SOCIETY NEWS WHS. RENN DRUM, Editoi. relephoneThe Star No. <-J Each Alormng 8 To lit O clock Mrs. Drum can be reached at her home, Phone 713, afternoon unci nights God Give Me Joy. #lod give me Joy in the common things, In the dawn that lures the eve that. sings. In the new grass' sparkling after rain. In the late winds wild and wyird refrain In the springtimes >picious field of gold it, the precious light by wintry doled God give me to' in the love di friends In their dear home ialfc a' snmn i ends, Iii the songs of children utli esira .■ ed; Ir> the sobei wisdom am* has gai. - ed. (rod give me joy: in live tasks tu/.i. press In the memories that burn 'tin! bless; In ihr thought that life, lias love :< spend, In the faith that nod at to irno; end God give trie hope lot each day th.u springs, God give me joy in the common things’ Thomas Curtis Clark, in j'.u Christian Century. Ishpening Club To Meet Thursday. On Thursday afternoon at... Ji'JO Mrs. C. B Buttle will entertain the members of the Ishpenlng Club at her lovely home In Cleveland Springs Estates. Club to Mffl On Thursday. On Thursday art . nocm «i there will be a regular meeting of •the First Afternoon division of the Woman's club at the club room with Meidames Charles Wells. C. M. Stroup. William Crowder and fl E Waldrop as hostesses. American Homes Department to Meet. On Monday afternoon at me club room at 3:30 rtie American Homes department of the Womar'r club Will meet with Mrs. H L. Weathers as chairman of the hos tess committee arid Mrs. H. E. w»ii drop and Mrs. W F Crowder a joint hostesses Mrs. Borders Entertains Circle. Mrs. Mike Borders was hostess or Monday afternoon to the members a £ the Judson circle of the Elizabeth church nt a meeting at her attrac tive home on Cleveland Springs toad. Fifteen members and five.vis itors were present. Mrs. Andy Bo tiers was leader for the afternoon and the program consisted of an ’utereeting talk oh the afternoon's lesson study given by Mrs. Johr Mauney, which was followed by two special songs. A social half-hour was enjoy cl during which the hostess' daugu ters, Misses Mary Sue and Hessen ttne Borders, served a .delightful sweet course. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bridge Club Hosts. On Monday evert 'ng at tneir home in Belvedere Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anthonv were cordial hosts to tire members of the Fort night bridge club. Bridge was play ed at three tables during the even tng. Early in the evening the guests were Invited Into the dining room where cheese rarebit, toffee and cherry tarts were served. Prizes foe high score were awarded to Mrs, Joe Nash and to Mr K. W. Morris Mrs. Jean Scftenck received a pace for low score. Those playing were Mr. and Mrs, Joe Nash. Mr. and Mrs Jean Schenck, Mr. and Mis. R. W. Mor ris. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McCord. Mr and Mrs. Renn Drum. Mrs. Harry Woodson and Mr, Anthony Series of Parties For Miss Blanton. Miss MUHcent Blanton, channm ; bnde-elect of this month, will be entertained at a series of lovely af fairs this week. This afternoon ur 3:30 Mrs. Rcun Drum will entertain the Tuesday Afternoon Bridge dun with Miss Blanton as guest of hon or; on Thursday afternoon at her home on Cleveland Springs road Mrs. B. O. Stephenson will entertr'n at bridge at 3:30 in her honor; on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock Mr.;. R. W. Morris will have Miss Blan ton and a few of her friends in for tea; and on Saturd. y afternoon from 4 to 5 o’clock she will be ho-. oree at an informal tea given by Misses Minnie Ed dins and Maty Adelaide Roberts at iaeh home on \V. Marion street Interesting Meeting Of Mothers’ Clob. A* the regular meeting of ibe i-.-.-.-.v.-. ■. . . . . -V Mothers’ club at the home of Mrs C A. numis yesterday afternooi the subject for the afternoon win "What Ik Play." Mrs. Hugh Mauney read a paper on this subject as th( first, on the program and was fol lowed by Miss Marie King who gave a delightful reading. Mrs. C M Dennis contributed an interesting paper on "Play as Preparation Lot l ife Work Mrs. L). Z Newton play ed a piano solo and Mrs. Robert Wilson read a paper on "The Play of Children.' Mrs. Claude Mabry concluded the program by reading a lcallet on the subject of play, j Mr*. Burrus was assisted by Mrs, Holly Ledford, Mrs. Jack Palmer :and Miv. Frances Hendrick, all spe * rial guests of the club in serving a j delightful sweet salad course with ! ho; ica. World Day Of Prayer I o Be Observed. Attention is called again to the 1'ai'i- that the World Day of Prayer j rill be observed by the Shelby . churches at n union meeting to be