VOL. XXXV11, No. 29 SHELBY. N. C. MONDAY, MAR. 9, 1931 8 PAGE3 TODAY Published Monday. Wednesday and Friday Afternoons '<) Mail oer rear no ulreoeei I arner orr reer. no annum •MU ta.uu LATE NEW: | Tilt MARKET '.'niton, per lb. ...._...... 10c up ."olton seed, per bus-«el; —. -33.' Fair Tuesday. i Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Fair tonight and Tuesday, sot much change in temperature. Fight Sales Tax. Raleigh, March 9.—The vanguard' of an army of 2,000 state merchants I mobilizing for a mighty attack upon, any form of sales tax descended | upon the Capital last night ready to launch the tenth legislative week with a bank when the joint finance committee grants them their much delayed hearing at 3 o’clock this aft ernoon. The gathering of the mer chants, preceded by thousands of telegrams, letters, and petitions car rying uncounted names, overshad ows the regular session which will j begin with both senate and house i meeting at noon to consider calen dars bulging with important bills. I Shelby Quint Wins Tourney In Finul Game Defeats Lumberton j At State College Locals Cop Hass A. Honors Saturday j Night In Raleigh. McSwain Tops Scorers. Another silver loving cup was added to the trophy room of the Shelby high school’s athletic de partment this morning as the result of Shelby’s cage victory over Lumberton at Raleigh Sat urday night which gave the lo cal quint class A honors for the state In the annual state college tournament. The score in the 1 championship game was 13 to 9. To win state-wide class A honors the Cleveland county basketball champions defeated four teams— Mt. Airy. Lucama, Wilkesboro and Lumberton. Another Honor. While Shelby's Morris-Falls team was capturing the class A cham pionship the strong Rutherfordton .earn was defeated by Conway, for he class B title of the tournament. Vs a matter of local interest the last Conway team, class B champs, was coached by Jonah Morrison native Shelby boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Morrison. The local cagers had a tough time merging victors from the tourney. The highest score Shelby made in any game was 15 points and prac tically every game was a nip-and tuck affair with the final outcome in doubt until the fast whistle. In the semi-finals game with Wilkes^ boro it was necessary to play three overtime periods before Shelby could defeat the husky Wilkesboro quint, fn the final game Shelby’s ability to toss foul goals was the only thing shat defeated Lumberton as the locals made only three field goats during the entire contest while Lum berton looped In four. Steady de CONTINTTED ON PAGE EIGHT.* Hit In The Leg By Accidental Shol Gun Goes Off When He Shoots At Dog After Doves On Front Porch. Mr. Everett McDaniels, who oper ates a service station near his home on Highway 20 in the western sec tion of Shelby, received a flesh wound in his left knee this morning when his .38 calibre gun was acci dentally discharged. Mrs. McDaniel heard a noise cn the porch where some Jap-dese doves were kept and called her hus band about 3 this morning. He se c ured his gun and stepped to the porch, as he opened the screen door ,t flew back and struck his hand just as he was preparing to shoot at a dog which was attempting to get, to the doves, and the gun fired, the bullet going through the flesh of the leg and on into the porch. He fol lowed the dog and shot at ;t again Wore calling a physician to have the wound treated. S. Shelby School Wins Flag Contest Seventh G-aders Given Copy Of Constitution By American Legion Auxiliary. The seventh grade of the South Shelby school, of which Miss Selma Webb is the principal and Miss Isa bel! Hoey Is teacher, won the flag code contest sponsored last week by the local post of the American Le mon auxiliary. The contest was held in all high school grades and the seventh grades or the city school system, the win ning grade making a higher ranking in explaining the flag code such at the proper exhibitionbf the flag and respect due thereto. The 8. Shel by class was presented with a fram ed copy o* the Unit'd States con Htutlon by Mrs Tom Gold and •fher official? of the auxiliary. Webb Contzst Won By Kings Mountain Girl Shelby Boy Winner Essay Medal No. 8 And Baltimore Girls Get Hon orable Mention. Bay Brown Second