20,000 People Read Star Want Advs-TIie Cost Is Small; Rcsul's Good WHat You Want > In the WANT ADS Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size 1 cent per word each insertion. This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. LEAKN TO FLY — Young ladies and young men desiring flying instructions.1 Now organizing Shel by Flying Club. For information address The Star office, giv ing your name and address. lt-23p J. O TAYLOR’S TAXI SERV tce, located with Sellers Shoe Shop, phone 602—night phone 600 Shoe repairing at new low prices 8ellers Shoe Shop, in the building recently vacated by Chas. A. Hoey, North La Fayette street. tf 21c WATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELRY repairing. L. O Davis, next door to Efird's. 1 appreciate vour patron age. large or small. tf 16c SEVERAL GOOD WATCHES TO be sacrificed for cash. They can be seen at George Alexander’s. l2t Jan 30p USED AUTO PARTS FINK IRON & METAL CO. Trade Alley. Phone 580. tf-30c CALL 832 AND LET US SEND for your car and Wash or Grease it for 75c each. The Auto Inn, next to the Whiteway Dry Cleaners, tf 30c BE SURE TO SEE THE GENKR al Electric before you buy an elec tric refrigerator “No owner has ever spent one pent for service.” Robert C. Hord, Dealer, S. Washington St., Shelby. 13-tfc LOST SATURDAY NIGHT, 8 month old ccJlie pup. White and yellow. Answers to name "Jack.” Return to Perry McSwain, R-l, Lattimore and get reward. 4t 18p JOB PRINTING OF all kinds at lower prices than yoii have ever paid. Phone 11 or 4-J and let us give you an estimate o n your next printing order. Automatic presses, accurate count. tf-24p WE WANT TO BUY Scrap Cotton. D. A. Beam Co. 3t-20c "YOUR MOTOR RE BUILT like new. Let us save you money. Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc WILSON BIG BOLL PLANTING seed, first year from breeder. I have six hundred bushels of Wilson Big Boll Planting seed staple one inch or better, 10 to 15 days earlier than other varieties, and big yield per acre. Will sell for $1.00 per bushel or exchange one bushel for 2 1-2 bush els other seed. These seed have been cleaned and graded. G. V. Hamrick, Shelby, N. C., RPD No. 3. 4t 20c CAR OF SEED Oats. Prices to move. D. A. Beam Co. Phone 130. 3t-20 DOES YOUR ROOF Leak? See J. W. Den ton, Hoey Ant., rear Postoffice. He posi tively guarantees his work. Phone 4-J. “for job printing of all KINDS—CALL THE STAR FOR QUALITY PRINTING. WANTED ORDERS TO PAINT family coat of arms and decorate your wedding Invitations. Mrs. P. L. Hennesea. tf 20c FOR SALE — 1 ONE HORSE vrgon. also good rubber tired bug gy cheap. M. A. Jmley, , Bo'Kng Springs, N. C. '■ - 2t-20p CYLINDERS RE BORED and honed, pistons and rinv+s Co. tfc Would let Everybody Have All The Booze They Wanted Once Dr. Bascom Anthony Has New Idea For Populariiing Prohibition. Macon. Oa.—All 11 ic alcoholic li quor everyone want* for a week, dis tributed at cost by all filling sta tions in the country, ;s Dr. Ba.vern Anthony's idea of the best way to popularize prohibition. "If I were King Bavom Anthony, 1 nperial dictator or these United States," the 75-year-o>d supeian nuated circuit-rider of the Metho dist church. South, told a Baptist congregation here. ‘U‘d let every body have all they a anted for a week and then issue a statement that I would do the same thing in ten years. I would be so besieged with petitions that there never would be any more doubt that the prohibition law is a good thing.” Although he expressed belief that talk of "necking, drinking and wom en smoking" is exs "crated, and quoted figures to show that "less than ontenth of one per cent of co-educattonal studTis are disci plined for drinking,” he admitted that the "wets have had the better of us for the past two or three years.” "A lot Is charged to us by the wet press that ought not