Remnants Of Lone Balloon Owned By Confederacy Shown Washington- Old fragntonU 01 Bilk dresses, n letter sighed “A 1 :h i Coin" and faded photographs given j to the Smithsonian InMibiUpn nld i the almost ten-ofr-n .-.lory o’, , M ; first. eommandet’ of America .> i forces. The collection belonged to Pro! Vhaddeus S,C. jjjjjtcb. fighter and o* plorer, the forerunner of Uncfbei h ; 'Byrd and Rickenl ■> < ■ cented by member- of hh tuinitj Vowq was the commander 01 tie. SUTTLES - PHONE 370 i HOSIERY HOSPITAL, tnc (Of rfcuriuitt*. N. i T fir inch At Mrs- Harmons llemstilrhtng vShc>i» , •< tfjtfff Chtehol.ttf Hosiery aiwi Knitted : N-eaMy (tepftirnl. AH Hum> He LaunderetL 686 Is a doctor's Prescription for Colds & Headaches II Is the must speedy remedy known 666 also in Tablets FOR QUALITY DIAMONDS See YOUNG’S SHELBY’S LEADING JEWELERS North La Fay o,t to St tool Dr D M Morrison — OPTOMETRIST f.Odtted Upstairs Oyer Wooolwerth’s, TEEEPHONE 585 Office Bays Every Wednesday And Friday. Byes Examined, Glasses Fitted Ami Re-paired THE CHOCOL F. SHOP IS AN IDEAL PLACE FOB DRINKS* SMOKES , fJANMKS AND ( CRH SERVICE. ■ . ; . i South Lol’aj.ih St reel i Under New Management constipation ”1 BAT> ft stubborn case of const ipatiou after ft very severe spoil of grip,” says Mr. John B. Hutch: • ton, of Neosho, Mo. "When ! would get consti pated, I’d fuel so sleepy, tired and worn-out "When one feels this way, work is much harder to do, especially farm work. I would have dirty headaches when I could hardly Bee to work, but after I rend of Black Draught I began taking it I did not have the headache any more. "When I have the slug gish, tired feeling, I take a few doses of Blupk Draught, and it seems to carry off the poison and I feel just fine. I use Black Draught at regular inter vals. It is easy to take and I know it helps me.” This medicine is com posed of pure botanical roots and herbs. M y': Women who need a tonic should tofce Cabdvl Used over 50 years. iSHn impuhMchwd but < Kcctive ballmm 1 OOrj ,th«! Ti;>>Ta'» ,the Confide .0 ’ ‘ i.Li-rhlg I i' f > > i t Vee : llitHI • launch old Cienrt ,1 t■>»ii£»ti «• , wrote rtunirniul ;U h . •■ t#mit iibr«H : it. The war, in< I dentally kept I-or. «■ from fttlemptliig to fly netosa the A!#i - ifi fi balloon, It I ad. r >■ structed his bug. The citizen., pH Philadelphia intruded to give him j enough gas to TUI ft lint the so'ifJ was bt'llu-ei'wUlj upset Lowe dec!.4 : d to wait. C. c; Abbot, tfnyith: ••nitu'i «*r l.'iy. brand'd today ax In: made lb response to the pro rntution spr \ h j by Mrs. II. M litownback of Nor-: ristown. Pa , .Lowe's ptariddmieh’.'.*.! The Institution ha* n sentiment.;’. _ interest In It Joseph Henri'. It nr j rotary in 18fd. was Lowes friend ! In lien ul the Atlantic flkdit. !r; IKlvtsed him in fin aloft to see. if lhere were not a wed hi east. .air. 'intent: . I I.mvc went to Cilieinhatl but the | wind whs not night. It blew 1 h • wrong way or dido i blow at all un Hi finally the a.i.eioniiiit put on hi.,. SUW hut and went to a dll me: ill: his honor by a Cincinnati editor. He was in the midst pi soup when ward rattle the Wind had changed. H seared ills silk topper and nr lied to the f ield.. The editor followed iu:c! j nr i ns Lowe was soaring away be in <'d in seviTidnewsp.iirrs. The explorer came down in bout i Carolina, H00 nilles nway. He had salt-died htmstif.of the air curven* but Port Sumter had fallen A h.n. over."a chicken yard could not jin. created iripi'ft iixeltrinent titan ills balloon Nobody believed his. stm v He was ariaised of heiiiK a Union : p ’ tuici it looked, like Lise tiring Mim'd until tie thought of the pa tiers in the balloon. . Henry aided turn in tils plan to form a balloon corps niter he re turned to Wa: htruitoti. Abraham f m coin looked *p<eulativcl.v at the round object hi the sky and derided It was not a bad idea- Lowe went to set; Gen. Wlnliold Scott lint the p n mil had tits mind oh the ijvtanUv. calvary and artillery Lowe w'ent buck to the 'While House and spent the mghi. The nest morning July 25, 