VOL. XXXVII, No. 9 8 PAGiLS TODAY SHELBY, N. C. WEDNKSD’Y. JAN. 2], 1931 Published Monday. Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. *,*u ,,,r **■'*> . _ f i‘*mer wr rear, tin *dvan«ei itixi LA TE NEW: THE MARKET I Cotton, per lb.__9 to lOo Cotton Seed, per bu. _ 30e Fair And Colder. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Fair tonight and Thursday Colder tonight. Slowly rising tem perature Thursday in west portion Hungry In Riot. Oklahoma City, Jan. 21.—A crowd of men and women shouting they were hungry and jobless raided a grocery store near the city hall hei' yesterday. Twenty-six of th- ieh were arrested. Scores loitered near the city jail after arrests but kept well out of range of fire hose line made ready for use in ease of an other disturbance. The grocery was entered after a delegation of unem ployed had demanded of City Man ager E. M. Fry that city authorities furnish immediate relief. Workmen Here Get Benefits Compensation $21,000 Paid Out In One Year Claims Paid Plus Epemes In Th's County Exceed Premiums Taken In. A report from the St r te Insur ance Department shows that in the irst year of the Workmen's Com pensation Act Cleveland county workmen insured by their firms were paid a total or $21,109 for in juries and mishaps. This totrl does not, Include all self-insured workers who received payments from sourc ■s Other than those under the com pensation act head. According to the report the ag gregate anhuri income of the firtft insured workers on Cleveland coun •>. under the Workmen’s Compen , atlon Act, is $4,028,801. Actual losses paid out, $21,109, ■vent tc the injured workmen and ior medical expenses. Commissions, taxes and expenses in handling the 'nsurance and claims ran the total overhead expense of the insured of 'he county to $35,838, or $291 more ■than the premiums taken in. The complete report for this county, covering the first year of the act—from July 1929 to July 1930 --follows: Losses tObmp. Med' *21.109,00 Agents Commission .17%% 5,873.00 T. C. State Tax ----- 889.00 Adjustable Expense .08% — 2,680.02 Payroll Auditing .01%%:—- 420.09, inspection <& Safety .Q2%% _ 839.03 Home Of. Exp. .0314%_ 2,099.00 '.fotal Losses end Overhead Expense ------_ $33,8S8.00 Total Premium Collected-- 33,577.00 Excess Losses_* 291.00 Ashury Webb Of B. Springs Dead Former Substitute Mail Carrier On Shelby Route 3. Funeral Today. Asbury Webb of Boiling Springs died at 2 o’clock Tuesday morning at tlie home of his mother-in-law Mrs. A. R. Hamrick following an illness of about a week with pneu monia. Mr. Webb and his wife had gone to his mother-in-law’s home a few miles south of Boiling Springs to wait on her during a spell of sickness when Mr. Webb became ill with pneumonia and died there. Deceased was a farmer and car penter and former substitute mall carrier on Shelby Route 3. He was between 65 and 70 years of age and a member of the Boiling Springs Baptist church, The funeral took place this afternoon at 2 o’clock, services being conducted by the pas tor, Rev. J. L. Jenkins. Mr. Webb was married to Miss Vella Hamrick W’ho survives. Farmers Hardware Changes Location The Farmers and Planters Herd ware Co., is moving today into the Royster building on S. LaFayette street to occupy the double front store room formerly occupied by the Acorn Stores, Mr. Henry Massey is manager of this firm which pur chased the hardware business of Lineberger Brothers a number of years ago. The business was found ed about 28 years ago by A. P. Weathers and the late C. T. Hord. Native Of Hollis Community Passes Rutherfordton.—T. Jeff Getty;, 69, died Sunday morning at his home near Hollis following a stroke of paralysis. Funeral services and buriel were held at Big Springs Baptist church Monday afternoon with his pastor, Rev. D. G. Washburn in charge, as sisted by Rev, W, M. Gold. Change Primary Day To Tuesday From Saturday McSwain Introduce* Senate Bill Shelby Sen;; or Would Make Change Asked Hi Newspapers Of State. Raleigh, Ian. 21.—A bill, ( hanging the day of holding the State-w' te primary from Satur day to Tin-day, was introduced in the Senate Wednesday by Senator Peyton .VlcSwain, of Cleveland. The bill merely changes "the first Saturday" in June to "Tne day after the first Monday” in June. Bill;, at previous sessions ha\e been killed b-sra use they moved up the primary from June to Angus* opposed by party leaders on the ground that factions would not nave time to get together belore the ♦.lec tion.' The MeSwaln bill eliminate:; that objection' Another objection is the usual haii-holiday on Saturday, which allegedly tends to brine out ] the vote. j The North Carolina Press As-c ciation has favored the change from Saturday for several years, on the ground, principally, that the press of Saturday work made it the hard est day tiie newspapers have for gathering and presenting the re turns from the primary. They will doubtless support the McSwaih osr. (Note: North Carolina newspaper*, as represented in the N.. C. Press Association, have advocated this change for years so that election of ficials and helpers would not be forced to work on Sunday morning In counting votes and making re turns!) M'ner Injrred When Hit By Auto (Star News Bure^ui) Kings Mountain, Jan. 21.