VOL. XXXVII, No. 6 mxo . - - - - - - - -• ■ —. """**■! NVEDNE&D’Y, JAN, *14, 1931 Published Monday, Wednesday and P I I——■ ■■■■!■ I -»■■■. ———^ 8 PAGILS TODAY Friday Afternoons. •*» Matt, tiff rear, tin advance) off rear, fin advance) •*&«> fion LA TE NEW: THE MARKET Cotton, per lb. i. 9 to Cotton Seed, per bu. _ 281ic Colder Tonight. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: fair, tonight and Thursday preceded by light snow in east por tion this afternoon. Colder tonight with hard freeve to the coast. Slow ly rising temperature in southwest portion Thursday. Rebate Bill Passes, Raleigh, Ian. 13.—The senate to day passed a joint resolution in troduced by Senator Clarkson of Mecklenburg to request congress to return 20 per cent of the tax it collects in this state on tobacco to North Carolina. Shelby Nitive Dies In Florida Harry Fulienu ider. Soldier, Actor. And Writer Dies In Hos pital There. “A genteel vagabond” as he call ed him elf has joined his fathers. Mr. Harry Fullenwider, native Shelby man. soldier, actor and Writ er, died Monday of this week in a Key West, Florida, hospital, accord ing to a message received here. Mr. Fullenwider was the son of the late Eli Fullenwider, and he was a half-brother of Mrs. Mary Mc Brayer. In his young manhood he left Shelby and travelled into all sec tions of the country as an actor and musician. He served with the Ameri can troops in the Spanish - Am erican war and for years since the war had been an inmate of several govern ment hospitals. Some years ago he wrote a his tory of his life in a bo-It entitled “Forty Years of Genteel Vagabond ing.” Mr. Fullenwider had been spend ing the summers in Shelby for sev eral years and was a well known character about town. Two or three weeks ago he arriv ed at Key West and when he be came ill the local camp of Spanish Ameriean war veterans wTas noti fied After establishing his creden tials as a veteran there ho further word was heard from him until Monday when former Sheriff Hugh A. Logan, commander of the veter ans here, received a telegram from (he organisation of veterans at Key West stating that Mr. Fullenwider had died. The message asked about the dis posal of the body and word was t ent back for the funeral to be held there with the Florida camp of Spanish-American veterans attend ing to the details. Owe^ Reviva* At Boi’ing Springs Evangelist An 1 Former Missionary To B —in Services On Wednesday. Dr. J. C. Owen, former mission ary to China, will begin a series of revival meetings at Boiling Springs Wednesday evening. Jan. 21. Th J services, at 10:20 In the Tnorn'r.g and 7 in the evening, will continue for ten days, it Is announced by Rev. J. L. Jenkins, the pastor. Prayer meetings by the students and others are being held every evening preparatory to the opening of the revival. Dr. Owen is one of the best known and most able ministers of the de nomination. He was a missionary in China during the Boxer rebellion, and later he was for seven years Home Board evangelist for Baptist schools. He has recently conducted a series of meetings at Mars Hill college and the Boiling Springs sec tions feels fortunate in having him conduct, the services beginning there next week. Second Paohst D'ans More Relief Work Already 350 People Have Been Helped. To Collect More Cloth ing For Needy. Tonight has been set aside by the Second Baptist church at South Shelby for the collection of another quantity of goods for the relief of needy families in South and West Shelby. Every member of the church and all other citizens are invited to tying or send groceries, canned fruit and vegetables and clothing to the Second Baptist church tonight. All goods co'lected will be used in the relief store which has b en op erated under the auspices of Rev L. L. Jessup since the middle of December. Since this relief store has been opened over 250 persons have been provided wi'h food f-om its she'ves Up to this time, owing to the gen erosity of the people of the com munity ,a good stock of groceries has been on hand, but owing to the many calls for helo its stock has be come great!v deleted. MeKni'-ht and r—n—ntr. roi!»r Hi's, and Post’s Ra’-ory have made gen erous contributions and their coop eration la greatly appreciated. Set Dates For Hoey And Webb Contests Here First Contest On Feb. 27 Webb Recitation Contest Coroes