Make Farm Loans To 365,000 Farmers Other Credit Corporation* Are Be in; Farmed. Note* Are Discounted. Columbia, B C., Feb. 6,-~"The Federal Intermediate Cred t B ulk of Columbia, since its organization In 1923 lias made direct loans to farmer*’ cooperative marketing as sociations with membership of ap proximately 38ft.( 11ndividuals,'' said Frank H. Daniel, president of the bank, here today. "In addition, it has discounted more than 22.000 farmers’ notes given to local lend ing Institutions, the proceeds of the loans being used for agricultural or livestock purposes. These notes were made to 14 agricultural credit cor porations in North Carolina. 29 in South Carolina, 22 in Georgia and 8 in Florida and to 23 bank Some of these farmers have borrowed from these local institutions several tiroes during the lar* 7 years. Agri cultural credit corporations are now in the process of formation at Columbia, 8. C., Savannah, Ga„ arid Valdosta, Go In addition, at least several other communities are now considering the organization of such corporaMons for the extertlon of agricultural credit. Right Of Way. Vou often win the law-suit 1/ you hart right of way, *The other driver should have stop ped That's what the jury‘11 say. Put right-hand, left-turn, up or aown, You re surely out of luck. When, though you bad the rlgh-of way, The other had the truck. Try Star Want Ad«. 666 LIQUID or TABLETS Cure Colds, Headaches, Fever 6 fi 6 SALVE CURES BABY'S COLD HOSIERv HOSPITAL. Inc id* Cfcarlnttr N <D nr »ni h At Mrs. Harmon** Hematite hi nf 8 hop (tinder Chtmiate Shoo) B#MW| *ud KnIUrd Owdr Neatly «U valred 41) Hose Mutt Rr i tQndtrtd An Vnpltatant Subject AO cl the functions of life an act pleasant to consider. Perhaps this is why some mothers refuse to think that such symptoms as restless sleep, lose of flam, 1m* of appetite or itching nose and fingers in their children, can be caused By round or pin worms. Many mo there nave proven, however, that a few doses of white's Cream Vermi fuge. that sure and harmless worm expellant, will make these symptoms disappear. Vou can get White s Cream Vermifuge for 85 cents per bottle from land Drug Co. PILES PAIN nmmi An old proverb says, "Nlm In 10 suffer from riles.” but the pail end Itching of blind, protruding o; leeding piles usually are alleylutet Iwlthln a. few minutes by soothing healing Dr. Nixon's Chinarold. forti fied, with a rare. Imported Chim-yi faefb, having aimsing power" to re vr,'*~ V* ***!’ * wuwum POW? . .. __ dluce swollen tissues. It's the new est and fastest acting treatment out You cart work and enjoy life rtghl from ths start whits It continues iu healing action. Don't delay. Act It time to avoid a dangerous and cost operation. Try Dr. Nixon's Chinn roid under our guaninteVtoT satisfy <pompl*t«Iy and be worth ICO time ths small cost or your monev t>,c; 8UTTLES DRUG STORE Before I started taking Plack-Draughi, three years ago, my health waa very bad,” writes Mrs. C. C. Carson, 946 Concord St., Beaumont, Texas. "I suffered con» acUy ,'rom constiparinn. ! had headi.che when 1 go*. onin the morning, and I felt dull and sluggish. I hardly ate a meal that my food agreed with me. Frequently I would have ga on my atom ach, and felt awfuL ”1 read about Black-D* aught, end I thought it might help me. After I had taken it a lit tle while, I felt much latter. It relieves constipa tion. Ikeep it on hand so when I need e laxative 1 will have it In the three years I have been taking it 1 have never found anything as good for constipation.” --Whe are run-down, oer ®r Srf*?r ®v«rr month, ahoulu iakt Card ul. tired for over 10 Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS | By KENN DKlJM. In a certain section of this state there. Is a postmaster or postal clerk with a sense of humor Recently The Star mallejl a letter to a bank In his town. At that time the paper did not know that the bank had closed. Several days later the letter came back Post offices, as is generally known, use a rubber stamp to explain why letters are returned to the writer. At the top It is inform ed that the letter Is returned for reason checked below. Then there are several reasons listed which may be checked. These Include ■‘Unclaimed,” j ‘ Unknown," “Moved, left no address,” "Deceased,” and "Refused.” This particular letter came back with the check opposite the word1 "Deceased.” And to clarify It a bit more the postal clerk wrote across the envelope ‘‘No such thing—bank busted.” This section should be out gunning for a distinguished editor who once won the Pulitzer prize, Robert l.athan, of The Asheville Citizen. Not. long since the census bureau sent out a story showing the growth^ of North Carolina villages under 500 population. There are 237 such vil lages in the state and the census statistics explained that the net growth from 1920 to 1930 of all of the 237 did not equal the 'growth of Shelbyj alone. Mr Lathan wrote an editorial about It. Perhaps he doesn't know there is a city by the name of Shelby, or perchance he couldn't Imagine uny town adding more population than the total of 237 other villages. Any way, he wrote "The net growth of the 237 villages was less than that of Shelby county, or of several of the larger municipalities.” Now we know how Duke university students felt when Johnny Mack Brown told his radio audience, while broadcasting from the Rose Bowl football game, that Coach Wallace Wade was going to leave Alabama for | "Duke university, Durham, South Carolina." Senior Peyton MrSwain should take off enough time from his legis lative duties to call some of the newspapermen to one side and tell them where he Is from and how his name Is spelled. The senate had barely started wrangling about things until General Mecklenburg wrote n letter In,The Chariot^ Observer and addressed It to "Senator Peter MrSwain." Blow number One. Then this week The News and Observer came out with a story telling as how "Senator Peyton Mc Swaln, of Polk county," had introduced a bill to tax retail merchants. Up percut number two. On the same afternoon the Associated Press dispatch in The Charlotte News stated that, Senator MrSwain, "of Polk,” had Intro duced such-and-such a bill. Swat number three. What's the ure. we, repeat, of going down to Raleigh and making a name for yourself only to have the name juggled about like that? An eight-year-old Shelby girl, P. W., Is going to get a lot of good crackers without cost. She wrote the National Biscuit company that a good slogan for their NBC crackers woufii be "No Better Crackers.” You philosophers, hitch your train of thought onto the caboose end of this oner On which side Is a cow milked? Shelby suburbs and residential sections have some right swanky names: Beaumonde Terraces, Belvedere Heights, Hlllcrest and Lincoln Drive. And don’t overlook Plat Rock, Red Row, and Chlnatowa Ripley ought not tell everything like this: ^ On a tombstone in Bath. England, Is the following opitrr ' "Here lies Anne Mnnn, • She lived an old maid and Died an old Mann.” Shelby Shorts: There are five names 11.- r of the mayor and four men —on the cornerstone of Shelby's City Hall, erected In 1910. Only -> of the five are living. One of the two was an alderman then, but has n mayor since .... A big moment In a little life: Hearing Roland eyes, the negro tenor, sing “My Little Pool" .... "Since we've had rite a bit about Shelby’s most beautiful women," Inquires a reader, "why not pick Shelby's ugliest man." A dangerous thing to do, lady, and then we've always attempted to avoid, being of the blu hlng violet type, any chance of patting our own back with an honor. (For that matter, so's your old man) . . . . Another Damon-Pythlas friendship in Shelby, that V’tween Charlie Eskridge and R. T. LeOrande. And If you noticed, they became directors of the First National bank at, the same time. They us ually go at things that way .... This department never likes to make others feel bad, but wonder if anybody has written the Ryburna. the Areys, the Quimi.s and other She I by 1 tea in Florida about the weather we've been having? . . . . . Who taught the,first public school in Shelby? New Prospect News Of Current Week Young Ladies Have Bon Fire Party. Mr. And Mrs. O. M. Cline Have New Daughter. (Special to The Star.) New Prccpect, Feb. 5. -Rev \v. E Lowe delivered a very inspiring message to a large and attentive audience Sunday afternoon Misses Nellie White and Daisie Poston were joint hostesses at a bon fire party Saturday night at the home of Miss White’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert White. A large crowd enjoyed games and all re* ported a wonderful time. Born to Mr. and Mrs O. M. CUne recently, a dainty baby. Miss Emma Sellers is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. Char le Howell of near North Brook No. