10 PAGES TODAY *-.. . ■ , 0 VOL. XXXVII, No. 19 SHELBY, N. (J. FRIDAY, FEB. 13, 1931 Published Monday, Wednesday aud Friday Afternoons. »? Mill, oft »t»r. Up Mhomi . IzAt larrirt »,r ,rai Un ailtanrei_*3>» LA TE NEW: THE MARKET Cotton, per lb._10c up Cotton Seed, per bu. __34 lie Cloudy, Rain. Today's North Carolina'Weather Report: Cloudy with occasional showers Saturday suit tonight. Slightly warmer tonight. Colder In west portion Saturday. . Bonus Computmise. Washington, Feb. 12.—A comprom ise proposal to Increase loans on veterans certificates from 22!- to 5ft per cent W'ith Interest charges re duced to 4 1-2 per cent was unani mously agreed upon today by the house ways and means committee The proposal Is expected to involve an outlay of $700,00(1.000 if 00 per cent of the veterans apply for funds it would make available. Should the 3,500,000 veterans seek loans, the measure would call for $1,700,000, 000. Speaker Longworth and other house Republican leaders indicated that the measure would be brought up for consideration Monday under rules that would insure it passage without amendment. Parent-Teacher Meet Tuesday Founder’s Day Will Be Observed With Program On Tuesday Evening. The Shelby Parent-Teacher asso ciations will observe Founders day through appropriate exercises at the high school on Tuesday evening, at 7:30 o’clock, February 17. Mrs; John Schenck jr., president of the city council, will preside at the meeting. The program will be as follows: Band concert by Shelby high school band. Devotional by Dr. Zeno Wall. Entertainment feature for each elementary school. Report of activities of local associations by presidents. Should the local Parent Teacher association affiliate with the state and national organisa tions by Mrs. Hugh Mauhey. An adequate program of educa tion for Shelby: Prmary grades — Miss Laura Cornwell. Home econom ics and science—Mrs. Robert Hord. Libraries—Miss Victoria Young. Ra dio—Miss Selma Webb. Visual cation—Mr. T. B. Falls. The curric ulum—Mr, W. E. Aberuethy. Teach er Training—Miss Lo* ise Gill, fi nancing—Mr. Thad C. Ford. School legislation—Supt. B. L, Smith. A count will be taken to see what school has the largest per cent of its patrons present. School loyalty and the importance >i the proghi n is expected to bring out a large as semblage. Everyone xs cordially in vited to attend. A1 Smith Believes In Gardner’s Ideas Says State Has Too Many Offices. Is Not Centralizing But Simplifying. Pinehurst, Feb. 12.—Governor O. Max Gardner has the right idea in his proposed re-orgairzation of the North Carolina state government. Alfred E. Smith, former governor of New York, and Democratic presi dential nominee in 1928, said here today. In an interview with the Sand Hil! Daily News Mr. Smith said he had studied the proposed rc-organization scheme carefully add it seemed to him that the plan is erroneously re itrred to as "centralization of pow ers.” “It is no centralization,” said Mr Smith, “it is simplification. Gover nor Gardner does not propose to take powers from town and county governments. He simply wants to ‘simplify’ the existing state govern ment. He wants to combine some of the many commissions, boards and cilices, that are connected with the running of the state government and in doing this he it just follow ing the lead of some of the larger eastern states who a tew years ago pruned their governments. “You know you people down here have too many offices anyway," the former governor said, with asmile. Scouts To Attend Church In A Body The Boy Scouts of Shelby will at tend in a body a special service at the Central Methodist church. The program is in observance of the twenty-first anniversary of Scout ing America. All the troops in*the city, accompanied by their scout masters, will be present in unrforre. The music and the evening talk by the pastor, who is chairman of the church relations committee of 'he Piedmont council, will he prepared with the Scouts in mind. It is expected that all parents of Scouts will be in attendance upon this service to lend their encourage ment to what is being done and to learn more of this character' build ing program. * GETTING RESULTS— One Want Ad in The Star recent ly brought 23 replies in a day and one-h::lf. Use—and Read—The Want Ads, Page 1. Gardner Road Plan To Save County $97,411 Tahle Of Tax Relief By State Taking Over County Roads Show That Plan Would Cut Expenses In Cleveland County Almost $100,000 Per Year In Road Upkeep. See Editorial, Page — "The > Pcepul” Behind Governor Raleigh, Feb, 13.