VOL. XXXVII, No. 28 10 PAGES TODAY »■ - ' * B| Mull. get t«u. iid idvinet) _ |tn t urner, orr rear. tin *«*»noei _ ts.tm LA TE NEW: THE MARKET Cotton, per lb._10c np Cotton seed, per bushel —_"3e Rain Saturday, Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Increasing cloudiness, fol lowed by rain Saturday and prob ably in northwest portion tonight. Somewhat warmer tonight. 55-Hour Week, Raleigh. March 6.—The senate yesterday passed a bill to reduce the Norib Carolina working week from 60 to 55 hours, a measure spon sored by the textile interests as well as those interested in welfare leg islation. The fight on the bin cen tered around the fart that it, like the present law, allows a male over 18 to make a written contract to work longer than. 55 hours, a similar pro vision, with regard to men over 21, being Included in the present 00 hour law. Commission Named; Removes Advisory Group Cline Was Member Of Old Body Supplants County Advisory Com mission On Which Cleveland Man Served. Raleigh, March 6.-~The local government finance commission - the first new state department to be organized by the 1931 general as sembly—is now to function The bill creating’ the commission which replaces the present county go' ernment advisory commission, has been ratified and Wednesday Governor Gardner announced its di rector and a commission of five, Charles M, Johnson, of Raleigh, who was executive secretary of the county advisory commission,- was named director of the new body. The commissioners are H. F Huf fy, of Salisbury, Rowan county commissioner; Earl B. Horner, may or of BurUngton; J. W. Wtnbome, Marion attorney; K. O. Burgwyn. Vvilmington attorney, and N. G. Gai ther, Elizabeth City banker. Whereas the old county advisory commission has supervisory powers over all local government units of the state—Including cities. Mr. A. E. Cline, chairman of the Cleveland county commissioners, was a mem ber of the county advisory commis sion which ended its service with the establishment of the mor’ com prehensive commission. Air bond issues and tax anticipa tion notes must be approved by it and sold at Raleigh, State Bill Takes Off County School Taxes In Cleveland Counties May Retain Some Kor Ex tended Terms Over Length Six Months. The state-wide School bill where-) by school expenses will be secured j from sources other than land ex-1 cept for a limited amount will re-! move 44 1-2 cents levy for six. months schools in Cleveland county. j The new plan will remove from the tax books of North Carolina coun ties levies ranging from 80 cents in Currituck county to 24 cents in Forsyth, if the state taxes over sup port of the six months school. ./ Many counties, however, are not xpected to eliminate the entire tax, using part of it for extended term Senator Rivers Johnson, of Duplin, estimates state support of the six months school will result in an aver age decrease of 30 cents per $100 valuation in the rate. Bill For Hosoital Aid Now In Senate Would Empower Trustees Of .Shelby Hospital To Arrange For Duke Fund. A bill was introduced in i he state senate yesterday by Senator Peyjon McSwaln which would give trustees of the Shelby hospital power to make needed arrangements for se curing an appropriation from the Duke hospital fund. No specific plan, it is understood, is outlined in the bill other than to enable the hospital trustees to take what action necessary, if they deem it advisable, to meet the require ments for receiving aid from the fend. •' Miss lever Recites. The feature of the Rotary club iuncheon at the Hotel Charier, at 12:30 was a program of recitations by Miss Carobel Lever. Officials of the club state that one of the most interesting programs of the year is being planned for next Friday’s meeting. Bolton At Elizabeth. Dr. R. L. Bolton will preach at the Elizabeth church Saturday morn riF at 11 o’clock. Not To Finish Shelby-Gaffney Road For Year S. C. Side To Be Hard Surface Delegation Seeks Completion Of Job. Road Work Deferred There. A hard surface highway will not ' hntf Shelby and Gaffney before [ March T, next year, i Highway 18 from Shelby .to the [south Carolina line was completed [some time ago with -the untterstrtid ing that it would be met by a simi lar road from the South Carolina fide. The following from The Gaffney Ledger tells of the decision to com plete the road from Buffalo to the line by next spring “After wrangling most of the day over the question, the county com j missioners in monthly session here voted to complete the grading of the connecting link from Buffalo to the North Carolina line on the road to Shelby, by March 1. 1932. This ac tion was taken after the commis sioners in a body went to Spartan burg and held a conference with Charles O. Hearon. chairman of the. state highway commission, who told the county officials that the state will surface the highway from Gaff ney to the Cleveland county line whenever the grading is finished "A delegation headed by Mayor V. If Lipscomb, of Gaffney, It E. Johnson, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Bettis, of Earl, ! and others, had appeared before the j commissioners during the Mbrning (to urge the early completion of the link. me mouon -to auwwm: u.c work by March 1 of next year was offered by J. E. Humphries, Morgan! township commissioner.