Toluca And Knob Creek Gleanings Mr. Ambrose Mull Better In Ilantis Hospital. Mr. Absher to Undergo Oprratlon. (Special to The Star.) Toluca, Feb. 19.—A large crowd was present for preachtng on last Sunday at Carpehters Grove. Re \ W G. Camp delivered a splendid message from Luke 10 His text was “The Good Samaritan.' We are glad to note that Mr. A. T. Mull who is In the hospital at Winston-Salem is ».t tfing along fine and expects to < ome home et an early date. Mr. and Mrs C E. Bums, motor ed to Morgnnton last Sunday p m., to see the nephew of Mrs. Burns, Alvin Absher, who is quite ill. He left the following wee* for the gov ernment hospital In Virginia. He Is ar ex-soldler and was wounded while in service. He will undergo several operations. Many irum tended the play Riven at Belwood high school by the Woman’s Mis sionary society last a iturday night The proceeds went to Miss Addl* Dellinger who is in the hospital, About $50 was taken in. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gain and sen Herbert of Hickory were Toluca visitors last Sunday. Miss Ora Sain of Morganton spent the week end with her parents Mr and Mrs. J, L. Sain. Mrs. F. A. Boyles spent last Monday with her sister Mrs. J. M. Carpenter. Mrs. R. P. Boyles was to see her father. Mr. George Beam of the North Carolina section last Mon day. Mr, Beam is ill at this writing. Mr. DeVaughn Boyles of Boone spent the week end with his par ents Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Boyles. Misses Marie and Louise Costner spent last Sunday with Misses Lil lian and Hazel Yarboro. The following were dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Willie Wtlkeraon on last Sunday: Mrs. M. 8. Boyles. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Willis, Mr. and Mrs Theodore Boyles. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ledford motor ed to the home of his daughter Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Moss of Kings Mountain last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Young, Messrs Coy and Leon Young motored to the home of Mr. Young's son Mr and Mrs. Carme Young of Newton last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Vickers of Shelby, spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carpenter. Rev. W. G. Camp of Cherryvllle Wps a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs Pie to Ledford last Sunday. Mr. J. C. Mull of Shelby spent last Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Hoyle. Mrs. Gertie Proctor and daughter Miss Lovella of Burke county, spent last Sunday at the home of her brother Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ledford. Misses Vaunetta Boyles. El vie Hartman. Messrs L. F. Boyles, Earl Boyles, Mr. and Mrs C. G. Boyles, visited the airport at Llncolnton on last Sunday. Land Is being cleared In Rich mond county for pasture planting and preparations are under way to Increase the population of family cows. The one consolation about defla tion Is that It affects a lot of heads that way, too—Pottsvllle Journal. Grover Section Events Of Week (Special to The Star.) Grover, Feb. 10.—Mr. G. H. Ham bright was taken suddenly sick with acute Indigestion last Saturday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock and died Mon day afternoon at 4:30. He was bur led Tuesday afternoon at Antioch church, funeral services conducted by Rev. E. C. Watson, uastofc First Baptist church of Blacksburg. Mr. Hambrlght was 74 years old. He had lived in and around Grover all of his life. He is survived by one brother, Mr, J. H Hambrlght, of Grover, two sisters, Mrs. Sallle Whisonant and Mrs. Martha Bor ders, both of Blacksburg. 8. C. The Fidellts class of the Grover Baptist t;hurch enjoyed a Valen tine party at the home of Miss Livingston last Friday night. Al though it was a rainy night, there were several of the class and their friends present. Games were played, refreshments were served and every one had a good time. Messrs. Calls Martin, W. E. Pur cron. Fred Green and A. C, Bum gardner, attended court at Salis bury last Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Martin was sued for $7,500 for In juries alleged to have been Inflicted In an automobile accident that oc curred on the road between Blacks burg and Gaffney, 8. C., on Aug ust 20th, 1929 upon the person of Carroll T. Overton, of Salisbury. The Jury was out two hours and return ed a verdict of $3,000. Mr. Martin was represented by Judge Carlton of Salisbury. Miss