Toluca And Knob Creek Gleanings Rev. W. G. Comp Fills Pulpit. M» A. T. Mull Goes to Hospital. Missionary Society Meets. 'Special to The Star.) Toluca, Jan 21 - Regular prea h tag services a ere held at Carpen ters Drove 'ast Saturday p. in., and Sunday a. m A very large crow 1 was present despite the rough weather and bad roads Rev W Cl. Camp delivered u wonderful sei mon on "Neglect." His sermon v.?u based on a part of the book of Ne hemiah. Officers and teachers were elected for she comtng year, r*. old teachers were elected to serve another year Miss Mary Ledford was elected secretary - as our former secretary Mrs Estelle Vickers, mov - ed to Shelby The Woman s Missionary soclecv met Saturday p. nr. Just after the preaching service and rendered an excellent program. We are sorry to note that one Of our oldest members Mr. A. T. Mull left last Tuesday for the Baptist hospital at Winston Salem where he will undergo a serious operation. II* was accompanied by Dr. Zeno Wall Of Shelby Misses Tma Carpenter and Selma Propst of Boiling Springs college spent the week end at their homer; Misses Mary and Lilly Willis and HOSIER* HOSPITAL. Inc (Of Cbarteit* N C.I Bniirb M ■ j Mrs. Harmon's Hemstiteliieg Shop I (t)n«ief I'liopoUie 8bou> UoelW i»od Knitted Goodf Keiltlj Rriiiiirrd, I Alt tofco Mast n Laundered. t 666 LIQUID or TABLETS Cure Colds, Headaches, Fever 0 6 6 SALV E CURES BABY’S COLD YIELD TO CHINESE HERB Don't Buffer another minute from filiad. Itching, protruding or bleed* ng piles without testing the newest and fastest acting treatment out Dr. Nixon’s Chlnarold, fortified Witt rare, imported Chinese Herb, with amnxlug power to reduce swollen tissues, brings ease and comfort in a few minutes, enabling you to work and enjoy life while it continues its acothlnfr, healing action. Don’t do lay. Act in time to avoid a danger* pus and costly operation. Try Dr. Nixon’s China-old under our guar antee to satisfy completely and ha Worth IPO times the smuD coat or yojf R«yyf. BUTTLE S DRUG STORE. Children like this Safe Prescription Coughs And Sore Throat Relieved Almost Instantly Stop children's coughs and sore throats before these ailments lead to dangerous Ills. Use Thoxlne. a doctor's famous prescription which brings relief within 15 minutes, yet contains no harmful drugs. Thoxlne works on a different ■ principle. It Las a quick, double action—it. relieves the irritrtlon and goes direct to the internal cause Ideal for all children because it is nleasant tasting end easy to take— not a gargle. Ask for Thoxlne put up read-- for use in 35c. 60c, and $1.00 bottles. If you are not satis fied your money will be refunded. Sold by Suttle's and all other good drug stores. iadv.» PILES constipation I had a stubborn cast' of constipation after a very severe spell of grip,” says Mr. John B. Hutchi son, of Neosho, Mo. "When I would get consti pated, I'd feel so sleepy, tired and worn-out. "When one feels thia way, work is much harder to do, especially farm work. I would have dizry headaches when I could hardly see to work, but after I read of Black Draught, I began taking it. I did not have the headache any more. "When I haVe the slug gish, tired feeling, I take a few doses of Black Draught, and it seems to carry off the poison and I feel just fine. I use Black Draught at regular inter vals. It is easy to take and I know it help# me.” This medicine is com posed of pure botanical roots and herbs. Womin who need a tonic should take CilMtl Used over JO years Wilma Mitcham spent last Sunda,' with Miss Merrill Edwards. Mr. and Mrs Marvin Ledford oi Gastonia were dinner guests at the home of thel- uncle and Aunt Mr and Mrs Plato Ledford. Miss ilene Bingham spent last Saturday night with Miss Vaunelta Bovies. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Houser of Lin coln county • pent the week end with Mrs. Houser's parents Mr. and Mrs S H. Sain. Mr and Mrs C O Boyles and lit | tie daughter Bonny Lee, motored to Morganton last Sunday to the home ol Mr and Mrs. MeOlme Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Costner and children of Double Shoals and Mr and Mrs. Bert Sain were dinner truest* at *he home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sam on last Sun day. . Mr Carroll Mull and a Rlrl friend Miss Olive Ci'nntnRburg from Char lotte. spent Sunday with his moth er Mrs. D. M. Mull. ; Mr. A D.' .Willis', returned home last Sunday after .-.pending the week at the home of his daugnter Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eaker of Dallas Miss Clara Williams of Fallaton, spent last Sunday with Miss Minnie Mull. Little Miss Sybil Norman of Bel wood spent last Monday with Uttl; M|ss Bonnie Lee Boyles. Mr. and Mrs. T; J Vickers of Sh; - by spent the week end with 'Mrs Vickers parents Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Carpenter. Mr. and Mis W. K. Young visit ed at the home of his brother Mr and Mrs. Charlie Young ot Shelby ! Sunday alternodh, T" rinitv-C ommur>itv News Of The Week ProKram Held at Home ot Mrs Lovelare. School, Children Have German Measles. (Special to The star.) Trinity, Jan 2L-—The W. M. U. held Its regular monthly meeting ai the home of Mrs. E B. Lovelace on Monday afternoon and an Interest ing program was rendered on “file Challenge of Unfinished Tasks.” The senior B Y, P. U Is to ren der a program at Pleasant Ridge church next Bunday evening at To luca. Those on the sick list at this writ are Miss Mary Bridges, Mr. and Mi s. K. D; N Jolley and Mrs. Claude Bostic and Mrs. N. C. Jolley. Quite a number of the school t'h‘1 drcn have beer. having German measles and caused our attendance to be bad foe the past two weeks Mrs. Henry Cash of Boiluv) Springs has been supplying for Miss Bitffcerstaff, tiie piimaiy teacher who was sick last week Mr. and Mrs. George Humphries of No. 1 township are spending this week with their daughter Mrs. S J. McCIunney hert*. The Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Corrie Beason included: Mr. and Mrs. Crawford of Cliffside and Mr and Mrs. Austell Lovelace, M'sse. Ruby and Mary Alice Lovelace and Miss Lois Bridges of this commun ity. Mrs. J A. Holllfleld spent a few days of last week with Mrs. Cla'^e (Wilson of Cliffside. Mr .and Mrs. M. M. Jones and family and Miss Ollle Bridges weie the spend-the-day guests of Mrs. , Mosteller of the Prospect commun ity The members of the Junior B. Y, P. U surprised their leader Miss Irma Bridges with a party last Sit urdav night Mr. and Mrs Gaston Skinner and children have been visiting rela tives In this community. Mr and Mrs. Paul Bridges gave a beautiful dinner party Saturday ev ening honoring Mr. and Mrs. Aus tell Lovelace. Not a New Complaint. When Noah sailed the well-known blue. He had his troubles same as you. For days and days he drove the Ark, Before he found a place to park. TRt'STrr.'S SALE. i First Published In Cleveland Star, Jan uary: IS. 1931.1 By virtue ot the power of sale contain ed in » certain deed ot trust executed by Mrs Claudia Sleuman Abernathy and husband, R. M Abernathy to me as trus tee, securing an Indebtedness to Clarence D. Spangler, said deed of trust being re ordrd in book 1S3. page 28s of tc regis ter's office of Cleveland county. North Carolina, and default having been made In the payment ot said indebtedness and having been called upon to execute the trust. (. as trustee will sell at 12 o'clock M, on Mouday. February Kith, t#Sl at the court house door la Shelby. N C ior cash to the highest bidder, subject to two prior deeds of trust held by the She] by Building and Loan Association. Shel by. N. c . and recorded in book 15J. page 305. and book 148, page 28*. of the ceg .star's office of Cleveland county. N. C also, subject to any and all taxes and prior liens and encumbrances, the fol .owing described real estate: Located in No. a township Cleveland rounty. N. C.. In the town of Shelby: Be ginning at a stake at the intersection oi jastsldc road and Buttle street, and runs thence with EasUstde road N 3Vj w 1041 feel to a stake, corner of lpt No 11, thence with line of lot No. It west 110 feet to h stake, corner of lot sold to J H. Whit worth and wife. Eva Mary Whitworth thaace with Whitworths line S. 2h> E 100 feet to the north edge of Suttie streei thence with North rdge of Buttle street east HO feet to the beginning, being the property conveyed to Clyde Short and Wife Alda Short by Y. M. Gladden and wile ■ithei J- Gladden by deed dated January 38. 