—“Doc’’ Horn, 50-yeir-old minor who live? at. the Pa»r yarn mill in Kings Mountain, was seriously injured 3it urday afternoon at 1 o’clock wVan he was run over by an automobile driven by Join Wells, a fanner who lives on the York road. It was re ported that his injuries consisted of 5 broken ribs, a lung punctured and one broken leg. His condition is con sidered serious. According to eyewitnesses the ac cident was unavoidable, Mr, Horn having stepped out of a car direct ly in the path of Well’s car. Wells was reported as driving about 15 j miles per hour, No arrests were made. The accident happened In front of the postoffice in Kings j Mountain. Postpone Hear’ng For Colored Woman Man Beaten By Woman With Fire j, Shovel Unable To Attend Trial Yet. The hearing scheduled to have j been held in county court this morn- j ins for Gertrude Jeffries, colored! woman, was postponed because the1 chief state witness, J. Y. Green, col- J ored was unable to attend. More than a week ago, it is al leged, the negro woman entered the j home of the man at Boiling Springs and beat him over the head with a heavy fire shovel while he was in bed asleep. He was seriously injur ed and has been a patient in the hospital here. She accused him. of ficers say, of an attempted attack on a girl. Mighty Niagara Bows to the Sands of Time The rushing waters have taken - a sudden toll of the crest of Ni agara Falls; The marked area on this picture of the famed cataract shows where tons of 4 rock crashed from the crest of the falls, breaking away a huge | mass, making a gigantic U» t shaped indentation, forming the greatest change in the contour of the falls in the memory of man. Union Trust In Annual Meeting AH Officers And Directors Are Re F.Iected. t. €. Blanton l« President. At fr»e annua! meeting of the stockholders of the Union Trust company held Tuesday in the di rectors room of the First National bank, all officers were re-elected with the exception of A. P, Weath ers, a director, who resigned because of failing health. A number of the stockholders had encouraging words to say in behalf of the bank and the outlook for thtc year. During the past year the Un ion absorbed the Cleveland Bank and Trust Co. and opened branches at Rutherfordton, Forest City and Caroleen and Mooresboro, adding four units to those already operat ing at Shelby, Lawndale, Fallston and Lawndale, The directors elected for the en suing year are: C. C Blanton, J. T. Bowman, E. B. Hamrick. J. H. Quinn, J. R Dover, J. F. Sclienck, sr., Dr. L. V. Lee. C. C. Hamrick, L. S. Hamrick, C. H. Shull, J. F. Rob erts, George Blanton. Forrest Esk ridge, R. E. Campbell, Wm. Line berger, Z. J. Thompson, H. F. Young. J. L, Buttle, J. A. Buttle and C. Rush Hamrick, Officers are as follows: Chas.”c. Blanton, president, J. T. Bowman, Wm. Lineberger, George Blanton, John F. Schenck, sr., L. V. Lee, E. B. Hamrick, R, E. Campbell, vice presidents and Forrest Eskridge cashier. , 1931 Starts Poorly For Dan Cupid Here Only Two Couples Secure Marriage License Here In 20 Days Of First Month. It may l>e that business will be better during the remainder of the year for Dan Cupid, the match maker, but unless such is the case I9"l will not be a rec ord-breaker in his line. To date, with 20 days of Jan uary gone only two marriage licenses have been issued at the court house here. Thinks Salary Slash To Effect Only Those Above $1,200A Tear; Cat Applies To A ll Public Work Catawba Representative Believes Slash Will Be Modified Soon. Hickory, Jan. 20.