8 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXVII, No. 3 SHELBY, N. C. MONDAY, JAN. 19. 1931 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. <*r Malt wt teat On UnaMi tttn t'artter net rear, on advanmi .. SS.M LATE NEW: |i THE MARKET Cotton, per lb._...__ 9 to 10c Cotton Seed, per bu. ...._30c Fair And Colder. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Fair tonight and Tuesday Colder tonight and in extreme west portion Tuesday. Colder Tuesday night. Teach Dry Agents. Charlotte, Jan. 19.—Federal pro- * htbition agents in North Carolina are going to have an opportunity to brush up on the fine points of trap ping bootleggers and ferreting out and wrecking stills. A school for the dry enforcement officers In the western, central and eastern dis tricts of the state opened here to day. It will continue until ail the agents have received two weeks' In structions under two expert en forcement officers from the Rich mond district enforcement head quarters. Funeral Of Mrs. Hamrick Held Mrs. D. A. F. Hahirick Had Outliv- j ed Every Member Of Her Family, Including Children. Funeral services for Mrs. Mary j Susanna Hamrick, aged 86 years, j who had outlived every member of j her immediate family, were conduct - ! ed at the Lattlmore Baptist church Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock The services were in charge of Hey . W. C. Lynch, the pastor, and Rev D. G. Washburn. Mrs, Hamrick died Friday, death I resulting from the infirmities of eld ! age. At the age of 20 she was married j to D. A. F. Hamrick, who died 29 years ago. To this union were born three daughters—Mrs. J. P. D.; Withrow, Mrs. C. T. Heafner, and j Mrs. W. T. Caltonall of whom pre- i ceded their mother to the grave Not only did Mrs. Hamrick’s bro i hers, sisters, husband and children die before her but her sons-ln-law . also preceded her to the grave. L*v- j ing survivors include 12 grandchild* j ten and nine great grandchildren. Mrs. Hamrick joined Sandy Run Baptist church at the age of 15. She retained her membership there until the Lattimore church was organized I and she became a charter member I and was a loyal church worker and ! a woman widely loved until her death. For years she had made Jv.t home with her daughtr, Mrs. W. T. Calon, until the latter’s death. Since then she had been living with her grandson, Aubrey Calton. Predicts Quake For This Week Shock Expected Between Today And Wednesday. Has Called Ele ven Quakes. Budapest, Hungary, Jan. 19—The world's next great earthquake, pre dicts Professor Martin Hanko, will! occur between Monday and Wed nesday, somewhere In the western I half of the Pacific ocean or in Ja pan itself. Professor Hanko, a member of the faculty of Pecs university in south Hungary and whose predictions re garding earthquakes have caused worldwide Interest,' discussed his forecasting system with the Asso ciated Press yesterday. "For many years," he said, “I have been studying earthquakes and j have found there is a uniform and; natural sequence to such convul- j ; ions. My system is based upon the t implest principles of prediction, ap- ! plied with a highly elaborated1 scheme of mathematics. Fixed Eleven Dates. "Since October I have fixed the dates of approximately 11 earth quakes, all of which developed. X prefer not to enter the details of my theory, but I have proved it not only with regard to future earth quakes, but also in connection with those of the past, verifying the ex r.ct time of the most important such disasters known to history.” Professor Hanko said he even had verified the time of the destruction of Pompeii. ‘‘Last month,” he continued, “I predicted that between December 13 and December 14 an earthquake would occur probably in Chile, and it developed December 15 in both Argentina and Mexico. Not Too Far Ahead. “Theoretically it would be possi ble to fix the date of earthquakes many years ahead, but much more precise details are obtainable in con sidering only the immediate future, say for a fortnight or a month ahead. . “I hope to give a perfectly new direction to the science of seismolo gy, and by developing my system be able to put an end once for all to the wholcra’e destruction of human life which usually accompanies these outbreaks, by a timely warning of their nature and strength” King’s Counszl May Altar Plan At Second Trial To Improve Strategy This Time Lawyers Continue To Prepare Case As They Await Decision As To Place. York. S. C., Jan. 19.