B—-!9 20,000 People Read Star Want Advs-The Cost Is Small; Results Good Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad <25e. This size type l cent pet word each insertion. This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type iic per word each insertion. JO. TAYLOR S TAXI SERV ce, located with Sellers Shoe Shop, jhone 602—night phone ,600. Shoe •epairlng at new low prices. Sellers 3hoe Shop, in the building recently racated by Ohas. A. Hoey, North La fayette street. tf 21c PINK IRON AND METAL CO teh usea auto parts ten ail makes it cars Highest cash prices paid toi all kinds ot iunk and wrecked cars Trade Alley, rear ot Kendall Medl jlne Co.. Phone 580 tl 2t ANY MAKE RADIO REP Alli ed. Parts lor all makes. Mauney Radio Service S. Washington St., Phone 518. 12t 15c ] 1 ' R ! .ENT 6 ROOM BRICK j SUngalow. Phone 766-J. 6t-}4c ; ~FOR ~RENT? FIVeT ROOM ‘ house on Wect Warren St. All con veniences. Nat Bowman. tf 21c SPECIAL PATES FOR RECIU lars. We solicit your patronage. Give us a trial, monthly rataes. Satisfac tion 01 no pay Green Lantern £ea ] Room. 3-21i | for rentTfurnished BED rooms with steam heat. Mrs. Ellen B. Switzer. Phone 669. 12t 16p FOR SALE: TWO BEAGLE RAB blt clogs. Josh Crowder, R-l, Latti rnore. 3t 21p SALESMEN WANTED— LOCAL man only to work Shelby and sur rounding counties, calling on mer chants and business concerns or.ly Established fine. Apply MER CHANTS INDUSTRIES, INC,, Be* 102, Dayton, Ohio. It 23p *~F~ WILL GIN ^COTTON ONE more day only, January 28. R. L. Shuford, near Polkville. - 2t 23p FOR SALE: FINE REGISTERED Jersey bull. Age 18 months. Easy handled. Will exchange for dairy Cows. N. L. Whicnant, R-5, Shelby. 2t 21p "two, three or four horse farm wanted with stock furnbhed. Have good force, four plow hands and good hoe force. Can give good reference and agreeable. Anyone replying please call or write to C. It. Bowen, Shelby R-2, near Mount Sinai church In Broad River Aca demy school section. 2t 21p FOR SALE: ONE UPRIGHT three H. P. boiler and one A Hoff man press, also good National cash register (like new), 16 inch electric fanNc;small desk, electric hair drier, one vibrator and other barbef shop end' pressing club equipment. Bos 615, Shelby, or E. 8. Hardin, Dover Mill Boarding House. 2t 21p Swift’s Products Washing Powders 4 pkgs. 15c Laundry Soap, 4 bars_15c Sun-Brite Cleaner, large cans____5c Wool Soap, 5 cakes _____ 15c Soap ■ Chips, 3 packages _ 25c Hard Soap, 2—IGc bars _ 15c C. H. REINHARDT SOUTH SHELBY. 2t-21c WANTED custom Hatching, Newtown Compartment Incuba tor. H. McConnell, Fallston Road. 4tl6c -ATTENTION Farmers, Merchants, Ginners, When Offering Cottons Would Appreciate A Call Export and Mill Connections W. P. HARDWICKE Phone 406. Shelby, N. C. tfc SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY and Saturday only 8 lb. Bucket Lard___90c Coffee, Fresh Ground, lb. 15c Flour, Guaranteed, 100-lb. Bag-___$2.50 Meal, Fresh Ground, bag 25c No. 2 Tomatoes_10c Pinto Beans, 10-lbs._45c R. H. CHAMPION, SOUTH SHELBY, PHONE 49. 2t-21c ~JOJB PRINTING O* all kinds at 1 o w e r prices than you have ever paid. Phone 11 or 4-J and let us give you an estimate o n your next printing order. Automat i c presses, accurate count. tf-24p| AT THE PIEDMONT CAFE Sunday, special roast turkey dinner for 50c. li 28c LOST: LARGE GERMAN Po lice dog. Answers to name “Peter Pan.” Notify Reniv Drum at Star office. It 23p WE PAY C A S H far Poultry. D. A. Beam Co. 3t-23c FOR RENT: V. A COSTNER S six room houce on Suttle Street. See Plato Costner, route 6, Shelby. 2t 23p ^FOrITeNT : ”siX ROOM APART mgnt with furnace heat. Mrs. W, I.. Packard. 3t 23c WATCH. CLiOCK AND JEWELRY epalrlng L G Davis next door to ■SflrdX 1 appreciate vour patron ise large ir small tf 18c AT THE PIEDMONT CAFE Sunday, special roast turkey dinner lor 50c. ' It 23c WANTED TO BUY A LIMITED amount of good used furniture. Jones Furniture Co., opposite Southern Depot, phone 662-J. 3t 23p Reinhardt Specials Corn Meal, 10 lbs. *__ 25c New Cabbage, lb._._4e frish Potatoes* 8 lbs. ___ 25c >weet Potatoes (Kiln Dried) 8 Pounds ____ 25c Pork Ribs. lb. _____ 12^c Overalls, sizes 5 to 10_49c Men’s Overalls, heavy denim, pair _ 95c Men’s Heavy Work Shirts 69c! C. H. REINHARDT SOUTH SHELBY 2t-2lc STRAYED: BLUE JERSEY COW about seven years old. Finder call phone 24. D. Elmore. It 23p FOR LETTER MEADS, ENVEL OPES—IN FACT ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING—PHONE NO. 11. “FORSALE^Rhode Island Red Baby Chicks from high-pro-1 ducing stock. Hatch! off each Tuesday. Also do custom hatch ing. Write or phone orders in advarce. B. Austell, Earl. Phone 2613. 