I ■-1—. VOL. XXXVII, No. 22 ... ^ 10 PAGES TODAY .... — Li? ———■———wmmm—i. • Mmi. ott rxr, ui>mi _ **,uu C)arfl>r. n> ... SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, FEB. 20, 1931 Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons, LA TE NEW: THE MARKET Cotton, per tb.___10c up Cotton Seed, per bu. ___ 34!ie Cloudy Saturday. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Cloudy tonight. Saturday partly cloudy. Not much change In temperature. Road Bill Cp Monday. Raleigh, Feb. 20.—Indefinite de lay of action on the state-wide road bills reported to t^ie house yester day loomed last night as a result of n well defined movement to hold up passage of road legislation until after the general assembly has dis posed of school bills complying with the MacLean law. The house set Monday night as the time to consider the adminis tration road bill, ignoring a minor ity report on the Crudup measure which is contradictory to it. The workmen’s compensation act was denounced by some and praised by others before a joint session of the. senate and house committee on in surance tonight. A subcommittee composed of Sen iors Baggett, McSwain. Jones, t’m stead and Bennett was appointed to study the bills. Services Begin At Presbyterian Church Sunday Or. McLees, Blind Minister, Breathes First Sermon Monday Evening:. - The congregation of the Shelby Presbyterian church has made thor ough preparation for the special evangelistic meeting which is to be gin with the Sunday services at that church. Three cottage prayer serv ices have been held in different sections of the congregation each night this week. In all of these splendid interest has been manifest ed by the church members. Visiting ministers of the Presby tery of Kings Mountain will assist the local pastor, Rev. H. N. McDiar mid, in the regular hours of worship Sunday. At 11 a. m. Rev. J. H. Hen derlite, D. D., pastor of First Pres byterian church, Gastonia, will be the preacher; and at 7:30 p. m. Rev. W. S. Wilson, D. D., of Lincolnton, will preach. Special effort-is being made to have the full membership of the church present for these first services of the meeting. Rev. R. G. MCLees, D. D., of Cha tham. Va.. who is to be the preach er during the next ten days, will de liver his first sermon Monday, 7:30 p. m. Dr. McLees. though blind, is one of the most winsome and pow erful spiritual leaders to be found in the south. He preaches the gospel with unusual fervor, earnestness and effectiveness. He is a gift ed minister in talking to young peoJ pie on their problems. There Is nothing of the sensational, clap trap and objectionable feature connected with any of Dr. McLees’ work. All classes are invited to hear him with the assurance of no personal em barrassment, but with the promise of being drawn by the power of his gospel preaching. The meeting will run from Feb ruary 22 through March 5, with two services each day after Sunday at 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. A cordial in vitation is extended the public to all the services. B. & L. And Banks Be Closed Monday Tlie three local building and loan associations and the two banks will be closed Monday in observance of Washington's birthday. George Washington was born on Februarj 22 which comes this year on Sun day, but Monday has been declared as a legal holiday and will be ob served by these local institutions. TALK TO 5,000 The firm which radically cur tails its advertising at the present time, thinking it a practice in economy. can hardly have excuse to com plain if sales drop off. Dr. Julius Klein, assistant secretary of commerce, told a prominent New York adver tising expert that ‘‘advertis ing is to business at the pres ent moment just what initia tive, courage and resourceful ness are to an individual . . . . Never was there a better op portunity for sound manage ment-coupled with advertis ing that has a real message— to help business get started back on Its climb to prosper ity." Concentrate on the buying power in Cleveland county. Aim your intensive selling in 1931 at a reader audience of 5,000 families through the ad vertising columns of The Cleveland Star U Covers Cleveland And Your Trade Territory Completely Robbers Stage Daring Raid Of Store In Shelby Armour Store Robbed Thursday Night Big Haul Made In local Clothing Store. Entrance Through Rear Window. Thieves last night made a i hold raid in Shelbv when they entered and robbed the It. I.. Armour & Company clothing store on Warren street, just op posite the court square, the rob bery taking place just