18(11 • I Ipeoln took a goose quill pen and wrote: • “Will Lieutenant Genera! please ee PrcUessor Lowe mire nt'.t 1 about his balloon?"' As a reinforcement he took Tuve by the arm and they dropped in to end on the general.. The result raw five balloon rod about 50 inert; They floated high above the Hints of M. ~ t letlan’s army on sunny days. Lory street wrote: “We wafe'Hil wilti envious ey■ ‘ their beautiful hbMsrvutkms, A gen ius arose otic) sUKoosted that we send out and u.aUicr all.the fir. dresses in t he Confederacy and m die a balloon '' Tlie Confederate balloon laid a sac! history, it win mounted on a bare, in the James river. One day tin barge gat oh a : and bar. Along came the federate and took bar, boat: add bn! loon. Longstreet wrote “With It went the last silk diess of the Confeder acy. “This capture tin.:' the t trick of lit «( ami t tie 1 nnv. never forgum" ; Lowe got the remnants of the '-bal loon. The eti '.inal strijif'i ant cie :iyns .still clear in the faerie, it -o f in tlie fStnithsoni :ui. reminiscent of. wide ..acres', pillared . htatoes t ‘ ■ rteam of eandteii dit on stalHy bail room and pretty women. Everything in the collection hr. its memories: In it Is tlie first .n i meter used .to direct ■■■ artillery rt and a set of binoculars with whyM tie M iumed li'c Confederate line • j Lowe took sick, .mat before Gettys - burg. That ended Ills artive service bht Ids balloonist from their pi i. o saw the disintegration of: lire C-'n tederaey, Lowe went to pallionv.: aiter the war and. was the iotini •• of JUwveW o'liyervaiibn. . Mn-ui: os M’t't, HIIOI.IU KS MtlWi.. ffonre i> hereby given of the «,nr\:.’: . ler* ol The Bit I Ht*ni. t>t '«:■.»Ih> N C , f))i the election ..of directors Jtw »h« ensuing. ybar isnd for any 'oUi>’rair. . rfi ti-**- :m‘rtlnp, to hr i Turinhty, J: ruj* ; .Ur, MM si II o'rlwk i* m »t Iftrll banking house Ih.Khelbv N■ C. ■ '90 ■ I C »t« AS'MIMS n; t lO«V NOTH t Haim* qualilied ms aUuuni.syisors »l Mrs.' Vie I'.iltner ij&rs. Joe all persons heiiWna claims agonist 'soul estate ar# heieliy notified- to present same prop ,-viy proven to the udders.gued on or be tin* tilth day of Decern bet1, 1».U. or ihis notice wtU be: pleaded. In bar at anj light to recover thereon All persons m • *.ted to said estate will please an Si# hn payment to the unde.rv.gnd This the IStli da* of .December. 11*3(1. I, r PALMIER' and C.OI KM AN E! ANTON. AdW»ni:»»:a.tmts-. Mrs. Vic Palmcr-S Estate: B T Pali?, Attorney. tU pee 22* ISH I TOII S NOTICE. Having this day qualified as executor ol the estate of llossib Origg, deceased, late of Cleveland County,. Neith Carolina, tt. is to notify all. persons haying claim, against the state of said deceased to pre sent them, properly verified, to the un dersigned at Shelby, N. C. on or .before the l&th day of December, 1331, or lit - notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. Ail persons Indebted to said e*s tote v ill please .nutIt# immediate payment to the undersigned, This the ini it day of December. 1930: P. F. CR1GO, executor of the estate. ; . - - of JCnssle eirtgjt, deceased. Peyton Mcewaln, Ally-. fit f>c EXEtt’ToBS’ NOfICr. Notice is hereby given thut we have this day qualified as exrrvrtom ol the will of A C Miller, late of Ciyvehvnd county, N,- C, and all pars#®* having claims attains^ sold- estate ate hereby notified to present them to .us properly'proven for payment on or before. December .22ml 1931; or this notice wilt be pleaded in. bar of their reemety,- .VI ■■person' Indebted to said estate will make immediate penitent to the unoerrigueiti-. This December 3*nd 1930. R T LeOBAND. R I. BYBURN Executors of the will of A. C. Mil., ler, deceased. ffbhUTP ' 'To*-,**, xr'rs, jp r*-. “Whispering Wreckers” Cause Much [rouble—Need Punishment In Charier tin- J u t National ixmk .close dtrv'cnl (lays afro. I Ins tvavtol lowed by the oltwlng the itot. o) tin next week of Hirer or four’ hunk-rat GaGonia. and several n ail institutions ut other points. Rutnors be, an circulating >ut lit rendition of sonic other banks.] 