In Essays. Miss Jean Ware, representing the Kings Mountain high school, was the winter here Friday night of the annual Selina Webb recitation con test for high school girls of Cleve land county. During the contest it was also an nounced that Felix Gee, Shelby high school boy, was the winner of the annual Selma Webb essay con test. Others Good. Miss Ware's subject was “Pro Palria.” M*>» Vera Arrowood, of the No 8 school, won first honor able mention with her recitation "LHtlest Rebel." Miss Genevieve Blanton, of Lattimore, was accord ed third honors. Other entrants in the contest were Misses Hazel Wilson. FaUston; Frances Walker. Moore, boro; Mae Ledford, Bclwood, Ruth Hunt, No. 3; Beth Randall, Grover; Mamie Lou Forney, Piedmont; Mary Sue Holland, Bolling Springs; Willard. Brackett, Casar; and Mary Lillian Speck, Shelby. The judges of the recitation con test were Mrs. George Falls, Miss Irene Sox, and Mrs. R. L. George, of Gherrvville. Essay Contest, Felix Gee was given the es;;ay medal for his essay On "Big Ben.” Ray Brown, Shelby football and basketball star, won second place in the essay contest, and Miss Barbara Summitt, Kings Mountain, was third. The judges of the essay contest were Prof. W. F. Warlick, principal, and other members of the Conover, Catawba county, school faculty. The contest, drew a large crowd to the central school auditorium. Several musical numbers were on the program. There was a chorus, "Boats of Mine,” by the Shelby school, a solo, "Roaming in the Gloaming,” by Howard Bettis ,of No. 3, and two numbers, “San Lucia” and “The Echo,” by the Lattimore chorus. Express Truck In New Jersey Wreck Turns Over. Hits House. Truck And House Both Burn Up. ■ \ ' A big motor express truck, of the K and S motor line, Shelby to New York, carrying a load of textile mill i goods from Shelby, turned over, crashed into a house and both the j house and truck burned up Friday ! night in a small New Jersey town. James Roberts, of Shelby, son of i Capt, and Mrs. J. F. Roberts, was 'One of the two men on the truck. Along with the other man, White sail, of eastern Carolina. Roberts was taken to a New Jer.ey hospital but was found not to be injured. Whitesall suffered, it is understood, an injury to his back. Full details of the wreck have not been learned here. First infor mation had it that the big truck was sideswiped by another truck and knocked off an embankment plung ing into a small, unoccupied house. ■ The truck then caught on fife and burned along with the house. A Correction. In publishing a list of pledges to !the Boiling Springs college budget | fund the pledge of the faculty wee S given as $195 when it should have (been $350. Soars High Above the Highest Ruth Nichols, of Rye, N. Y., ' smiles gaily as she receives con gratulations of Clarence Cham berlain, tran3-Atlantic flier, at the completion pf her thrilling feat when she captured the wo men’s altitude record with a flight of six miles above the towers of Manhattan, Diagram at the left shows a comparison of Ruth Nichols’ flight with other records and famous heights. Gardner Reorganization State Government Assured; Assembly To Continue Session Ten Days McSwafn At Home, Says Assembly To Continue 2 Weeks Much Work Yet To Do, No- More Pay. Edwards Wants Revalua tion Halted. Senator Peyton McSwaln, home from Raleigh for several days, says that the general assembly will not' likely be able to complete its work ! for two weeks yet. After Saturday, the end of the regular session, the lawmakers do not draw pay. With the revenue bill yet to be written and presented Senator McSwain does not see how the assembly can complete its program under 10 days at least. j Saturday notice was served on the house by Representative Henry B.