2t-23e WANTED--SALESMAN— DEAL ers. Selling experience unnecessary but only reliable people need anply. We supply everything — Praa’ucts. Sales Outfits, Sales and Service Methods that get the most bus'ness everywhere. Superior Rawieigh Qual lty old established demand, lowest prices, guarantee of satisfaction or no sale, make quick sales. 200 home and farm necessities, all guaranteed best values. If you arc willing to work steady every day for good pay. write for information how to start your own business with our capital. W. T. Rawieigh Co., Dept. NC-W 52-R, Richmond, Va. It 22p ~AT THE PIEDMONT CAFE Sunday, special roast turkey dinner for 50c. It 23c notice or sale nr personal PEOP.HTY. .'ortli Carolina, Cleveland County. Pursuant to an order made by Horace Kennedy, recorder, of Cleveland county in ,he case State vs. J. F. Ambrocrombla. .he said J. F Ambrocrombla having been convicted of transporting Intoxicating li quors by means of oue Chevrolet car. The underslned will offer for public sale one Jhevrfllet coupe motor No. 2387713 at the ;ourt house door In Shelby. N. C. on the 14th day of February. 1#31. at 12 o’eloc,. ar within legal hours for cssh. TO! the 13th dsy of January, 1W31, I. M. ALLEN, Sheriff of Cleve land County, 2t Jan ldc CERTIFICATE OK DISSOLUTION. -tate Of North Carolina, Department of State. i'o All To Whom These Presents May Come—Qree ting: Whereas, it appears to mj satisfaction, jy duly authenticated record of the pro ceedings for the voluntary dissolution .hereof by the unanimous consent of all ■he stockholders, deposited in my office, ,aal the Suburban-Mutual Electric Llghi ..nd Power company, a corporat.on of this ■tate, whose principal office Is situated at Wo. -— street, In the city of Shelby, county of CHeveland. state of North Caro ,na ijoe E. Blanton being the agent -herein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served, has complied w.th .he requirements of chapter 23. Consolidat ed Statutes, entitled “Corporations,” pre ,.mlnary to the issuing of this Certificate if Dissolution: Now Thereiore, I, J. A. Hartness, secre tary of state of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, oil .he 12th day of January. 1931. file in my office a duly executed and attested con sent In writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file In my said office as pro dded by law. In testimony whereof. .1 have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh this 12th day 6t January, A. D 1931. (Signed) J A. HARTNESS. Secretary of State. i 4t Jan ISr No Vacant Stor Garment Facti (Special to The Star.) ■Grover. Jan 22 —There has Jeon several changes In business and lo cations in town recently. The State Line filling station that was oper ated by Mr. Sage Sapoch last y*tsr has been taken over by Frank and Roy Tessenner. Also the filling station on the cor ner of Bob Vance and Main str.v s that was operated by Mr. Wairer Norman has been recentlyarepalntr'd and improved and is now being operated by Mr. Marvin Hamrick. The Rainbow Novelty Co., has moved their store room upstairs over their sales and show room in tnr Masonic building on Main street and the other half of the ground fl">or vacated by them will be occupied by the Peoples Drug store. Carpenters and painters are busy fitting up this place and wnen finished it will be one of the most attractive drug stores in this section. Dr. George Oates will have his of fice In the rear of the new drug store and he will have a much la.g er and more convenient place i, which to take patients. The White building that was oc cupied last year by the Peoples Drug store is the only vacant store build ing in town, and it is rumored that it is to be