Nobody’s Business «EE McGEE— Mike Proposes Crop Direrficatiou. flat rock, s. C., febby 18, 1931. deer mr. editor:— plese alow me space in yore val uble paper to rite a peace on goob er culture, as it now looks like us farmers will ha fter quit cotton and ciiverssify by planting diffrent kinds of crops, and i have chose goobers for the farmers: you see, he can feed his hogs as well as the rest oi the family oh goobers lusted of corn the best time to plant goobers is betwixt the dark of the moon and the second quarter in may, but ap ril won't be too early if you can get to same and can find the goobers to be used, there is several kinds of goobers suitable to our sandy lomey soils, but the best one is the Span ish, however—most goober parchers have drifted over to the vlrginny, as it is bigger ansoforth. the land should be plowed with a goober plow by turning same after frost, and then it is a good idea to have same drug with a spike tooth borrow, after which you can spread on a coat of 10 perse nt assid, if you can find annyboddy selling it on creddick, but if not—stable manure will do if you have a nabor with army to loan you till you buy a mule and cow. broadcast it in radio style, that is—all over the hole field. plant the goobers yore self, and don't resk this job with the chilluns, as they will eat same up faster than they will drop them in to the goober furrow which you made yore wife make with the garden hoe. as soon as possible, kivver them with a 14 tooth rake, or a pitchfork, if you can borrow one. see that they ain’t deeper in the ground than yore lit tle finger. if the crows is bad about scratch ing up yore goobers, fix you up a scare crow, if you have anny extry clothes to put on same, but if you have none, just stand out in the patch yere self, and the crow won't no the diffrence betwixt you all. don't thin them out after they come up, as aomeboddy will always steal about haff of what you have and that will leave them to a nice stand, pull when ripe and eat raw or roast? that is—for the folks, but the hogs will eat them Just so. mr. editor, rite or.foam if you want anny artickles on other timely vegger tables for the farmers to diversify with.) yores trulie, mike Clark, rfd. Agriculture Comment, flat rocit, s. C., lobby 20, 1931. mr, fed. landbank, Washington, d. C. cieer sir:— . . no doubt, you will be surpprise to learn that 1 have moved into yore jivonson farm just below town which you sold from under him when he bought that big cadder lack 3 yr. hence, and quit farming, the sed farm was vacant, so, as i thought \ou needed a good tennant i moved in. i have ali-eddy done some turning in the field behind the house and will comments to clean up briar patches ansoforth as soon as i can get a little help, so plese send me 2 matticks and 1 pick and 2 shovels and some hoie, allso about 1 barrel cf flour and enough meat to eat same up with. i •will plant as mutch cotton as juu think, the farm bored will al low; so send about 5 turns of 8-3-3 fcrtylize and 2 turns of soday for corn and other patches of small grain, the big field down below the pastor will be put in peas, if you v ill send same a little later. i think the new ground will be mighty fine for long steepe cotton, executrix’* notice. Having qualified as executrix o£ the es tate o! Sarah Witherspoon, deceased, of Cleveland county. North Carolina, this Is to notify all versons having claims against tue said estate, to present same, to me properly verified on or before the 13th nay of February, 1932, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereof. .Ml persons owing the sa.d estate will j please make Immediate settlement to the undersigned, this February 13, 1931. WILLIE WITHERSPOON, Executrix o' Estate of Sarah Witherspoon, de ceased. If. It. Weathers. Xtty. Ct Feb 13c ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Tom Vaughn, deceased, late o Cleveland county. North Carolina. Uils is to notliy all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to e hibit them, properly verified, to the undersigned on or before February 13, 1932. or this notice will be pleaded In Oar of their recovery. AU persons Indebted to : aid estate will please make Immediate payment. This February 13. 