—Governor Gardner today* released a table showing in itemized detail the tax relief that each county will receive by reason of the state’s assuming the complete burden of the maintenance of county roads. The ! figures are based on the expenditures of each county for the year ending June JO, 19JO. Cleveland county, the table shows, would save a total of $97 411 a year on roads, divided as fol lows: overhead, $2,21o: convicts. $6, 330; maintenance, $60,218; equip ment, $14,630; gas and oil 018. The data for this survey were gathered from the official recor:i3 of the county accountants, county road superintendents and township road commissioners, etc. The sur 'ey was made under the direction of the United States bureau of roads and represents actual transactions for one year, as nearly as information or. file in the county offices per mitted. The table shows, under the ap propriate heads, the tax relief for expenditures for salaries, convi ts. maintenance, equipment, and gas and oil, and in the last column the total tax burden which will remove from the counties when the entire | cost of maintenance Is assumed by the state.. The ligures do not, include ire | sum of one and one-half million I dollars for construction, interest, and miscellaneous expenditures, which burden will also be removed from the property taxpayers in the 100 counties. These figures represent only the relief which property wd’ receive from the maintenance of county roads by the state. The amounts of taxes taken off range from $355,489 of expenditures in Mecklenburg county, all the way to $6,580 spent in Clay County. The table shows that the 47 coun ties which maintain their roads through working copviets spend the bulk of the $6,600,000 spent annual ly for maintenance. These 47 coun ties having convicts tpend almss* • $5,000,000 while the 53 small-ir counties not haying convict camps spend a little less than $1,600,100 The counties with convict camps spend more than three times as much as the larger number of coun ties without convict camps. The re port of the tax commission shows i that convict counties spend an av erage of $182 per mile for mainten ance for each mile of road main*. Jin ed, whereas the smaller counties av erage only $90 per mile. The governor's position is that state maintenance means cheaper • maintenance and also means thi I transference of the tax burden from where it does not Delong—that it, on property, to the place and per son on whom it does beldng—that is to the gasoline tax. Rotary Club Gives To Red Cross Aid At today's meeting of the Shelby •Rotary club the members of the club gave $30 to the Red Cross fund for aiding sufferers in drought stricken areas. The fund here, as contributed through The Star, totals $86 to date. Rabbits, Birds To Enjoy Life After Saturday After tomorrow, Saturday, the rabbits in Cleveland coun ty and what few birds there are will not be troubled for several months by dogs and booming guns. The hunting season for both quail and rabbits closes Sun day, Feb. 15. With Intermittent Spring weather county sportsmen have in recent weeks turned their attention to fishing. Li cense for fishing are now on sale at local hardware stores. The bounty reward for hawks and kingfishers also ends February 15, Warden H. C. Long announces. McSwain, Edwards ' Support Road Bill! Both County Representatives Back ing Gardner’s Highway Plan. Cleveland county’s delegation in Raleigh, Senator Peyton Mc Swain and Representative Hen ry B. Edwards, are supporting the Governor Gardner highway program which would have the State take over and maintain all county roads in order to re duce taxes. A letter from Senator McSwain yesterday stated that “I am support ing the road bill as a plan of tax reduction for the same reason that 11 supported the State school bill.” Representative Edwards had al ready let it be known that he was backing the highway proposal of Governor Gardner. New County Judye In Talk To Lions Weathers Discusses Relations Of Court In Refard To Young People. County Judge Maurice Weathers was the chief speaker at the weekly meeting of the Shelby Lions club Judge Weathers devoted himself to a discussion of a court’s relation with young criminals. Music for the meeting was con tributed by a trio made up of For est Bolin, Frank Smith and Flay Gardner, Lion Loy Thompson was in charge of the program. Two new members, Tommy Har rill, of the Gulf oil company, and B. N. Austin, of the Stephenson drug company, were added to the club I membership. Alleged Crack Of Fountain At Young Men Stirs Their Anger; His Program Called Reactionary His Fight On Tax Reduction Pro gram Of Gardner Hurts4"flances In 1932. Raleigh, Feb. 13.