' Nobody’s Business McGEE— "Free Goods.” Wholesale and retail grocers know that there Is no such thing as “free goods.” yet every manufacturer of j the iiroducta handled by such busl nesses base their prices on so-called •‘free goods." I happen to be a wholesale mer- , chant and am In dally contact with ( selling schemes proffered by the "big boys" which make me believe 1 that they believe that all merchants are either darn fools or roving Idiots. When a salesman says ‘free goods' i to me, he has done made me “bil- \ ing" mad. Instead of pricing their i stuff to you at so much, they try to make you think they are giving you something. Nobody has ever given me anything but ‘‘2*10, 30 Net..” And believe me, Erastus, they mean what they say—when they fay “terms.” For instance: Mr. Brown drops in tells us that lie's with the Spagcttl Macroni Co., of Hoboken. His regu lar price Is 85 or 95 cents per dozen for his merchandise, but lie says: "We now have a deal on: Tf you will buy 100 cases of macaroni and 50 cases of spaghetti, we will give up 3 cases of cheese straws and 2 cases of noodles free." (He doesn’t tell you that he has raised his list price to «,05 a dov. till you get ready to sign the order.) Of all messes that ever invaded! tlie mercantile world, the soap man ufacturers have got the first claim. Mr. Jones hops in and says: "We have n wonderful tree deal on this week. It will be taken off at mid night next Tuesday. Until then, we will sell you 1000 rases of Punks tuff soap and give you absolutely free, 10 cases of Winskt soap powders and 17 cases of Bike bubbles and 3 cakes of Complexion Keeper—and dale your bill tomorrow, less 1 per cent.” TRUSTEES! S.M.I.. Hr virtue of the power of sale con tained in a deed of trust executed on De cent bee Sind, wsn. by Jellies Wallace ami Wife to me ns trustee, to the Shelby Building mid Loan association, and do lault having been made lit the payment, 1, as trustee, will sell for ensh at public auction ta the highest bidder at the court house doer in the town of Shelby, N. C. Saturday, February **th. i»#U at 19 o'clock M, the following described real estate: . Situated in the northeast part of the town of Shelbv. and adjoining the Colored Academv lot on the west, O. J. Allen on the north, Bridges street on the south and being the southern half of that, prop erty deeded tp O Clifton Roberts by Mrs Mary T. Hudson, widow, by deed dated No vember 4. USS, and fully described In the deed of trust under which this sale is made, vsoorded in book 149, page 149, ref erence to which is made for full descrip tion by metes and bounds This property is sold subject to any un paid taxes or other liens. This January 39 th. 193L CLYDE R. HOEY, Trustee. 4t Jan 98i TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the authority eooiained in a pertain deed of trust given b;' Jwmes Wallace and others to secure an Indebtedness, which deed of trust la of record hi book 120 nt page S3, in the ol flee of the register of deeds of Cleveland county. North Caroline., the undersigned trustee will on March 6th, 1831, at 3 o'clock o. m at the courthouse door sell at public auction lor cash to the highest bidder ihe following described veal estate Adjoining the lauds of W. 1* King, George Spake and others, afld lying Just east of the town of Shelby. North Caro-. Una and bounded as follows. Beginning at • Stake on the 8. A. L. railroad, and tun- | Blog thence north 78 east 14 poles to a j maple on the branch, thence down the branch as It meanders passing a gum cor 1 Bor and a maple 30 4V polos to a soui wood at the branch; thence south 76 east 71 Boles to a sourwood: thener north 9 east I 33 poles to a poplar In the old line, thence i north 45 west 45 poles to the said 8 A. L, railroad: and thence with the satd rail road #4 poles to a stake, the point of be- I ginning, containing 33 acres, and being all i Shat tract ol laud deeied to W. A Wal lace by Jennie Earls, widow of Tom Earls deceased, which deed Is recorded In book 3-P at page 351 in the office of the reg ister ol deeds of Cleveland county. N. C, reference to which deed and record is hereby had for further description and Identification This February 3rd. 1831, HORACE KENNEDY. Trustee. it Feb 4c MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. TJnder and by virtue of the power of I •ale contained In a mortgage deed given by J. H. Palmer and wife, N. H Palmer on the 15th day of November, 1924 as will 1 appear on record in the register of deeds office, for Cleveland county. North Caro lina in book lit at page 326, to M P SUiott, to secure the indebtedness therein mentioned, and default having been made la the payment of same, the undersigned | Skill sell for cash at the court house door In Bhelby, Cleveland county. North Caro ’S^ on Saturday. 