VOL. XXXVII, No. 8 PAGZS TODAY SHE LBV. N. C. MQNDAV JANUARY 5 198.1 Published Monday, Wednesday arid Friday Afternoons. II. >l*il i»**» irar (in «dr*n,«i I2.it, . off f*»r. (in »d*an««> Wjid LA TE NEW: THE MARKET Cotton, per lb.__8U to 9';c Colton Seed, per bu. .. ;;0c Fair And Colder, Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Generally fair and colder preceded by rain on the northeast coast tonight. Tuesday fair and colder. Belter Banking. New York, Jan. 4.—Rome C. Ste phenson, president of the America n Bankers association, said in a state ment today that “we wall have the strongest banking situation we nave ever enjoyed and one worthy of the highest confidence of all our peo ple'1 as a result. of the elimination of “undeniable weaknesses" in the country's banking structure in 1830. Mr. Stephenson asserted that most tf the closed banks will pay in full or large part so that the amount lost would be reduced si. -1 r^at “de spite the prominence in the news of banking difficulties only a small fraction of the total banking figures are affected." Patrolmen Get Tagless Autos License Plate Sales Here Consid erably Under That Of Last T ear. If yo • haven't your new auto li cense tags--and scores pt autos in this section' are st-il carrying 1930 tags—better watch for the highway patrolmen. Friday of last week pa-, admen working this section began picking up motorists who had not secured their hew license plates. Those apprehended last week were not fined, but were giver. 48 hours in which to- secure their tags. It is likely, it is believed here, that those apprehended early this week will be given a similar period of time in which t,o . secure their tags but within a day or so owners of cans still using mid tags may be olcen into court. Patrol officials are not saying just when they will Clamp down. Sales Low Here. The: exi ting business depression i? showing up in the sale of tags at Tie local bureau at the Eskridge ; arage, according to Charles R. Esk i dge, manager. So far only about 3,300 tags have , bur n sold here. To the same date last year more than 5.000 tags had been purchased. Costner Heads S, S. Work In Association Succeeds G. G. Page As Superin tendent Group Leaders Named On Sunday. At the monthly meeting of the ICings- Mountain Baptist Sunday chool association held with the Second Baptist church yesterday, J. W. Costner, of Double Shoals, was elected superintendent, succeeding O. G. Page, of Kings Mountain. Mr. Costner has been serving faithful ly and effectively as assistant to Mr. Page and has now been ad vanced to the leadership. L. H. Led ford of Shelby is associate superin tendent, W. G. Whitworth ol Shel by, secretary and treasurer. Group superinlendents were elect ed as follows: Group one B. P, Jen kins of Lattimore, group two G. T. Cabaniss of Shelby route 5, group three C. G. McSwain of R-2, Gro ver; group four D. F. Hord of Kings Mountain, group five E. A. Hoyle of Fallstou, group six A. A. Richard: cf Casar, group seven O. P. Ham lick of Boiling Springs and group eight Marshal Freeman of Shelby. The next monthly meeting will be held at Ross Grove church on Feb ruary 1, beginning at 2:30 p. m. Much Trading Now Over This Section targe Number Of Deeds Being Re corded With Register At Court House. Quite ft bit of early year real es tate trading has been going on in Cleveland county, according to Reg ister of Deeds Andy F. Newton. In the last week or so a large number of deeds have been record "d as well as mortgages and other records. “We’re doing right much of a rushing business in everything ex cept marriage license,’' the register . Joffre* Hero of Marne. I >c'a .ger'mg battle with death. For days the famous French soldier had fought hi* last fight with that staunch indomitable spirit of his that the world will long remember. Clements Presides Over Term Of Court Convening Here Today; Big Cases Booked For Trial D, J. Keater foreman Of Grand Jury. Clean t’p Jail Cases First, A week's term of superior court, on the docket of which are .several important cases, con vened here this morning with Judge J. II. Clements, of Win ston-Salem, presiding. The session this