fitted up for a first cl"' barber shop In the near future and when this is done there will not bo a vacant place in town. Will Enlarge Garment Factor* The H. S. Keeter Co., is building a large brick veneer building on B. b Vance street which will be occupied on or about the 1st of February by the Bonita Garment Mfg Co. Mrs R. D. Moss is owner and manager of this rapidly growing business, and when the new plant is finish ed she will install ten more electric machines and Will increase her work ing force fifty per cent or more, She Will also enlarge or extend her line to cover every thing in wo men's fine underwear. This is gomg to mean much to this section as it will help out in a large way the un employment problem. The Minnctte Mills has been op erating full time for several weifcs but they had to shut down for a day and a half this week on account of some repairs to the boilers, but this was only a temporary' shut down. Indications are good for this plant to go on for some time at least, much to the satisfaction of the com munity in general. Mr. Ray Beam, who has been con nected with the H. s. Keeter Co., for several years has been transferred to one of their stores In Shelby, and Mr. Alton Bell, has taken his place in the store here. Thu Is In the na ture of a promotion for Mr. Beam Mrs. D. A. Moss has been in the Presbyterian horpltal recently for a very serious operation, but she Is back at home now and is getting along nicely, and the doctor says that she will be entirely well In a short time. Epidemic of Mump*. There has teen quite an epidemic of mumps In and around town for several weeks, and this has had a es At Grover; try To Enlarge tendency to curtail attendance in >ur churches and schools. Prof. Lax* ton Hamrick was one of the suf erers of this annoying malady and ic had to mtys his classes for over < week, but MTf. Hamrick took his jlace in the school and carried oh in a splendid way. Little Miss Margaret Jean Ferree »as been seriously 111 for come weeks with pneumonia, but Is much bet ter at this writing. Mr. K. C. Tate has been confined to his bed for several days with flu, but is out again and will soon be ible to take up his work In the new irug store. Little Miss Hilda Herndon spent some time last week in the hospi tal In Shelby, being treated for some form of rheumatism. but she Is sack at home now and seems to be setting along fine. Mr. T. S. Keeter who spent the greater part of last year in hospi tals and under the care of doctors has almost entirely regained his health and Is back at his desk, in the postoffice. Mrs. Monroe Beam has been quite sick for two weeks, but is improving In a nice way at thla writing. Mr. S. A. Crisp was another vic tim of the flu this week. He was in bed for several days and Is still con fined to his room, but hopes to. be out again in a few days. ALLElii SUGGESTS Would Have State Share All St* Month E*’>enses On t'urrent Year Basis Raleigh—'Svite participation in nil the necessary current operating expenses of the six months school term on the basis of the current year's business" is otie of the sug gestions made by Supt. A T. AdJU in his biennial report to the general assembly, as a way of improving the fund," says Supt. Allen, “has a two fold purpose: “(I) The equalization, ns nearly as mnv be of the county tax rates levied for the operation of the six months school term. (2> The equal ization, as nearly as may be of the educational opportunity among the children in the several counties of NOTICE OK NAI.E or PERSONAL PROPERTT. North Ceroilne, Cleveland County Pursuant to an ordar made by M. R Weethere, recorder of Cleveland county. State v* Buren Green, said Buren Oreen harms been convicted of tranaportln# In* toxlcatln liquors by means ol one rord roadster. The undersigned will sell at nubile auction eale at the court house door In Bhelby. N. C., on the Uth day of February, l»Jl, at 13 o'clock noon or within legal hour#, the following described propertv: One Ford roadster, motor No A2S3370S. Terms of sale. This the 13th dey of January, 1031, 2t 10c I. M. A1XKN, Sheriff. for ng powder is the Uie K C Baking Powder the next time you bake and