1 vwi North Carolina judge*., speik imv from the bench, (ailed al.teh l-ioti to the law against elmilat’ng in Im; Information about banka and u 'orl prompt, prosecution (it olfond- ] cm •. In connectldn with the situation liie Charlotte News published it Iriuit-piige editorial of general ap pllentlon. which is reprinted below 'Arabist the mean gossipy slate | at.and nialieiou . spread of false re'.; ports about business institutions. ] about; individuals, about firms and liithkjnR instil iitfons In these admit* lediy diftleuli times and in the tviidst <g, flic present inflamed end xcited public mind. I lie citizenship • ! eve if .cointixijiity'ought to a •.einble itself Hi to. a solid phalanx of , si cad last confidence and determined : resistance . ' . "There is undoubtedly abroad in N’ortii■ Carolina a sort of rumor- j inongei lieiit solely tin mischief and j mahriouMio His talk I- direct • i : against the best men that every com ] immit.y has. ug a ip " the best firms, a uniisi Hie best. institutions, against : everything that means the unbroken ronthnmii'on of our social .iind ecoi - ohnr slr.un ure ■ t !n- toiiumunst, would like to see every Inink in North Carollvi i mode lo crumble. It. would do his heart goocf'Just as it would delight, him to r.rr every home in this com monwealth disrupted and (he hetH inspired gospel of free loyo and M i-i nlious Irving introduced. He .wants to see everv vestige of our present soctftl. btistne? s,.'industrial, financial nioral and religious system -brok'M up. Anybody who would belong • *> an (ire.un. itiop that trooped In steady iuureti through the. street*of Moscow to a trend 'The Funeral of Ciptf would, of. course .have no .top science abou* spreading repdv * which would vend a>. under.every hi slit id um in. America against whi.'.i Communism Is set up. "The resounding slanders that have been repeated in this statu about banks have caused some o.t them already to be closed and Hh n to .suffer 'material mid hurtful runs, It 'they are continued and mi les t he robust, and ri d-blooded Anier lean citizen arms himself with cour age and determination to resist Hie .> wild and reckless rumors, there Is no way to tell what Ultimate dam age may be dime "It is tune to do something with Ins kind of cattle- Hu* folks who Uie spreading the false and maUcl 011 - Insinuations against our bankT.g institutions, such as was responsi ble t o- . run on the strong and in vincible Wachovia in Ahcvillo. the <'01111110. i 1 in Ralcieh and other? i:\i.rt tops' Norici:. H viu« f’lio (!dv qmilirird as executors of -IhV or W A P-rwtor. dect ’• t:-;' fit UO'fitJ- tlH P^» S0«5 hold t; . - , a. , ’ll.' I MV'd f' MAtt t-0'- present ; Hri; i to‘the umtar* •i. 'MV'r -w.d-ni.i i..weive. .uidhiu* from out or il<: > noi itc tt iU 'bp in bar >r . t <. v*»*\ r: \ ' nml tlv.*> In further. to ontMv all ptn -oMsmd.iblod to Mint estate U* -v.ik' i mint’d in paviftmt to the uu • ■' • • ' • ■ ; . Tfeiji-th'’ HtUh (la v of Doi'CinbOr. 1930. • . - m'• ri#oc 11» . Kvcvuifjvc.) . ■ /. ... Nrw iiVn ,v .N;« w;n:i . AU> a. fit t>£'-2!)c i \m \oini.. il v. «. mu . .. V.V «|i*;slit :»• a a • e-XPt'Utora ol.vt at-W/ <-■! .Ki- ' Jitbt'A Hmainck, die • i.-- Hi • ail- Df.; ins hiw ,m; , n a( iii r «>st ube to -exhibit tU'.’ii tc» u*>. V’ATiVirbd and. verified/ oa or H.-lore ’or. ov oi .preembvt, Ifltft.or v.;:: in. i i i^e.d ’ n bar ot Ihetr ■. • t to ii.- v ui l' - i h nut se irmnediAle payment at tivuii ‘Uiftebtedhcbs. : " ••Tin.' f'M' ,'uh da-." of rifvimber. 1910. .Jl l !A. A McSWAXN. BK AADUS .. HAMRICK. KxeeVUars. Atcts ion «y-• .Newton...' Ot. Dec* :»r UU S I IX S SALE.. l; virtue of the authority vested in me . !i;** ui a certain deed of trust tx rraSaOv 34th ‘ day of. ^eftruary. 1830, b> ,, a*: r*C\>;i »i,tt IlOMeyy Wills. Inc tu Mu*- •«*'. trustee .to secure all indebtedness . ii' CHi ‘ iu shut deed of trust which is - r ».