morning was de voted to Judge Clements’ charge to the grand jury, the swearing-in of officials and the disposal of several submission, cases. Mr. D. J. Keeter, of Grover, is foreman of the grand jury with Deputy John Wilkins as the officer in charge. Deputy Jerry Runyans is acting court officer and Deputy M. A. Jolley is in charge of the pri soners. The criminal docket with more than 200 cases Is the largest ever. Urgent jail cases will' be disposed of it is said before others on the dock et, will be taken up. In court today it w'as unofficially reported that the J, J, Lattimore case would be taken up Wednesday. The killing charge against Hugh Brittain, young Casar man, is listed lor trial during the term, but it is hot definitely known if the case will be reached. Young Brittain is charged with fatally injuring Dep uty Sanford Pruett by backing over the officer after the deputy and other officers had halted the Brit tain car believing it to carry whisky. Crowd In Town. Due to public interest in many of the cases scheduled to be taken up and because the county commission ers are meeting- and other first Monday activities are on Shelby was filled with what appeared to be a record crowd this morning. Such was the size of the visiting crowds that parking space in the uptown business section was ns scarce today as it is on a big trading Saturday. Solicitor Spurgeon Spurling, re elected in November, Is handling his usual duties as prosecutor. Boost Gardner For President Big Farm Leader Says Gardner Type of Man Needed Wilmington, Jan. 5,—Gover nor O. Mas Gardner, of North Carolina, was proposed as a candidate for the Hfm.rtr.illo presidential nomination here by Varl Vrooman, assistant secre tary of agriculture under i’rev dent Wilson: Works For Farmers, “In a country built up on its ag riculture." Ml. Vrooman said, ad dressing the Wilmington board: of trade, "Governor Gardner is one of the few governors exerting every ef fort, toward aiding the farmer. I would like to see him a candidate for the Democratic nomination .'or president." Mr, Vrooman. owner of" exsen we farm lands in Iowa and Illinois, is here writing a book on agriculture Horn President Of Shelby Lions Elected To Succeed Chas. Dover. Arthur Henoy Named Vice President. Mr. Charlie C. i Cobby> Horn i1 the newly elected president of the Shelby Lions Club, succeeding Ylr. Chas, R. Covet. President Horn and the other new I officers will be installed at a meet ling Tuesday night week, j The other officers are: i Arthur W. Benoy and Glenn White I vice presidents; Dr. Robert Wilson secretary; William Osborne, Liovi lamer; Loy Thompson, tail twist0;. Additional directors are Chas. Du r and Dr. D. F. Moore. ! _' ' - ■ ; ■ Steals Shoes Of Sheriff’s Son At County Jail Here Took siioes While Guest In 'Bums’ ‘ Koom At Jail, Also Stole I’rize Dog. A new version of ingratitude was related in county court here today. Last Friday night a 17-yefu-old youth. Ernest Royster, asked io spend the night in the county Jail. Sheriff Irvin Alcn let the boy in and lodged him in an apartment where bums und other unfortunates are permitted to sleep. Saturday tRoyster departed, and shortly after he left, Sheriff Alien was informed that the boy was wanted for steal ing the B. Cabanlss foxhound which won the prize at the Cleveland county fair. Sunday officers located Royster in Ruthei fordton. It was then Sheriff Allen learned how ungrateful Royster was for his free lodging. On the youths feet were the shoes of the sheriff’s son, Hevwood. Royster, the sheriff says, stole them at the jail Tlie two charges were enough to cause the county c^urt to bind Roy -Vt over tp superior court, ' :y si<■■■: Industry, Labor Stand By Act Of Compensation Both Classes Show Their Favor Workingmen, ,Manufacturers, Others Speak For Workmen’s Com pensation Ait. |M f! nfSVAl.n Slur \i»i nufrua > Kaleigh. Jan. 5.