before midnight. A complete check of the stor e-s stock was not available this morn ing but the value ef the stolen goods ran into several hundred dollars. The haul Included suits, overcoats, shoes and other wearing apparel. Use A Ladder. Entrance was made from the alley | at the rear of the store, a ladder | being used to reach the second floor [window. The thieves apparently crawled through the window into the office then moved downstairs to gather up their loot The f«ct tnat the store they were robbing Was in the heart of the busin"ss section did not seem to frighten the thieves. Their nerve carried them to the front of the store, just a few feet from the street, where they nil* fered show cases and front displays. I The robbery was discovered about 130 minutes after midnight when the ! open window and ladder at the rear ; attracted attention. Officers today were working quietly on the robbery, but admit ted that the boldness of the theft was surprising. At the hour of night j the robbery was staged there are j usually pedestrians and motorists | still passing in the business secti-.n. Convict Negro Of Bigamy; Gets Four Months, Pays Costs Riley Wood's First Woman Didn't Want Him, Thought It Right To Get Another. Riley Wood, colored man of the Boiling Springs section, had one too many wives for his own good. In county court here today Riley said that his first wife tossed his clothes out in a guano sack and told him to move along. Later he got lonesome, needed another woman and married Marie Walker. But he did not marry her, he said, until he asked his first wife about it. The first wife told him to go to it and as Riley looked at it that was all that could be necessary. Divorces he testified were something he knew very little about, and the first wife's permission to take a second one seemed to him ample ground on which to take another dive into the matrimonial seas. I He married the first wife, Lavinia, at Gaf^iey almost a score of years ago. Two years ago they separated. Recently Riley had been living in the Boiling Springs section with Marie. Talk got out that they were not married and a warrant charg ing- fornication and adultery was is sued. Riley and Marie then went to Gaffney and were married Tuesday. Today Deputy Gus Jolly brought them into court, Riley for bigamy arid the woman for adultery. Judge Maurice Weathers had RilCy pay the costs in both charges and give him a sentence of four months to be hir ed out. The woman was taxed the costs on the adultery charge. Star Couple Secretly Wed I One of Hollywood's most ro mantic love affairs reached full flower in Yonkers, N. Y., at high noon, when Virginia Valli and Charles Farrell (both above) were secretly married in the ► presence of a few friend*. The ■ younp star couple did their at most to keep the big: event quiet and sailed on the Italian liner S. S. “Augustus” for a Euro. , 1 pean honeymoon. * Veteran’s Loan Bill Passes Senate, 72-12 —i Butter And Eggs Reach Low Market Butter and eggs have reached a new low on the local mar kets. Eggs were selling today at country stores at 16 cents per dozen and Shelby Gilt Edge Creamery butter sold for 27 and 20c per pound. “This is the cheapest I have ever known Shelby Creamery butter to sell,” says Mr. Win. Lineberger, secretary-treasurer of this in stitution. Out in California where the egg market reached a new low level, a mob of people formed to have a battle with eggs, | throwing thousands of them at each other in order to decrease the surplus and increase the price. " * Judge Warlick Here March 23 New Judge To Preside Instead Of Judge J. IL Clements. Two-Week Term. • Judge Wilson Warlick, of Newton, newly elected Superior court judge in tills district, will preside over the two weeks term of criminal and civil court here beginning March 23, according to a notice received by Clerk of Court A. M. Hamrick. Judge J. H. Clements, who pre sided over the last term here, was to have presided at the Spring term, but the notice from Kaleigh states that a change has been made. This will be the first court Judge Warlick will preside over in Shelby since being elected last fall. Small Fire Thursday. The fire trucks were called out ( yesterday afternoon to Gardner ■ street, where a shed caught on tire from a grass fire. Chemicals were used to extinguish the blaze which caused little damage. Mull Raps G. 0. P. Failures; j Should First Decide What We Will Eat Then Talk Of Drink Democratic Chairman Says His Party Must Attack and Solve Vital Questions. Washington, Feb. 20.