judge Hi quality by reiulti. You will find Inert it none better —purer or more efficient. You lave in buying and tave in «•)«• K C Baking Powder. IT’S DOUBLE ACTING 25 ounces for 25c BAKING POWDER MILLIONS OF POUNDS USED BY OUR COVERNMtN the .state. "I should dke to suggest. two wav* however," Supt Allen continues. "In which the administration of this fund can bring us a little closer to even tax rules and Also a little .loser to equallaed educational op portunity “First State participation In all necessary current operating expen ses of the six months school term tt does not lake into considerate the tncrcme'U on teachers snui nor the full lumber of addition:! teachers made necessary by lncea.-, ed attendance In many counties a much larger pe.centrge Is necessary than the 10 pe- cent allowed In i • i 3tate approved budget for current expenses other than salaries ant) transportation. "Second, .nake the state part'd patlon on the basis of the current years business Instead of the previ ous yeai as Heretofore. At present the state, in making up the amount n each county m which it will ,> ticipate looks backward to last years 'tisiness. In my opinion both the state id rounty should sit down together and face the business of the cumu» year and agree upon the amount of state participation that would be fair and equitable among all the counties.’* Consider these outstanding Chevrolet values Si_...‘sio .*478 *w«wt $111* ....... •543 .*535 .. *545 ST^T...... .$575 *«35 SmM *650 •HrxMM ffln. All prUmmJ, ». k. m*t, Mlrhtgmm Before investing your money in a new auto mobile, you will And It worth while first to leorn what Chevrolet haa to offer. Each of the nine new models is a fine ear—a quality pfoduet throughout. Each is designed, built, finished and equipped to standards that are entirely new in the low-price field. Tet Chevrolet’s reduced prices are not only the s lowest in Chevrolet history, but are among the eery lowest in today’s motor ear market. Cause In. See the new Chevrolet SU. Drive it. Cheek the prices—and you will realise why It la called the Croat American Value. front Flaw of CWrvlot SpoH if«M See your dealer below D. H. CLINE, Inc. Shelby, N. C. ALSO DEALERS IN CHEVROLET- SIX-CYLINDER TRUCKS. *355 |o MK, t o. k. Flint, Michlcmn TOOTS AND CASPER-_The Sting Of Defeat. CP* CTTEMENTT THE: NAT IOW \b AT FEVER HEAT 0ECAUEE A £reat BABY Yb OKI AMD AVON4r THE THOU6>ANDE> OF INFANTE* ENTEOEP ARE "BUTTERCl'~ AND ' Ter)DY HOOFER ILL EITHER owe. of them 0E AMON^r THE FIVE PKTZE ♦t* . *>ON AWD HEIR OF COLONEL HOOFER* WILL HE BE AMONLt THE PRIZE WINNERS2 THE APPLE- OF C AMPERE. EVE * WILL HE ©BlW^r HOME "THE &ACOKJ «* (g) I»SI <^O^H.TX>TB, I LL \ NEVER CLOBE MVEYEB V Until the PR ite winneoe. ape ANNOUNCED*. » AIN'T EELFlEH' I'LL BE BATiEFiED IF BvjTTEPCUP ONLT WINE FIFTH PRK2E.PPCMOED that colonel hoofepb babv ^ - —tfv- DOESN'T WIN A ^ WtgffT .PBI7EAT All! IF MV BABV Vn/IN*^ ILU BE THE happiest txu'l IKI THE WOPlD*. IT VVOULP TAlZE THE «5T»N^ OOT OF THE PE FEAT CAMPER HAN PEP ME AT THE CLUB?. ELECTION- S ROOT! w 4 I HOPE FOR. THAT -- i inni > Butter / Colonel > CuP1 J hoofers S--7-^V BABV WILL WIN I I EITHER of THEM WILL - WIN A PRIZE1. AN OUTSIDER WILL COP ^THfc BERRIED1. <\/V Coloneu hoofer IO. FQMD OF J5UTt«RCoP 8UT HE. HOPES- TO eauARe up KIATTER^ WITH CAMPER-' *—e IMMY l lURPH1/ WILL BUTTERCUP WIN ? HA? TEPPV HOOPER A CHANCE? o c::^r-rrr=,y.:.:,jsp PRIZE ‘WINNER^ WILL, 0E ANNOUNCED NEXT WEPNES pay : Will Casper’s Dreams Come True? I WONDER IP Buttercup will WIN A PRIZE IN THE 4REAT BABV Content, camper? I CAN HARDLY WAVY FOR NEXT WEDNESDAY TO HE RESULT! OU5>T <=>0 COLO^l HOOFER*? Baby DOESN'T Win A PRIZE ILL BE c>»ATie,FiED> TOOT«b’ I COULPN-T 'sTAKIP for him to put n over on my But tercup* AIL VOU VE 607 -70 DO «e> WIN THt?, (Y>N7Ee-T BUTTERCUP AND FAME AND FORTUNE »8> 't'OuRtf?! THl<5 l«> VOUR Bl<£r CHANCE' OPPORTUNITY i«=? wnocwtn^ ay Your door with a ban^;, ___ thf wiKitsiea k, <^ETO A f>^00.°S. V ca^h prize., and he ll PR-OBABLV 4ET A FLOCW OF MOVIE OFFERS, ETC — “THE DOU^H WOULD FLOW INI OH boy' A VI' SVCH A •SWEET DREAM' Col hoofer rpNFlDEViT BABY WlU. WIN X what - MAKK> HIM *X> Y HOOFER?