So He Took the 50,000 Dinars ■ and Her Majesty Smiled Oh, What a Romance for the Handsomest Corporal in the King’s Guard After He Caught the Infant Prince LOVE AND POTATOES Milan Petrovitch, Handiom* Younij Royal Guard, To Win Hi* Pretty Zenit** He Had to Raise 1,000 Quintal* of Spuds. RECENT dispatch from Bel grade gave only brief details j of a highly dramatic episode in the kingdom of Jugoslavia. It con cerned a royal guard who was rewarded for miraculously saving the life of the baby son of the king and queen. In the following article a correspondent of this newspaper tells the real story of the rescue and its amazing sequel. By dr. JOSEF ItOBF.K. BELGRADE. ORPORAL MILAN PETRO VITCH, carrying a long gleam ing sabre, paced the courtyard outside the Summer palace of King Alexander at Dedttaje. He was dream ing of Zenitza, his sweetheart, of Banjalouka, his home, and of the po tato crop that awaited his labors, Suddenly, from the balcony above him, came a cry of terror. It escaped from the lips of Queen Marie, Her two-year-old son. Prince Andreas, had fallen from her arms and tumbled oyer the edge of the balcony toward the marble terrace twenty-five feet below. Corporal Petrovitch forgot his dreams and his sword. Whirling about he threw up his arms and—in that fearful split second he caught the little Prince and saved his life. Thus did the handsome young royal guard become a national hero. The whole of the Scrb-Croat-Slovene State THE QUEEN AND HER PEARLS Queen Marie of JugOtiavia, Holding Prince Tomitiaff (left) and Prince Andrea*, To ward Whom Her Motherly Gale Wat Directed When the Camera Snapped. Queen Marie Wear* Valuable Pearla Around Her Neck—But, Far More Dear to Her, Are These I wo Babies. went mad about him. The king pre sented him with 50,000 dinars in gold ( $10,000 ), the qUcen invited him to be her guest, the dark-eyed ladies of the court honored him with melting glances — and postcard pictures Of him flooded the nation. But in the midst of these great hon ors, all that Corporal Petrovitch could think of were his sweetheart, his home and that potato crop. These factors comprised one of the most unusual rotniantic stories that have come from the smiting banks of the blue Danube, And the peasants of Jugoslavia are telling with relish the story of how one heroic deed made Milan Petrovitch rich artd helped his dream of winning the beautiful Zen it za to come true. I'ntil this episode Milan was known only t—and then to but a few ladies of the court who watched him furtively-— as the handsomest corporal of the king's guard. They did not know, however, that his one ambition was to marry Zenitza, who lived in his native village of Banjalouka. But there w-as a grave obstacle in the path of his desire. Old Gospitch, her father,was-hard and had hi- own ideas a,bout marriage. One of them Was that he would not give Zepitia away until Milan and his folks had raised 1,000 quintals of’po tatoes. \ The potato crop was fine but it needed Milan to harvest it. Three weeks of hard work in the fields—and lire prize his heart longed for would be won! These were the things Corporal Petrovitch was thinking of as he paced the courtyard outside the Summer palace. He was not aware of Queen Marie, who was on the balcony above him, attended by Madame Hadzitch, wife of the Minster of War, Strict at tention to duty and to the formalities of his office forbade him to look up and see She queen trying to quiet little Prince Andreas, who was kicking and twisting in her arms as even the most democratic of infants are. -kick and twist. Three Children of Alexander and Marie of Jugoslavia. Prince Andreas, Who Was Saved from Death, Sits in the Middle. Prince Tomislaff, Seems About to Give a Brotherly Kiss—or Is It a Royal Secret? Anway, Crown Prince Peter, at Left, Is Indifferently Amused. Then he heard the scream, saw the falling baby and caught him while the queen swooned. The prince was not injured, was still kicking, even, when the queen approached Corporal Petro viteh. She thanked him and the young corporal returned to his job as sentinel and to his dreams. Halt' an hour later ho was summoned to the Conditions oj the Iilood and H hot Makes Blood Clot Hr HERBERT I,. IIKBSCHI NSOHN, (Physician and Hurgron) WITHIN a few minutes after blood is shed it undergoes