SOCIETY NEWS MRfv UENN URI M, I.ditoi Telephone The ytm No. <-J bach .Morning u b l.1 o clock. Mis. Drum can he reached at her home. Phone VU, alternoon and mphis Apple Blossom iBy .Tame- Stephen t He thought of naught But the Blossom ot it. Applet He thought ; Titan aught That blows on net Sweetest is that sweet blossom! -And sweeter than that is she— Mow he is made. And naught's to dot Howr could he other be siio had These tweh e hong months Thus brooded >01. And thought Of naught But the. Blossom of the Apple! Circle To Meet With Mrs. Weathers. On Monday afternoon at a:30 the Attic Bostic circle of the First Bap tist church will meet with Mrs. A. I* Weathers as h os teas. Contemporary Book Club To Meet. On Tuesday afternoon, a; the home of Mrs. P. JU Heunessa, Mrs. Brevard Hcnnessa wlU be hostess to the members of the Contemporary book club- Tire hour is 4 o'clock. Cecelia Music Club To Meet. There will be a regular meeting of the Cecelia music dub on Wednes day afternoon at 3:30 with Mrs. WlU Afey as hostess at her lovely home in Belvedere Heights Meeting Of American Homes Department. On Monday afternoon at the eiub room at 3:30 the American Homes department of the Woman's dub will meet, with Mrs. It. L. Weathers, Mrs. H. E. Waldrop and Mrs. W. E. Crowder as joint hostesses. Mrs. Weathers will be chairman of the hostess committee. Lafayette Methodists Organise Circle. Last., evening: a group of ladies of the LaFayette Street Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. C. A. Morrison for the purpose of or an aid circle. After organ isation was completed and an in i cresting business session held a social half hour was enjoyed during which punch and cakes were served. Cruel la Music Club (.ires Chapel Program Fourteen members of »lie Cecelia Music dub went to Boiling Springs! oo Wednesday morning where they sirve a program at the chapel hour si the college there. The attractive program rendered consisted of choral numbers by the entire group, two solos sung by Mrs. Dale Kilter and an instrumental solo by Mtv Mary Helen Lattimore Mli-lid Banquet At Hickory. S|r. ana Mrs H K. Rivlibijuig ana Mr. and Mrs. Moose went to Hick ory last night where they were sweats at a banquet given for man agers of A. and P stores and their I vires. Mi. Reeser. assistant superin- j ie-dent for this territory, and Mrs.! Reeser were hosts .at their home The group decided to organize s i ircU\ including the managers and their wives, which is to meet once each month at the homes of the members in different towns. Mr. and Mrs. RtChbourg will entertain j the group next month. Mrs. C. B. SnUle CM Hostess. Oil Thursday afternoon ai her home in Cleveland Springs Estates "Mrs. C. B. Suttle was a charming hostess to the members of the Ish pening club and a few invited guests. A delightful program on the drama was enjoyed, consisting ot two pa pers. one by Mrs. D. W. Royster on "Dramatists of the South," in which she discussed Paul Green and the Carolina Playmakers, and another by Mrs. Frank Hoey on "North Car olina Playwrights." Miss Mary Moore, of Forest City, gave an at tractive discussion of current topics, particularly of music, literature, art and other such subjects. Mrs. Suttle was assisted by Mrs. Jack Dover and Miss Lucy Hamrick in serving a pretty salad course, a decorative feature of which was a sandwich topped with a spray of cherries. Invited guests were Mesdames B. A. Lefler, Horace Fasom and John Suttle. Mrs. Dram Hostess ' To Bridge Club. On Wednesday aitemoun at her home on Cleveland Springs road. Mrs. Renn Drum was hostess to the members of the Tuesday Afternoon bridge club and a few invited guests. Mias Mlillcent Blanton as guest honor Small wedding bells were jitscd as (allies. Three tables were I arranged lor bridge and when card? I were laid aside and scores added (Miss' Blanton was found to hart scored highest and received a stnal ! vanity. She was also given a pair oJ ho c as a guest prize. Mrs. Rot Lnney, of Monroe, wlvo is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dover here, re ceived a linen handkerchief as Hie econd high score award. ? Mrs. Shem Blackley and Mrs. R \V. Morris assisted the hostess in serving a salad course with coffee, followed by a, sweet course. Those playing were: Misses Mllli eent and Caroline Blanton, Mrs. Lnney, Mrs. Oliver Anthony, Mlsse: Minnie Eddins and Mary Adelaide Roberts. Mrs. Aaron Quinn, Mrs i Gerald Morgan. Mrs. Ben Buttle | Mrs. Robert