Webb Theatre Wesr<m$SMlectric |jSO U N nja^lijsystem; ONLY TWO MORE DAYS — TODAY AND THURSDAY —TO SEE HC&NZ ZIEGfUD t&MURGCXDVYW _ EDDIE Cantor ?/ IT IS PLENTY GOOD! You Can’t Afford To Miss The Best Show Of The Year. — 10c AND 30c - COMING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ANOTHER BIG ONE “THE EYES OF THE WORLD” From the Story by Harold Bell Wright. IT’S A KNOCKOUT. COMING SOON - “HELL’S ANGELS,’ And “AYR AH AM LINCOLN.” SERVING YOU FROM HEAD TO \ FOOT... A One-Stop Dry , Cleaning Plant FREE FOR THIRTY DAYS BEGINNING MONDAY, JAN. 19 Wc will give a Shoe Shine Absolutely Free with every Suit, Kat, Top Coat or Dress Dry Cleaned. No longer is it necessary for you to hurry here and there and everywhere to get complete dry cleaning, pressing, hat blocking and shoe shining done. We have taken care of $11 your needs in cur new and modern pressing shop: MEN’S SUITS Dry Cleaned And Pressed 65c MEN’S or WOMEN’S TOP COATS Dry Cleaned and Pressed ............... 75c Up DRESSES Dry Cleaned and Pressed ........... .. . 75c Up HATS Cleaned and Blocked .65c SHOE SHINE PARLOR FOR MEN AND WOMEN We are euipped to give you a complete grooming from head to foot'... promptly, or even while you wait. Shelby Tailor Shop CASH AND CARRY DRY CLEANING SERVICE next to z~zz::z::zz:: z~"z cz. LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News Mesdames John D.. and L. V. Lee: pent Sunday in Chester. S. C., they \ were accompanied home by M->s Reba Lee, student nurse, at the | Pryor hospital there, who is spend-) i mg her vacation with her parent. I Mr. and Mrs. John V. Lee, of the Double Springs community. Misses Vertie and Mattie Sue Waters of Lattlmore, spent Satin-. 1-day night with Miss Maggie Adenj l ot Mocresboro. Mr. Allred Waters and Miss Ver-'j inie Mae Waters spent the w it ■ end with Miss IJertlu end C. O Waters of tat timbre. | Miss Carrie Rayburn, principal of | the Elizabeth school, spent the : week-end here with her sister. Mrs: | Solon L. Beam and Mr. Beam. Mrs. A. F. Martin, of CreenVille, I S. C., is spending this week with her I sister. Mrs. Oliver Anthony, and I Mr, Anthony. Mrs. Evelyn Nlm mocks and Mrs. E. P. Yates', of Winston-Salem, also arrived yester day to be guests of Mr and Mrs. j Anthony for a day or so. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Gold, of, Kings Mountain, left, recently lor Cleft’-, water, Fla., where they will spend the remainder of the winter. Mrs. Howard Camnitz returned ■ Monday from her home near Louis* [ville, Ky.. where she went to the bedside of her mother, who is still 1 quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Houser lett .this | morning for an extended business ’ trip to Asheville and Waynesvllie. Hey. Mr. Lee Powell, of Drexwell, was a dinner guest on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Beam. Mr. J. M Gillespie. 89 year old | veteran,, continues to be very sir's 'at the home of his brother Mr. S . L. Gillespie on North LaFayette ; street. Mr. and' Mrs. O. M. RumfeU of j Blacksburg. Si C.. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, E. O. Lee Sunday, j Mri,. VVVE. Gantt, Mrs. E. <?. Lie and Mrs. E E. Gantt spent Monday ! afternoon in Kings Mountain. Mrs. Gary Hamrick, of Lattlmora. Mica Sallte Bettis, Messrs. Austell ^ and Willie Bettis, of Earl, and Mrs. George. Washburn spent Friday in Hamlet with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. White. I Rev. and Mrs. Adiel Moncrief, Jr., 'of Atlanta, were guests Tuesday night of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Eskridge here. Mrs. Moncrief before her mar riage was Miss Qren Bo: tic, and they ;are on their way to Wake Forest to ‘visit her parents. Rev. and Mrs. Wade Bostic. While there Rev. Mr. ■ Moncrief will install a divinity frat ernity at Wake Forest college. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Beam spent • Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. R. | C. Gold at Kings Mountain. j Mrs. John Lovelace has just re turned home after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Whisnant, at Polkvtlle. Attorney and Mrs. it. L. Kyourn trill leave this week for Lakeland, Fla. They will spend the remainder of the winter in Lakeland and St. Petersburg. Miss Ruth Whisnant will be a : special guest of Miss Cleo Whisnant, | of Blacksburg, when she entertains I her bridge club this afternoon at her home there. Mr .John Lovelace with Mr. W. H. i Covington, of Folkvllle, is spending this week on a hunting trip in the I eastern part of the state. Little Miss Betty Washburn, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George j Washburn, is quite ill this week with i influenza. . Misses Aylene Walker and Lena . Wilkerson spent yesterday in Char lotte attending a Bell. Telephone j convention. Misses Ruth and Ouida Mundy ; spent several days last week m j Greensboro with Dr. and Mrs. Wii Tlam Jones. Miss Ruth Mundy will I go back to Greensboro tomorrow where she will spend thf remainder : of this week with Dr. m*d Mrs. | Jones. ; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. White, of Hamlet, announce the birth of a ! son. Robert Eugene, Jr., on January 12. Mrs. White is remembered here [as Miss Katherine Bettis. i Attorney W. S. Beam left Tues - day for Raleigh where lie will visit j his sister, Mrs. N- G. FonvUle, and Mr Fonville. and will attend ses sions of the stats legislature this week Mr. Hsdrttt Slanted, Jr., and Mr. B’aht-n s^ent last '■ight in ' ,.■ '-1, the f up: r with Mr. Walker Blanton and the latter with Mr. and 1 Mr; J O Pl'in-cn:' Miss Mtllicent Blanton and Mrs Hal Schenck lt'ft Monday for Now York where they will spend a week or 50. Mr. L. R. SI Thcrnvllle Cornovin! attended an insurance oonvenli.r at the Hotel Charlotte yesterday. Mr. and Mrs Harry Cohen an-, nounee the birth of a daughter on Monday’ January 12. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. LcOrand went j to Charlotte on Friday evening to hear the recital given by Paderew ski. Friends of Mrs. A. \V. Archer wUlj be distressed to know that she ha.-;! had to give tip her work at the J. C. Penney store for awhile on account of til health. The N. C, University honor roll' published In .state papers recently,1 for the quarter just closed, contain- ' ed the name of Mr. Thomas J For ney. son of Mr. C. D. Forney, #r., of Lawndale Cleveland county should la' quite proud of having two young men on this list for the past quarter. Mention of the fact that Mr. Robert Gidney'S name was also among this group has been made in this col umn previously. SOCIAL NEWS Tea And Kitchen Shower. The women of the Millenary .so ciety of the Central Methodist church will have a tea and kitchen shower next Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. 2. J. Thompson, on West Marlon street. The calling hours are from three to five-thirty o’clock and the admission will be six or more Oclogan coupons. These coupons will be used for buying sil ver for the kitchen. All the ladies of the Methodist church are cordially Invited to attend. At The Theaters Lyric, Monday said Tuesday, Jan uary* 19 and 20- "The Primrose Path," all talking drama of scarlet youth; depicting pttfr.iiV cf Jazz and | gin. Carolina, today na-.d Th’irsdvy— • "Last of the Lone Wolf,” with Bert ; Lytell and Patsy Ruth Miller. Drama of crookdom, Also comedies. Friday and Saturday—"Fourth Alarm" and “Westward Bound.” double program. Monday — “The Man Who Came Back," with Farrell and Gaynor. Webb, today and Thursday — "Whoopee,” with Eddie Cantor. Musical comedy In technicolor; continuing four days’ run. Friday and Saturday—"Tile Eyes of tl;e World," from the story by Harold Bell Wright, Coming attractions' — “Hell's Angels” and "Abraham Lin coln." Sellers Shoe Shop Is centrally lo icated and mighty handy too. Try it. 2t ad Double Shoals News Of the Current Week Double Shoals, Jan. 13—The sing ers of the Baptist church with the chorister, Mr. T. W. Spangler have | been meeting at the homes in the I community practicing singing with l some from other churches, j Aticng the visitors in the com jmunlty last Sunday were: Misses I Thelma, Lorene and Margarette | Sperling of the Fallston community, 1 who were visiting Miss Elizabeth Bowen. Miss Edith Lee of