Ex-Professional Men Bootleg In Arizona; No Social Caste; Cost Of Living Very High Editor 61 The Star: I am not writing this for th* benefit of the chamber of commerce nor to cause young men to leave home, but while the rest of the country is shivering in their shoe' and roasting their shins before some wood or coal stove, we in Phoenix, Arizona, are sitting on our from porches and basking in the warm sunshine, while the birds '-'.liip merrily to the trees and flowers art blooming all around. 'This is Why thousands of people come to Phoe nix every winter, and I guess it U why I remain here most all th? year round. The thermometer In my office registers 80 during the day and on my front porch it lias now reached 85 in the shade, this at 3:30 in the afternoon of Sunday February trt No snow ever falls in Phoenix, and seldom there is a frost or a freeze. However, one can drive to the snow topped peaks in a lew hours time But it takes money to live in Ari zona. An ordinary four room house costing nbout $500 to build on a $400 lot rents for from $35 to $.>6 per month, and by ihfc time pays for gas and lights, the bill runs up to $60 or $lj per month, not inJ eluding groceries, which depends upon the size of the family and their appetite. Despite all this, there is no place in the United Sta es where one can make money easier unless it Is by counterfeiting It There are many people here inde pendently rich who came here sink a few years ago with only about $1,000.00 in their pockets, and many of them never struck a itc.k of work doing it. . Anyone coming here broke am expecting to make money work ug at so metrade arc simply out o' Jock. But those who already have .) some money saved up and wane to fjpend the vest of their lives in cws.v In one of tl>o most healthy climate.; in the world, if they have any abil - ity at all. they ban double their .a vestment hero every few years. Changing Professions, No use for a man to come here expecting to work at the trade he had in the east and make money We have ex-bunkers here who arc running tourist camps or hotels, and ex-blacksmiths who are ruiui.r" banks. I know a man here who was a barber in the east and who is now running a big general store and h successful. X also know an ex preacher who is a successful gr w eryman, and an . rx-tnoonshin-t from the east who is preaching here nnd making ghod at it too. There is a lawyer here from wav hock east who is in the bootlegg'vv business and making a pile of money. Ho Is smart enough to kcej from getting caught and when he •gets caught he is smart enough to get out of it. Whatever a man a as back ea. t INFLUENZA SPREADING Checks Colds at once with 606 Take it as a preventive. Use 666 Salve for Babies. HOSIERV HOSPITAL, Inc | (Of chspuiif n ai Rrineb At Mn. Ilannon’* Hemstitching Shop (Under ChwoUl# Shop* Uosie.j and Knitted Good* Neatly Rank Ir ed. AU Hosf Muil Ra LaandntO. writes Mrs. Mary J. Roberts, 117 West Franklin St, Raleigh, N. C. **1 would lie awake half the night 1 was dizzy anil weak, suffered frequently with pains in my side and small part of my back. "When I was a girl, my mother gave mo Cardui, and it did me so much good, I thought I would try it again. I took fire bottles, and I feel like • new person. *1 think it is fine. I would advise every woman who is tor Constipation, Indigestion, BWouan«»». Only I cant a dose. does not do him any good here. If any of Ids ancestors came over or. the Mayflower, he had better l -r get it when he crosses the Miss ■ sippi river, because should he men tion it out here, tie is a marked inn and nobody will have anything more to do with him. Caste meant nothing here. It's what you are and can do now, that counts. We have successful business mini out here who have served time in some eastern penitentiary. Should someone start to talk of this i i ' lie would get his nose mashed right pronto, and perhaps a few teeth knocked down his throat. Mid slinging and backbiting lias no place in Arizona. When a man has so ur thing against his neighbor, if he is not man enough to step out and sn tie it wit ha six shooter, he keeps quiet about it. Every state in the united btav.j is represented here Mv neighbor t n the west comes from Colorado, thort on the south from New York. tliosf* on the east from Pennsylvania ■ those on the north from Georgia. V only know the names of those on the south and west, and white T have lived here a war I have never been asked my name but once in this neighborhood. Names mean lit tle in Arizona. Besides my oecupulich, that of a private investigator and detect! te does not permit me to go around making many, acquaintances. 