Esther Purcron had a very severe case of flu, being confined to her bed fd rover tw weeks with temperature running at times to 106. She Is out again and back In school. • Mr. O. E. smith, depot agent at Grover, has a son, G. E., jr., who has pneumonia ot this writing. Ho Is lp a serious condition. Miss Mary Hambrlght who Is at tending college at Greensboro this year Is at home now recuperating from an operation for tonsllltls. Mr. J. H. Green and Mr. Guy Sneed of Rock Hill. S. C., were guests of Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Fur cron last Friday night, returning to Rock Hill Saturday Mr. Warren Hicks Is building a new three room residence, just hack of his horn* on Whipporwlll St. When completed It will be occupied by his father Mr. Zeb Hicks and family. We welcomo Mr. Hicks and his family to Grover. Mr. O. C. Wa'lace who has been a resident of Grover for several years has moved to Gastonia. Mr. T. S. Keeter Is quite sick again at this writing, suffering a general breakdown. Mr. Keeter has been a constant sufferer for several months. He has been In hospitals and under the care of specialists for sometime, and seemed to be getting along nicely. His relapse Is quite a disap pointment to his family and many friends here. Mr. Rube Rollins and Mr. H. L. Beam are among the latest suffer ers from mumps, which has visited Just about every family tn this town. Mrs. Rollins reports to day that she Is about well, but that her little son, Maxey, has developed a fine case. Little D. Byers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Byers has pneumonia at this time, but he is getting along ! t fine. We use and recommend VlGORO Our success with Vigoro is the best recommendation we can give it. Vigoro-fed lawns de velop faster, are healthier, smoother and more velvety. Vigoro provides plant life with a complete, balanced diet. Crass, flowers, trees, shrubs, —all thrive on it. Clean, odorless, Vigoro is easy to apply. Just scatter it by hand like grass seed. In 100, 50, 25 lb. bags, also ! 5 lb. and 12 oz. packages, Vigoro costs only 10c to 20c every 100 square feet. Phone us for full information. A product of Swift flr Company. _ a. s* ylGORO W Compute plant food for lawns, garden*, flower*, tree» and shrub* HEADQUARTERS FOR LAWN AND CARDEN SUPPLIES Campbell Dept. Store VIGORO DISTRIBUTORS Seams Mill Dots Of Personal Items Number Attend Play at Polkvlll Personnls of Visiting About. (Special to The Star.) Beams Mill, Feb, 19.—Mr. and Mrs W C. Bridges and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John McSwaln formerly of this community. Mr. and Mrs. Onley Wright, Miss Connie V. Wright, A V. Costner, Misses Eleanor and Vevette Elliott Beatrice, Eury and Evelyn Hen drick, Messrs Sherman Costner, Sherrill Hamrick attended the play at Polkville High school Saturday night. Miss Edna McSwaln spent Sun day evening with Miss Irene Cos; ner, Mrs. Paul Warllek of Fallston visited Mrs Claude Bridges Friday nfternoon, Those visiting Misses Ethel and Mattie Williams Sunday were Mr. nnd Mrs. Hugh Williams of Kings Mountain, Misses Virtue and Ray Hoyle, Messrs. Melvin and Talmage Wright also of Kings Mountain. Miss Novella Wright spent several days last week with Misses Annie and Addie McSwaln. Mrs John Ledford and children and Mrs. O. A. Hoyle spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wellmon. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sellers and family visited Mr, and Mrs. Furman Wright Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bridges spent Sunday night with Mr and Mrs. W. C. Bridges. Those visiting Mr. snd Mrs. Press ley Costner Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Grady Hoyle and son Billy, Mr, and Mrs. Faul Bridges, Mr. and Mrs. Onley Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bridges and son Bobby visited Mr. and Mrs. John Wright Sunday Mrs. John Ledford and Mrs. Gaston spent Monday with the-lr sister Mrs. Rachel Poston of Sheiby. Mr. Yates Wright spent Saturday with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bridges. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gardner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, V. A. Gardner and Mrs. Ernest Gard ner remained over for several days. Misses Eury Hendrick, A. V. Cost ner and Connie V. Wright spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Onley Wright. Mast Raise Food and Feed. Forty-two landlords, 11 supply merchants and three bankers of Vance county have agreed to supply no tenant or farmer this year who does not agree to raise his food and feed supplies before considering the cash crops. 