—Industry, a* well as labor, tv almost, tf not entirely unanimous in Its sup port of the N. C. Workmen's eompensatlon act as now effec tive and administered, accordlps to messages from officials of the i North Carolina Industrial coun cil, representing all types of in dustry in the state. The industrial commission, which j operates the act, had been advised by some Keeking to eithenthibuilsh or radically change the net. that in- j dustry was not favorable toward the ; law and sought change. Yesterday a day. letter was sent to the offi cials of the council and before night j all but two or three hud answered.! and In no uncertain terms. Labor, j through the N. C State federation | of labor, had already gone on ree- i oid as heartily supporting the law. j The attitude of the commission Is, j according, to Chairman Mutt H Al ; leu and Commissioners J. Dewey ; Dorset! and T A. Wilson, that the • general assembly turned over the flaw to them and they are striving 1 to administer it as written. They will not propose changes, If efforts : are made to change the law and their views, after administering it for 18 or 20 months, are sought, jthrv will make suggestions for I clarifying certain obscure parts of jit. but will not propose or suggest, ; radical or basis changes. The officers of the N. C Inciu.s I trial council arc Norman A. Cocke. Charlotte, attorney for the South erri Power Co., chairman; E. L. Mc Kee, Sylva. lumber and tannic acid manufacturer, anti P. Frank Hanes, attorney, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco -Co., ip Winston-Salem, vice chair man; Hunter Marshal, jr.. Char lotte. secretary-treasurer of the N. C. Manufacturers association, sec rotary treasurer; compensation com | mitlce: R, W. Griffith, Champion I Fibre Co , Canton, chairman: A. E ; Tate. High Point furnituge monii facturer; James E. Walker, P. Frank Hanes, A. M. Dixon, Gastonia tex tile manufacturer: Frank S. Spruill, Rocky Mount, banker and m&nufac | , (continued; on pack kiOht.i i Seaboard Train j Off On January 12 Will Operate As a Mixed Train Be tween Shelby And Ruth erfordtoa. Ellenboro, Jan. 3, — According to official announcement from from Seaboard offices at Hamlet, the Seaboard passenger trains 21 and 22 between Monroe and Ruther ford ton will be discontinued as a regular passenger train, but will, be operated between Shelby and Ruth- , erfordton daily as a mixed train. This change will go into effect j January 12. The schedule of this ; train will be about the same, This i change of schedule will discontinue the present service on the Caroleen branch of the Seaboard road; but ; train 22 returning from Rut her * fordton will do the work on that branch. Due to this change, the entire crew of the Caroleen branch will be discontinued. World War Vets Meet. A meeting of the Warren Hoyle Post of the American Legion is to i bo held Tuesday night at the cour:, I house. Dale It. Yates, vice commar.d | er. is to preside, and all World War vets are asked to attend. No Accidents Here . No news, so it is said. Is good news. This, therefore, is news: Not : a. single accident case was entered at the Shelby hospital over the week end. County Man Hitsi Oil On Christmas | B. l>. Jolley, former Cleveland county man. now living near Rush Springs, Oklahoma, believ es in Santa Claus and he ha ample reason for doing so. On Christmas- evening a oig gas well was brought In on hit farm there. .Since that time, ac cording to reports received here the well has been turning out over twenty million cubic feet of gas daily and is said to be one of the largest in that section. Mr. Jolley is a brother of Mrs. I. V. Dellinger, of Shelby. New Solicitor Takes Office J. Clint New ton (above I was sworn in today as solicitor of the county court succeeding Solicitor P. Cleve land Gardner tbelow.) Star Photos Leaves Bed To Take Up Duties .1. Clint Newton Sworn In .Vs Soli citor. I'roscj utcd Docket Today. The Cleveland county recorder's court ground through it Mondav morning docket today with n of ficials in charge of the court ma chinery. Judge Maurice Weathers, sworn ill last week, presided, and Solicitor J. Clint Newton served for the first time as prosecutor Still Weak. Mr. Newton has been ill forweek., and. fast week it was h-heved that it would be necessary lo swear him in at his home today with a sub stitute prosecuting for him. Tins morning, however. Mr. Newton Canto up town, was sworn in by Court Clerk A. M, Hamrick, and prosecut ed the docket of week-end case,* The new solicitor is still weak from his illness but hope:: to be able to handle his court duties. Wailing Of Mf. Jonas Cause Of Merriment Ip. Raleigh; Licked By Same Method As He Won By Political Circles Consider Fraud Charge Poor Sportsmanship Breaking Out. Raleigh Jan, 5.