Society Debate At Boiling Springs Two Literary Societies Will Debate Question of Labor Entering Politics. (Special to The Star.) The anniversary program of the Athenlan-Rhamseur literary socie ties of Boiling Springs. Junior col lege will be presented (n the college auditorium Saturday evening, Feb-j tvary 21, at 7:30 o’clock. The following program has been i arranged. Musical reading—Mar garet Stockton; recitation by Mary Belle Kendrick; vocal solo by Madge Bpurllng; debate: Resolved That Labor Should Enter Politics .as Separate Party. Affirmative: Zac Robinson and L. £• Dhlpes; nega tive: Jesse Cooley find Tliomns Long; female sextet. Hubert Huggins will preside aver the program and BUiu; Odum will serve as secretary. IHstl A Conspiracy. Her Papa—Don't think for a min ute you're going to marry my daugh ter. Her Caller-Fine—you got me out oi this met® and I’m your friend for i life: All Could Do To | Turn Self In Bed "Both my husband and I got i wonderful 'relief from Sargon, and | we think It’s the fInert medicine we | MRS. WIM.IK ever saw,” recently stated Mrs. Wil lie Williams. 1010 Stokes St., Dur ham. \ "There was hardly t day for ix years that 1 didn’t get up with a dull, heavy headache. 1 slept miser ably and had such terrible pains In my side that it was all I could do to turn myself in bed My stomach was out of order and I had indiges tion and heartburn. “It was a different story when I started Saigon. The Stomach trou ble, headaches and pains have en~] tlrcly disappeared; 1 deep fine and j feel brimful of new strength. “I also took the Sargon Pills for j constipation and nevor expect to be without these wonderful medicines again.” Sold in Shelby by Cleveland Drug Co., and in Kings Mountain by the Summers Drug Co. adv. e“ *" •» 1’““* *'n«rjfV (!h*' *up. ** J‘ h« 1 °“*h ,f* ^•Vor Uat . r*ri,Jr of "isr'SJ"* bre4rf “'--o' —or book *«•"**•» Recipe, 6>„, "•“•'t •« . c, '*•*»!« ad. pays Wake Forest College Turns Out Thirteen College Presidents, Twelve Of Whom Are Shown Below O l*/ YATES' A? i~ MOOW o A C<MO0£U. £ *v S/xes ir r H T h-!UM TBIZ. ~| A/JirS- - 'e / Ttys' J w. z. porz/ir I. £>&£& THU a (V D KlTcmr-J I ' V I C £• 0«rtv£-c. w <3 cov [—r~ agy.iifw | Sv><e/«//r Dowell. Twelve? of the intern.Wake For est college alumni who at present are college presidents. They are. reading from upper left: O. \V. Vales, Bethel college (Kv,); R. L, Moore, .Mars Hill; J. A. Campbell, Campbell; E. \V, Sikes, Cletnson; Carlyle Campbell, Cokttr; W. L, Po jteirt, (president-emeritus!. Wake i Forest; T V. K itch in, Wake Forest; H. T. Hunter, Western Carolina •Teachers college; 0. E, Brewer, Meredith. W. D, Edwards, Chowan Coy Muckle, Wingate; Spright t>o\v cil. Mercer. Three others whose pictures do not appear fire: 1). U. Dougherty, Appalachian State Normal; , C. T. Ball, Eastern University i Philadel phia ); T. J. Simmons. Brennu col lege (Georgia.) All told Wake Forest lues turned out 36 collage, presidents. Build New Bridge Near Double Shoal Pretty Wooded Site 011 Property a I One Time Owned by Governor Gardner's Father. Double Shoals, Feb. 19.—A lir, ciotvd was' present at both Stine’.”.\ schools last Sunday. The regular monthly service will be held at the Baptist church this Saturday and Sunday Conference Saturday at 3 o'clock. Sunday school on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Preaching at 3 o'cloc.t. Everybody Is invited to attend. The county commissioners are having a bridge built this wees: at the old Gardner place. one mile north of Double Shoals. It"is. said that Governor O. Max Gardner's father once owned this property Later on it was owned by .Jim Weaver. It is now owned by Mr. Carl M, Spangler, von of A. D. Spangler, A natural rock shoal With Beautiful scenery tliat very lew peo ple know about is to lx- seen at Uui; place. The bridge will mean much :o the surrounding community. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Spangler of Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs. C. ft. Spangler last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cornwell spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spangler Mr. and Mrs. Eub ,t Spangler have moved out to house keeping to the Laughlin farm who now live near York, 8. C. Mr. and Mrs. Sutnr.iie Spangler and little daughter. Mr and Mrs. Clyde Spangler and children of Shelby and Mr. and Mrs. Yates Crooks of Latttmore rpant Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Spangler. Little Miss Dorothy Spangler, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Carl Spangler have been sick with flu rnd cold but are much better now. E, D, Bridges of Lawndale and J. VV Costner made a ousiness trip 10 Hickory on Monday. rutiung Jiwrel roiatoes. Approximately 400 acres of sweet potatoes will be planted In Hoke county this season to be marketed cooperatively from curing houses . NOTICK Of SIMMONS North Carotins. Cleveland Count' In the Superior Court Virginia C. Wells. Plaintiff vs. Alvin- Wells. Defendant The defendant Alvin Well* will take no. Uce that an action, ns above styled, has been commenced in the .superior court of Cleveland count v, or which Shelby is the county **tu, wherein the plaintiff pith flotu for »n absolute divorce from the de fendant named, on statutory grounds; and said Alvin Wells, defendant, will take notice that he Is required to appear at the court house in said city, county and state, and at the office of the clerk, of superior court thereof on. or before tht 20th day of ' A*ftD answer or demur to | the pe ition he rein,or that the plaintiff will |anp*v at term time for the renef demand n^Kald-,^tLtlon and complaint Thi.v 120th day of FefcruarVv lO Ji A, M HAMRICK. Clerk. Superior . Court. - |.W....S: Ream Attorn*:* for Plaint.iff ' Oak Grove News Of Current Week Mr. And Mrs'. Bell More Into New Home. Champion Child Suf fering With Head. (Special to The Star.) 1 Oak Grove, Eeb. 19.—Regular ‘ preaching; service was held at Oak ! Grove Sunday afternoon at 2 i o'clock. The pastor, Dr. Black, de livered a very Inspiring sermon. Little Robert Lovelace, son of Mr. Osh y Lovelace is improving after a 8o#ous illness. Mr. Joe Canipe of Old Fort spent the week-end with his cousin, Mr. A. LI Devenney. Mr. and Mrs W. If. Ware and children and Mrs. T. M. Ware pent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob bie (,0‘cn of Bessemer City. Mr». It. T. Wright and daughter snerii the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C'.cophas Ledford. Mrs. Junto Moore, Mrs. R V. Ross and Miss Geneva Rosa visited Mrs. Forbes of the Beulah section Wed nesday. Master Junior Champion is very sick with .serious trouble of the head. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Boll of Gas tonia were the week-end guests of Mr. Bell's father and mother, Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bell have moved into their new home. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dayberry and children of Shelby were Sunday aft ernoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. j Devenney. Mr. and Mrs. J. P Goforth visittfl Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ware Sunday NOTICE OK HAWK OK LAND. Under authority conferred by deed of trust eaecuted by JN*t H. H.u y and wile. Brands Hocy. to the Cotnmercibl Nation*!' Bank of High Point, North Cardinu. trus tee. dated tlie 15th day of October. 1027 i and recordrd In book 150 at page 17. of the registry of Cleveland county, North Carolina, the said trustee will at I'd. o'clock noon on March 20ih. 1*31. at the oouft house door of Cleveland county, in I Shelby, North,.Carolina, sell at public auc tion for cash, lo the highest bidder, the following described property, situated in the city of Shelby, cotmty of Cleveland slate of North CafSThia, and more parti cularly described as follows: Situated 111 the south western Part o' the city of Shelby, N C lying on the cast side of Clegg street, and being all of loi numbers 6 uild 7 und 20 feet of lot num ber 5 In block number 2 o( the J JV SI! vr property, which was deeded by H V Young to J. w. Stiver, December !7lh, 1323 and recorded In book OQO. ot page aid in tlie regular of deeds office or Cleveland county. North Carolina, being ahown by plat of record in the aforeaaid office in book of Plats No. I at page <3 and more definitely described as follows. Beginning at u stake on east edge of Cleg street, south west corner of lot No. a and rut* thence south 82-30 east 150 feet to a slake south eaat corner of lot, No, * thence south 11-30 west 10 feet to a tie burner,. 