1931. JULIE VAUGHN. Administratrix of Tom Vaughn, deceased. M. R. Weathers, Atty. St Feb 13c EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE. Having qualified as executrix of the es tate.of W. A. Webb, deceased, late of Cleveland county. North Carolina, tills is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Bolling .'hirings, H. C.. on or before the 3*th clay of January, 1932, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All par sons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This tne 28th day of January. 1911. C AND AS VELLE TASER WEBB. Ex ecutrix of W. A. Wefeb, Deceased, duma, Hamrick * Harris. Attys. at ifintPo so kindly send some long steepe seed when you send the 2 mules I will need to work the sed crop with, all so send about 50 bushels oats and a milk cow, fresh in, and i can wait till apull or June for you to ship the pig so's 1 can diversify and live at home. mr. carl williams says we must do that or bust wusser. ybu might as well send some lum ber to patch the house with, as it leaks in every room except the set ting. and i will need about 50 glass winder lights, as the green boys have had throwing-matches at yore house for the past year, and there ain't a sollid glass in it, and so is the front door. you certainly was lucky to get a good tennant like me. i will show you how to grow crops this year if you will only stick to me with the rashions ansoforth to work with, i will need about 250$ in cash, so mail check at once for that so's i won't hafter move, rite or foam when to: look for farm relief. yores trulle, mike Olark, rfd. Special Program At St. Paul Church “Onr Church" Is Theme For Pro gram At St. Paul Methodist Church Sunday, A special program with "Our Church" as the theme will be pre sented at St. Paul Methodist church on the Cherryville circuit Sunday, February 22nd, beginning at 7 p. m. Song by the congregation, prayer, scripture reading, piano duet, Misses Helen and Elizabeth Craft; song by the congregation; address, Mrs. J. W. Craft, "How We Built Our Pres ent Building"; address, “Church Music," Mr. Boyd Canipe; instru mental music; address, Rev. W. A. Kale. "What Is Right With the Church;" address, “Cooperation," Rev. J. W. Bennett; song by the congregation; benediction. Welcome! Everyone is invited to this sendee. The entire community is interested in the work of the church, and this program is de signed to encourage and cheer the hearts of all church workers. Our church. Our church is not an organization which lives upon its community. Rather it lives for it. Its purpose is not to get what it can, but to give what it is able. It is not a mortgage upon the community, but a servant of the community. It thus changes the spirits of men from selfishness to unselfishness, from greed to generosity, from narrow ness to greatness, from sorrow to Joy. Lattimore News Of Current Week _ j \ Win Over Polkvllle and B. S. Mid gets. Dr. Bridges Returns From Arizona. < Special to The Star. ' Lattimore, Feb, 19.—’The L.i.C more boys defeated Pcilkville Mon j day night 25 to 18 in a very lnter l estlng game. The game was class all the way. . The Lattimore Midjtt team de feated Boiling Springs Midgets on the college court Tuesday nigrst 28-6. Blanton and lowery led the, scoring. The Lattimore School was fortun- | ate Wednesday morning in having, Mr Mann from Raleigh to speak in chapel on ‘•Agriculture''. He made a very interesting address. Little Sam Crawley Jr., Is very sick with influenza at this writing also. Miss Mary Sue Walker. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fite, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Fite and children, visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Joe Costner at Henrietta Tuesday night. Mr. Clifford Harrill spent (lie day Tuesday with his aunt Mrs. Martha Wright, at Mooresboro. Miss Mada Wilson and Mrs. Onnie Smith took dinner Saturday wHn their sister, Mrs. E. W Ponder In Shelby. Dr. Dwight Bridges has returned from Phoenix, Ariz., where he was called to the bedside of Ills uncle, Mr. Jake Maguess. several days ago. Mr. Magncss seemed to be improv ing when Dr. Bridges returned. Mrs. Julian DeBerry who has been ill for several days is able to be out again. Miss Edith Harrill is visiting Mr. an$i Mrs. Bruce Hildfbran in Ma rion. Mrs. Julia Harrill is Improving after an illness of several days. Mrs. R. N. Wilson and Miss tme gene Wilson who have been sick for some time are improving. Spare Your Blushes; A passenger train was getting ready to leave. “All right back there?’’ bawled the conductor. “Hoi’ on! Hoi* on!” shrilled a fem inine voice from outside the waiting room. “Jess wait till I gets mah clothes on.” And then, as the occupants of the train craned their necks expectant ly, she appeared with a basketful of laundry. The good die young, if they arc I resolutions.—Oil City Derrick. YIELD TO CHINESE HERB Don’t suffer another mtnuto from blind. Itching, protrud'ng or Heed ing piles without testing the nonfat and fastest acting treatment out Dr. Nixon's Chlnaroid, fortified with rare, imported Chinese Herb, with amazing power to reduce swollen, tissues, brings ease and comfort In a few minutes, enabling you to work and enjoy life while It continues it* soothing, healing action. Don't de lay. Act In time to avoid a danger ous and costly operation. Try Dr. Nixon's Chlnaroid under our guar antee to satisfy completely and he worth 1«0 time? tho pmell cost or your money beck. SUTTLE’S DHUO STORE. PILES ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL TEXTILE MANUFACTURERS We are ac^ministering a new beneficial form of Insur ance especially designed for textile employees and their dependents. Employees can secure this valued protection 1-ur them selves and their families at a cost of only a Few Cents per day and without cost to the management. No Medical Examination Required! The Policy Covers: OPERATION and HOSPITAL al lowances on insured and dependents; MATERNITY fee for delivery at chHdbirth; BURIAL FUNDS on the in sured and all members of the family, and a weekly sick ness and accident indemnity (covering non-occupational accidents only, supplementing present N. C. Workman's Compensation Act) of about 2-3 of employees average wage. These benefits cover the insured and all depend ents and are written in ONE POLICY. The total cost of this insurance is paid by those em ployees who wish to avail themselves of it. The employ er merely lends his corporate buying power to his em ployees and cooperates in the collection of premium through the pay roll. This kind of policy is written exclusively in its en tirety by The Provident Life & Accident Insurance Com pany of Chattanooga, Tenn.—A Southern Institution serving Southern industries—Since 1887—Enjoys an “Excellent” rating by Alfred Best report—Its 1930 net ratio of admitted assets to liabilities is the greatest of any American or Canadian Company. It is the Pioneer in the group insurance field. The largest group disabil ity policy ever written is carried by The Provident, that of the Southern Railroad and Affiliated Companies, involving 65,000 employees. For further information Phone 297, or write The ROBERT U. WOODS GENERAL AGENCY, BOX 398, SHELBY, N. C. ‘ Divisional Group Managers for Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. Boiling Springs News Of Interest Mr>. Dean White Hostess. Cecelia Music Club of Shelby Gives Program. Personals. (Special to The Star.i Bolling Springs. Feb. 19.