Ma’m’seUe n s. Fraulem Brown eyes, dark brown hair and rosy cheeks of pretty Mad emoiselle Jeanne Julian, chosen as the most beautiful girl in t rance and selected to represent her country in the Internation ► al Beauty Tournament of Eu rope will find a keen competitor j in the blond flaxen hair and i radiant smile of Fraulein Ruth | Ingrid Richard (insetj, chosen a. “Miss Germany of 1931.” Webb Theatre — NOW SHOWING — BEAUTIFUL Constance Bennett Star of “Common Clay” In “Three Faces East” Also A Funny Comedy And Acts. —- 10c and 25c — Webb Theatre All day long the clothes', we wear are subjected to the grindhig action of particles of grit and dust which gather in the fabric— 1 here is just one way of slapping this grinding —to wash away tins dust and grit. 1 hat is what modern dry-cleaning does; grease, soil, dirt—all the little enemies which constantly attack our garments—are carried away during the process of cleaning— Do you wonoer that clothes which are dry-clean-' ed regularly not only look much better, but wear longer? Resolve today to give youi clothes this benefit. TRY LfS. THE WHITRUY "finality" Cleaners—Dyers “GLARAMT.ED DRY CLEANING IS ULTILR. ’ 5,000 Homes Receive T he Star Every Other Day—Mr. Merchant Get Your Message To The Home Through The Star—You Will Get Result# That Will Satisfy. LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News Masters Edwin and Eugene Joins pi La turn ore, spent last week-end with their grandparents, Mr, ami Mrs. O. P, Clreene, on 6he 1 by R-5. B. L. Smith, superintendent of the Shelby city schools, H. Gvlgg,; county superintendent of schools and Claude Grigg. guperintendeiv:, of the Kings Mountain city schools left Saturday for Detroit, Michigan, tc attend the Natlonm Educational association convention which holds forth there this week. Mr. and Mrs.; A. H. Morgan mu children spent Sunday with rela tives at Union Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Proctor, of Spindale spent. Sunday here With his brother. Mr. Proctor is feiaht | agent for the Southern at tliali place. Mrs. Claude Grigg, of Kings i Mountain, Is spendlr,* this week h.cre with Mrs. Horace Grigg, Mr. Harris Ligon. v ho is a *>lu dent at Duke University, spent the week-end * here with his .parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Ligon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hull, of Char- I iotte, spent Sunday here with Mrs.j Hull's parents, Sir. and Mrs, L. E.' I-gen Mr, tuid Mrs, O. M. Mull and Miss i Montrose Mull arc back at home j after being away for more than a! week. Mr. Muil is Washington and j New York, and Mrs. Mull and Miss j Mull in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Kendall have' a* , their guests the litter's father, Mr, F. P. Thomas, ar.d sister. M4a Annie Thomas, of Ric'geway. They v,ill return to tlleir home this aty. - noon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hamilton, of Charlotte, were in Slir.lby Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Hamilton having come over for the tea given by Miss es Mary Adelaide and Minnie Etidins Roberts. Miss Margaret Blanton. Mr. W,,1- ; ism Blanton, and Mrs. D. H. San ford. went to Hender.cnville Satur day t# visit the latter's sister, Mr., P. E. Rollins, and Mr. Rollins. Mist; Blanton and Mr. Blanton return: d home Sunday while Mrs. Shuford will spend seme time in Henderson-. \ilie. Mrs. Jack Stevens, tt Green-bo.o, will arrive here this afternoon to spend this week with her sister. Mrs. Draper Wood and Mr. Wood. Mrs. Grover Beam is back at home after spending more than two v eeks with her father. Mr. J. D. Pit*, at Glenn Alpine. Mr. Beam went un to spend the week-end with them and brought Mrs, Beam home yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Brabble sprat 