20,000 People Read Star Want Advs-The Cost Is Small; Resul's Cood Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. Thiis size l cent per word each Insertion. Thig size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. COMPLETE RE Babbiting service. See us for all parts. Mauney Auto Parts Co. tfc FOR SALE: PAIR HEAVY farm mules, formerly owned by Jim Porter. See Mrs. L. L. Roberts, route 1, Shelby. 3t 25 p J• O TAYLOR’S TAXI SERV~ ice, located with Sellers Shoe Shop, phone 602—night phone 600 Shoe repairing at new low prices Sellers Shoe Shop, in the building recently vacated by Chas. A. Hoey, North La Fayette street. tf 21c WATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELRY repairing U O. Daria, next door to Eflrd’s 1 appreciate your patron age. large or smalt tf 16c SEVERAL GOOD WATCHES TO be sacrificed for cash. They can be seen at George Alexander’s. 12t Jan 30p CALL 832 AND LET U% SEND for your car and Wash or Grease it for 75c each, The Auto Inn, next to the Whiteway Dry Cleaners, tf 30c NEARLY TWO HUNDRED tirere in Cleveland county of Gen eral Electric Refrigerators and not one has ever spent one cent for service. Robert C. Hord, Dealer, S. I Washington St,, Shelby. tf 25c i ' LOST- SATURDAY NIGHT. 8 month old collie pup. White and yellow. Answers to name “Jack.” Return to Perry McSwain, R-l, Lattimore and get reward. 4t 18p Specials -For Friday And Saturday Fresh Ground Coffee, 2 Pounds for ___25c 10 lbs. Pinto Beans_45c 10 lbs. Sugar ___55c 10 lb#. Com Meal__25c 3 cans Black Eyed Peas _ 25c Quart Jar Pickles__30c 1 lb. Peanut Butter ___15c Salt Fish, 3 lbs. for _____ 25c R. H. CHAMPION SOUTH SHELBY 2t-23c SEVERAL THOUSAND BEST grade cabbage plants for saje atX\ B. Elliott store, on Shelby-Polkvillo rcad.d 4_28e JOB PRINTING OF all kinds at lower prices than you have ever paid. Phone 11 or 4-J and lpt us give you an estimate o n your next printing order. Automatic presses, accurate! count. tf-24p WE WANT TO BUY Scrap Cotton. D. A. Beam Co. * 3t-20e -— -4k---: i WILSON BIO BOLL PLANTING seed, first year from breeder. I have .-ix hundred bushels of Wilson Big Boll Planting seed staple one inch or better, 10 to 16 days earlier than other varieties, and big yield per acre. Will sell for $1.00 per bushel or exchange one bushel for 2 1-2 bush els other seed. These seed have been cleaned and graded. O. V. Hamrick, Shelby, N. C., RFp No. 3. 4t 30c CAR OF SEED Oats. Prices to move. D. A. Beam Co. Phone 130. 3t-2C DOES YOUR ROOF Leak? See J. W. Den ton, Hoey Ant., rear Postoffice. He posi tively guarantees his work. Phone 4-J. FOR JOB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS—CALL THE STAR FOR QUALITY PRJNTINQ. WANTED ORDERS TO PAINT family coat of arms and decorate your wedding Invitations. Mrs. P. L. Hennessa. « 20c “CYLINDERS RE BORED and' honed., p i s t o n s and hub's. Mauney Auto Pa^s Co. tfc FOR RENT: FIVE ROOM house. Apply C. S. Young. tf 16c FOR RENT:’ THREE UN FUR nished room*. Apply 235 E. Graham street. 3t 36c DON'T LET YOUR repair jobs cost you too much, see Mauney Auto Palis Co. tfc ~MAN WANTED: FOR RAW lelgh route of 800 consumers in part of Gastonia and nearby localities. Reliable hustler can start earning $35 weekly and Increase ‘every month. Write immediately. Raw lelgh Co., Dept NC-4-52-S, Rich mond, Va. It 25p FOR LETTER HEADS. ENVEL OPES—IN FACT ALL KINDS OF IOB PRINTING—PHONE NO. IL FOR WOOD SAWING, SEE P. P. Jjltubbs, or telephone 718. lot 25p FOIt’sALE OR TRADeTa FARM twelve miles west of Rutherfordton, N. C., consisting of four hundred acres good land, fifty in cultivation, three hundred thousand feet good timber, one six room house, good water power, good road and lies well. Will trade for good stock of merchandise. K. E. Simpson, Ruth erfordton, N. C. 2t 25c Dover P. T. A. Has Important Meeting Her. 1* L. Jessup Talks. Mrs. Stroup Discusses Affiliation With Na tional Organization. (Special to The Star.) The Parent-Teacher association of the Dover school held its'first reg ular meeting Monday p. m. at 3;00, Mrs. C. M. Stroup presiding for Mrs. > Pritchard, the president. The meeting was called to order and turned over to the program committee. The subject “Health” was cleverly carried out in rules, songs and readings, the various grades contributing. Rev. L. L. Jes sup, pastor of South Shelby Bap tist church gave an