"If a dog steal* a piece of meat from my shop is the owner liable?’ he a ked the man behind the desk. ’’Very well, your dog took a piece ®f steak worth half a dollar about five minutes ago.” “7 ad." hp returned smoothly *'T n if you will give me the other haa, that will cover my fee.” Bursting open the door marked "Private.” the butcher confronted the local lawyer. Lasting Health h Saragon’s Aim •'A nervous breakdown, an opera tion and a siege of pneumonia is what I've been through with in the past two years,” declared W. L. 1P5NWW&- :m- afl«aSl3C;i S3S&3SS1 W. L. SMITH Smith, 438 E. 17th St., Oakland, Calif. “As a result, my whole system was ill a terribly weakened condi tion. I suffered from Indigestion, constlpaiton, dizziness and bac'nehe" almost continually; my blood was thin and my strength and vitality al most gone. But since taking Sargon and Sargon Pills, my whole system is In splendid condition. 1 never have Indigestion. constipation, or any other ailment now; and I have a feeling of strength and well-be ing I haven't enjoyed In months. I consider the Sargon treatment the greatest medicine on earth." Sold in Shelby by Cleveland Drug Cc„ and In Kings Mountain by the Summers Drug Co. adv TRE8TEKS SAI*. By virtue ot the power ot «»le contain ed in a deed ol trust executed by T. S Elliott end wife, Thelma Elliott, to me *s trustee, on April 31th. 1823. securing an Indebtedness to the Bhelby Building end Loan eseoeiatlon, and default having been! Made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured. I wtll cell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction at the court house door In ths town ol Shelby. N C., on Saturday. March list. 1881, as 13 o'clock M., the following described real estate: That lot lying In the Southwestern portion of the town of Shelby, N. C., on the west side of McBrayar street., and be ing the lot deeded to T. 8 Elliott. Jr., by T. E. Elliott and wife, by deed dated duly 13th, 1838. and recorded In boolt 3-W ot deeds, page 642. of the register's offire ot Cleveland county, N C. to which deed and tlte record thereof reference Is made tor the metes and bounds of said lot. The above sale all) be made subject te eny unpaid taxes or liens that may exist against said property. This February 18th. 1831. CLYDE H. HOEY. Trustee 4t Feb 18. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of North Carolina. Department of Stater To All to Whom These Prescuts May Comb - Oreetlpg Whereas. It appears to my s»tIslaotioi». by duly authenticated record of the pro ceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stock holders, deposited in my office, that the Crawford Chevrolet Company, In corporated, a corporation of this state, whose principal office Is situated In the town ot Shelby, county ot Cleveland, state of North Carolina <J K. Crawford being the agent therein and In charge thereoi. upon whom process may bo served, he: compiled with the requirements of chap ter 33. Consolidated Statutes, entitled •■Corporations, 1 preliminary to the Issuing of this certificate of dissolution Now therefore, 1, J. A. Hartnesa, seert ary of state of the. state of North Caro luia, do hereby certify that the said cor. Deration did, on the 9th day of February, 3831. file in my office a duly executed and attested consent In writing to the dissolution of said corporation, exee-tited by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and tttu record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file tr my said office a* provided by law In Testimony Whereof. I have hereto set bv Band and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, thi* Bth day of February, A. D, J. A. H.VftTNESS. Secretary of Bt&te. 4t Feb 18c ADMINISTRATORS SALE. By virtue of an order of the superior court In special proceeding entitled, j. p ■HI*. Adr., et. nl vs. Ray Moss et al " 1 Mill soil to the highest bidder at the court bouse door in Shelby on. Saturday, March J*. 19M. at 13 o'clock M •r within legal hours, the following de •cribed real estate: (*» Situated m the town of Orover Be 0nnmg on a large maple, W J Mos. corner. In Dr. Ones line and runs with ■W. J. Moss' line south 3-4 west 1.18 chains to a sms!1 maple la hu line: thence a new line south S5’« west 7.48 chains to a stage on southwest side of a branch to Oates tine; thence with hl« line north east 4.M chains to a stone, his corner, thence with another line of his north so>, east •.10 chains to the beginning, containing 1.58 acres, tbi 1.