Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By RENN DRUM. Shelby Shorts: Say Shelby Isn't a r*mocratlc town If you desire, but two members of the board of aider men roll their own cigarettes Maynard Washburn and John Schenck. ji . . . T. W Hamrick has been selling jewelry in Shelby for 35 years. Wonder if all the pay ments have bepn mRde on all the engagement and wedding ring he sold the first year he was in busi ness .... It will not do their credit rating any particular good, and ti may mean nothing at all to you but it Is odd that the two men who have been in business continuously in Shelby longer than any others, T. W. Hamrick and Ebdtoft, arc ' among the best friends this colyum has. And the initials of both, if 1 you've notified are the, same—T. Wells and Theodore William . . Our with is that the gods would tangle up the natural course of things and let them sell jewelry and books for another 33 years .... . His name isn’t “Mister" but, the ini tials of the new county Judge are “M, R." ... The most popular pub Try Sellers, Shoe Shop for n change. 2t ad NOTICE or STOCK HOLD t as MEBTINMt Notice ta hereby given of the aftSim* meeting of the stockholders of the Union Trust company of Shelby N C. for the election of directors for the ensuing r»i end for ,mv other business coming helore the meeting ai their banking house in Shelby N C . on Tuesday. January Mth JMt at it o'clock a m POHKF.IT BSKHtOOB Cashier HOSIERV HOSPITAL, Inc , l Of Chariotta N C.l nrtimb At Mrs. Harmon’s Hemstitching Shop Hinder Chocolate Shoal Ueslery and Knitted (loads Neatly ■•hatred. SU Base Must tte Laundered. 666 is a doctor's Prescription tor Colds & Headaches It I* the most speedy remedy known 666 also in Tablets FOR QUALITY DIAMONDS See YOUNG’S SHELBY’S LEADING JEWELERS North LaFayette Street Dr D M Morrison — OPTOMETRIST Located Upstairs Over Wooolworth’s. TELEPHONE 5SS Office Days Every Wednesday And Friday. Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted And Repaired. Painful Condition "Whih I «u |a#t a girt at homa," writes Mrs. B. F. Kiggan, of Baird, Teiaa, "I took Csrdui for cramping and pains in say aids and back, and it helped me at that tilbe. "After 1 was married, I found myself in a weak, run-down condition. I suf fered a groat deal with nay back, which was so weak it hurt me to get up or when, I would stand on say feet. 1 fell off ha weight. "A friend of mine, see ing how bad 1 felt, ad vised me to take Cardni, which I did. By the time I had taken two bottles, I fait stronger and better than I had in a long time.** { Take Thodford's Black-Drau«riJt for Gon*ap«tlon. Indication. >ad BaloMiw*. Mention on the reading table at the Key club is W O Snnnedrs' Rltea beth City Independent .... Rob ert. Montgomery has quite u follow ing among the girls about town . . . The tam and turban fad still spreads about'Shelby ... , and at least two brown derbies are being worn every dnv in the uptown business section. A couple Cleveland county depu ties back from a trip to RaMgh have about the same opinion of the (general assembly as does this eol yitm in its pessimistic moods and that is that the best law passible would be one making it unlawful to have another legislature for at least 10 year*. "We dropped down to the senate gallery one night while there," one ,ot the deputies said. "Somebody Jumi>ed up and said he had a short message from the governor to read, and he read it. Then another sena tor popped up nud moved to adjourn until It o'clock the next day." In tilts manner the laws of the great state of North Carolina are made. Among the things Fanning Hea ron, Spartanburg's "Backtrack'' col umnist, says he will never forget ire the following: "The tired eyes of Hoover at Kings Mountain, ’ and "Governor O. Max Gardner gnaw ing a drumstick." In this rolyum's humble -and poor-' ly cstteemed opinion Hcarson hasn't an equal In the columntng game in the south, and his colyum Is one of the five newspaper features we nev er miss. The others are McIntyre’s skits, P. P. A's Conning Tower. Jim 1 Williams’ single block comic strip “Out Our Way,” and Kin Hubbard's “Abe Martin” philosophy, Here’s a typical Backtarck para graph: "I always— “Croon softly to myself like Rudy Vallce when shaving and showering. (Private seance at the club at 5:30 this afternoon: please form In the line to the right; the police cordon will be raised at ten second Inter vals to allow the ladles (?) to climb on the barrel beneath the east win dow) . . . . Open every window In the