The Cleveland Star SHELBY. N. <J. MONDAY - WEDNESDAY — FRIDAY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE fly Mall, per year ---------- W-50 By Carrier, per year----—---....... W.uu THE STAR PUBLISHING COMPANY. INC. t.Ttt B WEATHERS _..._President and Editor a ERNES! BOEY.......__ Secretary and Foreman I RENN DRUM ___ News Kditor U E DA1L....... Advertising Manager i Entered as second class matter January 1. 1905. at the postoilice at Shelby, North Carolina, under the Act of Congress. March 3. 1870. We wish to call your attention to the fact that It la and has oeen our custom to charge five cents per tine for resolutions of respect, cards of thanks and obituary notices, after one death notice has been published. This will be strictly adhered to. FRIDAY, FEB. 20, 1931 TWINKLES Two candidatse for mayor, three candidates for alder* men. Just as the buds begin to burst the political pot starts boiling. This pert paragraph from The Greensboro News: “For mer Governor Smith has been invited to address the North Carolina general assembly, and the Charlotte Observer sec onded the motion. First thing you know Senator Simmons will be hying Raleigh-ward to introduce him.” Senator Coley Blease locked up his office and left Wash ington for Columbia before Congress adjourned. Maybe he got peeved because Senators Tydings and Morrison talked so much about prohibition that he didn’t have time to get his usual word in edgewise or otherwise Those who have heard him say that Dr. R. G. McLees, the blind minister who begins a series of evangelistic ser vices at the Shelby Presbyterian church Sunday, is a very forceful preacher, and a man with an unusual personality and spiritual power. Make your plans to hear him during the week’s services. Shelby is in a fair way to land a new industry. Good! Just a few moves of that type early in the year and Old Man Business Depression will have to pack his kit and start hitch hiking out of this section. One payroll can speed up all ac tivity in a city the size of Shelby, and local citizens and niu nicipal officials are to be commended for making every jus tifiable effort to bring in another industrial payroll. THE INCOME OF ONE HEN FIGURES COMPILED by seven Cleveland county farmers, ,vrho go at things in a systematic manner, show that on their farms last year each hen in their poultry flocks brought in a profit of $2.47 each. Not such a bad income for one hen once you think it over. There are two points to the story: first, it shows that there is money in the poultry industry, if it is economically and properly operated : second, the value of keeping a minute record of the poultry flock is clear. No business man who purchases and sells goods would dare do so without keeping a record of the cost of the goods, the over head expense of disposing of them, and the sale price, so that at the end of the year he might know just how he came out. There is no plausible reason why a farmer should not do likewise. A man may be very careful about watching the nickels after lie gets them into his pockets, but isn't it possible that he could gain even more by giving the same attention to the nickels that he might.plaee in his pocket V A NEWSPAPERMAN’S CODE THE STAR IS FREQUENTLY asked to leave certain things out of the paper. Similar requests are made of all news papers. The high arid mighty, when they get into trouble or get tangled up in something of news value, cannot under stand why the papers should not overlook the incident. Yet how many of them, do you suppose think of the “one gallus guy ’’ when he gets in bad ? Who pleads his cause ? A newspaper does not get any one in trouble ; and a newspaper ruins no man's reputation. The man has ruined it himself when he slips into something he should not. A newspaper is merely a mirror of the events and life of a community and its citizens. What that community does the mirror reflects. If it did not, it would not be a mirror—or newspaper. Many requests to overlook news stories are based on a plea not to hurt some dear old mother’s feelings. Newspa permen have mothers, too. and as much respect for mothers as do other people. But when a plea to keep something out is shielded behind a loving mother’s skirts. The Star is re minded of a curt reply made by a well known Superior court •"judge of this State when he was asked to think of the poor defendant’s mother and be merciful. As the defense lawyer made his plea the defendant could not publicly restrain his grief at the thought of his mother and how it would break her heart to see him punished. But the plea failed to shake the sound reasoning of the jurist. “Why,” he asked, “didn’t! •your client think of his mother when he got in trouble?' Then he could have saved her what he asks me to save now. I can’t do it. What of the mothers of the boys he ruined’’” There it is in a nutshell. This reference to an oft discussed topic was brought about by a letter written recently to the “Backtrack” column j of The Spartanburg Herald, in which the writer of the letter, asked about the newspaper tactics ejnployed in a movie theme, “Scandal Sheet.” Here is the columnist’s reply: This and any other conservative newspaper, Mould not send Its re porters in back windows to steal photographs, neither would it put glar ing headline over leva nest raids and that sort of thing—hut If any of t* editors became involved in scandal the story- would be printed and that editor would to •& probability write U. $ oppress nows and yen Mast the foundation Suppress news snd the chapter of the newspaper Is destroyed. A msn-killing creed and one that eeentaaiiy robs the real newspaperman of all save only his slrong »«* Hot one that mwl he followed to the letter If rIntruder K to I live. Newspapermen nee It every tlay anti every night—requests that stories or names be "left out.” There’s not one follower of the news end of the profession that wouldn’t divide with any man his last half-dollar, but when you