lo be charged to us,” he said. ■‘The crime wave, for example, is a reaction from the World war. The government shows us by figures on millions of men whose intelligence wa* tested that over 75 per cent of the men in this country are sixteen and less under the hatches. So the gieat bulk of us have to be governed by custom. We just run in ruts. War breaks up all these ruts and the woild has to wear some new ones.” Card of Thanks. We wish to thank those kind friends and neighbors for their kindness to us during the sickness and death of our dear daughter. Mrs. Eva Spain. We appreciate more than we can say, the comforting words, the kind attention and beau tiful flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brooks. Hog Feeding Demonstration. Three new hog feeding demon strations have been started in On slow county recently looking to the profitable use of surplus corn mar keted as pork. Bladen Sells Poultry. Became Bladen farmers were anxious to get some cash for start ing their crops, they cooperated to sell 8,000 pounds of poultry at the car door in Clarkton and Bladen boro last week. The Wickersham commission’s report recalls the company of In fantry who were being harangued by their gallant Irish captain Just before going Into battle. “Bhoys,” he shouted, “will ye fight or will ye run?” And the men yelled, “we will!” Mr. Hoover asked the Wick ersham commission. “Are you wet or are you dry?” And, almost two years later, the embattled eleven murmur, "We are.”—St. Louis Post-Dispatch. FOR rent! five room house. Apply C. 8. Young, tf 16c FOR SALE: A JUNIOR XYLO phone cheap. Call 611. It 23p Grocery Specials Sayman’s Vegetable Soap 3 cakes ■ 25c Sayman’s Talcum Powders, 1 can_20c Washing Powders and Laun dry Soap, 7 for__ 25c Heavy Syrup Peaches, Large can __ 18c Pineapple, Crushed, No. 1 can--- 12£c Pineapple, Crushed, No. 2 can_ 19c 7 O’Clock Coffee, lb. ___ 12Jc Veal Steak, Celophane wrap ped, lb. __ 28c C. H. REINHARDT SOUTH SHELBY, 2t-3c SEVERAL THOUSAND BEST grade cabbage plants for sale at C. B. Elliott store, on Shelby-Polk ville road.d 4-23c ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Hiving qualified aa administrator, with will annexed, ol Mary Susannah Hamrick, deceased, thla ts to notify all persons hold ng claims against said estate to file same with the undenlgned. properly itemised and verified, on or before January 27th 1932, or tht* notice will be pleaded in bar of any ’recovery on same; and thla ia fur, the1, to notify all persons Indebted to said tfinte to mke immediate payment of such 'udaoitdness to the undersigned This the 24th day of Januarv 1331. Aubrey L. Culton, Adrr ‘rator. Newton it Newton, Attoi a toi-Jan 26 Abraham Lincoln—'The Jolly Host9 • *«* * * * Yellowed Document at Springfield, 111., Is Clue to Little Known Phase of Civil War President’s Many-Sided Career—New Salem Scene of Pilgrimage on 122nd Anniversary ^As He Appeared f fPTi^EM A Young Man y —I nr — nm New Sai^k. Ilwnoi? WHERE l/INCOI/N USAS f Tauepn KEEFER. | Picture jlfettHm President 1 % The Sputter The: Berry ¥=> SHE SOKE? SHE’S A5 MAD AS THE VJTTV.E BOY WHO HID IN THE BARN AU. DAY PUVIN4 HOOKEY < AND THEN FOUND OUT IT WAS , THEY'RE. FRIENDS OF^C TOcrreiE* that i ve invited TO THE ANNIVERSARY PARTY I'M AONNA eURPR'^S. HER. WITH TOMORROW N»6rfTl EVERYTHIN 4 WOULD BE <)AWE IF I TOLD T00T5 THAT, BUT IF I TOLD HER. IT WOULD ‘SPOIL THE eURPRI5&! nr 7, PONT FORGET WE'VE. 40TTA DATE. tomorrow ni4hx TOOT*>'. I M -TAW»n4 'Too out! if You wsedJ A WAVE YoVC^ BETTER. 4rr rr TOtAYr MO,THAVJW*>! YouD Better a©K BETTY, CLARICE OR UU.IAKI TO 40 WITH YOU m WHAT WOULD THEY THIN* IF THEY WNEW becoming I PLANNED ON HOU»NHE WONT 40 TO THE PARTY I'LL HAVE TO BRINdr THE PARTY TO HER’. ITS> A ^URPWBE PARTTjj BUT I LL BE THE ONE WHO !♦ BURPRI3EP IP EVERYTH IN 4r turns out au,ri4ht‘