Nobody’s Business GEE McGEE— .Alike Clark. RFD, Speaks Ills Mind. Very few folks (except our na tives! know that "mike Clark, rfd,” the pet character of “Nobody’s Busi ness,” is a real, live, active, intelli gent, human man. Well, he is, and furthermore, he is the coroner of our county, and as he would say— ‘ and a danged good one, too." ■mike Clark, rfd” is about GO years oi age. Apart from his official duties he is a beef peddler, and fruit sell er. and the best pig sticker in the south. But a pessimist bug has hit tur good friend. He sees shadows in tire future. He, being a public serv ant, predicts no hard times for him self and others employed and paid by the state, county or United States government. A few days ago, "mike” came into my office to show me a letter that some fan had written him. We talk ed about many things, but finally I decided to sound him out on "looking ahead,” and the following Statement was made by "mike,” and I have tried not to add a word or detract a syllable from his state ments : “nir. megee, awful times is in front us. oiiless something happens, the peeple is going to starve to death onner count of cotton, ever boddy is leaving the mills and pub dick works and is making bee-lines for the farms, and they don’t know nothing but cotton, cotton, cotton, and if you believe me, it won't fetch over 4 cents this coming ocktober. and mebbe not that mutch.” "Of course, haff of the land lords and three-thirds of the tenants ain't got no monney to buy ferti lize with, but if the seasons Is right they can make a big crap without same, folks is done gone crazy about 4 things, as followers: good roads, otter mobeels, pitcher shows and schools, the polly tishions seem to think that they ought to spend all the monney that they can get and get all they can regardless. "things is got to change, if there 1- plenty otter mobeels in hell, most of the folks down there will be happy, they is goiiner ride if they starve to death at, the stering wheel, and more tax monney is wasted do ing useless things than is necsser sary to run the government, if the farmers don't go to raising things to eat and fed a hog and a cow or two, and possibly some chickens. they are all headed for starvation, peo ple is getting tired heppilig one another now. yes sir: onless there's a change putty soon, look out littlc uns. our govveromeht thinks tax monney grows on trees and it’t done got too dang fancy to stand the load, gimme a chaw-terbacker. I got to go. good bye." I i flat rock news. . befoar givving my readers the general news from here, i wish to make some corrections which creep j ed into my collum last week, no harm was ment by the way i sent in the stuff, but i nearly had 3 fights about same and am glad to | explain them to the publick at large. . . . jennie veeve brown's name was left out of the members of the third grade at school, so plese take notis that she orter have benn in the list, mr. brown's litter of pigs was 9 in sted of 7, so he has 2 more pigs to sell than was expeckted by me. preeching Was hell at 11:30 insted of 12:30, and the collection was c22 and not c21 as my pen made me say . . . jim green who dide was the fifth son of his ma and pa insted of the ninth son as i stated i the ninth son's name is sammy, and he is all right so far. rev. smith led in prayer at the gray funneral and not rev. redd, so plese take notis of that correction, the pole bearers should of Included jim boots: he was left, out miner count of i diddent see him when he hope to set the coffin down. . . . it was mrs. peterkin who trad-! ed in her old car for a new one, ' and not mr. peterkin. I thought it; was him, but as he has some Jurg- j ments aginst him at the court house, he can’t own no ford in his name as they might take tt away from her, so, creditors—it is her’n, and you might as well let It alone, the way to spell allie may black’s name Is allye mae, so kindly note that; as hei feelings is hurt! . . . at the wedding of sallie snecd and j. b. snood (no kin to her thought, the culler skeen was pink roses and jappy nes lanterns to match, and not red ones as 1 care lessly sed, so kindly be advised of the change, mr. skeedaddlc has 6 pups ms ted of 5. and it was mrs, sikes who sold 22 hens to the chick en car and not mrs. bikes as t said so, so kindly observe that mrs slkes has sold all of her poultry. __ . . . there is a right smart of news around here, but i am afraid to say mutch about it as i might send it in wrong, but mrs. mike Clark, rfd. dtnnered wtih her husband, mr. mike Clark, rid, spent moshrduu mike Clark, rfd., last Sunday, mr. mike Clark, rfd., spent monday at the coart house on blzness and got home o. k. that night, jim Clark has a nice chance of turnip saliet in his back yard. mr. jerry Clark has a new dull, miss annie Clark seems to have the sore throat, (mr. editor, that is all for this time, you won’t run no risk in printing this news, as i checked up on same be - foar jotting it down, rite Or foam what you think of the farm bored so far.) yores trulie, mike Clark, rfd,. corry spondent. , Possesses Typical American Complexion Miss Grace Birge, New York Social Registerite, who was se lected by Bsubara Gould, famous beauty expert, as having the clear, healthy skin which. Miss Gould states, is possessed by the women of no other nation. French women, she explains, pay more attention to clothes than to their faces. Mrs. Green Dies In Upper Cleveland Funeral Services For Sirs. I'Ilia Green, Arc 83 At Ilethrt Church. Pneumonia Case. i Special to The Star.) Lawndale, R-l. Feb. 12.