8 PAGE3 TODAY —-- ■ r ,i itj *•»« o«> nu HD 4dvtXJb) (lamer mt rear, iin uhimi VOL XXXVII, No. 27 8HELBY, N. C. WEDNESDAY. MAll. 1, 1931 Published Monday. Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. LA TE NEWS Tilt MARK El Cotton, per lb. _ 10c tip Cotton seed, per bus id _ ,.33t Fair And Colder, today's North Carolina Weather Report: Generally fair and contin ued cold tonight. Thursday fair with slowly rising temperature. Sustain Hoover Veto Washington. Mar. 4.—President lloover's veto of the Muscle Shoals I ill was sustained last night ny (he senate. The bill, which the president •aid in his veto message squarely presented the issue of government i Iteration in competition with pri vate interests was kil'efl when its 11Sends faded to obtain r the operation of the six-months •hoots of the State by a 30 cent ad j alorem land tax plus a $9,500,003! dualizing fund and a $2,500,0031 Hate fund to aid the extended i •rms. ! The McLean bid would provide for j i State-wide eight-month term by a| .0 cent ad valorem tax plus an 18 million dollar equalizing fund. Of the two bills The Raleigh News j nd Observer's leg!, latlve report ■ iys: These are the two bills tire Oov-j ■ rnor put before the general assem-j bly in his first message. It was sig-1 lificant that the introducers of both , f the bills were those who voted for he McLean substitute bill for the late support of the six months am from sources other than an ad • ulorem tax while their own bills ..re in conflict with that already passed by the legislature.'* To Repeal Judges Retirement Method; Two McSwain Bills Would Fnd Pension Plan For Vet eran Judges. Would Have Coun ties Ratify Game Laws By IH. R. DUNNAGAN Raleigh, March 4 —Senator Pey ■n McSwain, of Cleveland, has in i'odue.ed a bill in the general as-! ■ inbly which would repeal the; •idge retirement act. The act nis' ■dl would repeal provides that su-j ’rente or superior court judges who j have r’ached the age of 70 and who; ave served on the bench for 15! •ears are ■'permitted'.'to retire on two- ! ■ airds pay, but are subject to call' i the governor to preside as enter-1 f-ncy judges over courts. About Game Laws. • taloigh. March 4.—Senators Pey-' 01 McSwain, of Cleveland, and Mayden Clement, of Rowan, jointly itroduced a bill Monday which ould require that laws and rules of oe department of conservation and development, relative to fishing, ould have to be approved for their, pective counties by the boards of county commissioners before they would become effective. Senator McSwain had already in troduced a bill to permit certain inds of fishing in Cleveland, but it is considered doubtful if it will be i nacted, due to efforts to have the • Ime and fishing laws uniform. Under Bond Over Burning Of House Two inspectors of the state inrur Huce department visited Shelby yes terday and placed A. T. Bridges, formerly of the Boiling Springs sec tion, under a bond of $1,000 in con nection with the burning in July last year of the residence in which he lived near Boiling Springs. The bond calls for a hearing Thursday morning in county court. According to the charges as filed by W. A Scott, one of the Insur ance department Inspectors, It is al leged that the residence, property of B. P. Jolley, might have been of in cendiary origin because of insured furniture. The furnishings of the home were insured, it is alleged, for $1,000 or $1,500. Two Mills Hers Join In Move To Eliminate Night Work For Women A ndMinors; Program Shelby, Ella Mills Make Change. 83 Percent Of Mills In Country Agree To Change. Difficult To Do. It was learned here today that one Shelby textile plant has already eliminated night work for women and another plant is making the change as rapidly as is possible. This week, according to press dis patches, 83 percent of the textile mills in the United States had agreed to conform to the Cotton Textile Institute’s plan for elimina tion of night work for women and minors. Already Changed. Tlie local .plant which this week made the complete change was the Shelby Cotton mills, one of the largest plants in the section. The officials of the mill have gradual ly been working to that end for three or four months, it being a dif ficult task to remove all the wom en working on the night shift to a day shift without a general re-ad justment, of shifts and working plans. But Monday night of this week no woman worked in the mill. The majority of the women who have been working at night, it is understood, have been transferred to day shifts, while others are on part time work. The other plant which is making the change is the Ella