- and was seconded by J. M. Greene, White Plains township representative. The motion carried over the opposition of J. N. Lipscomb and T. L. Neal, Limestone and Cherokee 'township representatives.” Mel ees Services Ended Last Night Great Good Kesnlt From Meeting. New Members Added To Church. The series of evangelistic services be ing conducted at the Shelby Pres byterian church by Dr. R. G. Mc Lees, of Chatham. Va., came to an end last night. The able preaching ol the elo quent and forceful blind minister brought gratifying results. There Fere a number of conversions and reconsecrations, while new members were added to the Presbyterian church and to other churches Of the city. The large congregations who heard Dr. McLees during the series of services rank hint as one of the outstanding ministers they have ever heard. Newton, Dover Better The condition of Attorney J, Clint NCwton who has been citicaliy i'a for seme time, was considered a little improved today. Ke remains ser iously sick, however. Mr. Jack Dover, well known textile mill official, who recently under vent an operation at the Shelby hospital was also said to be bettei today. shame Drives Her to Death Benita Bischoff (above) for • six days and nights bore the shame which was hers when she learned of the lar d life that was her mother's, Vivian Gordon, who died by strangling on the eve of her appearance as a vice witness in New York. The shame was too much for little Benita, 16 years old, who wrote in her diary: “I can’t face the world anv longer. I’m going to end it alL So she joined her mother tn death through suicide in Audubon, a suburb of Cam den, N. J,, where she turned on the gas in her father’s homo. ; New Democratic Senators Give Strength To Party; Bailey Is Lauded As Contest Is Started Veteran Finds Way To Spend A Bonus Check Charlie Parks, colored, who served with the famous Tenth Cavalry. Was the first Cleve land county ex-service man to draw his bonus check this week after the bill passed the senate. Charlie drew $500,50. Asked what he intended to do with it, he said that he would put it in "Mister Charlie's bank” until he found some way to use it. He found the other way Wednesday when he married William Lineberjrer’s cook. The cook, much elated over her victory, immediately deserted her work to help Charlie make use of it. Only Few Veterans Have Their Checks Only a few Cleveland county ex service men, not over a half dozen have received their bonus checks as yet, it was stated today by Tom Abernethy, adjutant of the Warren Hoyle American Legion past. Checks have been received by two or three veterans whose applications were sent in immediately after the loan bill passed. Others it is pre sumed are being held back by the great number of applications going in. It is expected, however, that the next week will see a large number of checks coming into the county World war veterans of the county are continuing to send in their ap plications. SfijeJl ctoc lan ft |Slta? 10 HAGfcS TODAY Mat * *wpl» Hit* r~aU* Far ^ 'Meram 12TH CITY IN CIRCULA TION IN N. C. The Star’s circulation of over 5,000 gives Shelby the distinction of being the 12th city in North Carolina in newsaper circulation. Only in 11 other cities hi N. C. do the newspapers of those cities exceed the circulation of The Star, There are over 200 weekly, semi-weekly and daily news papers in North Carolina and The Star ranks 15th in circula tion among them all. Think how much more success ful your business might be with a consistent newspaper advertis ing campaign through a medium like this. An expert to help you prepare copy and a cut service fc free to customers Carolinian Not Disturbed By Pritch ard Contest. Part Of Big Trio. Washington. Mar. 0.—“I am not disturbed and see no reason for any one else to be," was the only comment Senator Josiah W. Bailey of North Carolina would offer Thursday concern- | ing the contest Instituted against him by Representative George M, Pritchard, his de feated republican opponent in ! the senatorial election of last November. The eleventh-hour filing of the] contest with the senate was the j outstanding incident in connection with the closing of the 71st con gress, as far as North Carolina is concerned. That the contest might be initiated had been forecast some time ago, but the fact that .notice had hot been filed had led many] to believe that Pritchard had aban doned the idea/ Brilliant Galaxy. Washington, Mar 6.