3»th of February, 1931, •t 13 o'clock, or within legal hours the following described real estate: Situate and lying on the waters of First •road river, and adjoining the lands of Mrs. Ella WhUnant (nee Crowder). Mag gie Getty's, J. A. Powell, h. C. Palmer, F H. Orlgg and Mrs. Mary Ann Martin: Be- i finning at a post oak on west side ot goad. Martins corner, and running thence aouth lVt E. 3.15 chains to a stone Mrs Wbisnant s corner; thence with her sev eral lines S. 76 W. 8.40 chains to a stone and pointers: thence S. 33% \y 5 63 chains crossing a small branch to a stone and pointers; thence S. 43'« W. 6.94 chains to a stone; thence S. 814 W. 7.75 chains to a stone and pointers, Mrs. Mag gie deity's corner; thence 8, 33'a W. 7 95 chains to a post oak: thence 8. 81 * a W 4.35 chains to a stone and pointers, one tod east ol a Hickory corner; thence old pall, parallel with Powell line, S. 3. E. 15 chains to a stone; thence S. 15 W 1.35 chains to a stake In the north edge of public road, old call: thence N. 3 W. 16.26 Chains old call with Powell’s line to a Hickory; thence li. 3% X. 1.80 chains to a rie and pointers, Powell's corner: thence 344 W. 8 86 chains to a stone and pointers, Powell's corner; thence N. 74 X. 6.60 chains to a stone and pointers: thence N. 76 X. 50 links to an old Red Oak. Palmer’s corner; thence !t. 11 x. 15.06 chains, crossing branch to a atone and pointer*, Palmer's comer; thence with Mary Ann Martin's old line 8. 70 x (Variation 34) 35.06 chains, crossing the branch to the beginning, containing 61 meres by careful survey made September 8th, 1830. This the 23th day ot January. 1831 s If. P. ELLIOTT, Movlg gcc 4t Juo SSc “Good morning. I am with the -loss and Mole Tobacco Co. For this veek only, we are offering Gray ,lule at 60. 1 box of Billy Goat free Oth every 90 boxes, and If you will ake 250 boxes of each brand in our tne, wc will Rive you 35 cents worth if free goods In Piffle snuff or Snlf le cigarettes, or If you will permit is to make a drop shipment to your mstomer, we will give him an aci iitlonal chaw of Dubb's twist., and uld 2 samples of Spit-maker, a new )rand of chewing tobacco, for lib; isc or to be handed out to his rade. Thank you. Good-bye." The Federal trade commission vould do a good days work if it yould outlaw such practices as out ined herein. The whole purpose of hese foolish methods is to over load the buyers, maintain their high prices, and possibly make some fool think that he's getting something for nothing. Our firm positively re fuses to “take onto” these bonehead schemes. We possibly have to buy stuff that wayt but we pay for it and then price it as low as possible to the trade, and then both of us know what we are doing It is well to beware or the guy who is always giving you something. Health Hints. One of our social clubs recent !y discussed “Rural Health and Sani tation.” It proved to be a very -in* terestlng subject: in fact-so Inter-' eating that the president sv^gestetl j that some member of the organism- j Mon go to a country school house and make a talk to the farmers and their families every' •week—untii each and every member had clone her bit in that direction . Mrs. Golden Brown, the president, was nominated to make the first address. Now, folks, Mrs. Brown is a wonderful woman in many, many respects, She is educated, cultured, refined and beautiful, but she war, born in the city, reared in the city, educated in the city, loo rich to ever come in contact with the farming element who might have peddled produce at her door or the doors ot her father land mother, but she thought she knew' •what to tell the hay-seeds, so she went to Hepr.iba school last Friday night and deliv ered the following discourse to a large crowd: The Speech, "Ladles, Gentlemen and