SOCIETY 'lli*. ><‘KNX ont’.vr, tditoi. telephone Phc star no. s-J fclaen Moinmg 8 To 12 u clock. Mrs, Drum can be readier! at ber borne, Phone 713, afternoon and niguu ‘ . *i ’ Important r ' There's woti ' at I atone c an do,' He used to any: “t know that thing'.'' wilt x« to ruin If I’m away." They found him .dead acroa* Vila desk Today at dawn: And now I see him widr-ey ett watch ing The world wag on. Mrs. Snttlr To Entertain Chic ora*. Mrs. Oscar Suttlc wit) be hostes to the members ot tire Chlcor.t club at a social meeting on Friday after noon at 3:SO at her attractive home on TJorth l.aFa.vette street. Mretina Thursday Of Keening Division. Tlie evening division of the Wom an’s club will meet on Thursday t \ ening at 8 o’clock at the club room with Mesdamea Frank DeYoung and H H, Pratt acting as joint hostesses. second Division Meets Tomorrow. There will be a regular meeting of the second afternoon division til the Woman’s club at the club room tomorrow’ afternoon at 3:30 with Metoames F. R. Sanders. L. C. Best and O. H. Shull as joint .hostesses. Every member is urged to bring to five meeting their contribution r.l flower seeds or shrubs for the home at Kinston. Mrs. Comev in Hostess At Waffle Supper. Mrs. L. R. Comevin entertained a few of her friends informally last evening fit a waffle supper. The table was beautifully appointed and rovers were laid for: Mrs. J. S. Me Knight, Mrs. H. D. Wilson. Mrs, R. t. Armour, and Mrs. Cornevin lunior Red Cross Makes Contribution. People who are Interested in the fine work being done by the Junior Red Cross organization in (he South Shelby school will be interested to know that this group of children has made a contribution of $5.77 to the national Red Cross organization for rettef in the drought stricken area. South Shelby Woman's Club To Meet. There will be a regular meeting of the South Shelby Woman's club on Thursday afternoon at 3:30 at the South Shelby school building, Beau r dying the home grounds will be the subject for discussion at the meeting, and important business matter.; are to be brought before the group- A full attendance of members is urged. small Party For Mrs. Kchcttfk. Mrs. Lutlier MeGmty was hoateas yesterday afternoon at a delightful .'small party in compliment to Mrs. John Schencfc. gr., who leaves thl'3 week for a visit of six weeks to her relatives at Houston and San An tonio, Texas. Contract bridge was played at two tables during the aft ernoon. After several progressions the hostess was assisted by her daughter, Hits. Clinton Perry, In serving n delicious salad course with accessories. Those playing were: Mis. Schench, Mrs. McOinty. Mrs. Frank Hoey, Mrs. Ceph Blauton. Mrs. S. S. Roy ster, Mrs. r. R. Morgan. Mrs. E, B. hatlimere and Mrs Jap Buttle Mr*. Hennessa Entertains Contemporary Book Club. Mrs. Brevard Hennessa was a charming hostess on Tuesday after noon to the members of tire Con temporary book club, entertaining at the home of Mrs. P. L. Hennessa. Thirteen members were present and after a brief business session Mrs. Harry Hudson, who had charge of current events for the afternoon, gave an interesting diffusion of the Philippine situation. The main fea ture of the program was given by Mrs. Robert Hord who discussed "The Movies as a Modern Art." dis cussing Greta Garbo, Ann Harding, Ruth Chatterton and other inter esting personages on the screen. After the close of the program Mfs. Hennessa was assisted by Mrs. Hudson in serving a salad course with sweets. American Homes Department Meeting. On Monday afternoon at the club room members of the American Homes department of the Woman's club enjoyed an interesting meeting with Mrs. R. L. Weathers in charge ani Mrs. H. E. Waldrop as assist ant hostess. During a brief business meeting a committee, consisting of: Mrs. S. O. Andrews, Mrs. Colin Hull. Mrs. G. P. Smith, Mrs. W. H. Blan ton and Mrs. NeUdr t atthnorc. was appointed to revise the club roll. At the beginning of the meeting the guests were given five minute* in which to see which could make the most words out of tho letters In pudding. Mrs. Nelson Luttimore was winner of this contest and received a pudding pan. Mrs. Weathers demonstrated the making of grated sweet, potato pud ding and apple upside down cake. Mrs. Waldrop assisted her in serv ing -the pudding and upside down cake with whipped cream and Rus sian tea, Recipes follow, these quantities IwlU serve from 13 to 16 people gen erously. Apple upside down cake: 3 C. pared and cored apples, or 