—The- hue and cry j being raised by former Congressman i Charles A. Jonas. Republican, oft the ninth district Concerning the I crookedness of this last election and of election officials generaly over j the state is causing more amyse- j ment than otherwise here in Ra leigh, where It is being interpreted as little more than exhibition of j poor sportsmanship on hi., part For almost exactly the same elec tion officials; presided over the polls! and counted the ballots on Novem ber 4 this past year when Major A, L. Bulwlnkk the Democratic can didate, defeated Jonas as wi.euj Jonas defeated Bulwinkle in 1928. it; is pointed out. Yet Bulwinkle did j not go up and down the land and to Washington . complaining of crooked elections and. crooked elec tion officials. Neither did Jonai have anything to say about elec- ( tlon method and pro* xlure when he was elected. It Is also pointed out ] that there was much more oppor- j tunity for i’-regularities to have <>t- j; curr-'d in 1928 under the old bai-' lot system than in 1930 under the Australian ballot plan It is also pointed out that hundred* of thou sands of Republican ballots were sent out by mail by the Republican campaign managers in 1928 and that thousands of these ballots, printed to look exactly like the oi ficial ballots were voted Instead of fin official ballots. Yet Jonas rais ed no protest at that time, since he was the victor then. "Another con ideratlon that en ters into these charges by Jonas is that if any party is going to at tempt to purloin any votes in any rlection, it is generally the party against which the election is going, ‘■aid a state official in discussing the Jonas charges here "Thus if the Democrats ever had any can e to use any Irregular methods it wa in 1928, when things were going against them, rather in 1930, when the trend was overwhelmingly in their favor. "Thus the charges being made by Jonas are unwarranted and un founded right on the face of thing-:, .•special!/ when th? same <0 V[' .lection officials counted the utfrs,. that, Hecte dhira in 1928. Ir w«u! 1 ippcar that Jonas has not yet learn ed how to accept defeat gracefully." Beattie, Malone Fail In Damages Asked Chicken Thieves Are Caught Here Men With Criminal Records < aught Selling Rutherford County Chickens. Bhetby tuia almost a . nnu h -> .• eitement Saturday over a (juttrtet.of chicken thieves a; the old West lid liver eat tie then Four; white men were in to vn peddling chicken.,. Police Chief I’oston and Shell 11 Irvin Alien got a 'peep at the men. , another in the party, has served a prison .sentence, p, was paid, while the fourth. John McGinnis t, a ■brother of one of the men who fiss ured In the Aderhoit strike affair at Gastonia. Wm. E. McSwain I o Be Buried Today Was Graduated U Wake .Purest College In IHiHi. Interment At Heaver Dam. William E. McSwain «i th. Bea ver Dam Comnmnity died Saturday night about midnight at the age ol so years, He had /been sick about ten days with a Complication of troubles. Mr. McSwain was graduat ed at Wake Forest college in 1800 and was a man of culture and learn ing. He was twice married, the first time to Lula Dowdle and the sec ond time to Margaret Gettys. Bo h of his companions preceded him to the grave. No children survive. Mr. McSwain is survived by a full brother Elijah McSwain,, a full sis ter Miss Pantha McSwaiib two half brothers. B.f B. and. 1. A Mc Swain and a half sister, Alpha Wea ver. Funeral services are being con ducted this afternoon by Rev. D F, Putnam and interment will take, place at Beaver Dam church ceme tery. Dr. Ramseur Shows Some Improvement Dr. T. J, Ramseur, veteran Blacks burg, S. C., physician, who has been right seriously ill. now show con siderable improvement, according to reports here. Dr. Ramseur. a character ini’on. of Tom Dixon’s books and one ot the organisers of the old Kij Klux Klan. ts well known throughout thi entire section, and the news of hi, improvement will be joyfully receiv ed. industrial Coin mission Hears Complaints I urtner ('iinltnM Wood Vessel Burst in Sniffle Caused Hii Paralysis. n i:. in Rail igh Jail 5.