'he week-end in Cha.iottc. Mrs. Charles B. Webb. Qf B'r mingham, who will be dame of hon or in the Thompson-Blanton wed ding. will arrive her? tomorrow to spend the remainder cl the weak with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. LeGrand left yesterday for Georgia where they will visit Mrs, LeGrand's relatives, Mr. and Mrs. L .R. ft. Thorn villa Cornerin' had as their guests yes terday Mr. and Mrs. \V. L. Collin;, of Lincolnton Mr. W. T, Sinclair, of. Chanblte., spent the week-end here as guest cl Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Laughridge. Miss Ray Gibbs, student at Mar;,; Hilt college, spent the reek-end r.t j heme with her parent;. Dr. and Mrs.' E. W. Gibb;. Misses Elizabeth Roberts, May me Cubaniss. Mesdames I. O. H>'-• ir nr,d Roy Newman are spending to day in Charlotte. Miss Edith Reid Rarnscur ,p:y;t the week-end at home with her mother, Mrs. Walter namseur. She is a student at Queens-Chieora cel - lege, in Charlotte. Messrs John Mull, Carr Mull and Clarence Mull went to Winston-Sal em yesterday to visit their fattier, Mr. Ambrose Mull, wno is recovering from a recent operation In a.hos pital there. The Messrs. Mull were accompanied to Wlmirn by Mr. John McCIurd. Mrs. John McCIurd and Mus Willard Powers, ot Jiutherfordton atove over to Belmont on Sunday Pljere they tislted Mrs. J. D. Tuck er, They were accompanied as Jar is Gastonia by Mrs. L. E Powers. oJ Rvtherlordtcn, and Mrs. MU'*n f coper, of New Oriesw, who visit sd friends there. Miss Lois Oreer, of Spartanburg, spent the week r>nd l,e-e with M!;<■ ter!rude Tsvlor MtiS MilHccIH MoGcw. oi Ga'f ney, S. C.. has returned to ee home after spending several w here with her aunt, Mrs, Dennh .A Et am, and Mr. Beam. Friend.-, ft Mr. ITu.i. Logan .will be glad to learn ^har he is some what Improved and t« able tv> be m/. today aft that she is getting alongnicely, Mr; Lowery Suttle .-pent the wi -k end at liclne with Mr,-. Suttle tm\ Mrs. W. J Erwin, f Great Falls. S. C.. remained at home' to sne-nd this week here with her parents. Rev. and Mrs. John -Suttle. Mr. il.iv win returned home yesterday alt r spending the week-end here Mrs. Ted Fashion has gone to Miami. Fla'.. to spend a month with her sister. Mrs. Joe Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nash .uvd Mrs. Renn Drum went, to Columbia 8 C., on Saturday to see Mrs. R N. Gurley who is critically ill in Tie Cclumbla hospital there They r** Turned to Rock Hill'Saturday nitht v lieic Mi, and Mrs, Mash spent the • eek-end with .Dr. ant Mis Davit l yle, and Mrs. Drum visited her ■ i i Mr John r CiouiOl). ami M. t in don. near -Rock Hi” Me:- r- Charlie. Frank and VvMl (' Miy.i'H spent last week vitmh'y Her . rind Mrs. E.-S. Elliott in Louh v We Ky It'll Quinn McCombs and JiUl* on. Gilbert Dudley, vh Hickory, w pending tins weak fear# with Mrs McCombs’ mother. Mrs. J. O. Dud'ey Mr. McCombs came over with them votrrdiw but returned home last regh! I fiends here will be happy tv know that Mrs, Madge Webb Rllcv and her mother, Mrs. James I>. Weuo are both lip again and feeling much j better, alter ill recently with j inlhieiWn, r.t the Governor's man sion in, Raleigh where they r. pending the winter. ✓ Mi\ L. O. Huntcy, 61 . Sparta a l'l.'ig. Is spending thi - week ncr '\ lU.i her parents, Cnpi and Mr . J r Robert,. DePricst’s Oft ice. Mr. A. B. O DePriest, justice of tlu peace and notary public. La rented and moved into the office in the. R E. Campbell ..raiex to the Courtview lintel, formerly occupied bv Newton and New on nttorr Penny Column TOR 'RENT. TWO ROOM steam heated apartment with pri vate bath. Hot and cold water. Available Feb. 2(5. Apply Green Lan tern Tea Room. • lit 23c MEN WANTED AT THE JtJN ior hall Tuesday evening:, Feb, it. See further announcement in this paper. It 23c STRAY DOG AT MY HOUSE. Owner may get same by paving for this ad and upkeep. Grady Smith, route 1, Shelby, It 23p STAR AD VS. PAYS At The Theaters The Lyric'opened .