Woods, Mrs. Willis Mc Murry, and Mrs. Draper Wood. Mathers To Be ! Entertained. Mrs. Claude Mabry and Mrs. L.oj Thompson will entertain the moth ers of the cradle roll and beginner; departments of the Methodise church on Monday afternoon ai 3:30. All mothers who have chlldrer tin these departments are eordlallj | invited and urged to be present. Music And Arts Division Meets. On Wednesday afternoon at tin club room Mesdames B. O. Steph enson, Paul Webb, Jr., and Vic to: Wray were Joint hostesses at a love ly meeting of the music and art ’ division of the Woman's club. Aftei n short business meeting the pro gram was begun with a paper or "The Life and Works of Rob Ro; Perry," written by Mrs. Jear Schenck and read by Miss Ellzabett Roberts. Miss Mary Adelaide Rob erts sang a sOng composed by Perry ; for which she was accompanied b; Miss Minnie Eddins Roberts. A sketch of the "Lives of W. W. Tur rentine and Lockwood Robbins’’ was given by Mrs. Esley Pendleton. A solo, “Dreaming,” by Turrentlne wa: sung by Miss Minnie Eddins Robert with Miss Mary Adelaide Robert' ns accompanist. Mias Esther Ann Quinn played a piano solo, which closed a very enjoyable program. 'Die hostesses served simple but delicious refreshments consisting oi sandwiches and tea. Lovely Party For Mian Blanton. Mrs. B. O. Stephenson was a grac ious hostess on Thursday afternoon at a pretty bridge and rook party in compliment to Miss Millicent Blan ton. whose wedding will take place next week. Graceful vases of sweet peas and gypsophila centered each of the eight tables arranged in the spacious rooms. The bridal idea was carried out in the most exquisite detail in tallies, refreshments and gift wrappings. After several pro gressions when scores were adder! Mrs. Oliver Anthony was fortunate enough to have piled up high score and received a pretty box of sta tionery. Miss Blanton was gvien a tlonery. Miss Blanton was given a prize. Out-of-town guests present espec ially for the occasion were: Mrs. Stephenson's uunt, Mrs. B B. Mor gan, and Miss Blanton's aunt,, Mrs. Charles Humes, both of Gaffney, S. C. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. F R. Morgan. Mrs. Gerald Morgan and Mrs, Charles Williams in serv ing a delicious salad course follow ed by a sweet course consisting of ice cream wedding bells with pink and green iced cakes. I’. T. A. Organized At Dover School. On Monday afternoon the teach ers ami a number of patrons of the Dover school held a meeting at the school for the purpose of organizing a parent teacher association. An at tractive and instructive program was given, including talks by Mrs. C. M. Stroup, Miss Agnes McBrayer and Rev. W. A. Clam. Officers for the infant organization were elected as follows: Mrs. Andrew Pritchard, president: Mrs. J. E. Kiser, vice president; Mrs. Neal Maser, secre tary; anti Mrs Delia Miller, treas urer. More than 30 interested per sons were present to form the nu cleus of this new group. [ When the organization was com pleted the guests were invited into | the fourth grade room, which was attractively decorated appropriate to the Washington’s birthday season where they were served punch and little cakes. Members of the faculty, including Mrs. Hartness Gibson, Mrs. Novella Costner. Mrs. Clyde Bridges. Mrs. G. T. Grcenway and Mrs. E. T. Bailey, served, while Mrs. Yates McSwain and Miss Ruby Ir vin, also faculty members, acted as hostesses and bade the guests good bye. i The first regular meeting of the organization will be held next Mon day afternoon tn the school audi torium at 3 o’clock When Captain Campbell does 313 miles an hour to his racer through traffic, that will be n*ws. Beaver Dam |iEvents Of Week j Sunday being such a beautiful ;day we had a very good at Sunday school. Our B. Y. P. U.':> are moving along • nicely. We hope to neate new jn )terest as spring draws near. We are I planning to take our • pageant" to pit. Zion Sunday night and we are j anxious for every one who has a part in this play to go if possible, i The program committee met with Miss Nancy McCirrry Wednesda : n.ght and with the help of tne president, they planned the pro grams for the month of March. Mr, and Mrs. D. F. Putnam wore caller.; in the community Tuesday and Wednesday evening, i Miss Nora Walker has been aick for a few days and not able to teach school, but Is aole to be back, now we are glad to hole. Her sis ter Miss Willie Walker has been supplying for tier. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Glascoe of Dou ble Springs community visited the,: parents, Sunday night. We were giad to have them visit our B. V. P. U„ Sunday night, Mr. C. E. McCurry and daughter.! Miss Tuilie and Mrs. Lewis Mc Curry and Miss Ruby Alran, of Cherryville, visited at the bedside of Mr. MeCurry's mother, Mrs. J. L. Me Curry, Saturday evening. Friends of Mi's. McCurry will be glad to know she is some better. Alter a couple weeks illness with a heart attack. Mr. Albert McGinnis has accept r ed a position with Palmer's grocery store, working on Saturday’s only. Mr. K. W. McCurry and son and daughter Hoyt and Nancy, motored down to Carthage Thursday to sec Mr. and Mrs. F. Y. Blanton. Mrs. Blanton is very ill with flu, their attractive little daughters Betty Jo 1 and Nancy Broach returned home with them Thursday night and will spend some time with their grandparents, Mr, ana Mrs. J. L, Blanton. Mrs. D. J. Glascoe Is spending this week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Eli Street near Shelby. Mrs. Zeb Blanton and sons Huron and Charles and nieces Missis Mary Lou and Nancy McCurry at tended the funeral of their cousin, Mr. Boyd Willis at Si. Peters Mon I aay, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Short Hid daughter, Peart, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Short and baby, Hender son, of Roanoke. Va., arrived last Thursday night to Visit their mother and grandmother. Mrs. J. L. M> Curry, for a few days. They all ie turned to Roanoke Sunday except Mrs. R. ti. Short, wtio will spend some time with her mother, Mrs. MeCurry and other relatives. Miss Bertha Hawkins of Double Springs was the attractive week-end guest of Miss Mertlce Bridges, Mrs. A. D. Callahan and Mrs. £. D Humphries visited Mrs. Garland Bowen Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chariie Yarbrough end family, of Zion community, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Blanton. The intermediate B. Y. P. U. en joyed a social at the home of Miss Selma Callahan Tuesday night. Games and contests were enjoy ad during the evening, and at the qiote ci the evening delicious refresh ments were served, consisting of hot chocolate and cake and marshmal lows; Every one enjo.ed the even ing very much. Mrs. F. D. Humphries also enter tained the Junior B. Y. P. U. with t> Valentine party at her home Fri day night. The children enjoyed an evening of fun. A Valentine box was enjoyed as much as most any thing as valentines wore handed out to everyone present. At the close oi the hour, the hostess served lie cream and cake and candy. Miss Mortice Bridget! delightfully entertained a large crowd of young people with a party Saturday night in honor of her guest. Miss Beuhn Hawkins. Games, contests ana music were enjoyed by all present. Everybody reported a most enjoyaole titue. Mr. S. A, Jarrett of Charlotte and Mr. G. L. Jarrett of Cherryvllle vis ited Mr. R; W. McCurry Sunday evening. Mr. Jasper Green of the Ora jtnill spent the week-end with Mr. | ITomer Hamrick. Messrs. Ralph Callahan and IVu man Bridges spent Saturday night with Messrs Albert and Gilbert Mc Ginnis. 1 Tin Pan Alley is said to be cap;-: talking the latest Hollywood inci dent with a new tune. "Keaton on j the Keys." Penny Column | "FOR SALE: A JUNIOR SYLO- j phone. Call 611. It 20e j lost" PAIR EYE GLASSES, white gold frame, blue leather ease. Finder please return to O. E. Ford Co. It 20p WANTED ORDERS ~ TO~1p AINT family coat of arms and decorate vour wedding invitations. Mrs. P. L. Hennessa. tf 20e FOR SALE — 1 ONE HORSE j wugon, also good rubber tired bug. j S3’ cheap. M. A. Joiley, Bolling | Springs, N. C. 2t-20p ! Five Convicted For Setting Firest Fires Morgauton, Feb. J7.*-Sentences! joi one year each on the county j jcsds, pronounced against five young men from Burke county for Incendiarism in retting fire tt woods, is one of the aftermaths of the severe outbreak r f forest fires recently experienced in the south’ mountains of Burke end Rutber lord counties, according to a report made public today by the depart ment of conservation and develop ment in Raleigh. The sentences, according to con servation officials, are among the heaviest ever imposed in tills state on a similar charge. According to th? report of the trial, the senten ces were made more severe than isual because of the lecords of the j defendants. ---— | Lon Royster Has Always Been Live- j i Sets a Fine Example for Others in ! The County. Has 55 