--H. E. Beattie, ■'• •••'tally disabled as a result of a ■> cr ok e of | mm lysis which he c la low came troni a burst ed blood vessel caused by a friendly scuffle with Dummy" Howard w hile both were (.tnpliij'ed by tie . Shelbv Cotton Mill on November 8, 1929. has nos convinced Industrial Commissioner ,1. l>-wey Dorsetl that the injury arose "out of and in the course of ljis employment,'’ so' compejisatiou ' la on denied. ■ V : , The hearing, along with several others, was held In Shelby'iti De cember. '. Beattie and Howard, ns was their custom, engaged In a friendly lusscls i Beattie claiming that on the data •amod Howard grabbed liim around the with, resulting in the breaking if a. Wood \ easel. As a Result, he idtvinr . he had. a st roke of paralysis ■ j.al night; and that he. has been able 'to Win): only four months since the froke, more than a year ago. ■; W do not believe that by any '.stretch of the Imagination, can it, | be found that the disability COOI ! plained of a.-, lb'- result Of the strbfco ,oi pun!.' • was hi any manner I connected with the scuffle < ngsgt'd m by the plaintiff and one "Dum my Howard." Commissioner Dor set! writes, adding: "Tire medical •esHmony in the record is certain ly not. to the effect that such is the. case.". . -'fl ’•‘'in « < mi» iivution. W. L. Changer, Injured while em uoy.-d by the Neisler Mills. Cleve land county. Will receive compensa tion for four additional weeks at the rfue of $14.40 a week Commls t having found that the in;(trance carrier for the milt? topped payment four weeks too | soon. Clomger received *14.40 a i«(>ek from the date oi his injury, November IS, 1929, nntil May 18, 1930. but the commissioner found he was not fully recovered at the latter date and allowed him com pensation for four additional weeks, I > Hernia < use. hi rev Malone, employed by the !Standard Oil Co, at Shelby, did not inee Cofruma^ioner Dorsett that he sulfered a hernia on November 31, 1930, while carrying an Iron beam weighing about 300 pound.-, which meets the five requirements in the compensation act. Medical evidence was that the hernia Was or long standing and, although about «00 was spent, iri ah operation, it. was not held-to tx thq result of an accident. Compensation was denied, . Motor Express Shelby To N.Y. Service Inaugurated From shelby.'fa New Vork With Shelby As Southern Terminal. A motor express service hue been inaugurated between Shelby and New York City, operating for the present on a three day schedule lent - mg Shelby carrying mostly textiles to Philadelphia suid New York; and returning vum silk, rayon and other high class nu rd'.aixdi.se. Shelby will be made the Southern terminal for this motor express route which start ''d the first truck last week, taking a test shipment from the Cleveland . Cloth mill, it is understood the rates will meet those obtaining for freight, y | yet giving shippers the speed and promptness of express shipments. ; The motor express will operate on ; f schedule of about 34 hours from ! Shelby, making up shipments from local manufacturing plants and plants along the route in North Carolina. Re: timing the motor ex press will bring shipments from New ■ York and Philadelphia. ’ It l- understood that ont* mam moth truck with double wheels and having a capacity of ten tons was : put. in service last-week lor the in* Uiial trip. Other trucks Will'be added, jas business develops. The promoters | of the service ate from Graham, lais | state and the company is known as i the K. and i>. Trucking Co., with. Mi. Steward as manager. 1 Spanish-American War Vets Ho Meet The regular monthly meeting of • the local camp of Spanish-American war vetrtwns wilt be held at tie court house here tonight at 7:30. it 1* tiujiotjuccd by ConunaAder Hugh Logan, Hereafter all regular imeetings will be held on the first Monday night after the 4th.