talk to him as "newspaperman” and not "comrade”—you are wasting: your time, if there's any news In anything that’s happened to jou. He had probably rather hurt himself than you, but it Is his creed.; You may be a salesman, and you sell things—you may be a banker and you direct the affairs of your institution—you may be a lawyer and you save defendants from prison*. You are attending to your business. He is the newspaperman, and he Is attending to his business. That is the principle. The methods of the conservative newspaper are quiet, courteous and | gentlemanly. The methods of the glaring big city dallies are at times a! bit rough-and-tumble. That same spirit embodies itself into the hand ling of news: they want the sensational. The big pink, green and black streamers and striking pictures attract the subway throngs. They eat it alive. The conservative daily is read by the fireside or at the breakfast j table when man doesn’t seem to care so much for the loud, the sensa-) tional, the sickening. Bedroom slippers and tliree-mlnute eggs don’t go ! with bichloride and bath-tub gin. MUCH WORSE THAN WAR NEARLY EVERY ONE, particularly fathers and mothers, has a dread of war that is almost a horror. War is everything that Sherman claimed for it and then some, but did you know that something worse than war stalks through the United States? If not, you might give the following paragraphs some thought before Sunday. We specify Sun day, because that is the day when this increasing monster may claim your life. Worse than war, you say, what can it be? Only 50,510 members of the American army were kill ed in action or died of wounds during eighteen months of the World war, yet remember how terrible that seemed at the time? But take this in: 50,900 persons were killed in automobile accidents in this country in the past eighteen months. What of that? Something worse than war in our midst every day. The above figures were compiled by the Travelers’ In surance Company of Hartford in the most thorough study of automobile accidents ever assembled to our knowledg. If you go driving, there is less chance of being killed or injured on Tuesday than on any other day of the week. Sun day, as mentioned above, is the most dangerous day of the week. Of 835,250 automobile accidents in this country last year, 162,851 took place on Sunday. Saturday ranked next with 140,322 accidents. Monday and Friday were listed as the next worst. Here is one feature of the automobile accident statistics that is somewhat puzzling: 31,531 of the 36,806 cars involv ed in fatal wrecks were driven by people with more than a year’s experience in driving. Contrary to the usual pre sumption, a majority of the accidents occurred with road conditions ideal and weather conditions did not contribute to a great percentage of the accidents. One-fifth of the acci dents were caused by too-fast driving. Two other offenses which caused a big portion of the accidents were driving on the wrong side of the road and failing to grant right of way to other cars. Remember those three things. They are costing America-more lives than did the artillery of the German army. Of the people killed in auto accidents during the year 15,000 were pedestrians. Seven thousand of these, says the insurance company figures, met death primarily through their own fault or negligence. Automobile drivers were to blame for the death of 2,300 pedestrians, and the blame lor the death of 5,000 other pedestrians was equally placed be tween driver and pedestrian. Worse than war? Yes. And although gasoline con sumption and automobile mileage were less in 1930 than in 1929 more people were killed last year in auto accidents than in 1929. Those are figures deserving of careful study. Some thing should be done about it. Just what that something should be we cannot say. Yet it is apalling; automobiles are killing more Americans per month thpn did the world’s bloodiest conflict. We spend thousands and thousands of dollars in peace conferences, but what are we doing to end a slaughter that is greater than that of the war we would abolish from the face of the earth? W% rmmmmrn V.V W*« wy . Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By UfcNN UKUM. From a reader: "Did jou know, when you published tile item about M. W. beinft the most beautiful girl in Shelby, that there are at least four young ladles in town with those Initials who are everything from good-looking on up to those breath-taking adjectives you use when you write about Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich?'' Isn't that nice? Now we know that at least four hearts fluttered over that item, and no telling how many chests swelled up with pridu over having their girls picked out as Miss Shelby. That's one reason for the profuse use in this tangle o' type of so many initials; you can reach cut blindly and touch so many people. And speaking of initials—there's a lawyer in Shelby, a fellow who can make a political dictionary stagger with high-sounding adjectives when he starts talking about anything to eat, whose initials are the same as that well known Atlanta radio station. Things you may never have known: Horace Grigg, the county superintendent of schools, once worked on Miller's 101 ranch out In Oklahoma, the same ranch where the hard riding Tom Mix got his start. The conductor of this colyum works in a chair that has four glass insulators on the legs because of an inborn, heckofa dread of lightning. John Schenek, sr., has a son who goes at things so different from anybody else that he says it the son ever gets drowned, he'll look for his1 body upstream instead of down, for he'd nevtr drOwn like other people. Shelby Shorts: A photo cf a comely young lady in last Sundays rotogravure section cl The^Ne .t York 'Times was an exhet likeness of a young Shelby woman. M. t‘ . A letter Was promptly uelheiVu to J Smith of South pv msi, .vi*h an address -In which the ’T’sr were a)l pic. ,ures of an