—One-fifth undivided interest ot W. W. Moss In the lands of W A Moss •object to the life estate of Minnie Mom Widow, to-wit: That lot containing <p, acre;,, being lot No. 3 of the J p Moss land, adjoining lands of Mr. Wells, W J Moss Dr. Oates. R D. Moss and described In deed reoorded in book 3-V. page l»«. 2. Containing 2.8 acres, being a part of lot No. 4 of the J p. Moss land, deed re worded in book J-V. page 187. J. Containing 38V, acres, bounded by lands of George Oates. Anthony Adams. Oladden lands, and other*, deed record ed In book 3-V. peg* 33d, all of tha office of the register for Cleveland county, N c <e) An undivided 1-26 Interest in the i«wl* ownadby J. p Mods at the time of Ms death, all being subject to the life es tate of Mrs. T. a Mesa, containing 7iv« 5SS: «* Or. George Oatea, f O Westmoreland. and lot No l and fully described Indeed recorded in book 2-0. page 183 of the register's of flee for Cleveland county, H. C. Terms orsate: Ono-half cash on day o •ale, balance In six months. This the 14th day of February. 1931. J. B. El,LIS, Administrator of W. W Moss’ Estate 9 T Falla. Atty. ei Feb 15c : Around Our TOWN Shelby SIDELIGHTS By KKNN DKtlM. T. II. A., hr who tills out the money ordrrr blanks at the local mall emporium, has weathered the years well, but he caw run his memory back through a great, many calendars Says he, DO YOU REMEMBER? When a cow bam stood where George A Elam’s house Is now? When Will Eskridge. Will Carroll, Paul Carroll, Grover Hamrick Josh Lattlmore, Odus Mull, Lee Pope. Forrest Williams. Pat McBrayer, Buford Williams, James and Asbury playwd baseball on South Washing ton street where Dr. Tom Gold now Uvea? Paul Webb would fool a base runner with an Irish potato? Wild BUI Hopper pitched ball wearing a cowboy hat Instead of a cap? Moses Taub was the gate-keeper. When W. A. Pendleton hauled mcmazlte? When the recently mentioned Jim Lowery worked for Dr. Vic Mi> Brayer? When Mr. Copeland made brick by hand? When J. F. Gaffney made brick In Frog Level? When Orlando Elam rode a gray mule In a tournament here? The Judges asked him how many gaits his steed had? His reply. 17 gates and a pair of draw bars. When Uncle Jack Beam, colored, and his cart roamed the streets? When His Excellency, Gov. O. Max Gardner, ran In the Fourth of July foot race around the court square? When the Southern railway nan mixed trains, and Mack Wilkins was hurt and Leroy Grigg killed In a wreck at the river? From A. M. G., a letter; "You have mighty little about the chore ties of Shelby. Why not more?" Difficult to say, sir Certainly It is not Intentional. Church matters, too, offer a touchy subject. Some church people, and It is sad that It Is so, always think, the other .denomination gets the most mention. From the time this colyum first hit town until now, we have been accused of belonging to everything from the Ku Klux Klan to the* Catholic church. Actually we belong to neither—and very few things In between—yet the day 1ms not yet come when this department can see anything In any one's religion or denomination deserving of criticism. Every man to his belief, and if he te satisfied and content, why Should others not be? Those church Items we do know (others will be welcomed, though no sarcastic shots or criticism of any church will be noticed): Of a near score towns and cities In which we have lived or existed, not. a one has a better church attendance or more reverence In such things than Shelby. Yet If everyone who should would attend church in Shelby, the audi toriums of all the churches would have to be enlarged. In Clyde Hoey Shelby has one of America’s greatest and most in spiring Bible class teachers. Class close to him Clint Newton, a gentleman through and through, unfortunate as he may have been In health. There are nowhere In the city three more estimable gentlemen than the three retired Methodist circuit riders, J. E. Thompson, C. E. Sherrill, and J. W. Ingle. Rev. John W. Buttle, still In harness, has behind him a record of serving humanity and his Maker that surpasses. In value, the record of many hereabouts in public life. John R. Dover’s expressed belief in church and Sunday school has been an iptegral factor in the mill villages which skirt Shelby. Rev. U B. Hayes, Dr. Zeno Wall. Rev. H. N. McDlarmid, Rev. 1* L. Jessup, Rev. R. L. Forbis, Rev. D. F. Putnam, Rev. H. E. Waldrop, Rev. Q, P. Abernethy and other ministers about the city and Us suburbs mean much more to the real progress of the section than they are given credit for. More anon of the churches and church life of the city as interesting Items connected thereto are learned. Shelby Short*: As to the soldier atop the Confederate monument