jbeltl at the Presbyterian church on (Friday afternoon at 3:30, when peo ple throughout the world wi! be observing the day in similar -serv ices. S|>ecial features of the after i noon's program will be talks by Mrs. B. L. Smith on "The Present Church and the Church Through the Ages," and by Mrs. Robert Doggett on "The >'butli of the Church." A third at tractive feature will be a duet sung by Mesdaincs J. W. Harbkon and Lnrl Honeycutt Mrs w. L. McCord will be in charge of the music Garden Club Holds Meeting. On Tuesday ant-moon at Hie eltib room (lit- members of the Gar den club enjoyed a regular meeting vitli Mrs. Herehel Blanton In charge Mrs, j D. Lineberger, the chair man, conducted a business meeting, at which time the club voted to make a contribution of $15 to char ity. Two excellent papers were read, one by Mrs. Orady Lovelace on “The Debutantes of the Garden," and one by Mrs. C P. Sherrill on “Iris.” Aft er the two papers a general discus sion session was enjoyed during which time the members exchanged ideas and experiences about their own garden and flowers in general. Plans for an exchange of plants at the next meeting were made. After this the meeting was adjourned. Mt. Sinai News Of Current Week I Those on Sisk List Improving. Bit - h | day Parly For Miss Bridges Personal Itcrrs. 'Special to The Star, Ml. Sinai. Feb. 17 -All those on Mir sack list last week, seem t.o lie improving. We hope they wiil .-o ,n >e out again Mr. and Mrs. Ector llarrill of Kings Mountain were spend-the lay guests of Mr. ami Mrs. W, 1. Harril! on Sunday. Mr. Wilburn Putnam; Mrs. Rello Dysart. of Latttmore; Mrs. Dime Hamrick and Mr. J. D. Hamrick of Shelby were among the callers at he home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Put tain on Tuesday. Mr. I,. Y. Randall of Pinev Orovc was a visitor in the community or Wednesday afternoon Mrs. T. L. McSwaii; of McSwair cille. returned to her home on Fr1 ■ day after spending several days w i :f; her daughter, Mrs. Miller Ellis art! Mr. Ellis. Mrs. Ben Bridges ct Shelby spot.' Wednesday and Thursday of Iasi week with Mr and Mrs. J. C, Brid ges. Mr. Jim Humphries of Lattimoe was a visitor in the community on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lebroi. Rogers aV children spent Friday night wiT relatives in the Flint Hill section. Mr. and Ml’s. T. V\ Bridges and children spent Sunday with the let ter's parents. Mr and Mrs. Jones of Lattlmore. Birthday Paitv. Misses Emma Lee Clnrv and Pearl Bridges were joint hostesses &r a birthday party given at Miss Brid ges' home near Earl. Wednesda; night. A large crowd was presort and the evening was .spent playinc games and progressive conversation A good time was reported by all, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Blackburn o! Lawndale, spent the week end wit1, relatives. Miss RheaHunt spent Wednesday night with her classmate, Miss Mad gelene Wright of Earl Mr. and Mrs. Winfred MeSwat: and Mrs. liewis McSwain were visi tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L C. Putnam Sunday. Mr. Mike Sepaugh of Earl, was t visitor at the home ot Mr. and Mrs Shiver Cl tampion Wednesday. He was accompanied home by hi mother, who had been spendint several days with Mi and Mrs Champion, Miss Buna Rollins has accepted a position in Gaffney, 3. C. Mrs. Willie Turner who lias b:-<t. nursing Mr, Shatter Putnam ve | turned to her home m Shelby Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Evans Bostic o' j Morganton, were guests of Mrs. J. III. Rollin', Friday nigivl. Mrs. B :s ; tic is remaining a few days wbh her mother. Miss Ida Humphrje. of McSwalr ville, spent last week with Mr. anti Mrs. R. O, Ellis and other relatives I of this community. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gold and Mi j Minnie Gold of Shelby visited rel - iatives in the community Friday alt ernooh. Messrs. C T. Ellis and Penv White were callers on Mr. md Mrs. Budd Hardin .Sunday after noon, Mr. Hardin who lias been sick continues about the same. Mr. Robert Hawkins of Shelby spent a while Sunday with Mr. ahd Mrs. John Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bridges visit.' I Mr. and Mrs. Brainatd Westittore jland of Blacksburg, S C., Sunfa ; night. Mr. and Mrs. Broadife Gold; Miss Lucille Gold. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Winn and son of Cliifside. spent Sunday with. Mr and Mrs. C. T. Kins. j Mr and Mrs, Clarence Self and 'sort Gene, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. David Champion Among the callers at Mr and Mrs, M. H. Ellis Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McSwain; Mr. and Mrs. Alden McSwain and daughter Colleen of Lattmiove Misses Norina and Buna Rolht.s, Mr. and Mrs. I,. E. Weaver of Gaffe ! hey, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Blanton of j Shelby and Mrs. Evans Bostic of j Morganton were dinnci guests o' Mrs. J. H. Rollins Sunday NEWS IN BRIEF j ( ItarloUr Visitors Over the Week end. Others Personal Mention. ‘Special to The, Star.' Ear], Feb. 17.