room In which I sleep. (Don't try climbing in. Mother watches me very closely. Never shall I forget that wintry dawn she snatched Marlene Deltrich off the sill by the seat of the pants.)" This from Charlie Pegrnm'a col yum in The Lenoir News-Topic about two former citizens of Shelby: "Senator B. F, Williams, who is legislating in Raleigh, grew up with Governor Gardner and now is real izing a dream he has fostered for several years— that of serving with a boyhood chum in state affairs. “Mr. Williams revealed that Gov ernor Gardner is the man who taught him how to box. “The former mayor’s friends here are hoping the two gentlemen will not give an exhibition under the eapitol dome." Maybe you’ve heard tills one. and mayhap* you haven't ! Eddie Cantor, the comedian has i Wite a family but they’re all girls. Upon the arrival of the last child— Cantor tells the story himself—he was away from home and he await ed feverishly for some report. He was worried about his wife who had been in 111 health, and he, also, felt that there were enough girls al ready In his family. Then came the wire: "It’s a girl All well." Cantor’s eyes travelled sadly and slowly down to the slogan printed at the bottom of the telegram: "If you want a boy—cal! Western Un ion." ; The grave. oat In potter's field, of j the well dressed, mysterious strang ,er who died here last summer after I mixing watermelon with bootleg 'cawii remains unmarked. Around I his mound are others also unmark ed- A lonely, pathetic spot, some what like the grave of the unknown warrior at Arlington, but minus the mysterious grandeur and awe of that plain marble slab near the Po tomac. The most unusual monument in Shelby Is that recently erected In Sunset to the South's famous Dur ham family, with a bronze tablet on one side telling of the early Dur ham who rode horseback from Rutherford county to New York to hear Jenny Lind, the Swedish night ingale sing. The remains of that stalwart Durham of other days are not buried there. Hi# is a nameless grave in tome battlefield in Vir ginia for at the outset of the Civil War He enlisted at the age of 58 with four sons under the emblem of the Lost Cause—the Stars and Bans. You fellows who sit by the fire side and discuss the weather with frequent references to other days put on your specs and look over this contribution of Old Man J. w Bailey, of Hlldebran, as it appeared in The Morganton News-Herald: I "When folks tell me this is the coldest weather they ever saw I tell them they haven't been living as long as I have. I remember one winter that was a good deal colder than thts one. It was back In the .eventless, I think. The snow was 3# Inches deep. The Catawba river froze over below Bhodblss shoals. Mush | tee ran Over the shoals and lodged | below. This froze and more mush iee lodged which alto froze. It kept this up until the river got out of banks. The water ran Into the bot toms and froze there It was so cold that much of the timber In the woods froze. You could hear it pop ping and cracking while It was freezing. People going to mill on foot walked across the Catawba river on the Ice with their turns of corn on their shoulders. In the kitchen ut home the dish-rag would freeze Quickly hanging on a nail above the ! Trinity Community [ News Of The Week (Special to The Star.) i Miss Etta McSwaln of Moorss IlKiro is spending some time here j with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Austell Lovelace i spent Saturday night with Mrs. B. i O. Goode. j Miss Reba Lovelace was the Sun day dinner guest of Mary Bridges. Mr. Dwight Winn called in the aft ernoon Mr. and Mrs. Ford Towery moved | from our midst last week. He mov ed down near Gowpens. We regret very much to give them up. Mr. Emmet McKinney visited at Mr. Paul Bridges Monday. Mr. ti. h warns ana ranmy spent the day Sunday with Mrs. Harris4 mother, Mrs. J. A. Bridges of Hen rietta. Miss Etta McSwain was the Sun day dinner guest of Mrs. Mae Jen kins. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Green of Moore: boro were callers of Mr, and Mrs. John Lovelace Sunday. Miss Stella Brooks of Shelby route 4 spent Sunday with Miss Lu cille Benson. Mr. Walter McSwain and Bob Rtppy of Shelby were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Furman Mc Swain of this place. Mr. B. B. Harris, Jr., and family of Avondale spent Sunday with rel atives here. Mrs. Bills McWhirter and children of Shelby spent the week-end here with her mother Mrs. Furman Mc Swain. Mr. Guy Gillespie and Mias Ethel Lovelace spent Sunday with Miss Ruby Green. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hollifield were callers at the home of Mr. M. M BeasonV Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs Charlie Crawford of Splndale spent the week-end with ! the latter’s mother, Mrs. M. M. Bea son. Mr. Colon Goode was the guest of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. B! O. Goode Sunday. Misses Erma and OllJe Bridges spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Joe Jenkins. Miss Stella Brooks of the Beaver Dam section is spending some time here with her aunt, Mrs. B. O, Goode. Those on the .sick list at this writing are: Mrs. Roscoe Bridges, Misses Helen Callahan and Vonnle Lee Lovelace and Master Worth Bridges. The home of Mr. Jim Gantt was saddened Monday morning about 3 o’clock when the death angel came into it and claimed his companion in death. Mrs. Gantt had been ser iously 111 for some time. The funeral will be held «t Sandy Run Baptist church Tuesday afternoon. For some years she had been a faithful member of Trinity Baptist church. Mr. Eugene Buchanan of Boiling Springs ts spending a few days here with his uncle, Mr Clifford Jolley. Advertisement* should attract readers—the old Idea that they should be tooled is out of date. What has become of the old fashioned suitor who gave his best girl a de luxe Bible for Christmas? Fable! American candy makers plan a campaign to persuade chil dren to ask their parents for candy. Negotiating a heavyweight cham pionship bout seems to contain more problems than a peace conference. One way to make money to quit trying to understand how the neigh bors do it. Night Coughing Quickly Relieved Famous Prescription Gives Almost Instant Relief Night coughs or coughs caused ; by a cold or by an Irritated throat | are usually due to conditions which ordinary medicines do not reach. But the very first swallow of Thox, ine, a doctor's prescription, is guar junteed to give almost Instant relief. ;Thoxine works on a different prin ciple, it goes direct to the Internal cause. Thoxlne Is pleasant, tasting and safe for the whole family. It wtU g ve you better and quicker relief for coughs or sore throat than any thing you have ever tried or your money will be refunded Put up ready for use in 35c, 60c, and $1.00 bottles. Sold by Suttle s and all other good drug rtore. ladv.V Boosting Gardner Assembly Message (Gastonia Gazette) In our opinion, the message of Governor Gardner t.o the state leg islature is one of the strongest in struments ever penned by a North Carolina Governor. We believe the governor Is In spired by he highest motives and tntensest desire to be of service to North Carolina “I have not con sidered politics, friendships, person nel, or personality, but have en deavored to tlie completeness of my capacity to subordinate everything and everybody to the welfare of my state and to the three million North Carolinian* by whose grace and con fidence I hold the high office of Governor," der’ared Governor Oard ner tn the closing part of his mes sage. And we believe that the Gov ernor means every word of that. Among the high lights of his mes sage were the recommendation that there be a salary cut of ten per cent, in every state employe’s salary, in cluding all the political sub-dlvls ions of the state; We heartily agree with the Governor in this recom mendation. Everything else is being cut. Salaried people are In better shape than anybody else these days Business has been cut to shreds and ! fortunate Is the mam who has been working on a good salary. We be lieve that the example set by the Governor in recommending salary cuts for state employes will have a wholesome effect. It will show the folks that official North Carolina i is in earnest about this economy talk. The recommemdatloh about the extra cent on gasoline will arouse much discussion. There are those who will oppose It, and there are those who will be In favor of It. If It can, In any way help reduce the cost of county government by taking some of the property off. It will be J a popular measure. Motorist, how ever, are Inclined to think that they are being ta.:ed too. much now. Another recommendation that will occasion much talk Is that referring to the reduction In labor hours per week, and also that concerning the abolishment of night work. Governor Gardner recommends that night work, for women under 18 be eliminated. We had thought since the beginning of this night work talk, that It included the ab olishment of night work for women of all ages, with no restrictions as to age. If night work for women Is to be abolished, we believe that all work by women of whatever age ought to be Included. As for the governorSa recommen dation that the state take over the county highways, we have not enought information on this sub ject to discuss It Intelligently. We bo not know the details of how this could be managed. The message, we are sure, will be greeted with widespread Interest. We believe it will be the Instrument of bringing to pass much needed legislature. Bomb Kills One. — New Delhi, India.