intereslng and constructive talk on "Selecting Ideals for P. T. A.” This was built around the child, 4 square, the ideals for the child in home, school, church and community. Emphasis was evident throughout his talk on how the parent and teacher with similar alms from a clear and def inite understanding of the bond be tween them—parent and teacher— could contribute to the child’s high ideals of living which would last through life. Here he paid tribute in a fine way to the four fold work of P. X- A. After the program the business session was held. Thirty-two an swered to roll call. The president, Mrs. Pritchard, announced that the constitution would be ready for adoption by the next meeting. She will have the different committees and grade mothers selected by the next meeting also. The third Mon day at 3 p. m. was the time set for regular meetings except when the association observed “Fathers Night and Founders Day.” Those dates to be voted on later. Mrs. C. M. Stroup spent a few minutes in discussing state and na tional affiliation, the value of using circulating P. T. A, library, informa tion of the P. T. A. institutes held each year during July-August at N C. O. W., Black Mountain and Uni versity of North Carolina. The meet ing of the annual convention of state P. T. A. at Wilmington dur ing November. Here she urged that the association send a delegate, for it is during these meetings interest is created, enthusiasm caught, vi sion broadened to the possibilities of a standard P, T. A. After the meeting adjourned the teachers served fruits and delicious home made candy. That the Dover school P. T. A. will succeed Is evident through the interest and loyalty of Its fine fac ulty and a determined stick-to-it iveness promised by the parents. Hurled grapefruit misses Rudy Vallee.—News item. Ours usually hits us without even being hurled.— Duluth News-Tribune. EXECUTORS’ NOTICE. Having qualified as executors of the will qf C. C. Hamrick deceased, late of Cleveland county. North Carolina, thte le to notify aU peraone having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit came itemised and verified to the undersigned, at Shelby, North Carolisa, on or btfore the 25th day of February. 1939. or this notice will-be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted" to 'said estate will please make 'ifemedlate- payment tt> Us* of such Indebtedness. This the 94th dav of February, 1931. P. B. HAMRICK, C. O. HAMRICK, Executors. Newton & Newton, AUvs. 6t Fab ,55c Beaver Dam Events Of Week Miss Terry McSwain and Earl Brid ges Marry. Betty Pyron tin der Operation. (Special to The Star.) Beaver Dam, Feb. 24.—Members from our B. Y. P. U's accompanied our pastor to his church, Mt. Zion, in the Gaston association and pre sented tiie pageant, ‘The Vision of Service” on last Sunday night Mrs. N. B. Lee of Lattimore who has fav ored us with her service as soloist in the presentation of this play and husband. Mr. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ledford of Shelby and Mr. Dave Houser and several parents from our community also accompanied us. Marriage Announced. The miny friends of Miss Tercy McSwain and Mr. Earl Bridges will be interested in the announcement of their marriage on last Saturday afternoon. They were accompanied] to Oaffney by Mr. Truman Bridges and Misses Ella Mae Wilson and Tenny McSwain. The bride was lovely in a tan crepe dress with all accessories to match. The bride is the youngest daugh ter of Mrs. Mary McSwain and a student of Lattimore high school. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs C. M. Bridges and a promising young farmer. The happy young couple are now at the home of the groom’s par ents. They Have the best wishes of their friends for a long and happy, life. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bridges enter tatned at dinner Saturday evening in honor of their son. Earl, and bride. A bountiful dinner was serv ed. Only a few close friends were present. Misses Libby and Zola McCurry spent the night. Wednesday night at the bedside of their aunt. Mrs. O. T. Garrett and Mr. Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spangler and family of Zion community were din ner guests Sunday in the home of ' Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Glascoe. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Callahan and children spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Callahan. Mrs. Daisy Mitchem and son-in law, Mr. Carver Blanton, of ahelby, visited Mrs. J. L. McCurry awhile Friday afternoon. Miss Lena Bridges is very sick at this writing. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Francis and little son, Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Robbins and little daughter, Fran cis, of Caroleen visited their aunt, Mrs. J. L. McCurry Sunday after noon. Mr. R. W. McCurry and daughter and son, Miss Libby and Mr. Dan, attended the funeral of Mr. Char lie Hamrick at Shelby Sunday aft ernoon. Miss Tenny McSwaln and EUie Mae Wilson spent Friday night with Miss Tency McSwain. , Misses Eliza Brooks, Ruby Wash bum and Messrs. Olin Greene and DuFayo Bridges of the Double Springs section visited Miss Mertice Bridges Sunday afternoon. Under Serious Operation Miss Cecelia Padgett, student of Limestone college. Gaffney. spent the week-end at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Padgett. Utile Miss Betty Pjrron, small daughter of Mrs. J. B Pyron under went a serious operation at the Shelby hospital one day last week We are glad to note she Is getting along as well as could be expected We hope for her a speedy recovery Mrs. J. L. Taylor of Greensboro visited Mr. and Mrs. 6. E Jones and family a few days last week. Mrs. Zeb Blanton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Blanton and little daughter, Patsy Ann, and Mrs. Palmer McMurry of Ora mill vil lage visited tkr. and Mrs. 8. A. Jar rett and mother, Mrs. D. h, Jarrett In Charlotte Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. L. Taylor of Greensboro and Mrs 8. E. Jones spent the day Thursday with Mrs. Taylor’s aunt, Mrs. J, L. MoOurry and daughter, Mrs. J. L. Blanton and Mr. Blan ton. Mr. w. H. Humphries is sick at this writing. We hope he will soon be out again. Miss Zola McCurry was the spend the night guest of Miss Clara Kiser in Shelby Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Cleatus McSwain spent awhile Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hamrick. The senior B. Y. P. U. male quar tet of Beaver Dam rendered a num ber of favored selections at Poplar Springs Sunday morning. The quar tet is composed of the following: Messrs. Albert McGinnis, first tenor, Gilbert McGinnis, second tenor. Ralph Callahan, first bass, Trumim Bridges, second bass. Friends of Miss Francis Doggett surprised her with a party on Sat urday night. The evening was en joyed by all. Several young folks from Double Springs attended this from COUGHS Reslnnol prevents little coughs front growing big—it stops big coughs from racking your body—it allows roughened throats to heal and get well. Used in hospitals for 20 years. Safe, non-habit-forming, nothing to upset stomach or diet. Price, 50c. By the mqffert of Unguentine By the mqjfert of Vnguentlne party. Teachers and officers meeting will meet at the home of our superin tendent, Mr. Ed Humphries and Mrs. Humphries. Everyone is urged to at tend if possible. Pensions: Increase from $100 to $363 a year pensions of widows of Confederate veterans who married before January 1. 1880, and who were the first wives of such veterans. Embalming: Setting out qualifica tions, of applicant for embalming li cense and removing three member* of state board of health from state board of embalmers Forest Fires: To make a county not participating with state in for est lire control liable for cost of lighting when fire sweeps from » non-cooperating couuty to one which does cooperate. Women are poor losers—when it comes to dieting. kUCmiX iNOTKt. Having this day qualified *• exaeutm of th* estate Of F N Gardner. late of Cleveland county. Worth Carolina, this t« to notify all pereeme having claim* against the said cites* to present them to me properly proven on or before the 33rd dev of Februery, 1»33. or thle notice will be pleaded in b*r of any recovery thereof All person* owing the said estate will please make Immediate settlement to the undersigned. This Feb. 33rd, 1831. L CLEMENTINE GARDNER, Route 4, Shelby. Executrix of F. N. Gard ner, Estate. St Feb 33# Shelby Circuit Church Services Servigps for the Shelby circuit. Sunday March 1st. are announced as follow# by Rev. R. L ForMa. ® Bethel—Sunday school 9:48, 2. F, Cranford, aupt. Preaching at 11 o’clock by the pastor. Salem—Sunday school 3 p. to., Fied Anthony aupt. Preaching ut a o'clock by the pastor. A visiting chair Is to be with us at Salem and sing for us. If you enjoy good sing ing be sure and come. China is never going to be a fully civilised country until her bandits become racketeers.