on the court square—hedoesn't have his gun on either shoulder. It's at port arms. Scouts have reported that any number of autos have hesitated there to see Just where the gun was held .... Now that she Is a matron in another state, wonder what girl will become heir to the former princess of Shelby society? .... There isn't a more courteous gentleman in Shelby Utah W. E. Abemethy, principal of Central high school , . .... Every year—say silver spoons get you there, 11 you will—some boy from the mill village* makes his mark at Shelby high. There was Tom Kerr, then Hal Parris, the second three-team captain, and then Shorty Mc Swaln. Milky Gold was the school's first three-team qaptaln and Shel by’s only All-Southern. Not a one of those mentioned had mors than even break of going places .... It is, as Kipling said, what is in you that counts ..... Mrs. John Suttle has baked two of the finest cakes Shelby has ever seen ..... M S., an unusually comely matron of another city, enjoys this colyum. but is afraid to say so ... She has a sister in Shel by who resembles one of moviedom's most beautiful stars .... Tra-la-la! .A husband desires to know, a somewhat angered desire. If his wife was not recently referred to in this tangle o' type as beautiful. Perhaps so Is your opinion so poor that you dislike for Rnyone to agree with you? From O. P. E. (we must answer these letters): "Your method of writing is hard enough to figure out without those many needless errors and transpositions the linotype operators and printers make." This for you from the entire shop: etaotn shrdlu’. Dratyou! A personal opinion that should matter very little: We failed to see Clara Bow In "No Limit” tor feat our blushes could be seen in a darkened theatre. When that red-lieaded creature goes to the limit, especially when there is no limit. It's just too much for one born with a gripping temerity of such things that overshadows a secret mental desire for fast travelling. .1. S. has relatrd to this colyum the most unusual story relating to Shelby citizens ever heard Yet we do not relate it. There must be, we reluctantly admit, some honor, after all, among columnist and rogues. Sargon Special 2 Bottles Sargon, value __$2.70 1 Bottle Sargon Soft Mass Bills_ .60 Total Value..$3.30 If you are tired, rundown and discouraged—If you get up in the mornings feeling just as worn-out and dragjy as when you went to bed—If you do not eat with a keen hearty appetite—if you do not have the strength and energy to tackle your work with the vim and vigor that brings success, you are not enjoying the blessings of health that nature intended. Don't delay l Profit by the experience of countless thousands of others. Strengthen your overwrought nerves—rebuild your vitality—r-en joy a new kind of sound, refreshing sleep and get a new grip on life itself through the aid of this new and modern compound Cleveland Br.g €?. EXCLUSIVE SARGON AGENTS. PHONE «o Spangler Meets Woods In Big Bout Saturday Night; Lost To ! Carr In Charlotte; Good Card Game Youngster Starts Comeback In Company K. Armory Program. Jerome Spangler, plucky Shelby lightweight, hits the comeback trail here Saturday night when he faces Kid Woods, Oeorgla semi-finalist in an eight round bout at the Com pany K armory. Monday night in Charlotte Spang ler lost to his clever-stepping towns man, Babe Carr. The less experienc ed Spangler, according to the Char lotte writers, fought gamely but the six-round bout was stopped In the fourth when the referee declared CaiT the winner. Ready To Go On. The best of them get licked oc casionally, 8pangler believes, and he will start seeking revenge on the Georgia glove - pusher Saturday j night for the Carr defeat. Football Star. The semi-final of the Company K card will see Tommy McCarver battling Birch Whitlock, Forest City football star. The matchmakers ; predict that this bout will be well worth seeing. The preliminaries, In which coun ! ty boys are matched, will be fast and should arouse, promoters say, the enthusiasm of spectators before the main bouts go on. Admirslon charges have been low ered over previous prices. Fallston News Of Current Week j Parent Teacher* Meeting. Personal! Of People Coming and Going Over The Week End. i <Special to The Star.) Fallston, Mar. 3—The Pi’-rnt Teachers association met last Wed nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock with 28 present. An interesting program was given by the fourth grade on “The Life of George Washington.' After the program delicious rciresb nients were served by Mrs. W, R. Gary and T. A. Stamey. The Woman's