| Edwards of Cleveland that a state wide bill to allow county commis sioners to postpone a revaluation of real property in their discretion would be presented the body. Gov ernor Gardner has favored postpon ing revaluation until 1933, and un der the Neal act the work, which was supposed to start January 1, was postponed until March 15. Shelby Senior* Plan For Annual Play Will Present Booth Tarkington's Well Known Comedy “Clarence.” • "" ■ ■ • '■ j Members ot the senior class ofcj the Shelby high school are busy re*, I hearsing for the annual senior playj which will be presented at an early1 date. | The play chosen this year Is | Booth Tarkington’s well known j comedy “Clarence,” which ran for [several months on Broadway’ and 'was made with a motion picture 1 with Wallace Reid as the star. Several members of the cast ap peared in the junior play last year, and several are making their first appearance on the stage. James Shephard plays the part of Clarence and other members of the cast are: Sarah Thompson, Mary Jenkins. Mae Lattimore, Kath leen Laughinghouse, Matilda Jenks, 'Hubert Wilson, Pegram Holland, 'John Corbett and Everette Toms. Ask For N. C. Ballot Boxks In Pritchard Challenge Of Bailey Election As Senator Gardner To Cooperate. Bailey To Help Clear Up Pritchard Charges. - : Washington. March 1).—The sen ate elections sub-committee to hear tite contest against Senator-elect Josiah W. Bailey has requested Gov ernor Gardner to turn over the bal lot boxes used in the last election to the investigators here. Governor Gardner is requested to direct tSe state legislature to in struct North Carolina election of ficials to transmit all election ma terial to Washington. This is the ! same procedure as in the Alabama 'case, wherein Senator Heflin con tested the election of Senator-elect Ban!:bead : In the Alabama ri.-c. the -eivite [ adopted a resolution calling on the i Alabama state legislature to turn 'over election paraphernalia to the [privileges und elections committee. In the present North Carolina case, the subcommittee acted in the be lief that it had the power to im pound the boxes without the sen ate’s having passed on it. Senator Bailey appeared before the committee Friday morning be fore leaving for Raleigh in the com pany of Senator Cameron Morrison, : Bailey promised to cooperate with jthe investigators and proposed he jsee Governor Gardner and urge the latter's cooperation as well The defeated candidate and for | mer congressman, George M. Pritch j ard, who charged illegal practices, , CON’TrttCFrj ON PACT rtOHT.i Road Bill Was “Hindenburg Line" And It Carried. Working Overtime Now. (By M. R. punnagau) (Star News Bureau.) Raleigh, Mar. 9,—Governor 'a*'ti ller's program of reorganization of state and local government:, has gained such impetus during the past week by the enactment of part of his bills and test votes on others which Insure their possage, that it is confidently expected that ali of the measures he desires enacted will come very near becoming the law. He probably will abandon one or two of his for mer proposals on the ground of probable improvement on the plan or that, the aim has been, in part, reached, by consideration o: the measures. The road measure w as looked upon as the “Hinderburg line” and all agreed that if that went over, most, of the other administration measures would have easier sledding That is why Governor Gardner stak ed his program on that bill, and whin it was enacted he was ,'ssured of practical success in most ol the ether measures proposed and push ed, Test votes in one or both house; on his bill provided a director of personnel, his director of purchases and contract measure, and the con-, sc filiation of the three higher edu cational institutions as the Uni ■'ersity of North Carolina assure the success of his program. Most Important. The local government commission measure, already enacted, in prob ICONTlNTreV ON *AOF KtOUT • Clever Whiskey . Storage Is Found Demijohn Under Floor With Valve Pump To Draw Out Booze Nab bed Bv Officers. A clever storage tank, built abound a five-gallon glass demijohn, was located and captured Saturday by county otiicers in the home of Vaucr Jolly, colored. The demijohn was beneath th* Poor of the house where-it could lx reached through a trap-door. Lead ing from the demijohn to the open ing were two small pipes, one an in take pipe and the other with a valvt pump connection for drawing ou' the contents. In the jar when it was pulled out officers found almost i gallon of whiskey Jolly contended that he did no know the container was there anc insisted that it must have beer placed there before he moved ink the house,. However, he was fined $25 and the costs in county cpurl today. Officers making the raid were Deputies Buren Dedmon, Bob Ken drick, Henry McKinney, Ben Cooper Gus Jolley