—Expressing the belief that the proposed cut of ten per cent in the salaries of public employes and officials throughout North Carolina will receive the sanction of the state legislature, Representative Oscar Pitts told The Record that he thinks, however, that the measure will be modified to ap ply only to salaries of more than $1,200 per year. Representative Pitts spent Sunday in Hickory with his family, return ing to Raleigh for some important conferences today, prior to the re-*, convening of the general assembly this evening. Mr. Pitts says that the salary re duction measure would apply to all public employes and officials—state, county, city, and township. He and a number of other members of (he assembly have been making a fight to exempt school teachers, and he expressed the opinion that a com promise on a $1,200 salary minimum as an exemption basis might prove satisfactory to all. “It does not. seem fair to many of us to force public employes, especial ly school teachers, who are getting less than twenty-five dollaiv per week, to take a cut in pay,” he stated, adding that such drastic ac tion, m his way of looking at it, would do more harm than good. In a conference with Governor Gardner, Saturday. Mr. Pitts stat ed that he and.Supt, R. W. Carver of the Hickory schools, asked the chief executive if the proposed cut in pay was meant to apply to city and county officials and employes as well as to state employes. He reported that Governor Gardner replied that the cut would apply to all persons on the public payroll janywhere hi the state. Low Number Of Guests At Jail Just a few weeks a bo Sher iff Irvin Allen was near II.e place where he had to refuse to register new guests at the county hotel—the jail—where he presides. But limes have changed. Two weeks ago with over 50 prisoners there wasn't a single spare room for unexpected company. Today there are only 15 prisoners, and the jail, says the sheriff, is as hear empty as It has been for months. Church Hearing Bishop's Case To Be Heard By Com mitlee Of 15. Mouron On Group. Washington, Jan. 21.—Hearing of charges filed against Bishop James Cannon, Jr., ol the Methodist Epis copal church, south, by four travel ing elders of his church will com mence In about two » ee’-s by a board of 12 travelling eiders and three bishops, it was learned yes terday on high authority. The hearing will take place In Washington at the Mount Vernon Southern Methodist church, one of the most fashionable churches of that denomination in the nation's capital. Bishop W. N. Aimsworth of Macon, Ga., has.requested two other Southern Methodist bishops to act with him in presiding over the hear ing of the charges filed with him last September. To >1 our on Invited. The two churchmen invited to join Bishop Ainsworth in presiding over the hearings, it. was reported, were Bishop Kdwin Dubose Moiucn of Charlotte, and Bishop U. V. W. Darlington, of Huntington, W, Va. It will be the duty of these bishops to conduct the hearings, while the 12 traveling ciders will determine whether the charges have sufficient substance to require the suspension of Bishop Cannon, tnd placing him on trial before a conference of the church. At the same time, it also was re vealed. Bishop Cannon may be re quired to face again a senatorial committee to answer questions as to what disposition he made of $65. 300 he received for political cam paign purpose' in 192R from E. C. Jameson of New York Nye May Act. Under a resolution adopted today by the senate, the Nye senatorial campaign investigating committee was authorized and directed "to in vestigate any complaint made be fore such committee by any respon sible person or persons alleging the Violation at any time within two years preceding the creation of the committee of any provision of the federal corrupt practices act in volving a false statement oi cam paign expenditures or fraudulent conversions cf money, with the ne cessary witnesses to determine the facts. The committee last week was appropriated $50,000 additional for expenses and its tenure was contin ued until 1932 Arrives In I'nba. Mr. and Mrs. John S. McKnighl have received a cablegram stating that their son, Johnny McKntght, arrived safely in Havana, Cuba, Saturday. Mr! McKnight, able young newspaperman, will be with Hit Associated Press bureau there. Blind Minister Coming To City Dr, R. G. Of Virginia, To Conduct Evangelistic Meet ing Here. One oi the South's greatest de votional ministers and evangelists. Dr, R. G. McLees,, of Chatham. Va., will conduct a series of evangelistic services at the First Presbyterian church here, beginning Sunday, Feb ruary 22. The services, according to Rev. H. N. McDiarmld. the Presbyterian pas tor. will continue for 10 days or two weeks. Widely Known. Dr. McLees Is blind, but despite this handicap he is one of the best known evangelists in the Presbyter ian church. Mrs. Mary Richard Of Lawndale Passes Died In Shelby Hospital of Pneu monia. Funeral Today. Bury At Palm Tree. Mrs, Mary Richard, aged 46 years, of Lawndale, died in the Shelby hospital at Id o'clock Monday night of pneumonia. She had been sick for a week with pneumonia, following a general weakening of her body. Be fore marriage Mrs. Richard wa Miss Mary Wallace. Her husband William Richard and five children three sons Garland, Bill and T. B Richard and two