—Mr. and Mrs. E. Austell, had as tlieir dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Bv. and family and Mr. Wade Austell of Charlotte, and Mr. and Mrs. Hop son Austell of Shelby. Miss Mary Sue Austell spent the week end at Patterson Springs the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Haync Paf t arson !’ Mr. Harry Hope of Sharon, S. C., spent Monday with his brother Mr. M. I,. Hope. Mr. Baxter Bettis and Miss. Sui lie Bettis were the dinner guests on Sunday of their brother Mr. Hugh Bettis at Shelby. Mr. Herbert Caldwell of Kings ! Creek, S. C., was a easier in the v51 \ iage Saturday. Mrs Riley Chapman and son and daughter, Leila and Howard, of High Point, visited at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Bettis Sunday. Mr. Phil Towerv returned home with them. Rev. and Mrs. J. W, Davis, had as their guests Sunday. Miss Viller" jartd Violet Davis and Miss Key of I Kings Mountain. I M'y and Mrs. Everette Alliso nand | children spent the vrek end at Dravo, S. C Former Mayor Of Lincolnton Fined ; Lincolnton. Feb. 16,—J. Frank love, prominent textile manufae lurer and a former mayor of Lin colnton, was fined $73 and costs nnd given a suspended six months load sentence here today by Re corder S. M. Roper, as. a result o; a hit-run accident' • which', occurred near here two weeks ago. PRAYER HOUR CHANGED AT PALM TREE CHURCH i The prayer service scheduled to be held at Palm Tree Methodist church on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock, has been changed to two o'clock. People in that community will take due notice thereof. New House News Of Current Week Inarming Par Training School At Sandy Run. People On Sick List. Personals. • Special to The Star.! New House, Feb. 17,—A very large crowd attended B. Y P. U. Sunday night at Sandy Plains. The members of all unions are planning for the training school which will be held the second week in March. Books to be studied and teachers will be named later. Mrs. J. p. Walker is spending this week with relatives In Ellenboro. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawkins visit ed Mr. Hawkins parents near Mooresboro Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. P. Walker, sc,, is visiting [her son. Mr. W. S. Walker of Shel by, at the present, Mrs. Walker who has been suffering with throat trou ble, Is improving. ry Mr and Mrs Ralph Padgett vis T Dual Charm In Formal Cottons i 'jpfcte undisputed acceptance of (he ! sheer cottons 1a the formal I mode is undoubtedlydue to the ' j adaptability lo both the youthfully 1 sophisticated and the more elegant ! trend* of current fashions. Tears i ago baautiful. line-woven cottons were the choice of pampered society belles, and if is with this return to feminine elegance a id ,charm that -fashion now concerns herself. "T»i ess 10 your ivpel" becomes the slogan of smart women every where. The chain! of duii-texfured cot ton lace, which™*® enhances the beauty of the akin, is attested in the model at. (he right, subscribing i to the sophistication of modern 1 v - - ' . ' V '■ ' ■ eocial life, Old ivory is the shade appropriately chosen for this gown of Orerian simplicity, relieved by rOdettes of lace to effect, art inter esting variation of the evening sil houette. Tilrq uoise accessories "'era selected to give just the right color accent. A sophisticated dance frock In that most naive of fabrics—-em broidered batiste^—is shown to the left. The vise of organdie ruffles lends on enchanting air of femin inity. while the striking effect of black embroidery on the sheer white fabric is emphasized by the use of black accessories. The re sult is a, combination Of youthful chic and individuality. ited Mr.. and Mrs. - Ed Walker 8ui)- i | day night. Mr. Audi,y Crow and family are sick with flu. Miss Dorcas Walker entered the Shelby hospital Sunday for treat ment. Miss Gladys Petty who lias been sick for the past two weeks is able to be out again. Miss Gladys Green is visiting at j the home of Mr. Audly Crow at the! I present. The members of the junior B. Y. P U. Were entertained with a Val entine social at the home of Mr, j and Mrs. C. C. Walker Saturday ! at 2 o'clock. I Mr. and Mrs. J P Walker and Miss Vernie Walker visited Mr. and Mrs. Grady Withrow at Hollis Sun day afternoon., Mrs. J. A. Greene Is sick at the present with sore throat. Miss Lula Walker is spending sometime with her sister, Mrs. Rass Humphries. Mr. J. F. Greene who has beeii sick is able to be out again. Mr. George Whitaker and Miss Verdia Doty are sick with liu. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams and chil dren who have been indisposed with: flu are improved. The W. M. U. held their regular monthly meeting Sunday. A very interesting program was rendered. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Walker and daughter, Louise, attended the funeral of the infant of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luther Walker in Ashe ville one day last week. Lyric TODAY AND TOMORROW The Laugh tor Team That Can't Be Beat CHARLIE GEORGE MURRAY SIDNEY In “CAUGHT CHEATING” The laughing truth about two chaps who did some high, wide and fancy stepping with two beau tiful chiselers without benefit of scruples. “Phantom Rider” With TOM TYLER A Western Thriller Everybody 10c From 1 p m. to 2 p. m, — Night 10c from 6:45 to 7:15 — Thereafter 10-25c. -Coming Friday JOHN BOLES And LITE VELEZ In “Resurrection” An All Talking Produc tion. — A BIG SPECIAL - Around The Carolina Theatre (With Apologies To RENN DRUM.) I’nder this heading each day will appear items of in terest to movie fans, also hap penings around the Carolina Theatre. Let’s get acquainted; here we are: We are operated by the D. & R. Amusement Com pany. a North Carolina cor poration, Mr. E. F. Dardine is president. J. A, Reynolds, is Vice-President and General Manager, (Also local man ager, and don't forget his name is ‘’JIM,’’ so speak to him when you see him, he likes it.) We (the corporation) do not own or operate any other theatres. We would like to meet each and every one of our patrons personally, so when you are down our way drop in and have a chat with us. • * * The Theatre is our business and we like to talk about it with those who are interest ed because we like to swap ideas. If you have any sug gestions to make, please let us have them. We are taking it for grant ed that you are not acquaint ed with all our personnel, so we are introducing them as follows; Mrs Howard Bridges, Cashier; Mr. Albert Crosby, projectionist and sound en gineer; R. T (Dick) Babing ton. sign artist; Casey Jones & Adam Hunt, poster clerks; Purvis Barret and William Thompson, ushers, * * • We forgot—Today' and to morrow are Ten Cent days. • • • * We were running a picture the other day: SCENE I Several girls, with bathing suits on their arms, stopping at the brink of a pool — SCENE n A railroad track in front of pool— SCENE III Long freight train struggling by— SCENE IV Passing box cars— I SCENE V The girls swimming in the pool. PINAL ACT Bab sat through this picture three times. Finally, he gave up and enquired of us. “Reck on that train is ever going to be late?" WE THANK VOL! NEW SOLID OAK 5-PIECE BREAKFAST SETS In Colors $23.95 $1 Down, $1 Week NEW STYLES IN BED ROOM SUITES $49.50 And U? $5.00 Down - $1.50 Week 3 PIECE FIBER SUITES 3 pc. Fibre Suits with cretonne cushions-auto seats—smart spring coloring's. $39.50 $2.50 Down - $1 Week It Costs Less atSterchi s So. LaFayette St. Shelby, N. C. Dear Buick Ownor: Because of its importance, we decided to inform you now that the present line of 1931 Buick Straight Eights will not be replaced by new models this summer. Buick, as you know, has introduced its new oars on August 1st, year after year. But inasmuch as these new Straight Eight models have met with such spontaneous approval by thousands everywhere, Buick has decided to continue manufacturing the present Eights throughout the summer and coming fall. /. This is mighty good news to thousands of Buick owners because they will buy new Buicks now with the knowledge that there will be no model change next summer. They will find in these new Buicks a degree of performance that is certain to give them a genuine thrill. All have the safe, silent-shift Syncro-Uesh transmission. All have Valve-in-Head Straight Eight engines. And all have the famous insulated Bodies by Fisher. So well has the 1931 line been received that, out of every 100 eights sold in Buick's price class, 56 are;Buicks. May we suggest that you drive the Eight as Buick • Builds It? Your Buick dealer will be glad to have you take the wheel and learn at first hand how much Buick Straight Eight performance adds to the Joy of motoring. Very truly yours, BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICH. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT • BUICK WILL BUI LD THEM GENERAL M o T O R S V A L U *

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