and Bunyan Jones. Mr. King Leaves Hospital, Better Mr. Pink King, who has been in the Shelby hospital since Saturday night suffering with lacerations oi the limbs,, was able to be removed tc Ills home today. His friends will lie 'dad to know that bis condition is -1 improved that he eorld bo moved ! "t has been in ill health 'or some •ime. Hoover Names Jonas To Job In Recess Move j May Prosecute At Term Here Former Congressman OeU Recess i Appointment. Must He Ap proved Inter. Chius. A. Jonas, of Llncolntoh. whose term as congressman of this district ended last Wednesday, in ay act as district attorney of federal court for the first time here Monday week when the spring term at U. 8 courts convenes here. Given Job. Washington, March 9.—President. Hoover Saturday gave Charles A. Jonas, former Representative of the ninth North Carolina district in congress, a recess appointment as United States attorney for the western district of North Carolina. Jonas, who was defeated for re election was nominated for the place several weeks before congress adjourned'but failed of confirma tion. Senator Morrison, Democrat, North Carolina, asked the judiciary com mittee to withold a report on. his confirmation and his name was re ferred to a sub-committee which never reported. Charlotte, Mar. 9.—Recess ap pointment of former Congressman C. A. Jonas as district attorney.j United States court Western North j Carolina district, means that he] may serve without confirmation 01 ] the senate for the time being but sooner or later he must have the senate’s approval. The matter is expected to come up at the next session of congress. It Is expected that Mr. Jonas will move the district attorney’s office here from Asheville if lie accepts the appointment. The office Is now in Asheville where it was moved from here when Thomas J. Harkins, of Asheville, lately resigned, became ! district attorney. The first of the spring terms of the court will begin soon in Shelby and the question of whether or not Mr. Jonas will accept the recess ap pointment is of importance in view of that. Prof, tiomll Buried Sunday Taught In Cleveland and Gaston Counties For Twenty Years. Dies In Atlanta. Prof. Robert L. Howell, native of Cleveland county and brother of Grover and Mills Howell, of Shelby, was buried here Sunday afternoon in Sunset cemetery, following the funeral service conducted by Dr. Zeno Wall at the L«tz and Jackson funeral home at 2:30 o’clock. A third brother, George, lives at Gas tonia. Prof. Howell was born in Cleve land county In 1867 and after at tending school under Capt. Bell, went to the University of North Carolina where he was graduated in the class of 1896. He virtually worked hLs wsy through school and deserves a great deal of credit for having become a prominent educa tor in the section. For twenty years he taught schools in Cleveland and Gaston counties, served for eight years at Grover and a number of years at El Bethel school. Prof. Howell joined New Prospect church some 42 years ago and was a fine Christian gentleman, pleas antly remembered by hundreds ef older people in this and Gaston counties. For a number of years ne had been living in Atlanta in broken health. After a long illness, he de veloped pneumonia last Wednesday and died Friday evening at 6:30 at the age of 63 years. Surviving are two sons and one daughter, Robert Spencer Howell, a student in Au gusta Military academy, Aubry Howell of Atlanta, and Mrs. Wilma Kischner, of Miami, Fla. Active pall bearers- were: Ben Suttle, S. A. McMurry, J, J. Latti more, Rush Hamrick, Stough.Wray, Wm. Hagley. Mr. Newton Shows Improvement Now J. Clint Newtom county solicitor, is much improved at his home on West Marion street where he has been sick for the past three weeks. He is still troubled with nausea and has little appetite, but is not suffer ing so much and has hopes of com ing to his office within the nest four or five days if his improvement "ontinues. The nurse has seen dis missed and he sits up in a chair , -cmc each rlnv, Jonas Given Recess Place i'ormcr Congressman ('has. A. Jonas was given a recess appointment us federal district attorney for this dis trict. Mr. Jonas has accepted the appointment, and may art as pros ecutor In the district court term here next week. Nash To Opm Store