1 nut * know lots about bthc folks without ’citing tlie mknow .much about me 1 am frequently asked by'Home of my best friends "How's business" they think 1 am it salesman. Other think that I am living on govern ment compensation and • otft.vs think I am in the novelty ndverru ing business. As a matter of fact, I do not draw a cent from Uncle Sam and seldom sell anything. My cheek for my services comes front Now York city every month, and Its v. as big as I would like it to be either. ) Don’t Go to Aitzona. I have received something hkc i two hundred letters from people in North and South Carolina, inquir ing about this climate etc., a id asking if there fs any work to b" had out here for someone who is suffering with tuberculosis, *tc While I do not have time to reply to all of these letters personally, I want to udvl.se any and all not t come here expecting a remunera tive position of any kind. In fact the state legislature has just passed a bill making It aimojft a felony hy land pr;-j posed to be near the Boulder D.vi; because the land within three hun dred miles of this site in either di rection is not worth five cents an acre. Many people here in this town have already lost thousands of do. lars to California real estate slick ers on such propositions as this al ready. Anyone wanting accurate and proper information about this coun try should write the Santa Fe Rati road company, Phoenix, Ariz., The Arizona Club, or Chamber of Com merce, Phoenix, Arizona, and esk for whatever information they ie sire on any one subject. While I lixe to be obliging as far as possible. I cannot afford the time it takes to write each one personally on throe subjects, and besides 1 am not able to give information a? accurately as these agencies who are prepared for it. With best wishes to The Star and Its many readers. I remain, Sincerely, RAMBLIN’ BILL Box 1682 Phoenix, Ad*. Backache Leg Pains If Getting Up Nights, Backache, frequent day cell*. L** Pains. Nerv ousness, or Burning, due to function al Bladder Irritation, In acid condi tion#. makes you feel tired, depressed and discouraged, try the Cysts* Tost. Works fast, starts circulating thru the system in IS minutes. Praised by thousands for rapid and positive ac tion. Don’t give up. Try Cryetex (pro nounced Siss-tex) today, under the Iron-Chid Guarantee. Must quickly allay these conditions, Improve icat I fill sleep and energy, or money bock. Only 60o at BUTTLE S DRUG STORE Einstein Religion Given In 200 Words Sick Orphan Girl The rrll(ioti of Albert tin- ! stein, thr scientist, is summed up j in 200 words in an article pub- | llsheil by the Woman's Home Companion. "There are three forms of religious experience. First, the religion of fear which under primitive condi tions looks for protection to a Su preme Being whose lavor It strives to win by deeds and sacrifices. Sec ond, the moral religion guided by a Clod or Providence, whose actions are essentially social and moral. It is this type of religion which now prevails among civilized peoples. Third, the cosmic religious sense which is the highest religious exper ience, in which one feels the vanity rf human desire and alms, and the nobility and marvelous order which are revealed in nature and in the world of thoughts, "Since this religion has no body of doctrine, no church can be based upon it. Therefore those who hold with It. are fated to be called here tics. And yet. the only deeply re ligious people of our largely mater ialistic age are the earning men of reach. What a deep faith in the ra tionality of the structure of the the world there must have been in Kepler and Newton to enable them to unravel the mechanism of the heavens in long years of lonely work! "Only those who have dedicated their lives to similar ends can have' a living 'conception Of' the IftSptra - l ion which gave these men the pow-i er to remain loyal to their purpose j in spite of countless failures .It Is the cosmic religious sense which j granted this power." Dr. Hary Emerson Kosdick, who has been called upon to defend hie placing of u statue of Einstein in his own church, continents: "They are a notable company to day, these choice men and women who are puzzled and dubious about God. They are dedicated spirits. They give themselves without rest to tiie search for truths that will help human needs. They are the su preme examples of the unrecogniz ed God. As the New Testament puts it., ‘He that doeth good is of God. There in the center of his life, in the ideal he works for. In the serv ice he