—Senator Morrison's position as spokesman for the “folks back home” on the liquor question was given a boost this week when O. M. Mull, of Shel by, chairman of the state Democra tic committee dropped off here for a brief visit and declared that “what we shall eat" is more im portant than “whi^t shall we drink.' Mr. Mull, after a round of visits to members of the state delegation in the house and a call on Senator Morrison, bitterly attacked the fail ure of the Republican party in “this hour of need.” I “This is no time . for the Demo* jcratic party,” said Mr. Mull “to ) —--——--—-■ ■ ■■—, —---— 1 : waste its energies and divide its I forces on controverted questions I which are not primarily political and (which if solved could not bring fun damental relief to agriculture, to labor or to industry in this “zero hour’’ of Republicanism. We should not give primary consideration to the question ‘what shall we drink' until we have solved the question of how are we to eat and 'wherewithal are we to be clothed." “The stress which now confronts the American people is, comparable only with the trying days immed iately preceding and during the World war when tile Democratic party furnished the statesmanship that haved our "nation,” he added. “The Democratic party can now furnish the statesmanship essential in this hour of Republican failure; We must meet these vital questions 'and solve them." Allows Veterans To Draw Halt Of Bonus Certificates. Hoover Op posing: Measure. Washington, Feb. 20.—The Senate passed the veterans’ loan bill last night, 72 to 12. completing one of the most devastating routs of the administration on Capitol Hill in the term of President Hoover. The measure, to which the presi dent only Wednesday voiced Iris vib orous objections, was rushed through the senate with hot only the votes of 34 Republicans for it, but with the support of many of these ad ministration members in debate also. Applause rang from the galleries and the floor as the overwhelming majority was announced by Vio* President Curtis at lit* completion of the roll call shortly after 6 p. m. The bill would allow World war veters to borrow up to half the amount of the face value of their iompensation certificates an aver age of $500 to each of the 3,400,000 exservice men. hook ror veto. It was passed by th j senate In the identical form in which the house approved it 363 to 39 on Monday. Bolstered with these tremendous majorities, the legislation will be sent to the white house today and a certain veto was forecast. Senator Harrison, Democrat. Mis sissippi, asserted in ihe senate it would be passed over the veto and the Republican leaders conceded this was probable. Alarm that the measure might be killed by a pocket veto without re turning It to congress before ad journment was stilled late in the day by semi-official word from the white Mouse that Mr. Hoover would veto it within 48 hours. Democrats Solid. Democrats voted solidly for tne loan measure, which was advanced as a compromise for the full cash payment of the certificates advo cated by many. Senators Watson, of Indiana, and McNary, or Oregon, tire Republican leaders, joined in the party bolt to support the bill. Mull Speaker For Legion Meet Here Former County Judge Addresses Vets. Musical Program Is Enjoyed. A large number of Cleveland coun ty World war veterans and their friends attended the mass meer.ng at the court house here Wednesday night at which the cash bonus pay ment was discussed fcy Judge John P. Mull. The meeting was presided over by Attorney W. S Beam, com mander of the Warren Hoyle post of the American Legion. In addition to the discussion of the bonus and other matters of in terest to^ex-service men there was an enjoyable musical program fur nished by a string quartet composed of Forrest Bolin, Herbert Whisnant, Flay Gardner and Marion Champ ion with a colored boy is accom panist, and a vocal quartet com posed of Mrs. Grady Lovelace, Dr. and Mrs. B. M. Jarrett and Mr Horace Easom. Mr. lack HardUen i\as also on the entertainment pro gram with humorous sketches. * Disease Harts Attendance In Shelby Schools Should Keep Sick Children Out Enrollment And Attendance At New Level Despite Contagious Dis eases. Reaches 3,157. Despite the fact that contag ious diseases are hurting attend ance records the enrollment In the Shelby school system and the average attendance for the fifth month reached a new high mark. During the fifth month the total mrbllment reached 3,157. Of that number 2,569 are white pupils and '>88 are colored. The attendance for the month was 200 more