1928, and recorded In the office ol register of deeds tor Cleveland county, h C.. in book 3-Q at page 1j4. to which reference Is hereby made The purchaser, tn order to secure > rood title, will have to pay. In addition tc his bid. all taxes and prior liens and en umbraneea. This Januarv 18th. 1931. P. CLEVELAND GARDNER. Trustee -it Jtm ltic Lattimore News Of Current Week Double Header Basketball Games Wan. Calton Child Has Pneumonia, (Special to Tile Star.) T.nttiniore, Jan, 2.-The Lattlmore basketball teams won a double head- j er Tuesday night. The boys team: won a game over Belwood and the I girls won one over the Polkvillej girls In the gym at Lattlmore Mr. and Mrs. W. C Lynch were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and | Mrs. Broadus Hamrick. Ill With Pneumonia. Little Aubrey Calton. Jr., has been j very til for several days with pneu-1 monia but Is Improving nicely now ; Mr, James Rayburn entered school j id Bolling Springs college Tuesday.! Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Harrlll of' Bostic spent the day Sunday with; Rev. and Mrs. I. D. Harrill. Friends of Mrs. Onnle Smith will j be g’ad to note that she is able to j meet her classes again. Miss Maude Morehcad has been teaching for Mrs, Smith during her Illness. Edward Harrlll. little son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Harrlll is very | rick with pneumonia. . Mrs. W C. Harrlll. Mrs. Elizabeth Harrill and little daughter, Madge and Mr. Wade Harrill visited Mrs. | Martha Wright at Mooresboro Sat urday night. Miss Candace Rayburn has been unable to attend school two days this week on account of illness Miss Thelma Horn taught in her absence. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Humphries spent the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Carl Jolley. Mr Charles Callahan of Boiling Springs spent the week-end with Mr,, J. Z. Walker. Miss Donnls Cold, who teaches In S the Hickory high school spent the I week-end with her sister, Mrs. L. C Toms. | Those spending the day Sunday With Mr and Mrs. John Blanton |were: Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Ellis, Of • Blacksburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruno ; Hamrick of Bolling Springs. Mrs. Fred Washburn is teaching j in the l attlmore school this week fin the absence of Miss Elsie Orders i Mr. and Mrs. Shufford White and 1 children of the Dobbins community j spent the day Sunday with Mr. and j Mrs, Amos Cooper. I Mrs. N B. Lee spent the day Sunday with her sister. Miss Madge | Sperling, who was ill at Bolling ! Springs college Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher Walker j moved Into Mr. W. S. Walker’s house last week. Inquiries About Man Walking Like Bear Ripley Asks For Data On Deformed Person At Elizabeth City. Elizabeth City—Mayor-fire Chief Jerome B. Flora of this city has received an inquiry from Robert L. Ripley in search of material for his “Believe It or Not ’ cartoon features, which reads as follows: j "I have recently learned that a man j by the name of John Williams of | your city walks like a bear. I should l like to use this in my "Believe It or Not” cartoons aud therefore should j appreciate your verification of the above, also a photograph of Wil liams, showing just how he walks." Many people of this city remem ber thenegro known as “Bear Man" who lived here about 22 years ago. He