renders—there Is God." BIY TO I IN WOULD PEACE The rapid growth in the number of Rotary clubs throughout the world has brought a corresponding increase In the problems of admin istering so extensive an organiza tion. One method toward preparing the way for a solution of many ol these problems will l*- proposed at the next convention of Rotary In ternational to be held at Vienna next June, Under the new proposal the Rotary dlrectorrte will be in creased by the election of two ad ditional directors to be selected from countries other than the Unit ed States. Canada, and Great Brit-; rln. If the new, proposal is adopted, the United States will no longer have a majority of directors on the Rotary Board. However, it is the feeling of the present board that such wider representation- will give greater impetus to the Rotary move ment throughout the world and pave the. way for the more effective Contribution that Rotary may make toward the promotion of friendli ness and understanding among the peoples of the world, states Almon E Roth, president of Rotary Inter national. writing in the February Rotarlan. "If an inquisitive man from Mars were to travel up and down our continents and across our seas.” says Mr. Roth, "he would surely conclude that our most poignant social distresses—such as war, fam ine, and unemployment—are direct ly t ratable to the fact that we have organized our planet not to bring men together in work and in play, but to keep them apart. No doubt he would wonder why a race which had mrdr such great mater ial advances tn the last one hun dred years oMts existence had achieved so little in the art of llv ; ing together, "tfo matter how strong the desire for international tinderstanding may be. it never will be achieved until Citizens of different nations 1 learn the art of international co operation and team-work. It Is In this field that Rotary has a golden opportunity. "As a world-wide organization. Rotary is conducting a great exper iment tn human relations. When one considers the obstacles which have been overcome in bringing Rotary to Its present world-wide development, It must be admitted that already Rotary has dem >n strated that R Is possible to achieve international cooperation, notwith strndtng traditional differences of religion, language, national customs, and economic conditions. Probe Uly at no time in our history will the difficulties arising from these dif ferences be so acute as they have been during this early period when Rotary lias been spreading around the world , “I have the eonVicuoiV' says Mr. t Roth, "that Rotary's opportun’ty lies not in tile solution by mass ac tion of troublesome economic prob lems and other causes of Inte na tional misunderstanding tout In the development of a friendly b* K ground for the consideration ol these problems. "I am not so sanguine or pre sumptuous as to expect Rotary to stop war, though 1 wish It could. Unfortunately there Is no simple formula—no golden rule to peace. TlviS great social objective can only be attained, as all others are, by long continued, often dlscourngi ig. effort of countless agencies. But, of one thing 1 am certain Rotary Is playing Its part in this process In a most practical and effective man ner." rfoftv has revoution .EVERY THREE WEEKS The human body .stages a full fledged South American revolution within its own territories every three weeks, according to Dr Ad olph F. Adolph of the univei »tty ot Rochester. The doctor, quoted In The Country Home, reveals that the body changes its'water content every 21 days on the average—-ana the body is 93 percent water! Nitrogen, chief element in the chemical composition of muscle, is generally renewed in 290 day per iods, he adds. .The iron in the body is changed every ten months. The Beal Root, Sir James Barrie once said that he feit, not the love of money, but jealousy, was the root, of all evil.— The American Magazine. Daily Thought for Motorists. The fact is that the motor car Is a bettor machine than most of us are fit to handle. -Collier's Weekly. LITTLE OLD KLI) .SC HOOL IS A VANISHING SPECIES: Tlic little old red sehoolhouse rifts !almost completely disappeared from! jthe American landscape, and the; one-room district school is rapidly! (following it into oblivion, according i ' to a survey made for The Country Home. The district school. It develops, Is slipping itway at the rate of 4,000 every year. These buildings of the ’ Mary's Little Lamb type are being replaced in rural communities by commodious consolidated schools. But'there are still 153.000 of the old type.' an average of 3,000 for each state. .Sports Note. I Marriage is a marathon, and lot,;; is only the first step;—Collier's i Weekly. It’* A Hard Life. A theatre usher has to heu/ the! same. Jokes as often ;t: 200 or 300 t imes a year.