a series of changes and becomes converted into a stiff, jelly-like mass, called a clot. The process starts first from tlie .surfaces where the blood is in contact with any foreign body. Ultimately the whole mass of blood sets solid. After a little while the clot begins to shrink. As it does so a clear yellow colored fluid is expressed from it. This process continues until even tually the clot becomes a firm shrunken body floating on ton of a poo) of serum. \ If a drop of fresh blood is placed' under the microscope and examined, the detailed steps of clotting can be watched. It wiil be noticed that the red blood cells come together in small groups like packages of coins. As they do so, short fine threads, called fibrin, appear between the groups. These threads form a close netw ork which en tangles all the cells in the blood. This causes the blood to set into a gel. Soon afterward the fibers begin to con ’ tract, and as the they have formed is so small the Cells remain im prisoned. The fluid part of the blood Is squeezed out as if from a sponge. This liquid is ciTfled the serum, j Blood cannot clot unless the threads ol fibrin form. This can be demon I -5---■ \— 'Normal ^-position of red blood ■cells, JJ,— Position assume} by red eell* in < lotted blood among the threads of fibrin. stint' d li> whipping ;i quantity of ani mal blood with a sfnali bundle of twijTs. Ih< fibrin, which readily forms, stifles to the yciiT' and is rapidly mrunrd from tho blood. When washed with water we find that the fibrin Is while and stringf; it is rather tough, hut can be stretched, as :t is elastic. Robbed of the fibrin the blood cannot clot now , but remains in the fluid state. Fibrin is not present in the blood as it flows through the vcs-els. It makes its appearance only When blood is shed. Where, then, does it come from? It is believed that fibrin is formed by the action of a ferment upon other invisible substances in the blood in the presence of calcium salts. This ferment is derived from most tissues of the body. This explains the fact that when blood is permitted to flow over cut tissue it clots very rapidly. Why doesn't clotting take place within tile blood vessels" One reason is that tile ferment docs not' make its appearance until the blood is shed, as just explained. Another and very im portant reason i- found in the nature of the surface with which the blood comes in contact The Lining of the blood vessels is perfectly smooth. There is no faetot present which can disturb the plasma and cause the process of clotting to occur. That this is true can ba proven by letting blood into a glass vessel thoroughly and smoothly lined with a layer of paraffin or oil. Blood "will remain there for a comparatively long period in its natural state. How ever, if we permit the blood to come hi contact with rough surfaces, as the cut tissues themselves, or n piece of £UiM:e or cotton, the process of dotting la miitritally hastened king’s presence. Alexander I. young king of all the Serbs, Croats a n cl Slovenes. seemed to be in a bad humor. With a frown he demanded the young guard's name. When it was given, the king said: “You dropped your sword while on guard duty, sir.” “Yes-s-s, your Majesty.” “What explanation have you'.’’’ “N'-none, your Majesty.” But King Alexander knew why. Suddenly he smiled on Petrovitch and then said: ■ '"11 “Corporal Petrovitch heard the Queen'* • tartled cry. Whirling about he dropped hi* sword, threw up hi* arm* and— caught the baby prince a* it tumbled from the balcony.” “Make a wish, Milan Petrovitch. Whatever it is, I shall grant it!” Here, it seemed, was an Aladdin tale come true. The expression of any desire from the humble soldier would have become a royal command. “I have no wish, your Majesty.” “I can make you a lieutenant of the • I SHALL GRANT YOUR WISH* Popular Alexander, I, King of Jugoslavia, Who Said to the Man Whe Saved Hia Baby’* Life: "Make a with and whatever it ia 1 shall grant it.” guards," said the monarch, “or 1 can give you an important position in ths royal household. What is it, man? J must reward you—you hava saved my son’s life.” The guard hesitated. ‘‘With your Majesty’s leave,” he said at last, “I would like to return to mj parents on a three weeks’ furlough.” The king was puzzled and asked what he