20. feet over on lot No. 5; thence north 82-30 west 150 feet to a new corner in the east edge of Clegg afreet; theme north 11-30 east 10 feet to point of be gmuiqg. This sale Is made on account of de fault In the payment of the indebtediuv seoured hy said deed of trust and la sub all tuxes and paving assessment ugnlnut the Said property, whether now due or to become due. /j This tlie 18th dev of Febma*y, 1231 1 COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OKI moll POINT H *h Print, Norm! Carolina Local Trustee ! rNew ion A Nee toll, lint, 41 KWh Nic I NOTICE OF FOBEC 1.08 IKE SALE I Coder and by virtue of the power or ■Or contained in rhat certain deed or 'rust made by It. I,. Hunt ami wife, Ar.ahe Hunt, in Carolina Mortgage Company, truster, retarded lit book Hi nt page 47». ■ 1m office of the register of deeds of. Cleveland county, North Carolina, default tutting been thadc in the payment of the! note thereby secured and the holder lucre - or having dlroeted that the deed of trust bt foreclosed. the undtrslghtd trustee witl otfer lor sale at the court house door In the city ot Shelby,. North Carolina, at 131 o'clock, noon on Wednesday the 25th day I of March, 1931. and will sell to the high est bidder for cash, a certain lot or par cel of land in or near the city of Shel by. county ot Cleveland, township number -ix. slate of North Carolina., and more particularly described ns follol','!. That kit or parcel oi land situated on the east side of. North LuFauette street, in the town of Shelbj, N. C.. on which H. L. Hunt now resides, known us No. KO North Lafayette street: Beginning on a stone, the northeast corner of the 8. L. Udlespie lot; thence north 3 degrees 20 minutes east 100 feet to an iron stake; thence south 84 degrees, 30 minutes west. 20J feet to an iron stake at the east edge of North Lafayette street: thence south a degrees 20 minutes west i(» feet with said street to ah iron stake, s E. cJUlespie s corner: thence with his line north 84 ...degrees 30 minutes casl 209 fee lo the beginning. The aioresanl lot ,1s bounded on the north by the lands of If. V. Wilson; on the south by the lands of 8. L. Gillespie; on the east by thy lands of Clarence Mull; and on the west by North LftFayette street The above, described properfv being the same land conveyed to H L. Hunt bv deed ftom E. A, Welimon end wife, Miry a Wrllmon, dated October 19, 1914, and filed j for registration on the 19th day of Octo ber, 1914. in the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county, North Caro lina. recorded in book YY. pago 416. This the 18th day of February, 1931 CAROLINA MORTGAGE COM PANY, Trustee. Newton & Newton, Attys. 4t Feb 20e Try Star Want Ads. 250,000 Workers Return To Mills Manchester, Eng,. Feb. 17.-Be tween 250,000 and 300 000 Lancash ire cotton mill workers returned ' the factories today ending a strike of nearly a month's duration. Agreement was reached Friday between the workers and employers on the employers’ demand to in stitute a more looms per weaver, system. Although the system gave | the workers somewhat better pay,! they attacked it as throwing other! men out of work. Because of the depressed state of' the industry It was feared that noj more- than 50 to 60 per cent of the j workers would find tobs today, but) reports of revival of trade in India gave considerable hope. Imperial Theater Is Burned In Charlotte Charlotte.—The Imperial theater, $100,000 unit of the Paramount* Fnblic corporation, wu.r destroyed; By fire here early today. Flames, originating in tire office, had not gained much headway When firemen arrived, but soon reached chemicals in the roof cooling sys tem, As the roof burnt d the draft spread the flames through the whole interior of the bulldiny. The fire was prevented from spreading to other buddings by fire walls. The publix chain Owned all. equip ment and the building itself was owned by T; E. Hornby of Charlotte. 