1 1-2 cups of dried apple , cooked: 1 C. orowrr suger; 2 T. butter. Melt, but ter in iron trying pan. add sUgaf end stir until smoothe. Cover this mixture smoothly with apples and add the batter. Cool: in a moderate oven for 40 minutes and serve warm. The batter to be used in this cake is made by mixing: 1 C. sugar, 1-3 o. shortening, 1-2 C. sweet milt; 1 1-3 C. flour, 2 t. baking powder, 1-4 t, salt and 1-2 tsp vanilla. Orated sweet potato pudding: 3 large sweet potatoes, grated; l C. sugar; 2 C. milk; 2 T. melted butter; 2 t. pulverized ginger: 1-2 lb. marsh mallows. Mix all ingredients except marshmallows, cook inside oven un til reasonably thick, stirring often. Spread marshmallows over top and i run into oven until brown. No. 1 Township News Of Week j ■ ' " ' ' • ... _ ‘ I Child His Pneumonia. .Ur. Bridges Hurt At Saw Mill, personal Mention. ' Special to The Star.' No. 1 Township, Feb. 24.—Out pastor. Rev. J. J. Boone, delivered to us botii Saturday and Sunday a very interesting message. Mr. Quay Byars of Cliffside spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. land Mrs. W. P. Byars. Mr, and Mrs. Coleman Moore and Mrs. Mariam Scruggs visited Mrs. i W, P. Byars Thursday. Misses Exle Humphries and Grace McBrayer were the Sunday guests of Miss Eloisp Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Humphries spent the week-end with the for mer’? parents, Mr .and Mrs. W, W. Hawkins. Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur SWofford, of Grassy Pond community were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Earls visited Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Earls Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Darts and; Mrs. Cleve Pruitt, of Bolling Springs were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Byars. Misses I.ucile Huskey and Maynv Earls visited Mrs. Byron Mintz at Cliffside Tuesday night. Misses Inez Davis and Exie Hum phries and Messrs. Loyd McCraw and Howard Davis spent awhile with Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Davis Satur day night. ; Mr. and Mrs Herman Jones spent Sunday witli Mr. and Mrs. L. I. 1 Scruggs Mr. Theodore Earls was the guest 'Saturday night of Mr. Richard Earls. Mr. Oarthur Humphries spent Saturday night with Mr Bobby Humphries Tire small baby of Mr. David Bail ey is seriously ill with double pneu monia. While working at the saw mill last week Mr. Dillard Bridges had the misfortune of getting his arm hurt. Mr. Doyle Jolley of Chesuee. S. C.. has moved into this community. Gandhi predicts he will soon be back in jail, and somehow or other we have an idea that bird is a bet ter prophet this time than he has ever been in all his life.—Lynchburg News. 'DMIMSTR VTOR’S SALE. 8j virtu* of an order of th« superior court in special proceeding entitled. ' J B Ellis, Adr ct at vs. Bay Moss et at." 1 will sell to the highest bidder at the court house door in Shelby on. Saturday. March a*. 'l93t, at Id o clerk M. or within legal hours, the following de scribed real estate: (a i Situated in the town of drover. Be ginning on a large maple. W. J Moss' corner, in Dr. Oates line and runs with ’A J. Moss’ line south 3-4 weet 11* chair.* to a small maple In his line: thence a new line south 534i west 7.46 chains to a stake nn southwest side of a branch in Oates line: thence with hts line north »-« east !*•** ehains to a stone, his corner; thence with another Un* of hts north MV* east (.10 chains to the beginning, containing 1.3* acres. (b> 1 -One-filth undivided Interest of A. It Moss in the lands of tv. A. Moss, lUoJect to the life estate of Minnie Mosa, widow, to-wlt' That lot containing CM acrea, being lot No 3 of the J. P. Moss land, adjoining lands of Mr. Well*. W'. J. Moss, Dr. Oates. H. D Moss and described in deed recorded in booh 3-V. page 196. 3. Containing 9 9 acres, being a part of lot No. 4 of the J. p. Moss land, deed re corded to book 3-V. paf© 187. 3. C<mt*\nlns 33’* acres, bounded by lands of George Oates. Amhone Adams, aiadhet! lands, and others, deed record 'd ,1' b°^ **»**• isf’. *U of the office of the reg*ster for Cleveland county, N. C fei An undivided l-as interest in the h.'i rt.D?u’ednbI ?