Acres in Small Grain. ton Royster, prominent and suc cessful farmer In the Beams Mill Iallston community a as. a live-at home farmer before Governor Gard ner thought of the idea as a means of bringing- the country safely through a period of depression. Ev ery since he started farming, lie has made it a practice to raise enough food and feed to provide for the plantation’s needs and has something to sell on the market ail the year round. Mr. Royster determined to cu his cotton acreage last fall, when he £<>* ed 40 acres in small grain, lie raises some cotton, out his land is built up and with Intensified cul tivation, he gets a bale to the acre, or thereabouts, raising about 55 bales a year. Mr. Royster is a grain farmer and has been since he started farming for himself. His first year on the farm, he raised sorghum, hogs, cows, peas, wheat and oats and put his attention to these rather than all of his ener gies to cotton and as a result, he has prospered and added consider able acreage to his holdings. When asked if he ever tried lei pedeza which is encouraged in the county this year. Mr. Royster re plied: "Yes. I have raised it and it is a fine soil builder.’’ He has 14 head of cattle, about. 8 hogs and never goes to market for anything that can be produced On the farm. Counting his family and his ten ants whom he “runs,’’ he is feeding 33 people. This does not include one tenant family who make their own supplies. All hands are busy in season and out on the farm. They arc now ditching and draining bot tom lands, tending to the live stock and marketing milk. Much of the ice cream sold on the Shelby imr ket Is made from m-.k from the Royster farm. No, Mr. Royster dOe* not need lo join the live-at-homo program. He is already a member of the live at home club and tone who has dem onstrated the soundness of the prop osition. Cleaning Lespedera. I _ Lespedesa seed cleaners are run ning day and night in Union ccun- j ty these days and hundreds of bush els of surplus seed has been sold by; | the growers. I Dover And Ora News Of Interest ‘Special to The Star.* Feb. 19.—It is a surprise to the many friends of Mr. George Holt oi Hie Ora mill village and Miss Grace, Martin of South Shelby to hear that they were married quietly Sunday. Messrs. Fred Waddell and Melvin Miller and Misses Macie Sisk andi Mary Helen Tate motored to Chim-j ney Rock Sunday. Miss Lois Hu ice spent Saturday* night with Miss Gladys Waddell and j accompanied her, Mr. Wilbur Elan-1 ton and Mr. Waddell to Lawrence, S. C. on Sunday. On their return j Mrs. Waddell's mother accompanied j them back to Shelby where she will i spend some time. The many friends of Mrs. Jen-j kins will be glad to hear that shej i3 much improved. Mr. ana Mrs. J. E, Kimbrell andj Mr.,- and Mrs. Eff Lindsey motored! to Lowell Saturday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Quint Shytle aid little daughter spent Sunday with! Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kimbrell. Mr .and Mrs. Harley Waddell! spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.! Wa*ddell's sisters in Spartanburg. The many friends of Mr. Curry and family are very sorry to hear that they have moved. Their future home is on S. DeKalb street. Miss Beatrice Connor of EcLney vllle was the week-end guest of Misses Mary Helen and Austine Tate. “The Overworked” Dr. Wall’s Theme “Why He Quit At The Evening Hour," Night. Subject. Splendid j Music. ■’The Overworked,” will be the subject of Rev. Zeno Wall, in the service at the First Baptist church5 Sunday morning at eleven o’clock. The Bible school will open the. day's program at tr.e church at 1 9:30 o’clock. A warm invitation is! extended to everyone to be present, when the Bible will be taught to all j ages. In the evening at 6:30 o’clock, the , sixteen B. Y. P. U.’s will meet for: the training programs. Four hun dred are expected next Sunday 1 evening. Tire subject of Dr. Wall for the scvent-thirty hour in the church auditorium, will be “Why He Quit At The Evening Hour.” Mr. Easom announces the follow ing splendid musical programs:! 