* new bill ol t utertainmeht today with Buck Tones in the lead in “The Lone Rider, ' it colorful stoi v of the days of '4!t claiming strong situations, ;lining action and a climatic punch Buck's co-star is Vo a Reynolds Three shorts make a completely di versified program: they arc "The Leather Pushers,” cat toon comely with Oswald, and “Phantom of llie West' with Tom Tyl r Constance Bonnet , already' : tar oi several dramas, comes to the Webb today in “Three Faces East,'' at' MOM picture equally as Impon . hi as the successful stage ploy oi’ Mu’ came name. Constance portrays a spy disguised as a >ar nurse, em p'oyod in the British "and Oern’a’i Intelligence Service ; rui i: featur'd with Eric von Stroheim, Anthotv Busheli. prominent n> the *.i: Disraeli ' film, completes the cen tral cast for “Three races East.'’ The Ruth chattel ton who lived with her mother In New York to: more than six months on a Weekly Mpend of ten dollars. is now the wonder woman of the screen Who spans two generations In playin' the dual role of mother and daugh ;cr in “The Right To Love," a'story front Susan Clasped novel, “Brook Evans." Mias Chatterton was awuto ed the honor of playing in the first picture over filmed with the Lev. loctrle system of noiseless recoili ng. The Right To l/cve opened at the Carolina this after noon for a tun of two day*. A urgrrm Is the aonor. of a pluy. Will he select a plaster cast? A famous music publisher n’.ud vend worthy philanthropies. I, imnained for the facetious head line writer to remark - that lie bere ' filed Charities to the unie-cf $103, (100, Then: there was the 'nuns'Scotch* mull who took up economics in the belief it would give nun some no.’ Ideas on thrift. Owen £), Young :-a;. • lie is pot .< candidate for prendr. He'll stick !ii, his Plans. Novel Honeymoons A micl Strange Scenes Marriage of Betty Zane Grey and Trip to Tropical Waters Recalls the Desert Honeymoon of Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh and the No Less Romantic South Sea Romance of Lord and Lady Hastings. Kr u>tJ Hki Marshall Field m Col. 5 Miss CA.Undbergh[ | Mr 4 Mjzs* I KbftERTV. i Carney Cord# Lady Hastiugsi New York—All the world loves a lover, and next to a lover it loves a honeymooner. In fact, appearances to ihe contrary, this old»sphere upon which-we live is incurably romantic. For that reason it will be thrilled by news of the novel honeymoon em barked upon by Betty Zanc Grey, daughter oT the celebrated novelist, and her brand new hubby, Robert W. Carney. The couple were married at the home of the bride’s parents at Al tadena, Calif., and decided to spend their honeymoon fishing in tropical waters. But the happy pair are not! following precedent by seeking se clusion. Not indeed. They will be; accompanied by a chemist, a half! dozen scientists, a father-in-law and a crew of 37 men. The honeymoon1 will, in fact, be a scientific fishing trip. A little over a year ago the heart ! of our cynical old world went pit-a- j pat as it watched the progress of tiie honeymoon of the most roman tic figure of our generation, Col.' Charles. Lindbergh. Ltndy, -as was* fitting, took his bride on an aerial! tour And what a tour Starting1 from Miami, Fla., the couple flew *! 