—Judge B. T. Palls, associate counsel for Rafe King, came through York last week and lie and Lawyer Thomas P. Mc Dow, chief counsel for the Sharon and Shelby man, drove to Colum bia, presumably lor a conference i with King in the penitentiary. Pending the decision of Judge^ Bonham as to where the second trial of King shall be held, both sides of the case are not being held up any in their preparation for it, wherever it may be staged. Appar ently the state has less to consider than the defense, for its facts are 1 the came as those produced in the first trial, and the issue is the same. But the defense is fighting a big tattle over again, and its tactics and strategy may be improved by changes made in the light of what happened in the first trial. Some things In that trial at Chester sur prised the defense, and if it made any mistakes of tactics then, it knows them as well as anybody else now, and can avoid them in the sec ond trial. Hence the lawyers are not marking time by any means while the judge is considering at which of four county seats the second trial ". cl! be held. Which courthouse will be chosen is as much unknown to all lawyers on bon sides as to any newspaper reader, Different attorneys in the case express confidentially different personal opinions about what loca tion the judge will choose for the venue. The only thing all agree on is, that Judge Bonham is very high minded and conscientious, and his decision about the place of trial will be entirely uninfluenced by any thing outside .the arguments filed with him, and made to him, on the motion for a change of venue. That the arguments on both sides have a certain cogency makes it possible for any of four decisions to be made as most conducive to exact justice. So the answer to the present ques tion is anybody's guess, until the court speaks. When that will be is equally uncertain; Sm^ll Ca*e Blaze Here Early Today Hole Burned Ir. Central Cafe Floor, Fire Saturday At Corn Mill A fire at 6:20 this morning burned a hole in the kitchen floor of the Central Cafe on West Warren street, This morning when Everette Del linger, the proprietor, opened up be found the building full of smoke and sent in an alarm for the trucks. After the blaze was extinguished it was found, it is said, that ashes taken from the stove last night caus ed the fire. The trucks v. ere called out early Saturday afternoon to the South Shelby corn mill where a blaze did] slight damage to the roof. inspects New Town House The United States Navy's ding- < ible “Los Angeles” nosing near the top of the Empire State Building, New York City, as if in inspection of the mooring mast atop the structure. The mast was built specially (or the use of the Los Angeles. The huge bag made the first of a series of training flights before her departure for naral maneu vers off Panama. Hoover Names Group For Drought Relief Ask Red Cross Aid Here The quota of Shelby and Cleveland county for Red Cross relief work In States badly sticken by the drought is $1,400 it was announced here this morning by Henry B. Edwards. Red Cross campaign chairman. In twenty-one States of America people are suffering very much and the national Red Cross states thct a campaign for relief is Imperative. Want Contributions. "We will not organize a formal drive to secure our quota,” the loial chairman said, "but we cannot fail to do what we can in this nobie work. I hope that all genorbm hearted citizens able to do so will contribute to this worthy relief fund. Since I will be in Raleigh I will ask that contributions be left at The Star office and reports of the contributions published. The main idea is to give what we are going to give now. The need is urgent and: is not a thing to be put off.” Conditions Terrible. In a telegram to the Red Cro-is officials here, John Barton Payne, national chairman, says: "Increas ed demands have made imperative CONTINUED ON PAOE EIGHT i Thinks Cut Of Fees In Public Offices Would Help Tax-Payers More Than A Slash In Salaries Man Who Needs It More Would Benefit By Lo ”er Fees On Mortgages. Would not a reduction of fees charged for various purposes In pub lic offices do more to make govern mental cost cheaper for citizens who really need the benefit of economy than a reduction in salaries of pub lic officials? That's a query advanced by a Cleveland county citizen, well ac quainted