Missionary society and the Y. W. A. girls are giving two programs on home missions this week at the Baptist church on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon The regular monthly meeting of the Y. W. A. glrla will meet Friday evening at 7:30 at the home of Miss Thelma Hoyle. All members are urg ed to be present at all these meet ings. Mr. and Mrs. Odbrge Cornwell spent Sunday afternoon with their daughter Mrs. Claude Stamey and Mr. stamey. Mr. and Mrs, E G. Spurting *is ited Mr. and Mrs. John Boggs at Belwood Sunday afternoon. Misses Thelma Hoyle, Madeline Porter. Ola Mae Brackett and Mr, Reid Wilson spent the week end at High Point college with friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Beam and lit tle daughter Kathryn were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clme Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Martin visited Mr. Edney Willis and children near Toluca Sunday afternoon. The following were dinner guests of Miss Roberta Royster Sunday, Misses Evelyn Jolley, Louise Rob erts of Mooresboro and Elolcc Roys ter and Mr. Howard Rollins of Mooresboro Mrs. J. M. Morgan and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J. C Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Royster and daughter Marthasue visited Mr. and Mrs. M, J. Baker Sunday afternoon. Sunday Visitors. The following visited Mr. end Mrs Clem Hoyle Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hoyle of Shelby, Mr. and Mrs. Carrne Elam of Lawndale and Mr. and Mrs. Laten Edwards of Ei lenboro and Mr. and Mrs, Clem Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Cline Hendrick of Shelby and Mr. Bartley Boone of Brazil, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Claude Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Fields Toney and Highs Leaving For Rale‘gh To Play In Tourney The Shelby High basketball team, Cleveland county cham pions and runners-up In the Kings Mountain gold medal tourney, will leave Shelby Thursday for the annual state wide tournament at State col lege, Raleigh. Shelby is placed in Class A and the local quint plays Its first game at 9:43 Friday morning with Mt Airy. A squad of nine players will be carried by Coaches Casey Morris and Tilden Falls. Miss Ola Boggs and Mr. Talriadge Williams were Gastonia visitors Sun day, Mr. and Mrs, M. L. Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. M.-l. -Murry at Warn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wright spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs W. A. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Gettys HoyU and children of Charlotte spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Broadus Dellin ger. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hoyle and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Grady Hoyle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Baker visit ed relatives in Shelby Sunday aft ernoon. Mrs. Paul Stamey of Sheloy spent Monday afternoon with Mrs Claude Stamey.. Mr. and Mrs. Hall Tillman vlsk >d their brother-in-law Mr. Suren Phillips at the Rutherfordton hos pital Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Edna B. Champion spent Sunday afternoon at her home in Mooresboro. Mr. Furman Wright of Char ©eta spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright Mrs. M. L. Murray and daughter Fstelle and Mrs. C. L. Murrav all of Waco visited Mrs. Fred Hoyle Tues day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jenkln3 and children of near Mooresboro spent Sunday with Mrs. Jenkins parents Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wright of Shelby spent Sunday with M.\ and Mrs. Tates Williams. Mr. Griffin Murray of Waco spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. M L. Smith. Dr. and Mr*. A. A. Lackey and son Austin Jr., visited Mr. and Mrs. John Lackey Sunday afternoon. Miss Rhea L&Uirbore spent the day SutyJiy with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lattlmore near rolk vtlle. Miss Minnie Royster spent Mon day and Tuesday with her brother Mr. and '5drfc. W. A. Royster. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hamrick spent the day Sunday wtth Mrs. Hamrick's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson in the Zion community. Mr. and Mrs. Yates Beam and children and Mrs. Phoebe Beam md Mrs. D. Hoyle spent the day Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Worth Hoyle. Mr. Leland Royster student at Furman university spent the week end here with his parents Mr and Mrs. H. C. Royster. Misses Marthasue Royster and Clyde Hoyle visited Miss Vergie and Lovetta Hoyle Thursday afternoon. TRUSTEE'S SAWS. Undrr and by virtue of the authority -ontained In a certain deed or trust given to secure an Indebtedness to the South 3helby Building and Loan association, which deed of trust le recorded In book 157 at page 1S» In the office of the reg ister of deeds of Cleveland county, the undersigned trustee will, en April *th. 1931, at 3 o’clock p. m. sell at the court houee door In Shelby to the highest bid der for cash to satisfy said indebtedness tbe following described real estate: Beginning at a stake In the west edge of North LaFayette street, eorner of lot No. 5 and runs thence north with said street 100 feet to a stake: thence south 100 feet to a stake; thence east 161 * feet to the beginning. Same being that lot conveyed to Samuel H. Burch by Robert L. Lawman by deed recorded In book 3-S at page 37# In the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county, North Caro lina. This March 3nd, 1931. HORACE KENNEDY, Trustee. <t Mar 4c Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 75m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, we can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving freight and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MOUNT HOLLY, N. C. P.000 Home® Receive The Star Every Other ^ay Mr. f*VrchanJ Get Your M«««a«e TV The Home Through The ciar—You Will Gel Result® That Will Satisfy. All-County “5” Name' For High School Locpsters Shelby, Lattlmore. FaNaton B.iya On First Team. Polkville, Belwoud On Second. Three Shelby players, one Fallston player, and one Lattlmore player are named on an All-Star Cleveland county high school basketball quint selected by an observer of the re cent county tournament here in which Shelby won the Rotary cup. So close was the competition for the first team that the observer rates two players on the second All Star quint only a fraction of a point behind first team members. Name W. Clay McSwain C. Brown Morehead R. Brown School Fa'lston Shelby Shelby Lattimire Shelby First All-County. Pos. f f c 8 g R. Brown, Shelby guard, was rat ed as the outstanding star of the tournament despite the fact that his team mate Capt. McSwain and W. Clay, Fallston, forward, topped him in scoring. Clay was given berth at forward on the first team over Cal lahan, Lattlmore loopster, only be cause of his high scoring record. With Lattlmore eliminated early in the tournament members of the Hood quint did not have as much opportunity to exhibit their prowess as did some of the others. Second Team. The second quint, which, the pick er believes, could give the first out fit a royal battle, is made up of players from Lattlmore. Polkvllle, Belwood, Fallston and Shelby. The team follows: Name Callahan T. Beam H. Willis Eskridge Fortenberry Poe. f f e g g School Lattlmore Polkvllle Belwood Shelby Fallston At least, the Tuly-GUbert, Kea ton-Keys altercation* have given certain Hollywood stars opportun ity to view brighter constellations. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. H»vina thl* day qualified as adminis tratrix of the estate of J. a Jones, de ceased of Cleveland eounty, North Caro lina. notice is hereby given that all per sons having claims against the estate of the deceased *111 present them to me at Shelby, It. C., for payment on or before the 4th day of March, 1932, or thl* notice will be pleaded In bar ox any recovery thereof. All persons owing the said estate will please make Immediate payment tt the undersigned. This March 4th, 1931. ESSIE GREEN, Administratrix of _Estate of J. Y. Jones. 6t Mch 4p Grow \bur Own Vegetables ALAD vegetables, lettuce. radishes, beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and green onions are more crisp and full of flavor when freshly picked. The same is true of beans, peas and sweet corn.! To make the most of your gardening effort, plant the first quality tested seed now available in the Northrop, King & Co. seed box at a *Jll standard size vegetable packets Ndrflunp,Kma ^ Cols Seeds John M. Best Says “We know we have the biggest values in North Carolina, or anywhere else. Uncle Sam’s pay checks will buy more happi ness in home furnishings here than any where you go. We urge you to act, to come, to see what just a littlle money will do in our big store. See our furniture, get our prices.” II 3-Piece Living Room Suite $38.50 Of high grade velour, with reversible cushions. An incomparable value at this low price. John M. Best Furn trre €©, Shelby’s Oldest, Largest a -d Best Furn* uie Stove

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