mill of the Consolidated Textile Corporation. A gradual change removing women from night shift", to other shifts has j been underway there for some time; and will continue until there are no women, it Is said, on the night shift. Few’ if any, minors work on night shifts in the textile plants of this section, it is said. The Belmont mill was listed in the daily piers as one which had signed l he Cotton Textile Institute's plan, but no change has yet been made at the plant. Officials of the Shelby Cotton mills in, stating teat night work for women had been eliminated at their plant added that it was a voluntary’ effort on the part of the mill as it had not signed the Institute roll. Works Hardship. Officials of other local plants ICONTINTTKl ON -AttF SIGtO f *rSv/~:n Boosted For No. 2 Alderman ——r-. 1 W'll Known Grocer I>gctf To Enter ! Alderman!? Kace. Another Ward One Prospect. A group of friends In Ward Two were this week making every effort to have Mr. M. A. McSwain file as a candidate for city alderman rep resenting that ward. Mr. McSwain! is a well-known business man. de-I oendab’e and conservative and those j supporting him say that he would) ~erre well. The present Ward Two alderman, Mr. Ab Jackson, v ill not seek reelection. Several other pros pective candidates have been talked. In Ward One Mr. Iiouis M. Ham rick. young business man, is being suggested as a possible candidate Prospective candidates in that ward ; have also been mentioned, bat so far Alderman P. M. Washburn Is *hc i enly announced candidate. i March Snow Is Groundhog Boost Considerable Snow Herr Last Ni"hl Mixed With Kain. Sunshii.% Melts It. The groundhog, he who has been maligned and scoffed at as a poor weather prophet, crawl ed from his winter lair In the early morning hours today, gleefully tossed several snow balls at his critics, then ras routed to his lair again by the rays of a springtime sun. It was the second real groundhog j day since the woodchuck made his j erroneous prophecy a month ago. Rain set in in this section early last, night and before midnight changed to snow. The snowfall was heavy for a period but due to the rain-dampened ground and the warm atmosphere only a light blanket of snow remained this morning. A warm sun early in the day was rapidly eliminating all trac es of a March snow that slipped in and surprised scores of citizens who retired early last night. There was a slight flurry of snow about noontime today. ^ailey Is Senator Today; Takes Pla.ce Of Veteran Simmons *lalefgh Man Became North Caro* lina Senator At Midnight. Opens His Office. Washington, Mar, 4,—T. M. Sim mons, who entered the senate for ‘he term beginning March 4. 1901, 'nd served as chairman of the fin ance committee during the wo: id war, ceased to be a senator last night at 12 o’clock. Many have assumed that the term of senator really ends with the adjournment on the fourth; but such Is not the case. Senator Simmons went off the payroll at midnight, and Senator Bailey took his place, and was senator when he opened his office today, with his secretarial force. Unless there Is a special session, however, Mr. Brilev will not take the oath of office un til next December. Is At Home. New Bern. Mar. 4.—Pumifold Mc Tjendell Simmons, whose half a cen tury in public life has drawn him into some of the bitterest political battles of his generation today end ed 30 years in the United States senate quietly at his home lr this city. Surrounded by his children and grandchildren, the 77-year-old vet eran chated informally of the graph ic political era, of W'hich he was a part. Always more or less averse to pub l’city lie was unchanged in this re spect. The grizzled statesman, who first rose to national prominence as “the httle giant of white supremacy" in the hectic North Carolina political struggle of 1898-1900, was not in Washington attending congress be muse his physician’s order forbade it. [ LATE HCW7]\ SSBA&SsSjj al)f glfticlanb Jstaf [ 10 PAGES TODAY —nthrr rMt t* r:rr_7 . D.mtR.UOt, Stm/oSMly Dover Mill Pays Oat $38,000 Dividends; Nine New Structures OF RECOGNIZED STANDING The Cleveland Star is the out standing newspaper in North Carolina outside the daily field. Tills fact was recognized when the North Carolina Press Asso ciation awarded a silver trophy cup to The Star as the leading paper in North Carolina outside he daily field. Frequency of issue and this alone, kept The Star from tha “All American Eleven” weekly newspapers selected by Prof. J. H. Casey of the University of Oklahoma. In selecting the li leading weekly newspapers in the United States, he omitted The