottons Would Appreciate A Cal!. Export and M’ll Connections W. P. HARDWICKE Phone tOG. Shelby, N. C. tfc “ LOS T Saturday, Dec. 13th, one small female w h i1 e and brown spotted pointer j dog. Answers to name j “Queen.” Reward if returned t o William Andrews, Shelby, tfc ‘ DRESSED PORK ™ 1 Half or whole hog, j 16c. D. A. Beam Com-1 pany. 2tl7c j " WANTED: TO BUY SHOEMAK- j er’s. bench. Must be very old. WriteJ, or: phone C. B. Buttle, Jr. l2t be FOR RENTAL TWO OR three roams. Unfurnished. Griffin P. Smith. tf-Sc WANTED: TO BUY OLD FUR r.iture, guns, swords, dishes. Write or phone C. B Buttle, Jr. 12t 8c —-—— --—h---— i A WOOD WORKMAN HAS BEEN I put on to repair- auto tops. Expert.! repairing and recovering. James j Tiddy, Auto Top Shop in Trade Alley to rear of Moore and Stew- : art. 12t 8c! FOR SALE OR RENT: FIVE , room house. Close hr. C. C. Beam,! Shelby Route 1. 3t lop OUR REGULAR SCHEDULE: Ereakfast 7 to 9; lunch 12 to 2:30; dinner 6 to 8:30. Chicken dinners every day with choice of other meats. Special Sunday turkey din ners. Green Lantern Tea Room. BOr until changed. tf-15c CHRISTMAS APPLES FOR sale. Rear Carolina theatre. St 12p “ANYONE HAVING A ONE horre farm or hoe crop to rent, write Andrew Culbreth (col) route 2, Cherryville. 2t ljp WILL THREASII CANE SEED AT. my home Dec. 19, 23 and Jan. 2. S. J. Cabaniss, Shelby, R-4. 3t 15p Idealchristmas PRES ENT—Wtirlitzer Saxaphone. Cost one hundred and twenty dollars. A bargain for quick sale. Apply Pendleton Music store. l»t-15c NOTICE-— AFTER r.1.ro i win gin only on Tuesday & Friday each week. TOY B. WEBB, R-4, Shelby, N. C. 2t-17 FOR SALE CHEAP ONE JUNIOR I girls bicycle. Slightly used, good con-1 dition. Call 787-W. 2-18p j WILL PAY CASH for Chickens and Tur keys, o n Tuesday. W ednesday and Thursday each week. D. A. Beam Com nany. 2t-l 7c FOR LETTER HEADS ESVEL »PES IIU HEADS CARDS OR ANA KIND OE 1015 PRINTING PHONE NO II OR 4-.I OR SEE A STAR REPPRESENTAT1VE. WANTED TO BORROW $600 for one and two years. First piort gage on 70 acre farm. Write 'Land". General Delivery. Shelby portoffice. 2t 17p 1$. Y. P. 1‘. Ejects Officers for En suing Year. Peisonal Mention. f Special to The Star.' Beam Mill, Dec. 16.—Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wright r.nd family spent Sun day vrith Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Hen drick of Shelhv. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Williams and family were the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Quay Wclhnon of Shelby Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, John Bedford sperr Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher Ledic rd. Sir. and Mrs. Colernan Elliott were the dinner gtieytr. of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Costner Sunday. Mr. and Mr . E. E. White, Mrs. j Dovf5 Camp and Johnnie Wright and family ..pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie MdSw ain. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvm.us Green of Shelby were the dinner guests of Mrs. J. Y. Elliott Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hamrick and Lois Hamrick spent Sunday with Mrs. Carrie Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs. K:ni Williams spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Daisy Wright. I Mr. and M-s. Willi" Wright of ; Boiling Springs spent Sunday even ing with Mr. and Mrs. 55im Williams Misses Eury and Charline Hen drick spent Sunday evening with. Misses A. V. and Irene Costner. Miss Vernic Mae Wright spent the week end with Misses Della and Oprtha Sellers of Fallston. Mr. and Mrs. Vertls Williams spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Smith of Shelby. Mrs, Webb Barnett spent Sunday : evening with Mr. and Mrs. Morris . Williams. Mr. and Mrs, Che > ley Hendrick? spent Sunday with Ml . Dick. Spang- j ler of Double Shoals. Mr. and Mrs,.Ed Bridges, Elizabeth i Bridges and Novella Wright spent ] Sunday in Charlotte visiting Mis. Bridges grandmother. Mr and Mrs. R. V. Shufford spent Sunday in Morganlon visiting friends. Mr. and M-s. Alex Gladden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cleophus Wrmht, The following officers were elect ed in B. Y. F. U. Sunday night. President Marvin Whiteside. ' vice nresident Blanche Beam, secretary Sherrill Hamrick, n’anist Ophelia Hendrick, chorist Keslar Hamrick, Bible quiz J. T. Wright, correspond ing secretary Kenneth Hoyle, treas urer Cloe Williams. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of the uperlor court of Clet eland county, made ‘n the special proceeding entitled Carlisle Ware, administratrix of Martha Ware de ceased vs. J. White Ware et al. heirs at law of said Martha Ware, deceased, tiie sam» being No. upon the -special'pro ceedings docket of said court, the under algned comtnlss oner will, on the 13th dar of January, 1931. at 13 o'clock noon or within legal hours, at the court house door in Rhelby, North Carolina. oBer for sale to the highest bidder for cash a house and lot In Kings Mountain. North ">.rol!na. attuata on the south side vr* Mountain street, fronting 106 feet on Mountain street and running back 50't "eet. Also an undivided one-half lntere n a house and lot in Gastonia, Nort’ ",aro"'nt. lront'ng 60 feet on Wr 'r*"tt!'n avenue and rtt'n’ng back |e for a tr.ore part tv 1 r defer pt'on or t.1 "C ngs Mountain property see book — page-, register's office Cleveland coun tv, for a more particular description of the Gastonia property, see plat book pv :i- 103 register's office Gaston counv ■‘Thtr the utn dav of Drcembev, E 1 -CAMPBELL, Commr Si He. ;e Hampton Treated Shamefully At Gilbert Town (Written for The ytar by \V. E. White, Cleveland County Historian.) ! After the tight at Cane Creek and ] the retreat of McDowell over the | Mountains. Colonel Ferguson! thought the War was virtually ended. So when William Green, rode up! with a ti’Oo pof cavalry and tender ed his and their services for the de fense of the Kings cause, the Brit-' ish commander thanked them for their loyalty; but declined their ac ceptance for the reason that the country was subdivld-d. and every -! thing was quiet. While this state oLal fairs existed. Jonathan Hampton. . crippled pa triot. was living in ifie vicinity of Gilbert Town Young Hampton, a son of Colonel Andrew- Hampton, was reported to Colonel Ferguson su> being one wjjo held the Kings au thority in great contempt for hr hud accepted a corom's; ion of justice ol the peace from the rebel govern ment in North Carolina and had act ually performed a marriage cere mony. This was a higr crime from a British and Tory viewpoint, and so a party of some four pi five hundred soldiers was dispatched under Major Plummer, and Major Lee to appre hend Sqtilre Hampton, and possibly 'Jitrnp his father ai the some time However, Colonel Hampton liar! left1 to joint McDowell s forces before the British troops arrived but Ills son j was found at horn > and captured \v the enemy. Jpna'han Hampton was shamefully i treated by a portion of his captors.! The Tories cursed him soundly for a ci cl rebel, and Major lee knocked him down rind Iried to ride on him hut the .lor.-e jun\red over his body without loins him any harm. Hamil ton and his wtie s brother, Jacob Hyder were made p> wonei and those vvhv had the former in "hare. swore they would Want: him on the spot. To make good theh threat they- -began to. uncord a bed to procure a i o”e when .Mrs Hamp ton ran n Major "h-mrher to get him to put a stop to ths unjust, pro ■’eedhift- Plummer wa a more hu mane officer than Major Lee and lie it once net a stop to the threaten ed cxecut at). Koine of the Tories were very much •lieappointed at not bciui: allowed to hang Hampton Tin v thirsted for hi- ' lood, r.i .1 he. la: in his.pres ! n t Ui.i J ergnjon would put ta death such a unionn::- rebel the m.oipent no laid c> • ■ on. him. But this bitter talk did not in any way influence • he decisions of Major Plummer That offii ri informed Hampton if he would give security for ins appearance Jir next day at Gilbert t own. he im;h; remain at home over night. After several Tor ies had declined to do the captured patriot this iavor Major Plummer himself rno.'cusly offered to be his * ecurlr.y According to promise, Jonathan Hampton 'vent to Gilbert Town the next day and presented himself .