20,000 People Read Star Want Advs-The Cost Is Small: Results Cood .. .latYouWant l In the WANT ADS1 Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum * Charge For Any Want Ad 26c. This size 1 cent per word each insertion. This size type 2c per word each insertion, n't..*- _ i__ . o i i • .. jl ma OU JLltH > J. O. TAYLORS TAXI SERV Ice, located with Sellers Shoe Shop, phone 602—night phone 600, Shoe repairing at new low prices, Seilers Shoe Shop, in the building recently vacated by Chas. A. Hoey, North La Fayette street. tf 21c ’ WATCH FORXHE WHITE FLASH - IT is coming SOON. It WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY repairing. L. O. Davis, next door to fcfird's. I appreciate your patron age. large or small tl 16c "several good WATCHES TO be sacrificed for cash. They can be seen at George Alexander’s. 12t Jan 30p USED AUTO PART'S FINK IRON & METAL CO. Trade Alley. Phone 580. tf-SOc CALL 832 AND LET US ””SEND for your car and Wash or Grease It for 75c each. The Auto Inn, next to the Whiteway Dry Cleaners, tf 30c Special Price On OLIVER DRAG HARROWS this week Cleveland Hardware Co. ltc BE SURE TCU3EE THE GENKR al Electric before you buy an elec tric refrigerator “No owne/ has ever spent one cent for service.” Rotert C. Hord, Dealer, S. Washington St., Shelby. 13-tfc GET OUR PRICES on Automobile Tires. Cleveland Hardware Co. ltc Grocery Specials Yellow Cling Peaches, 3 large cans_48c Lima Beans, No. 2 can __ 10c Black Eye Peas, No. 2 can 10c Tomatoes, 3 No. 2 cans __ 25c Fancy Prunes, pound_, 5c Poly shine, can -10c Washing Powder & Laundry Soap, 7 for_:_25c Grapefruit, 6 for_25c Celery, nice bunch __10c Cabbage Plants, 100 for _ 15c Pork Ribs, pound _____ 12^c C. H. REINHARDT, SOUTH SHELBY 2t-18c FREE: ONE YARD HEMSTITCH ing for every dozen buttons you have us cover during last two weeks of February. Shelby Hemstitching Co., Bank Bldg. 2-18c LOST SATURDAY NIGHT, 8 montti old collUffiup. White and yellow. Answers to name “Jack.” Return to Perry McSwain, R-l, Lattimore and get reward. 4t 18p JOB PRINTING OF all kinds at lower prices than you have ever paid. Phone 11 or 4-J and let us give you an estimate o n your next printing order. Automatic presses, accurate count. tf-24p FOR RENT: AN APARTMENT, furnished or unfurnished; also rooms. Mrs. W. L. Packard. 2t 18c I HAVE A QUANTITY OF~LO cust timber which I will work up to suit purchaser, J. 1L Hoyle, R-3, Casar. 2-18pd FOR RENT: TEN ROOM HOUSE on Corbett property one block of pquare $20 per month. B. T, Falls, Shelby. 2t 18c FOR BRAKE LIN ING reasonable see Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc OCR AIM IS TO Give Best Values for LEAST MONEY. Cleveland Hdwe. Co. Owned and operated by Washburn & Co. It WE W ANTTOBIJY Scrap Cotton. D. A. Beam Co. 3t-20c* worn eaen msenion. I HAVE ABOUT 7$BUSHES pure 'Trucker's Favorite Seed com for sale. M. D. Hopper, Shelby. 