—Mrs, Dean White was grac> >us hostess to the Tongues and Neelies,club on Friday afternoon at 3:30. Quite a cumber of members and a few in vited guests enjoyed Mrs. White’s hospitality. Quilting by machine was capably demonstrated by Mrs. Hal Green, following which a social hour was enjoyed A large Valen'.lno heart rut In pieces w as Riven each guest. in putting this together Mrs. C. C. Goode was found to be most proficient, and received a lovely p ita. The hostess, assisted by Miss Helen Crawford and. Mrs. C. C. Goode served a delicious salad course. Mrs, Sheaiy Hammett, a re cent bride was a special guest of the occasion. Economies Club Meets. The Home Economics club with Mrs. E B. Hamrick on Mrn day afternoon February 16. The subject for the afternoon was sal ads. Plain slaw was dcmohstrate.l before the club by Miss Gertie Greene. Congealed salads were turn discussed. Following the demonstra tion Mrs. E. B. Hamrick and Mrs. Clifford Hamrick served deltcKus sandwiches and cuke with coffee The club Is to hold its next, meet ing with Mrs. Z O. Holland, when cake making will be the topic. On Friday afternoon February 27 the club will meet at the public school for the purpose of exchai’: iug flowers and shrubs. Those not exchanged will be idven to the school for plantlnt? an the ground. Music Club Precram. On Wednesday at ihe chapel pe riod the Cecelia Music club ol f?bel by delighted an appreciative aud ience in the auditorium, with a most enjoyable program It is a treat to hear these pitted musicians Two valuable ememberr. of the club. Mrs. Grady Lovelace rrd Mrs. Will Arey were former students here Mrs, Ella R. Pruett had as her .guests on Friday las:, her mother Mrs. O, I). Kirby, her sister, M-s.. J S. Wells and Mrs. N. 8. Burgee all of Gaffney, S. C. Mr. Claude Blggerstaff is spend ing awhile with his parents here. Mi. and Mrs. Lews Blggerstaff, alt er an absence of seveial years. Mr. Blggerstaff held a position on an wenti liner, and has circled the globe five times. He . an relate some most Interesting experiences. We are glad to report that the j conditions of Mr. If H. Honey cutt | Is somewhat better at this writing. Mr. Honeycutt has octn desperate* - Iv 111, following a se.iou.s opera, 'on I a* a Spartunburg, rf. C, lyispi'.-a* j several weeks uro. fires Honeycutt j has been with him nee Saturday; last. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Nicholson, oi Shelby visited their rurit, Mrs. D. I Hamrick here Sunday, Miss Helen Crawford of Chesree S C„ spent a few days recently with her .sister, Mrs. Dean White. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our many friends for the flower* and ilnti neSs shown us durin? the sickness and death of our dear mother and grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. McSwain and Family. adv Another thing this country needs is a stood flve-cent tip—Publishers Syndicate. Greater Savings-'Easier Termsi «s® BED - SPRING MATTRESS AH For ■ 9 ■ Charming: 3-Piece Walnut Group »59'* This fash! triable group In e* tretncly low priced tor tomor row! Ths three-piece eulte of emart modern design constat* of bed. room? chert and a large vanity. Finished In rich walnut. $18.95 $1.00 DOWN $1.00 WEEK Handsome 9-Piece Dining Suite $89-50 Eirtrn savings at this special <• feature pries, Saturday! This splendid suite Is veneered with select walnut combined With other fine woods, Soomjr buffet, graceful table*" five side chain ind host chair upholstered In velour and handsome china. Convenient Terms Here is one of the most unusual values to be found any where. This high-class, attractive, finely upholstered 3-piece suite, with reversible cushions. «*** Rolled spring edges ... ............ .. $4.50 DOWN—BALANCE $1.50 WEEK 5-Piece Decorated Breakfast Set .... $21.95 Beautifully decorated table and four strong ly made chairs. Your choice of blue, gray, ivory and orange tinishes, Specially priced for tom”- • •••. 11.00 Cash—$1.00 Weekly n 9xl2 Axniin ster Rug Beautiful 9x12 ft. rugs in a choice of the most wanted new patterns for Summer. $1.00 Casli—$1.00 Weekly. Roomy C/1 Dresserobc *P^OuOU Just bs pictured—adjustable mirror, plenty of drawer space, and a large hanging compart ment. $1.00 Cash—$1.00 Weekly, 3-Pc. Hand-Woven Fibre Suite— ^ Beautiful Colored Combinations ‘ «3P J,‘"? ?^ai'm‘M8r three-piece creation is among' the newest arrivals for Summer hach Piece is made of closely woven fibre beautifully finished. The cushions are spring filled and covered in fine cretonne. STERCHI BROS. «. STORES IF4C. Z ST $7.95 i size in a choice of pat ■> and colorings. Guaran qualltyl A rare saving i.. tomorrow. PHILCO RADIO ON TERMS

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