On March •>. Regulations And Rules Given, Dates for the Hoey declama tion contest and the Webb reci tation and essay contests— highlights of the school year in Cleveland . county for many years—have been set, It was an ' nounced today by J. H. Grigg, county superintendent of educa tion. I The Clyde R. Hoey contest will be 'held at the Central school auditor* j turn here on Friday night, February 127, j The Selma Webb recitation con test will be held Friday night. March 6, at which time the winner of the \ Selma Webb essay contest will also be announced. Number Entrants. ! Orm boy from each high reho'o) of 'he county may enter the Hoey con , test arid the speaking time is limit ’d to 10 minutes. | One reciter from each high school ■ may enter the recitation contest and this time is also limited to 10 min utes. j Each school may submit three es says each in the e say contest, and the essays must come within the limit of a thousand words. The es fsays should be turned in by Feb ruary 21. W*rfer’s fnow Blan'iets Cleve'and Ground Covered By Snowfall Early This Mom'"'. Snowing Again At Noon. I ,. ■ i —1— If the weather s<"ns of old-timers "i-an anything, 1931 promises to be a good crop year. This section this morning was blanketed with the fourth snowfall .of the winter, and already there has ! bten more mow this winter than In | a period of almost 10 years. A flurry of snow started falling around 5 O’clock this morning and the ground was covered by daylight. Later in the morning the sun came out and the light blanket of snow disappeared rapidly. Just before noon, however, snow began falling again. Parcel Pest Truck Services City Now New Service Inaugurated This Week With Tri'"k E necially Made For Work. Parcel post deliveries from the oost office in Shelby are this week being made by an especially built half-ton truck sent here by the postoffice department. Heretofore the local office has hired an automobi’e for the deliver ies. Such has been the increase In the parcel po't business in recent years that the regular delivery truck was added. Mr. Carlos Self is in charge of the delivery service as! heretofore. Woodmen Da nee. The Woodmen’s dance, round and; souare dancing, will be held at the! W. O. W. hall on East Graham j . street Saturday night at 8 o’clock, j Suspect in Sister’s Murder i ....■■■■.. ! Vernon Limerick, brother of the slain Beulah Limerick, Wash ington girl, being escorted to the station house, following a sea* i ' - . ; Sion of the Limerick death in quest, Limerick is held as m suspect in connection with the murder. Atkins Again Heads Pizdmont f Boy Scout Council; 150 Here For Annual Session Of Leaders Over 1,600 Boy Scouts In Nine Counties, 270 Scouts In Cleve land. B. L. Smith Re-elected. Over 1 600 boys in nine counties comprising the Piedmont council, 3oy Scouts of America, are being served by the executive headquar ters, it was revealed here Monday night at the annua! meeting of the offlcia's. The annual banquet was held at the Hotel Charles and rep resentative business men interested in the Boy Scout movement were here from the nine counties em braced by the council. Atkins Re-Elected. J. W. Atkins, publisher of the Gastonia Gazette was re-elected president for the fourth time, Geo. Tenent, of Gastonia. wasmade vice president, Warren Gardner, of Gas tonia, treasurer; Geo. R. Gillespie, scout commissioner. Capt. B. L. Smith of the Shelby city schools was elected vice president for Cleveland county. 270 Scouts in Cleveland Capt. Smith, making the report of the year's work for Cleveland county reported that there are 13 active troops in Cleveland and one under organization at Mooresbpro. lit the:e troops there are 270 boys. The rural scout troops are function ing more efficiently than the troops in Shelby, Mr. Smith inform ed the scout officials. Nine troops from Cleveland were represented at the scout camp at Lake Lanier last summer and most of the boys took a part in the handling of the crowds at the Kings Mountain battle cele bration last October. Dr. tingle Speaks. Dr. Walter Lingle. president oi Davidson college, was the principal speaker at the annual scout meet ing, taking for his subject, "Is Scouting Worthwhile?” He put spe cial emphasis on "service” which the scout organization encourages among the boyhood of America, de fCONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT. I m I Jonas Hops On Nye; Mentions Registrar Case In Shelby At Last Election; Talks Of Fraud | - 'Congressman Says He Does Not Be | lieve Serious Investigation In ( tended By Nye. ! Congressman Charlie Jonas, of Lincoln ton. defeated in the Novem ber election, has bobbed up in Washington headlines again with i additional talk about alleged ele'e ion frauds In the last North Caro in a election. This time he takes the senatorial investigating committee, headed by I Senator Nye, a fellow Republican, to task for not doing a better job of unearthing the crookedness oe i Jonas) claims to exist here. . ‘‘I have never believed," a Wash ; ington dispatch quotes the Lincrtln toh man of raying, ‘‘that Senator Nye Intends seriously to investigate the North Carolina case If he can help It.” The representative, the 'dispatch continues, calls it a plain ase of attempt to whitewash and caid if the Democrats did not pay I Nye to come Into the State, and without serious effort to obtain evi dence, to give out a statement that the situation in the State is “re freshing.'’ then they at least owe him a debt of gratitude. In connection with his latest state merit, Mr. Jonas says “I have never met or Spoken to Senator Nye or any other member of the committee in my life. ’ Local politicians read ing the statement have wondered if the wires are not crossed some where. It was only a Week or two ago. they point out, that Congress man Jonas was quoted in the Char lotte papers as saying he had been informed by someone connected with the Nye committee or close to it that election methods in this State were as bad as they are in Pennsylvania. Then comes the dec laration that he lias never spoken to any of the Nye group. In his comment upon alleged elec tion frauds in Nprth Carolina Mr Jonas referred to "the registrar In ihelby.” Just after the election , tfUNTlNTED ON PAOE EIGHT,). Pays $1C0 Debt After 35 Years It never pays to lose confi dence in a man. So says Mr. Jake Eaker, of the Casar set lion of Cleveland county; and Mr. Eaker can relate a story to support his philosophy. Thirty-five years ago he loaned a friend S100. Some years later the friend left this State. As the years passed_bv Mr. Eaker retained his belief in the honesty of the man. During the holidays he open ed a Christmas greetings en velope and found therein a money order for $100—sent by U the man who borrowed that amount In 1895. Newton Law Office Moved On Tuesday first Change For D. Z. Newton In 18 Years. In Old Nolan Offices. The offices of the Newton and Newton law firm, composed of At torneys D. Z. and J. Clint Newton, were yesterday moved from the Courtvlew building adjoining The Star office to the second floor of fices of the lineberger building formerly occupied by the J. B, No-| lan real estate firm. The Nolan firm remained In the same office building, moving several i doors down the hallway of the same j floor. When Attorney D. Z Newton i changt-d hjs location it was his first! change In 18 years. Back-To-Cotton Meeting Monday flub Women To Gather Then To To Make Plans To Boost Cotton Trade. The back-to-cotton movement rheduled to be held at the Wom an's club rooms in the Masonic temple Friday afternoon has been postponed, it is announced, until Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. At that time representatives of the various clubs, merchants and other cooperative citizens will meet to foster a program of encouraging the use of more cotton material. Mrs. W. D. Anderson, of Gastonia, will deliver the principal talk, says Mrs J.' W. Hat bison, head of the Shelby Woman's club. Barker Shop Cuts Tonsorial Prices Announcing that ‘'everything else Is going down and so are the bar bers,” the Central Barber Shop, 1 S. Cook, manager, today announces a general reductioti in all prices. Hair cute formerly 35 cents are cut to 25 cents and shaves reduced from 20 to 15 cents. Other reductions are In proportion. E. E. 8isk, who for merly opera"ci a barber shop in West Shelby, is now associated with j the Central Shop. Negroes Rifle TrainlnMotion Officers Learn Pitch Good* Out To Waiting Autos Sleuths Work in ir On HI* Cfgar flt( HobbcrlM Hae l'n eovered The Method. The alleged freeing to Shelby, hy Federal officers and railway de tects rs. of .stolen cigarette# war only one step In uncovering