11:00 o’clock, Anthem, “He Shall’ Come Down Like Rain,” Buck; Of fertory number, “Lift Thine Eyes To The Mountains," Mendelssohn, by a sextet. Evening, ":30 o’clock: Song service, of old familiar hymns. Booster ctybs, large chorus and con gregation taking part. Anthem, “Jesus, Lover Of My Soul,” Williams I b ythe choir Offertory number, male j chorus, “Hallelujah For The Cross,’'; McGrahahan. The public Is invited to all services of the church. __ I Less Than 2 Percent Loss. -Nash county poultrymen have started their brooders for the new! crop of baby chicks and out of 333 chicks put under brooders to date the death loss has been less than two percent. Every year is leap year for the pedestrian—Ohio State Journal. I action A STAR BRAND SHOE YOU must see our new Fashion Fair shoes ... The season's smartest creations in the most careful blending of leathers and every little detail daintily styled to beautifully odorn the feet of the modern lady. s Mott Stylet Priced et v FIVE DOLLARS A A. V. Wray & 6 Sons SHelby, N. C. Belwood Section Events Of Week Prayer Service To Start At Knob Creek. Mrs. Wessley Wellmon In Ifospita1. Bel wood, Feb. IS: Knob Creek; Sunday .school is progressing nicely under our Supt. M. P. Deal. We are going to start prayer services next] Sunday night. The public is invited j to attend all the services. The juniors ui Belwood high school entertained the seniors with a Valentine party last Friday night at the home of Miss Edith Ledford . j Games and contests were played during the evening Delicious re-: freshments were served. The friends of Mrs. Worth Cari- j ipe will be glad to know she is ini- j proving nicely at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Porter and family spent Sunday with relatives in Earl. Mrs. Jasper Childress has return home after spending several days with her sisters, Mrs! .*. Vum Ledford of the Delight section. Among those calling at the home* of Mr.and Mrs.Mack Smith were; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cline and chil-j dren of Lawndale and Mr. and Mrs. I John Wright of Shelby and Mr. Lector Ledford of Lincolhton and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Toney and chil dren and Miss Weathers of Shelby and Mr. Pressley Smith of Hickory. Mr. and Mrs. Lee MoEntlre of Toluca and Mrs. Hazel Houser of Baltimore were visitors at the home of Mrs. M. J. Wellmon Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bingham and Miss Alma and Mr. Ezria Bingham of Fallston spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Will Willis. Mrs. Mary Proctor spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Willis of Lincolnton. Misses Pearl and Mayo Gantt vis ited Miss Pansy Queen of near Law'ndale Sunday afternoon. Misses Madeline Porter and Mar tha Falls spent the week-end with Miss Ruth Spur ling of Lawndale. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Willis and children of Lincolnton spent last Thursday with Mrs. Willis’ mother, Mrs, S. L. Gantt. Mr. Pressley Smith of Hickory spent Tuesday with his parents,] Mr. and Mrs, Mack Smith. The many friends of Mrs. Wessley Wellmon will be sorry to learn of: her illness in the Lincolnton hos-l pital. Mr. Jim Gantt of Mcfcresboro was] the dinner guest of Mr. and Mfs.j C. T. Goodman Wednesday. Geeses. Boy* essay on a goose: "The g^o. is a low heavy set bird, composed mostly of meat and leathers. II. head set: on one end and he set on account of the dampness' in t:'1 on acocunt of the dampness in ;h’ moisture in which lie lives. There ain’t no space bctwtn ills toes and he carries a balloon in liis stcmac to keep him from sinking. A goo « has two legs on his running geo" that they came near missing hi; body. Some geese when they gc big are called ganders. Ganders don't have to set or hatch, but just loaf, eat, and go swimming. If l was a goose I'd rather be a gander. Dr. D. M. Morrison — OPTOMETRIST — TELEPHONE 637-W Woolworth Bldg. Shelby, N. C Office Days: Wednesday And Fridays. Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted And Repaired. Carolina “SHELBY’S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE” BIG PROSPERITY PROGRAM -TODAY AND SATURDAY — Double Bill — 2 Features OAKIE IOC — 25C JACK He's out to shoot up gloom — aid how he does it is one grand iaff thrill for you when you see Jack Oakie — BOB CUSTUR c;a.wiiuaw >* MO»MCT10h •iMcru tr J. 1 HtCpm I^UKDfB T€#m iiticr ALSO COMEDY MONDAY FEBRUARY 23RD SHOWS 1 TO 11 P. M Ed E\ ,ni{, *t>D ‘The llUu V?NT! The pE . LuLove’ Ever f^ure ;««* KSs** , <eni 0 f vJc. sys. ZtZ s^‘t 1 *-o ve!’* V°'"- toy Just as y. e ,s Taj oiir Mother, Ruth l°U7U Qfctl ire p225WLLVKA8 \ovei ‘^Glaspeiiv swap h&ppi. mess uns’ her H,}d loses' i0,). J°vq—. gambles ‘ ',a’uu8hter }vm$ ’ tw. |°ve—-arid br?ught to via-rfeters rln th* most y Ufe B. • 10-55,

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