wanted there. The queen tried to urge him to make a more substantial request. But Milan Petrovitch was still thinking of Zenitza and of the po tato crop. He told the king and queen his story. The monarchs were amazed and then deeply moved. “We shall see what can be done about it,” Raid the queen and the young soldier was dismissed — with more smiles. That same evening Milan was sum moned again before the queen. He was commanded to appear—not in corporal’s uniform, but in a sergeant'* garb. About the throne room were the dark-eyed ladies of the court. Amidst much pomp and splendor Milan Petrovitch was presented with the sum of 50,000 dinars in gold, enough to purchase half of his native village and far more than necessary to melt old Gospitch’s heart. Tha young soldier wanted to refuse tha money, but when the queen reminded him of Zenitza, he accepted it. And then came the unbelievable, the fairy story climax. The king, entering the room, clasped Milan’s hand. The queen reached up and kissed him on both cheeks. “You are to leave for your home tomorrow,” said the king. “And you are not to return to Bel grade until you can bring your wife,” added the queen. Milan Petrovitch broke into tears. The rest of the story need only be imagined—the triumphant return of the young soldier to his home, the final victory over old Gospitch, the return to tile palace with Zenitza the bride, and. . . . They lived happily ever after. “Your Hope for Success Is Within YOU” BE human, cultivate your person ality—-and work! This is the succinct advice to V. F. MKItKII I,. "Don't lie l.olil arul I m per tonal." young mm who would succeed in business, given by William Kessendcn Merrill, president,, of Remington Rami, Inc. It has been his guiding force from the time he began as a clerk in the Li brary liureau Ser vice. after gradu ating from A in li erst, u n t il hr reached the top of one of the nation’s great industrial organixaiions. Mr. Merrill is chiefly a believer in the old, but often disregarded ad monition of hard work. His business philosophy is summed up in the declara tion that duty to the firm lor which you work should be above personal considerations.. Balanced against this rigid code is his belief in the human izution of industry and the constant nee of the personal touch in the most impersonal matters. The story of the rise of this SC-year old head of Remington Rand is an ob ject lesson in his own theories of suc cf*.. His father' was a minister, and most of his relatives had a greater interest in professional matters than in business. Upon his graduation from Amherst he began at the bottom of the business ladder with the old Library Bureau Company. Within ten years he rose to a prominent place in the organization. Later he became pres ident or general manager of several other concerns before joining the Rem ington Rami Company, which three years ago effected a large merger of several independent companies. “One of the great mistakes among many young men in business today,” he says, “is in thinking that they can achieve success merely through spec tacular means Rut success is achieved in the same old-fashioned method— through hard work and conscientious attentiveness to duty. —■—-----1 “The young man who wants to suc ceed—or, at least, it has been my ex perience—must decide, first of all, whether he is prepared to sacrifice time and personal preferences. His work must form a major part of his life. He must be prepared to let everything else go by the board, if necessary. “ 1 his does not mean, however, that ho must lose sight of the human touch. That is a mistake many young men make. It is a fallacy to assume that the man who seeks to rise to the top of the business world must be cold, ruthless and impersonal. Work is u personal matter. Each man in an office or factory has a personal relation to other workers. This factor must not and canftot bo ignored. “It is because of it that the man with a personality has every opportu nity to succeed. So I would advise the young man to cultivate his personality j as well as his ability; to improve his mind, his appearance, his tastes, as well as to improve himself in the work he has at hand. His hope for success i lies within himself.” cuprfJci.t* isse. uiiwa«utv *l JTOirc, l::f. Cre*t lU1U4u lught« &*s«nrt