Palm Tree com munity was a pleasant visitor Rt church Sunday. Miss Lee has been assisting in the singing and is quite popular along this line. j Miss Kathleen Champion, daugh | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Cham* j plon is recovering from scarlatina. Mr. Wythe Costner is improving ' from a severe throat abcess. Mr. Loyd Cook spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cook of upper Cleveland, j Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cornwell and j children spent Sunday with Mr. i and Mrs. B. C. Laughlin near York, S. C. ! Mr. and Mrs. Yates Sperling of jwaco spent Saturday night with j Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Spangler. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Spangler spent {last Thursday in Shelby with their ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. J T. Span ! gler. Miss Rosemary Eskridge spent Sunday with Miss Grace Peeler near Lawndale. Mr. W. K. White and son, Bill, and Mr. Long of Kings Mountain and Mr, Andrew Jenkins of Mt.! Holly visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W.1 Costner Sunday. Mrs. Jacob sain and son. Sam, ; and Mrs. Dennis Sain visited Mr and wythe Costner Sunday. 1 LOST: SATTODAT, W FRONT Jolley’s, small poc .etbook con taining about $15.00, Finder return .to S*or. Reward. lip Fallston News Of Current Week • Special to The Slav > The I’ T. A met last Wedneadv; afternoon. A very interesting pro gram was given by'the teacheis on the school and school work. Mho P. T. A. voted to furnish lunch eneli day for nine unfortunate children.; The p T. A. also gave a picture to the school, and the room having the j most parents present at the month ly meeting keeps the picture. Tliis] month it- went to Mrs, a. ll. Ed monds room. After the meeting de licious sttudwitches, coffee and cake were served by Mesdames T. A. Lee and E. O. Spurling The Y. W. A. met with Mias Laura i Williams Friday night A very In- ! tercstli'.g program was rendered. ! After the program officers were : elected for this year. They are as 1 follows. President, Thelma Hoyle; I vice president, Annibel Lee; secic- j tury and treasurer, Wilms Stroup; ] program committee; Eldi&e Stroup. | Laura Williams and Annibel Lee: pianist. Nolle Stanley; corister. Eloler Royster. Delirious eats wor sened by Miss Williams. itev. w. a. Eiam lined uia regu lar appointment last Sunday at the Baptist church and preached an in teresting sermon using as his- text. "Be of good cheer, it Is 1. be not afraid.” Tire Baptist Woman's Missionary society will hold its regular month ly meeting at the home of Mrs, Claud Stanley next Saturday after noon at 2:30. Mr. Hob Cline had the misfor tune of getting kicked by a mule one day last week. He sustained a broken nose and several cuts on the face. He is reported as resting ns well as can be expected at Ills home. We are sorry to note the serious Illness of Mr. Jake fortrnbury of this place. Mr. M. J. Baber left last Wed nesday for Camden, N. J. to re-en ter a hospital for treatment. He will be under the rare of ills son, Dr. M. E. Baber. Mr and Mrs. Oettys Parker who have been residents of FaUston for several years have moved to their farm in Lincoln county. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sigmon have moved to the residence previously occupied by Mr. and Mrs Parker. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Royster were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Falls Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M, L. Murray and sons. George and Griffen, of Waco, were spend-the-day guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Smith Sunday. Mr. Den Wright of Lincolnton visited Mr. and Mr*. D. L. Martin Sunday. Rev. »nfl Mrs W. A. Elam were dir.r-r gu -fit- of Mr, nnd Mrs. Jents > Fortenbury Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Paul Allen and sdha.j J 1 end Jean and mother, Mrs Ida Allen of near Shelby spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs W. A. Royster. Mis Kmmn Sellers of near Cher lyvllle returned to her home Suit day after spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Worth