<> Colonel Ferguson, who proceed' I to examine hi. ease While this wort mas being' done, Major ; Dunlap • attic In. Th.it oiflcer was •-( il on :i itches as -t lesult of being wounded u. Cane Creek, and he, hlce Mati'v Lee. was f xtremenly bit ter in his attitude cowards the reb els, Dun hi.) did his he.** to influence" Ferguson to have Hampton execut ed. but ‘.he British commander par oled the , .at riot captive and allowed him to ’turn home Shortly liter this Colonel Fergu son began the march toward Kings Mountain, 11’ evidently discovered that the patriots from over the mountain^ were going to give him trouble, so he desired to get closer to Lord >'cii wall)- wild had Just come to Charlotte. Some two weeks hence I expect to "dve an i • totin', of trie gathering ot the clans to fight Ferguson. Polite !><c. -i country doctor was driving down a narrow road, on hw way to visit a .patient',' when he noticed an old .wotna am the midd'e of the road, nicking up . ticks. Pulling his horse up to pit-vent runn'ng over her, he ~aid. ra'Mer sharply: "Women and donkeys are always ir the way." "Well, uaid the woman, stepping to one side, "l m glad you’ve got the manners to nut yourself last.” Give Useful Gifts A TIMELY SUGGESTION - GIVE A FRIENDLY FIVE GIFT CERTIFICATE — GOOD FOR A PAIR OF FRIENDLY FIVE SHOES AT COHEN BROS. ASK US ABOUT THIS. THE BEST $5.00 SHOE MADE I N AMERICA. COM PARE THESE WITH $8.00 and $10.00 SHOES IN TOWN. All Widths AAAA to EEE i All Size* 3 to 15 EXCLUSIVE STYLES AND LEATHERS. * $5.00 a* A Cohen Bros. SHELBY, N. C. Exclusive Dealers For Friendly Fives /our Home Chain Grocery, We Save You Money ^ FRONT STORES CMoney Spent m CAROLINA STORES Stays atJioi ome In our attractive, dean si ores you will ti id displays of merchandise that meet the popular demand. We specialize in goods you need and want and offer you the utmost in service and value. AM) SANTA t LAI S IS MAKING CAROLINA STORES HEADQUARTERS MERRY CHRISTMAS ORANGES Florida, Sweet and Juicy—Dozen lOc TANGERINES Doz. 15c FANCY APPLES, doz. 25c LETTUCE 3 lge heads 25c GRAPEFRUIT, 7 for. 25c CELERY, 3 Large ..... 25c CANDIES KINGS MIXTURE, lb. I — ,. .. 15c XMAS MIXTURE. 2 ll,s. . ..... .V>c CHOCOLATE DROPS, lb. ..... 19c COCOANUT ICES, lb. ..... 29c PURE SUGAR STICK, Box .... 29c CREAM BON BOX'S, lb. . . .. 23c MINT CHOPS, lb. . _ ...19c NUTS large walnuts, lb.ue JUMBO BRITE BRAZILS, lb. 39c PECANS, JUMBOS, lb. ...... 60c PECANS. MEDIUM, lb. .....II 35c FANCY MIXED, lb. ......... 29c SHELLED PECANS, glass .... 23c BLANCHED ALMONDS, 4 oz. . 45c DROMEDARY DATES... BLACK PALM DATES. Small NECTAR RAISINS, Package _N .. __ LAYER RAISINS 2 Pound? CLUSTER RAISINS . Pound . POPCORN 2 Cans .__....... . 22c 9c 10c 25c 15c 25c FANCY CITRON Found __ GLACE PINEAPPLE Pound____ CRYSTALLIZED GINGER _ GLACE CHERRIES Package CURRANTS Package ..... ORANGE and LEMON PEEL, Package ___ 39c 59c 22c 22c 19c 14c CAROLINA STORES FOR CAROLINA PEOPLE READ THE STAR. IT NOW GOES INTO 5,000 HOMES EVERY OTHER DAY. $2.50 A YEAR BY MAIL. FOUR WEEKS FOR A QUARTER BY CARRIER BOY. „ “ TOOTS AND CASPER A Close Shave. c I'M ON MV WAV VO "THE. \f A\v, uEE PEPOT, CASPER1. I C AN T ( I M <S*0l»s|6r STAND THE WAV THE. \ TO MSS Totl BOVS HAVE KIDDED MU l_Pr COLONEL SINCE the BARBER. V hoofer; SHAVED OFF MVMOuSTAXE !' AND AtOatee'. ! M CtOinOt j out of- town and i won-T f HAVE / A NiCE , . \ TIME. 02 I COV.OKiEL. \ HOOPER! ' f YOU LOOY oO Different /1 WITHOUT YOUR (\ WH I5KERE>, Y COLONEL HOOFER! // WHY, I HARDLY V RECOIN ITFO you! I CAN HARDLY : BELIEVE IT5 HIM MYSELF. CAR>PER! HE'9 BEEN ACTING LIKE A Gentleman lately*, y 1 xxz ' taxi CO. at the Pace. "TRACK i-VK.'SCStJ lc*>f by a \, NOE., BUTTH^ tL BE THE.E1»«5T TIME I EVER HE ARP Or MAN LO'3»>nCt B'\ "Y—>. MUSTACHE. ! Phony Philosophy. YOU AM«AVE«. THE’PHONE., L|'Z.a\ IF )Tg» THAT COLLECTO«. OUST SAY vm out! IT-=> HIM, 5>UH, AMP HE'<5> eTILL OKI THE ■pHone! ah SAID "You AIM'-T ng,BuT HE WON' M ¥ I'M 60RRY ' BUT MR. CAMPER. l<bWcrriN’. ■WHO AM I ? OH, VM MR. CA<3PER'«. Ri^HTBUT I ^UES5> HE. Pont want TO TALkl TO ME'. I IMAGINE <=>UCH ATHIN^r*. HE ’WON'T BEUEVE. I'M CUT ALTHOUGH J TOLD HIM «E>© MTECLP! ; t never could uwe < : that 4uVa i Dorr y U L\kE ANTBC«rr WHO ^ DOUBTSi MT word >>

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