700 Acres In Tomatoes. Despite low prices promised for tomatoes by local cannery operators, Washington county growers have signed up 700 acres for this season. Resplnol spreads a soothing film that stops your cough, heals the raw membranes, lets you sleep In comfort. Pleasant tasting—• but no sugar or opiates. 50c. BREAD PRICES CUT AGAIN Grandmother's WHOLE WHEAT of Highest Quality—Full Pound—wrapped loaf forn-»r price new price C, yOUr **v‘n* lc Grandmother’s PAN LOAF Full Pound—wrapped former price *]Cy new price 0C, your **T*n* lc Sugar 10 lb. Bag 49c NUCOA 'ST 16. 20c SULTANA RED BEANS 3 ".Z 20c J. .. 1 111... DEL MONTE PRODUCTS PEACHES ^ 21c CRUSHED Pineapple No. 1 Con No. I Can 12*2c 23c ASPARAGUS TIPS No. 1 Round Can 19c Mixed Vegetables 2 S»' 23c Campbells BEANS } cans 11c COCOA 1 L 13c Sunsweet PRUNES Ut 21c FIG BARS Crisps 2 lbs. 23c Toy Balloons with the Purchase of Colgate Palmolive Products 3 cakes Palmolive Soap 20c 3 pkgs. SUPER SUDS 25c 3 Pkgs. Octagon Powder 10c 3 ■E" Octagon Soap 10c - PRODUCE - Lettuce.. 5c Celery - Large Stalk........... 10c Oranges - 2 Dozen .. 25t Grapefruit - 6 For .. . 25c - MARKET - Fat Back - Pound ... 8 l-3c Kmgan’s Sliced Bacon 27c Pork Chops and Roast - lb. 17£c Beef Roast - Pound 17^c Atlantic & Paciiic « Read What ONE OF AMERICA'S OUTSTANDING AND LARGEST WHOLESALE MANU FACTURERS WIRED US ABOUT OUR FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE PATRONS ARB REQUESTED TO FAVOR THE COMPANY RY CRITICISM AND SUGGESTION CONCERNING ITS SKRVIC8 • Class of Service TKU I* a full-rate Telegram or Cable gram unless its de terred character is in dicated by a suitable sign above or preced ing the address. A-—-„ ---t WESTERN UNION itirwcona ejutiTOM. *«*»**o«ht J. C, WILLIVfR. n»iT VICI'MIIINNT SIGNS DC«Dnlwi«f NM-WtMtMi. NL ■ Nleht Letter LCO *• Deferred C«bl« NLT - Cable Nieht Letter" WLT - Week-End Lettet Xfc* film* m shown is the data Ujm on full-rata telegram and day letters, and the Urns of receipt at destination as shown on all rnwni. it STANDARD TIME, Received at CF60 85 NL—STLOUIS MO FEB 16. HARRY S COHEN— COHEN BROS SHELBY NCAR— WE CONGRATULATE COHEN BROS ON THE ATTAINMENT OF THE FIRST ANNIVERS ARY IN BUSINESS STOP THE RAilD GROWTH OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT CLEARLY TESTIFIES TO A SATISFACTORY RECORD OF SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY STOP IT HAS BEEN OUR PLEASURE TO SERVE COHEN BROS WITH THE PRODUCTS OF OUR FORTY MANUFACTURING UNITS A CHOICE SELECTION OF DESIRABLE MERCHANDISE AT POPULAR PRICES STOP AGAIN WE ARE GLAD TO COOPERATE WITH SPECIAL VALUES FOR THE ANNIVERSARY SALE RICE STIX 40 MANUFACTURING UNITS. 506P New Coats - New Dresses New Coat Suits NewJacksttes at Cohens 1st Anniversary Prices Beautiful New Silk Print DRESSES JUST UNPACKED $2.87 AU sizes — 14 to 46 Dresses for which you would expect to pay $10.00. $4-87 Roman stripes and beautiful printed designs. NEW COAT SUITS WITH ^SILK BLOUSES $5-87 Coats At Prices That Show Big Saving All Wool Materials. All sizes for Miss and Matrons — 14 to 52. $4*87 The pick of the New Yorl market. Sample Coats sent in by our New York buyer at big savings. $8.87 Compare these with $15.00 Coats in town. THE SEASON'S NEWEST Camel Pile and K e r a m i Jackettes in black, white and tan. $6.87 All Wool Jersey SUITS Sweater Skirt and Tam To Match $4.87 EXTRA SPECIAL! SAT. 10:30 A. ,M. Another Shipment Men’s & Boys’ WORK SHIRTS Genuine Spindale GINGHAM 14c YARD Usual 30c Value MEN’S 220 Weight OVERALLS 66c Beautiful New SILK PRINTS 39c Yard Washable ABSOLUTELY FREE Dress Patterns With Silk Dress Materials. EXTRA SPECIAL! SAT. 2:30 P. M. Octagon Soap 5 Cakes 10c With $1 Purchase Ladies’ Full Fash ioned Hose 49c Just received an other big shipment. MEN’S FUR FELT HATS 98c Ladies’ First Quality SILK HOSE 19c MEN’S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS 59c White and Tan EXTRA SPECIAL! MON. 10:30 A. M. Children’s Panty Dresses Fast Colors 1 36 - INCH PRINTS 10c YARD Children’s Solid Leather Shoes, Oxfords & Straps 98c New Novelty SLIPPERS For Miss And Matron. $1.98 JOIN THE CROWDS OF HAPPY SHOPPERS A T COHEN’S — EVERY DAY VALUES THAT SET NEW RECORDS FOR OUR BUSINESS. WHO EVER SAID HARD TIMES —- Our Prices Chase Old Man Gloom Away. COHEN BROS. — SHELBY’S PRICE LEADERS ON QUALITY MERCHANDISE —