*d rn book 1<I$, pane 7J Of the of : v of the r»g; ter tor Cleveland county. K. C , eiid default having been made in - re by secured, I will «< :■ .a the highest bidder at the court house door in Shelby on Monday, vfanuary \tf 19511, at ‘13 o’clock M or within 'eual hours, thd -following described real estate: hots Nos. 70 and VI of that property In the town of fcifielby, N C, known as Sun . . o Terrace, plat of which property is re riled. in book No. I of plats, page 31 of ■ '<• register's office of Cleveland county. • V to which plat reference is made bv for iurlhrr identification and de ?*ion of said lets Said two lots lying • i the cart side evt DeK&lb street, lottos of sale: Cash. This the l'ith day of December 1930. B T. FALLS, Trustee. 4t Dec 15c MOHTGAE SALE. Crider and by virtue of a certain morf deed executed by H H. Denton and • o. Ada ..Denton, to Cha.v A. Wortmflih 1 dated February ia, 1329, securing an indebtedness to the. said.Chius. A. Wort •in an id mortgage being recorded in. book 13* of mortgage deeds, page 437 ili the -<;ne« of the register of deeds-, of Clere ' nd county. N C . and said mortgage ed bemg assigned to C. A. Brittain and default having been made in the payment i}f. same, 1 will sell at bublic auction at noon January 17lh. 1931. oh the .pfeinises. the following described real estate, to wit: Lot No. 2 Situated in the town of Dakar Adjoining the lands, of Mrs. A. W, Propst and others. Beginning on ah Iron stake Clyde Eaker's corner, now D. O. Melton corner, running & 37 K to. poles and 11 links, io u stone in Proust line, thence N. *7 1-2 E 3. polos and 20 links to wn Iron stalee-;r thence N. 3-S W. .14 poles and 5 links to an iron iuwk» In VEaker'a line 'Now Melton line) fheiic* 3. 48 W 89 feet to the beginning, ?ohtai»ing 64-150 part of ah anre more or. less. Terms of nr.e cash on day or sale. This December lath. 193Q. C. A. BHITTAUf. Holder of^Mortgage elsewhere. / “No in tHiiuon. it would seem, nor why set of business men, are ex - empt from the vicious assaults of these danderous tongues. And it be comes the urgent duty of- every right thinking citizen, of this and every other community to knock the tone ot such gossip off Uie tongues of these corrupt Communistic curs ' ho • cm to be bent upon tbe utter de struction of our banks as well as our homes and everything else that mean anything to our contentme it and happiness and welfare. “Let's have done with them! Let’s have recourse to our better selves and better judgment when such whisperings reach us and let us meet these wreckers with our unrelenting i'tWd immovable courage and coni I - denee in our business leaders and in j our financial institutions,” ___ ^ j Double Shoals News Of the Current Week Holiday Visltings Ileoorded. Miss Knby Washburn Entertains ♦ Vming Folks. (Special to The Star.) Double Shoals, Jan. 3 - Miss Net tle Jones or Boding Springs junior college spent the Christmas holi (lny. with Mr.-and Sirs. J. C. Love luce. - : Mr and Mrs. Will Brooks. Visited Mr- and Mi's. Summit: Brooks Sat urday night. Miss Bertha Hawkins visited Miss Selma Davis Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Greene and daughter, Evelyn, .sjieut last Fri day night in the Union community visiting Mr. and Mrs. Is illy Powell. Miss Selma Davis a student at Boiling Springs junior college spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis. Miss Ruby Washburn visited Miss Elira Brooks Saturday night; Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Brooks spent several days in the community last week. Mr and Mrs, Elijah Brooks and ! daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Schieman MeSwain and children. Mr. and Mrs. Berry MeSwain and children Land Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Gold and daughter spent Christinas day with ; Mr. and Mrs. M. Brooks, j Mr. and Mrs. Conn Dovt and Son, S J. C . Jr., of Georgia visited rela | tives in tile community during the j holidays. Mr, and Mrs. Grady Brooks spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lee. Mr. and Mi's. Roland Hamrick and children of Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs. T. U. Hamrick Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Bridges and daughters, Polly and Betty, spent Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bridges. Mrs. W. J. Powell and Miss Della Powell, Messrs. Poster and Audio. Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Vcss Powell and children spent the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Greene. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hamrick near Hollis Thursday. Mr. Troy Martin of Winston Salem Is spending a few days this week as the guest of Mr. Yulan Washburn. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Greene, Mr. and Mrs. Pink Greene and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gold of Chesnee visited their mother, Mrs. J. C. Greene Thursday. Miss Ruby Washburn entertained the young folks of the community last Friday night with a pound party: A large crowd was present and the table was filled with many good eats. Everyone enjoyed the evening. . Mr. and Mrs. p. M. Washburn and sons, James and Edward, of Shelby, and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Washburn and family spent Christ mas day with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Washburn. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Wright and children, Claris and Joe Harris, of Shelby and Mrs. Jane Bridges were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Bridges Thursday. % Mr. and Mrs. M. Brooks and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Brooks and Mr! and Mrs. D, P, Washburn and children were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wright Satur day evening. Mrs. Fletcher Davis and daughter. Sunshine, spent last week with Mrs. J. E. Davis. Mesdames J, E. Davis and Fletch er Davis visited Mrs. W. H, Gard ner Wednesday. Bees Make Money For Onslow Farmer Jacksonville. —L. W. Hawks. of Onslow county, has sold $6,000 worth of honey from 500 hives of bees within the past year County Agent H- M. Smith reports. The bees produced 40,000 pounds of honey which .sold for an average of 15 cents a pound. There were only 375 hives at the start of the honey flow, but these were Increased to 500 hives during the season. The hives produced an average of 80 pounds of extracted honey and there was a sufficient amount left in each hive for proper feeding dur ing the winter, Mr. Smith said. Hard Times, Me Eye! America Has Just 511 Millionaires Washington—Tlir high tide of If!28 in fiOanrial affairs brought the golden harvest of incomes above a million dollars to 511 American.*. The Int crnal Revenue bureau showed this in compilations made { public. At the same time the trots-. { ury sent to fnngress'- the account ol i another rich reaping by taxpayers— | refunds last year aggregating $126 ! 336.333. This sum included $37,971. 7!1 of interest Also the treasury al ii owed as abatement $176,398,377 and ' as credits against unpaid income taxes $36,535,245. The total of re funds was way below* the 1929 total 'of $190,000,000, The 1928 receivers of millionaire Income Included 74 women, 29 of them single, Twenty-six persons re ceived more than $5,000,000. These were spread over the map from ! DR. S. F. PARKER — PHYSICIAN — Office I’hones 64 and No. 2 Residence Phone 129-J 1 ...—.. -BILLIARDS Cleveland Cigar Store v Hotel Charles. Bldg- Cornet I'rade and W Warren Sts. V.- ,ii. DR. R. C. HICKS — DENTIST — Office Phone 421. Residence Isaac Shelby. Phone 74. — BILLIARDS — Visit the Shelby Cigar and Billiard Parlor and BARBER SHOP For Clean Sports and Barber Work. Corner South LaFayette and East Graham Sts. M. C. PUTNAM AND J. E. E1XIOTT coast to coast but eleven lived in New York. That rich 'ear showed total net Incomes of the nations amounted to $25,226,326,910, more , than two and a half billions higher than the previous year. The government ob tained $1,164,254,037 as tax. Alto gether 4,070,851 persons tiled tax returns, but only slightly more than two and a half million of these were taxable.; The millionaire income class paid a total of $185,140,211 ui a total income of $1,108,863,041 for an average of 15.90 per cent com pared to 4.65 per cent as an overall average. DAN FRAZIER Civil Engineer And Surveyor Farm Surveys, Sub-divis ions, Plats and General Engineering Practice. - Phone 417 - V-,—..