Friends: Of course I realize that very lew, 1} any, of you know me, but you per haps are aware of the fact my hus band is the president ot the I an and Trust bank, and also one of the leading business men of our state, so in that way, you perhaps realize who I am ” “I have been asked to talk to you on Rural Health and Sanitation.” I will begin by saying that you should by all means, eat a balanced ra tion. For instance, for breakfast, tj suggest that you have a glass of ) orange juice, waffles with maple Syrup, toasted lady fingers, potatoes a la Nuberg. fricasede quail on toast, liot cocoa or black coffee.” “I am sure that most you you real-1 ize the Importance of vitlmlns A and K. therefore for lunch, 1 be lieve you should begin the meat with a. cup of toniato juice, then you must eat sparingly of either planked shad or broiled western steak with mush-rooms and French fried potatoes, next—try a helping of scalloped oysters with Swiss cheese, and then finish your lunch with fruit- salad, ice cream and cake and iced-tea or hot coffee, just as you like.” ‘‘For dinner, which by the way, should be your heartiest meal, you should eat roast veal with imported sauce, basted turkey, German sage dressing, spiced spinach, green peas, browned salted almonds, macaroni au Gratin, Italian tubers sic sem per tyrannls, etched lemon custard dum spiro spero, giblet sauce with Poneheron gravy et tu Brute, head lettuce, celery hearts, Russian tea or Hotchkiss Sarnac with polinaris water as a chaser." "Sanitation comes next. Polish all bath-room fixtures at least once a day. Take a cold shower on arising, but wind up with a very hot plunge. Be sure to lounge around In a mod erately cool room till your blood be comes normal. While out in the fields, by all means permit the vio let sun-rays to tan your hide. Be ware of germs in the laundry, low* places about the home, and In the stables, if you have any. Brush your teeth 3 times a day, drink lots of water, and avoir drafts. Use your vacuums cleaners instead of brooms and scrub floors and walls with an oil linen cloth. I thank you.” (The school teacher came around and awoke all of the farmers and they went home.) STAR ADVS. PAYS Royal Boosters Relax Two royal travelling front Britain taking from the strenuous tcndunt upon their tour. Picture shows ; salesmen . time out duties at good-will Prince of Wales (center) and his brother, Prince Georgfr (right) before they teed off at Kingston, Jamaica, golf course. Sick Headaches' Lasted For Days “Up to two years ago. I hardl/ thought I eotBci be sick, but .sud denly 1 began to have terribxo MRS. AMELIA CHRISTOPHER sick headaches Unit would last days at a time. Nothing! a to agreed with me. I was badly constipated; an I lost considerable weight. "I took the feurgon and Stugon Pills right along together., and aft* er the. first Upt doses I was decided ly better. Those terrible headaches completely disappeared. I began to cat without any ill effects after wards and have gained five pounds. The Sai gon Pills relieved me of con stipation and the entire treatment, has done wonders for me. The above statement was made by Mrs Amelia Christopher, 113 E. Myrtle St., Florence o. C. Sold in Shelby by Cleveland Drag Co,, in Kings Mountain by Sum mers Drug Co. t*'.l\' Young Cannon Gete 90 Days In Prison Son of Methodist Bishop Sentenced To Jail by Calliorni* Magistrate. Pasadena, Cal.—MaJ. Richard M, Cannon son of Bishop James Ca.t non Jr., was sentenced to 90 days in Jail by Judge Elliott Gibbs for viol ation of the state labor laws. Cannon, who formerly headed a military school at El Monte, near here, was convicted on one charge of failing to pay a salary to an em ploye. 'Nine other similar charges are pending trial. In two other cases the juries disagreed. A motion by Cannon’s counsel to release him on his own recognizance pending outcome of a notice of ap peal which was filed was denied, the court set his boil tt, $1,000. MORTGAGEE'S SATE. By virtue of the Bower of (.ale contain ed In those two certain mortgages ex ecuted bv John A. Parker iwidower* on the 3tsf’day of October. 