daughters, Irene and Ruth Richard survive, together with the following brothers and sis ters, Charlie, Tal, Cliff, Brack Wal lace; Mrs. Cliarlie Elliott. Mrs. Mark Canipe and Mrs. Parrott Williams. Funeral services were conducted this afternoon at 2 o'clock at Lawn dale by Rev. J M. Morgan and in terment followed at the Palm Tree church cemetery, Streets Here Full Of Flying Skaters Skating Fad At Its Greatest Height In Shelby Now. lTse Sidewalks. (The skating fad Is at Its greatest pitch in Shelby just now with the streets filled with scores of young boys and girls flitting in and out among pedestrians. The skating craze began just after Christmas, thanks to the many pairs of skat?s brought along by Santa Claus, and has gained momentum as the weeks have passed by. Scores and scores of colored chil dren spend the day skating as well as a large number of White chil dren. The constant-skating in the uptown section, particularly around the court square, has brought inly one criticism from citizens and that is that the skaters should not be permitted to u$e the sidewalks In ihe main business section or whore pedestrian traffic is heavy. Young skaters should be warned, too, many citizens think, not to skate In streets where there is eevn occasion al motor traffic so that no injifries or fatalities will result. SETTLE MOVES HATCHERY FROM HIS FORMER STAND The Suttle Hatchery, formerly lo cated in the Thompson building, West WarrCn street, has been mov ed into the Judge Webb building at the rear of Quinn’s drug store. S. Washington street. The first hatch in the new location will be ready in February, i Wickersham Backs Dry Law Not For Repeal Ask Further Trial For Prohibition llmivfr Support* IJrv Stand Six Of Blown Favor Some Chan***. Washington, Jan.' 21.—The long- i debated .report of the wtekersham commission, broadly upholding con stitutional prohibition but leaving the door ajar for basic revision, was put on the crowded calendar of a divided congress yesterday by Presi dent Hoover. The president agreed with the commission that the dry amend ment should not be repealed. He disagreed with a suggestion that re vision might lie the la tter part of wisdom. He pointed out to the law makers that all the commissioners favored large expansion of enforce ment facilities and said he hoped congress would consider that at some appropriate time. In private opinions expressed two of the eleven' favored repeal and four desired modification, but all united In asking additional trial with more force. Proposes Referendum, Senator Borah of Idaho, and ad vocate of prohibition, said repeal a\ February. In three months time Sheriff Irvin Allen ha* collected practi cally one-half of Cleveland county's near half million dollar tar levy. To date taxpayers of t he county, the sheriff soys, have paid in ap proximately $235,000 The levy is around I490.0CO. Penalty Soon. This ts the last month in which county taxes can be paid without Incurring the penalty fixed by the state. After February t there will be a penalty of one per cant on alt county taxes. In order to avoid tats penalty the sheriff expects quite a portion of the remaining half of the unpaid levy to be paid during January. Barber Shop Opened In Hotel Building The Willis berbtu- shop, owned by Mr. J G Dudley, formerly located under the Wool worth store, has been moved to the Hotel Charles build ing and will lie known as the Chail es barber shop It is located In the room, on West Warren street, for merly occupied by the Nightengale beauty shop. Mr. Howard Bridge j manages the shop for Mr. Dudley.; who is in the plumbing business, and Messrs. D. L. Willis and J. H. Wright, are barbers associated with the shop. Shelby Man Present At Greensboro Meet Mr. D. W. Royster, of Shelby, was one ot the members attending the annual meeting of the board "of di rectors of the North Carolina Rail road company yesterday at Greens boro. The directors declared a divi dend of seven percent for the year, or $280,000 on the four million dal lar capital siock. three million of which is owned by the State. Last December Coldest In N. C. Since 1917; Temperature Below Normal; Soil Aided By Big Snow First, December In 27 Years That Temperature Did Not Reach 70. Raleigh, Jan. 21.