a gi gantic bancth method which, due to Its modern action, would put ■hame to the activities of Jf sse James. Near a dosten colored men. two of them natives of the Shelby section, are already Jailed at Hamlet and elsewhere In connection with Inter state robberies of freight trains while in motion. Saving l.ittle. Sleuths who were here attempt ing to learn if a "fence" for dts oosal of stolen goods was not being operated in Khelby had little to say about their activities. Detec fives, successful ones, are usually tight-lipped. Some Information about their extended activities seem, however, to have leaked out. By some ruse a negro was appre - hended at Hamlet in connection with a cigarette robbery. He was ersuaded to talk and in doing so, It : said, that he told where and how, Shelby being one of the places named, that he and his gang dispos ed of the goods taken from freight t cars. - The unusual angle of the negro a I confession and subsequent develop* i ments, officer;, say. Is that he and "his pals robbed the box cars "on | the wing," I Due to the fact that officers are ! rlving out litt le public Informal'or. ' about the round-up until It is com ; plete, full details of sleuthing re ; suits so far are not, known. A fairly authentic version is that the negroes, specialising in cigar j ettes. have been starting their op I orations near Hamlet, a railroad ' center in this state, and ending them across the line In South Car olina. As a freight train, it Is un derstood, would pull out of Hamlet [ several negro men would board it break box car seals and enter [Meantime an automobile containing | several other negroes would follow a highway running parallel to the railroad. At designated points along the road, while the train was at fv 1 speed the stolen goods would be tossed from the car to be picked up by the occupants In the automob.le. After the loot had been pitched out the negroes working in the cars would drop off at the next grade and be picked up by their compan ions in the automobile. As a result of this activity, carried on for some time, "hot'' cigarettes are said to be scattered all over the two states. 'Among the negroes named in the work were Ed Tool, Vance Jennings John Henry Wilson, Willie Derry, Charlie Johnson, Ben Derry and others. Pool, Shelby police officers say. was sent to prison from Shelby on a robbery charge and has not been .out of the pen so very long. Bury Mrs. Anthony At Pleasant Hill Was Last Of Her Immediate Fam ily. Three Children Survive Her. Funeral services for Mrs. Lenore Anthony, aged 79, were conducted Tuesday at Pleasant Hill church by Rev. D. G. Washburn assisted by *tev. Mr. Lowe and Rev. Mr. Hides. Mrs Anthony, who lived near Kings Mountain, died on Sunday. She was the widow of Watt An thony who passed away about three | years ago. Mrs. Anthony was the i daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Martin Roberts and the last of bf-i immediate family. She had been a member of the Pleasant Hill church since girlhood and was a beloved Christian woman. Three children survive as follows i Mrs. Mary Houser. Mrs. P. K. Hr - | nion and Mr. Arthur Anthony. An other daughter. Mrs. Plato Parker ; mother of Mrs. Peyton McSwain ; and Mrs. G. R. Hamrick, died some [years ago. A number of grandchil ! ciren and great grandchildren also survive. Checker Match On At York On 15th The finst, ot a series of checker matches between a team from Cleveland and Rutherford counties and a York, South Carolina, team will be held at York Thursday, Jan uary 15, instead of the 22nd as first announced. New Directors Of First National R. T. LeGrand. above, and ('has. I* Eskridge, below, are new direc tors of the First National Bank here. They were elected to fill n canclee caused by the deaths of Judge James L. Webb and Mr. A. C. Miller.—(Star Photo. 