—Usually so adept at straddling any issue in such a way as to be able to worm out on the correct side of the question la ter. Lieutenant Governor R. T. Fountain is having an unusually difficult time in explaining what he meant the other night when he is reported to have said that “the young men, from 30 to 35 years >ld. are responsible for the condition of the state today.” At the time he said it. Fountain realized he had made a slip and tried to patch it up. But it was too rate. Indications are that this declara tion has stirred up a resentment against the reactionary lieutenant governor that has been smouldering in the breasts of the younger and forward looking Democrats in the slate for some time, because of his opposition to every progressive and constructive measure that has b-cn offered in the present general as sembly. Judging from the reaction being heard in every section of the state as a result of his attack up«.n ‘the young men between 30 and 35,” this has become the wind that was needed to stir the smouldering re sentment into flame. Many now believe that this flame will soon destroy the carefully built tinderwood and paper mache poli tical flying machine which Foun tain has attempted to build in which to glide into the governor ship in 1932. Here is Lieutenant Governor Fountain’s record since the present general assembly got under way : He is opposed.'to ’-educing taxe£ on land in the state through the state taking over the maintenance ■ continued on page nine i Tenant Leases Expire Dec. 1 ByMcSwain Bill Advance Notice Of Ten Day* State Senators Would Fix Expira tion of Farm Renting: Lease At First of December. M. N. DUNNAGAK. Star News Bureau. Raleigh, Feb. 13.—Senator Peyton McSwain Introdueed a bill In the state senate Wed nesday fixing the date at De eember l for the expiration of oral and verbal leaser on farm lands in Cleveland county. The bill provides that when a ten ant rents a farm for crop purpose? for a year, orally or verbally, the lease expires December 1 each year. | If notice is given 10 days in ad vance by the owner for the tenant to vacate, and he does not vacate by December 15, the act makes him j guilty of a misdemeanor, to occupy or return to the premises, except that it does not apply to tenanis who return to gather any remain ing part of an ungathered crop. Opposing Change In N. C. Game Law Isaak Walton League Asked to Op pose Local Bills Exempting Counties, Raleigh, Feb. 13.-—Local bills, ex empting counties from the operation of the state-wide game and fish laws, will weaken these statutes and if permitted, will bring back a confusion of local regulations exist ing before the present acts were adopted, 8. B. Coley, president cf the Waltonian State Council, of Norjh Carolina, declared in a let ter to members of the league throughout the state. "9uch legislation, if passed,’' as serted Mr. Coley, “will materially affect the state-wide game and fish laws as they now stand; and if this continues without opposition, it will result in our not having any state game and fish laws, but only a mass of different and local statutes dis criminating in favor of some of the various counties and highly detri mental to the ideal for which our league stands. “I feel that every Waltonian and othed loyal sportsmen, throughout the state, does not want our state wide game and fish laws weakened by exemptions for certain counties, but on the other hand would rather have the laws strengthened, if pos sible. Mr. Coley called upon every Wal tonian In North Carolina to oppose the passage of these local bills. The Isaak Walton league is the largest organization of hunters, fishermen and conservationists in the state, having approximately 60 chapters scattered throughout North Caro lina. The organization has several thousand members, whose slogan is ' Protectors of . woods, waters and wild life." Among the bills referred to in the Faleigh dispatch was one introduced by Senator 'McSwain which wou'd make it lawful to use seines and trot lines In Cleveland county. So far the Isaak Walton league of this county has issued n, which W. A. McFarland, Charlotte grocer, was slated to fill, has aeen refused by the department of Jus tice, according to Brownlow Jack son, United States marshal for the western district. Mr. Jackson said he had request ed permission to appoint an addi tional deputy marshal but the de partment of Justice has no appro priation for such an office at the present time. The request for an additional deputy marshal came as the result of the tremendous increase In bu*i ness of the government during the past few years. At the present time B. F. (Guard) Hamrick of Boiling Springs, is the only deputy mar shal in this territory, end it was pointed out that the work in Meck lenburg