—When the senate at noon Wednesday took in to its official family James F. Bym I es of South Carolina, to succeed the fiery Cole Blease; Josiah William Bailey, in the place of the old-tim er Simmons, who went down to de feat last summer; Cordell Hull of Tennessee, in the place of the fillin man—Brock-—it added to its rolls a trio of members who are destined to shine lustily/in the history of the upper house of congress. If there Is added to this the brilliant legal mind of Walter F. George of Geor gia, It will be difficult since the days of Joel W. Bailey of Texas, Al bert J. Beveridge of Indiana and others to find their equal! ' It took a wonderful man in many respects, a superhuman man on the stump, to defeat the resourceful Blease. but it w-as done by Byrnes. He comes to the senate with 14 CONTWngD ON PAOB ErOHT.) “Must Keep Sick Children At Home” Says Health Officer Roseola On Increase. Parent# Warn ed To Observe Quarantine Rules. ‘‘Parents of school children In Shelby and over the county must are warned that unless these rules keep sick children out ot school," Dr. D, F. Moore, county physician stated today. There art many eases of Germ? n rrea^es, or roseola, In Shelby and over the county now and tho epi demic Is on the Increase, the coun ty physician says, because sick chil dren are being permitted to go cn to school. The law says that these children must be quarantined for at least a week and under no condi tion should go into a school room when they have a contagious dis ease of any type. The spread of the epidemic can be halted, it Is said, by the proper observation of the quarantine regulations, and parents observe the quarantine laws and are followed it will be necessary to enforce them ! 11 1 1 - Uproar Staged At Democratic Meet Over Ram Raskob Plan Start* Fiery Fight. Senators Kobinson And Morrison Criticise Chairman, Smith Is Cheered. Washington. March (V—The pro hibition powder keg exploded today! at the meeting of the Democratic | national committee. It tore asunder the Democratic standardbearers of 1928 and left j party workers groping for the roar!: of harmony to which final pleas of the meeting beckoned. Chairman Haskob touched off the spark with presentation of a plat form for the committee's considera-j tion w hich called for state liquor I control, among other tilings. Koblnson Lead* Battle. Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, the •mining mate of Alfred E. Smith In 1928, took the platform to roar his ‘repudiation*' of the Raskob plat form and his violent opposition to 'bringing to the front a controversy hat will divide the party." Alfred E. Smith, smiling through most of the row, came to the front hi response to a plea from the floor and took Robinson to task for •Jumping all over Raskob" because he had presented his own views. Finally the veteran. James M. Cox, presidential nominee of 1920, came forward with an appeal for consideration of the differences of the north and the south on prohibi tion and for a united front. Leave Meeting Smiling. Roars and hisses resounded as (he prohibition furore reached Its height but the Democratic hosts left the meeting smiling and re lieved. Pleas for unity against the common enemy were the keynote of the past-meeting discussions. It was Representative Mary T. Norton, of New Jersey, who walked resolutely to the platform to answer Robinson after he In thunderous tones criticized Raskob for “need lessly injecting” the prohibition is sue Into the party at this time. Mrs. Norton insisted the women wanted modification of prohibition and accused Robinson of “changing his position” since she nominated hlin as the running mate of Smith In 1928. Senator Morrison of North Caro (CONTINTJXD ON -ACH5 eiOITT > Gets Sentence For Stealing Sack Meal Negro Given 60 Days.. Young Negro Girls Steal Pair Of Shoes. Gradj? Catlin, young negro man. was given a 60-days road term In county court this morning on the charge ol stealing a sack of cotton seed meal at the Southern Cotton Oil plant here. He was arrested yesterday by Police Chief Poston and Deputy Bob Kendrick. The theft took place Wednesday night. Minor thefts are numerous about tlie city. Wednesday Chief Poston caught two young negro girls, Es telle Carruthers and May Poston after, it is alleged, they stole a pair o‘ shoes at the Miller-Jones store. The girl who had the shoes left the store and started to run witn one of the store employes after her. Aft er a chase of almost a block the po lice chief came to his aid and nab bed the fleeing girl. The shoes were recovered and In court the girls, both about 13, were given a warn ing. Catch Fugitive. Will Lovelace, who it Is alleged made his getaway from a still tr. No. 5 township when two others were arrested some time ago, was caught this week in Lincoln county by Dep uties Buren Dedmon and John Hord. In county, court he was given a six months sentence yesterday. No Kiwanis Held. The weekly meeting of the Shelby Kiwanis club scheduled to be held last night was called off because of the evangelistic services at the Presbyterian church. Shelby Winner Of First Game The Shelby Ilighs won tlielr first game in the State colllcge high school