Of Own Well Known Business Man To Start Exclusive Shop For Cadies. It was announced today by Mr. Joe E Nash, well known young Sfelby business man, that ne would at an early date open an exclusive ready-to-wear , store lor ladies to be '.mown as Nash, Incorporated. Tire new firm will be located in the storeroom formerly occupied by Abernethy's Jewelry between the Cleveland Drug store and A. V. Wray's on LaFayette street, just across from the court square, Mr. Nash, who leaves Tuesday for New York to purchase a stock vt new spring goods for his store, states that his new store will be opened before Easter, probably by March 20 Mrs. Henry Woodson will be as sociated with him in the operation of the store. Mr. Nash came to Shelby 10 years ago and Is one of the city's most popular and efficient business men. For several years he was manager of the Fanning and Paragon depart ment stores here and in Hickory, and man recently he has bejn as sociated with Mr. Mai Spangler ir. the operation of the Paragon furni ture store. No young business man of the city is better known to the trade of this section than the pro prietor of the new store Veteran Railroad Conductor Passes Capt Claude S. Morrison, veteran Southern railway conductor. who served for 51 years without a repri mand and was one of the best known railroad men in the state, died Friday night at Charlotte where he lived. Among the survi vors is a daughter who ina-ried Hugh O. Boyer, son of Dr. H. K. Boyer, former Shelby Methodist minister. Brought From Norfolk. Deputy Jerry Runyan and Zeb | Beam and Max Connor returned Saturday night from Norfolk, bring ing with them Stacey Gamble who was under bond for a hearing at the next court term here. •f Road Tax Levy Cut From 10 To 45 Cents Closing Of Kings Mountain Bank Is j Undergoing Probe Depositors Organize To Investigate . Management And Condition % Of Hank. Kings Mountain, Mar. 9.—A ma&s meeting of the depositors of the Commercial Bank Ac Trust company was held in the Woodmen of the World hull here last week. The meeting was largely attend ed. and it was estimated that about two hundred were present, the mn-| lority being from Kings Mountain and the surrounding community, and a few from Lincoln and Gaston counties. At the meeting a depositors* pro tective committee was appointed with power to employ and to take such action as the committee shatl direct, and to agree upon the terms of employment. Information, taken f"om the reports of the certified public accountants who made an investigation and audited the af fairs of the bank after It closed, was made Known. It. is understood that these reports are alleged to show that the bank was in a very deplor able state for some time prior to its "losing, and representatives of the depositors say that there is every reason to believe that there was "rose mismanagement o» the part of the officers and directors. The Commercial Bank & Trust company was capitalised at five hundred thousand dollars, and had a surplus of one hundred thousand dolars. The Gastonia bank several verrs ago merged with a Mount Holly. Umcoluton. CherryvUle, and Kings Mountain bank, and at the time of Its failure was one of the larget financial Institutions in the Piedmont section of the Carolines. The. bank failed on April 4, 1929, and with the aid of the stockholders assesmenis has been able to pay three ten percent dividends, but the depositors are not hopeful of receiv •ng much more. After the failure of the br nk, G. N. Hensou, the cash ier and vice president and director of the Institution, was appointed li quidating agent, which position he held until a short time ago when he was promoted by the chief bank examiner to take charge of the failed Central Bank and t rust com pany, Asheville, and a number of Other insolvent banks nearby which were placed in the hands of the corporation commission for liquida tion Eastern Star Will Name New Officer! A regular meeting of the local Eastern Star wilt be held Tuesday evening at 7:30. Officers for the coming year will be elected and all members are urged to attend. I ' __ . ■ Auxil:ary Meet* At Court House I The ladies auxiliary of the Span ! American war will meet, tonight at 7:30 in the court house. All mem ;bers are asked to be present. Get Your Free Map Now Showing