was known as Horace Williams and he walked about on his hands and feet, much as a bear. His legs were very short and it is said by those who knew him. that he was born without knee joints and due to deformity, his lower limbs ter : ruinated In nubs, somewhat resetn ! bllng the feet of a bear. When sta t ionary he could raise himself to a standing position by holding on to some object and could take a tew steps standing upright, but if hr had more than a few steps to take, he always walked on ail fours. It is said that the family moved away a number ot years ago to Virginia and it is reported that Williams died about 10 years ago. NOTH'*, Ot ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OK UK ,41 ESTATE. Under and by v (Hue of an order of the superior ruurt of Cleveland county, N. C . made in eneclal proceeding, entitled "C. S’ McBwain, administrator of Ath T. Kills, deceased, et al., vs. J. D. Ellis, minor de .eudant,’ I will sell to the highest bid der, subject to the terms of sale herein alter set forth, on the premise* of jttie said A tit T. Blits, deceased, tn No. 3 town ship. one-half mile south of Patterson -iprrngs. N. C., on» Monday, February 2nd 1981, at 11 oclock a m , or within legal hours, the following described real estate, (o -wli: Lying and being tn No. J township Cleveland county, N. C,, and described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning al a stane pile near the oranch, R. J Neal's comer, and runs thence with his line and Joe Blits' line south SI-40 W. 2053 feet to an Iron slak( in Patterson Sprmgs-drover road, the same being Joe Ellis and R. J Neal's cor ner: thence with Neal's line south 84 W 581 .6 feet to an iron stake, Lowery's and Neal's corner, thence with Lowery’s line N 3.35 W 931 feet to Lowery s and J. W Ellis corner, thence with Ellis’ line and the east edge ot. said road south 38-10 E 726 feet to an Iron stake on the east edge of road, same being J W. Ellts corner; thence with his line N 28-30 B. 1884.5 ft. to "a stone, his corner In NeaJ's line; thence with Neal s line 8. 64-40 E, 333 feet to the beginning, containing 20.4 acres, more or less,. Terms of sale One-half cash on da# o' sale, balance, payable 12 months from said date, deferred payment bearing Interest ai 8 percent per annum, with the privilege of purchase to pay off la full and receive deed at once after confirmation of sale This the 31st day of December 1930. C F MeSwain. Administrator of Atb T. Bths. dee d. Bynum E Weathers. At tv «> jan 3c Nobody’s Business CEE McGEE— flat rock locals. a wedding of mutch intrust to ail concerned was hell at the residence of the hribe’s father and mother, mr. and mis. jim tindall, on mul berry avvynue last frtday evening betwixt 7 and 8 and the following boy and girl was joined in the bands of holey mattrimoney by the pas ture of the bribe’s mother, mr. joe hurtshog and miss Jennie lou aims, all of this place. hiLsk Jennie lou wore a becoming dress of creep machine which was shipped In by sears and robuck for 3$ and c98. and her nice hat was allso agreeable to the cullar skeem, which was running ivy inter speer sed with queen annie roses which was growed in her grammaws back yard, and she allso had on a tully shawl a gift from her distant aunt! by marrldge, who now lives In gorgy. ::he had a job teeching school here in the 4 grade, but she was turned off by the bored onner count of get ting married. the groom, mr. hartshog, was the ninth child (not counting the 7 which dide in infantcy) of jhon hartshog and h}s first wife, and Is a world-war vet ran and is drawing 125$ a month for Injuries received while In the service at augusta, georgy. tt seems that he was gassed or something down there, this will make him and his wife lnder pend ent of school teeching. he will as sume a prominent job with the standard oil on his return from his honneymoon one day next week, they plan to go as far as florldy on this trip if his tires