—North Carolina experienced its coldest December since 1917 last month, Lee A. Den son, United States weather bureau, reported today. The weather dur ing October, November, and De cember has been the coldest in 13 years, Mr. Denson said. The monthly mean temperature was 38.3 degrees, or 4.1 below nor mal, and it was the first December in 27 years that the temperature has not risen above 70 degrees. The reason for the month as a whole averaging colder than any December since 1917, Mr. Denson said, was due to steadiness of cold and absence of mild spells rather than occurrence of unusually cold periods, The number of clear and cloudy days were equally divided and pre cipitation averaged slightly above normal, with a rainfall heavier in the east than m the west. Snow on the 17th was “very heavy*' in the northern portions of the Piedmont and mountain region, and was mixed with sleet in the eastern and southern counties. Damage from the sleet was very Slight except for a small area east and south of Goldsboro, the weath er man said. Oxford, Asheboro. High Joint, Salisbury and Hickory had 15 or more inches of snow. Shelby had 37 inches and 20 inches or more was reported at Reidsville. Winston Salem, Elkin, Mount Airy and'Park er. The snowfall was beneficial in soaking the soil, Mr. Denson said, and increasing stream flow and the cold weather has been favorable for CONXHtCtO Oh FAGS'. SiUitl J Cotton Dresses On Display Model Bark-To-Cutton Movftnrnt Her« Or»W» Out l,arge Delegation Loral Women. tf the enthusiasm shown at. the first - buck-to-cotton movement meeting of Shelby clubwomen hen Monday Is sustained, then King Cotton is headed for better days. The gathering of scores of wom en, interested in the cotton move ment was held in the Woman’s club room and called by Mrs. John W. Harbison, Woman's club presi dent, for the purporse of hearing Mrs. W. D Anderson, of Gastonln, on the real economic value, of ‘ more usage of cotton-made goods. Support Idea. So convincing was Mrs Ander son’s talk that at the conclusion of the speech all the women present pledged themselves, by rising, to wear and use more cotton-made Hoods, including dresses, hosiery and ‘liter articles of apparel. Mrs. Anderson very adriotly point ed out that, the future of this sec- * t Ion depends to a great extent upon I he cotton industry, "There Is not a woman present," she said, “who is not dependent to a certain extent upon the cotton Industry In one phase or another. If cotton Is to sell for a decent price, if the manu facturing plants are to operate reg ularly, then there must be a market for cotton goods, and there can be no market, for them except the law of demand on the part of the wom en of the country.” She also explained that modern cotton hose end cotton garments are far different from the old con ception of those things. Cotton hos iery was displayed at the meeting to show that in appearance It equals silk and has, it was said, bet ter wearing qualities. Another feature was the model ling of cotton dresses by Mrs. Stove Barnwell, of Gastonia. Short talks endorsing the move ment and urging the women of this entire section to co-operate were made by the following women: Mrs. C R. Hoey, Mrs, F. R. Morgan, Mrs. J. H. Hull, Mrs. B. T. Falls, Mrs. Irma Wallace, Miss Louise Gill, and Mrs. Separk ,the latter of Gastonia. Fashion Show Coming. Due to the enthusiasm and inter est shown It was announced that Miss Grace Walton, of the cotton textile institute, wall be in Shelby within the next two weeks to put on a fabric display or fashion show. It is the same display recently put on at the Hotel Astor in New York City. Presbyterian Men Will Meet Shelby Minister Presides At Synod Conference At Greensboro Thursday, Friday. Twelve men from the Shelly. Presbyterian chiAch and the pastor, Rev. H. N. McDiarmid, will be in Greensboro Thursday and Friday of this week to attend the conference of men of the Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina. Rev Mr. McDiarmid Is head of the men’s work in the synod and will preside at the two-day session. Some of the South's best known church leaders are on the program. Among them are Dr. William M. Andersons, of Dallas: Dr, John M. Vander Meulen, of Louisville; Dr. J Layton Mauze, of Kansas City; Hon W. M. Everett and Dr. J. Ed win Purcell, of Atlanta; Dr. A. D. P. Oilmour. of Wilmington; Dr. J. D. Eggleston, president of Hampden Sidney, and others. The conference opens Thursday morning and continues until Friday noon. j Among Shelby men who will at tend, leaving early Thursday, are: I Messrs. J. S. McKnight, L. P. Hol land, B. A. Letter, C. B, Alexander, :W. A McCord, Hugh M. Arrowood, Harvey S. White, M. H. Randolph, ;J. O. Corbett, L. A. Gettys, Rev. A. C. Miller and Dr. Tom B. Mitchell. Shelby Aviator To Visit Mother Soon Dick, Dudley, son of Mis. J. G. Dudley, who is taking an aviation course in Texas, ,will be home soon on a visit. Young Dudley has com pleted his training for a commer cial pilot’s license, and hopes, after Ills visit home, to secure employ ment with some aviation firm so that he may get the necessary fly inr; hours far recel”** his transport license.