with public affairs. In dis cussing proposed economy in the state. “The way I figure it,’ he says, “the reduction of 10 percent in the salary of the average county offic ial would, when brought down to the final analysis, mean ■* saving to him, the tax-payer, in taxes, of Just sixty-eight onerthousandth of one cent on the $100 property valuation. That wouldn’t be much of a burden lifter in my opinion. "On the othe' hand, is i‘ generally realized what a reduction in public fees would mefn? It is my infor mation that the fees taken in for various purposes by the clerk of court and register of deeds here, or in any other well-governed countv In the course of a year more than pay the salaries of those two offlc- j ials with a surplus profit going into the county treasury. Is it just right for the county to make a profit for all taxpayers upon the work done for only a percentrge of the tax payers. When a deed is recorded all the fees total $1. When a deed of trust is probated and recorded, or whatever process it goes through with, the charge is *2. Hr d you ever thought that that Charge hits rath er heavily the man less able to bear it? The man who pays $2 for re cording a deed of trust or mortgage is often one who ha3 been forced to mo' tgage something to secure mon ey. It is only right that those fees should be suffic'e it to cover the cost, but why should the entire county, including we--thy tax-pay ers, make a profit from the man who goes in to record a deed of trust or a deed? “A reduction of 50 cents or so in these fees, in my opinion,” the speaker said, "would mean more to the man having papers recorded n only one instance tarn he could save in taxes with one entire coun ty official’s salary abolished for a ynsT,” People In Drought Stricken Areas Badly In Need Of Red Cross Aid. Washington. Jan. 19,~Presld<*nt Hoover announced yesterday the appointment of a nation-wide com mittee of 57 members headed by former President Coolidge, as hon orary chairman, with former Gov ernor Alfred E. Smith, John W. Davis and General Pershing among the vice chairmen, to aid the Red Cross in raising its $10,000,000 fund for the relief of sufferers in the drought stricken areas. In requesting them to serve, Nir. Hooter injected the Dole issu<\ on which he stands to be defeated in the senate today, by declaring: "'It is essential that we should maintain the sound American tra dition and .spirit of voluntary aid in such emergency and should not un dermine thu‘ spirit which has made our Red Cross the outstanding guardian of our people in time of disaster.-’ Rejects Republican Fleas Having rejected pleas of Republi can leaders to compromise with con gress by acceding to a treasury “loan” rather than "Dole” to the Red Cross, Mr. Hoover hopes by the quick raising of money from pub'ic subscription to head off the drive In congress, now slated to succeed in both senate and house, for the Roo - inson CD. Ark.) amendment to the interior department appropriation bill. The amendment gives the Red Cross $25,000,000 to buy and distrib ute food, m"dieine and other sup plies not only in the drought dis tricts but wherever else needed. Mr. Hoover conferred again to day with Senator Reed 'R Pa), who at his request will try to stave off the Robinson amendment unHl February 9, to let the Red Cross firs; appeal for public funds. After the conference, the president made pub lic a copy of this request to emi nent men and women through the country to serve on the commlt.ee to help the Red Cross drive. Dr. Toms Dies In Calera, Oklahoma Brother of Mm. J. R. Dover And Mr. H. L. Toms of Shelby. Went West 35 Years Ago. Dr. R. A. Toms, native of Ruth erford county and brother of Mrs. John R. Dover and Mr. H. L. Toms of Shelby died suddenly last Wed nesday at his home in Calera, Ok lahoma. Dr. Toms was a native of Rutherford county and went west 35 years ago. He was a licensed physi cian, but gave up Ills practice some years ago and his since been de voting his time to the mercantile business. Dr. Toms was 65 years of age, but has many friends among the older people of Cleveland and Rutherford counties who remember him very pit asanHy, “Lite At Home9' \Drive To Open jIn County 22nd Extension Workers Boost Program I'rje Farmer* To Produce Food For Livestock A* Well A* Food For Family The slogan 'Farm To Mako A Living In IMF* will be Introduced in j Cleveland couty Thursday, January ’ 22, when