—Two persons were wounded and one fatally in jured when a bomb exploded In the Delhi Central station. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State Ol North Carolina, Department of State. r To All To Whom These Prosente May Come—areettng: Whereas, tt appear! to my eatlsfaction, by duly authenticated record of the pro ceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Suburban-Mutual Electric Light and Power company, a corporation of this state, whose principal office is situated at No. — street. In the city of She'by, county of Cleveland, etate of North Caro lina (Joe X. Blanton being the agent therein and In charge thereof, upon whom process may be served, has complied with the requirements of chapter SS. Consolidat ed Statutea, entitled ‘'Corporations," pre liminary to the Issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now Therefore, L J. A. Hartness, secre tary of state of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the lath day of January, 1931, file In my oDlce a duly executed and attested con sent tn writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and! the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file In my said office as pro vided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this lath day of January, A. D. 1931. (Signed) 3, A HARTNESS. Secretary of State. St Jan 18c NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR 8 BALE OF SEAL ESTATE. tinder and By virtue ol an order of the superior eourt of Cleveland county. N C., made m epecial proceeding, entitled C F. McSwaln, administrator of Ath T. Ellis, deceased, at at. vs. J. D. Bills, minor de fendant," I will sell to the highest bid der, subject to the terms of sale herein after set forth, on the premises of the said Ath T, Bills, deceased, In No. 3 town ship. one-half mile south of ratterson Springs. N. C-, on Monday, February Jnd, 1031, at 11 o'clock, a m.. or within legal hours, the following described real estate, to wn: Lying and being in No 3 township, Cleveland county, N. C., and described by metes and bounds as follows. Beginning at a stone pile hear the branch. R J. Neal's corner, snd runs thence with Ills line and Joe Ellis' line south 37-40 w. SOM feet to an Iron stake tn Patterson Sorlngs-Qrover road, the same being Joe Ellis and R J Neal’s cor ner; thence with Neal's line south «« W Ml 8 feet to an Iron stake. Lowery's and Neal's corner: thence with Lowery's line N, 3,25 W. 931 teet to Lowery’s and J. W Sills corner; thence with Bills* tine and the east edge of said road south 38-10 IS. <2« leet to an Iron stake on the eaat edge of road, same being J. W. Bills corner: thence with his line N. 28-30 B 1304.5 ft to a stone, his corner tn Neals line; thence with Neal’s line 8 84-40 E. 333 feet to the beginning, containing 30.4 acres, more or logo. Terms of sale. One-half cash on day of sale, balance payable 13 months from said data, deferred payment bearing Interest at t nsreant per annum, with the prlvilegr of purehese to pay off In full end reoeive deed at once, after confirmation of sale This the 3lst day of December. 1930. C. F McBwaln. Administrator of Ath T Ellis, dec'd Bynum K Weathers, Atty. 4t Jan 2c Mi'Brmyer School Roll. The following is the honor roll 'or the McBrayer school: First grade: Ben Sisk, Columbus Hhurch, Ray Randall Green, Ran dall Gibson, George Ware, Evelyn Evans, Doris Rippy. Second grade: Mary Ruth Daves, Blondean Evans, Ruby Allen, Ethel Srotts, Ocle Sisk, Willie G. Griffin, Horace Ware, Robert Church, Third grade; Noble Evans. Fourth grade: Alma Rippy, Her man Allen. Fifth grade: Ray Moore, Inez Ware, A. V. Allen, Mary Belle Hum phries, Howard Sisk, Hilton Putnam, Enoch Church. Sixth grade: Nettie Allen, Mary Sue Blanton, Floyd Sisk, Roy Bridges. Seventh grade: Arnold Hopper, Joe Davidson, Martin Elliott. The two pupils making highest grades In the elementary grades during the fourth month were: Ar nold Hopper, seventh grade; Hilton Putnam, fourth grade. Disarmament Is like a formal par ty in fashionable society. Nobody wants to arrive until everybody else is there.