1 Eskridge 4«</ LeGrand Named Bank Directors _ I First National Stockholders in An nual Mealing Here Tuesday. Messrs. Chas. L. Eskridge and It. ’ T. LeGrand are the two new men)*! bers of the board of directors of j the First National Bank of Shelby, i They were elected to the board at the annual meeting of the First National stockholders yesterday. Messrsy Eskridge and LeGrand fill the vacancies on the board caused j I by the death of two veteran direc- i tors, the late Judge James L. Webb , and Mr. Andrew' C. Miller. ] At the same meeting resolutions were drawn up honoring the two de | ceased members ol’ the board, their loyalty and cooperation in the growth of the bank and community. Other members of the board are Chas. C. Blanton, John F Sohinck. L. A. Gettys, Clyde R. Hoey, O. Max iGardner. J. Frank Roberts, Paul! Webb. George Blanton and Forrest j Eskridge. May Switch Routing Of Highway In City Hamrick Firm In Business 35 Years Oni' Of Two Firms Operating C«n tlnumiih litre For Three Decades, Thirty-five years ago an am hit ious young man started seif |r>jr Jewelry In a little rented corner of ,i drygoods store which stood where the Wool worth store. Is today. This week his firm, one of the only two wiilrh has been In business in Shelby continuously for 35 years, is celebrating Its 35th anni versary. The young man wayT, W. Ham rick. and tha firm today Is known ns the T W Hamrick company one of the best known Jewelry firms in this section, The only ether business in the city which ha* been In operation continuously for that period of time is the Fbrltoii bookstore. Hnost For Adertising. Art angle of interest to the long life of both firms Is that It has been practically three decades since an Issue of The Star appeared with out, an Ebeltoft ad. and It has been more than a quarter of a century since the Hamrick firm has mi.-cirri a single week of newspaper adver tising. Prom his small stand where he first: entered business Mr. Hanuick moved to a corner In a hardware storeroom where the Union Trust company now operates. About 25 years ago hit brother, Frank Ham rick. entered the firm with ntm They brrllt the brick store building they now occupy, on North La Fay ette street, some 20 years ago. McSwain Head Of Senate Committee Chairman Corporation Commission Committee. Edwards On Five * Committees Cleveland County's represenf atlves in the Oenetai Assembly now In session were honored In the {Missing out of committee posts yesterday. Lieutenant-Governor Fountain appointed Senator Peyton McSwain as chairman of the Corporation Commission committee. Pull com mittee appointments In the Senate were not announced at the time so it is not known how many com mittees the senator from this dis trict was named upon. ' In the House, Representative Henry B. Edwards, of Cleveland, was named on five committees by Speak er Willis Smith. These committees were Appropriations, Judiciary No. a. Manufacture and Labor. Public Roads, and Congressional Districts: Junior Installation. At a recent meeting of the Shelby Council 436 of the Junior Order the new officers for the first term of 1931. District Deputy M J. Canipe. of Vale', had charge of the installa tion, Deputy Canipe also told of his visit to the orphans home at Tipton. Ohio. Has Old Coins. Mr J, w. Craft, of CherryvUl© route one, has two old fifty-cent pieces which have been in hi; pos session since he was nine years of age. One was coined In 1809 and the other In 1836, j Al Smith Asks Republicans For Apology About Campaign Matter Used Against Norris; Was False ‘ Distributed Copies Oi suiement Which Smith Says He Never Made. Washington Jan, 15—Alfred E Smith. Democratic presideniial can didate in 1928, has written Senator Wagner; Democrat. New York, say ing the Reri blican national com mittee owed him an apology for permitting H. Lucas to distribute 800,000 copies at a <vet carte on carrying ‘'false statements.” Lucas, ex-director of the nation al committee, has testified before the senate campaign funds com mittee that he personally paid for the cartoons and had them distrib uted in Nebraska against Senator Norris, Republican Independent, and in other states against Demo cratic senatorial cendidates. j. Vomer Governor Smith’s letter was read before the Nye committed on the suggestion of Senator Wag ner, a merabei of the committee "I have been following the testl-j mony before the Nye committee concerning the cartoon entitled ’A1 Smith-Raskob Idea of Happiness’,” | Smith wrote “The text of if ha s i been laid before me. I find that the | whole cartoon hinges on the follow ing statement. 