DR. S. F. PARKER — PHYSICIAN - Office Phones 64 and No. 2 Residence Phone 129-J j DR. A. PITT BEAM DENTIST — PHONE 188 — Especial Attention To * Pyorrhea. HOHIERv HOSPITAL, Inc (Or CfaattoM* N C.I flptpcb Al urs. Harmon's ileiustitehin# Shop (tinder Chocolate dhoo (tester? *nd Knitted Oendp Neitlj KcuAlred Ail Hois Must Wo Laundered 666 LIQUID or TABLETS Cure Colds, Headaches, Fevei 6 6 6 SALVE CURES BABY’S COLD Dr. D. M. Morrison — OPTOMETRIST — TELEPHONE Woolworth Bids. Shelby. N. C Office Days: Wednesday And Fridays. Eyes Examined. Musses' Fitted And Repaired. DAN FRAZER ^ivil Engineer And Surveyor Kami Surveys. Sub-divis ions. Plats and General Engineering Practice. - Phone 417 - a ---•» — BILLIARDS — Visit the Shelby Cigar and Billiard Parlor and barber shop For ('lean Sports and Barher Work. Corner South I .a Fayette and East Graham Sts. M. C. PUTNAM ANI) J. E. ELLIOTT S" 11 .. T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book Seller Phone — 82 Pale and Weak* "I think Cardui is a wonder ful medicine, far I improved j greatly after taking »t," e^ye Mrs. A. VV. English, of R. F. D. 4, Roanoke, Va. "When I was just a girl of 13, my mother gave this medicine to me, and it did me a great deal of good. I waa weak and run-down. After I had taken Cardui awhile, I felt much better. "In 1924, my health was poor. I felt miserable, and hadn't enough at.eogth to do my housework. It took all my willpower to keep up. I was pale and weak. "I got Cardui again and took it My improvement was wonderful I can recommend Cardui to others, for my health was so much better after I had taken a course of the Cardui Home Treatment” ._EX-IM CARDUI Ht'lpj? Women to Health (Take Thedfonfe Black-Draught ( *er Constipation, Indigestion. I BHIenaneas. Only I cwi a dose. | Nobody’s Business | GEE McG£E— llat rock Items a big vollentlne party war. lirir Ht the summer and winter home of mrs. oldhaui on niartch the 4. about the time the party wits half! oyer, somebody discovered that the party was hell on the wrong date, as feb bywerry the 14 Is the correct date, but a goo time was enjoyed by ail present, and sevrnl games was play ed ansofort. ...mr. poss m. hunter lost 3 fine dogs by death last Week, their dead buddies was took to town to a vctln erry surgeon and cut, open by hhn, and he detlded that. 2 of them come to their death by glass aijd the ver dict in the lost dog wus that he come to his death from reasons un known to the jury. mr. hunter thinks they was plzened, which seems to be true, he has locked Ills other 11 dogs up and hopes to keep same In health. ...a big rain came last week and ketched most everyboddy without stovewood, but It was needed for fish, as most of the creeks was near ly drtde up. the farmers of this com munity has not made a start at a crop, as they are all waiting on mr. hoover s dry relief which was passed by the red cross In congress not long ago, but the post master says none has come thru yet. ...dr. poke a. long has been real 1 blzzy here of late, he Is so slow, he met one of hts pattents In the hearse on the way to the graveyard last monday. they sent for him frl day. but he forgot about it till sad day. then he got another call sun day, and when he got roddy to go, she had benn dead ever since mid night while her folks was at church, her remains was berried by the side of her seccont hue band who suc ceeded her to the great beyond by over 2 ^sars. ...the third house of this town got burnt down by fire tuesday morn ing since december, and 2 of same* was blamed on a fire bug, but the] last one was a pure axcldent, as she had no Insurance, the last fire start led In the pantry, and then it enter ed the kitchen and come on to the front room, where she was sleeping and the smoke woke her up and when she hollered fire, fire, fire. 3 times, the roof had fell in. nearly [all of the Installment furniture and the graffer foam was saved, and so was the cat ...well. mr. editor—1 could send a longer peace, but anny time you want a hole collum, plese rite or foam me. and 1 will send It to you. 1 enjoy yore paper a heap but it seems ever boddy likes my artlckkles better than anny thing el-e ontier count of tehir names being In It. yores trulte mike dark, cony spondent. Fl’RRIN NEW SKI. ...Russia boasts of no labor trou bles, no unemployment and no noth ing that's bad. And Russia's claims are possibly right. One-third of her people are working for the govern ment and one*third of them are watching the government employes, and the balance of the guys are In jail or on the chaingangs. .. .We blame nearly