• F Mos3 *<■ time ol t»t* of Mr*. F. A Mosa. containing In* sfsres, adjoining Die lands of t> Oeor-e •* O. Westmoreland and lot No ! described in deed recorded in **U; P**e 3*3 of the register's of. Uej for Cleveland county. N c. Terms of sale: One-half cash on day ol *•*«• balance in *tv months. This the 34th day of Pebruary, 1931. J. B. MJJS. Administrator of W. W. Moss’ Estate. B T Falls, Atty. . «t J*eb. 384 Mt. Sinai News Of Current Week lie'nlar Preaching Services. l.iMtr ; Bnfortl Clary Has Ineitmonio. Personals. , > , (Special to The Star.1* Shelby, K-2, Feb. !l —The ragp-. hr preaching .services were held at the church Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Goode of Bell ing Springs, a former pastor of this church, ha dcliarge of the services Sunday and brought a very inspiring message to the people. Mr. and Mrs, Wilburn Putnam and two small daughters, Margsr't and Mary Anne, of T.attlmore were ! visitors at the home o! Mr. and Mr.. I, C. Putnam last Tuesday. Miss Madeline Wright of Eailj spent Thursday nigh", with M*r,.vs Ruth and Rhea Hunt. Mr. and Mrs, Eictor Ledbetter and children of Flint Hill were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W N. [ Wearer one day last week. Mr, and Mrs, Joe Weaver of Kings j Mountain and also Mr. Vlnesette! of Grassy Pond, visited Mr. Buddl Uarain aunaay. Miss Daisy Hamrick; 01 Flint Hiil and Miss Cecil Pearson of near Cliff side were the t,pend the day guest of Miss Rheamer Clary last Tuesday, Mrs. W. H. Rollins and children oi T.attimore spent last week in this community visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. il. Hawkins and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Putnam. Mrs. Evans Bostic, of Morganton. who had been visitin'; her mother.1 Mr8. J. H. Rollins returned to her] home Friday afternoon. ’ ; Mr, and Mrs. But". Hamrick of Hint Hill w ere caller., at the home j of Mr; and Mrs H > C iary Turr ■ day night, Mr. W. N. Weaver and two chil dren, Dorcas and Elikl), spent Sun day with Mr, and Mrs. Ector 'Led better of Flint Hill. Mrs. Mary McSwain of Lattimore is spending a few days with Mr and Mrs. Reuben McSwain. Messrs. J. G. Ellis and Furman McQlnnis of Beaver Darn visited Mr, C. T. Ellis Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Clary were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pearson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Thurman Hamrick and daughter. Miss Selma Hamrick i of Popular Springs, were visitors in ] the community Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henty Hunt and ' family of Gastonia pent the day ! Sunday ■ with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. i Hunt. Miss Kathleen Hamrick spent Sunday with Misses Rena and Hebu Around The Carolina Theatre (With Apologies To RENN DRUM.) Wtll Folks, we are having another double program Fri day and Saturday of thts week, at regular prices—"Are you There" a Fox Movietone comedy, and "PUEBLO TER ROR," also one of those Pathe Comedies, He wish to remind you of the Parent Teacher program SATURDAY AT 10:00 A. M„ and the price is a dime. So be sure that you see TOM SAW YER. you will enjoy it, and your DIME will be used for a good cause. We wish to call your atten tion to our ad elsewhere in this issue, as it tells you we are eliminating our 10c days after this week. In other words, there will be no more dime days after tomorrow Everybody get set to see CLARA BOW next Monday. She will be here in "SO LIMIT,” and the critics •say ‘ IT’S HER BEST ' Casey, who was putting up a sig nboard for advertising the coming pictures, was working hard. Mr. Reynolds, walking up, said,— “What are you go ing to do with all this dirt?” Casey replied, *TU just dm another hole to put it in. Submitted by G r, Route a WE THANK YOIK McSwain. A number of young people ir :. this community attended a party at the home of Mr. Ware near Shelby Hal erdiy night Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hamrick anti children of Flint Hill were visitor,'s a1, the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Chary Sunday. . ' Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Hawkins *md son. Bobby, Jr.., of Shelby, visited .\lr. and Mrs. J, II, Hawkins Sun day. Mi. and Mrs. J D Brantou and Miss Buna Rollins of this commun ity and Miss Norlne Rollins of Gati ney werc\ visitors in Fallston Mon day. I i tie Buford Clary baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Clary is ill v. h Pneumonia. Misses and Neil; RUis are also indisposed at the time | of this writlrig The first seed-catalog came Sat urday, and we are happy to say the j prevailing lack of confidence has not yet affected the dahlia artist.