county alone is enough to keep one officer busy. Change Managers In Shelby Stores Mr. S. O. Baker, who has been with the Wright-Baker store at Le noir, has assumed managership of the Wright-Baker store here, suc ceeding Mr. W. E. Koon. Mr. Baker was with the local store as collector about a year and one-half ago. Mr. J. E. Buckelew. who was for some time manage? of the Charles store here, is leaving Shelby to open a novelty store of his own In Lan caster, S. C. He came to Shelby from ChaHotte, going to that city from New York. Mr. Buckelew left Thursday for Baltimore to purchase goods for his Lancaster store. He was accompanied bv Mrs. Buckelew. Newton Car Turns Over In Rutherford The automobile of Attorney D. Z. Newton turned over early last night near Forest City as nc was return ing from Rutherford ton where he aided in the prosecution of live bank officials there yesterday. As be rounded the curve beneath the overhead railroad bridge, just this side of Forest City, his car struck a bank, causing it to turn over. Mr Newton’s shoulder was slightly bruised but otherwise he was unin jured. His car was considerably damaged. I Convict 5Rutherford Men In Bank Failure Limestone Choir To Sing Here Program To Bo Given At Osn’rsl I Methodist Church - Surd. »• Mom, Miv. Whi’.« Coming Btuiday tcwnuit, it ■».'.• ocPak Mie Li:«(/st‘ re coll**# ohoh, of’Gaffney, 8. (X will git* & trogram In Central I Methodist church Tills choir l» un der *lu! oliection of Mm JPrgnees i Whit*, a forma member of the in-, terpatlpnaily known Westminster choir formerly oi Dayton. Ohio, now of IUittce, New York. The Limestone choir has won ejuite a reputation for itself within the one year that it li«s been Organized and have been giving programs of this type since October, The program will be as follows: Prelude, selected, Martha Boyd; processional, "Love Divine." Zun del, choir ; anthem, "Open the Gates of the Temple,” Knapp, choir; solo, "I Know in Whom i Have Believ ed." Scott, l.pulse Phifer; hymn. Holy, Holy, Holy,” congregation and choir; anthem, "Sleep Little Baby of Mine.” Dennee-Smith, choir; scripture reading, pastor; anthem. “Recessional,” IJe Koven. choir;' solo, "The Living God,”, O’Hara, Eva l Gary; anthem, “Bless tire Lord O My Soul," choir; prayer, pastor; an them. "Lift Thine Eyes," Mendels sohn, choir; offering and announce ments; offertory, selected, Martha Boyd; solo, "How Beautiful Upon the Mountains.'' Marker. Miss Prances White; anthem. "Peace 1 Leave with Thee." Roberts; anthem, "Unfoid Ye Portals," Guonod, choir; doxology, choir and congregation; benediction, pastor. Epworth leagues will meat in the evening »t 6:30. At, 7:30 (here will be a union service for all the Boy Scouts of the city at this church. All who have any connection with the scout movement in this city are asked to be present at this worship service. Unusual music features are being prepared for this service. Early Morn Blaze In Store Basement Fountain Syrup Damaged By Fire Thursday At Cleveland Drag Store. 1 Fountain Syrup was damaged by heat in an early morning fire yes terday in the basement of the 'Cleveland drug store on LaFayette street. The blaze, when firemen entered the building about 5:45, was in some trash at the foot of the stairs lead ing from the basement to the main floor. Policeman Putnam, passing by noticed the smoke about the time it was smelled by Spurgeon Hewitt, of the Hotel Charles staff. The store building was so filled with smoke when firemen arrived with extinguishers that they had to enter by the coal shuttle- entrance instead of the front door on the main floor. Two Eggs In One. A Wyandott hen belonging to Mrs. F. A. Boyles, of Toluca, laid a "luck” egg last week. A “luck” egg is two complete eggs in one, the smaller egg, with a shell not quite as hard as the shell of the outer egg, being within the large egg. Notice Given Gardner Boom For Vice President; Friends Working For Organization In His Behalf Has Already Been Widely Mention ed In Press As Vice Presidential Possibility. Charlotte, Feb. 13 —Plans for an organised effort to land the demo cratic vice presidential nomination for Governor O. Max Gardner have been communicrted to individuals here in letters from a source at Ra leigh, regarded as close to the gov ernor, soliciting funds to finance the campaign Several Charlotte business and professional men have reported re ceiving letters within the last sev eral dayrs, notifying them of the projected move on behalf of tire governor and advising of the need for financial assistance, It was indicated the movement had been launched without the knowledge of the governor but the letters did not otherwise