3t ISp STOVE WOOD AND Coal. Phone 73. Cleve land Hdwe. Co. ltc WILSON BIG BOLL PLANTING seed, first year from breeder. I have si* hundred bushels of Wilson Big Boll Planting seed staple one inch or better, 10 to 15 days earlier than other varieties, and big yield per acre. Will sell for $1.00 per bushel or exchange one bushef for 2 1-2 bush els other seed. These seed have been cleaned and graded, G. V. Hamrick, Shelby, N. C., RFD No. 3- 4t 20c FOR SALE: YOUNG MILK COW. R. S. Thornburg, route 4, Kings Mountain. It 20p PHONE 73 FOR Quick Hardware De liveries - The Hard ware Store. WASH BURN’S. ltc LOST: BETWEEN ~THE HOME of L. B. Champion and V. B. Cham pion, two books In school bag. Noti fy L. B. Champion, R-l, Lawndale. It 20p CAR OF SEED Oats. Prices to move.! D. A. Beam Co. Phont 130. 3t-2G WANTED SALESMAN-DEALERS Selling experience unnecessary, but only reliable people need apply. We supply everything—Products, Salfes and Service Methods that get the most business everywhere. Superior Rawlelgh Quality old established demand, lowest prices, guarantee of satisfaction or no sale, make quick sales. 200 home and farm necessi ties, all "guaranteed best values. If you are willing to work steady ev ery day for good pay, write for m ■formatlon how to start your own business with our rarital. * W. T. Rawlelgh Co., Dept V. C.-W-52-R Richmond, Va. l-20p MAN OR WOMAN WANTED TO handle Watkins Products fh Shelby, on full or part time basts. Real op portuhity to earn over $6 per day. Write H. T. Bordeaux, 231 Johnson Ave., Newark, New Jersey. It 20p BEST QUALITY Coal — Quick Deliv ery — Lowest Price. Washburn Coal Co. PHONE 73. ltc EIGHT CENTS A CHICK. That is all the cost of custom hatch with us. Strong, heal thy fast growing Reds and Rocks $10.00 per hundred and up. Priced to fit the times. SUTTLE HATCHERY Phone 572, 2t-18c FOR AN Attractive price on Barb Wire, Poultry Wire & Hog Wire see Cleveland Hardware People — Washburn’s. ltc FOR RENT - SER VICE Station and 5 room house. Good lo cation in South Shel by. Excellent oppor tunity for right party. Royster Oil Co. Shel by, N. C. 2t-18c FOB bale? rhodeTsland Red baby chicks from high produc ing stock. Hatch off each Tuesday. Also started chickens . Custom hatching 3c egg. B. Austell Poultry Farm, Earl, Phone 2613. 4t Fri 6c ~TET US QUOTE you on your next re pair job. Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc DOES YOUR ROOF Leak? See J. W. Den ton, Hoey Ant., rear Postoffice. He posi tively guarantees bis work. Phone 4-J. WE ARE AUTHOR IZED agents for Gen uine Oliver Plows & Repairs for Cleveland county and no house in the country can underbuy or undersell us when it comes to Oliver Goods, Hames, Harness, Plow Points, Collars and sll farm ing materials. Cleve land Hardware Co. owned and operated by Washburn & Co. Established 1889. ltc FOR JOB PRINTING OP ATT, KINDS—CALL THE STAR FOR QUALITY PRINTING, FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM house. Apply C. S. Young. tf 18c WHATEVER YOUR FIGURE fault, a Spencer will correct It. It will be designed Just for you to beautify your unlovely lines and enhance your charming ones. Mrs. J. Henry Carroll, phone 213. 3t 16p FOR SALE: EIGHTEEN EVEH lay Brown Leghorn pullets, all lay ing. 75c each if taken at once. Two roosters $1 each. Mrs. W. H. Leslie, Poplar Street, Shelby. 