Star for toe one and only rea son—it is published every-other day. Otherwise it qualified. W 54 Lives 'daifatk \ Six Sets Of Twins In One Shelby School Twins are not a rarity at the Washington school in Shelby. Not by a half doien sets. Ill the first (Trade of the school, ai which Miss Agnes McBrayer is prin cipal, there are two sets of twins The fifth grade also has two sets The fourth grade has half of one set and the fifth the other. Like wise, the sixth grade has half of a twin firm and the fifth has the other half. That division results be cause half of two sets of twins man aged in some manner to get ahead of their mates. The twins in the first grade are: Jennie Mae McGinnis, who lives at the Ed Past home, and Shovine Mc Ginnis,-who lives at the Hugh Bet tis home. The McOinnis twins are six years of age and their parents live in Charlotte. The other twins in the first grade are Viola and Vio let Early, aged six. who live with H C. Allen, Shelby Route 6. Their par ents live in Asheville. In the fifth grade are Mary and Martha Toms, age 11, children Of Hugh Toms, Lee street. In the same grade are Ollie and Frank Wood, age 12, children of J. p. Wood, north Morgan street. Maude Long, age 11, is in the fourth grade and her twin brother, Claude, is in the fifth grade. They are the children of W. F. Longv North Washington street. Sara Bess Ledford, 11, Is in the sixth grade and her twin brother, A. B., is in the fifth grade. They are the children of F. H. Ledford. North DeKalb street. Plan Tourneys For Golf Club Prizes Awarded In Membership Drive. Club Prepares For Big Season. (Other Sports Page 2.) A series of tournaments were ar ranged, prizes awarded in the mem bership drive, and other matters of importance taken up at a dinner meeting of the Cleveland Country club at the * golf club bouse last night. The dinner for the club meeting was served by lady members of the club and was an enjoyable repast Approximately 40 golfers attended the meeting In addition to the ladles who acted ■aj^hoetesses. Enthusiasm exhibited indicated that the biggest golf and country 1 club season yet is In the offing this spring and summer. Tournaments I will begin this week and continue leach week throughout the year, along with several big exhibition matches. Name Directors. | In addition to adopting by-laws and regulations for the new club, which restricts its membership to 100, the following directors were named: J. F. Jenkins, Charles L Eskridge, Spurgeon Hewitt, J. d. i..ineberger, Gene Schenck, Earl Hamrick. J. F. Schenck, sr„ H. C. Long, Max Washburn, and Chas. R. Eskridge. .in me membership drive lor men Spurgeon Hewitt won first prize, J. D. Lineberger second prize, and J. F. Jenkins third prize. Mrs. Frank Hoey won first prize lor the ladles i and Mrs. Chas. Williams second. The club house has been papered, painted and generally improved, and much interest in the country club features and also in golf isv being shown by the ladies of Shelby. This week the ladies will begin a tourna ment, and hereafter they will hold weekly tournaments on the links along with bridge tournaments and other amusements at the club house. It is hoped at an early date to bring Bill Goebel and Freddy Hyatt, Charlotte pros, here for an exhibi tion with Pete Webb playing with one of the visitors against Snook Webb and the other visitor. Soon thereafter the annual dub tourna ment for beginners will be held, to be followed by handicap tourna ments, and matches with clubs in adjoining cities. Patton In Hospital. Frank P. Patton, assistant dis trict attorney of federal court, en tered a Morganton hospital today it was learned, for an appendicitis op eration. Mr. Patton was expected to have handled or aided in the prose - Clftion at the Federal term of court here week after next. Spring Baseball. The Belwood and Piedmont schools opened their baseball sea son with a game yesterday at Bel wood. Piedmont was defeated 4 to 1. Jurors Drawn | For Court On Monday, 23rd Warlick To Preside For 2 Week* Many lni|M>rlant Cases To Come I'p On Criminal Docket And Civil Calendar, Jurors for the spring term of Su perior court, were drawn here this week by the county commissioners. The two-weeks mixed term open, on Monday. March 23 with Judgej Wilson Warlick of Newton presid ng over his first term here. * A number of Important criminal cases, some of them continued from the last term of court, are exnected to come up for trial. A major por tion of the second week will bt de i voted to the civil calendar, j Jurors drawn were: i First Week. Hell McOraw. Norman K. Roberta,! i egr*w, i : i. E. Covington