than for the same month last year. A statement issued with the at tendance report from the office of >upt. B. L. Smith says: "Contagious diseases are hitting .he attendance rather hard at the present time. It Is hoped that par ents will take all possible precau tionary methods to obviate a spread of sickness. "Schools are eager to keep up the attendance, but it will not be helped by sending sick children to school. Their health will be endangered and the other children will be subjected to the contagion. It will help if children are furnished clean hand kerchiefs daily, If they arc kept out when they are running an abnormal temperature, and if quarantines are strictly observed.” The best attendance for the month ,was shown in the high school with the South Shelby school ranking second. The attendance percentage by schools follows: High school . _ 95 8 South Shelby _ ........_92.3 Jefferson -...._... 02.0 j i LaFayette_..._... 91.0 Washington _ 90 6 Marlon __90.6 Graham _ ..._..._C8 2 » No Chance Given Mrs. Dick Gurley i Fortner Shelby Teachei Near Death After Operation At ColumbU Friends in Shelby this morn ing were notified that surgeons at Columbia, S, C., hospital held no hope for recovery for Mrs. Dick Gurley, former Shelby teacher, who was operated on there Monday. Mrs.^Gurley, wife of the Lenoir Rhyne athletic director and forme? Shelby High coach, underwent an appendicitis operation and complica tions developed. Before mahdage Mrs. Gurley was Miss Alma Peeples, of Vamville, S. C., and she was a teacher in the high school here for several years until her marriage some years ago. Cleveland Farmers Add To' Honor Roll Cleveland county farmers contin ue to add their names to The Star's "grow-your-own-food” honor roll Additional farmers pledging them selves to produce their own find and feed this year are: F. J. Walk er, Lawndale, R-1.. W. A. Randall, B'acksburg, R-l; and J. H. Rippy, Blacksburg, R-L All plan enough food and feed crops for their con sumption and for their livestock. Mr. Randall in sending in Ms name says that one of the best methods to have our farmers live at home Is to urge that they raise their own meat. Mr. Randall and his renter have a good wheat erop and are counting on feeding themselves. Last year because of the wet weath er he purchased his first bag of flour in eight years. Kings Mountain To Give Lot To Women The Woman's club of Kings Mountain may erect a club build ing on the lot adjoining the City Hall there. In legislature Wednesday Repre sentative Henry B. Edwards intro duced a bill authorizing the mayor and commissioners of the town of Kings Mountain to 'sell or donate’ a vacant lot off the south side of the lot where the City Hall is lo cated. The ldt fronts 40 feet on Piedmont street and is 169 feet deep. Ladies Night For Rotary Postponed The semi-annual “Ladies’ Night” of the Shelby Rotary club will not he held tonight, it is announced by club officials. The date of the event s-lil be announced later. Talk Coble For Fourth Alderman Jatkson, Present Alderman For j Ward Two, Not To See Office Again. With interest Increasing in the approaching city election political discussion about Shelby now centers on likely alder manic candidates in W'ard Two. Mr. Ab Jackson, well known groceryman who now represents Ward Tivo on the city council, will not, he has told friends, seek re election. The three ether nieml>err of the present board have announc ed that they will be candidates again. Mr. Jackson in stating Mint he will not be a candidate says that he cannot spare the time from ids business, but has teamed muc.i about the problems of the city dur ing his present term and feels as if he has benefited oy a closer ac quaintance with municipal matters and by his contact with citizens and officials. One I* Talked. Several prospective candidates for the Ward Two berth will likely be discussed in the next few days, but today a number of citizens acre urging Mr. Charlie C. Coble iO make the race. Mr. Coble info.in ert The Star this morning, when queried, that he was undecided and would not nay definitely until he could give the matter further con sideration. The present aldermen who have already announced are P. M. Wash burn, Ward One:*Jonn Schenck. jr,, W'ard Three, and Z. J, Thompcon, Ward Four. York Player* Beat Shelby At Checker* Shlllinflaw Makes High Score of 26 Rollins Leads Locals With 20. Eight York. South Carolina, check er players Journeyed to Shelby yes terday for a return match with a team of Cleveland county players and scored a decisive victory In the