everything on Russia except rainbows and republi can successes. Russia rulnt the wheat market and tore up the lum ber business and " whispered" tiTt she busted our banks. Somebody is tell ing it around that Russia shipped them 2 fruit flies to Florida that Mr. Hoover spent $6,788..9!)9.00 to kill, and then let both of ’em get away. ...Wonder tf Russia had anything to do with that Wall street failure*? Bet she did. It woulddent surprise me at all if that drought we had last year wasn't caused by Russia, either directly or indirectly One of our legislators* told his wife last week that Russia was fighting the| drought relief bill so’s nearly all of1 our democrats would starve to! death and thus keep the republicans i in power. Russia can handle a re- j publican administration, but she’s j afraid of us democrats. We are hon est. . . ' .. Dr. Rlnestone intimated in his talk at prayer-meeting last Wednes day night <2 other men and their wives were also present! that the first hookworm ever used in the United States was brought over by an emigrant irom Vladdy Vostock wrapped in a banana peeling. The question of who shipped the boll weevil to Texas is still being discuss ed in the senate, and the correct in formation thereon will no doubt be sent to pen. Smedley BuMer one dav next week. —■ , -.-Russia owes Uncle Sam (for mon ey borrowed and ammunition bought on credit! the little sum of $4,5oS. 1666,765.23, plus interest from one iday last week Naturally, we can’t afford to recognize Russia with, her ' in our debt: We might get too fa 1 miliar with her pretty soon and for-1 get that she owed us anything. Un cle Andy Mellon would recdgnfcr Russia tomorrow It she would send us her check today In time for us to "rite or foam" Orest Britain and find out If ft was good of bogus. ...The folks whom I owe and don’t Intend to pay don't recognize me unless I make a noise like I am reaching for my check book-then their eyes nearly pop out, and they even smile upon rue; but after they find out that X was really and truly hunting a match so's I could ask them for a cigarette, they walk off and forget me. Russia will become a real nation as soon as the 98 per cent of her citizens (now being op pressed) get an upper-hold on the proletariat and lynch ’em. Eating Eggs Not A Difficult Task Man Who Ate 2 Dozen At One Time Say* Sponge Cake Eating; Is Worse. New York —Irving Woh), manu facturer's agent for toothpicks and feather dusters, captured the egg eating championship of Bayard street and the Bowery in what might pass for a blaze of glory. Irving absorbed 24 soft-boiled ggs in less time ’than it would trke to hard-boil them, thereby winning $25 and putting Alphonso Apioella, fish-monger to: the people, very much to shame. Surrounded by hundreds of feath er dusters, scores oi whisk brooms and tens of thousands Of toothpicks the new title-holder r ’ this interviewer hi his litt e hop Just of Chinatown's Mott st eco a lew hours before the great contest "It wes like this," said Irving, plying a toothpick as he talked, "me and Alfonso were sitting around alklng about, bank failures and one thing and mother and some how or other the subject of eating comes up, as such subjects some times come up when fellow are just talking sorta "Well, I says to Alfonso that I am probably the greatest er.ter that ever come down the pike, Alfonso says he can do a little plain and fancy eating himself in a pinch rnd we got to taking digs at each other. You know how fellows do. "Well, I let go the remark that I could eat 20 eggs without so much as blinking an eye and Alfonso let out a nicker "I bet you 25 bucks you cant, cat no 30 eggs," says Alfonso. “I wouldn't have took him ser iously only he celled me a dope and that made me kind of sore. So 1 says for lilm to lay out his dough, which he does. Then we goes over to Alfonso's fish market across the street and we come to a gentle man's agreement that he will soft berl these eggs that I cm to eat. Al fonso says by rights I ought to eat hard-boiled eggs, but I am not that kind of an egg-eater. "I am a fellow* that can eat three minute eggs, but no hard-berled, so Alfonso comes to this agreement. So we b:'rl these eggs and I sprinkle a little aerlt and pepper on them and go after them Just ns if they were a piece of bread and butter or vice versa. When I have got 20 eggs down 1 turns to Alfonso and says. ‘" Now you little runt, you! You called me a dope and I'll just show you a little fancy egg-eating. Put on four more eggs to berl and I’ll nu ke It an even two dozen.' So 1 took on four more without a bit of trouble " Irving leaned buck in his chair nnd patted his midriff. “You want to know what Is the hardest thing In the world to eat?” he asked. “Well, you take a pound spunch cake and try to eat. it with out no water. There's the hardest thing to eat I ever saw. “I ate six Charlotte rooses one; night and followed ft up with T- j bone steak, but I'm not a fellow that can cat a pound spunch cake without a drink In between. iff you would cate to clean up a little dough, just bet some fellow that he can't .cat a spunch cake that wav. You’ll laugh your head off when his mouth begins to get dry." Aimee’s Daughter Marries ■tx» Angeles, .Mar. 4.