The Road By Your House It’s a Highway Map of Cleveland county, showing } the 793 miles of highway which will he taken over and maintained by the state. This map is new, having just been finished from a survey by the Federal Bureau of Highway and the State ! Highway Department. Size 16x17 inches, printed on good paper, showing consolidated schools, township lines, various types and classes of roads by townships. It shows the road passing your door if you live on a county road. You can get one of these new maps by paying fl or more on subscription to The Star, either at the office or one of our subscription agents, P. S, Gettys or Q, J. Devenny. The Cleveland Star SHELBY, N. C. The Prize Newspaper Of North Carolina Outside The Daily Class. No. 2, 10 Townships Cut Most No. (5 Township Tax Remaining Will Be Lowest. Interest Levy Remains. With nil county highways, being maintained under the new Rtata ■system after July I the road tax lev ies In the various townships ol Cleveland county will be reduced ftom 45 cents in No. Two and No. 1(1 townships to 10 cents in No. 6 town ship. The new system will eliminate ail levies for maintenance purposes but hut will leave the levy for bond in terest and sinking fund purposes to take care of indebtedness already made. In other words, only that, part of the levy designated for mainten ance will be removed. This, however, '. ill be considerable relief to all town ships. Although No. G township, with tha exception of the Lawndale district, lias the lowest maintenance levy and will therefore get the smallest cut the township will have a township levy of only five cents remaining because of low Indebtedness. No. Two and No. 10 township will have n levy for bond interest and sinking fund remaining of 20 and 30 cents respectively. Reduction Shown, Tlie following table shows the an ticipated reduction by townships In tlie first, column is the present total levy for the townships. Includ ing maintenance, bond interest and finking fund. In the second column is the portion of the levy for main tenance purposes, which will be eliminated, and the third column shows the levy that will remain aft er the maintenance levy is deduct ed: Township Total Levy No. 1.70 No. 2 _85 No. 3_40 No. 4 ..... 18 No . 5._40 No. 6 ..... 20 No. 7 .... 43 No. 8 .... 50 No. 9 .... 35 Lawn Die 14 No. 10 ... 75 No. 11 ... 70 Main- Remaining tenance Levy 20 50 45 SO 28 14 10 3 35 n 15 !» 30 13 30 20 18 7 ■ 3 11 45 30 40 30 Cleveland Farmer Lespedeza Booster J. It. Price. Casar, strong For Les pcrieza As Soli Builder And Hay Crop. If Cleveland county farmers will take the word of Mr. J. R. Price, well known Ca.sar farmer, they can. not go into the growing of lespedeza too strongly. Mr. Price has been growing lespe deza for six years and is perhaps the oldest lespedeza grower in the coun ty, according to Farm Agent R. V,’. Shoffner. His six years experience has convinced him there is nothing better as a hay crop and soil build er. 'lakes Wheat. This year he has 11 acres of fine wheat which followed lespedeza which was turned last fall. Due to the soil huitdiug of the hay crop he used only 200 pounds of acid phos phate to the acre and has a wheat field that stands out. The value of lespedeza In building the soil can be seen on the Price farm with the naked eye. A glance across the wheat field clearly shows, by the difference in the wheat, what portion had been in lespedeza and what had not. He had 32 acres seeded to Tenn essee 76 lespedeza and 15 acres to the common lespedeza and states that in his opinion that the Tenn essee variety is the best suited to the soil of this section. Mr Price has a home-made seed pan and gathers his own seed for future crops. Last year, he says, he aver aged a ton and one-half of hay to the acre. Lattimore Orator Loses In Contest Catawba Lad Beats Cleveland, Lin coln And Gaston Rep resentatives. Lincoln ton, March 9.—Tom Worth Crowell, of Newton, representing Catawba county, Friday night was declared winner of the 16th district American Legion oratorical contest and will compete far state honors at Raleigh March 30. In competition with representa tives of three other counties, be de feated Lyman Martin of the Latti more school in Cleveland county, Mabel Seagle of Lincoln and George Markhnm of Gaston