'To my mind the ' Democratic party will soon be in j control und will make this a happv I as well as V prosperous nation, 'fire | Democratic party has always look ed for the common good and oppos ed oppressive laws and sumptuary legislation.' This statement which purpost to come from me as of August 21 was never issued by me. At that time in August the Joel Parker Association of Newark, N. J„ was holding cn annual reunion and dinner. I re fused the invitation to attend U:e dinner but on August 19 some ovar enthuslastlc admirer of mine sent a telegram to the association ami signed my name to it. My firs knowledge of it was when I saw t tie i newspaper headlines quoting me ’ j Proposal To Route No* 20 Anew Mayor MVMnrry llnderstood Ta llair Talked Matter Over With Officials. There is a likelihood. The , Star learns, (hat In the nest year nr m, the routing of Highway 20 th.oufrh the city of | Shelby will be switched so as not to pass through the main business nertio nof the city. I Highway 20 now enters Shelpy form the east along the Cleveland Spiings' road, up Ea.it Warren street by the court square, and. to. tha western limits of the city along the same street. Proposed Route. The proposed change, it Is under stood. would have the highway veer to the light near the Huss Cline residence on the Cleveland Springs road, at the Catholic Grave, and follow Suttle street to Sumter street then out Sumter street, over the Southern railway overhead bridge, by the city athletic field, on out through Lovers Lane to re-en ter the present highway Just on this side of the Broad river bridge. If so routed paving would be re quired over a stretch of a mile or more, as only a portion of Sumter street along that route is paved now. Two Bfnflits, Advocates of the change point oui it Is sold, two benefits by re-rout ing the highway. The first point is safety; by following the proposed route the West Warren street grad-9 crossing would be eliminated. The second is that routing of through traffic on a street a block from the square would serve to alleviate traf • flc congestion In the main businejs section. Another point Is that pav ing work which would be required by the new route would serve the purpose of giving employment to numerous workers. The proposal. The Star learns, was discussed by Mayor 8. A. Mc j Murry with officials' W'hile he was I in Raleigh last week attending a i meeting of mayors. So far as is known no definite action has been taken. Pellagra Killing More Than Other Diseases Combined Death Rate Dfscunsed. Prevention By Diet Talked. Ltve nt-Home Idea. Raleigh, Jan 14,—Pellagra to* day is taking the lives of more North Carolinians than smallpox, typhoid fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and scarlet fever combined, according to a statement by Dr. IS. A. Taylor, acting state health of ficer, . During the first 11 months Of 193# there were 945 deaths due to pel lagra as compared with a total of 622 deaths irom all of the above named diseases. Due to modern me thods. smallpox is killing less people in a year than automobiles kill in a week. Dr Taylor',) statement follows: ‘‘There arc 417 cases reported U» the Bureau of Epidemiology of the State Board of Health during 1930. The death rate from this disease has increased from 11.5 per 100,000 po pulation in 1922 to 32.9 during 1929 and while the total deaths for 1930 have not been compiled, it is believed that the death rate will reach the high peak of 34 per cent, per 100.000 population when figures become available. "An analysis of the cases of pel j la era reported reveals the fact that 3105 cases wore reported among fe males as compared with 994 among males . The disease is almost three times as prevalent among females as among males. A majority of the cases occurred in females between the ages of 30 and 35, 107 cases oc curred under the age of 5. The disease is decidedly more prevalent I among the whites than colored, only 1411 cases being reported among the colored and 2654 among the whites. ‘The above figures do not tell the whole story for It has been estimated that for every death due to pellagra there are at least 20 cases, which give North Carolina, according to this calculation, 18,900 active cases of the disease for the first 11 month* of 1930. "Pellagra is a deficiency diseas* eovriNnau on page eight.) Officers Return. Deputise Gus JoBy. Bob KendrfcB and Henry McKinney have return ed from Raleigh where they carried seven prisoners, sentenced at the last term of Superior court here, t* the State prison.

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