SOCIETY NEWS WHS. RENN DRUM, Editoi. relephoneThe Star No. <-J Each Alormng 8 To lit O clock Mrs. Drum can be reached at her home, Phone 713, afternoon unci nights God Give Me Joy. #lod give me Joy in the common things, In the dawn that lures the eve that. sings. In the new grass' sparkling after rain. In the late winds wild and wyird refrain In the springtimes >picious field of gold it, the precious light by wintry doled God give me to' in the love di friends In their dear home ialfc a' snmn i ends, Iii the songs of children utli esira .■ ed; Ir> the sobei wisdom am* has gai. - ed. (rod give me joy: in live tasks tu/.i. press In the memories that burn 'tin! bless; In ihr thought that life, lias love :< spend, In the faith that nod at to irno; end God give trie hope lot each day th.u springs, God give me joy in the common things’ Thomas Curtis Clark, in j'.u Christian Century. Ishpening Club To Meet Thursday. On Thursday afternoon at... Ji'JO Mrs. C. B Buttle will entertain the members of the Ishpenlng Club at her lovely home In Cleveland Springs Estates. Club to Mffl On Thursday. On Thursday art . nocm «i there will be a regular meeting of •the First Afternoon division of the Woman's club at the club room with Meidames Charles Wells. C. M. Stroup. William Crowder and fl E Waldrop as hostesses. American Homes Department to Meet. On Monday afternoon at me club room at 3:30 rtie American Homes department of the Womar'r club Will meet with Mrs. H L. Weathers as chairman of the hos tess committee arid Mrs. H. E. w»ii drop and Mrs. W F Crowder a joint hostesses Mrs. Borders Entertains Circle. Mrs. Mike Borders was hostess or Monday afternoon to the members a £ the Judson circle of the Elizabeth church nt a meeting at her attrac tive home on Cleveland Springs toad. Fifteen members and five.vis itors were present. Mrs. Andy Bo tiers was leader for the afternoon and the program consisted of an ’utereeting talk oh the afternoon's lesson study given by Mrs. Johr Mauney, which was followed by two special songs. A social half-hour was enjoy cl during which the hostess' daugu ters, Misses Mary Sue and Hessen ttne Borders, served a .delightful sweet course. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bridge Club Hosts. On Monday evert 'ng at tneir home in Belvedere Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anthonv were cordial hosts to tire members of the Fort night bridge club. Bridge was play ed at three tables during the even tng. Early in the evening the guests were Invited Into the dining room where cheese rarebit, toffee and cherry tarts were served. Prizes foe high score were awarded to Mrs, Joe Nash and to Mr K. W. Morris Mrs. Jean Scftenck received a pace for low score. Those playing were Mr. and Mrs, Joe Nash. Mr. and Mrs Jean Schenck, Mr. and Mis. R. W. Mor ris. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McCord. Mr and Mrs. Renn Drum. Mrs. Harry Woodson and Mr, Anthony Series of Parties For Miss Blanton. Miss MUHcent Blanton, channm ; bnde-elect of this month, will be entertained at a series of lovely af fairs this week. This afternoon ur 3:30 Mrs. Rcun Drum will entertain the Tuesday Afternoon Bridge dun with Miss Blanton as guest of hon or; on Thursday afternoon at her home on Cleveland Springs road Mrs. B. O. Stephenson will entertr'n at bridge at 3:30 in her honor; on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock Mr.;. R. W. Morris will have Miss Blan ton and a few of her friends in for tea; and on Saturd. y afternoon from 4 to 5 o’clock she will be ho-. oree at an informal tea given by Misses Minnie Ed dins and Maty Adelaide Roberts at iaeh home on \V. Marion street Interesting Meeting Of Mothers’ Clob. A* the regular meeting of ibe i-.-.-.-.v.