—Louisville Times The Wickersham report is a bril liant example of how to fire a blun derbus and miss the bull's-eye —At lanta Constitution. INFLUENZA SPREADING Checks Colds at once with 666 Take it as a preventive. Use 666 Salve for Babies. SHRUBBERY SALE In connection with the settling of this estate we are now offering our entire stock of hundreds of thous ands of evergreens, shrubs and fruit trees at very low prices. MANY PLANTS AT ONE-HALF AND LESS THAN ONE-HALF PRICE This is one of the oldest and largest nurseries in North Carolina having been in business over 40 years. We know how to dig and pack so plants will reach you in the best of condition. Write for price list or come to nursey and make your selection. This is one of the greatest opportunities ever offer ed for home owners of North Carolina to beautify their grounds at a nominal cost. Greensboro Nurseries JOHN A. YOUNG A SONS GORREL ST. EXT. — BELL TELEPHONE 5202 GREENSBORO, N. C. FORD COMFORT Evem new Ford is equipped with tour Houdaiile double-acting hgdrmuiie shock absorbers ONE of the fine thing* about driving the new Ford fa the way it take* you over the mile* without strain or fatigue. No matter how long the trip, you know it will bring you safely, quirkly, comfortably to the journey's end. The seats are generously wide, deeply cushioned «»d carefully designed to conform to the curves of the body. Every new Ford has specially designed springs four Houdaiile double-acting hydraulic shock absorbers* These work both ways —- up and down. They absorb tha force of rbad shocks and also provide a cushion against the rebound of the springs. Other features that make the new Ford a value far above the price are the Triplex shatterproof glass wind, shield, silent, fully enclosed four-wheel brakes, more than twenty ballymd roller bearings, extensive use of fine steel forgings, aluminum pistons, chrome silicon alloy valves, torque-tube drive, Rustless Steel and unusual accuracy in manufacturing. In addition, you save many dollars because of the low first cost of the new Ford, low cost of operation and up-keep, and low yearly depreciation. The New Fordo* Sedan 1®W PBICBS OF IOBI CABS $430 to $630 W. o. 9. OtMfe, ftm tUfki and Mwjr. Bmmpmt mid • imM an. Fra ran pwrku a M m imuatrt •ft# Authored fid Rmn rtan. ./ U. t/»WMi < TOOTS AND CASPER— Springing The Surprise. 7 , HELLO.DICk'.THIS © CASPER.'. ' HAS everybody arrived at THE CAFE FOR MY PARTY? THATS FINE! I CAN-T4ET TOOTS TO ACCOMPANY ME thereto brvn&the whole CROWD OUT HERE*. CALL. eOME.TAY\© AND HURRY C I OUTl rLL BE WAITING < FOR You’. . 1 DIDN'T INTEND TO 40 OUT WITH TtX) TONIGHT, CASPER., BUT I WIU.: IT S NOT MY i To *5>TAV MAD,. at anybody 1 Ah-ER AHEMs AW,ITS TOO COMrY HEBE, TOOTS! LETS NOT 40 out! YOU (M5I9TED, PLEADED THAT I 40 OUT WITH YOU. AND I NOWTHAT I’M READY YOU WAWT k TO STAY HOME]-,, ^AJSVOU/^ ^-^CRAZY?! nft AH! THfWs-S THS. POOR-ecu P«N4tN4'. CON4ft*mJLATlON& ON YOUR WEDDtN^ l ANNIVERSARY, z'— *— TOOT*'. s~l HOW LON^r T HAVE YOU BEEN _ MARRIEE? TOOT&? I’Ll. BET IT 'BERM OVER hundred year* padlocvitme ICE BOX toots « THE 'WOLVES ARE UPON US DOESN'T Unfavorable Symptoms. ■ CAMPER, Yo*JttS A DARUN^! "rwe <5URPR\e>m party was wonderful* FORGIVE ME FOR BEIKUj MAP AT YOUi 6t&G., WE HAD A *3WELL PARTY! EVERYBODY HAP LOTS- or FUN* T»t> YOUNOmCE. THE WHOLE CROWD *TAWE NOTICE WHEN 1 PRESENTED YOU f WITH THAT WRIST WATCH A<3> AN i ANNIVERSARY „ ^PRESENT,TOOTS* ivin* ream res syndicate, Inc, Great Britain rights reaerved. SURE I D)D, CASPER*. MRS. HOOPCP LOOKBD AT THE WRIST-WATCH, AND ASKED ME WHAT THE OCCASION WAS, AND » TOLD HER It'S OUR WEDDING Anniversary*, she turner AROUND And ijAVE. COLONEL HOOPER \A DIRTY LOOK*. OH, WHAT A L00I4 > _- IT WAS*. THCN^Ht P1CKEP ON HIM THE REST OP THE. , EVEWW^t 7 l wonder whY \ *SME 4-AVE him 'THAT / LOOK.? I COULD 9EE. \ HE WA* UNCOMFORTABLE ) AFTER THATJ. J i j* c •( I'LL ASK. HIM WHEN I SEE. HIM. TOOT&! HEPE HE CDME^ NOW, AND HE LOOMS PEEVED < ABOUT .. e'OMETHIN^'

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