two extension workers from j the agricultural department, farms wives, merchants, bankers and busi ness men. •*• The salvation this year for North Carolina farmers lies In their ability to produce their own food and leed or live at home, in the opinion of agricultural leaders. Last Year Governor Gardner’s “Llve-at-hamc” program brought on additional food and feed crops ui J the State worth 19 million dollats.! Had this program not been lnnu- \ gurated real "hard times" would be j existing now In the State. With no bright prospects of a good price for cash crops this year the live-at home Idea b being stressed more than ever. Have Statistics E. W. Gaither and Miss Ruth Cur rent, who will attend meeting here, will have with them statistics showing the best food and feed crops for this section. They also have data Just what crops this section has been short in. They will outline the necessity of raising feed for livestock as well as food for the family. Another big cotton crop will prove disastrous to cotton sections unless fawners In these sections take the precaution, agricultural observers say, of producing enough food and feed to take care of themselves. Not only fanners but all citizens interested In the welfare of the county are asked to attend the I meeting. Similar meetings are be I ing held In every county In the I state. Fullenweider Died Of Heart Trouble Shelby War Veteran Given Military Funeral By Camp In Florida. Mr. Harry Fullenwlder, actor traveller and Spanlsh-Amerloan war veteran, died of heart trouble In a Key West, Florida, hospital yester day a week ago. News of his death has already been published but It was not until the week-end that a letter came to former Sheriff Hugh A. Logan, commander of Spanish American war veterans here, telling! of the details. He had Just dressed In the hospi tal and had been given a glass of milk by a nurse. When the nurse returned to the room a few minutes j later she found him dead. The let-1 ter, from the camp of veterans there, stated that he was given a regular military funeral and burled j by the side of other Spanish-Amer- i lean wTar veterans. He became 111 while eu route to Havana and was taken to the hospital there by vet erans. The local camp paid expenses Incurred in getting him to the hos- j pital as his two last pension checks | had not been located. Abolish Bounties For Rum Arrests —— -— Hereafter Lincoln County Officers Will Not Get Bonus For Capture*. Raleigh. Jan. 19.—'There will be no more $10 bounties for Lincoln county officers making arrests for prohibition law violations If the house views the bill of Representa tive Sigmon of Lincoln in the same light as house Judiciary committee No. 1 did at its first meeting. Tire committee voted unanimously to make a favorable report on the bill, which would repeal the 1929 statute authorizing the bonus. Auto Tag Bureau Here Still Open The automobile license bureau at the Eskridge garage here remains open all year and was not closed .Saturday. Several citizens notictr.g that bureaus in other towns and cities closed Saturday made inquir ies as to the bureau here. The local license plate office is one of the twelve In the State which remadrs open the entire year. Those which closed Saturday are only part time bureaus which help alleviate the first rush in tag sales i Ritchie Inaugural Viewed as 1932 Hid Inducted into office a* Governor of Maryland for his fourth term, breaking all precedent* of service In the State, Albert C. Ritchie de voted hi* Inaugural to a dincuaeion ef national issue* and, in the gen eral opinion, sounded the keynote of hi* candidacy for the Demo cratic Presidential nomination in 1932. Mrs. J. N. Gantt Dies, Is Buried At Trinity Large Crowd Attends Funeral 0) Beloved Woman Of No. t Township. Mr*. Rosley Gantt, wife of James N. Gantt died Monday morning January 12 at 1:30 o’clock follow ing an illness of three weeks with heart and kidney trouble. She was 68 years of age and was married to Mr. Gantt In 1863. To this union three children were born, one of whom survives, Clarence Gantt who lives at home with his father. Mrs. Gantt was highly respected and esteemed In the community and a large crowd attended the funeral services conducted by Rev. M. M. Huntley at 2 o’clock Tuesday of last week. Interment was in the ceme tery at Trinity church where she held her membership. Many beau tiful flowers attested the esteem In