was allowed $10 for burial expenses of Dock Justice. Love Hubs, an ex-soldier, was granted a peddling license. D. G. Allen was released from a $1,200 error in listing homestead tax.! The folowing bilk.were approved:] O. E. Ford Co., cement $18.90 O i E. F0rd Co..county home, $11 85; fair ground service station, co. home $7.82; Paragon Furn. Co., bid, etc., for county home $19.80: J, W. Byars molasses for county home, $142$: John T. Borders, sal., etc., $17.1.00: Electric Light and Water for county home $42.40 Stephenson Drug Co., county home $8 85; Cleveland Hd v. Co., county home, jail and bridge depi., $28.03; Moore and Stewart, county home $1.25; Paul Webo. pamt etc., for county home. $50.05; Q .on Drug Co„ county home $15.65, T P. Eskridge, county home. Slot 95; Campbell Dept, store, county name, f28.02; City Electric shop, county home $7.40; James Tide!? shop beds coiriTNtfjTn on mot: monTt i \Farmers Boost Food Crops As WiseMoveNow County Club Hear* Crops Talked Comity Club Hoars Farmer* V This County To tire At Home. It will not only be foolhardy Wy perhaps serious consequences wlB develop If Cleveland county farmers do not produce their own food and feed next year. This was what represent®tivi farmers of the county told the Cleveland County club in a round table discussion and short talks at the club meeting last-night at the Green Lantern tea room. An informal round table discus sion was carried on by furmers at tending the meeting, all urging th# importance of the live-at-home idea and pledging themselves to the movement. O. C. Dixon, well known county farm lender, discussed the value of a sufficient corn crop. There should bs at least five acres devoted to corn for every two mules in the county, he said. If the land is poor the ratio should be ten acres for two mules. All landlords were urged by Mr. Dixon to sec that their tenants devote at least that much acreage to corn. J L. Herndon. of Grover, dis cussed hay crops, declaring that every bale of hay purchased by a farmer costs him double the pro duction cost of his own lahd. In in sisting that farmers of the county devote enough acreage to hay crops this year he stated that there should b® ho experimenting with unknown crops, but that tested crops for Cleveland soil should be used. Tom Cornwell spoke of the valus of pastures to the farmer who de sires to succeed and make ends meet. The pasture acreage, he said, is the most important on any farm Bermuda grass was stressed for usi i in permanent pastures. I Prof. B. F, Byrd, of Grover, out [lined the importance of potatoei and vegetables. Every farmer In th< county, landowner and tenant, hi declared, should this year and here after produce enough potatoes and vegetables for home use. Others making short talks on thi same topic were Prof. Lawton Man toil, Lattiniore; R. w. Wilson, KaU tfton; A. E. Cline, Kings Mountain; Edney Willis, Belwood; and J. B, Smith, welfare officer. At Faltston. It was decided to change the reg ular meeting date of the club to the first Tuesday in each month. The next meeting will be held at Fall ston and the program will be ar ranged by R. W. Wilson, W. R. Gary and R. W. Shofner. McLees Closes Meet Thursday Forcemul Blind Evangelist Will Hold Last Service Thursday Evening, The irties of evangelistic services being conducted at the Shelby Pres byterian church by Dr. R. G. Mc Lees, eloquent and lorceiul blind minister, will close Thursday even ing. Kev. H. N. McDittnuid, Presbyter ian pastor, and everyone who has heard Dr. .McLees urge that those who have not attended do so during the remaining .services. Thursday morning at 10 o'clock Dr. McLees will sneak especially to church members of all denomina tions on the subject, “The True Yoke-Fellow.'' This evening at 7;30 his subject wil be "The Story of Simon Peter." The subject of the closing service Thursday night will be “The Reception Which the Gos pel Meets.'' The meeting has been well at tended and has exerted a great in fluence with a number of conver sions and reconsecrations. Sale Of Gasoline Boosted By New Law Distributors of gasoline in Shelby report a considerable increase thia week in the sale of gasoline to deal ers in this territory because of the passage of the state highway bill whereby the state takes over all county roads and maintains them by a gasoline tax. The measure pro vides for an Increase of one cent per gallon on gasoline and many deal ers thinking the increased tax went in when the hill Is enacted into law, stocked up on n*e motor fuel to save the one cent extra tax. “It is not known when the additional tax goes into elfect.