—-In fai -off Singapore, near the land where zhe was bom 19 years ago an the daugh ter of a missionary., Roberta Sem ple McPherson was married today to a ship purser William Br .dley Smyth, 23 years old. A cablegram to Angelos Temple here from, the young woman's mother, Aitnte Setn i'le McPherson, the evangel;A, told of the ceremony. W: , * Stand Schools Where There Is No Apology For Religion (By R. L. Bolton.( The church schools are not sup ported by the tuxes of the people. They are supported by the f.ee-will gilts of the people. We would not have It otherwise. All this effort to do anything well without emphasis on religion has not gotten us anywhere. Religion left out of business means the col lapse of business. We can t Ignore religion In education, Man Is in curably religious. To try to alll the religious instinct In man is as fool ish as to try to destroy the instinct of self-preservation, the sexual in stinct, the appetite for food or the thirst for water. Poor old Germany nationalized and militarized her schools. The resultant Is an exiled ruler, lost provinces, and a national debt over which the German people will sweat blood for many a day. poor old Rus sia Is making an experiment In "democracy,” This so-called "de mocracy” laid Its foundation In sand when It ruled out reliyioo. The Godless Soviet's days are num bered. Science has learned its les son. Great scientists today. men like Jeans and Eddington, have dis covered that materialism will not explain everything. The men of science have hit a stone wall. Their microscopes and telescopes have not been long enough to see God. They, are now talking about the spiritual Interpretation of the universe. The Juveniles who have been so conspicuous as criminals in Amer ica during these recent years prove that education without religion Is a mighty bad thing. The American lathers and mothers are thinking. They want reverent sons and dangh ters. Godless sons and daughters, al though they hold diplomas from a great university, are no satisfaction to parents who have had ‘A travt 1 the Journey of life leaning on God and the Bible. Civilization Just can not survive without religion; That is Just the long and short of it. Thoughtful people know tills. Thoughtful donors want their money to go where young men and women are taught to fear God and regard man. A Christian college outs living a lifp before making a living. The philosophy of making a living without regard to living a life has filled Chicago with gunmen and has made Al Capone king of “crook dom.” A school like Bolling Springs be lieves that the fear of God and the regard for man is the beginning of wisdom. Out at Bolling Springs re ligion and education go hand in hand. 8uch a school Is not ashamed of its policy and program. Those who make their gifts for its support make ah investment which will enablj an institution to carry on for the glory of the state and the glory of God “The soul of all Improvement is the j improvement of the soul' STATE TO REST IN SHROEDER TRIAL Indianapolis, Ind.—The state to day neared the end of its evidence against Harold Herbert Schroeder, Mobile, Ala,, on trial for the killing of an Unidentified man whose body was found in Schroeder’s burning automobile near here last May 31/ Testimony by former local police officers who were active in the ar rest and questioning of the Mobile man will end the state’s case, at torneys said. The prosecution produced a sur prise witness yesterday to attack Schroeder’s contention that an un known hitch-hiker he picked up in his automobile suffered a broken rteck when the machine left the road between Marshall and Mar tinsville, 111., and then fearing he wquld be accused of murdef, he drove back almost to Indlanapclls and set fire to the body. Profits are shaved when Income taxes are filed.