Hoyle. Misses Nellie and Zellle Williams . pent Saturday night with Miss Janice Ross. Mr. and Mr'. Claud Stamry and soft, Charles. visited at the home of Mr. end Mr: . Gerald Stainey Sun-1 day afternoon. Mias Katie Lee Clay Spent Sun- j day afternoon with Miss Vcrtle Lee I Champion. Mr and Mr*, Paul Worllek and j daughter spent Sunday with Miss Lott Petty. Mr. and Mr C. t. Hoyle spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. w. L*. Laltunore. Mr. and Mrs. Slone Elliott had os her guests Monday evening. Misses Rhea Inttimore. Lola Martin and Helen Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Coyt Tillman and Mr. Ilulo 8wt-czy. De licious refreshment.* were served and an enjoyable evening was spent by. OIL .. ....... : Mrs. Clem Hoyle wno has pern in i nt 'tuvr hom ’ 1* • improving we are ; K'acl to know. Miss Merelda Lackey spent Sun* ! day with Miss Doyle Martin. Mr and Mrs. Dyatt Stanley and j baby of Polkvllle spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mr*. Clem Martin. Mias Helen Palls spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cl* ' cero Fall , hear Belwood. Mr. and Mrs. Coyt Tillman spent | Sunday with Mrs. Tillman's parents ' Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carpenter at Ca sar. Mr. and Mrs. John Le thin an and son. Haiph, of Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lewis and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis visited Mr, and Mrs. Henry Gantt Sunday. Mr W. F. Hamrick and son. D. 8..' were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.; I,cm Hamrick of Beams Mill Sun day. The following visited Mr. and Mrs. Lew Williams Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Dixon and family, all of Belwood. ■ Mrs. Thomson Hamrick spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hamrick, Mr and Mrs. Adlal Elliott anti i family spent Sunday afternoon with j Mr. arid Mrs. Andrew Elliott at j Waco. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Elliott and children were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Slone Elliott Sunday. PERMIT US TO POINT OUT THAT .... The GRAVITY BEAUTY SALON staff is trained to adapt its technique individually to each new problem of the hair or skin. For this reason, you are assiSred of a coiffure or facial perfectly suited to you, at the . . . Gravity Beauty Salon MAYHUE’S PLACE — PHONE 415 We Have Moved OUR SHOE SHOP From SOUTH SHELBY To THE BUS STATION BUILDING IN THE ROOMS FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY ( HAS A HOEY INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE OFFICES. We invite the continued patronage of our South Shel by friends and customers and the people of Shelby and community who have not yet tried our service. THE FOLLOWING LOW PRICES WILL PREVAIL: MEN’S GOOD OAK SOLES __$1.00 MEN’S BEST OAK SOLES___ $1.15 MEN’S PANCO or CHROME SOLES __ ___ $1.35 MEN’S RUBBER HEELS _ 45c MEN’S LEATHER HEELS 50c W’OMEN’S SOLES __ . 75c WOMEN’S RUBBER HEELS -_.35c V WOMEN’S LEATHER TAPS ON HEELS 20c Children * Shoe Repairing at Proportionately Low Price* SELLERS SHOE SHOP ,N TIIE BUS STATION BUILDING. LaFAYETTE ST. Carolina IN BUSINESS TO GIVE YOU BETTER ENTERTAINMENT. TODAY ~ EVERY AND I I|r BODY THURSDAY ^ BOTH DAYS Bert Lytell and Patsy Ruth Miller In “Last i Lone Wolf” A Master Mind Outwits Double-Crossing Royalty! Powerful, Emotional Drama! Extra Added: “DESPERATE SAM,” And “ACE OF SPADES.” FRIDAY AND SATURDAY — BIG DOUBLE PROGRAM With 2 Feature Pictures “4th ALARM” And “Westward Bound” Also PATHE COMEDY. At New Low Admission Prices - 10c-25c COMING MONDAY, JANUARY 19 Janet GAYNOR and Charles FARRELL In Their Latest Record-Breaking Production “THE MAN WHO CAME BACK” No Raise In Admission — 10c - 25c Put A Smile On Santa’s Face BY JOINING OUR CMJ B* Does Your Santa Claus Wear A Smile Or A Frown? Christmas Isn’t Real Without Smiles. Next Christmas We’ll Pay Your Gift Bills For You, If You’N Join Our 1931 Christmas Club Just A Small Sum Each Week Does It. First v National Bank SHELBY, N. C.

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