holds out. a pocketbook was found on main street last week and a notis of same was put in the flat rock bugle, and sammie gray, who picked it up, has alreddy had 24 diffrent people claim it as theirs, but he neverr has told anny of them that the sed pocket book is a bull durram tobacker sack, and natcherally they dll say brown leather or green leather or yeller leather, they have disccribed the monney they lost all the way from c"5 to 84$, but sammie says that there was only 2$ and c25 in it and he has done spent that. the out house back of mr. and nibs, jerry smith's barn ketched on fire about dusk last sadday night and tt looked once like It was going to be a conflergatlon, but it was finely put out by billle smith, who happened to be close by It is sup posed to have ketched from a ciga rette while he throwed down in the pile of cattylogs which was laying on the floor in one corner, the fire company made a quick run with his 2 buckets, but lie was not needed, that makes the filth fire In our lit tle town since Januwary the 1. but all of them had insurance except the smiths, unr. editor, rite or foam and let me know If my peaces Is long enuff or not.) yores trulie. mike Clark, rfd. Night Clubbing. Nothing would do Cousin Bill un less I drive out in the country to his house and go possum hunting some night. I am sure I had more sense than to undertake such a fool thing, but my wife said—"You must Don’t let a cough wear you out. Relieve it at once with Re.ipinol. It soothe* the raw spot, brings up the mucus, stops the cough 1 50c at all drug stores. be getting old, don't want to enjoy a little sport." That was the sfraw. I chose last Saturday night for that hunt. It seemed to be mighty fine possum weather. The keen, bit ing wind was from the east, and; the North Star was as bright as the Farm Board, and the Milky Way had practically turned to clabber, and that foretold good possum news. They dearly love to ramble about on nights like that. I got to Cousin Bill's house about 6 o’clock, and sat around, thinking, of course, that supper would soon be ready. About 7; 30, Cousin Bill belched a lew times and said: ‘Them ham and eggs and sausages I had for supper ain’t setting well with me.” I asked him what time he ate supper: he said—“We allers eat supper before sunset.” That made me sick all over. After I was just about ready to go to sleep (10:30 p. m.), Cousin Bill made the statement that it was about time for possums to begin to prowl around for simmons anso forth, and suggested that we light out. He called his 3 old dogs, and out we lit. I asked him if he was* sent going part of the way in the car, and he said—"No, old fogy, come on.” We walked down through his 199 acre pasture, crossed 6 wire fences, entered a corn field and then turn ed to the left. I asked Cousin Bill to wait a minute till I tied my 2 shoes and pulled some briars and thorns out of my legs and hips. But he strutted right on at about 45 miles per hour. I hollered at him and asked him If there weren't some possums in his own state? (We were 23 miles from his home by midnight.) About 3:30 Sabbath morning, aft er we had roamed through 7 differ ent townships, Jumped 876 gullies, waded through 56 big swamps, been hit in the face by 9,999 sapplings that Cousin Bill had turned loose, and torn two-thirds of my clothes off, old Towser barked, and Cousin Bill shot towards that bark like a How Did Know? So watchful of the family’* welfare. She anticipates their needs and their pleasures. On crisp, cold mornings you u find her cheer fully serving the finest pancakes that ever came off a griddle, with the most delicious syrup made — Golden Cro w n — t h e syrup supreme with the true Southern flavor. At Beet Cruetre Everywhere Steuirt. Son A Co'„ Inc., Baltimtre. H<1 FREE ROOK of Southern Recipea Sent on Regueat. Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 75m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, we can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving freight and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MO. NT HOLLY, N. C. mllet and left me In the dark. I finally found him and the other dogs. It was a polecat. We dlddent ee him, but that's what she was. Ve hunted on till I ought to have ieen getting ready for church. We ailed to shine any possum eyes, or :ven strike his scents X had lost 32 jounds, and had worn-out my best ilothes and shoes. My tongue was tanging out and I diddent care vhether I lived or died: I got home it last and went to bed, and woke tp in time to go to work Monday nornlng. Half of the fools of our rountry are in the acylum, and the )ther half is off somewheres hunt ng possums "for sport.” I insulted >very customer we had that beauti ful Monday morning. Duke Law School Adds I0.0C0 New Books To Library Durham, Jar 22.-1116 number of volumes in the library of the Duke university law school has nearly doubled during the past five months having been increased from 12156 early in August to 22,422 on Janu ary 1, according to the report of W R. Roalfe, law librarian. Over 2,000 volumes have been re • reived each month and consls'ent progress In the acquisition of new oooks Is expected to continue. Bar association eports have been ac quired in large numbers, swelling from 96 volumes in August to 730 at the present time While some of the reports collections are still in complete they will be constantly enlarged. Plans for 'he law library call f"r its enlargement to approximately 40.000 volumes during the next twt years. The library stacks have a ca* pacity for approximately 60.000 vol umes. In collaboration with Miss L"cile Elliott, librarian of the law school at University oi North Carolina, ar rangements have been made for the exchange of duplicate volumes. Ah a aeginntng the Duke law library haa received a number ol interesting texts in early editions and a set ol Howards Practice Reports, New York, have ;een sent to the l$w li brary on the campus at Chapel H\U, This policy will be of consider tb.e mutual value as time goes on, »« ts pointed out, as the purchase of whole libraries end the receipt ol ■ifts makes -owe duplication un avoidable. This only one aspect oi the cordial -eiationship existing b tween the two libraries, as each has extended a welcome to faculty net students of he other university to avail thmselves- of the facilities of the respective libraries. WEE BIG PLANT CATALO F’lnts Beautify Your Home— This Is the planting season. Plant rose*, scrubs, evergreens Big free plant cnt e'og will help you plan groupings. Thousands of sturdy, healthy plants to th.oa5a from. Plaice your home a garden spot. Write TODAY for catalog. FRUIT1.AND NURSEP'ES \-Z P. O. DRAWER SI* AUGUSTA, GA. CSTAftliVMtl v l«5» ^ WHERE ECONOMY RUIIS At A Special Price For This Week Only GRANDMOTHER’S PAN ROLLS The Butter Awarded First Prize at the Na tional Butter Convention. Sold Exclusively at A. & P. Stores. SUNN YFIELD — FANCY BUTTER 3 POUND Doz. 6c Lbs. $1.00 _:_34c ANN PAGE — PURE FRUIT PRESERVES ft. 23c Mello Wheat Pure Wheat Farina Pkg. 15c Pinto Beans Lb. 5c Blackeye Peas 4 Lb. 25c FANCY BLUE ROSE RICE 6 i‘» 25c Sunsweet Prunes 2 Lb ,.n«- 19c A. & P. PLAIN OR SELF-RISING FLOUR 12 - POUND 24 - POUND 98 - POUND 37c 69c $2.69 (EACH BAG GUARANTEED) BAKING POWDER Red Front lb. Can 19c CHEESE — WHOLE MILK — HELD — lb 21c COCOA — IONA BRAND 2 Pound Can___ 19c SPARKLE gelatin dessert 3 Pkgs. 20c MILK Whitehouse Evaporated 3 Large Cans 20c P. & G. or OCTAGON SOAP 3 Cakes 10c PRODUCE SPECIALS LETTUCE — Head_ CELERY — Stalk_ CARROTS — 2 Bunches ___ GRAPEFRUIT — O £ 6 For.. ZDC ORANGES — *■ Each .. 1C MARKET SPECIALS FAT BACKS — 3 Pounds _ tJORK LOIN, ROAST or CHOP — Pound __ BEEF ROAST — Pound___ Kingan’s Sliced Breakfast Q® Bacon — Pound__ C MACKEREL . 25c . lrc 17ic STEAK — LB. mc THE ORLAI ATD ANTBC f P/ CIFIC co

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