3t 16p I Shelby Circuit Sunday Service* Rev R. L. Forbia, riding the Shel by Methodist circuit, announced the following services for Sunday. Feb ruary 22nd: Sulphur Springs. Sunday school, j9:45. Mr. M. R. Biggers, Supt, Preaching at J1 a m. by the paa tor. Subject: Can -the World See Jesus In You? • Preaching at Sharon at 3 p. to, at | which time a very Important matter will be brought to the attention of I the church. The public la cordially Invited to j all the above services. i SKATES $1.50 - AT I Cleveland Hdwe. Co. ; Washburn’s. lte FOUND—N. C., AUTO NUMBER Apply at Star office and pay for ad 1-20C Friday and Saturday SPECIALS Bread (Pan Rolls) 6 for 25c Pan Rolls, 18 for_— 10c Lamb Chops, Jb.-— 28c Lamb Roast, lb --- 23c Veal Steak (celophane wrap ped) 1 lb. package __t 28c C. H. REINHARDT . SOUTH SHELBY lt-20c STAR ADVS. PAYS i LOW 1931 PRICES Hi mu f 30x31 __ $4.48 4.40x21 _ $4.98 4.50x20 * $5.60 4.50x21 _ $5.69 4.75x19 - $6.65 5.00x19 _ $6.98 5.00x20 . $7.10 5.25x19 _ $8.15 5.25x21 . $8.57 5.50x19 _ $8.90 All Siltt Priced Low... Src <m TUto, KW 4.50x20 _ $8.55 4.75x10 . $9.70 5.40x20 $11.25 Truck Tires 32x6 $29.75 7.50x20 $33.60 W« Kin yoat rtsrf MCTAITWrAY... _... TRAM M TOUR OLD IDEAL SERVICE STATION TIRM “ONE STOP SERVICE” — PHONE 194 — J. REID MISENHEIMER, Prop. SATURDAY IS RUG DAY IN PARAGON’S SALE All Linoleums And Floor Coverings Of Evrey Kind Carry Special Reductions For Saturday. A Large New Assortment Linoleums And Rugs. ~ ONE LOT - LINOLEUM REMNANTS MOST PIECES ARE SIZE 6x9 $1.49 AT ONLY FOR SATURDAY A FEW MORE 9x 12 $35.00 AXMINSTERS AT $19-95 27x51 —$2.50 TAP RUGS $139 CHENILLE RAG RUGS 69c 9x 12 CONGOLEUM RUGS $3-98 ALL BETTER RUGS GREATLY REDUCED For SATURDAY’S SELLING 9 x 12. TAPESTRY RUGS .. $12.95 9*12.GRASS RUGS. $2.95 9x12.FIBRE RUGS . $4.95 THE PARAGON — SATURDAY IS FLOOR COVERING DAY — TOOTS AND CASPER It Was A Surprise, All Right! r KifeyT Tuesday i& our. WEPPIMA ANNIVERSARY AND fM CjONNA 6»E7 UP A SURPRISE. PARTY FOR toots! i .can «seb a lot of THE BOYS AT THE Cl-UB,BUT I’LL HAVE TO PHONE. e>oME OF TOOTSIES OrlRL FRIENDS'. I'LL COPT THEIR > ’PHONE NUMBERS OUT OF /llf' J U.'PHONE THE 4-IRL5 \ FROM M^ OFFICE. TOMORROW* ) I WON'T 'PHONE THEM / FROM HERE BECAUSE I -TOOTS Mk*HT OVER-HEAP?. 1 ME ANP \ 'WANT THIS / PARTY TO BE A COMPLETE f •SURPRISE. TD HER.1. '*i i | ^ iV " n _IL-'■ ii ’ ir ^OOPWE^S pocket \<z Full op Dunk* Overworkiiy? A Good Quality. Y/HATS THE. MEANIN& or -rHis.QASpea? answer. ME'. IN VOUQ. NOTE BOOK. VOUVE 40T , THE PHON& 'NUMBERS \0PHI4-HT EQ-AH J FORO-ET. -TOOTS1. I <^UESS THET-RE STEN06RAPH ER9! oh,sure*. now » REMEMBER'. 'THEYRE. STENOGRAPHERS* I HIRE THE TYPISTS AT THE OFFICE. AND THESE ARE G»RLS 'whove 4crr applications T DIDN'T 40 OVER eo LLt Toots acts MAD THOSE GIRL'S* ARE FRlEtwP OF HERS-THAT I’M 4CNNA INVITE TO OOP ANNIVERSARY PARTY! I HAD TO TELL A LITTLE FIB AS I WANT THE PARTY TO BE A SURPRISE , TO toots; COMTE, COME, HONE'f's* Y POK'T BE MAP! YOU'RE / THE ONLY <^rlRL TN , ( ' THE WORLD FOR ME- h . I'M A^TROE A2> /( k THET MAWE 'EM*. < *S_ -(*Vl * . r j^X YOU’RE TOO TRUE t njON-T WAK-TA^ WH0«2> TRUE TO THE WHOLE— TELEPHONE

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