tournament held In the checker club In the Llneberger building. The York team scored 159 points to the locals’ 97. John Shillinglaw, one-armed York man, was high scorer with 26 points. Grover Rollins with 20 points led the local scoring. Cleveland B. & L. Hold Annual Meet At the annual meeting of the Cleveland Building and Loan asso ciation held yesterday afternoon In! the director’s room of the Union Trust Co. Wm. Lineberger was re elected president and J. I* Buttle was re-elected secretary-treasurer. The report for the past year was Very gratifying, with nearly 10,000 shares in force. Last year the build ing and loan paid to shareholders about $40,000 In profits. All former directors were re-elected. McEntire Child Dies; Pneumonia Victim Prances Ruth McEntire, two years and ten months old child ot Mr. and Mrs. Otto McEntire of the Dover mill village, died early Thurs day morning at the Shelby hospital of pneumonia. The child had boon sick about four weeks. Surviving are its parents, two brothers and one sister. Funeral services were con ducted this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock by Rev. W. A. Elam and interment was at Union Baptist church, ten miles north of Shelby. . ■■ Out $38,000 Dividends; Nine New Structures Semi-Finals Of Tourney Tonight - I The semi-final round of the Cleveland roun(v high school basketball tournament will be played tonight In the Shelby gymnasium, ths double head er beginning at ’< o'clock. The four surviving teams are Belwood, Pnlkvtlle, Fall . ston and Shelby. Belwood meets Polkvllle In the first game and Shelby plays Fall ston in the second. W. Clay. j of Fallston, and Capt. Sheity McSwaln, of Shelby, are high scorers of the tournament with 19 points each. I OTHER SPORTS PAGE 91 Rate King Gets Noted Lawyers Williams And Stewart, Of Lancaster To Assist In Next Trial At Lancaster. York, S. C., Feb. 20 Announce ment that D. Reese Williams and Roach 8. Stewart, composing the firm of Williams and Stewart of Lancaster at hi regarded as being among the foremost criminal law yers of South Carolina, have been added to the defense counsel ill the Rafe King case, has created some additional Interest and lias revived talk here as to when King will probably get another trial. Thomas P. Mebow, chief defense counsel, who recently obtained an order for a change of venue for King's second trial from Chester county to Lancaster county, has an nounced that he will go to Lancas ter next Monday and Will appear before the presiding jurist there with an urgent request that his .client be given another trial as soon I as may be practicable. However, it is not generally be lieved that It will be possible to hear the King case before a special term of court to be held in Lancaster be ginning about March 16. Solicitor W. Gist Finley says that will be as early as he can reach the trial. Mrs. F. B. Bright Buried On Monday Husband And Three Children Sur vive. She Was Only 32 Years of Age. Mrs. Tiiile Bright, wife of F. B. Bright, died at her home on Shelby route 5 Sunday at the age of 32 years and one month and was bur ied Monday at Big Springs Baptist church where the funeral service was held. She was twice married, the first time to Lewis H. Ritch arid' to this union three children were born, one of whom died. Her second marriage was to F. B. Bright on November 17. 1927 and to this union one child was born. Mrs. Bright professed faith in Christ in early girlhood and Joined the Baptist church, remaining aj member until her death. Surviving] are her husband, three children, four! brothers, one sister and a host of! friends. Auto Accidents Claimed54Lives In North Carolina In Last Month, 303Injured; Toll Shows Decrease Two Deaths And 10 Injured Per Day. Need Driver's License. See Editorial. Page WORSE THAN WAR Raleigh, Feb. 20.—Speed, careless ness and liquor killed 54 people and seriously injured 301 others in auto mobile accidents in North Carolina in January, according to figures made public by Major Sprague Sil ver. chief of the automotive division of the state department of revenue. This is an average of almost two persons killed and ten injured for every day in January. This record shows considerable improvement over the December record, however, when 87 were killed and 408 injured in 311 separate accidents. "The decrease in the number ofj [killed and in lured as shown in the January report of accidents indi cates that the people are perhaps waking up a little and becoming a little more careful in their driving,” said Major Silver. “But two deaths a day and