—Mis. Eliza Green died Monday ut t>:45. following illness for the past thiee months. She has always been ni good health until about three months ago she fell and broke her leg which kept her bed-fast until her death. Mrs. Green was 83 years of age and joined Mt. Moriah church wnen a young girl and sometime about in 1890 she moved with her husband to Ellenboro and Joined Bethel Baptist church and was a member tint 11 her death. Her husband preceded her to the grave about 30 years ago. After her husband's death she moved back to her old home place, near Moriah church and lived by herself, Funeral services were held at Bethel church of Ellenboro Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock with Rev. ti. E. Ridge In chargp. Mr. and Mrs J. A. Davberry and children and Mrs, .Emmett Weaver, of Shelby, visited Mr, and Mrs. C W. Self Sunday. The two small children of Mr. urd Mrs. John Whisnant have been very 111. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Birth have been visiting Mrs. Sula Whlsnanr this week. Misses Melonia and Viola Gmnfc’e spent the week-end with Win ie Whisnant, Misses Marie Hunt and Jeaue Pearl Whisnant of Boone spent the week-end with their parents. Mrs. A L. Devenny and son. Har leni spent Saturday vith her moth er. Mrs. A. A. Whisnant. Mr. Q. J. Devenny visited Mi Filly White, who is very ill with pneumonia. Indome Tax Helpers Here Feb. 17 and 19 For the convenience of those who are required by law to file Federal Income tax returns, a deputy col lector of internal revenue will toe at the office of the clerk of the superior court on February 17th and 18th from 9 a, m. to 3 p m. to assist tax payers in preparing their returns. No charge will be made for this service. It has been previous ly stated that these Income tax helperswill be at the postoffice, but the later notice says they will be at the clerk’s office in the court house. Dover And Ora News Of Interest (Special to The Star.! Dover-Ora, Feb. 12.—Mr. arid Mrs L, V Jones and Mrs. Ben West moreland, of Greer, S. O., visited ; Mr. and Mrs. J. E Kimbrell who (are ill. j Mrs. Jenkins anc. little daughter, 'Margaret, are ill at their home at this writing. I Mrs. George Simpkins is sick at I her home at the Dover mil! i Mrs. Hester Palmer is ill at this j writing. Mrs. Quint Shy tie and daughter, Gwendolyn, of tire Shelby mill vll | lage, were visitors at the home of ! Mr. and Mrs. J. El. Kimbrell. ! The many friends of Mr. J. R. Connor and family are very sorry to hear that they are moving away. Their future home is near Hender sonville. Miss Pauline Ivey spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Miss Lassie B. Car tee. The many friends ol' Mr. and Mrs. Grant Davis will be glad to hear that their little daughter, who has been seriously 111, has shown much improvement the last few days. Mr. and Mrs. Fiz Hill of Spindale were visitors in the vicinity Sunday. Mr. Allison Dr via of Shelby was a visitor at the home of Mr, Carl Ivey Sunday. Mr and Mrs. “Bob" Moss and children spent Sunday in Spindale. Messrs, Tolley and Allen Kim brell spent the week-end in Greer, S. C„ with their parents. We were glad to see many new faces in Sunday school Sunday and sincerely hope to see many more. Mr. and Mrs. G-ady Stokes spent Sunday in Spindale. Mr. Kimbrell of Greer. S. C., Is visiting in the vicinity this week. SCIENTIST SELLS WASPS AT $10 PER MILLION There are all sorts of ways of making a living. Stanley Flanders, California entomologist, sells trieho gramma, or microscopic wasps to r 11 the leading orchardlsts of the Pacific coast. The wasps are released in the or chards to war on fruit-spoiling In sects. According to a co-respondent of The Country Home. Mr. Flanders has recently improved his rearing methods to the point where he cph sell them at a thousand for a cent, or $10 a million. Try Star Want Ad* Double Shoals News Of the Current Week Mrthodist* Slake Sunday School Canvass Summit* Spangler Very Sick. Personals. • Special to The Star ) Double Shoals, FVb. 11.—The members of the Double Shoals Methodist Sunday school made a special canvass of the village last week asking people to Sunday school. The results were that the attend ance last Sunday was almost dou bled. This church has preaching every ' first Sunday night by the pastor, Rev. E. E. Snow of Fallston. Little Summle Spangler, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Spangler has been real sick but Is much-better at this time. The condition of Mr. Oliver Span gler of Durham who is In the Walts hospital, is some better. Mr. Span gler is the son of Mrs. W. 8. Span gler. Miss Moss. whose home is in Grover and teaching '.'school at No. 8 was a pleasant visitor in the com munity last Sunday. Miss Fay Warlick of upper Cleve land visited relatives In the com munity last Sunday. Mr. Phillips Seism and family of Greensboro spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Seism. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Toney of Shel by spent Sunday p. in. With their mother, Mrs. A. A, Toney. Mr. and Mrs. Tysie Ledford of Lawndale spent 8unday a. m. with their mother. Mrs. A. A. Toney. Mr. and Mr*. A. V. Hasting and children of Forest City and Mrs. Clarence Peeler, of Newton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J W Costner. Mr. Alexander Costner lost a farm mule last week which died from Kjmw'nux * noth r. Having qualified as executrix of the es tate of Sarah Witherspoon, deceased, of Cleveland county. North Carolina, this la to notify all persona haring claims against tha said eatale. to present same to me properly verified on or before the 13th day of February, 1932, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereof All peraons owing Ihe said estate will please make Immediate aettlement to the Undersigned. This February 13, 1931. WILLIS WITHERHPOON. Executrix of Estate of Sarah Witherspoon, de ceaaed. M. R. Weathers, Atty. 6t Feb 13c ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Tom Vaughn, deceased, late of Cleveland county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persona having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them, properly verified, to the underalgned on or before February 13. 1933, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recorcry. All persons Indebted to satd estate will please make Immediate payment. This February 13, 1831. JULIE VAUGHN, Administratrix of Tom Yeugtui. deceased M, R. Weathers, Atty. fit Feb 13c lockjaw. Mr. and Mrs ■ Loyd Cook have] moved out to housekeeping. They live In the Morgan house near the. company store. Mr. John Peeler, manager of! Double Shoals store is back at work after being at home several days; ‘use week sick Watch Your Digestion Tv.o of the world's mast famous] Ijow-imlsts, Carlyle and Schopen hauer, suffered all their lives from bad digestion .—American Magazine. sen-;: T'sts proiik k wool WITHOUT NEED FOR SHEEP A group Of British scientists are prepared to produce wool without the use of sheep: Details of their experiment arc published by The| Country Home. By slicing off pieces tft live sheepskin and placing them in vate.s containing a certain chem ical solution, they say that the pieces may be continually nourished and will produce hair year In and year out. '>. ■ Easy Grow Roses.., Sh rubs . Wo offer 110 varieties of rose hushe* and cKnihlng roses, guaranteed healthy stock. Thousands of other plants. You ran plant your grounds at low cost. Write TODAY for cata log. containing planting directions. FRUIT LAND NURSERIES DESK V-t P. O. DRAWER H« AUGUSTA, GA. * Charlotte’s Dollar Day At Efird’s THURSDAY, FEB. 19th FEATURES CAROLINA MADE GOODS Tills year Dollar Day at Eflrd’s offers you the opportunity Of OUT Caroline Exposition sale prices on the finest Carolina made mer chandise. Thousands of dollars north of odd lots will be closed out at sensational low prices. In every department of this store you will find greater values than ever before, for Eflrd's leads for high quality and low prices for 1931. Make this store your headquarters. weT-oiler every convenience for out-of-town shoppers. We have made greater preparations than ever for your consideration. Dost Miss Dollar Day at Efird's. If yon ran t •hop In person order by mall. NEW AND AMAZING SUPERHETERODYNE BUILT AROUND THE NEW *110 °° i One of three beautiful cabinet styles housing the radically diffeit'/- new Majestic. Every one of these three models has the sensational new' sharp-tuning circuit, with three of the marvelous hew Multi-Mu tubes and an amazing new Static Modifier and Acoustic Control., Price complete installed and free service. No interest or car rying charge. S110.0Q. V - CJ V EVERYBODY has talked about and hoped for something radically new in radio—a genuine see-able, hear-able, believe-able improvement. The public has demand ed it and waited for it. NOW MAJESTIC, as usual, is first to offer the public the amazing, revolutionary, new-day radio with a brand-new circuit and the famous Multi-Mu tube! It brings an entirely new conception of perfect radio reception - an amazing fidelity of one never before reached — an entirely new thrill, entirely new performance from every angle. GET a demonstration today. See and hear the three beautiful models of this startling, entirely new radios Hear realism undreamed of heretofore. One of three beautiful cabinet styles housing the radically different new Majestic. Every one of these three models has the sensational new sharp-tuning circuit, with three of the marvelous new Multi-Mu tubes and an amazing new Static Modifier and Acoustic Control. Price complete installed $129.30 with free service. No in terest or carrying charge. SHELBY, N. C. PENDLETON’S MUSIC STORE KINGS MOUNTAIN