7.000-mile course around the Carri-i bean Sea and South America and' back to their starting point. Later in the year they flow mtoj the heart of the Arizona desert and ! explored the Canvon Del ifucrto foi l traces of an ancient American civ ilization. What's more, they found what they went after. They brought back many photographs of ancient Indian ruins and several specimens of pottery which had been fashioned by a vanished tace. Can you imagine our grandfath ers' sage remarks on hearing the modern honeymoon method—“Hon eymoons ain't what they used to be?" or to stretch your imagination a little farther; can you picture grandmother with her wasp-walsted wedding gown, complete with bus tle and ail the upholstery that went with a bride's get-up in the not-so gay nineties, on her way to hunt lions and tigers in the miasmie Jungles of wildest Africa? That was the exciting type of honeymoon chosen by Mrs. Marshall Field. Mr. Field was married in Lon don, Eng., last August and being one of the world's wealthiest men was in b position to gratify any whim or desire of his bride, the former Mrs. I Dudley Coats, a close friend of the I Prince of Wales; so When the new! Mrs- Field decided that she wanted1 to hunt lions and elephants and’ thing* on their honeymoon, the; bridegroom fell to with the idea and i the newlyweds climbed aboard an! airplane and headed for darkest Af-) ricu. | Well the honeymoon hunt turned' •'it to be leu inoi< thrilling toon] either of the honeymoouers intend ed it should be. On one of their flights over the big game country Uielr plane crashed but fortunately no one was injured. The scene changes to a tiny South Sea Island, so small, that it is scarcely visible on a map. It is far from ship lanes and farther still from the gay night life of London and New York. The mellow moon shines through the leafy bowers o'vershadowtng two figures dancing to the erie music of native musi cians. They are Lord and Lady Hastings enjoying that strange honeymoon tipon which they set forth far from fashionable May fair. Use your imagination again and speculate as to what grandpa would say when lie heard the news: “I knew no good would come of those new-fangled ideas.” But whatever grandpa says the world will still go on loving lovers and breathlessly following the ad ventures of modern honeymoopers, whether they fly ip planes or de cide to go for a submarine trip Now there s a swell idea for » pro. gressive bridal couple. It hunt b»r, done yet and fame wait* for the pioneer who has the originality to dash from the altar uboard his trusty sub and spend his honeymoon down in The territory ruled Over bv navy Jones. j GLITTERING GIFTS, FOR THE NEWLYWEDS Do you Heck ideas for gilt giving? Then turn your foo-tsteps hither; bond your gaze upon our show cases, bedecked with beaming items of brilliant beauty. YuUr eye will be charmed with the soft splendor of shilling silver, or with the sparkle of brilliantly-set gems . . . and with the mute appeal of popular price tag*. SILVERWAKE-Neu and Select— DOT CAKE and VEGETABLE DISHES— SUGAR AND CREAM SETS—' HANDLED BREAD TRAYS, SANDWICH PLATES, CASSEROLES, PITCHERS MEAT PLATTERS. X. W. HAMRICK CO. — JEWELERS AM) OPTOMETRISTS — THEY LOOK NEW LONGER Men'., . it more than .keep# your appearance , rijirh'P from day to clay! ! E x p e r t cleaning and blocking preserves the original shape ami at tractiveness of your hat and actually makes it last longer— MEN'S AND WOMEN’S HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED 65c Quality Cleaners — CASH AND CARRY — SOUTH Lul AYETTE ST. — NEXT TO CITY CAFE The Wonder Woman of the Screen in the First Picture Ever Filmed with the Marvelous New Western Elec tric System cr No*.-Recording! RUTH ^p: CHATTERTON In “The Right to Love" lhe First Lady of the screen in a dual char acterization—in an amazing flesh-and-blood drama—searching the heart of every woman who loves, has loved—or hopes to love! Ruth’s first dual role as a gift to the world: as her own daughter—two vivid, vibrant portrayals in one amazing picture! TODAY AND TUESDAY __ CAROLINA CONTINUOUS SHOWS FROM 1 P. M. TO 11 P. M. — PRICES: 10c ANT) 25c _