—Winston-Salem Journal. NOTICE TO CKliorrORS TO FILE CLAIM. Nonli Carolina, County of Cleveland. In the Matter of The Peoples Bank of Waco. Under authority of subsection 10 oi section 218 tc), Consolidated Statutes, all persons who have claims against the above named bank are hereby notified to present proof of claim at Waco on or before the ith day of May, 1931. Failure to present claim on or before the above date bars the claim not pre sented except as to the assets of the bank in the hands of the Corporation Commts sion for the account of said bank at the time the claim is presented Objection to the allowing of any claim may be made by any Interested person by UUng such objection In the pending action ;ti the office of the clerk of the court ol this county and by serving a copy therco, on the chief state bank examiner or the liquidating agent of this bank. This the 7th day of February, 1931. JOHN W. 8IMP30N, Liquidating Agent of The Peoples Bank oi Waco. Waco, N. C. At Feb 16c Have Your Eyes Examined Regularly DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OPTOMETRISTS Office Over Paul Webb th Son’s Drug Store # m Build With Brick DELIVERIES FROM PLANT TO JOB When in need of FACE OR COMMON BRICK write us, or phone 75m, Mt. Holly, N. C. With our fleet of trucks, we can make quick deliveries to jobs, saving fre "ht and double handling, thereby putting brick to jobs in much better condition. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY SEE KENDRICK BRICK & TILE CO. MO. NT HOLLY, N. C. THERE AND BACK BY TELEPHONE QUICKLY AND AT SMALL COST I I - - \A/hATEVER your business —whether you spend all or part of your time on the road—you can save tire some trips, valuable time and avoid large expense accounts by using the mod ern, high speed long dis tance telephone service. The personal touch that your voice alone can give, the advantage of getting on immediate answer and the low cost of the service are causing more and more people to h>m to the telephone for out of-town business and social contacts. The next time a trip seems necessary or a letter inadequate, try telephoning instead. In most cases, Station-to-Station service will answer every need, and you will be surprised at the small cost. Ask "Long Distance" for rates. SOUTH E R N BELL Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Inc*rp«rat*d) 'T " COST IS SMALL WHEREVER YOU CALL Labor Lost? Mrs. Geraldine Davies, secretary to Representative Campbell of ] Pennsylvania, arriving at the > White House with the Veterans' j Loan Bill, which President Hoover said he would veto. — QUEEN CITY COACH LINES — FOR, ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON, FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: . j LEAVE SHELBY:—9:45 a. m.: 3:46 p. m.; 8:45 P- m ; FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:40 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; t:H) p. m.; 4:40 p, m.: 9:40 p.'m. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE ’SHELBY11 :t0 a m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AN1) INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY;—7:40 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 1:40 p. m — FOR FURTHER INFORMATION — PHONE 150 — QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY Think of it! Every fourth second! Just count them off! One, two, three, four—another Riverside sold. One, two, three, four— still another! and so on through the day. Every fourth second a new rugged Riverside goes out into the world to roll up its thousands of miles of dependable tire service. Every Riverside Tire Is a First Quality Tire! There are several grades of tires. When you’re quoted a price on a tire, ask "Is this a first quality tire or a second line tire.” Don’t let anybody quote second line tire prices against Riversides—because Riversides are first line tires—and should be compared only with first line tires. No Other Tire Can Give a Greater Guarantee! ■—because Riverside’s guarantee is UNLIMITED. Unlimited in time unlimited in mileage! Who can give more than that? Who could ASK more! So why pay MORE when Riversides give all that can be givenl Save 10% to 15%! This is the average saving on Riversides compared with other FIRST LINE tires. And remember, Riversides are FIRST LINE tires! No wonder another Riverside is sold every four seconds! Riverside 4-Ply "First Quality"' 30 x 4.50 $$.69 Riverside 6-Ply Heavy Duty 30 x 4.E0 $7.4© Riverside "Super - Servics" 30 x 4.50 ALL OTHER SIZES PROPORTIONATELY LOW PRICED! SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS ONTGOM 139-141 S. L?FayeUe St. Phone 167 ShelLy, N. C. / /JUy m full6—More

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