basketball tourna ment at Raleigh this morning, defeating Mt. Airy 12 to 9. This information came In a wire from Coach Tilden Falls. Tonight at t o’clock the Shel by quint plays Tacoma In the second round of the Class * championship. Girls Compete For Honors In Webb Contest High school Kiris representing-. Cleveland county high sfli-t1' It was stated today, thirteen will compete at the Central high school auditorium tonight (or the annual Selma Webb recita tion medal. This contest for girls of the coun ty Is to them the same top r" ant •vent as the annual Clyde It. lloey oratorical contest for high school boys held last week. Name Essay Winner. In addition to the recitation con test tonight the winner of the Felmn Webb essay contest, another annual event, will be announced Sentenced For Unusual Charge Prisoner At County Home And Pals Tried For Getting Orunk, Taking Clothes. Four young white men of Cttj ear were given three months sen tences each in county court Wed nesday on the charges of receiving and possessing stolen goods and be ing drunk. The unusual feature of the affair was that the quartet Was charged with being drunk at the county home for the aged and infirm where one of the four, Hugh Brit tain, is serving a sentence. The good; they were charged with receiving and possessing belonged to another prisoner on the county home farm According to the eveiaence Mar vin Brittain, Preston and Hubert Mull visited Hugh Brittain at tlic county home. After they had de parted a suit and an overcoat were missed. A search led to the arrest of all four on both charges. County Judge Maurice Weathers says that the young men did not deny having the missing clothing, but said they wen bo intoxicated when they pick* ed the clothing up they did not realize what they were doing. The Brittains, it Is understood, appealed their sentence. Hugh Brittain, It will be remem bered, was acquitted In superior court on a charge developing In con nection with the fatal injury re ceived by Deputy Sanford Pruett when Brittain’s car ran over him while the deputy and other officer? were attempting to halt the car to search for whiskey. The charge was thrown out of court by the presid ing Judge who said Brittain had no way of telling who the officers were and, therefore, was following his personal rights In attempting to get away. He was convicted on another liquor charge, however, and the sentence Imposed for that convic tion Is the one he was serving Sat urday week ago when the charges above developed. Case Held Open. In county coqrt yesterday evid ence In the arson charge against A. T. Bridges was heard, Judge Weath ers reserving decision until Thurs day of next week. W. O. W. Dance. The W. O. W. dance will be Sat urday night at their hall on West Graham street at 8:30 o’clock. The public Is Invited to come and enjoy both round and square dancing. Chain Gang, Highway Road Forces To End New Highway Bill Will Abolish No. 6 Con vict Force And 10 Township Road Groups On July 1. Will Turn Much Equipment On Market. State May Take It. On Wednesday .Inly 1, due to the passage of the Card* tver highway bill whereby the State takes over all county road Systems, the No. (> township chaingang will be abolish ed and the work of :v,] road commissioners and road forces in the eleven township of the county will be ended. “Heart Breaker” Miss Virginia Kilbourne (above) ; sophomore at Louisiana State Uni versity, has been elected “biggest heart breaker" by her 2,000 class mates. Miss Kilbourne is a brun ette and insists she ha» never cracked a single heart, although she admits sending several boy ad mirers on their way. Gregg Speaker For Legion Meet Here Fortner State Commander Coming w February 14. Yount Also To Attend. Attorney R. Gregg Cherry, of Gastonia, former commander of the American Legion in North Carolina, will be the principal speaker at the Legion mass meeting to be held in 8helby at the court house Saturday night, March 14 AU ex-service men of all v.vr3, auxiliary members and the genera! public are invited to attend Russell Yount, of Newton, district Legion official, also plans to be present. It was hoped to have Senator J. W. Bailey as a speaker but another speaking date will prevent his com ing, Commander W. 8. Beam of the Legion post has been informed. Martin In Legion Contest This Eve Lyman Martin. Lattimore high school student, will represent the American Legion posts of Cleveland county in the annual district legion oratorical contest tonight fct L*n colnton. Mr. A. E. Cline, county aud itor, is one of the judges in the con test-. Gardner Future Depends On Reorganization Success; To Make Him Outstanding Leader Tax Reduction Seen In Highway Bill To Give Shelby Man Big Following. Charlotte, Feb. 6.