ten injured a day is still too high. I am firmly convinced that the present accident toll will never be materially reduced without a state-wide drivers license law and a larger highway patrol to enforce it.” A larger number of pedestrains than usual was among those killed and injured in January,' since 21 of the 54 killed were pedestrians, while 85 pedestrians were injured, leaving only 33 occupants of automobiles, the report shows. Of the 21 pedes trians killed, 10 were killed while walking along the highway and four were killed while attempting to cross the highway. Six were killed and 22 injured in accidents in which the drivers of ooNTiwt’rn oti t>*nr ewrcu , Mill Dividend Help To Businee Trading More Active, Two Stores, One Warehouse. With the distribution this week of $38,000 in dividends paid by the Dover milk the prospects of a knitting mill with an annual pay roil of $75,000, six dwellings, two store rooms and a ware house, business is steadily on the up-grade, according to men who keep In close touch with the business affairs of the commun ily. Checks Mailed Today. The Dover mill put checks m a, mail today for $38,000 in dividend of stockholders. Most of this stocf la held locally and 'means thi: much new money has been put intt circulation. The Dover mill paid sl> per cent dividend on its commoi stock of $500,000 and four per cenl semi-annually on its $200,000 clglii per cent preferred. Merchants Report Improving Merchants report better buslnes at the stores. New spring merchan dise Is arriving dally and prices are considerably down from a year ago. Hardware merchants report art In crease In farming supplies and to the building trade—the most hope ful sign in ten months or longer With labor and material cheap, in dications are that building will be back to normal in a short while. Farmers are giving their attention to the growth of food and feeds in sufficient quantities to live-at-home. Cotton will be greatly reduced in acreage, according to all indications. H. L. Toms, superintendent of the city water department says he has made three water connections within the past week lor new homes. This is more than has been made in sev eral previous months. DUUOUlSft. It is understood that Mrs. Clar ence Mull ($s making ready to build a new home on N. Washington St. near the Shelby hospital. J. a. Propst is placing material for the erection of a new home on Sea board avenue next to Thad Ford’s home; Marks Hamrick is planning a new home on Llgon street in West Shelby; Billy Newton has u new home under construction on West Graham street; Fitzhugh Hamrick is planning to erect a home on highway No. 20 west near his father. Leander Hamrick; Mi's. Will Heb erts is planning to build a home; R. B. Keeter has purchased a lot on 8outh LaFayetta street near the Gulf Refining station where he may erect a store building later on. The Dover mill Is erecting a store building on its property just west of Shelby and erecting a dwelling nearby. Tire Lily mill is erecting a cotton warehouse for this textile plant in South Shelby. The building will be 100x130 feet and of frame construc tion. Land Brings $200. It is understood that E. L. Webb bought a farm in Cleveland county this week, paying therefor $200 per acre. Mai Spangler purchased the Bob Lackey farm of 60 acres just east of Shelby for $150 per acre. B O. Dodd has sold the fair ground filling station to Mike Borders foi $3,250, Kiwanis Official Talks To Club Here Rev. Mr. Peeler of Lenoir, dis trict governor of Zone One, was toe principal speaker at the weekly luncheon of the Kiwanis club held last night at the Hotel Charles. Mr Peeler reviewed the work of the clubs in this territory and put spi clal emphasis on the work of cov. mittees in carrying out the duties assigned them. While many Ki wanis members have been forced to drop from the' clubs in this zone, because of the depression, they are still Imbued with the spirit of Ki wanis and in many localities, are rallying strongly to the civic enter prises, » Service Store* To Have Window Man F. W. Driscoll, of Roanoke, VV, will come to Shelby the first of next week to begin his duties as window trimmer and interior display man for the Quality Service stores, made up of independent grocery' stores Ip Cleveland and Rutherford counties The Quality Service stores have an inside buying power Vtth leading manufacturers and the coming ol Mr. Driscoll means that the stores with membership in the Q- S. S unit will be repainted end more at tention given to the display of mer chandise and the very low price