— • Detroit News. Some New Fork Magistrates like a third-string ballplayer, .seem to serve no other beneficial purpose tain warming the bench. It Is no indication a farmer is do- j she stic merely because he belongs, to the sowing circle.. Fallston News Of Current Week (Special to The Star.'* The Home Economies club met Friday afternoon at o’clock with 16 members present. Three hew members were added ic the list. The main point brought out at this meeting was time saving. An elab orate salad was made by Mis. Claud Stamey and a simpler salad with the same food value was mads by Mrs. Hugh Beam. The result showed that it took twice as long to make the elaborate salad. The salads were served With crackers and coffee and was enjoyed by all, Mrs. E. *E. Snow returned from the Charlotte hospital Saturday Mrs. Snow took treatment for sev eral days Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoyle at Charlotte on Sunday. Mrs. Hoyle is in a very seri ous condition in a hospital in Char lotte. Mrs. Hoyle before marriage was Mirs Pearl Beam who for some t‘me was a very efficient saleslady at the Stamey Co. Mr M. J Baker has returned from a Philadelphia hospital where he has been taking treatment. Miss Inez Ridge of Folkvllle, spcn* I the week end with Miss Ruth Mor I gan. ! Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bridges and ! family and mother spent Sunday With Mrs. Bridges brother Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Rumfelt at Blacksburg s. c. Mr. aud Mrs. Rici ard Moore cf near Rutherfordton spent the week end here with relatives. Miss Rhea Lattimore spent the week end with Miss Grace Sain in Hickory. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wise and chil dren visited Mrs. Wise’s mother Mrs W. A. Gantt Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Summie Spangler and daughter of Shelby, spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Royster. Mr. and Mrs. Geoige Ross r.d children and Misses Nellie and ” d lie Williams visited Mrs. H. Wil lis near Toluca Sun cay afternoon. Mrs. C. E. Ridge and sons of Polk vil’e visited Mrs. J. M. Morgan Sat urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hoyle isitod Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hoyle Sunday afternoon. Misses Helen Falls and Lois Mar lion were the dinner guests of K'ss Martha Sue Royster Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Gardner visit ed Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Beam Sun day. Mr. and Mi's. Andrew Elliott oij Waco were the dinner guests of and Mrs. Acllal Elliott Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Bowens and children of Double Shoals visited Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Royster Sunday afternoon. Miss Cl*e Williams Bpent Thurs day night with Miss Eudora Hoyle. Mr. and Mrs. Elvln Barnette of West Jefferson spent the week-end with Mrs. Barnetts’s parents Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Ross. The following visited Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Baker Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ranson end daughter Bryte Baker Ranson of High Pelr.t; Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Miller of Mt. Ulla; Mr. Lee Shell end daughter of Hudson: and Mr. Nathan Wise of Lineolnton. Misses Peg and Pearl Cornwell visited Miss Nelle Stamey Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ida Allen of Shelby is spend ing this week with her sister Mi33 Minnie Royster. Mrs. B. F. Spangler and children of Shelby visited Mrs. Henry Roys ter Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Claud Stamey and son Charles visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Elmore Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rachel Costner and son Howard .spent the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lewis, Mrs. Edward Cline spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Hugh Beam. Mrs. Elvin Barnette of West Jet ferson Is spending t’r.3 week s, ::it relatives here. Mrs. Martha Beam and M.jj Marie Beam were dinner fuwt? M Mr. and Mrs. Stough Baua nadin Miss Charline BeatfrHl (pact Wednesday night with 111 and UM J. C. Royster. Little Mies Carolan* ln» at the North Brook reetten apart Bit 4»* with little Lnthar Howard Beam Wednesday. Miss Lon Alice Hamrick (pent Sunday right with Mia Kathleen Royster. Mias Pauimt Laekey of near To luca wat a Pension visitor Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. J. CJ. Royster and I Mr. and Mrk L.i*. Will 13 visited Mr and Mrs. P O. Ross Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Edmcnds vis ited at the home of Mr. end M *1. M. J. Baker Monday evening. Mrs. Wyatt Stamey* of PfUt' IVle visited her aunt Mrs. Cier.i Hoye Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Brantley Delhi „ .