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Jenks Fortenberry if Falls ton and Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Vnthony spent Sunday a week ago vlth Mr and Mrs. A. L. Howell, Mrs. Mack Adams spent Monday With her father, Mr. W. E. Wright of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cornwell and Mr. and Mrs. Evans Stanley of Shelby visited relatives in this community Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Anthony of Beth lehem section is spending this week with her aunt, Mrs. A. L. Howell. Miss Novella Wright of Beams Mill section spent Saturday a week *go with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Adams. It t* * weight oil tile mint! ol the bridegroom. »«y* a ,-^usehold co1* umnlet, when he find* out that hH bride can cook- Yee, indeed, it is, if the weight lent! -trentfened sitk '•/here after ghe begin* doing .t - loston Herald. I aSveRUME INTBk. ST,\U~ WARM HANDLE OF BROOM USED IN ROBUING ROOST Danville, Va.—Arrested here on a charge of robbing a hen roost, one of the trio held, asked by officers ht*r he managed to secure the fowl without causing a commotion which! would arouse the owners, revealed ' new technique of robbing roosts. The man. according to the police confided that the method Is to take a broom handle and warm It slightly It is then shrewdly extended toward the roosting chicken and as soon as Its toes touch the warm wood. U comforts the bird and It Immediately hops onto the handle which it drawn in and the chicken carefully removed. Auto Nobetter. At sixty miles Drove Willie Smldder: He lost control Hts wife’s a wldder, Sure Way to Stop Night Coughs Famous Prescription Brings Almost Instant Relief Night coughs, or cough? caused by a cold or Irritated throat, cat) now be stopped within 15 minutes! by a doctor's prescription celled Thoxine which works on an entltely different principle from ordinary medicines. It has a quick double action, it relieves the Irritation and goes direct to the internal cause, j Thoxine contains no harmful drugs. Is pleasant tasting snd safe for the whole fanny Ouaiantscd to give better and quicker r*i:ef for coughs or sore throat* than any thing you he ve ever tried or you an have your monev hack 35r SOe and $100 bottles Sold b Suttu’s »nd all ether good iri stores; <«dv . i |New House Section Personal Mention Voting People Elect Officer*. Several On Sisk Mat. Gordon In Hospital. (Special to The Star.) New House, Feb. 6.—The weather in this section tor the past two weeks has been real spring-like Farmers have been plowing and making garden. The B. Y. P. U s are progressing nicely. The following officers have recently been elected: General di rector, Miss Stella Walker; general secretaries, Mr. and Mrs. Farrel Dalton; chorister: Mr. Max Pad Rett; pianist, Miss Oladys Petty; Senior union, President, Mrs. J. P. Walker; vice president, Mr. Luther! Walker; secretaries: Mr. and Mrs. Burah Brooks; chorister, J. P. Wal ker; pianist, Sue Davis; intermed iate leader: Mr. Fay Jenkins; Jun ior leaders, Misses Vashtl Phtlbeek and Clara Petty. Mr. J. F. Greene has been indis posed for the past week with flu, but is improving at the present. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Wal ter recently a dainty daughter. Little Mtss Carrie Whitesides, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whitesides has been sick with pneumonia but is better now. Misses Fuse lie Petty and Sara Lou Whitaker spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wal ker. Mr. and Mrs. Buran Brooks spent Sunday with Mrs. Brook's parents, Mr and Mrs. Broadus Greene. Mrs. Zulla Walker is indisposed with a throat trouble. Mrs. Farrel Dalton had her ton sils removed one day last week at the Shelby hospital. Miss Gladys Petty spent Sunday with Miss Vernie Walker. Miss Evelyn Daves is spending sometime at Black Mountain with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Daves. Mrs. Daves has been sick and in the hospital for some time. Mr. Daves is principal of the Black Mountain high school. Little Dell Mauney Gold, baby of Mr. and Mrs. Huber Gold is in a plaster parts cast. She has a dislo cated hip. The cast will have to re main on the child for six months or longer. Mr. Coy Philbeek who had the misfortune to get his leg broken last fall is now able to walk with the aid of a walking cane. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Walker spent the week-end in Ellenboro visiting relatives. Mr. and Mr*. James Cromer's baby is sick at this writing. Mr. Lee Gordon who lives be tween New House and Hollis under i went a serious operation at a hos pital in Lincolnton. Mrs. Tom Gold of Shelby visited at the home of her father, Mr. J T. Green one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Waters "pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W M. Cook of the Hopewell section. Mr. Durham Davis who has been sick for the past several weeks is improved and re-entered school one day last week. Mr John Newton Jenkins of the Union community visited friends and relatives in this rectlon last week. Preaching service will be held at 3:15 o'clock. The B Y. p. u. members are urged to be present at 6:15 instead of 6:30 for the practice of singing. Sure Was a Change. A lady of color recently appeared before an attorney and said she wanted a divorce from her hus band because he had gotten relig ion. The attorney told her she would have to dig something better; that an ordinary attack of religion was insufficient grounds for divorce. "Has religion changed your husband in any way?" "Yes, sir! We ain't had chicken on the table since he got it.'* DO You Know— That any World war veteran is eligible to apply for government In surance to the minimum amount of $1000 and a maximum of $10,000. Toluca And Knob Creek Gleanings Edgar Cook And Clarence Mull Visit Mr. Mull In Winston Hospital. Personals. 'Special to The Star.) Toluca. Feb 9.—Mrs. J. W. Alwran is Improving at this writing. Her daughter Miss Joyce has returned to her work at Hendersonville. Mr. Leon Young has returned home after several weeks in Geor gia and Raleigh. She has returned to school to resume her studies. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoyle and son Elbert spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Hoyle’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barber of Clover, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Max Cline of Mai den spent last Wednesday with Mrs. Cline’s mother, Mrs. M. J. Car penter, Mr. and Mrs. Lum Crow of Mai den spent last Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hoyle. Mr, and Mrs. T. C. Ledford and daughter, Miss Edith, spent last Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hoyle. Mr. Edgar Cook accompanied Mr. Clarence Mull to the hospital at Winston-Salem to see Mr. A. T. Mull Sunday. He had not as yet been operated on. Mr. A. O. Costner spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hoyle. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moss of Kings Mountain spent the week-end with Mrs. Moss’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ledford. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eaker of Dal las visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Willis over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Boyles were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theo dore Boyles of Lincoln county last Thursday. Mrs. Odus Norman and children of Belwood spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. g. A. Sain. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Boyles and children and Mrs. Texie Boyles motored to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Juie Hoyle in the mountains Sunday p. m. to see Mrs. Hoyle who has Just returned home from the hospital. Rev. and Mrs. J M. Barber of Polkvllle and Miss Jennie Barber i of Mills Springs were Knob Creek! visitors last Sunday. We are sorry to note that Mrs. j Owen Seagle is quite ill at this writ- j ing. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cook are] staying with Mrs. A. T. Mull while I Mr. Mull is In the hospital. Mr. and Mr.'. Howard Sain spent last Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Sain. Mrs. Texie Boyles and Mrs. j George Mull were to see their j brother, Mr. Kerman King, at Icardj over the week-end. He is seriously j ill with rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs: Joe Carpenter, of] Charlotte, visited at the home of j Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Hoyle last Tues- j day. Cigarette coughs, “cold” coughs, spasmodic coughs —they all yield to Reipinol. Safe for old and young. No sugar, no opiates. 50c. At drug stores. fry Star Want* Ad*. ivmino We pin Any Doctor's PRESCRIPTIONS SUTTLE’S For A Registered Druggist PHONE 370 trilXMJD * Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 76m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, we can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving fre'~1't and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition' FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. mc :t holly, n. c. Star Lattimcre Routs Mention Twenty Baptised At Boiling Springs. Miss Francis Vassey Burned. (Special to The Star.) Lattimore Star Route, Feb. 4.— The people ot this section are tatt ing advantage of the pretty weather and preparing and making gardens. A number from here attended the baptismal service at Boiling Springs Sunday night. About 20 were baptis ed. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mujor Lovelace Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, June Lovelace and Mr. and Mrs j Jimmie Lovelace of Boiling Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Blatn Davis and baby spent Sunday with the for mer’s parents In No. 1 township. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Walker of Boiling Springs spent Monday night with Mr and Mrs. Hack Vassey. Mrs. C. C. Pruett spent last Sun day afternoon with Mrs. John Greene. Mrs. S. Ledbetter and children, Mrs. Epton ./ones and children and Miss Sadie Beason visited Mrs. D S. Lovelace last Friday afternoon. Those calling at the home of Mr. Blaine Davis last Thursday night were Misses Inez Davis, Exie Hum phries, and EloLe Hamrick of No. 1 township end Messrs Hershal Greene and Onnie Vaughn of Shel by. Mrs. Jap Hamrick and son, Wade of Boiling Springs spent last Sat urday with Mrs Carvus Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Davis and on, H. B.. Mrs. Monroe Whlsnahc and daughters, Louise, Reba and Uuzelia were callers at Mr. and Mrs. Hack Vassey. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hamrick 01 3helby were callers in this section ast Monday afternoon. Miss Frances Vas. ey had the mis fortune of badly burning her hand last Monday morning. Mrs. June Lovelace of Pleasant Ridge spent last Wednesday after noon with Mrs. Hannil Pruett. "There is as much capital In ter country as ever,” says Vice-Pru dent Curtis, "but it is not working It just sits around al1 day like a vice-president.—The New Yorker \ HOME OWNED STORES CO Jj X O —« /) Q UJ Z £ o UJ s 0 1 THE MODERN MOTHER doesn't neglect Her children for her marketing. She MAR K E T S the Q S S way ... by TELEPHONE i WHITE HOUSE COFFE Lb. 39c SNOW KING Baking Powder 3 10c Cans 25c MORTON’S IODIZED SALT 3 Pkgs. 25c Isaac Shelby Fleur plain or Self-Rising 24 lb. bag 80c PETER PAN PINK SALMON 2 Tall Cans 25c PILLSBURY’S CAKE FLOUR Pkg. 35c You'D find this new Cake Flour pruduce an outstanding improvement In you? cakes! Quaker Grits Pkg. 18c Liver Mush 2 Lbs. 25c STALEY’S Blue Lab:l SYRUP 5 lb. Pail 37c MI GEL 3 Pkgs. 25c LARD 2 Lb. Pkg. 25c I SUN DRIED APPLES Lbs. 25c Potatoes Inch Lh. 3 1 2c Peas Cal. B. E. 4 lbs. 25c BLU-KROSS TOILET TIS SUE 3 Rdls 23c Lettuce Firm Iceberg 10c ,Cabb:g2 TEXAS GREEN — LB. "MORE WOMEN USE IT THAN ANT OTHER” 7 Cakes 25c P. & G. Ldry. SOAP SUPER SUDS New Bead Form Soap! 3 Pkgs. 25c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 Cakes 23c 9 OUT OF 10 BE A ITT Y SPECIALISTS OF HOLLYWOOD REC ' MME.VD THIS SOAR OP PALM AND OLIVE OILS FOR THJ SKIN, 8HBLBY—* -31 HOME OWNED STORES

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