—Governor O. Max Gardner’s political future in North Carolina was a matter of speculation among politicians here today, but with most of them ad mitting that as yet they are too close to the fuss and furore of the governor's revolution in state gov ernment to properly gauge what is to come. They were in agreement on the point that his future popularity de pends wholly upon the favor or lack of favor which North Carolina ac cords to the new ideas after they have been subjected to actual opera tion. From that view the governor then has the chance of being North Car olina’s outstanding political leader, with a personal following which will almost make bis word law in politics. On the other hand, he has the chance of any degree of poli tical prestige on down to zero, with the Democratic party and himself going out of power. With the Democratic party possi bly to be Involved in the state's final attitude on the governmental reorganization, partisans were de veloping keen Interest In the future months. Conservative thinkers, however, were not inclined to go to either ex treme. Most of them were of the opinion that in the North Carolina public there will be a great deal of pleasure mixed with a great deal of disappointment at the practical op eration of the new methods, and that Governor Gardner's name will stand for a long while and increas ingly as {laving performed a great service to the state, but that in the immediate future his fight, if he makes one. will be against bitter op position of hundreds, even thous ands, of those in public affaire whose fortunes have been affected adversely by the reorganization. Whatever move the governor makes for a test of his standing in the OOKTfWtTEr* ON PAOE Eicon I County and township officials ar# not yet certain bus to the details ot itoposlng ot equipment now being used in the tl road systems of tha county, but due to an amendment to the highway bill there is a probab ility that township and county ma chinery and equipment Will be taken aver or purchased by the new/stata system. Many Workers, The regular road forces in thd varlouS townships of the county, other than the 60 convicts on tha No. 6 gang, total around 30 men. Practically every township In tha county with the exception of one or two work regular forces on their roads. Alter July 1 it will be necea . ary for these men to seek other work. The annual payroll of thesa road, forces in the county total* around $29,000. Much Equipment. A big quantity of road machinery, and equipment will also be ready for disposal then.unless taken over by the state. It is estimated that there ara around 17 tractors, 15 trucks, many drags, road machines and wheelers now being used on the roads of tha county. Takes Off Taxes. The. new system at the same tima will eliminate a big portion of tha road taxes now levied In varying proportions in the 11 townships. Hereafter no county road tax, or township road tax is to be levied* but enough tax, of course, will re main in the various township road districts to take care of outstanding indebtedness and interest. The passage of the state-wide bill brings to the No. 6 commissioner* the relief they have been seeking. Some time ago the commissioners of this township stated that they could not continue to maintain tha chalpgang as It was too expensive for the work done. After July 1, it Is understood, all prisoners sentenced In the county will be sentenced to the state pri son and then seftt out to the vorioufl district road camps. Plan Banquet For Celebrating Park At Kings Mountain Judge Webb, Who Started Move* ment for National Park, To Be A Guest. Charlotte, Peb. 6.—Tentative plant) have been inaugurated for a ban quet to celebrate the passage by tha United States senate of an approp riation of $225,000 for establishment of a national park at the Kings Mountain battle field by Clarence O. Kuester of Charlotte, who served as chairman of the Kings Mountain sesqulcentennial celebration last Oc tober. Date for the dinner has not been set. It is probable that Judge E. ?, Webb, who as congressman 15 years ago started the movement for the park; Representative Charles A. Jonas, Representative-elect A. U Bulwinkle, Senator Cameron Mor rison, Senator Cole Blease, Repres entative W. 9! Stevenson, of South Carolina, Mrs. R, M. Bratton of York, regent of the Kings Mountain D. A. R. chapter; and Dr. J. B. 1 Johnson, mayor of Rock Hill, will be i invited to participate In the pro* I gram. They have all been very ac itive in support of the measure. The national recognition of the j battlefields importance gained in | last year’s celebration is believed to | have climaxed the efforts of legts ! lators and to have aided in securing j passage of the bill in the senate. Dr. Bolton Will Preach On Sunday ! Georgia Minister In County In In terest of Boiling Springs College. * j Dr. R. L. Bolton, of Mercer uni j versity, for years field representative {of the Southern Baptist seminary, I will preach Sunday evening, at 7:30, at the First Baptist chureii. HI? subject will be “The Only Way Out." The visiting minister is in this county in connection wtth the emer gency fund to pay pressing oblis.i tions Ht Bdling Springs college