eye clipped from an optometrist’s advertisement, and It was iddressed care of "Sea H. Rine (picture of a heart) ..... “Your name," :omes the Up from a reader, "has never been spelled correctly In the elephrtiie directory.” (That sentence, sir, almost rhymes—had you no iced it) But why tell us that? Tell Sam Gault . . . . . There are three family names in Shelby generally pronounced alike but all spelled dif ferently: Bolin, Boland, and Bowling. For parents only: If you have a gangly, mischievous boy around r'cur house who has already celebrated his 17th birthday and has ■cached the point where he Is greasing his hair and toesing romantic ooks at the Juliets, why not send him to the Citizen Military Training Vamp at Port Bragg this summer? It wil Ido him Worlds of good—and since the government foots the entire bill, just think how much a youth >f that age cun eat during the good old summer time. How long does it take to boil a hard-boiled egg? A group of Shelby soys visited every eating house in town recently testing it out. Can it je done in less than five minutes? REMEMBER WHEN— h. D. Smith ran the Grand theatre in Shelby? The Lineberger boys sold Spach wagons? The Cleveland Commercial club was disbanded and the Shelby club jrganized with W. J. Arey as president and Chas. H. Wells as secretary? The hookworm scarce was sweeping Cleveland county and the coun ty-wide examinations revealed that 1,115 Cleveland citizens were so af flicted? John Birmingham was an operator at the Western Union here? A number of Shelby boys, back in 1912, climbed the city water tank with field glasses to see Thomwell Andrews, the aviator, fly his plane at Cherryville? Beck's fountain was the gathering place of the local philosophers? Shelby teat Hickory Grove in football 13 to 6 due to a forward pass thrown by Boyce Dellinger? So far not a single contributor has ventured to say just who is Shelby’s best looking man. INFLUENZA SPREADING Checks Colds at once with 666 Take it as a preventive. Use 666 Salve for Babies. Sore Throats and Coughs Quickly Relieved By This Safe Prescription Here's a doctor's prescription called Thoxine that Is really throat insurance. Its success is due to its quick double action. With the very first swallow it soothes the sore throat and stops the coughing. It goes direct to the internal cause. The remarkable thing about Thoxine is that while It relieves al most instantly it contains nothing harmful, and is pleasant tasting and safe for the whole family. Sing ers and speakers find Thoxine very valuable. Put up ready for use in 35c 60c, and $1.00 bottles. Your money back if not satisfied. Sold by Set tie’s and all ctlier good drug stores. Cad7.) Around The Carolina Theatre (With Apologies To RENN DRUM.) Good afternoon everybody! . No doubt you have heard pi the Gang Buster. Inc. Well, you will be taken for a ride— a joy ride of mirth—when you see and hear happy Jack Oakic in the “GANG BUST ER.” He's a great wise crack er and he puts you on the spot for laughs. And by the way, it’s only one of the two features we re showing, today and tomorrow, the seeond be ing Bob Custer in the greatest adventure picture Bob has ever made. Ircidently, it s his first talkie, and the critics say it's great. Of course, no Carolina pro gram is complete without a Comedy. Our Manager returned from Charlotte last night and says he dated Clara Bow’s latest “NO LIMIT,” and Jim says this Is the best thing Clara has done to date. Better watch for it, as it won't be long now. Our Cashier, Mrs. Bridges, was out yesterday with a se vere cold. Do you know that:— Ruth Chatterton, featured ir I Paramount's “THE RIGHT TO LOVE,” entered her thea trical career at the age ol fourteen, on a dare? It's the first picture pro duced by the marvelous new system of noiseless recording. It does away with all surface noises, scratching, humming, sputtering, etc. See it and tell us what you think of the new system, (Signed) DOORBOY. With the talkies in full charge, English accents have become precious in Hollywood One producer needed an English Ingneue. They proved scarce. Agents submitted their artists. The last agent had but one candidate to offer. Re Kid Iter picture on the producer'# de*k. ‘Titer# the is,” he seisj. "8he't e UttJt airy—but ehet English.' Submitted by p. F. WE THANK YOU BAKING POWDER MILLIONS OF POUNDS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT A WORD TO THE WISE Right now, the wisest thing to do is to prepare to profit during the next prosperity era. I .... Lay aside a part of your income in the form of a savings account, de posit savings regularly and watch the account grow. A DOLLAR WILL START YOUR ACCOUNT. UNION Trust Co. “IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH” Some Good Reasons For Building Your Checking Account I To maintain a working margin sufficient for safety, to meet the un expected had or the unexpected good. A sudden emergency might find you without reserve to «neet it. A promising opportunity might pass you by unless you have the money on hand to grasp it quickly. 9 2 Building a checking account balance will inspire confidence and in vite success. Money on hand will banish little worries and enable you to make ends meet easily. 3 A larger checking balance increases self-respect and establishes good credit. It gives you the sure knowledge that you can pay your own way and successfully manage your business affairs. 4 A larger checking balance will cause your bank to render you the best service that it has to offer. It will open to you the many services which your bank is prepared to give. It also will give the bank a better margin on which to work to give you its best service. A CHECKING ACCOUNT IS A CONVENIENCE YOU CAN HARDLY AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT. INCREASE YOUR BALANCE. IT WILL GIVE A GOOD MARGIN FOR PROTECTION AND A WORKING SUR PLUS FOR THE FUTURE. First National Bank

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