-. ■. . . . . -V Mothers’ club at the home of Mrs C A. numis yesterday afternooi the subject for the afternoon win "What Ik Play." Mrs. Hugh Mauney read a paper on this subject as th( first, on the program and was fol lowed by Miss Marie King who gave a delightful reading. Mrs. C M Dennis contributed an interesting paper on "Play as Preparation Lot l ife Work Mrs. L). Z Newton play ed a piano solo and Mrs. Robert Wilson read a paper on "The Play of Children.' Mrs. Claude Mabry concluded the program by reading a lcallet on the subject of play, j Mr*. Burrus was assisted by Mrs, Holly Ledford, Mrs. Jack Palmer :and Miv. Frances Hendrick, all spe * rial guests of the club in serving a j delightful sweet salad course with ! ho; ica. World Day Of Prayer I o Be Observed. Attention is called again to the 1'ai'i- that the World Day of Prayer j rill be observed by the Shelby . churches at n union meeting to be jbeltl at the Presbyterian church on (Friday afternoon at 3:30, when peo ple throughout the world wi! be observing the day in similar -serv ices. S|>ecial features of the after i noon's program will be talks by Mrs. B. L. Smith on "The Present Church and the Church Through the Ages," and by Mrs. Robert Doggett on "The >'butli of the Church." A third at tractive feature will be a duet sung by Mesdaincs J. W. Harbkon and Lnrl Honeycutt Mrs w. L. McCord will be in charge of the music Garden Club Holds Meeting. On Tuesday ant-moon at Hie eltib room (lit- members of the Gar den club enjoyed a regular meeting vitli Mrs. Herehel Blanton In charge Mrs, j D. Lineberger, the chair man, conducted a business meeting, at which time the club voted to make a contribution of $15 to char ity. Two excellent papers were read, one by Mrs. Orady Lovelace on “The Debutantes of the Garden," and one by Mrs. C P. Sherrill on “Iris.” Aft er the two papers a general discus sion session was enjoyed during which time the members exchanged ideas and experiences about their own garden and flowers in general. Plans for an exchange of plants at the next meeting were made. After this the meeting was adjourned. Mt. Sinai News Of Current Week I Those on Sisk List Improving. Bit - h | day Parly For Miss Bridges Personal Itcrrs. 'Special to The Star, Ml. Sinai. Feb. 17 -All those on Mir sack list last week, seem t.o lie improving. We hope they wiil .-o ,n >e out again Mr. and Mrs. Ector llarrill of Kings Mountain were spend-the lay guests of Mr. ami Mrs. W, 1. Harril! on Sunday. Mr. Wilburn Putnam; Mrs. Rello Dysart. of Latttmore; Mrs. Dime Hamrick and Mr. J. D. Hamrick of Shelby were among the callers at he home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Put tain on Tuesday. Mr. I,. Y. Randall of Pinev Orovc was a visitor in the community or Wednesday afternoon Mrs. T. L. McSwaii; of McSwair cille. returned to her home on Fr1 ■ day after spending several days w i :f; her daughter, Mrs. Miller Ellis art! Mr. Ellis. Mrs. Ben Bridges ct Shelby spot.' Wednesday and Thursday of Iasi week with Mr and Mrs. J. C, Brid ges. Mr. Jim Humphries of Lattimoe was a visitor in the community on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lebroi. Rogers aV children spent Friday night wiT relatives in the Flint Hill section. Mr. and Ml’s. T. V\ Bridges and children spent Sunday with the let ter's parents. Mr and Mrs. Jones of Lattlmore. Birthday Paitv. Misses Emma Lee Clnrv and Pearl Bridges were joint hostesses &r a birthday party given at Miss Brid ges' home near Earl. Wednesda; night. A large crowd was presort and the evening was .spent playinc games and progressive conversation A good time was reported by all, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Blackburn o! Lawndale, spent the week end wit1, relatives. Miss RheaHunt spent Wednesday night with her classmate, Miss Mad gelene Wright of Earl Mr. and Mrs. Winfred MeSwat: and Mrs. liewis McSwain were visi tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L C. Putnam Sunday. Mr. Mike Sepaugh of Earl, was t visitor at the home ot Mr. and Mrs Shiver Cl tampion Wednesday. He was accompanied home by hi mother, who had been spendint several days with Mi and Mrs Champion, Miss Buna Rollins has accepted a position in Gaffney, 3. C. Mrs. Willie Turner who lias b:-