—--* T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book % wi Seller Phone — 82 Have Your Eyes Examined Regularly DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OPTOMETRISTS Office Over Paul Webb & Son’s Drug Store Jl Nobody’s Business GEE McGEE— New Year's Resolutions. 1. Resolved, That I will never write about my wife’s kinfolks any more unless at "her" request. 2. Resolved, That I will stop eat ing scrambled eggs with a kntfe— it a teaspoon is handy. 3. Resolved, That I will not let any more flappers talk to me nnd count the buttons on my vest by running the piano scale when my wife is down town too. 4. Resolved, That I will be more charitable to, book agents in the lu- j ture. (I will use an ice pick instead i of an ink well.) 5. Resolved, That I w ill try to j count 26 before cussing when 11 stumble over a pair of skates. 2 toy : trains, 3 slop-jars and a couple of hair-brushes on my way to the telephone at night to let central say—"There's no one on the line," 6. Resolved, That I will abstain from affixing my name to any ! thing in the future except «the fol | lowing credentials: Arrest warrants, iny own checks when I know they are good, my own notes for renewal | purposes, a few obituaries,, and my I will, if anything looks like it will 'be left to will anybody. 7 Resolved, That I will be con siderate of tramps, hoboes, jobless men, beggars and Itinerant peddlers —because, without a change for the better In the very near future, I will be one or mebbe two of the fellows enumerated herein, d voted for A1 Smith.) ; 8. Resolved, That I will never jagain invite "mike Clark, rfd" and Uncle Joe to take Christmas dinner with me unless X mean it. (After they had 4 helpings from the chest of that turkey, the carcass looked like a cemetery fence. My wife and Uie’kids had to cook themselves something to eat.» 9. Resolved, That X will talk less, think more, work harder, sleep sounder, pay cash fit possible), avoid drafts—both from banks and windows, eat- slower, be wary of j checks, dodge Fords, encourage j thrift in my home, keep my old ! radio, and be content with what 1 have and hope for an opportunity j to get out of debt. 10. Resolved, That I will apprec iate my friends more, Increase my loyalty to ray church and pastor, cut out most of ray “smart-elecky ness," say kind things about my neighbors, try my best to believe that those boys actually read my gas, water, and electric meters, sop my gravy with more regard for my shirt front, and not complain be cause everything isn’t Just right, or exactly like I would have it. flat rock news. some sickness took place right after the holidays onner count of they eat too mutch sawssage and other heavy greases, but the doctor has announced all of them out of danger excepp old man smith and he would of been o. k. too if he had not of tried to mix some home brew with his buttermilk ansoforth. ' •- .’ ; a serious lawsuit will take place | at magglstrate king's offis next jtliesday when sam wright and bill ivvins Will be tried for their life. It. seems that last week, no—1 believe it was week befoar last, sam's old rooster got over into bll's turnip saliet patch and he rung his nake and throwed him back over the tense and a fight insude betwixt them, some folks believe a verdlck of man slawter ought to be handed down to stop them from picking at one another, but it remains to be seen, as it is up to the magglstrate. this town has run mighty searse of weddings here of iate. some of the citizens say it is oner count of hard times, while others say it is ottermobeels and the young folks don’t see no reason to get married, it is a miss take for any boddy to1 think that 2 can live as cheap as jone: it might be so when the hon tneymoon is going on, but the fam j bly don’t remain 2 verry long and :then expenses begins to clime, the doctors charge 40$ for a visit