666 LIQUID or TABLETS Cure Colds. Headaches. Fever (i (i (> SALVE CURES BABY’S COLD HOSIER* HOSPITAL, Inc (Of Charlotte N C.» Hraneb AI Airs. Hannon's Hemstitching Shop (tender l'hoepl»t<! Shop) Uostery and Knitted Good* Neatlj RepairpA All Hose Must P»« Laundered. Mrs, Cora Moshier, of 601 North New Orleans Ave., Brinkley, Ark., writes: "I was so constipated until I was just sick. I could not stand to take strong medicine, so I de cided I would take Black Draught, and 1 found it to be all right "I would have such dizzy spells, and such bursting headaches, until I could - hardly go. But after tak ing a few doses of Black Draught I would feel just fine. It is a good medi cine, and I recommend it to all who suffer as I did. It is very easy to recom mend a medicine that has done as much for me as Black-Draught has done.” THEDFOUB’S For CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS i_—_Kx-i".<aBi [Women who tana Oahdvi. neeJ a tonic should) y Uawl ovar 60 yaara REE! BIG PLANT CflTALO Plants Beautify Your Home— L This Ls the planting season. Plant tone*, *hnihs, evergreens. Big free plant cat alog will help you plan groupings. Thousands of sturdy, healthy plants to «*Kooso from. Make your home a garden ■pot. Write TODAY for catalog. FRUTTIJVND NURSERIES DESK V-l P. O. DRAWER 91« AUGUSTA, GA. Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 75m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, we can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving fre%ht and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MOUNT HOLLY. N. C. Scout Committee Organizes Here; _ ! Mayor Me Murry Is Honor Chairman With Everett Houser Executive Chairman For 1931. The Shelby scout committee met at the Hotel Charles Monday even ing lor the purpose of reorganising | the work for 1931 Mayor S. A. McMurry was .present and expressed himself as being pleased to accept tue Honorary, chairmanship of the work for the | year. Mr. F.verette Houser will' be ’ executive chairman for the local committee. He is entering into the work in a whole-hearted sort of manner and promises to make an exceptionally fine leader. The other committeemen are as follows: Deputy commissioner, Rev. H. N. McDiarmid; finance, J. S. Mc Knight, Earl Hamrick; court of honor, Joe Whfsnant: troop organ ization, T. B. Falls: publicity, Lind say Dail; leadership training H. Clay Cox, J. (J. rrupjsw uuv ice,’ Lee B. Weathers, Ed Post, camping. J. I'\ Jens ins; church re lations, Rev. L. B. Hayes: school re lations, J. H. Grigg; reading, W. E Abernethy; health and safety, Dr rom Mitchell; scoutmasters, Hug 1 Arrowood. The following men are commit teemen at large; Paul Webb, L. P Holland. Thad C. Ford. Rush Ham rick, RevCW. R. Jenkins, John Me Clurd, Johm-F. Schenck, jr.. M A Spangler, Oliver Anthony, Rev. L. L. Jessup, H. B. Miller. HOME OWNED STORES ui o H r/3 Q w £ O u S o s the housewife will [titd cur. stores . , . and Cur gteen grocers and meat markets ,.. will supplied with foods to prepare ttj.a patataMe"£cntciV menus ! . .. Mtany cf the more ttjan 2.000 stores «btcb have built in Ctua'ity-Scmcc Stores —the Souths largest Ifndepcnient feeds distributing body. arc well pre* pared to serve you! Srrliur Sterns Borden's Evap. G small cans 25c Flour Isaac Shelby 24-lb. Bag Snow King Baking Powder 23 Sunshine Cakes & Crackers 75c^ 22c 25c £ CLEEN- MADE ■ MACARONI - 2 Pkgs.. 15c I SPAGHETTI OR NOODLES! BORDEN’S EAGLE BRAND MILK — Can . . . .... . 18c MORTON’S IODIZED SALT — Package .. . . ...9c “WHEN IT RAINS IT POURS” SUN DRIED APPLES - 2 Pounds ........ . 25c SYRUP PEACHES - 2 No. 2\ Cans.35c For Quality — BREAD & CAKES — Just Say — BECKER’S OR BOST’S — PILLSBURY’S PANCAKE FLOUR ...;. . 14c PeopL? who know j,rood pancakes say Pillsbury's make the best. F. F. V. CAKES & CRACKERS OVEN FRESH! FLAVORY! THEY’RE PINE! ------ ALL Q. S. STORES FEATURE CAROLINA MADE FLOUR CAROLINA’S FINEST HAYA-REXA CIGARS - 6 for.25c LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTES — 2 Large Pkgs .. 25c TEXAS GREEN CABBAGE * Pound.4c JUMBO BLEACHED CELERY Stalk ....... 10 . IRISH POTATOES , 10 lb*.29c FANCY PRUNES 2 lb. pkg. 23c LIMA OR BUTTER BEANS 3 lbs. ..25c SALT MEAT Pound . 10c PORK SAUSAGE Pound . 20c P. & G. LAUNDRY SOAP - 6 Cake. .23c "White Soap Makes White Clothes Whiter” PALMOLIVE SOAP Famous French Beauty Specialists Advise This Soap of Palm and Olive Oils. 3 Cakes 23c OCTAGON SOAP ANSWERS ALL WASHDAY PROBLEMS! 2 Large Cakes . 15c GRANDMA’S WASHING POWDER - 7 Pgk,.23c SHELBY—2—20—31 S3H01S Q3MMO 3WOH X c pi c £ 2 tr C If; H c 5c P* c/>

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