reveal any details as to organisation plans or who would head the campaign. j Local friends of Governor Garde ner who received letters expressed themselves as keenly interested in promiting his chances of receiving the honor. He has already been widely mentioned in the press of tlie nation as a vice-presidential possibility. Because of many strong personal and political friendships here, it was believed that any organized campaign in his behalf would re ceive enthusiastic local support; and several of those who received the Raleigh letters expressed themselves as ready to make a financial con tribution when, and if, an organ ized movement pets underway. The governor’s friends say the achievements of his administration form a record that should have a nationwide appeal, and they also regarded him as ideally located geo graphically for the national con test. His vigor as a campaigner and iCOUTTOWIi flif P«(H MW Verdict By Cleveland County Jury >rn£cnre M*j Hr Saturday Or A* M«y Term Of Conrt There. fAuttierforaton, **fe. 13.—Five of fid*!* of Vie Rutherford County Unnk and Tniit company, which closer. February 4, 1930. wore con victed in superior coure here yester day by *. special jury from Cleveland! county of receiving deposits while the bank was Insolvent. The Jury returned Us verdict &V 4 30 p. m. after two hours of delib eration. Three hours later, Judge H. Hoyle Sink, presiding, rc-con vened court to announce he would withhold sentence Rt least until 5 p. m. Saturday. • Sentence* Deferred. Judge Sink said he had been try ing to decide what was best to do. He added that If he had not been able to obtain certain Information he desired by Saturday, he might further defer passing of sentence until the May term of court. With this announcement, prayer for Judgment was continued and the five defendants were allowed to continue at liberty under bond. The five—J. L. Taylor, president of the bank; W. B. Walker, cash ier, and K. 8. Tanner, s. E. Elmore and T. F. Oates—were Indicted for receiving deposits on January 25 and February 1. 1030, the state contend ing the bank had been insolvent for at least a year before it closed. The jury found them guilty of the Charge as to both dates. Solvency Claimed. During the trial the defense counsel contentions of the state as to the bank’s Insolvency with evid ence tending to show that- the In-. stitutlon had been examined a few weeks before It failed by the state banking department and pronounc ed solvent. This argument was met by Soli citor J. w. Pless with the statement that the banking department's re port did not excuse the defendants of any law violation they might be guilty of. He asserted he was ready to aid in prosecuting the state cor poration commission, under which the bank examiners operate, if the commission had violated the law In connection with its report. Case Hard Fought. Ruling on a legal question raised during the trial, Judge Sink, in his charge to the jury, stated that in his opinion a bank director Is a bank official. The defense h> refer ence to Oates, one of the defendants, had contended a director was not an officer of a bank, while the state held he was. Five lawyers spoke lor the defense, F. D. Hamrick, S. P. Dunagan, Cur tis Arledge, Charles W. TiUett and Hoey, while W. C. McRorie, D. Z. Newton and J. Will Pless, jr. spoke for the state. The case has been hard fought and much interest shown on the part of the public. Kings M. News; Hullender Dead Onion Services For Boy Scouts. Col ored Scout Troop Organized. Peterson Child Dead. < Special to The Star.; Kings Mountain, Feb. 12.—Funer al services for Elias I. Hullender. age 51, who died at his home four miles from Kings Mountain on the Grover road Tuesday morning at 10:40 o’clock, were corfducted at the home Wednesday at noon. Rev. C. K. Derrick, pastor of the St. Mat thews Lutheran church here was the officiating minister. Burial was in the churchyard at Olney Presbyter ian church south of Gastonia. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Addie Hullender mid one daughter, Mrs. Viola Sanders of this place, four brothers, J. D. Hullender and John Hullender of Kings Mountain, Win field Hullender of Grover, and Bor ders Hullender of Thrift, two sis ters, Mrs. Annie Whetstine of Kings iCO.'JTrNCSD ON PAGE TEN < Abernethy Stock To Be Sold Here The bankrupt stock of the R. M Abernethy jewelry store in the Ho tel Charles building will be sold at public auction in Shelby, Thursday, February 13th, according to a no tice sent out by R. M. Ross of Charlotte, trustee in bankruptcy The jewelry stock and account?, wlp bt sold to the highesi bidder, se lect to confirmation by the court.