of that kind now, and Just think of a poor man having that mutch monney. a new filling station is liable to Open up at this place, so we hear, as Jim long has decided to move back here and go into bizness, and they say that a filling station is the only kind of bizness that lie has ever run. our town has only 4 comers in it and all of them 4 corners now have filling stations on same, and he will hafter bild betwixt 2 cor ners or wait till the town grows another corner, he will possibly put in a line, qf tubes, and mebbe some groceries,. if he can get some on creddick. ' the farmers of our section seem to have about enufl of cotton .'raising, md say they will plant mostly food mops, they intend to boycott thf guanner agents. but unless they get more cash than they now have it looks more like the guannei agents ..will boycott them,. ..things i„>.. down in the dumps a.s to fanning and if a change ain’t made by the farm bored,, someboddy is. going to. get hungry befoar blackberries and wattor mellons get hero. unr. editor, rite or foam if you get this ariiekle, as i want it to conic out next mon thly. ) yores trulie, mike Clark,- rid. i'XQTiCK or siociuioijn.fis mmtInc.. ! Notice is.- h&rfcby given ti! the annual ! of r-' i.i. of the Union (Trir i ’company fcf f?h* lby & <\ . t) • election of directors I or the . yea r [ »i»a -for ;u.v other i.»;.su-c-> ct>liiuv tuofor.* mew mg at t hr ir bunking house in ' [Shelby. N t* . ’ {'ii -Tiii 'd.i:', January 20th, ; FOiift£ST C6KRIJL)€»E. Cashier. j MJTU K. ■ Having qua i Hied as executor of fhe bs ! tstp «>f Dr J'.. If.. Lark tv., deceased, late {.of 'Cleveland county, Not til Carolina, thy* ’.s to r.tojfv ail perrons limany: rial: • nffuixud cieceu. wl to exh oil them i-» jihr A.'nck r - ’U-h .«r I’.iUsion. N C on < I beforethe MtVt hs - oi O-aemfcrr 1931, < r { this notice \vill ho pleaded in oar or then |recovery. All per>ons indcbteii to ?ald e. - i lute null ideate niaUe immediate pcvinem. ; Ti ls, the 1 .v:{lay- of December,- d'.i'U). ' / U. A. LACK. Executor of ,t)r. f H. Lackey. Deceased .. 6t D • JOB PRINTING OF all kinds at 1 o w e r i prices than you have ever paid. Phone 11 or 4-J and let us give you an estimate o n [your n e x t printing order. A atom ati c : presses, a e c ti r a t e [count. tt‘-24p FROM COUGHS Res/M no/ spreads a soothing him over irri tated throat tissues, allow, ing them to rest and heal. It goes right to the root of the troiibfe, breaks up the congestion, raises the mucus, permits the heal' ing powers of nature to complete the cure. Pleas ant to take. No sugar—no opiates Will not upset the stom ach—safe for young chil dren, old people and diabetics. Price—50c in the J-comered bottle at y your drug store. QUEEN CITY COACH LINES FOR. ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: Leave SHELBY:—9:43 a, in.; 3:45 p. m.; 8:45 p. m. FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:50 a. m.; 10:50 a. m.; 12:50 p. m.; 4:50 p. m>; 0:50 p. m FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—10:50 a. hi.; FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:50 a. m.; 10:50 a. m.; FOR FURTHER INFORM AT TON — PHONE 450 QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY he cost is Small Wherever Yeti call Talking to out-of-town relatives or friends is the most pleasing and satisfactory means of com munication. Telephoning is just Slice being there in person and the cost is surprisingly small. When using Day Station-to-Statinn service you can talk a distance of one hundred miles for approxi mately sixty cents and by using the same service after 8:30 at night you can talk that far for as little as thirty-five cents. The cost of talking greater distances is correspondingly small. People everywhere are daily experiencing en joyable chats with relatives and friends in other cities. You, too, can afford such pleasures. Re member “the cost is small wherever you callT^ Southern^Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co f Incorporated)

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