• visited relatives near Sunday. Sir Hubert Wilkins is selecting i:-e crew of the submarine he propo. 3 to take under the Ice to the Noit.i Pole. We hare ..'several candidates, | one of whom we are not which.— 'Nashville Banner. Insured and Assured Metropolitan policyholders — including about one^ftfth of the total populations of United States and Canada— have built up their reserves from millions into billions. THE financial story below is a record of achievement by men and women who are planning to avert want or to build estates. You may admire their steadfastness of purpose last year under handicaps which tested courage. These people-policyholders of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company—are building for their future. They would like to know what the future holds in store for them and for the country as a whole. Let them, and other citizens, examine any chart of our country’s unparalleled prosperity over the past hundred years. It appears, not merely as a jagged line, but as a series of towering steps which rise steadily onward and upward. It is heartening now to recall that, after each depression, our country has always gone forward to greater heights of prosperity and better, sounder standards of living. Today this country has more riches and better facilities than ever before with which to commence her next great period of development. A review of the financial history of the United States since it was founded in 1783 should turn any pessimist into an optimist The Metropolitan will gladly mail, free, a book let, “The Development of Prosperity in America”, telling of past ups and downs—and ups again— and how soon the “ups” followed. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Financial Report to Policyholders for Year Ending December 31, 1930 Assets : . . : : : ; . . . $3,310,021,818.17 ( Larger then any at her financial iustituHen la the warld) Liabilities Statutory Reserve ..III $2,870,453,034.00 Reserve for Dividends payable in 1931 upon Industrial Policies . . . 44,568,156,00 Ordinary Policies . . . 48,028,166.72 Accident and Health Policies 2,029.150.00 Total Dividends . . 94,625,472.72 All Other Liabilities .... 142,783,551.75 Unassigned Funds. 202.159.759.70 $3,310,021,818.17 Income in 1930 .11'.'. '.. 863,230,995.31 Increase in Assets during 1930 . 299,461,766.79 Paid-for Life Insurance Issued, Revived and Increased in 1930 . 3,305,037,927.00 (Gw/tAv Increase nm Graup PalMes) Total Bonuses and Dividends to Policyholders from 1897 to and including 1931 . 622,966,910.29 Life Insurance Outstanding Ordinary Insurance.$ 9,286,568,051.00 Industrial Insurance (premiums payable weekly or monthly) . 6,821,768,687.00 Group Insurance. 2,702,629,646.00 1'otal Insurance Outstanding . . 18,810,966,384.00 (.Larger than any ether Ufa insurance cam petty in the merit) Policies in Force (Including . . . 44,826,363 1,192,952 Graup Certificated) (Mara than any after life insurance campany) Accident and Health Insurance Outstanding Principal Sum Benefit ..... $1,402,110,601.00 Weekly Indemnity. 15,172,026.00 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Some Noteworthy Daily Averages of the Company's Business During 1930 2,144 per day in Number of Claims Paid. 19,639 per day in Number of Life Insurance Policies Issued and Revived. $10,907,716 per day in Amount of Life Insurance Issued, Revived and Increased. S3,093,529 per day in Payments to Policyholders and Addition to Reserve. $988,323 per day in Increase in Assets. Growth in Ten-Year Periods Number of Life Outstanding Assets Insurance Policies in Life Insurance at End Force at End of Year at End of Year of Year 1870 . . .9331 . . $13,335,108 . . $833,914.19 1880 . . 117,088 19,167349 . . 1,947,821.79 1890 . 2,099,882 . . 233,037,926 . . 10,781,173.01 1900 . 5,494,057 . . 923,877,917 . . 62,158,034.33 1910 . 11,288,054 . 2,215351,388 . 313,915,172.39 1920 . 24,176,752 . 6,380,012314 . 980,913,087.17 1930 . 44,826,363 . 18,810,966>384.3,310,021,818.17 This Company is a mutual organization. It has no stock and no stockholders. All of its assets are held for its Policyholders. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY • NEW YORK FREDERICK H. ECKER, President LEROY A. LINCOLN, Vice-President end General Counsel

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