—Peoria Star. A country has about hit bottom when an honest man is the only one who doesn't know how to keep out of Jail.—New Haven Register. Did you know, that perry Sellers is running a shoe shop at the Bus Station? Well he Is and a mighty handy place too 2tad Adult9 Contract Children’$ Diteatte . t j Adult* e*o, *fid do, contract many children’s diseases. And, usually, they suffer from them much more than children do. For instance, many adults contract worms, an ailment usually I associated with children. Sometimes ; they suffer intensely and take expen- ! i dive medical treatments, without real} sing that worms are the cause of their ! trouble*. Yet. the symptoms are the same as in children, loss of appetite and weight, grinding the teeth and rest less sleep, itching of the noee and anus, ; and abdominal pains. And, the same j medicine that surely and hormleselv ex pels round and pin worms from children I will do the same for adults — White’s ! Cream Vermifuge, which you can get M Paul Webb and Son and Cleve land Drug Co. 11 Year* Constipation Glycerin Mix End* It “For 11 years I tried to get rid of constipation,” says Chas. E. Blair. “Then at last the simple mixture, i Adlerika, made me regular.” | The simple mixture of glycerin, buckthorn bark, srllne, etc., (Adler ikai acts on BOTH upper and low er bowel, relieving constipation In 2 hours! Brings out poisons you nev er thought were In your system. Let Adlerika give your stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see I how good you feel! Paul Webb <fe Son, Druggists. adv. Kidney Acids Break Sleep 11 Getting Up Nights, Backache, frequent day calls. Leg l’alns, Nerv ousness, or Burning, due to function 'll Bladder Irritation, tn acid condi tions, makes you feel tired, depressed ind discouraged, try the Cystex Tost. , vVorks fast, starts circulating thru he system (n IS minutes. Praised by thousands for rapid and positive ac Mon. Don't give up. Try Cystex (pro nounced 8lss-tex) today, under the Iron-Clad Guarantee. Must quickly allay these conditions. Improve rest- i ful sleep and energy, or money hack, Only (Oo at SUTTLE’S DRUG STORE. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The merceutile Dartnerahip ■ heretofore existing between Cohen Bros, 'in the op eration of Store! at Shelby. N C., Bel mont, N. C.. and Lincoln ton, N, C„ has this day been dissolved. Under the terms of dissolution Harry S. Cohen becomes the sole owner of the store at Shelby. N, C., and will collect any in debtedness due said store and settle lia bilities ol same Kll and Lnearus Cohen become the sole owners of the store at Belmont, N. C., and will collect any Indebtedness due said store and settle liabilities of same Saul M. Cohen becomes the owner of the store at Lincolnton. N C.. and will col lect any indebtedness due said store and settle liabilities of same. In the future each store will be respon sible for Ita own obllations and the part nership heretofore eelsting has been this day terminated. This January 1st. 1931, HARRY S. COHEN, ELI COHEN. LAZARUS COHEN, SAUL M COHEN. ♦t Jan l<c TRUSTEES SALE. (First Published in Cleveland Star. Jan- . uary 16, 1931.i By virtue of the power ol sale contain ed in a certain deed of trust executed by Mrs Claudia Sieuman Abernathy and husband. R M Abernathy to me as trus tee, securing an Indebtedness to Clarence D. Spangler, said deed of trust being re corded In booh 163. page 386 of te regis ter’s office of Cleveland county, North Carolina, and default having been made In the payment of said indebtedness, and having been called upon lo execuis the trust, I, as trustee will sell at 12 o'clock M., on Monday, February lath. 1931 at the court house door In Shelby. N. .C., for cash to the highest bidder, subject to two prior deeds of trust held by the Shel by Building and Loan Association. Shel by, N. C , and recorded In book 163, page 305, and book 145, page 258. of the reg ister’s office of Cleveland county, N, C, also, subject to any- and all taxes and prior liens and encumbrances, the fol lowing described real estate: Located in No. 6 township, Cleveland county, N. C.. In the town of Shelby. Be ginning at a stake at the Intersection of Eastside road and Buttle street, and runs thence with Eastside road N. 2'a W 100 feet to a stake, corner of lot No 11. thenco with line of Idt No. 11 west 110 feet to a