which she was held. No New Legislation Planned By Edwards Representative Believe* C ounty Af fairs To Be In Pretty Good Shape. Representative Henry B. Edwards, home from Raleigh for the week end. is planning no new legislation for this county, he stated. “I am working on several tilings of a state-wide nature," he said, “but as far as county affairs are concerned I think we are in pretty good shape. I have no plans now' for any direct county legislation al though I cannot determine yet fust what might develop, I am, however, working on several things, more oi less of State-wide scope, which I will introduce during the session.” Ford Price* Cut Ford has taken a substantial price cut and new low prices on Ford cars and trucks are effective today Charles L. Eskridge, authorized Shelby dealer, said the reductions on all Ford units would range from $5 to $45. j Thos. Vaughn Burned To Death In Residence Banished Man To Come Back l’aul Bostic Permitted To Return To County By Governor Gardner. Pant Bostic, young' Cleveland county man, who was banished from thr State for two years. wa» last week given permission by Governor to return to this county so that he may start crops on nls farm. Bostic, who was convicted here c breaking and entering in March, 1929, and sentenced to a fine, and to stay out of the state two years, would complete his period of exile In March, the statement said, but would be harmed by not being abb to get. his crops started. Seven other paroles were granted at the same time by the Governor. Mistakes Governor For A Hotel Clerk Unannounced Visitor Walks Into Mansion And Asks If Hr Is '•Clerk.’* Raleigh. Jan. 19,-Governor O Max Gardner was entertaining sev eral friends In the library at the executive mansion one night last week when a well-dressed, middle aged gentleman of genial and be nign nppearanee came strolling through the front hall and smiled pleasantly at the group. The Governor ro, to Iris feet and looked inquiringly at the visitor. ‘Are you the clerk?” politely ask ed the stranger. ■'Huh?” gasped His Excellency.: The man glanced about him rath er uncertainly. He took In the gen eral appearance at his surroundings, and then his eyes again focused up on the Governor. “Is this the office?" he inquired. “What office?” countered the Governor, “Why-er—a—THE office." "This Is the Governor’s mansion,” said Mr. Gardner, in rather austere fashion. The visitor's face showed emotions of horror, mixed with terrible em barrassment. 'T beg your pardon,” he said in a most humble tone of voice. "I thought this was the Mansion Park Hotel.” He retreated rather hurriedly, and the front door slammed behind him. "Yes," commented the Governor aggrlevedly, "and you thought I looked like a clerk In the hotel." He eyed his gubernatorial raiment rattier dolefully, and then resumed his seat and the subject of conver- j satlon which had been so strangely i interrupted. On Debating Squad. W. W Washburn, of Shelby, wasl one of the 16 students at Wake For- j est college picked in the first round I of a debating tournament there to! select the first year Intercollegiate I team. j Jonas Has His Wires Crossed Somewhere; Is Battle Against Political Rigor Mortis For Him Newspaper Comment Notes Con flicting Statements. Desolate Fight of Defeat. The charges of Congressman Chas. A. Jonas, of this district, re garding alleged election frauds in the district and state are drawing considerable newspaper comment. An editorial in The Hickory Rec ord, entitled ‘ Wires Crossed Some where,” says: "Just recently The Record pub lished a news dispatch from Char lotte which quoted Congressman Charles A. Jonas, of Lincolnton, as saying that he had been asked to assist in a further Investigation of alleged election frauds in this, the ninth congressional district. Mr. Jonas was further quoted as saying that someone connected with the Nye senatorial committee had in formed him that election fraud con ditions in North, Carolina were as bad as they are in Pennsylvania— or words to that effect “Now somebody has evidently crossed some wires somewhere, for Congressman Jonas, has been quot ed this week in a Washington, D. C., dispatch as saying: “ *1 have never believed that Senator Nye intends seriously to in vestigate the North Carolina case .it he can help it.’ The representa tive, the dispatch continues, calls it a plain case of attempt to white wash and said if the Democrats did not pay Nye to come into the state, and without serious effort to obtain evidence to give out a statement that the situation in the state is ‘refreshing,’ then they at least owe him a debt of gratitude, "In connection with his latest statement, Mr. Jonas says I have never met or spoken to Senator Nye or any other member of the com mittee in my life.’ "Certainly, these two statements will have to be explained by Mr. Jonas. If he never has met nor spoken to Senator Nye nor any other member of his committee, and if he things the North Dakotan is in lea gue with North Carolina Democrats, what was the basis for giving out his statement In Charlotte Just a few weeks ago? "There is something wrbn* some where, in the two Jonae Interviews. Only Mr, Jonas oan say what it is.” Presumption? Concerning the same discussion. »* TTH,’Pn OS !>AOE FTOHT ) Ran Back In Blazing Residence Well Known Clllwn Dies As Root Collapses On Him. Funeral .Saturday. Mr. Thomas C. Vaughn, ft, well known rlttaen who lived Dvr miles norih of Shelby in the Pleasant Grove section, was burned to death about 9:30 Fri day night when his home was destroyed by fire. Mr. and Mrs, Vaughn, their non, Spurgeon Vaughn, and his wife were all In la d asleep when some mem ber of the family awoke to discover that the house was a burning in ferno All Got Oat. They all rushed outside to entity, but just after getting out the elder Mr. Vuughn recalled that he had some important paper* In a book row- in the house. He started to en tca the blitzing house to get them and his son attempted to stop him. He dashed in the hall door, however, and had Just started In a door from the hall when the horror-stricken members of the family noticed a wall of flame leap out and envelop him. They saw him fall to the floor and Just an Instant later the burn ing roof crashed down upon him. Every effort was made to get to him but a bucket brigade could not cope with the blaze which had al ready practically destroyed the home, and it was not until some time later that the others managed to reach what was left of his body. The limbs were burned off and it was evident that he could not have lived very long after he was seen to fail Just after entering the house. At Pleasant Grove, Funeral services, conducted by Rev, D. Q. Washburn, were held at Pleasant Grove church Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The deceased was a well known resident of the county and highly respected by ail who knew him. He joined New Prospect church early in life but moved his membership to Pleasant Grove about 25 years ago. He was a Mason belonging to the Fallston lodge. He Is survived by his widow, who before marriage was Miss Julia Weathers, and by five children as follows: Spurgeon and J. M. Vau ghn. the latter of Shelby; Mrs. W. H. Bridges. Mrs. Zeb Costner and Mrs. Toy Grayson. One brother and five sisters also survive. They are: C. P. Vaughn, Mrs. Ansell Gladden, Mrs. William Hoyle. and Misses Eliza, Dovie and Mollie Vaughn. Thirteen grandchildren alro sin - vlve. Mr. And Mrs. Mull Are III With “Flu” Mr, Odus M. Mull* state Demo cratic chairman anti executive counsellor to Governor Gardner, and Mrs. Mull are both ill with in fluenza at the Sir Walter hotel in Raleigh, where Mr. Mull makes his headquarters. Mrs. Mull and daugh ter. Miss Montrose, recently went to Raleigh to spend some time with Mr. Mull. Cox Thinks Jonas Will Get Position Congressman Chas. A. Jonaj is almost certain to be appointed dis trict attorney of Federal court to succeed Thomas J. Harkins, who recently resigned, the resignation to take effect in March. That’S the belief of H. Clay Cox, Cleveland county Republican chairman and manager of the Jonas campaign last | fall. Mr. Cox has been In touch with Republican leaders all over the State and says that the majority cf them are endorsing the Llncoln ton man for the attorneyship. Shoffner Improves Slowly In Florida Mr. R. W. shoffner. former Cleve land county farm agent, who has been ill for some time and is now recuperating at Miami, Florida, is improving very slowly. This infor mation was contained in a message received by friends over the week end. Mr. Shoffner some months ago underwent a tonsil operation and later had influenza. Falling to re cover as rapidly as hoped for, he went to Florida to recuperate. His improvement has been slow but gradual.

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