—Collier's Weekly. Adult* Contract Children'$ Diseases Adults can, and do, contract many children’s diseases. And, usually, they puffer from them much more than children do. For instance, many adult3 contract worms, an ailment usually associated with children. Sometimes j they suffer intensely and take expen ; sive medical treatments, without reali- ■ j zing that worms are the cause of their i troubles. Yet, the symptoms are the same as in children, loss of appetite and weight, grinding the teeth and rest less sleep, itching of the nose and anus, j and abdominal pains. And, the same medicine that surely and harmlessly ex pels round and pin worms from children i will do the same for adults — White’s ; Cream Vemuiuge, wiiiclf you can get al | Paul Webb and Sou and Cieve [land Drug Co. nun .. We Fill Any Doctor’3 PRESCRIPTIONS SUTTLE'S For A Registered Druggist PHONE 370 itUUU Value Vp on lif the wo lidl W laiqeit tile makei can off el • weufrteMM JkMa&s 29 x 4.40 _$4.49 29 x 4.50 __ $5,09 28 x 4.75 _-_—— $6.19 — SPEEDWAY — 30 X 31 __$3.59 29 x 4.40 _ $3.98 30 x 4.50 _$4.49 SMITH’S GARAGE FALLSTON, N. C. All sizes low priced. Save on tubes, too. Guaranteed Tire Repairing In Your Next Cake Use K C Baking Powder end notice the fine texture and large volume. Because of its high leavening strength you use less than of high priced brands and are assured of perfect results in using BAKING POWDER SAME PRICE FOR OVER 40 YEARS 25 ounces for 25c It's Double Acting GET THIS COOK BOOK FREE I Mail till* coupon with 4c in lUmpi for postage and packing and you will receive the KC Cook's 8ook containing over 90 tested recipes. JAQUES MFG. CO., CHICAGO, ILL. Enclosed find 4c in stamps, mail the Cook's Book to Namc_ Address.. MI urb'nS OF-*»btJ N OS USi 6 Bv oy R GOVERN ME NT EPISCOPAL CHl'IM'SI SERVICE • IIEKE FOR NEXT SINDW On Sunday February 15th ucrs vill be morning prayer and preach ing at the church of The Redeemer, S. LaFayette St., at.Tl o'clock. Kev J. B Sill of Ruthertordtcn. will nave charge.' He will leach a class at io for those who are. communicants or looking forward to confirmation. H? can be reached on Fi.day and Sii ifrday at Charles hotel, should any j'ohe wish to speak with him, ! The day called Ash Wednesday | is February 18th the beginning id • the season of Lent. GENERAL MOTORS EMPLOYES iOET BIG INVESTMENT RETURN New York. Feb. 9.-—Realizing more than 300 per cent on tlieir original investments, 20.000 em ployes of General motors corpora tion whr invested in the savings and investment fund of 1925 are sharing in distribution of $8,700, 037 04 Each employe a ho invested $300 m the fund in the 1935 class is re Seivlng a total of 31,054.16 Alfred P. Sloan. J. president. said today '«* announcing the distribution. Penalty 1 or Fighting. Stags, moose, caribou, and eli: often fight so furiously that their horns are hopelessly interlocked and the animals starve or die of ex haustion,—Country Home. HOME OWNED STORES tn ui on, O H rfi Q U z £ o UJ S 0 1 To The--^^nousewif Because the Modern American Housewife c: ways nave need of tKe wide Service we render . ~ore tKan 2,000 Quality. Service Grocers have combi ke resources to provide the Econ Omy wc now offer you through Our Stores! : May wc serve You? Eagle Corn Meal 10'bs. 25c Fresh Country Eggs Dozen 25c Sliced PINEAPPLE No. 2 Can ...... 23c Full Dress RICE 22 lb. pkg.23c Breakfast BACON Pound . 33c JUMBO PEANUT BUTTER - Pound Jar 23c BORDEN’S EVAPORATED MILK TALL 1 Hr BABY CAN.. CAN..,. — DUKE’S MAYONNAISE Just Like Home Made 8 Ounce Jar .... » _p. Great Northern BEANS - 2 Pounds .... Hard Heads LETTUCE - Head ... Kiln Dried Sweet POTATOES - Pound 15c 10c 3c WHERE QUALITY IS PARAMOUNT! SPECIFY WHITE HOUSE COFFEE MORTON’S SALT GOLDEN CROWN SYRUP — And — ISAAC SHELBY FLOUR! — OCTAGON SOAP — America's Greatest _ Laundry Soap For / All Uses!. Large Cakes 15c — OCTAGON POWDER — More Soap For £* Small OfJ Your Money! O Pkgs. 4t)C —SUPER SUDS— Immediate All-Through The-Water Suds. Cuts Dishwashing Time In Half! pkg. 9c WATAUGA KRAUT Fine Flavored! 2 25c California Evap. PEACHES 2 lbs. 25c DIAMOND MATCHES 2 Large Boxes 10c “WHEREVER YOU ARE YOU NEED IVORY! IVORY SOAP 2 Medium Cakes ... 15c IVORY FLAKES Package.9c Lucky Strike Cigarettes 20,679 Physicians Say Luckies Are Less Irritating I SHELBY—2—13—31 HOME OWNED STORES X o g m C 2 rn o 03 N C * 03