stake, corner of lot sold to J. H Whit worth and wife Eva Mary Whitworth, thence with Whitworth's line B 2'j E. 100 feet to the north edge of Buttle street, thence with North edge of Buttle street east 110 feet to the beginning, being the property conveyed to Clyde Short and wife Alda Short by Y. M CHadden and wile, Ethel J. Gladden by deed dated January 28, 1925, and recorded In the office of regleter of deade for Cleveland county. N C.. In book 3-Q at page 234, to which reference U hereby made. The purchaser. In order to secure t good title, will have to pay, In addition to his hid. all taxes and prior liens and en cumbrances. This January lath 1931 P. CLEVELAND GARDNER. Trustee. 41 Jan 18c Mooresboro Route 2 Items Of Interest; Frasiers Return From Funeral In Georgia. Mrs. Ganit Dead. Personal Items. j. __ Mooresboro, R-2, Jan, 15.—Mr. j and Mrs Spear Frasier and children also Mrs. M. C. Frasier left Satur 1 day night for Gainesville, Georgia, I to attend the funeral ol Mrs. Spear I Frasier’s mother. They returned Monday night. The many friends of Mr. J. N. Gantt, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gantt sympathize with them in the loss of their wife and mother. She was before marriage Miss Hassle Jane Wood. She died Monday morn ing about two o'clock at the age of 68 years. She is survived by her hus band and one son. Two children preceded her to the grave several yeafs ago. Also surviving are six grandchildren and one great grand child, and a host of friends. Mrs. Gantt was held In high esteem by all who knew her. The men of the community served as pallbearers were M. C. Frasier, A. W. Hamrick, Fuller Bridges. Ken Harrlll arid Jim Taylor, i Misses Odenia Hamrick, Lorrine j Greene and Katherine Harrlll help ed relatives carry beautiful floral offerings. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock and was conducted by Rev. M M. Huntley and N. L. Wright of Ruth erfordton. Interment was In the Sandy Run cemetery. Mr. Hightower of Henrietta was the undertaker In charge. Misses Ola and Odenia Hamrick visited Miss Esther Bailey Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J N. Bridges and children J. N., jc. and Lenoir returned home Sunday afternoon after spending the past three weeks with her moth er hr Raleigh. Mrs. A. E PhMBeck and children,! Selma and Ross, spent last Thurs day with her mother, Mrs. A W Hamrick. Mr. S. D. Bridges visited Mr. and Mrs. Calup Smarts Sunday after noon. Mr, Burriel Blanton of the Trin ity section spent last Thursday night with Mr. A W. Hamrick Mr. and Mrs. J. N Bridges and children are visiting relatievs near Shelby. Mr. Reid Smart of the Race Path section was a caller In the commun ity Sunday afternoon. Mr. H. S. Jolley and son, Mere dith. of Cliffside, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Frasier and son, Clyde, Miss j Minnie Bridges spent the day Wed nesday with Mr. and Mrs. A. W Hamrick. Misses Lucy Lattimore, Janet Falls and Louise Roberts, *teact>#rs at Mooresboro, visited home^iii this _ .section Sunday afternoon. WILL TRADE THREK ring neck pheasants for chitk 2ns. Charles I. Dover. lt-16e WELL PIPE IS Sold by Cleveland Hard ware People. lte ~AXES“ ARETl25 at Cleveland Hard ware Co. Washburn’s. BARB WIRE IS Just a little cheaper at the Cleveland Hardware Co. Washburn’s Plan. GENUINE OLIVER Plows and Repairs are sold by Cleveland Hardware Co. Wash burn’s. ltc IONA BRAND CORN NO. 2 CAN 10c EAGLE MILK CAN . 18c CAMPBELL’S Tomato Soup 4 cans 29c FANCY ALASKA Pink Salmon n«.i tail can He PEA BEANS 4 lbs. 25c | EVAPORATED Peaches 2 lbs. 25c FANCY RICE pound 5c 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 3 lbs. 69c N. B. C. Puritan Cookies lb. pkg. 19c QUAKER OATS 3 small pkgs. 25c Del Monte APRICOTS Large can 29c Del Monte SPINACH Large can 19c Del Monte FRUIT SALAD No. 1 can .. 23c DEL MONTE PEACHES CAN 19c PINEAPPLE SLICED £„2.23c CRUSHED 2No- 25 c 1 cans CHERRIES No. 1 Can ... 23c Golden Bantam Corn No. 2 can 15c Iona Brand BEETS Large can 15c MEAL Or GRITS Pound.. 3c SPAGHETTI iSSL 3 c* 20c SNOWDRIFT 6 lb. bucket 79c OCTAGON SOAP Large Cake 5c — MEAT MARKETS — BEEF STEAK - lb. ., 25c Round, Sirloin, Tenderloin BEEF ROAST-lb.19c Pure Pork Sausage, lb. 17£c Mackerel Steak - lb... 17|c PORK RIBS - lb.17c — PRODUCE DEPTS. — LETTUCE - Head . 5c ORANGES — Dcz. 10c CELERY - Stalk . 10c Pota.tco - Irish, 7 lbs. . ?5c Grapefruit6 for . 25c Tomatoes - 3 lbs. ....... 25c -^ THE GR* 4T Ath antiic $ Pa cific co

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