1938. and re corded in book 139. page 415, and one ex ecuted the 4th day of October, 1929, and recorded In book 139, page 443 of the of fice of the register for Cleveland county, N. C. to secure an Indebtedness therein described, and default having been made In the payment thereof. I will sell to the highest bidder at the court house door In Shelby, N. O.. on Saturday, March 7, 1931, at 12 o'elockM. or within legal hours the following de scribe li real estate: No. 11 township on the waters of Wards Creek, it being a part of the John Wort man place, designated as follows: Begin ning on a stone. Peter L.. Buff and W. T. Parker's, corner, thence N. 1 W. .13913 poles to a Make and pointers; thence N 5311 E 93 poles to a stone and pointers. W. Madison Walker’s corner; thence 8. 5 W. 150 poles to a small Spanish oak. W. S. Johnson’s corner; thence S. 4. W. 52 poles to a stone and pointers; thence W. 87V, W. 29'a poles to a stone and pointers; thence 8, 1 E. 10 poles to a stone pointer; thence N. 87w. 32 poles to the begin ning, containing 70 acres more or less, ex ception of 4 acres sold tu W. T. Parker by deed, on south side. Terms of sale: Cash. Tins the 3rd day of February, 1931. SUMMEY SMITH. Mortgagee. B. T. Falls, Attorney for Mortgagee 4t Ffb 4c STAR ADVS. PAYS Build With Brick P DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 75m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, we can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving freight and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MOUNT HOLLY, N. C. . — QUEEN CITY COACH LINES — FOR. ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE. WILMINGTON, FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELLY:—9:45 a. m.; 3:45 p. m.; 8:45 p. m. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:40 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 1:40 p. m.; 4:40 p. m.; 9:40 p. m. FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: N LEAVE SHELBY:—11:10 a. m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:40 a. m.; 11:10 a. m. — FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — PHONE 450 — QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY EFl»®S DeliarDag® «“"sdSi "TIvs - BIGGER 4 SSSS^*-EVER Father George Sheeting 13 yards Father George fine seamless, one yard width sheeting $1.00 5 yards good 9-4 un bleached seamless sheet ing at $ J.OC BLOOMERS Ladies’ Good Rayon Bloomers 29c 4 PAIRS__$1.0C 3 Cakes Octagon Soap 10c Coats Spool Cotton y/zC 25c OFF Regular Prices On All MEN’S SUITS Men’s Overalls 220 white back extra full cut overalls, reduced to 6Sc Dress Shirts Big bargain table assort ment men’s dress shirts at 2 for $J.OO SILKS $1.00 On sale Dollar Days, out biggest silk value of the sea son. A special purchase of new Spring Silks in plain crepes and figured crepes of good heavy qualities. All the newest Spring shades and newest designs for Spring Dresses, lie her/* early Thursday morning when the big lot of Silks go on sale at yard $1.00 $1.00 SURPRISE TABLE IN READY # TO-WEAR On this tabic you will find odds and ends from our regular stock of ladies’, misses’ and children’s Underwear De partments—in fact values worth up to §1.95 and $2.95 at $1.00 50c SURPRISE TABLE IN READY-TO-WEAR On this table you will find mer chandise from our ready-to-wear, Misses’, Children’s and Infants’ De partments—values wTorth up to $1.48 in many instances. A great bargain table for 50c $1.00 PAIR - $1.00 PAIR DOLLAR DAYS SPECIAL Ladies’ fine pumgrs and oxfords, as sorted styles, worth up to $2.50, Dol lar Days $1.00 pr. KERAMI SPORT JACKETS The rage of New York marks the best selling item on the Avenue today—is the new Kerami jacket . . . comes in all colors, best shades—black with white lapin. We have a newr shipment $10.00 and $12.00 value at Sale Price $7.8$ & $8.75 BLANKETS Clean up in part wool, full double bed size blankets, plaids and assort ed colors, some slightly shop worn Never Heard Before Ladies’ pure thread silk full fashion Hosiery, season’s newest colors, regular prices up to $1.15. Efird's Leader Doll ar Days, Special 55c 2 pairs $1.00 A Final Clean Up Of Winter Coats We are determined not to carry a coat over to another season and for Dollar Days you will find values that you would expect to find at $1.95 $4.00 $6.00 $9.00 SEE OUR 4-PAGE DOLLAR DAY PRICE LIST OUT TODAY Efird’s Department Store S. LaFAYETTE STREET - SHELBY, N. C.

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